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clivejosgclark: I recently lost mine by deleted ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc00:10
clivejomy current config line is00:11
clivejoI also notice that file controls the kickoff icon, maybe we could inject the Kubuntu logo/icon ?00:13
sgclarkI am search through lp:kubuntu-settings but finding nothing. maybe you can look too clivjo00:14
sgclarkbut this all seems insanely dated00:15
clivejowell I know that file controls it, but its a config file, there must be a default settings file somewhere00:15
sgclarkI wonder if this is somewhere else..00:15
clivejomaybe here - http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/all/plasma-desktop-data/filelist00:16
sgclarkclivejo: that is upstream. I highly doubt we set stuff there00:16
clivejogrep through /usr/share/plasma/ for favorites=preferred ?00:16
clivejowell upstream set the defaults?00:17
ahoneybunthere is a lot of things in there at can be removed lol00:17
clivejowe currently have what KDE default layout is00:17
sgclarkwell I know Jonathan liked everything pretty vanilla00:17
clivejoprobably for handiness00:18
sgclarkbut honestly I have not messed with changing defaults00:18
sgclarkbut it seems like we had a least a few like firefox etc00:18
clivejobut we should set a few default apps in kickoff, in my opinion00:18
ahoneybunI know some stuff for Discover is in kubuntu-settings00:18
ahoneybunas well as the about page00:19
sgclarkyeah I am in that branch. I found what looks like a kickoff update script sed line for kde4... stuff perhaps our problem00:25
clivejoahoneybun: if we do figure it out, what apps should be there?00:30
sgclarklooks like they set firefox and ktp00:34
ahoneybundolphin, firefox, konversion, settings at least00:36
ahoneybunamarok as well00:37
ahoneybunclivejo, http://docs.kubuntu.org/_images/KickOff.png00:37
* ahoneybun needs to update the screenshots00:37
clivejocould you modify one how you want it to be by default00:47
clivejosteam wont be intsalled :P00:48
clivejosgclark: 01:07
sgclarkwhats up?01:07
clivejoI think Ive found how to do it01:07
clivejocan you modify the kubuntu-settings package?01:07
sgclarkthink so01:07
clivejojust need a list of default apps01:10
clivejoand order them how a new user might explore them01:11
clivejowhen I created that file and made a new user, kickoff displayed the apps how I configured them in that file for the new user01:13
sgclarkseems too easy :) but worth a shot!01:13
sgclarkmuch easier than the scripts I was trying to fix01:13
clivejowell its designed to be configurable01:14
clivejodo we have a kubuntu logo for the menu icon?01:14
sgclarkthere is a logo in here..01:16
clivejook if you add the line01:18
clivejothat will put the kubuntu logo as the kickoff icon :)01:18
sgclarkno header?01:19
clivejoon a new line under FavoriteURLs=01:20
clivejoahoneybun could come up with a list of 9 apps to add to it?01:21
sgclarkdo we really need to fill it up?!01:22
clivejoI think 9 is the max it displays properly01:22
ahoneybunno real reason to use all of them01:22
clivejobe nice to showcase certain apps?01:22
ahoneybunKontact should be there01:22
sgclarkI would personally be annoyed01:22
clivejocan always remove them01:22
ahoneybunapps to cover the basics01:23
clivejoand this is only for new users01:23
clivejoI have to go to bed, its 2:23am01:23
ahoneybunnight clivejo 01:23
ahoneybun9:24 pm here01:23
clivejobut Ill have a look at the kubuntu settings package tomorrow01:24
sgclarknight clivjo01:24
clivejosee if we can tweak it01:24
clivejoahoneybun: maybe run it by the KCC?01:24
clivejoif they even want the kick off menu branded, and what apps?01:25
ahoneybunnot sure it is that big of a issue01:25
clivejowould you maybe send an email, dont wanna waste time on it if they dont want it!01:25
ahoneybunI meant what apps to chose01:26
sgclarkWell I am comitting and putting in ppa for testing. they can revert if they dont want01:26
ahoneybunit's a good idea01:26
ahoneybunvalorie, yofel ovidiu clivejo read above ^01:27
ahoneybundefault apps in kickoff for 16.0401:27
sgclarkI am not convinced on icon, I don't think it will look good in dark theme01:27
sgclarkbut can test01:28
clivejowell I reckon Discover, Firefox, Libre Office, System settings, dolphin, amarok etc ...01:28
ahoneybunyou would need one for light and one for dark01:28
clivejolooks ok on my dark theme01:29
ahoneybunand Kontact01:29
ahoneybunthat should be good01:29
sgclarkmeh not sure I want to highlight qt4 apps01:29
sgclarkI added kontact and konversation01:29
ahoneybunbut they still work and provide important functions for some01:29
ahoneybuneither way none of this is in stone so we can always change it01:30
clivejobut if we have the chance to showcase some apps, I think we should take it01:30
clivejodefault install looks very bland01:30
ahoneybunagreed clivejo but we don't have to pick them tonight/morning01:30
ahoneybunlets have other people give input01:31
ahoneybunand sleep clivejo 01:31
clivejoif we wanna get them into Xenial, do need to get its done ASAP01:31
clivejorelease is next week :/01:31
sgclarkclivejo: you can push to https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-settings/kubuntu-settings01:32
ahoneybunI know, updated a old mac mini to it today01:32
sgclarkit is owned by kubuntu-packagers01:32
ahoneybunalso means I have access to it as well01:32
clivejoactaully its this Thursday!!01:32
clivejoholy cow01:32
sgclarkfeel free to add stuff you want lol01:32
sgclarkI added what I want :)01:32
clivejoI thought we still had a week!01:33
sgclarkI will be traveling all Thursday01:33
ahoneybunall these FFE's are getting annoying01:33
clivejonight all01:34
ahoneybunnight clivejo 01:34
sgclarknight night01:34
sgclarkahoneybun: what FFes?01:34
ahoneybunthat one against the site for one01:35
sgclarkKDE Meta?01:35
sgclarkI removed that. that was silly01:35
ahoneybunyea I saw, thank you01:36
sgclarkwth does kde meta have to do with website01:36
ahoneybunnothing really01:36
sgclarkwelp my seed got rejected. older than archive which means someone made changes and did not commit to bzr01:37
ahoneybunsgclark, did you hear about that QA job?01:37
