phillw | tsimonq2: would that be the same that I've been following for 18 months as they strive to remove flash from conferences? | 00:01 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: I meant for your recent post, but are you referring to my FB thing? | 00:04 |
phillw | pass, we may have crossed wires :) | 00:04 |
phillw | tsimonq2: re: the planet post with kde having switched to BBB | 00:12 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: no look at the Lubuntu article on the Planet | 00:13 |
phillw | tsimonq2: yes, they subscribe to :) | 00:15 |
phillw | I posted the blog up, as we seem few in numbers for admin / comms functions just at the moment. | 00:17 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: this is what I see: | 00:18 |
tsimonq2 | little short, isn't it? :P | 00:18 |
phillw | flag up to them that " […] " didn't work | 00:19 |
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tsimonq2 | why 3-year only? | 17:49 |
tsimonq2 | re: LTS | 17:49 |
hggdh | I am not involved in lubuntu, but this may apply: there is considerable costs (in terms of man-hours and machines) in maintaining releases for a long time | 17:53 |
hggdh | s/there is/there are/ | 17:53 |
phillw | tsimonq2: put your brain into gear :) | 17:54 |
phillw | hggdh: he seems to have forgotten that lubuntu is moving to Qt :D | 17:55 |
redwolf | o/ | 18:36 |
phillw | hiyas redwolf :) | 18:38 |
redwolf | elo | 18:38 |
redwolf | sup? | 18:39 |
teward | the end of days | 18:39 |
teward | oops i kid | 18:39 |
teward | release prep :) | 18:39 |
redwolf | yup | 18:39 |
* redwolf licks teward | 18:39 | |
teward | and me still hunting flexiondotorg | 18:39 |
phillw | hiyas also teward | 18:39 |
teward | o/ | 18:39 |
* redwolf is finishing the new slider for the website | 18:40 | |
phillw | teward: he will be doing stuff for ubuntu-MATE | 18:40 |
teward | right, but it's that 'affects them all' issue | 18:40 |
teward | for 15.10 | 18:40 |
teward | but meh | 18:40 |
phillw | teward: it is for the website, not the slideshow :P | 18:41 |
redwolf | .__. | 18:44 |
* ianorlin will be rebooting and doing a live session test | 18:44 | |
teward | phillw: :P | 18:44 |
phillw | I'm just playing catch up with chats with our boss... I have a wiki section to write :) | 18:45 |
teward | ack | 18:46 |
phillw | we cannot get alternate image cd sized in time for Thursday, So plan 'B' is activated - using the server image :) | 18:47 |
phillw | Julien will look at it for 16.04.1 | 18:47 |
lynorian | hi from live sessission | 18:54 |
redwolf | o/ | 18:54 |
phillw | lynorian: good :) | 18:55 |
lynorian | although one thing for live session tests I like to check that I can mount other partitions in pcmanfm and then play music so I make sure sound works | 19:01 |
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redwolf | dinner time! | 19:10 |
ianorlin | bug is now fix released but does affect the lubuntu desktop images | 19:44 |
ianorlin | bug 1570901 | 19:44 |
ubot93 | bug 1570901 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cd menu not booting to ubiquity try/install menu but always to live session" [Critical,Fix released] | 19:44 |
ianorlin | bug 1552539 also is present | 19:47 |
ubot93 | bug 1552539 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity Erase Disk and Install Fails to create Swap Space" [Critical,Triaged] | 19:47 |
ianorlin | or maybe should be released | 19:47 |
ianorlin | ugh | 19:47 |
ianorlin | should maybe be fixed before respin? | 19:47 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: ohhh I see :) | 20:02 |
Zenith_ | OK, I don't know if those topics weren't previously discussed but I found a few issues in Lubuntu 16.04 64b RC (from 17.4.2016), I will leave them here in the chat as I don't know how thinks works here. | 20:05 |
Zenith_ | ..."how THINGS works here." | 20:06 |
tsimonq2 | Zenith_: what's your problem? :) | 20:06 |
tsimonq2 | Zenith_: #lubuntu is usually for support, but for Lubuntu-related things but not support is where this channel comes in :) | 20:07 |
Zenith_ | 1) during startup of live session (I haven't tried to install it to the HDD), there is no Lubuntu logo as in the case of previous editions, it's just blue/magenta screen and then desktop | 20:07 |
tsimonq2 | bug 1370707 | 20:08 |
ubot93 | bug 1370707 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Plymouth does not display the graphical boot splash" [Medium,Confirmed] | 20:08 |
ianorlin | bug 1552539 is not in the the alternate images so I don't think they need to be respun | 20:08 |
