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Gunther_How do I install a sideloaded x.snap with "snap" instead of "snappy"?06:21
dholbachsudo snap install <local-file.snap>06:23
Gunther_dholbach: I tried this with little success:ubuntu@localhost:~$ sudo snap install trionet-kernel_4.4.0_amd64.snap  error: trionet-kernel_4.4.0_amd64.snap failed to install: snappy package not found06:42
dholbachwhich version of snapd is this?06:42
Gunther_I am running mvo's allsnap amd64 image06:43
dholbachdo you know if everything is up to date on the system?06:43
Gunther_I did run "snappy update"06:45
Gunther_Currently looking how to ask snapd for its version ...06:46
dholbachif nobody has an answer for you, you could just try mailing the snappy-devel mailing list06:48
dholbachif it's a bug you're facing, this should be looked at06:49
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Gunther_dholbach: I will do that. First I need to find out the version of the install tools06:50
dholbachok :)06:50
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netpheakhi, guys!07:19
zygagood morning all07:27
shuduomvo ogra_ hi, may i know if kernel snap for dragonboard canonical-dragon-linux is exist in edge channel?07:47
Gunther_On mvo's allsnap image: How do I find out the installed version of snap, snapd?07:49
mvoGunther_: /usr/share/snappy/dpkg.list contains a list of deb packages07:52
Gunther_mvo: thanks07:52
mvoGunther_: I need to do new images, they are a bit outdated right now07:53
Gunther_ok then I will wait before reporting the bugs I seem the have to see if they still exist07:55
Gunther_with the new images07:55
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_morphiszyga, jdstrand: got NetworkManager now mostly working08:51
zyga_morphis: woot, great08:52
zyga_morphis: any issues (apart from 1571497)08:52
_morphiszyga: I suspect auto-connect isn't implemented yet, right?08:52
zyga_morphis: it is implemented08:52
zyga_morphis: but connection only happens on snap install time08:53
zyga_morphis: and the interface has to advertise it08:53
_morphiszyga: hm, I set https://github.com/morphis/snappy/blob/networkmanager-interface/interfaces/builtin/networkmanager.go#L39008:53
zyga_morphis: *and* the interface slot has to be on the OS snap08:53
zyga_morphis: look at snap/implicit.go please08:53
_morphiszyga: https://git.launchpad.net/~morphis/+git/nm-snap/tree/snapcraft.yaml#n1708:54
zyga_morphis: until those slots are in the real core snaps this is what we need to do08:54
_morphisso if I am doing something like this I don't have any chance to both apps connected08:54
zyga_morphis: no, that will not work08:54
zyga_morphis: (I guess we need to discuss how this will work)08:54
_morphisso even if I add networkmanager to snap/implicit.go I wont connect?08:55
zyga_morphis: hint, no need for the top-level plugs/slots08:55
_morphiss/I wont/it wont/08:55
zyga_morphis: correct08:55
zyga_morphis: (this is the first time we handle something like this)08:55
_morphiszyga: you mean var networkManagerPermantedSlotDBus .. ?08:55
_morphisah I see08:56
_morphisyou mean https://git.launchpad.net/~morphis/+git/nm-snap/tree/snapcraft.yaml#n1108:56
zyga_morphis: try this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15909347/08:56
zyga_morphis: (and I'd suggest calling the interface network-manager)08:56
_morphiszyga: that works but then I get a plug network-manager:networkmanager and a slot network-manager:networkmanager08:56
zyga_morphis: we *might* do something special if the interface name matches the snap name08:56
zyga_morphis: seems like a nice case to auto-connect everything within the snap08:57
_morphisif I now add more than one other app I have two identical plugs08:57
zyga_morphis: ahh, right08:57
zyga_morphis: and gustavo also said we cannot have plug and slot sharing the same name in one snap08:57
zyga_morphis: sorry, forget my advice please08:57
_morphiszyga: but maybe we can improve the automated naming here08:57
zyga_morphis: still, feels like something we should auto-connect, just looking for a pattern08:57
zyga_morphis: yes though this needs to be discussed firstr08:58
zyga_morphis: any other gotchas with interfaces?08:59
_morphisjust one thing which jdstrand noted on the bluez interface: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/802#discussion_r5977168608:59
_morphisI just dropped peer=(label=..) checks in my policy for now09:00
zygaah, I plan to retrun to bluez soon and make it actually understand the connections made09:00
zygajust not sure if I do that before I go and hide away from computers for a while09:00
_morphiszyga: ssweeny is currently working on getting the bluez snap back working with what he implemented for the interface09:01
_morphiszyga: there are still some bits wrong in that interface: https://github.com/morphis/snappy/commit/bf2abcec0453ad8edd9bdcdeb6f16cd4f8c38b5709:01
zyga_morphis: sure09:02
zyga_morphis: are you guys blocked by anything today? I know images are in a so-so state09:02
_morphisso-so state?09:03
zyga_morphis: not working much09:03
zyga_morphis: we need a moment to restore images to bootable state09:03
_morphiszyga: I can develop by using your dev-tools so we're for the moment fine09:03
_morphispublishing is a bit ahead09:03
zygacool, that's great09:03
_morphiszyga: nice work on those dev-tools :-)09:03
zygaquestion: how will the interface work on the desktop09:03
_morphiszyga: for bluez and networkmanager?09:04
zygacan I make a snap that talks to n-m and have it magically work because the OS snap on the desktop will fake the interface09:04
zyga_morphis: yes, I'm trying to think about interoperability09:04
_morphissth like that should work09:04
_morphisas long as there are no API breaks09:04
_morphiszyga: just wondering a bit what the release plan looks like09:06
zyga_morphis: fors snappy "for devices"?09:07
zyga_morphis: I guess that's going to be decided at the sprint09:07
_morphislets say we land the networkmanager interface tomorrow, how soon can that be in an image?09:07
zyga_morphis: in daily image, the next day, in ubuntu 16.04 -- not sure09:07
zyga_morphis: we plan to SRU things all the time but we didn't go through the process to see how it works yet09:08
zyga_morphis: images are somewhat broken now as mvo mentioned above so I suspect this week we'll see some work on making them bootable again09:08
_morphisok, sounds good09:08
ogra_shuduo, it is called linux-snapdragon since the switch to a 4.4 base09:34
ogra_sorry ... canonical-snapdragon-linux09:34