sgclarkfor canonical? I applied for two, and heard nothing01:38
ahoneybunyea 01:38
sgclarkI don't think working for them is in my stars01:38
ahoneybunhave to at least try01:38
sgclarkI don't think any tech job is in my stars. I suck at tech interviews01:38
ahoneybunI do hope you get one of them01:39
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: ↪︎ 💬 Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan: We can have this by ignoring upstream or with Wayland. But since Wayland is not near for us, and this is missing from it currently, I only see one option for us. Or drop it. 03:08
telegramI say we go forward with it. What do you think?03:08
ScottKsgclark: uploaded.  03:48
ScottKIt seems like a large change for this late, but you can argue that with the release team.03:49
sgclarkScottK: thanks!03:49
telegram<marcinsagol>: Regarding the favour apps I think yofel once was thinking about it and it was related to some js file but can't remember now :/04:59
valoriejust watched the kubuntuonair ep about snappy07:13
valoriestill trying to decide if it's good or crazy07:13
hegemon8hi val :)07:14
hegemon8wait, what? now... I watch Jupiter Broadcasting's linux podcasts, watch kubuntu podcast, listen to ubuntu podcast (uk), and You're telling me there is another i don't know?  (there should be updated global list :)  )07:16
hegemon8i type too slow... ^^07:17
soee_bleh :/08:02
soee_Qupzilla 2.0 needs QT 5.6 = no Qupzilla 2.0 in 16.04 LTS :<08:02
Skuggenclivejo: Is there anything apparmor and mysql related in your syslog after you try starting up akonadi?08:27
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BluesKajHiyas all10:48
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Skuggenclivejo: If I use mysqld with the akonadi start parameters, I get your error message, and if I use mysqld-akonadi it reads it correctly. It's because the apparmor profile for usr/sbin/mysqld won't allow reading from $HOME11:58
Skuggenclivejo: You can test if that's the problem by running sudo aa-complain /usr/sbin/mysqld11:59
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clivejoSkuggen: Profile for /usr/sbin/mysqld not found, skipping12:18
SkuggenWhen it fails, do you get any DENIED message if you do dmesg | grep mysql?12:20
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SkuggenIf you run akonadictl start in a terminal, do you get output on the full list of arguments it's trying to use to start the server?12:28
clivejojust what I pasted before12:29
clivejoanyone know how far sgclark got on with kubuntu-settings?12:31
clivejoSkuggen: I’ve been messing with this for hours now and getting nowhere with it.  I’m afraid my patiences is wearing dangerously thin12:35
yofelclivejo: what error?12:36
clivejoyofel: kontact wont work with mysql 5.712:36
yofelstderr: "mysqld: Error on realpath() on '/var/lib/mysql-files' (Error 2 - No such file or directory)12:39
yofelwhy the hell is it trying to access /var o.O12:39
SkuggenWait, is that the error?12:40
yofelthat's what I get:12:40
yofelexecutable: "/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi"12:40
yofelarguments: ("--defaults-file=/home/isag/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf", "--datadir=/home/isag/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/", "--socket=/tmp/akonadi-isag.C3GmlR/mysql.socket")12:40
yofelstdout: ""12:40
yofelstderr: "mysqld: Error on realpath() on '/var/lib/mysql-files' (Error 2 - No such file or directory)\n2016-04-18T12:38:42.399889Z 0 [Warning] The syntax '--log_warnings/-W' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use '--log_error_verbosity' instead.\n2016-04-18T12:38:42.399933Z 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for 12:40
yofelmore details).\n2016-04-18T12:38:42.399979Z 0 [ERROR] Failed to access directory for --secure-file-priv. Please make sure that directory exists and is accessible by MySQL Server. Supplied value : /var/lib/mysql-files\n2016-04-18T12:38:42.399983Z 0 [ERROR] Aborting\n\n2016-04-18T12:38:42.399990Z 0 [Note] Binlog end\n"12:40
yofelexit code: 112:40
yofelclivejo: same for you?12:40
Skuggenyofel: That one I know. 5.7 by default sets secure-file-priv option while in 5.6 it was blank12:41
clivejoIm just trying to start akonadi12:41
clivejoI removed my /var/lib/mysql12:41
Skuggenyofel: Can you edit your mysql.conf and add secure-file-priv= to it?12:42
clivejokontact is dead in the water for me12:42
Skuggenclivejo: You're still getting the error about not being able to open required defaults file, right?12:42
clivejobut works fine when I force install 5.612:42
clivejobut rob's changes to force us to use 5.7 are going to cause use huge problems12:43
yofelSkuggen: I put secure_file_priv=  into the config file, now mysqld just says "exit 1", nothing to stdout or stderr12:46
BluesKajthe kDE PIM software continues to cause problems for users. I wonder when the thing is finally going to be abandoned for something simpler that actually works for users, nothing but trouble since 2008.12:47
yofelSkuggen: oh ok, found the culprit: 2016-04-18T12:50:34.977851Z 0 [ERROR] unknown variable 'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=1M'12:52
Skuggenyofel: Ah, the latest akonadi update should fix that12:53
yofelso after fixing those 2 things, akonadi starts12:53
clivejoBluesKaj: it was working great for me up until about a week ago12:53
yofelI don't see any newer one?12:54
clivejoI use it heavily and need it12:54
Skuggenyofel: Which version do you have of the package?12:54
SkuggenNewest is -0ubuntu4, I think12:54
clivejothe problem was caused by a forced dep on mysql 5.712:54
yofelbut that's set in the global mysql conf and in the user mysql conf12:54
yofelI don't think removing the key from the package will fix the existing config files12:55
SkuggenYeah. The config is made by akonadi on first start and not by the package itself, I guess12:55
clivejoif the config file is deleted will it be auto-generated again?12:55
SkuggenIt was when I tested just now12:56
clivejowith the patched file?12:56
SkuggenUpdating the package should update all its files unless they have been edited, so I assume it would be regenerated from the updated default file12:57
