zequence | autumna: sakrecoer: I think what we have agreed on during the process of getting this new theme done for our home page is that it should be dark | 14:47 |
zequence | This time we will be using our own colors to the maximum | 14:47 |
zequence | The blue is the most important. Also used for the links | 14:48 |
zequence | There has been a couple of grey shades defined for artwork in the past, but since they have been used so little, I find we can be more creative with that | 14:49 |
zequence | Also, because I think we could improve it | 14:49 |
zequence | This grey is a little bit wet with blue. I personally like it. But, hard to get the balance just right, so that it works on all sorts of screens | 14:50 |
zequence | If it's too dark, it'll just look black, and if it's too bright, it won't have any depth | 14:50 |
zequence | So, somewhere in this area, I do believe is a good starting point | 14:51 |
zequence | We also have orange and purple as possible colors to use for certain pages | 14:51 |
zequence | blue = audio, orange = graphics, purple = vide (audio/graphics) | 14:52 |
zequence | also, orange and purple are both sort of Ubuntu | 14:52 |
zequence | The exact orange and purple has never been decided fully. But, we have them defined in our current standard | 14:53 |
zequence | I think the fonts and the colors work nicely on the page right now. Just need to work out a few additional things, like what kind of look do we want for the front page? | 14:55 |
zequence | We could do the feature definition there, already | 14:56 |
sakrecoer | zequence: i'll be done with my proposal for feature tour sometime tonight. the good news is i have used exactly those color scheme you describe... unless i did some misstake. u think (hope) you guys will like it.. | 14:58 |
zequence | sakrecoer: Nice | 14:59 |
sakrecoer | s/u/i | 14:59 |
autumna | sakrecoer: looking forward to seeing it | 15:44 |
autumna | zequence: its perfectly fine for me. as I said. I have serious nitpicks with design due to background. ;) but the only reason I said anything was because sakrecoer did say I should say my opinion. :) just let me know what needs to be done with the website and I'll be happy to pitch in | 15:45 |
autumna | also I think the gray of the background is perfectly fine | 15:48 |
autumna | due to background -> due to my background. | 15:55 |
zequence | autumna: If you can come up with something better, you are free to share it. Nothing is written in stone, I think. | 16:00 |
zequence | I have no ego whatsoever around the design stuff. I'm only doing it because it needs to be done. No other reason. But, once you are doing it, you want to try to make the correct choices | 16:01 |
autumna | autumna: you mean as a layout, or show different color tweak? I have no desire to change the overall layout, I'd say it looks quite good so far. :)) | 16:01 |
zequence | autumna: The WP theme is a theme knome did for all of the Ubuntu community, so it's a theme anyone can use. The default look is very similar to the Ubuntu site | 16:02 |
zequence | There's a dark version, but I've also done some custom CSS to it | 16:02 |
zequence | The things that remain from the original theme are the panel, and the width functionality, though I've changed the max width, I think | 16:03 |
zequence | We are using the theme because it was very practical for us | 16:03 |
zequence | Also, it binds us closer to the whole, which is not bad either | 16:03 |
zequence | The theme should be dark, and represent Ubuntu Studio. That's basically the key things to remember | 16:04 |
zequence | I think we have the basics down now to achieve that | 16:05 |
zequence | The things I'm mostly concerned about now is the look of the front page (being potentially the best place for a feature tour), and the organization fo the other pages | 16:07 |
autumna | zequence: agreed on more modularity and less work. If you want I can make a slightly tweaked version of the theme then and drop it in WP, or I can help with the content. | 16:08 |
zequence | autumna: I'm using a child theme, but I will need to redo it (there was a big fix since). I'll put up the source on launchpad for anyone to grab | 16:10 |
zequence | *bug fix | 16:11 |
autumna | sounds great. I'll poke when you are done then? in mean time I still owe you guys at least one article on bug reports, and might as well take a look to the main help/support page content to see if there can be any other tweaks to it. | 16:13 |