shuduoogra_: is there a way to know when it be changed? i used to encounter error like "mount: mount point /tmp/diskimage833309661/system/snap does not exist".  is it a problem happen at server side or my side?09:57
ogra_sounds more like you are using a to old ubuntu-device-flash09:58
ogra_make sure to have the latest one from mvo's all-snaps dir10:00
mvoshuduo: and use "edge" for the channel10:00
mvoshuduo: there is still a bit of breakage right now, I'm working on the fix10:00
mvoshuduo: note that the images are still alpha, the 16.04 snap desktop/server release is not yet stable for devices and the imags are still in flux10:01
shuduomvo: after specify edge, i got "failed to install "linux-snapdragon" from "edge": linux-snapdragon failed to install: snap not found10:10
shuduomvo: yes, i understand it's not stable. i need to make some demo or help customer to demo so unstable is acceptable. but it used to fail at generating.. :(10:13
ogra_shuduo, note that i corrected myself above10:14
ogra_<ogra_> sorry ... canonical-snapdragon-linux10:14
shuduomvo: btw, i have used the script of https://launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/mksnap-os-kernel for kernel snap generating. but snappy-tools package seems not available in xenial, so the command "snappy build" will be replaced by "snapcraft snap", right?10:16
mvoshuduo: yes, snapcraft snap .10:16
mvoshuduo: snapcraft snap targetdir10:16
shuduoogra_: sorry i missed it.  canonical-snapdragon-linux is downloading. back to my question, how I know which kernel name is correct if  it be changed? can i find it from somewhere by myself? just in case i meet problem but you are not on irc or timezone problem. thanks.10:19
ogra_sudo ./ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --os ubuntu-core --kernel canonical-snapdragon-linux --gadget canonical-dragon -o test.img10:19
ogra_all official kernels are canonical-$arch-linux nowadays ... where $arch is one of pc, snapdragon, raspi210:20
ogra_non official ones can indeed be named as the like10:21
zygashuduo: you can use my ubuntu-image script, while images are kind of broken today I keep it up-to-date with ongoing changes needed to build an image10:21
ogra_zyga, whyx do you say this all the time ... images arent broken :)10:21
zygaogra_: with snappy 2.0?10:22
ogra_the dropped config bit makes it a bit harder to set thjem up ... and none of the snaps from the store work10:22
ogra_well, they worked on friday10:22
zygaogra_: I suspect they are broken now, we're discussing how to fix that (firstboot et all)10:22
ogra_the images themselves are fine though10:23
zygaogra_: shades of gray10:23
zygaogra_: but thanks for telling me :)10:23
ogra_if they are broiken now, it must be the punishment for mvo not spending his weekend with the family :P10:23
zygaogra_: and the solution is to not spend time with the family again to fix them :-(10:25
shuduozyga: pls let me know where i can download your ubuntu-image script. thanks.10:25
mvoogra_: snap list is empty right now too, the images boot though10:26
zygashuduo: github.com/zyga/devtools10:26
ogra_zyga, yeah, its a doom loop10:26
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zygaogra_: part of the solution is to snap doom so that we can get some R&R10:32
ogra_+1 !!10:33
shuduozyga, cool! :)10:37
shuduoogra_: that means all snapdragon family SoC be supported by a single kernel, right?10:38
shuduoogra_: i'm working on a board with APQ8074 but the kernel is 3.10. So if current kernel already support this chip, only adjustment could  be partition layout in gadget snap (if need). that will be awesome!10:39
popeyis SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH still correct or has its name changed recently?10:54
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popey(specifically - what's the environment variable which points to the writable area?11:14
popeyyes, thanks.11:16
Gunther_Is it possible that a daemon in a snap container is able to access /bin/systemctl to restart itself? (I am getting apparmor denied)11:17
kyrofaGood morning11:21
zygaGunther_: no11:26
_morphiszyga: one other thing I see is that installing a snap some times doesn't work after I had it already installed: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15911281/11:26
zygaGunther_: but you should be albe to send a signal to the daemon from using an app from the same snap11:26
zyga_morphis: looking11:27
popey$ sudo snap remove mame11:35
popeyerror: can't remove "mame": snap "mame" has changes in progress11:35
popeywhat does that mean?11:35
Gunther_zyga: thanks11:37
Gunther_zyga: I assumed I have to11:38
ogra_`popey, someone broke into your system and is secretly playing pacman ?11:38
* ogra_` has no clue :)11:38
dakerogra_`: i have snappy ubuntu core running on rpi2, how can i apt snapcraft 1.x ?11:38
ogra_`dayou can only use snapcraft 1.x in pre-xenial systems11:39
ogra_`but the 15.04 snappy did not have the classic shell ... so you would need a chroot11:39
popeyi can't add or remove anything11:39
ogra_`(or lxc container or so)11:39
zygapopey: it means that there are changes operating on that snap now, can you please pastebin "$ snap changes"11:40
popeyzyga: ^11:40
zygapopey: thanks, can you report a bug with this information11:40
popeysure, where?11:40
zygapopey: is that on 2.0?11:41
zygapopey: launchpad.net/snappy please11:41
dakerogra_: i didn't manage to run an armhf lxc container11:41
popeyup to date 16.0411:41
ogra_`daker, then grab a tarball from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/15.04/release/ ... scp it to your snappy ... unpack it in a dir, copy resov.conf in place and you can chroot into it11:42
ogra_`(or use the 15.10 tarball ... probably easier to get a newer snapcraft with that)11:43
zygapopey: can you try snap abort "snap abort" the changes related to those snaps?11:43
popeyzyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/157161411:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571614 in Snappy "Can't add or remove snaps 'snap "mame" has changes in progress'" [Undecided,New]11:43
popeyzyga: what change ID do I use?11:44
Gunther_What is the essential apparmor config needed for a custom kernel? I am getting ailed to load AppArmor policy for trionet-srv: exit status 1 :Cache read/write disabled: interface file missing. (Kernel needs AppArmor 2.4 compatibility patch.)11:50
ogra_`well, recent mainline should have all you need11:50
ogra_`for older kernels the security team has backported patches ... but only for a certain set11:51
ogra_`https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/AppArmorForPhabletKernels might help11:52