clivejobut the files are dynamically generated and depend on the user in question12:58
SkuggenI think they're generated from /etc/xdg/akonadi/mysql-global.conf12:59
clivejohow could a package update a config file for a particular user12:59
clivejoyes, thats the default settings for a new user12:59
SkuggenNo the package updates the file in /etc/xdg/akonadi, and akonadi itself generates the user-specific config from that12:59
clivejoor someone who deletes their config13:00
clivejobut Im an exiting user13:00
clivejohow can an updated package , update my config file?13:01
yofelI pinged dan in #akonadi, maybe he has a good idea how to fix the user file13:01
clivejothis needs to work "out of the box"13:01
clivejoat the moment this just kills akonadi and its related services stone dead13:01
clivejoplus the details button doesnt work (probably a KDE upstream issue) but still not helpful13:02
yofelannoyingly enough he disabled it in the global file in 9a9f7eaa38023f70c6fa85a87359a487ccf7a48c, but wrote no migration code :(13:02
yofelnow to find out where the server params are built...13:04
Skuggendbconfigmysql.cpp, I think it was13:05
SkuggenThere's an issue there with mysql_install_db as well13:06
yofelhm wait, that file already has config update code...13:08
yofelclivejo: this *should* work actually13:10
SkuggenMaybe it has a similar limitation on not changing edited files?13:11
yofelas long as the last modification time of the gloabl config is newer than the user config, the user config is overwritten13:11
clivejoI was using apps from misc13:12
yofeland what akonadi version?13:13
clivejoand as scarletts been updating those they have been getting upgraded to the archive version13:13
clivejobut scarlett and rob had a collision 13:13
clivejorob changed the mysql deps to 5.7, while scarlett uploaded the new verion (15.12.3) with deps on 5.613:15
yofelSkuggen: what's the recommendation for secure_file_priv? Empty, or point it to the datadir?13:15
clivejomaybe my system was affected by that?13:15
shadeslayerclivejo: I think we were pinged about this in #ubuntu-devel a few days ago?13:15
Skuggenyofel: Not datadir. For the normal package it creates its own /var/lib/mysql-files, and the server is only allowed to read files from there13:15
shadeslayerclivejo: well, atleast me and yofel13:16
SkuggenLeaving it blank is the behavior from 5.613:16
yofelnow that you mention it -.-13:16
yofelSkuggen: ok, thanks13:16
SkuggenOtherwise I think the recommendation is a directory on the same level as datadir, so something like home/user/.local/share/akonadi/db_files13:17
clivejoI guess we need a few more existing users to upgrade13:17
clivejosee if the problem is being ironned out13:18
yofelactually, most "users" will probably not even be upgraded. I only have the core packages installed here, and the virtual package caused 5.6 to remain installed13:18
clivejounfornately I dont have the timestamp on my config file any more13:18
Skuggenclivejo: But the error on the server not being able to read the defaults-file I've only seen if it was either missing or when the server wasn't allowed to read it13:21
clivejoI dunno :/13:21
yofelright, and on a default system, that directory doesn't exist13:21
clivejothe file does exist13:22
clivejobut when akonadi starts it says it cant read it13:22
yofelright, install mysql-server and it probably will, but then you'll have a full server running13:22
yofelI'll just disable that in the config file13:22
Skuggenclivejo: What's the mode on the config file?13:23
clivejo777 like you said13:23
SkuggenThat should actually give a warning that the server won't read world-writeable files13:24
SkuggenGah, it so sounds like an apparmor issue, but that should show up in dmesg13:25
clivejoI have done more purges and reinstalls my system doesnt know where it is, nor do I13:26
SkuggenTry renaming mysql.conf and see if the regeneration changes anything?13:30
yofelsecure_file_priv patch up13:30
marco-parilloLast night, I installed the release candidate (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/359/builds) to physical hardware, and it behaved normally (the try / install option appeared first). This morning, starting the same release candidate in a VM dumped me straight into a live session (which I prefer, but is not as-designed).13:30
SkuggenActually, it's odd that 5.6 accepts the file with 77713:31
yofelmarco-parillo: interesting13:31
yofelI only tested in KVM, so that'll explain why I never saw the selection dialog13:32
yofeldangit, I forgot the dep-3 headers in my akonadi patch -.-13:38
clivejook akonadi 15.12.3 and mysql 5.7, deleted the config file and rebooted13:39
clivejoits working13:39
clivejobut will it stay working :/13:40
SkuggenThe last time you had it working, it stopped working after a reboot?13:41
clivejoafter an overnight shutdown13:42
SkuggenLike I said, there are issues with running 5.7 on a 5.6 database without running mysql_upgrade; any interactions with the system tables is likely to fail, i.e. user admin and such13:43
SkuggenThough I can't see that causing this kind of problem13:43
clivejo15 packages to update today13:43
clivejo"Cannot connect to agent instance with identifier 'akonadi_kolab_resource_3', error message: 'Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Resource.akonadi_kolab_resource_3': no such name'" 13:45
clivejostrange error13:45
* yofel sees kolab and runs13:46
clivejomy kolab is working fine13:47
clivejomaybe its left over from when libkolab was being a pain13:47
clivejoI only have one kolab resourse13:47
clivejohummmm why is gnucash getting an upgrade so close to release date13:48
clivejoyofel: did you see our conversation about customising the kickoff menu?13:48
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yofelclivejo: now I did. Fine with me. Not sure if LO should be there, and discover was always under "System" in the past, but Favorites is probably better13:56
clivejoit would only affect new installs or newly created users13:57
clivejothe idea was to build a bit of a showcase of useful apps installed by default13:57
yofelyeah, that's what it was in the past as well13:59
yofelit'll also affect LTS upgrades (whoever's crazy enough to do that)13:59