ubot93 | bug 1552539 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity Erase Disk and Install Fails to create Swap Space" [Critical,Triaged] | 20:09 |
tsimonq2 | ianorlin: I'll confirm if you don't mind :) | 20:09 |
ianorlin | I just did for alternate | 20:09 |
tsimonq2 | ianorlin: mind commenting on the bug report then? :) | 20:09 |
phillw | ianorlin: bug 1552539 will cause a global respin. | 20:11 |
ubot93 | bug 1552539 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity Erase Disk and Install Fails to create Swap Space" [Critical,Triaged] | 20:11 |
Zenith_ | 2) on my new (2 months old) notebook (Acer Aspire R11) the system boots into desktop with maximum or very high monitor brightness and it's not possible to adjust the brightness with function keys (Fn + <>) while this works with Xubuntu 16.04 RC and with previous LTS edition of Lubuntu (with delays). | 20:11 |
tsimonq2 | Zenith_: hmm, can you adjust it another way? | 20:12 |
Zenith_ | It however works with an very old notebook (8 year old Asus F series). to tsimonq2: I haven't found any other way but I'm not familiar with terminal, I'm quite neophyte user. I've tried everything like monitor setting in the menu etc. | 20:14 |
Zenith_ | I will give it another try later (maybe I'll use some Fn + F keys as it works this way on Asus) but I'm writting now from Windows 10. | 20:16 |
tsimonq2 | weird | 20:16 |
ianorlin | Zenith_, does it work from xfce power manager as well? | 20:16 |
Zenith_ | I'm not sure, I would have to boot Xubuntu. If there is Xfce power management as a part of Lubuntu, I wasn't aware of it. | 20:17 |
ianorlin | it is | 20:18 |
tsimonq2 | Zenith_: could you maybe get a daily Xubuntu image and try that? | 20:18 |
ianorlin | the power manager | 20:18 |
Zenith_ | Xubuntu 16.04 RC had no problem (except for few second time delay between each brightness step but this is probably kernel issue]. | 20:18 |
ianorlin | Zenith_, or lubuntu might have different keybindings | 20:18 |
ianorlin | control f10 and control f11 have been the ones to do this for a while in lubuntu and I don't think that has changed | 20:20 |
Zenith_ | As I said, I'll boot Lubuntu once again and I'll try to use Fn + F4/F5 as this is the way it works on an old Asus but older editions of Lubuntu (at least 14.04.4 LTS) had no problem. | 20:20 |
Zenith_ | I'll try control + F10/F11 next time and I'll write about the result here. | 20:21 |
tsimonq2 | alright :) | 20:21 |
Zenith_ | 3) during the live session it's not possible to add another keyboard layout (the Fctix menu is empty even if I allow other languages layouts to choose from). I know there was something related to this in Beta 2 (or something similar) but I think changing the layout should be possible now as it was in previous editions of Lubuntu. | 20:24 |
tsimonq2 | in a live session or during install? | 20:25 |
Zenith_ | I'm talking about the live session, I haven't tried to install it. | 20:25 |
Zenith_ | 4) as a standard setting, the desktop wallpaper is set as "center unscaled image" which was always the original setup of Lubuntu but now with much bigger size of wallpaper it produces very distorted image and I think it should be set as "stretch and crop" as a default. | 20:28 |
Zenith_ | 5) Lubuntu 16.04 obviously lacks some of the fonts present in previous editions such as Droid Sans. This is not as big issue when you try to change the default font from Ubuntu to something else but webpages in Firefox are drawed with a strange (not very strange, but not normal) font (try on 16.04 and then on 14.04 - it looks like the "right" font is missing). Xubuntu 16.04 draws pages with the same fonts as Xubun | 20:33 |
Zenith_ | And that's all I have. I'll try Fn + F10/11 tomorrow and I'll write here about it. Also I'll post screenshots of "weird" and "right" fonts in Lubuntu 16.04 and 14.04 somewhere. | 20:36 |
* teward drops for Zenith_ to read up on | 20:36 | |
teward | rather than complaining here, raise bugs | 20:37 |
Zenith_ | I haven't done it (raising bugs) any time before so I'm writing here about it. Sorry if it's not the way it should be usually done. | 20:38 |
teward | it's more a case of "stop complaining, do something about it, file a bug so we can add it to the list of things we need addressed" | 20:38 |
teward | complain here, and you're just complaining for the sake of complaining | 20:38 |
teward | the *best* way is to file the bug :P | 20:39 |
phillw | Zenith_: that link explains how to raise your 1st bug :) | 20:39 |
teward | ^ that | 20:39 |
Zenith_ | I'm not complaining, I'm reporting bugs the way I can do. | 20:39 |