Gunther_ogra_`: thanks11:52
ogra_`(note that snappy needs at least 3.10 though ... forget about the 3.4 patches :) )11:52
Gunther_I am using the kernel sources from url = git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-xenial.git fetch = +refs/tags/Ubuntu-4.4.0-14.30:refs/tags/Ubuntu-4.4.0-14.3011:54
ogra_`that should have all patches11:54
ogra_`(read, your issue is most likely a config thing)11:55
Gunther_I just looking for the correct "essential" configuration :)11:55
zygapopey: thanks11:56
dakerogra_`: if i want to use my actual snappy installation(without touching anything), i just need to use snapcraft 2.x ?11:56
zygapopey: those of the changes related to the snap you were trying to install/remove11:56
ogra_`daker, on a 16.04 snappy image you call "sudo snap enable-classic", then you can "snap shell classic" to get into an apt ebaled environment11:57
popeyzyga: error: cannot abort change 3 with nothing pending11:58
popeyzyga: there's a bunch on Hold.11:58
dakerogra_`: when the 16.04 image is going to be available :) ?11:58
ogra_`the first alpha should be available soon11:59
ogra_`until then you need to use the inofficial ones11:59
dakerogra_`: where can i find one ?11:59
dakerof course you have one :D12:00
ogra_`and for pi3 http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/rpi3/12:00
dakerrpi2-all-snap.img.xz is the one i am looking for ?12:01
dakerok thanks! i'll test that12:01
zygaogra_`: oh, can I patch ubuntu-image for pi3?12:01
ogra_`zyga, well, the pi2 image should work as is atm .... if you build from the store12:02
zygaogra_`: ok12:02
zygaogra_`: I'll patch the script today12:02
ogra_`(i'll have to change that though, unless ppisati has found a fix for the uboot serial issue on the pi2 with that uboot binary)12:02
ogra_`i'll most likely introduce a canonical-pi3 gadget12:03
zygaogra_`: yep, that would be good12:04
zygaogra_`: even if the only different thing is a name12:04
ogra_`well, then we cant easily do a 64bit image12:04
ogra_`i would really like to have a generic pi image that works on both for 32bit12:05
netpheakOgra: When is an official RPI3 release expected?12:06
ogra_`netpheak, with the offical snappy 16.04 release12:07
netpheakok, thx ;)12:07
ogra_`in a month or two or so12:07
popeyzyga: is it easier to nuke everything and start again? If so, how do I nuke all of snap?12:08
zygapopey: yes; sudo servicectl stop snapd; sudo  umount /snap/*/*; sudo rm -rf /var/lib/snapd12:08
zygapopey: give that a try12:08
* zyga will add nuke-state to devtools12:09
mvozyga, ogra_`: fwiw, I pushed a new u-d-f12:11
ogra_`so the archive ?12:11
mvowhich brings back mounted snaps on boot12:11
mvoto my people page for now12:11
popeyzyga: ok12:11
mvoand I have a branch up for discussion to sync state on firstboot so snap list actually has something12:12
mvo*if* that branch is accepted we may have images tomorrow that are in much better shape than todays12:12
* mvo crosses fingers12:12
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zygamvo: thanks12:20
dakerogra_`: error: Unknown command `enable-classic'.12:22
ogra_`thats on a 16.04 image ?12:22
dakeryes Xenial12:22
ogra_`on your rpi ?12:22
ogra_`the images are old though ... try if the snappy command still exists thetre12:23
oparozdaker no dash12:24
oparozdaker, never mind12:25
Gunther_FYI allsnaps (amd64): snappy install custom_kernel.snap works (boots!) (Yeah)12:25
ogra_`congrats !12:26
Gunther_but snappy remove custom_kernel.snap leaves grub in a state trying to boot the custom kernel12:26
Gunther_it does not recover ...12:26
netpheakogra: where can i find the latest RPI3 image?12:38
zyga_morphis: FYI https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/103412:39
zyga_morphis: could you give that a practical spin?12:39
zyga_morphis: just git checkout that in your tree and use devtools as usual12:39
ogra_`netpheak, just build a pi2 image from the latest store snaps using u-d-f12:40
ogra_`the ony in my rpi3 dir is very outdated12:40
_morphiszyga: sure, thanks!12:40
ogra_`mvo, hmm, that new udf is very noisy12:42
Gunther_another one: I tried to add an udef rule to my kernel.snap (it is in the snap, I see the directory/file /etc/udev/rules.d/some.rule). But its not visible on the system the kernel.snap is installed then.12:45
Gunther_but rules.d seems to be a mount point12:45
ogra_`it would need to be defined in snappy12:45
ogra_`iirc it only mounts stuff to /lib/firmware|modules atm12:46
Gunther_ogra_`: ok. Currently I have just daemons (root) accessing the device. But I would like to give normal apps the access too12:48
Gunther_ogra_`:  I will put this on the wishlist12:48
ogra_`Gunther_, kernel and gadget snaps are effectively being re-designed from scratch the next weeks12:49
zygaGunther_: you'd have to make an interface for that12:50
zygaGunther_: I can guide you but I'm AFK for the next 30 min12:50
Gunther_zyga: thanks.12:50
ogra_`zyga, seriously ? for a kernel snap ?12:51
* Gunther_ has to get information about interfaces12:51
primobasilioHi guys. I'm using: $ snapcraft --version12:51
* ogra_` thinks that a bunch of dirs should simply be supported by default ... 12:51
primobasilioI can't use configFlags in the new version, right?12:51
ogra_`like udev/rules.d or the GL search path12:51
primobasilioIssue while loading plugin: [...] Additional properties are not allowed ('configFlags' was unexpected)12:52
primobasilioSo, please, how should I pass parameters to ./configure12:52
ogra_`(and /etc/modprobe.d ...)12:52
_morphiszyga: any idea about the reinstall problem already?12:54
popeyCan someone help me with an app I have snapped? lp:snappy-playpen -> mame/mamedeb . Once snapped and installed, if I try and run it, it just fails with a "not found" message, but I can run the exact same command (outside of apparmor/snap) fine. No apparmor denials. It's doing my head in.12:57
popeythis is the output when it's run via "mame.run":-12:57
popey /snap/mame/100001/bin/launcher: 16: exec: /snap/mame/100001/usr/games/mame -v -inipath /snap/mame/100001 : not found12:57
mariogripwhy cannot i run snappy apps on 16.04? i get "can not find a snappy os. errmsg: No such file or directory"12:57
popeymariogrip: sudo snap install ubuntu-core12:58
mvoogra_`: thanks, will fix in a sec12:58
mvoor two12:58
mariogrippopey: I tried, but i get "error: can't install "ubuntu-core": snap "ubuntu-core" has changes in progress"12:58
popeyah, i had the same12:58
ogra_`mbvbeyond that snap list and snap find seem to work fine on the dragonboard here12:58
popeymariogrip: bug 157161412:58