zequence | autumna: That would be wonderful | 16:13 |
autumna | great. off to dinner. I'll be back in a couple of hours latest. :) | 16:14 |
knome | autumna, as a creator of the original theme; please do not modify the main theme to your needs - rather work with a child theme as zequence | 16:18 |
knome | autumna, if there are obvious bugs in the main theme, i'll happily merge fixes though, and other features can be discussed | 16:19 |
flocculant | Rosco2: just fyi - a rebuild of iso is more or less a dead certainty with at least one ubiquity issue they'll be wanting to fix | 18:34 |
Rosco2 | flocculant: Thanks | 18:34 |
flocculant | and I think when your ubiquity thing gets there - that'll be another | 18:35 |
flocculant | unless it's there when that gets built ofc | 18:35 |
Rosco2 | Yeah - I saw zequence ask a couple of times for a favour | 18:38 |
Rosco2 | Crossing fingers | 18:38 |
flocculant | :) | 18:39 |
sakrecoer | the feature tour is taking me much longer than i want to admit to do the feature tour :) | 21:39 |
sakrecoer | thinking i's share a bit of the idea before i invest too much in it... | 21:39 |
sakrecoer | http://sakrecoer.com/ubuntustudio/tour/ | 21:40 |
sakrecoer | i have another version with funky panels, but it is too much pain to make it responisve | 21:41 |
sakrecoer | the above link still lacks the css-styling for small screens.. | 21:42 |
zequence | sakrecoer: Nice work | 22:25 |
zequence | Think we should do it with a lot less text, don't you think? The backgrounds work really nicely | 22:26 |
zequence | I'll try to work out a custom page, perhaps tomorrow. Also make the code for the theming available at LP | 22:28 |
zequence | I would like to try adding that as a first page | 22:29 |
zequence | as the front page, I mean | 22:29 |
zequence | Did you create a new text logo? Looks a lot fatter | 22:30 |
zequence | Or, you changed the one we have, I suppose. Anyway, the overall impression is good. | 22:31 |
sakrecoer | zequence: i just made it out of text... so it is slightly different.. | 22:34 |
sakrecoer | the logo.. | 22:34 |
sakrecoer | less text is maybe a good idea :) | 22:34 |
sakrecoer | glad it passed the first impression, i'm sure we can fine tune it better. :) | 22:35 |
zequence | I think we should probably do something in between that and what madeinkobaia did. The one madeinkobaia did looks a little thin, especially when small. Like on the staging site | 22:36 |
zequence | The text logo, that is | 22:36 |
sakrecoer | we should probably just add the madeinkobaia one :) i don't why i wasted a lot of time trying to reproduce it in html :D | 22:36 |
sakrecoer | was thinking "serach engine" but it makes no sense, <img> tags have a field for that... :D | 22:37 |
zequence | Everytime I have a loot at the staging site, the text logo bothers me | 22:37 |
zequence | So, I wouldn't mind having a cract at changing it a little | 22:37 |
zequence | The "ubuntu" part is not very smooth in my eyes | 22:38 |
sakrecoer | about the text, i had an idea: we could write a litle resumé for each workflow. and then the icons could be links to the software's actual website... | 22:39 |
zequence | Sure, though the simpler, the better. Someone who has no idea what Ubuntu is, or Ubuntu Studio, or even Linux should get an idea in a matter of seconds | 22:40 |
zequence | So, the first thing you see in each section should be very clear, and the sub info fast to parse | 22:41 |
zequence | We should also have the about part, where we can explain things more throroughly | 22:41 |
zequence | Video tutorials will be the other very important part in making it as quick as possible for people to get an idea what it's about | 22:43 |
zequence | The artwork is important, of course, but secondary to the information they help to communicate | 22:45 |
sakrecoer | i totaly agree :) | 22:45 |
sakrecoer | i don't think we can have video tutorials ready for release, but i think we can come a long way with the website though | 22:46 |
sakrecoer | as for now, i need to get some sleep. will get back on it early tomorrow. :) | 22:46 |
zequence | We don't need to have the website ready for that either. So, no hurry | 22:46 |
sakrecoer | :) | 22:46 |
sakrecoer | anyways, thank for the feedback, and goodnight! | 22:47 |
zequence | sakrecoer: ng | 22:47 |
zequence | gn* | 22:47 |
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