clivejowho can make the decision on the apps?14:02
clivejothere are 9 slits14:02
yofelwe're a doacracy, send a mail to the ML saying that you'll apply the changes if nobody objects within a day, then just do it.14:09
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: I like that, that's a really great term. Doacracy14:10
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: I gonna remember that 😃14:10
clivejois kubuntu-setings the right place to do it?14:11
yofelAFAIK yes14:11
yofelhm, didn't someone say that there was a script in place already and it just didn't get applied or so?14:12
clivejothere are scripts, but I think they are from KDE414:14
clivejothat package needs work14:15
clivejoah sgclark *hugs*14:15
clivejogood morning, hope you slept well14:15
sgclarkhey, seems plasma crashed on lid closed14:15
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Busy in here today14:15
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Good Morning14:15
sgclarkkubuntu-settings is very broken14:16
clivejothat might be because Thursday is release day!14:16
sgclarkWhile it did assign those favorites it defaulted to oxygen icons14:16
sgclarkand plasma kept locking up14:16
sgclarkuntil I removed the package14:17
sgclarkI got too tired to mess with it more14:17
clivejoyou just added that file, nothing else?14:17
sgclarkI think we need to scrap most of it and start from new. I have no idea what is going on in there14:17
clivejoit seems a lot is KDE4 stuff14:18
clivejowhich is redundant now14:18
sgclarkI think it is used in trusty though14:18
sgclarkso we need to be careful14:18
clivejowe would need a new package?14:18
yofelthe new package should never be backported to trusty...14:18
sgclarktrusty is an lts also, and supported till something crazy like 201914:19
yofelyes, but that has nothing to do with the xenial package14:19
yofelno, please just use the exiting package14:19
sgclarkoh. hi yofel14:19
yofelhi scarlett, thanks for working out the libc6 mess14:19
sgclarkif we can sort out kubuntu-settings I think we are relatively good14:20
sgclarkfor release14:20
clivejosgclark: did I see ScottK uploaded plasma-discover 5.6?14:20
yofelhe did14:20
clivejoI havent seen it come from the archive yet14:21
yofelI also saw someone accepting it in binary NEW14:21
clivejois it stuck?14:21
clivejohttp://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/plasma-discover is still saying 5.5.5-0ubuntu214:22
yofelpackages.ubuntu.com is delayed by "days" in my experience, please always look at launchpad for queue processing14:23
clivejooh, published an hour ago14:23
* clivejo tries an update14:24
yofellolwhat, what's with the absurd amount of app config overrides in -settings o.O14:24
clivejothis will also fix snele's problem with the plasmoid?14:24
clivejoso if we released a new kubuntu-settings into xenial archive it would not affect previous releases unless it was backported?14:26
sgclarkyeah, I was just confusing myself14:27
* sgclark is easily confused these days14:27
clivejomost of that could be stripped out?14:27
sgclarkyeah I think we need to scrap most of it14:27
clivejodo we have a custom help app?14:28
sgclarknot that I know of14:28
clivejothere used to be a life ring on a launcher for help14:29
yofelwe did have our custom content in khelpcenter in the past, but that was years ago14:29
clivejobut havent seen that in a long time14:29
sgclarkthat is khelpcenter14:29
clivejodoes that work, should it be put on the default favourites14:29
sgclarkthe icon line did not work clivejo14:29
* clivejo uses google for help14:29
sgclarkbut I think it would look terrible in breeze dark anyway14:30
clivejoIm running breeze14:30
clivejolooks fine here14:30
clivejoBTW I looked at how OpenSUSE brand plasma14:31
clivejofound clues to how they do it14:31
clivejomaybe not that one14:31
clivejothats docs14:31
sgclarkI can't imagine it would be terribly hard. We never had branding on purpose, that was Jonathans vision.14:31
sgclarkup to yofel now how much branding we want.14:32
clivejowas this archive
mamarleyFWIW, my vote would be to continue the practice of little/no branding.14:32
yofelI'm all for adding *a bit* more branding, but lets talk about that for the next release14:34
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clivejoI can spend some time later on that package14:34
clivejoits more the hacking I enjoy!14:34
sgclarksounds reasonable14:35
clivejoshould I open an FFE for kubuntu-settings in preparation?14:38
clivejoif anything it needs a lot of stuff removed14:39
clivejoor are we past the point of no return14:40
* clivejo just got the plasma-discover 5.6 update :)14:40
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Final Freeze in effect | Plasma 5.5.5: X/archive, Apps 15.12.3: X/archive, FW 5.18: X/archive | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging
yofelwe are past the point of no return since a couple days ago, so just file the FFE14:43
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clivejoyofel sgclark: Bug 157168814:49
ubottubug 1571688 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Remove KDE4 stuff and update to apply to Plasma 5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157168814:49
clivejothat sound ok?14:49
yofelYou usually use 3rd person perspective in descriptions, otherwise yes.14:51
yofelbug 1560404 is also still there14:51
ubottubug 1560404 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "Live session desktop uses to small folder view widget " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156040414:51
shadeslayersgclark: I've been told to direct hugs to you14:52
shadeslayersgclark: *hugs*14:52
sgclarkshadeslayer: ?!14:53
clivejois that bug fixable in kubuntu-settings14:53
shadeslayerare you questioning hugs? :O14:53
sgclarkshadeslayer: /hugs14:53
shadeslayersgclark: but ref, apparently you had to deal with libc6 transitions :D14:53
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shadeslayerI have to head out and get some paperwork done14:54
sgclarksee yas!14:54
* sgclark stares blankly at cantor test regressions14:55
sgclarkonly changes I see is translations...14:58
* sgclark cries14:58