ubottubug 1571614 in Snappy "Can't add or remove snaps 'snap "mame" has changes in progress'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157161412:58
popeyI had to nuke the entire world12:58
ogra_`mvo, what hap0pened to "enable-classic" though ?12:59
popeyso I'd say you've reproduced that bug, could you please mark it so. zyga ^12:59
zyga_morphis: no, not yet12:59
ogra_`mvo, was the option dropped ? that will make itr very hard to get the arm64 bug fixed before 16.04 release12:59
_morphiszyga: ok13:00
mariogrippopey: is there a workaround?13:00
popeymariogrip: nuke from orbit.13:00
popeymariogrip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15911812/13:00
zygapopey: reproduce this bug?13:00
mariogripis there some logs that will help debug that I can collect before nuking?13:01
popeyzyga: mariogrip has the same issue I had.. snap "ubuntu-core" has changes in progress13:01
zygaah, ok13:02
zygamarcoceppi: can you add the same info to the bug please13:02
zygamarcoceppi: snap changes (pastebin that)13:02
mariogripzyga: was that for me?13:03
zygamariogrip: ys, sorry13:03
* zyga hates tab-complete in polair13:03
zygamarcoceppi: (sorry)13:03
ogra_`xchat has fixes for that ;)13:04
ogra_`(moves the person you last talked to to the top of the tab completion list)13:04
mariogripzyga: done :)13:06
davmor2ogra_`: s/xchat/hexchat :P13:07
zygamariogrip: thank you13:08
zygamariogrip: I'll check it out after our standup13:08
ogra_`davmor2, depends what you use ... xenial isnt released yet ;)13:09
zygapopey: did you reslve your problem with mame?13:14
popeyzyga: no13:14
zygapopey: what's the current state?13:14
zygapopey: (as in where are you, what works, what doens't)13:14
popeysee 57 mins past13:14
mariogrippopey: I how do i remove /snap? it's read only13:15
popeymariogrip: sudo ? :)13:15
zygamariogrip: on a device you don't have to13:15
mariogrippopey: tried13:15
zygamariogrip: just umount all the stuff inside and rm -rf all the dirs13:15
mariogripzyga: how do i unmount a sideloaded snap?13:16
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zygamariogrip: just unmount the squasfs13:16
zygamariogrip: sudo umount /snap/*/*13:16
popeyyeah, mount | grep snap13:16
popeyand unmount all those things13:17
zygamariogrip: try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/15911812/13:17
zygaI'll improve that and add it to devtools13:17
mariogripzyga: it worked thanks13:18
dpmso the recent change from /snaps to /snap on the desktop seems to have broken previously installed apps. I reinstalled ubuntu-core and ubuntu-clock-app, but now on launching it, I get:13:18
dpm$ ubuntu-clock-app.clock13:18
dpmappname ubuntu-clock-app.clock not allowed13:18
mariogripzyga: btw, umount /var/lib/snapd/snaps/* || true does not works for sideloaded snaps13:18
dpmany ideas how to fix it? I think somehow the launcher is still seeing the old clock app in /snaps13:18
zygamariogrip: ah, thanks13:18
zygamariogrip: where are they located?13:18
dpmwhich incidentally I don't know how to uninstall13:19
popeydpm: maybe look in /snap/bin ?13:19
mariogripzyga: I have no idea13:19
zygadpm: nuke your state13:19
zygadpm: and reinstall13:19
popeyyeah, seems the message of today is "Nuke from orbit"13:19
zygawith the orbital ion canoon13:19
dpmzyga, what can I nuke the state?13:19
dpmargh, can't type13:19
zygadpm: give me a moment, I'm writing a script for that13:19
dpm*how, I meant13:20
dpmok, thanks zyga13:20
dholbachsudo umount /var/lib/snappy/snaps/*13:20
dholbachsudo rm /etc/systemd/system/snaps-*.mount13:20
dholbachrm -r ~/snaps13:20
dholbachbut there might be more involved than that13:20
dholbachit's what I noted down at some stage13:20
mariogripzyga popey damn, still "error: can't install "ubuntu-core": snap "ubuntu-core" has changes in progress13:20
mariogrip" after the nuke13:20
zygamariogrip: systemctl stop snapd;13:21
zygamariogrip: rm -rf /var/lib/snapd/state.json13:21
zygathat will erase all state13:21
dpmthanks dholbach. I guess the snaps PATH should be updated too?13:21
ogra_`ppisati, hmm, did you test the latest raspi2 kernel with the pi3 ? seems i cant get mine to boot anymore13:21
zygadpm: they are on the desktop13:21
dholbachdpm, where?13:21
=== ogra_` is now known as ogra_
dholbachdpm, you might have to rebuild/reinstall the snap, and after installing the new snapd/u-core-launcher/etc probably reboot13:22
mariogripzyga: thanks, it works now13:22
* zyga is lost with various support requests13:22
zygait would be great if each person having an issue mentioned if they are on the desktop or a pure-snap image13:23
zyga_morphis: can you report the bug you had with sideloading please?13:24
_morphiszyga: sure13:25
zyga_morphis: I'm afraid most people will just crash quickly today and take some time off13:25
zyga_morphis: but I don't want to lose track of this13:25
_morphiszyga: sure13:26
mhall119how can I edit my snap app's files in place? they're all readonly even for sudo13:26
mariogripmhall119: remount -o rw,remount /snap/*/* test if that works13:27
zygamhall119: you cannot13:27
zygamhall119: those are on a squashfs13:27
mariogripnot remount use mount13:27
_morphiszyga: btw. on other thing I noticed with your dev-tools is that copying snap to $HOME breaks snapd or any snap from creating $HOME/snap as directory which is now where $SNAP_USER_DATA is13:28
_morphiszyga: can propose a PR to fix that but wasn't sure where to put the new snap binary then13:29
zyga_morphis: ahh, yes13:29
zyga_morphis: I'll fix that, I saw it too13:29
zyga_morphis: I just forgot about it13:29
zyga_morphis: maybe devtools.$113:29
_morphiszyga: named it snap-1 for me13:29
zyga_morphis: e.g. devtools.snap devtools.snapd13:29
_morphissounds good!13:29
zygawould be a clear indication of someone uses that when hacking and reports problems13:30
zyga_morphis: I'll patch devtools for better desktop support13:30
zyga_morphis: thanks for looking into this13:30
_morphiszyga: np13:30
mhall119mariogrip: didn't work13:32
mhall119zyga: if I can't make them rw, what's the easiest way to debug a failing python app launch?13:33
zygajdstrand: we should plan some work for the support tool for snap developers that adds advice ofr particular interfaces13:33
zygamhall119: you cannot because squashfs is inherently read only13:33
zygamhall119: what do you see?13:33
zygamhall119: I'd suggest adding a shell app13:33
zygamhall119: (like in hello-world)13:34
zygamhall119: that will let you inspct the state and play around more easily13:34
mhall119zyga: there are multiple wrapping shell scripts already13:34
