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echosystmis there any way to run NFS on a port other than 2049?02:12
echosystmi can't find anything on google02:12
patdk-lapsure, you can specify any port you want02:19
patdk-lapbut the problem isn't really nfs, but all the other rpc stuff too02:19
patdk-laplet alone portmapper02:19
patdk-lapalso try, man rpc.nfsd02:26
patdk-lapthen assign said options to RPCNFSDOPTS= in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server02:27
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coreycbjamespage, ddellav or I will take a look at bug 156897111:48
ubottubug 1568971 in horizon (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Mitaka package fails to upgrade with SyntaxError: Undefined variable: '$helpPanelWidthDefault'." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156897111:48
jamespagegnuoy, ^^11:50
gnuoyjamespage, ta11:51
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devster31I know it seems a stupid question, but how do I know what components are available for a given repository? for example, I have http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty universe , I can guess the trusty main and trusty contrib but what other are available?12:24
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jamespagecoreycb, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-global-requirements12:45
jamespagea session we should make sure gets attended...12:45
jamespagehas some fairly serious implications...12:45
patdk-wk_is it not possible to run xenial in lxc yet? due to systemd/cgroup issue?12:46
coreycbjamespage, oh that would be a nightmare, per project version requirements?12:46
jamespagepatdk-wk_, certainly is on xenial - not sure on releases before then12:47
patdk-wk_running fully uptodate xenial with xenial inside an lxc12:47
coreycbjamespage, I'll add that to my agenda, which I should put together :)12:47
patdk-wk_init starts, but systemd fails, and so nothing else starts12:47
jamespagepatdk-wk_, not sure  - I'd go ask in #lxcontainers12:50
patdk-wk_I should look into it some more I guess and attempt a bug report12:50
patdk-wk_looks the same, but it might not be, bug #134702012:50
ubottubug 1347020 in lxc (Ubuntu) "systemd does not boot in a container" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134702012:50
jrwrendevster31: I don't really understand your question. Do you want to know which repos are enabled on a server? look at /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:55
zuljamespage: thats going back to the dark ages12:57
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DirtyCajunanyone know why server buntu doesnt allow for pre-release upgrades?14:36
ogra_what do you mean by pre-release upgrades14:37
patdk-wk_doesn't allow?14:38
patdk-wk_it would be kindof difficult to upgrade to 16.10 though, at the moment14:38
tewardUnless his questio nis "How do I go from 15.10 to 16.04 before it's released"?14:40
patdk-wk_but that is doable, or no one would be able to *test* 16.0414:40
patdk-wk_or I have been doing it wrong for years14:40
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FFForeverHey hey. Where does bind9 keeps it logs?14:49
FFForeverI don't see anything under /var/log that could be bind related. Nothing in dmesg to hint to why the service won't start14:50
sdezielFFForever: /var/log/named14:51
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FFForeverHow do I enable caching of forwarded lookups?15:52
jrwrenFFForever: afaik its enabled by default and you would need to disable it.16:30
FFForeverjrwren, Hmm. /var/cache/bind only shows my one slave zone and managed-keys.bind. Is caching only done in memory?16:35
jrwrenFFForever: yes? I don't know. I have nothing for any zones in my /var/cache/bind, but I don't run any slaves.16:39
jrwrenFFForever: i've been a bind novice for 20 years. In that time I do not recall any disk cache.16:42
srulihow can i install ubuntu 14.04 mini in uefi? or is there 16.04 beta mini in uefi available?16:45
rbasakjrwren, FFForever: I concur. bind traditionally does memory caching with no disk option. Unless there's something new. I remember using some other daemon when I wanted the cache to persist across reboots, but that was possibly last century so something may have changed.16:56
patdk-wk_it doesn't do disk caching except for things that MUSt servive a restart, like slave zones, dynamic updates, ...17:00
smellsLikeGoatSphello everyone, just a quick question here, is it possible to connect different clients to a TCP/IP server at the same time?17:55
jrwrensmellsLikeGoatSp: of course it is possible. Any TCP Server would be written to support it.17:56
smellsLikeGoatSpjrwen: to explain what I need: so a friend of mine has a light control software called e:cue that connects to a LAS server (I believe) which is connected to a butler that controls the light via DMX. this software sends signals down the network using TCP/IP to ignite command to play sound in his RPi. This is done to avoid paying for the sound licence and only sticking to the lights. (continues)18:01
smellsLikeGoatSpNow this system failed for one of the RPi and I was thinking of setting a separate server-client  TCP network to input the RPi with commands for the sound. I tested a tutorial using my LAN connection and worked out fine. I should try with an ethernet now. But I was wondering whether a server can listen to multiple clients simultaneously18:02
jrwrensmellsLikeGoatSp: i don't know any of the acronyms you just said. Most TCP servers are written to handle multiple simultanious clients.18:12
smellsLikeGoatSpjrwren: thank you. I realise this acronyms are quite niche. I was taken care of in the meanwhile. thanks for your help though. appreciated18:34
tobyjhttp://puu.sh/ona5d/491a2b83a0.png my fresh install of ubuntu-server minimal looks like this over ssh, how do i fix it?19:24