soee_yofel: ping15:00
soee_yofel: what this proposal form you mail means exactly @ "Short" for Xenial. You suggest to support it for 2 years ?15:01
yofelsee below in the mail? ^^ (it's 3)15:01
yofelso it'll go EOL around 18.04.215:02
soee_ah i see, good point15:03
yofelso far kylin is the only flavor that replied with 5, all others 315:05
sgclarkyofel: any hints on how to track down a test regression. Only changes I see are translations15:06
yofelsgclark: maybe it needs one of those output format plugins?15:06
yofeldid you read the test log?15:06
=== nodoubleg-afk is now known as nodoubleg
sgclarkI see it now sorry. brain not yet fully functional15:09
yofeldon't worry, that test output is not particulary readable :S15:09
sgclarkmy laptop seems to also be quite grumpy after the lid close crash..15:10
Skuggenyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15914416/ to fix fresh akonadi installs15:11
yofelSkuggen: --force is deprecated or..?15:13
SkuggenNot sure if --insecure is really needed. It preserves the old behavior of passwordless root access15:13
SkuggenThere's one other thing I did to fix it, which is kind of hacky. There's some init sql that fails because 5.7 is by default more strict. I "fixed" it by adding sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION to the config, which is the sql_mode from 5.615:14
Skuggenyofel: All of mysql_install_db is deprecated, actually, but replacing it with mysqld --initialize seems like it'd be a pretty big change15:17
yofelhm, ok... guess I'll file a bug for akonadi for that then and wrap up a patch for --insecure at least15:18
yofelthanks for looking into this15:18
SkuggenI've got a vested interest in making stuff work with 5.7 since I've been pushing it together with Robie :)15:20
Skuggen--basedir seems to be required as well. That might be a bug in 5.7's mysql_install_db, since I'm not entirely sure why15:21
ximionsgclark: wohoo, Discover went in15:30
ximionnow on to the last AppStream bits...15:30
ximionurgh, way too much last-minute stuff15:30
sgclarkno kidding15:30
* ximion just downloaded almost 40 package updates for Xenial15:31
clivejois it just our favor thats had this, or it across the board?15:35
rbasakPeople generally go through everything that's behind compared to Debian and look at the diffs for bugfixes.15:36
clivejoare we the only team that currently has branches in Debian git (Alioth)15:37
sgclarkand that will change. 15:40
* sgclark can't wait to go back to launchpad15:41
sgclarkthis has been a nightmare..15:41
clivejoI dunno15:41
sgclarkwe can still get debain work with git remote15:42
sgclarknow that launchpad ahs git, it is just the same workflow15:42
rbasakI maintain MySQL packaging on alioth for both Debian and Ubuntu. Makes it easier to have it in one place.15:42
rbasakWhat problems did you have?15:43
clivejodo you think others will still keep it synced with the archive15:43
sgclarkcanonical making changes and we did not know15:43
rbasakThat will happen on Launchpad, too.15:43
sgclarktherefore overwriting their changes15:43
rbasak(I was wearing my Ubuntu hat so it's not really Canonical)15:43
clivejorbasak: whats what Im afraid of15:43
sgclarkwell blah hah15:43
rbasakIn both Debian and Ubuntu, the archive is the authority.15:43
sgclarkoh, those changes don't go through bzr?15:44
sgclarkwell I guess moving back will not help then15:44
sgclarkoh well haha15:44
rbasakIn Debian, package maintainers generally manage everything to do with a package. You still get NMUs from "under your feet" though etiquette is to use the delayed queue, notify the maintainer, etc.15:44
clivejorbasak: can you commit to kde branches?15:44
sgclarkthis is my first release doing more than packaging. what an experience.15:45
rbasakclivejo: to alioth? No.15:45
rbasakIn Ubuntu, we "team maintain" things. For transitions, generally the person doing the transition will upload to all affected packages.15:45
clivejoits a shame there isnt a way to flag up a change not in the VCS15:45
* sgclark uploads cantor and crosses fingers15:45
rbasakThis allows us to work quicker, which I think enables our six-monthly cycle.15:45
clivejorbasak: why was 5.7 so delayed?15:46
rbasakOTOH, a Debian transition takes a long time as rather than having a single person do it dozens of maintainers have to play a part and they aren't necessarily available at once.15:46
rbasakI'm sorry the 5.7 transition landed so late. We've been working on it for months.15:46
rbasakclivejo: pretty much everything that could have caused a delay did.15:47
clivejoI think our problem is that it just happened so close to release15:48
rbasakIn hindsight, I would have declined to do it at all had I known that it would drag on this late.15:48
clivejodid you say there might be 5.7.13 being dropped?15:50
rbasakThe things that 5.7 breaks are pretty high level - generally changes that were slack before being tightened up. I saw dep8 tests for akonadi, so was expecting them to catch this, since I thought a basic smoke test would.15:50
ximionclivejo: it's pretty much everyone being in last-minute panic, the GNOME Software guys especially... But I also got updates for Git etc., so yeah, it's not just Kubuntu ^^15:50
rbasak5.7.13 will have to be dropped because it's a security update (as I understand it high priority ones)15:50
rbasakI'd like to do it this side of release if possible, but it could go in the security pocket after release maybe. It's pretty close so maybe that's better.15:51
rbasakUpstream have a good track record with these updates though. We've been shipping their point releases in the security pocket for years without issue. I think there was one regression that they fixed upstream, that's all.15:52
SkuggenThere's an Oracle security update being published tomorrow. It'll list security fixes for 5.7.12 (and 5.5.49 and 5.6.30)15:55
blazepackage okteta-dev should depend on binary packages (libkasten3core3 etc), but now it doesn't16:24
blazewhat happened?16:24
blazeclivejo, yofel ^16:24
blazesgclark: do you know anything about this?16:26
sgclarkmm no16:31
sgclarkI see no removals in the log...16:31
sgclarkblaze: I see no sign of removal in the git history, could youo be more specific on what is missing?16:34