zygajdstrand: (I'm sorry I forgot the name)13:34
zygamhall119: I mean an interactive one13:34
zygajdstrand: and add REST API that gives snippets and lists interfaces13:34
mhall119yeah, I'll inject a pdb call13:34
zygamhall119: that's useful too :)13:35
zygamhall119: one more thing13:35
zygamhall119: snap install --devmode13:35
zygamhall119: you can use that to install your snap with non-enforcing confinement13:35
mhall119it's still using unconfined in snapcraft.yaml13:36
zygamhall119: that's useless13:36
zygamhall119: it doesn't do anything13:37
zygamhall119: can you pastebin your snapcraft.yaml13:37
oparozzyga, unknown flag `devmode' Is that on edge only?13:37
* zyga feels he should blog about interfaces13:37
zygaoparoz: that's in 2.013:37
zygaoparoz: (images are somewhat broken today)13:37
zygaoparoz: we're fixing that to make building new images possible13:37
oparozThanks zyga13:37
mhall119zyga: well it builds a snap I can sideload, my problem right now is that setuptools and pkg_resources can't find the script to launch my app13:38
mhall119zyga: but http://paste.ubuntu.com/15913016/ if you want to look at it13:38
zygamhall119: can you please pastebin some output?13:39
zygamhall119: drop the no-security plug13:40
zygamhall119: add unity7 plug13:40
zygamhall119: debug snapcraft issues with sergio13:40
zygamhall119: I can help with runtime13:40
dakerogra_: the snappy command is still in the image13:41
zygamhall119: you can use setup/ to create a desktop file and icon13:41
ogra_daker, then there might also still be the "enable-classic" option to it13:41
zygadaker: images are somewhat broken, not based on snappy 2.013:41
dakerogra_: yes snappy enable-classic it working now13:41
* zyga stops saying that over13:41
ogra_good ... better dont upgrade then :)13:42
ogra_zyga, he is not using a 2.0 image13:42
dakerzyga: no problem, i just want to produce an armhf snap for snapcraft 1.x13:42
ogra_good enough to get a classic shell13:42
_morphiszyga, jdstrand: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/103613:43
mhall119zyga: I don't think these are snapcraft issues specifically13:44
zygamhall119: can you be more specific please? can you pastebin the error you're seeing?13:44
sergiusenshey, just finally reconfigured my `shout` snap13:44
mhall119I think it's a python2/setuptools issue13:44
sergiusenswhat errors are you mhall119 and zyga talking about?13:45
zygamhall119: I can help with that as well13:45
sergiusenscarry on13:45
zyga_morphis: nice!13:45
zygasergiusens: no no, you can take over13:45
zygaI should do this "sleep" thing that people say is good for your health13:45
mhall119zyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15913119/13:45
mhall119sergiusens: ^^13:45
sergiusenszyga no, I'm preparing a final snapcraft release13:45
sergiusensno can do13:46
_morphiszyga, jdstrand: policy wise there is still room for improvements and I am not sure if I did everything the right way13:46
zygamhall119: can you share the setup.py file?13:46
zyga_morphis: I'll check it out, thanks, nice work :)13:46
_morphiszyga: thanks :-)13:47
_morphiszyga: and I must say, it didn't took me as long as I suspected13:47
mhall119zyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15913162/13:47
=== plars_ is now known as plars
mhall119zyga: I just pushed my local bzr changes to lp:~mhall119/hello-unity/snap13:48
zygamhall119: can you psatebin the content of the squashfs file13:49
ogra_beuno, or mvo, can one of you approve https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4870/rev/1/ ?13:49
mhall119zyga: the what now?13:49
mhall119my .snap is 101MB13:49
zygamhall119: just wait one sec, branching13:49
mhall119zyga: my snapcraft project files are all in lp:snappy-playpen too13:50
dakerogra_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15913217/13:51
ogra_daker, snappy shell classic13:51
dakerogra_: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified13:52
dakerwhen running sudo apt-get install snapcraft13:52
ogra_bug 156436913:53
ubottubug 1564369 in Snappy "sudo broken in latest classic" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156436913:53
ogra_(has a workaround)13:53
beunochecksums do not match. Please ensure the snap is created with either 'snapcraft snap <DIR>' or 'mksquashfs <dir> <snap> -noappend -comp xz -all-root -no-xattrs' security-snap-v2_squashfs_repack_checksum13:53
beunoogra_, I'd double check that one13:53
ogra_beuno, oh, come on13:53
beunoogra_, I don't make the rules!13:53
ogra_()it is the same script i use for all gadgets )13:53
* ogra_ re-works 13:54
ogra_beuno, i dont need to bump the version anymore, right ?13:55
beunoogra_, correct13:55
ogra_beuno, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4870/rev/2/ now ...13:57
beunoogra_, approved13:59
popeyzyga: when you're free, if you have any ideas about my mame issue I'd appreciate a look, thanks.14:02
zygapopey: still checking the problem for mhall11914:03
popeydamn you mhall119 for jumping the queue!14:03
ogra_popey, calm down ... he's not british14:04
mhall119USA! USA! USA!14:04
popeyOh I'm calm. tutting under my breath as I drink tea14:04
mhall119that's british rage right there14:05
ogra_because the words "tutting" and "tea" are in the same sentence ?14:06
mhall119it's basically what cursing and whiskey is in the USA14:07
mhall119popey: lol14:07
jdstrandzyga (fyi, mvo): bug #157167514:10
ubottubug 1571675 in snapd (Ubuntu) "network-bind not autoconnecting the security policy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157167514:11
jdstrandmvo: is 'snap list' supposed to not show the os and gadget snaps any more?14:12
jdstrandmvo: is it no longer possible to see if there is a newer snap available? to run the equivalent of 'snappy update'?14:13
zygajdstrand: replied14:14
* zyga is hammering his cpu with mksquashfs14:14
zygajdstrand: it shows all snaps14:14
zygajdstrand: snap refresh (except store bugs)14:14
mvojdstrand: devices are all broken currently14:14
jdstrandzyga: snap list does not show the os snap14:14
zygajdstrand: then it is not installed14:14
mvojdstrand: and snap refresh is not working the same way it was before14:14
jdstrandzyga: it has to be14:14
zygajdstrand: images are broken14:14
mvojdstrand: sorry, those will be fixed soon14:14
jdstrandI used udf and booted it :)14:14
mvojdstrand: images also have branches up14:14
mvojdstrand: yeah, it boots that is about it ;)14:15
jdstrandI see14:15
jdstrandis there a bug for that?14:15
zygajdstrand: not sure14:15
mvojdstrand: hopefully (once my branch gets reviewed) it will be good again14:15
