
tsimonq2pleia2: and if I do end up releasing by myself, is there an editor I can consult to ensure it's high-quality?00:03
pleia2tsimonq2: the problem is right now is that I'm the only editor, and since you're writing a lot of the summaries I'd rather keep those roles at least somewhat separate01:40
pleia2tsimonq2: so I think it makes sense for us to continue releasing together so I can do a final once through01:40
pleia2still no summaries :(01:41
pleia2tsimonq2: are you going to have any time this evening to work on this?01:41
pleia2working on planet now01:42
pleia2and now general news01:48
tsimonq2pleia2: accidentally kept important things mounted when I removed a directory containing a bootstrap, so I intended to but was recovering :(01:57
tsimonq2actually working on it now01:57
tsimonq2although it won't show my name it's me, not logged in with Google right now01:58
pleia2bullet-pointed blogosphere, just need press and audio&video one02:06
tsimonq2working :)02:06
pleia2thanks, adding stats now02:07
tsimonq2heheheh Bryan Lunduke interviews Mark Shuttleworth02:11
tsimonq2this is gonna get interesting XD02:12
tsimonq2 \o/ off of chromebook, onto Lubuntu live USB, gonna log into Google and continue to work while debootstrap runs02:13
pleia2ok, stats are done, I have dinner reservations so I need to run out02:13
pleia2I'll move the rest of the summaries over when I return, and send off to editors02:13
tsimonq2pleia2: I'll finish them up :)02:15
tsimonq2have fun pleia2 ")02:15
pleia2thanks :)02:16
tsimonq2pleia2: should be all good, look at some comments but otherwise good to go02:55
pleia2tsimonq2: so the kubuntu podcast blog post has some info in it, I'd just summarize that04:17
pleia2tsimonq2: for uk podcast, I usually take from the bullet-point list and chop out a few things if it gets too wordy/linky04:18
pleia2tsimonq2: actually, just checked the date on kubuntu - november! oops :)04:21
pleia2I thought it was strange that ahoneybun didn't tell us about it, he usually does04:22
tsimonq2little late for me to finish them up, sorry04:22
tsimonq2in bed :P04:22
tsimonq2I did get a few done though04:23
pleia2thanks for working on these04:25
pleia2expanding a few of them before I move them over04:25
pleia2have a good night :)04:26
tsimonq2you too :)04:27
tsimonq2normal time tomorrow for release?04:28
tsimonq2pleia2: ^04:28
pleia2tsimonq2: I have a meeting at 3:30 pacific outside of my home, so I may be slightly later than normal (normal is 5 pacific)04:30
tsimonq2alright, I'll keep that in mind04:31
tsimonq2thanks and night :)04:31
pleia2Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue46204:32
Unit193http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-my/3355-ubuntu-16.04-release-party-with- ~ http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/3361-kw-ubuntu-16.04-xenial-xerus-release-party/ ~ http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-mi/3354-ubuntu-michigan-16.04-release-party/04:33
pleia2Unit193: all broken?04:34
Unit193Whoop, missed http://marcoceppi.com/2016/04/charm-2-point-oh/rsions too.04:34
Unit193pleia2: Yep.04:34
pleia2fun times04:34
Unit193I didn't break 'em! :304:34
pleia2oh that last one was just some bad copy-paste from me04:36
pleia2I think they'er all fixed, try again?04:37
Unit193Looked cached, niice.  No FPs even!  Wow.04:41
Unit193Good to go, that is.04:42
ahoneybunpleia2, about what?10:39
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pleia2ahoneybun: kubuntu podcast #6 ended up on planet again, even though it's from november ;)16:31
tsimonq2pleia2: you around?23:51
tsimonq2pleia2: oh that's right, you have a meeting, let me know :)23:52

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