blazethat's what I see now https://paste.kde.org/pe05llmho16:38
blazebinary packages coming from okteta source are missing16:38
sgclarkI am sorry, I don't know what that is suppose to tell me.16:39
blazeDepends: libkf5xmlgui-dev, qtbase5-dev (>= 5.4)16:40
blazeevery lib from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/xenial/okteta is missing16:41
sgclarkLooks like Pino did that.. a very loooong time ago16:44
sgclarkIt does not say why16:45
sgclark${so:Depends} does not seem to be doing what it is suppse to do.16:46
sgclarkyofel: halp ^ :(16:46
sgclarkthe shared libs are installed, in theory so:Depends is suppose to bring in those libraries...16:52
sgclarkdh = --with sodeps is there..16:55
blazesgclark: please check control file for kio / kio-dev16:55
blazekio-dev deps are done manually16:55
sgclarkit is there16:55
sgclarkthat I don't think is the issue. everything builds fine.16:56
sgclarkdebhelper is failing at some point to generate the runtime deps16:56
sgclarkyup dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Depends field of package okteta-dev: unknown substitution variable ${so:Depends}17:00
sgclarkso now to investigate what that needs to be..17:00
blazewell, every build depending on okteta libs now fails17:01
sgclarkblaze: Please see above. I have tracked down what is going wrong. I am currently tracking down what changed and what need to be done to fix it.17:02
blazeyeah, I see17:02
dokokubuntu still has some build failures: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20160401-xenial.html#kubuntu17:08
sgclarkdoko: remove kdesdk-kioslaves. I have never even heard of all that other stuff17:11
* sgclark wonders how we have eclipse..17:11
sgclarkblaze: I am now down into perl scripts which now way over my head. I am going to have to seek out help.17:12
sgclarknepomuk should have been alos banished form archive..17:13
sgclarktelepathy-qt is qt4... we don't want that either.17:14
* soee just bought https://www.humblebundle.com/store/victor-vran ;)17:41
=== ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube
sgclarkblaze: I have tracked down the issue and requesting assistance from debian as I do not have rights with the pkg-kde-tools package.18:02
blazesgclark: thanks18:04
sgclarkyofel: shadeslayer maybe one of you can help, I see your names on the changelog. https://paste.kde.org/pcwdyfdni18:13
* sgclark wanders off to another fire18:14
shadeslayersgclark: indeedly19:22
shadeslayersgclark: dh_sodeps looks broken19:22
shadeslayerif that is indeed the code19:23
shadeslayerwho wants to fix MoDaX's code \o/19:23
sgclarkyeah got response in debian channel.19:29
sgclarkprobably stuff I need to learn... but this close to point of no return I don't think it is the best time to do so.19:30
sgclarkI am inclined to use old method in the meantime..19:31
clivejoshadeslayer: how did you learn all this stuff?19:31
sgclarkhe is a super smarty pants19:31
shadeslayeridk xD19:31
clivejoborn with it?19:31
shadeslayerIt ... just makes sense19:31
shadeslayerwhen it doesn't, it's usually broken19:32
shadeslayeror my knowledge is lacking19:32
clivejois the KDE Help Centre still being maintained?19:34
sgclarkyeah 19:34
sgclarktosky took over recently19:34
sgclarkbut it was unmaintained for some time19:34
clivejothe first page appears to be missing images19:34
shadeslayerrepeat process19:35
sgclarkin comparison to other helpcenters I feel it is quite dated and clunky. Hopefully it will improve.19:37
clivejovery bland19:37
clivejoand those look like picture holders, but missing the pic19:38
clivejosgclark: what you think of these fav apps - http://s3.postimg.org/twc5y35c3/Kick_Off.png19:41
clivejoand thats what the kubuntu logo looks like on dark breeze19:42
sgclarkkontact should be there19:42
clivejoah yes - http://s3.postimg.org/3ukpbnykj/Kick_Off2.png19:44
clivejousers can then remove what they dont want19:46
clivejoand add what they do19:46
clivejobut for a first time user you think its a useful spread of apps?19:46
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: what happened to akonaditray?19:51
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: Yes19:54
clivejowhats that?19:55
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: A system tray control for akonadi19:55
* clivejo shrugs19:56
clivejoIve never seen that19:56
sgclarkI have not seen that for a very long time. might want to ask akonadi?19:56
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: I last find it in vivid19:57
sgclarkyeah that is qt419:58
sgclarkyou need to ask akonadi devs ovidiu sorry19:58
clivejosgclark: did you try modifying this kubuntu-settings package?19:59
sgclarkI only added what we talked about last night19:59
sgclarkand it made my system insanely unstable19:59
clivejook, Ill grab it from the archive and work from there19:59
sgclarkI think all that qt4 crap needs to go20:00
clivejoyeah, I agree20:00
ahoneybunvalorie, ^ talk about default apps in kickoff20:01
clivejoahoneybun: just the man20:01
* ahoneybun runs20:01
clivejoyou were the man who edited this package last20:01
valoriesystemsettings and FF must be there20:01
clivejowanna work with me on it?20:01
clivejovalorie: http://s3.postimg.org/3ukpbnykj/Kick_Off2.png20:01
clivejohow does that look to you20:01
ahoneybunlet me go in the living room with my kubuntu laptop20:01
valoriethat looks good to me, although it's sad that Amarok has not made the jump yet20:02
valoriebut we certainly don't have an alternative application, and music is pretty key for a lot of people20:03
clivejoits installed out of the box in Xenial, right?20:03
valorieI believe so20:04
ahoneybunclivejo: link to that screenshot again please20:04
ahoneybunalso do you want to go into BBB?20:04
ahoneybunnot sure as I jumped to it from vivid20:04
valorieI prefer irc20:04
clivejoahoneybun: do you remember how to pull and push to bzr?20:04
ahoneybunquessel is not default I think/20:04
ahoneybunI use Konverstion20:05
valorielemme read up here and read previous discussion -- bnc restarted last night without me20:05
ahoneybunI'll try20:05
ahoneybunsgclark: where is your branch?20:05
sgclarkem what?20:05