jdstrandI'd like to follow it so I don't bother you guys14:15
mvojdstrand: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/1033 this is the best bet right nw14:15
jdstrandmvo: curious, is the equivalent of 'snappy service' coming back or is it dead?14:16
mvojdstrand: I am not sure, I personally really want it back as its so much nicer than systemctl, but it was not discussed in a wider group yet14:16
ogra_sprint topic ;)14:16
jdstrandmvo: I was thinking exactly the same thing14:16
jdstrandsystemctl is quite low level14:17
zygamhall119: that's a snapcraft bug14:17
zygamhall119, sergiusens: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15913598/14:17
zygathat's the content of the script in the snap14:18
zyganote the shebangline #!/tmp/foo/parts/hello-unity/install/usr/bin/python214:18
zygamhall119: I'll stop working on this now14:18
zygamhall119: please report this to sergiusens14:18
zygaI can share the small modifications I made to make this easier to work with14:18
dakerogra_: from time to time it seems to me that i lost the ssh session14:20
dakerthe console doesn't seems to responds or it takes seconds for the characters to appear14:21
dakermaybe a network lag ?14:21
ogra_sunds like a network issue14:21
dakerok, just want to confirm it's not an issue with in ubuntu core14:24
ogra_i dont see it here14:24
zygapopey: re14:25
mhall119zyga: I don't think the hashbang line is being used14:27
mhall119zyga: /snap/hello-unity/current/bin/hello-unity calls `usr/bin/python $SNAP/usr/bin/hello-unity` so it's using the the python executable from /snap/hello-unity/current/usr/bin/python14:29
mhall119the shebang is still wrong, but it's not the cause of my problems14:30
zygamhall119: ah, I didn't use the wrapper script, just the tree and the snapcraft file you've pasted14:30
mhall119the cause is somewhere in pkg_resources, the right version of that is being called, but it's not finding the script14:31
sergiusensmhall119 zyga setup_tools replaces it; we make it proper in the wrapper script but it has to be declared in `apps`14:33
sergiusenswith a `command`14:33
mhall119sergiusens: are you talking about the shebang?14:49
mhall119I still don't think that's my problem, unless that will cause pkg_resources.call_script to ignore it14:50
sergiusenszyga that shebang modification is hard coded into python core libs14:50
zygasergiusens: I see14:51
zygasergiusens: does that happen with entry points as well?14:51
sergiusenszyga entry points if not part of `apps/<app>/commands` will not work14:52
zygasergiusens: right, I always assume there's an app entry14:52
sergiusenszyga blame crappy python's lack of easy distribution14:52
ysionneausergiusens: hi! sorry to insist about this topic but do you have any idea about my image generation issue (the mailing list thread)? Do you need more information from me?14:53
sergiusensysionneau which one was it?14:55
sergiusensysionneau it might be many things, as many thing changed this past week; mvo iirc put up a new u-d-f even14:55
ysionneauI'll try with the new one then!14:56
ysionneausergiusens: it was this thread https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2016-March/001668.html14:56
mvoysionneau: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/1033 needs to land before images work again14:57
ysionneauok I guess this is "another" issue, since I already had issues even before the 2.0 was out15:00
ogra_there are plenty of issues15:01
sborovkovHi. I built snappy for RPI with latest kernel/os snap. It does not load - on RPI 3 it shows gradient on whole screen and nothing else happens. On Rpi 2 it prints some progress until message with `Starting kernel...` - and stops at that. Any ideas what could be wrong?15:13
ogra_sborovkov, hmm, i just built an image, works fine15:14
sergiusensysionneau well I never saw that reply :-)15:14
ogra_sborovkov, using:  sudo ./ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --os ubuntu-core --kernel canonical-pi2-linux --gadget canonical-pi2 -o test.img15:15
sergiusensysionneau but as ogra_ pointed out; there is some cleanup that needs to happen15:15
ogra_or sudo ./ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --os ubuntu-core --kernel canonical-pi2-linux --gadget canonical-pi3 -o pi3-test.img15:15
ogra_sborovkov, both with the latest ubuntu-device-flash from http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/15:16
sborovkovogra_: hmm, may be I have something outdated in my files. I will try that, thanks.15:20
primobasilioAnyone can point me out a good source of documentation on how should I use --target-arch for autotools. At least, I would like to use i386 and AMD64.15:21
ogra_sborovkov, note that the pi2 has some issues with the serial console currently ... (working on that this week)15:21
ogra_you might not get a login prompt on serial, even though the device boots fine15:22
sborovkovogra_: is gadget snap for rpi3 not compatible with rpi2? I remember loading with gadget snap for rpi2 on rpi3 like a week ago15:30
ogra_sborovkov, until end of this week it will be ... i'm just changing that because we cant make the serial consiole work on the pi2 with the uboot that would support both15:31
sborovkovGot it, thanks15:32
dakerogra_: \o/ : Snapped micropython_1.7.1_armhf.snap15:32
ogra_yay !15:32
dakeri still need to figure out ssh session freeze15:33
dakeri suspect the sdcard becomes slow15:33
mariogripI have added the mount_observe interface, but apparmor still denied r to /proc/9955/mount15:49
dakerogra_: got some wired stuff here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15915224/ :D15:55
ogra_daker, you probably want to ship your own libc and libm then15:56
ogra_seems it tries to use the system libm there15:56
mhall119sergiusens: so either pkg_resources is looking in the wrong place, or setuptools is installing things into the wrong place15:58
mhall119sergiusens: pkg_resourcs is looking for /snap/hello-unity/100001/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hello_unity-0.4.egg-info/scripts/hello-unity15:59
mhall119but setuptools puts it in /snap/hello-unity/100001/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/hello_unity-0.4-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/hello-unity15:59
dakerogra_: :/16:00
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mariogripI see why, pid 9955 is python2 but the apps pid id 9954. then how do i set mount_observe for python2?16:02
mhall119sergiusens: even after fixing that, it doesn't look like the python GObject Introspection stuff is there16:03
* mhall119 tries adding python-gi to snapcraft.yaml16:09