phillw | the devs only react to bugs, not social media :) | 20:39 |
teward | ^ | 20:39 |
teward | i should know - i do Server stuff - bugs help | 20:39 |
Zenith_ | I thought this is developer chat. | 20:39 |
teward | Zenith_: yes, but this is more discussion with regards to development - not the "Hey, report issues here!" method | 20:40 |
teward | which is, of course, filing bugs - which is the correct way to get things addressed | 20:40 |
phillw | Zenith_: I, and bug master general, did a two classroom sessions... have a read of them.. | 20:41 |
Zenith_ | Can anyone have a launchpad account (even non-developers)? | 20:42 |
phillw | There is only one way to report a bug.. that is a bug report, can you imagine if the devs had to watch all the facebook / G+ / twitter etc. etc. accounts for incoming bugs? It would be impossible. So, we report bugs. | 20:42 |
phillw | Zenith_: yes, everyone can have a launch pad account | 20:42 |
phillw | I have one, and I'm no where near a dev!!! | 20:43 |
teward | lol | 20:43 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: but you know PHP, that's some hardcore stuff right there ;) | 20:54 |
tsimonq2 | /o\ we have so many bugs, Julien is handling them all?!?!? | 20:55 |
phillw | tsimonq2: he is the boss. | 20:58 |
teward | there's a few that would end up on my plate, but only for triage purposes (the "no keyboard layout selection" issue comes to mind, though I handed that off :P) | 20:58 |
tsimonq2 | jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez | 20:59 |
phillw | flexiondotorg: I've ran the image that teward made, permissions are all correct. I'll get the 16.04 image re-installed onto the SD card :) | 21:45 |
teward | phillw: i poked him over PM | 21:46 |
teward | but i don't have the rest of the 'image' stuff set up | 21:46 |
teward | not the hashsums, etc. | 21:46 |
teward | so poking flexiondotorg is on the priority list :P) | 21:46 |
teward | but phillw's not wrong - the perms *are* fixed in that image | 21:46 |
teward | and it doesn't appear to blow up :) | 21:46 |
teward | we can push until after Xenial to make things available though | 21:47 |
phillw | teward: will does know how to make a md5sum... not sure about the SHA ones... I may have to install a utility for those. It already can do zsync links and torrents. | 21:47 |
teward | well, depending on what flexiondotorg wants to do, i'm happy to tweak all the images there currently accordingly, but it's flexiondotorg's wheelhouse | 21:48 |
teward | not mine :) | 21:48 |
phillw | teward: let's go for the 16.04 image. it is an LTS, so having that correct makes more sense to me :) | 21:48 |
teward | phillw: how lucky: 16.04 is already working with the correct perms | 21:48 |
teward | only the 15.10 that's affected :) | 21:48 |
phillw | well, if he wants them re-mastered, that is his department - as you correctly say :) | 21:49 |
teward | yep | 21:49 |
teward | if we need a quick-fix though, we have one, but if he wants to remaster that's also in his department :) | 21:50 |
* teward disappears for food | 21:50 | |
phillw | tsimonq2: FYI, with 16.04 there will be four approved methods of installing.... | 21:50 |
flexiondotorg | teward, phillw Publish what you wish :-) | 21:53 |
flexiondotorg | The 16.04 final images will be all fine. I've already removed links to the 15.10 images. | 21:54 |
phillw | flexiondotorg: I have his 15.10 lubuntu one... just need to make the checksums for it | 21:54 |
phillw | flexiondotorg: can you have a tidy up of or is it a rm -f* ? | 21:56 |
phillw | for all the 15.10 images? | 21:57 |
phillw | flexiondotorg: with the birthday boy being afk, can you ask someone on -release to respin our alternate images, As per the mail regarding LTS length and some stuff we do not need, Juilen has edited the manifest. | 22:02 |
flexiondotorg | phillw, I will. | 22:02 |
phillw | his time is really limited, else he would have done it himself. | 22:03 |
phillw | We know desktops will be re-spun when the ubiquity bugs are squished... Just lets us get the alternate ones out of the way so as to be able to do ours and help out other teams. | 22:06 |
phillw | hiyas Na3iL | 22:10 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: 5 would be awesome :) | 22:11 |
phillw | tsimonq2: add it to the advanced installation area :) | 22:12 |
tsimonq2 | where? | 22:12 |
* tsimonq2 uses that now instead of installer images | 22:13 | |
phillw | tsimonq2: | 22:13 |
phillw | is the one for 16.04 ... do check with Nio though!! | 22:13 |