ahoneybunmm my alt+tab is not working20:06
ahoneybunthe kubuntu-setting branch that you and ...20:06
ahoneybunyea that20:06
ahoneybunwhere is the one your working on clivejo?20:06
sgclarkwe should be working on the same one....20:07
clivejoIve just been playing with changing local files20:07
clivejowe need to fix that package20:07
clivejoI just notcied in the changelog that you worked on it20:08
ahoneybunin June yes20:08
clivejodo you remember how you did it?20:08
clivejochangelog - http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/k/kubuntu-settings/kubuntu-settings_16.04ubuntu2/changelog20:10
ahoneybuna little but I'll do wat I can do20:10
clivejodget the package locally20:12
ahoneybunclivejo: I'm in BBB room 120:13
ahoneybundget kubuntu-settings ?20:14
clivejodo you have a packaging environment setup?20:14
valorieok, caught up for the most part20:17
soee_do you plan some release party :> ?20:39
sgclarkI will be on a train most of release day20:41
sgclarkbut it will be fun, meeting valorie for lfnw20:42
valoriecan hardly wait20:42
valoriesgclark, yofel: have you heard about https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2016/05/de/Munich  may 27/28/2920:43
sgclarkno way I can do that20:43
sgclarkfalls in between austin,tx and randa20:43
valorieam I the only one who thinks time is speeding up?20:43
valorieooo, what's in Austin?20:44
sgclarkthe oscon moved there20:44
valorieoh, wow20:44
sgclarkand apparently ucc meets at oscon every year20:44
valorieI've always wanted to go to austin20:44
sgclarkwill be my first time20:45
sgclarkMy grandparents lived there and loved it20:45
sgclarkI lived in south tx on Padre Island, loved that20:45
valorieKstar is there (akarsh simha)20:46
valoriegrad student in physics20:46
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
mparilloclivejo: In all your favorites, I seek quassel instead of konversation.21:11
mparilloclivejo: In all your favorites, I see quassel instead of konversation.21:13
clivejowhich is the kubuntu default21:14
mparilloI though Kubuntu switched to koversation with Plasma 5. And when was the last time you used khelp? I vote for dolphin instead.21:15
Sho_As the maintainer of Kicker and Kickoff I'm also curious how you guys set those default apps21:15
Sho_Because if you still use kickoffrc that's wrong21:15
clivejoSho_: what is the proper way?21:16
Sho_a config init js script for the kickoff applet in the look and feel package21:16
clivejocan we override that?21:16
Sho_kickoff got ported to the kicker backend in 5.5, and there's a migration script that will convert kickoffrc to plasma applet config, but that only runs once21:17
Sho_so it will kind of work by accident one time, but if the user e.g. switches menus and back they won't get defaults21:17
Sho_or if they just add  a kickoff somewhere21:17
Sho_sure you can21:17
Sho_we added the default config js stuff specifically for sitros21:17
Sho_basically it works just like desktop and panel js scripts where you can add default widgets etc, just per-applet so it runs every time the applet is created21:18
clivejoSho_: I found an OpenSUSE package and the kickoffrc is how they do it21:19
Sho_so every new kickoff instance gets your defaults again21:19
Sho_then they didn't read the distro packagers ml21:19
clivejogot a link?21:19
Sho_not off hand sorry, i'm actually in bed ..21:19
clivejowanna do this properly if we are doing it!21:19
Sho_if it's not urgent, you can ping me tomorrow and i can help you out21:20
clivejowhat time zone are you in?21:20
Sho_you can also try to find leszek on freenode, he works on netrunner linux and they do it correctly21:20
Sho_I live in Seoul, but I'm usually around in the afternoon and evening to align somewhat with European colleagues21:20
clivejohow do we modify the default config js stuff ?21:21
Sho_you add a js file to your look and feel package21:22
Sho_if you don't have a look and feel package you could add it to your package of the breeze one21:23
Sho_i don't know anything about kubuntu package names sorry21:24
clivejomaybe we can catch up tomorrow, Im not fully understanding this21:25
clivejodo we grep the file, or install a new defaults file which overrides21:25
Sho_you add a file that doesn't exist at present21:28
Sho_which will run every time the applet is created, and set a particular config21:29
clivejowhats the name and location of that file?21:29
Sho_dunno from memory21:31
ahoneybunwhere is the mailing list?21:31
Sho_it's something like <lnf dir>/<lnf package name>/<appletconfigs>/<applet id>/defaults.js or similar21:32
Sho_apparently plasmoidsetupscripts/appletid.js actually21:33
valorieoh dolphin, how did I/we forget that? 21:35
clivejoI thought I had it on there21:35
valoriemparillo: quassel was our default for a few cycles21:36
valoriedid you upgrade from then?21:36
sgclarkoh gosh yeah that quassel needs to be konversation21:36
valoriebecause Konvi has been back for quite awhile21:36
sgclarkno reason can't use konversation. 21:36
valoriewe don't even have quassel on the seed, correct?21:36
ahoneybunkonversation moved to KF5 first21:37
ahoneybunthat;s why we whiched I think21:37
clivejoneed to figure out how to inject these default apps first!21:37
valorieso it would be crazy to have something not provided by default in Favorites21:37
sgclarklet me search that ML21:37
valorieSho_: our release managers are new21:38
valoriea lot of our experience moved over to Neon now21:38
valorieoh dear, are our packagers not on the packagers list?21:39
sgclarksorry but this kind of thing should be on techbase21:40
sgclarkhaving to dig through thousands of emails is stupis21:41
valoriesome of us besides me should be on https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/distributions21:41
* sgclark is preparing her retirement post21:41
valoriewell, community perhaps21:41
valorietechbase is for users of KDE apis21:42
valoriesgclark: :(21:42
* ahoneybun jumps out window from all these damn mailing lists21:50
Sho_valorie: totally fine, i'm just sleepy right now21:51
valorieyou'd rather have everything all jumbled up?21:51
Sho_i'll gladly help out more tomorrow if it's still needed by that time21:51
* Sho_ grabs more sleep21:51