ysionneauok thanks ogra_ and sergiusens16:12
ysionneauanother question, is it possible when writing a snap containing a service : to provide the systemd unit file16:13
ysionneauto provide the activation socket for instance16:13
* kyrofa snags ogra_'s hug from the backscroll16:14
kyrofaogra_, I take it the bug was fixed?16:14
ogra_s390x builds fine at least :)16:14
kyrofaogra_, good to hear! :)16:15
mhall119`snap install <local.snap>` spit out:16:15
mhall119error: change finished in status "Hold" with no error message16:15
ysionneauah I see there is a "socket" keyword16:17
mhall119and `snap remove <package>` now gives me:16:17
mhall119error: can't remove "hello-unity": snap "hello-unity" has changes in progress16:17
jdstrandmariogrip: you don't have to worry about the particular pid. mount_observe is not 'autoconnected' so you'll need to manually connect after install16:18
jdstrandzyga would be the person to ask about manual connecting. It wasn't working as of friday (for me), but several updates came in over the weekend16:18
jdstrandthat said, all connecting may be broken due to bug #157167516:19
ubottubug 1571675 in snapd (Ubuntu) "not autoconnecting the security policy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157167516:19
jdstrand(and that is being worked on AIUI)16:19
mariogripjdstrand: yeah, but I have a python2 app, but apparmor denies python to access /proc/*/mounts16:26
mariogripjdstrand: python2 has a different pid then my main app,16:27
jdstrandmariogrip: I understand. the mount_observe has something like this: '/proc/*/mounts r,' so the actual pid doesn't matter. the problem is that the rule I just mentioned isn't added to your policy16:30
jdstrandso you have to manually connect it16:31
mariogripjdstrand: in https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/blob/master/interfaces/builtin/mount_observe.go it says  @{PROC}/@{pid}/mounts r16:32
jdstrand@{pid} turns into '{[1-9],[1-9][0-9],[1-9][0-9][0-9],[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9],[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]}'16:32
nothaljdstrand: No such command!16:32
jdstrandwhich is similar to a glob16:33
jdstrandpoint is, you don't have to worry about the pid number16:33
mariogripah, ok16:33
roadmrjdstrand, beuno : click-reviewers-tools r630 is now live on myapps17:21
roadmrbeuno: I also fixed that "Is a valid click package" thing, that's also up now17:21
* beuno hugs roadmr 17:32
wililupy_Question: I updated my xenail build machine today, and it removed ubuntu-snappy so I don't have the snappy command anymore, is this in a different package now? apt-cache says snappy is in the snappy package, but that is not the correct snappy for building snaps :)17:42
=== wililupy_ is now known as wililupy
ogra_wililupy, the command was renamed to snap ... the package is snapd iirc17:44
ogra_(but that is for executing snaps ... for bulding snaps you use snapcraft ;) )17:45
kyrofawililupy, were you using `snappy build`?17:46
jcastroerror: can't remove "shout": snap "shout" has changes in progress17:47
jcastrohow do I resolve these kind of errors?17:47
jcastroI think my snappy is in some kind of weird state17:47
wililupyogra_ yes17:47
wililupyogra_ My script for building a snap was fakeroot snappy build --squashfs unpack-kernel so that I could install custom modules for my kernel snap.17:49
ogra_snappy buuld is deprecated17:49
ogra_use snapcraft snap17:50
kyrofawililupy, indeed, what ogra_ said. You can use snapcraft to build the entire thing, or you can just use `snapcraft snap <directory>` the way you're using `snappy build` now17:53
wililupykyrofa: I'll try that. I have my kernel dirctory all open and I have my modules put in place, I'll try to snapcraft snap 4.4.0-18-im and see what happens :)17:55
kyrofawililupy, should work as long as your meta/ directory is good17:56
kyrofawililupy, I do suggest you investigate building your kernel with snapcraft when you're able17:56
kyrofawililupy, might simplify your workflow17:56
netpheakTried installing the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/daily/current/ubuntu-snappy-armhf+rpi2.img.xz image on my RPI3, but all i get is a a block of rainbow colors on the screen.18:00
wililupykyrofa, ogra_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15918217/18:01
kyrofawililupy, ah, this is ollld18:01
kyrofawililupy, 15.04 must be your target?18:01
wililupyno, 16.0418:02
geniiThe pi3 has an A5318:02
kyrofawililupy, then yeah, you're a bit out of date. This has since moved to snap.yaml, and the syntax has changed18:02
kyrofawililupy, I do strongly suggest you begin using snapcraft then18:02
kyrofawililupy, something like this: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/master/examples/96boards-kernel/snapcraft.yaml18:04
geniinetpheak: Have you tried http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-snappy/daily/current/ubuntu-snappy-amd64.img.xz instead?18:05
geniiSorry, wrong one18:05
geniiThe arm6418:05
wililupykyroga, I have tried that one, but it doesn't run depmod on my custom modules so when the system starts up, I have to insmod them everytime...18:05
netpheakHmm.. didn't know the PI3 already had 64 bit support?18:06
netpheakI think the 64bit one is for the dragonboard18:07
kyrofawililupy, ah, okay. Might be a bug in the kernel plugin?18:09
kyrofawililupy, you can get around it by making a custom kernel plugin for your local snap, or do what you're doing now, and learning the new snappy 16 syntax18:10
wililupykyrofa, not sure. I tried to build the modules from source using snapcraft and then using the kernel plugin to build and install the new kernel, but it would build against the kernel headers on my system and not the ones I wanted to use in Snappy. So I decided to precombile them and use the copy plugin to put them in the lib/modules/* directories I needed, but it doesn't run depmod so I have to insmod after a reboot.18:11
wililupykyrofa, what I could do is create a script that will run when I start my application snap to run insmod to make sure that the modules are loaded before starting. Can be a work around until I can figure out how to build and install the customer modules using snapcraft.18:12
kyrofawililupy, you'll probably run into confinement issues with that, though I suspect you're running unconfined?18:13
wililupykyrofa, yes.18:16
kyrofawililupy, so I imagine your ideal workflow would be to have a kernel part, and a modules part that runs after the kernel part using that kernel's headers, and then it would be smart enough to call depmod. Would you agree with that (I know it doesn't work that way right now)?18:18