phillw | Do not forget, it must be fully written by Thursday... So, maybe aim for 16.04.1 ? | 22:15 |
tsimonq2 | hah I can write that whole guide now :D | 22:16 |
phillw | tsimonq2: well, do have Nio check it out... | 22:17 |
flexiondotorg | phillw, Lubuntu image rebuilds underway. | 22:18 |
phillw | flexiondotorg: thanks | 22:18 |
phillw | just alternate? | 22:19 |
phillw | flexiondotorg: ahh, all of them :) | 22:22 |
flexiondotorg | phillw, Yes. And I hear the will be at least one more respin. A new kernel is coming and other fixes. | 22:23 |
phillw | flexiondotorg: that is to be expected... I'm on Linux piglet 4.4.0-20 | 22:24 |
phillw | I'll update our testers... communication to our testers is most important. | 22:25 |
phillw | done | 22:44 |
phillw | flexiondotorg: when can you schedule in a clean up on ? Or give me clear instructions as to what needs doing | 23:06 |
flexiondotorg | phillw, You can remove all the 15.10 images. | 23:08 |
flexiondotorg | Night | 23:08 |
teward | erm, that means you have to edit several of the other sites to fix deadlink issues | 23:08 |
teward | if they're all completely gone | 23:08 |
phillw | teward: do you have the various 15.10 images on your server yet for re-mastering? | 23:09 |
teward | phillw: critical update to my web proxy took my attention - i have the RPi 15.10 images stored on my VM on my hypervisor currently - was going to tweak them in a little bit | 23:10 |
teward | then toss them back up to my server | 23:11 |
teward | in xzip'd format | 23:11 |
teward | i think my VM froze | 23:12 |
teward | ah the GUI froze everything | 23:13 |
phillw | okies. so If I nuke all *15.10* and then cp your lubuntu one back and generate md5sum and zsync | 23:14 |
phillw | It will be renamed to remove 'teward' :) | 23:14 |
teward | phillw: that's fine :) | 23:15 |
teward | i'm doing the images except for the one I gave you (Lubuntu) as 15.10.4 | 23:15 |
teward | phillw: slow going though because VM | 23:16 |
teward | (xz -d the high-compresson xz's is evil) | 23:16 |
phillw | ahh, no zsync, so I'll just put on md5sum for it. | 23:17 |
* teward shrugs, and lurks | 23:17 | |
phillw | not checked on making sha checksums | 23:17 |
phillw | yikes... nearly did a :P | 23:20 |
phillw | fucking idiots... | 23:21 |
phillw | rm -f *15.10* ..... except I was in /home/teward | 23:21 |
teward | lol | 23:21 |
teward | phillw: how fortunate i still have a copy on my server :) | 23:21 |
teward | simple wget ;) | 23:22 |
phillw | no, I always double check before using rm with f and * | 23:22 |
teward | :P | 23:22 |
phillw | even more so when # :) | 23:23 |
teward | heheh | 23:23 |
teward | phillw: you need a 'mv' or a rename | 23:26 |
teward | on the rpi stuff :P | 23:26 |
teward | phillw: i also don't have the signatures on it, which you may need to also do | 23:27 |
phillw | I have disk space to use cp | 23:27 |
teward | cool | 23:27 |
phillw | /dev/mapper/siivol-home | 23:27 |
phillw | 689G 485G 170G 75% /home | 23:27 |
phillw | -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 619062904 Apr 19 01:25 lubuntu-15.10.4-teward-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img.xz | 23:28 |
phillw | -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 93 Apr 19 01:26 lubuntu-15.10.4-teward-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.md5 | 23:28 |
teward | phillw: nice. i meant the mv / rename to remove my name on there ;) | 23:28 |
phillw | :: sigh :: | 23:28 |
teward | :P | 23:28 |
phillw | -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 619062904 Apr 19 01:25 lubuntu-15.10.4-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img.xz | 23:31 |
phillw | -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 86 Apr 19 01:30 lubuntu-15.10.4-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.md5 | 23:31 |
teward | :P | 23:31 |
* teward finishes image extraction for modifications | 23:31 | |
phillw | we are currently at | 23:32 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: | 23:39 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: short blog post... | 23:39 |
tsimonq2 | look at it on planet | 23:39 |
tsimonq2 | RSS feed stuff | 23:39 |
phillw | a mention and nothing else :) Such an improvement :P | 23:42 |
tsimonq2 | it's just... | 23:51 |
tsimonq2 | 16.04 | 23:51 |
tsimonq2 | that's not very helpful :) | 23:51 |
phillw | tsimonq2: I've had the verdict from Julien, and so the wiki for desktop and alternate will have the server image added on. | 23:57 |
tsimonq2 | phillw: are we talking about the same thing? | 23:59 |
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