valorieI think it's good to keep discussions focussed21:51
valorieniters Sho_21:51
valoriesweet dreams21:51
sgclarkI simply can't keep up with 50 million Mailing lists, it is the sheer cause of most of the failures during this release.21:53
sgclarkthat and me being incompetant and not having a clue of what releasing a distribution entails21:53
ahoneybunsgclark: *hugs* there are a lot of great reviews of Kubuntu 16.04 so far21:55
valoriesgclark: you are not incompetant21:56
valoriewe're all learning21:56
rbasaksgclark: I don't think you're incompetent. It's a steep learning curve with many things badly documented, if at all. Nobody can be expected to know it all instantly.22:04
rbasak(and probably nobody really ever does)22:04
sgclarkaww well thanks everyone. feeling a bit defeated22:04
* sgclark returns to searching mounds of email22:05
valorieI'm trying to help with that docu part, but it is an uphill climb22:07
ahoneybunquiet a lot of people saying a lot of great things about 16.04 sgclark22:08
valorieI agree, ahoneybun22:08
valorieso far, best ever for me22:08
valoriegetting all those corner-cases fixed is hard though22:09
ahoneybunplasma has never been so stable22:09
ahoneybunfor me anyway22:09
valoriefor me too22:10
valorieon both my HP and my Dell22:10
sgclarkgoogle is failing me on finding any sort of instructions on the proper way to configure plasma5 defaults :(22:13
sgclarkclivejo: dunno sorry. seems like this should be made more obvious from kde devs22:14
telegram<Clifford>: Yeah I've scanned the distro ml and the topic isn't jumping out at me22:15
telegram<Clifford>: I've give in for the night22:15
telegram<Clifford>: Try and catch up with sho_ tomorrow22:16
sgclarkasked in plasma but I expect most are asleep by now22:16
telegram<marcinsagol>: IMO Scarlett is pro when it comes to all this packaging etc. stuff :) The problem is that this release is all on her head :/22:19
valorieright, more of us need to get some education and experience22:20
telegram<marcinsagol>: The work she's been doing is for 4-5 people at least.22:20
valoriea team is better than just two or three22:20
valorie@marcinsagol I agree, sgclark is a champion!22:21
valoriea tired one22:21
dokosgclark, please file a removal request for kdesdk-kioslaves22:22
sgclarkawesome another thing to figure out how to do22:23
valoriegads, that looks complicated22:23
rbasakI was about to say that I'm happy to help, maybe answering process questions.22:24
rbasakLet me take that one for you.22:24
sgclarklink to app removal? lol22:24
telegram<marcinsagol>: If there will be next Kubuntu release than first the team should be completed - as I said at least 4-5 people on with more or less equal knowledge level to handle it all. Than the work should be splitted to this group so each of team members knows what his part is ;)22:25
rbasakDo we know why it needs removing BTW? Or just because?22:25
valorierbasak: I think it is no longer used22:26
rbasakOK, thanks.22:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571867 in kdesdk-kioslaves (Ubuntu) "Please remove kdesdk-kioslaves" [Undecided,New]22:27
rbasakThere, done.22:27
valorieit's only for subvesion service in various KDE apps (corresponding svn+{ssh,http,https} protocols), like Dolphin, Konqueror and few others.22:27
sgclarkrbasak: thanks!!22:28
valorieIf you don't use subversion, or do not use GUI apps for managing svn repoes, you'll have no use of this package. 22:28
telegram<marcinsagol>: We do need also people without packaging skills etc. to track bugs/mailing lists and coordinate whole work. And this is very important to have such coordinator/'s.22:28
telegram<Clifford>: @marcinsagol, Preaching to the choir here!22:29
rbasaksgclark: no problem. I'm sorry you're being swamped. We all appreciate what you're doing for us. Just let me know if you need help. I'm short on time (as is everyone) but don't let that stop you asking. I'd prefer to find time to help show you the ropes than have you leave.22:29
sgclarkno kidding22:29
sgclarkrbasak: a mentor would be awesome, just someone to shoot questions to. I am mostly working in the dark and dependant on google22:30
valorieit's tough when you are too busy to ask for help22:30
sgclarkand google hates me these days : /22:30
rbasaksgclark: sure, that's no problem at all. It's often difficult to know what exactly to search for, too.22:31
telegram<Clifford>: We need do-ers, not a bike shed committee22:31
sgclarkrbasak: you're awesome, thank you so much22:32
sgclarkLOL @ bike shed commitee22:32
* sgclark forgot which fire she was working on22:32
telegram<Clifford>: Sgclark you understand that term?22:33
sgclarkoh right new to test new image evidently it is crashing instantly22:33
ScottKsgclark: I'm also glad to answer questions if I'm around.  Just because I choose not to work in the Ubuntu project anymore doesn't mean I don't care if Kubuntu succeeds.22:33
sgclarkyeah means that everyone is arguing and getting no where on resolution right?22:33
sgclarkScottK: thanks :) you have been a great help. 22:33
sgclarkrebooting to USB brb22:34
valorieok, gotta go outside for awhile in this glorious sunshine22:36
telegram<Clifford>: Apparently a company setup a committee to build a bike shed. But the bike shed was never build due to endless meeting about trivial conversation about the colour it should be painted22:36
valorieI'm happy we don't do that often22:36
telegram<Clifford>: If you're in a meeting going in circles and getting nowhere its called bike shedding22:37
telegram<sgclark2>: New image does not appear to boot......22:39
telegram<sgclark2>: /cries22:39
telegram<sgclark2>: Is it too early to need a beer? Probably.22:40
* genii liberally laces sgclark's next coffee with whiskey22:41
telegram<sgclark2>: Yeah goes to console. No live session or ubiquity22:42
telegram<sgclark2>: Not good at all22:42
telegram<sgclark2>: startx works though22:43
telegram<sgclark2>: Hmm22:43
telegram<sgclark2>: Ubiquity can't connect to x server. Awesome.23:07
telegram<sgclark2>: Failed to load nvidia...23:13
telegram<sgclark2>: Shouldn't installer use nouveau?23:14
telegram<sgclark2>: Over my head!!!23:14

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