tobyji can't enter the password when prompted, it doesn't appear as stars like it usually does on a full install19:25
tewardtobyj: it's not supposed to19:25
tobyjand my character encoding settings seem to be okay on either end19:25
tewardit'll still take your password19:25
tewardit just won't display stars19:25
tewardyou can make it do that, but the default is to not display19:25
tobyjis there any way to fix it though?19:25
tobyjthe character encoding issues19:25
tobyjthey appear to be set properly19:26
clifferis there anybody administrating a server using a ldap directory to manage domains (bind9) and email addresses (postfix/dovecot) and using a (not self written) gui willing to name his solution?19:28
FFForevercliffer, I do. It's pretty straight forward to configure yourself without a ui19:32
patdk-wk_oh? bind finally got a ldap backend19:32
clifferFFForever: i tried and tried to setup ldap->bind9 but the example file uses a missing ldap schema which is only included in freeipa19:33
clifferand since i discovered this, i thought there should be a more common solution19:34
patdk-wk_I have always used powerdns for ldap19:35
clifferpatdk-wk_: the pkg is named bind9-dyndb-ldap19:35
clifferpatdk-wk_: if you want to give it a try, i have a virgin server setup :)19:37
patdk-wk_absolutely not19:38
patdk-wk_I dropped bind back in 200219:38
patdk-wk_and I don't ever want to use it again19:39
contumaxhi, there is no tty after ubuntu server 14.04 boot, but i'm able to ssh to the server, any help?19:54
devster31jrwren: no, I want to know which components exist for a given repository, and which distributions there are, the repo url is something like: http://site.example.com/ distribution component1 component2 component3 but how do I know which are the components and which are the distributions available20:07
coreycbjamespage, does this look ok to you? https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/ubuntu/+source/horizon/commit/?id=0a2c97442a1f63a4d72ed14090132524e8226ec220:31
jamespagecoreycb, maybe - does it fix the upgrade issue and is the dash still functional?20:32
coreycbjamespage, it fixes the upgrade issue, but needs more testing20:32
jamespagecoreycb, you can test the packages by pointing your install at the serverstack keystone ip and using your credentials20:33
coreycbjamespage, ok20:34
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YamakasYhi guys21:07
YamakasYmore people having issues with puppet and keeped kernels on the apt module ?21:07
coreycbjamespage, I uploaded the new horizon package for mitaka with the upgrade fix21:27
KallisIf i run a getfacl on a windows mounted directory , should it show me a list of ACL's on the directory/file assigned from the windows server ?22:06
Kallisthe windows share is mounted with  acl enabled22:06
max3how do i up the log level of apache in /etc/defaults/apach2?22:41
max3what's the env variable i have to set?22:42
sarnoldKallis: linux acls are not samba acls22:45
FFForevercliffer, Huh? I have a win2012 ad and setup a zone transfer from the ad dns to bind22:46
clifferFFForever: sounds good.22:47
clifferi'm trying to setup it, i think i know how to do it. if i have questions, i love to be able to come back to you22:48
clifferbut i thought perhaps there is an ui for it since it is a common task22:49
FFForeverMeh. SSH is faster once you get everything setup.22:50
FFForeverZone updates are handled automatically, email provisioning is handled via ad so it's semi automated.22:50
clifferbut i have no ad and i thouzght there might be a gui for it22:52
Kallishow can i check the ACL's are copying from the windows server to the linux box when using the rsync -A command22:52
FFForeverIf you don't have an existing forest check out Zentyal (it's built on top of Ubuntu)22:52
sarnoldKallis: iirc samba stores them in xattrs in the security.* namespace -- try lsxattr on the files in question22:52
FFForeverWith how you phrased your question earlier it sounded like you had an existing domain that were expanding22:52
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Kallissarnold, i will try that now22:53
sarnoldKallis: err, sorry, try attr -l22:54
Kallissarnold, ok trying now22:55
Kallisso running attr -l 00\ -\ PROJECT\ REF/ on that directory gives me no information at all22:59
sarnoldKallis: how about files in the directory?23:00
Kallissarnold, attr -l Processes\ For\ NEW\ Projects.docx again no information, tried with sudo as well, that file is located on the ubuntu box, having been copied with rsync -aAX23:02
sarnoldKallis: what filesystem was the source? what filesystem was the destination?23:05
sarnoldKallis: it looks like -a doesn't copy extended attributes by default, does adding -X fix it?23:06
Kallissarnold, source is ntfs destination is ext423:11
geniiHeh, NTFS23:11
sarnoldKallis: ah so no samba involved? I'm going to guess there's no way to bring over the acls then23:12
Kallissarnold, yes, no samba involved yet, the plan is to move the entire fileserver over to the ubuntu box and samba, I was just hoping I could preserve all ACL's so users could still just login with LDAP and have all the correct access to files and directories23:13
sarnoldKallis: you -might- have success if you put the ntfs filesystem into a windows machine, set up samba on your ubuntu machine, and try using windows to copy from one to the other. explorer.exe may have a configuration option somewhere for "retain ownership and permissions" or something similar. I hope.23:15
Kallissarnold, I know powershell has a copy acl switch, so maybe I will try setting up samba first23:20
sarnoldKallis: ah that sounds promising23:20
Kallissarnold, I will go get that all configured now, thanks for the advice23:23
sarnoldgood luck, let me know how it works out, probably someone else will want to do the same thing :)23:25
Kalliswill do man23:25
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