wililupykyrofa: yes. Or, just be able to make a kernel snap from .deb :)18:19
wililupykyrofa: I can compile and build everything fine, and then create a deb with all of this done already. If I could just create a kernel snap from my deb package, that would be much easier. I have a "feature request" bug in lp for this :)18:20
ogra_netpheak, grab ubuntu-device-flash from http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/18:21
ogra_netpheak,  sudo ./ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --os ubuntu-core --kernel canonical-pi2-linux --gadget canonical-pi3 -o pi3-test.img18:21
wililupylp: 156505818:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1565058 in snapcraft (Ubuntu) "add .deb kernel's to the kernel plugin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156505818:21
ogra_(and make sure to have a network cable attached when booting, there seems to be some bug with the NIC when not)18:22
netpheakogra_: where do the kernel, gadget etc come from?18:23
ogra_the store18:23
wililupykyrofa: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1591849218:25
kyrofawililupy, your kernel source is '.'. I remember talking about the possibility of placing your modules within the kernel source itself-- did you ever try that?18:26
wililupykyrofa, I did, and it failed to build. I tried puting them in staging and modifying the Kconfig, but becuase some modules have the same name, it failed to build.18:28
wililupykyrofa, I tried two different ways. I like tha idea of a kernel snap, and then a module snap. I wonder how hard it would be to create a modifed kernel plugin. I am looking at /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/snapcraft/plugins/kernel.py and kbuild.py right now.18:33
netpheakIs there any way to setup an image, to enable drive encryption?18:46
netpheakogra_: how do i enable classic mode?19:04
netpheaksnappy enable-classic does not work19:04
kgunnsergiusens: hey what was the snap tool arg was it "--devmode"?19:42
kgunne.g. snap install --devmode *.snap?19:43
kgunnto ignore interfaces for a moment19:43
kgunnjdstrand: ^ ?19:45
jdstrand--dev-mode is what was typed into the chat19:45
jdstrandI haven't tried it yet19:45
jdstrandsnap install --help19:46
jdstrandit says '--devmode'19:46
kgunnjdstrand: also, is the ubuntu-core  different than if i stitch an image with u-d-f?19:48
kgunnsnap install --help doesn't say anything there...19:48
kgunnSDoC is ahead of devices?19:48
jdstrandkgunn: udf will pull from the store by default. If you grabs snaps from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily-preinstalled/current/ they will be newer most of the time19:50
jdstrandI don't know if there are up-to-date downloadable images available yet19:50
jdstrandI think they are being worked on? ogra_ would know best I think19:50
kgunnjdstrand: but i'm just talking about the snap cli19:52
kgunni just built an ubuntu-core-image from moments ago19:53
kgunnwould think it's basically what's in archive19:53
kgunnbut maybe not...i suppose the snaps there take a bit to update19:53
kgunni see...19:53
kgunnwhat you mena19:53
jdstrandfyi, I'm stepping into a meeting and may be unresponsive for a bit19:56
almejohi! I have a question about snappy for desktop. I now I can create snap packages in 16.04. But how can i test them. Should i upload to the store? or can i install it with the command line20:11
primobasilioalmejo: you can install them using the command line. Even inside a clean Ubuntu Core kvm image.20:12
ogra_kgunn, jdstrand, to get the very latest you wuld have to use the cdimage snaps ... they are not auto-submitted to the store yet20:24
ogra_so there is delay until someone manually uploads them20:25
dakerogra_: so, if i want to snap package libc & libm, how can i automagically do that ?20:29
ogra_i'd use the copy plugin20:29
ogra_put them into stage-packages and copy them into your snap dir20:30
dakerogra_: any example to do that ?20:30
dakeror i just need to check the snapcraft examples20:31
ogra_no up to date one in my packages atm20:31
ogra_so yeah, the examples are probably best20:31
dakerok i'll check them20:31
dakerogra_: if i understand correctly, i need to the .so from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ to the snap dir20:55
dakerto copy*20:55
dakerbut how can i tell the snap to take account of the new libm/libc and not the system ones20:57
* daker is confused21:02
jdstrandogasawara: right-- how often are they generated?21:05
jdstrandogasawara: nm21:06
jdstrandogra_: ^21:06
skypceca i install snappy package in ubuntu 16.04 beta 1?21:13
skypcehow can i do  it?*21:13
skypcei want test it21:13
ogra_jdstrand, daily21:46
ogra_like isos :)21:46
jdstrandright, that is what I though. thanks! :)21:50
roadmrAre https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/ going to be updated? If not, where to get a suitably up-to-date image?22:09
ogra_best is to build your own using the ubuntu-device-flash from there22:09
roadmrthanks ogra_! will do22:10
ogra_udo ./ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --os ubuntu-core --kernel canonical-pc-linux --gadget canonical-pc -o my-shiny-snappy.img22:10
ogra_something like that22:10
roadmrawesome :) (sudo)22:11
dakerogra_: almost there :D22:33
wililupyOk, so I downloaded 4.4.0-18-generic source using apt-get source linux-image-4.4.0-18-generic, it installed in the linux-4.4.0 directory in my home directory. I build the snap with snapcraft snap, it builds, but for some reason, it builds /lib/modules/4.4.6? Am I missing something from my snapcraft.yaml or should I modify the source image name?22:43
wililupyAlso, uname -r in snappy says 4.4.622:44
=== devil is now known as Guest42738
MichaelTunnellwill Snappy work with GNOME Software in 16.04?23:15
MichaelTunnellI know that it could in the future because of the plugin structure of the app but just curious if that will be included23:15
=== sergiusens65 is now known as sergiusens
sergiusensok, I am now finally on irc after a `snap install shout` on Digital Ocean :-)23:24
sergiusensoh and with letsencrypt23:25
MichaelTunnellwhats shout23:27
sergiusensMichaelTunnell http://shout-irc.com/23:35
MichaelTunnelldang, no dark mode puts me out instantly23:38
MichaelTunnellI could make one sure but meh23:38
sergiusensMichaelTunnell there are dark themes fwiw23:39
sergiusensjdstrand can you help me out with http://paste.ubuntu.com/15922408/23:40
sergiusensplease ? :-)23:40

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