
=== Hath is now known as Hathadar
New2Linuxeven the inventor of algebra and algorithms is an Arab guy which is called algaorizmi الخوارزمي in Arabic00:00
Jordan_U!ot | New2Linux00:01
ubottuNew2Linux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:01
bazhangNew2Linux, thats a great topic for the offtopic channel00:01
New2LinuxI smell a joke :) there isn't a channel called (offtopic)00:02
Jordan_UNew2Linux: #ubuntu-offtopic (not a joke)00:02
New2LinuxOpps I'm sorry again I think it was00:03
New2Linuxanyway I will join that channel00:03
Jordan_UNew2Linux: No problem, miscommunication happens :)00:03
New2LinuxAlthough I'm studying English at the university but I still unable to understand the westren culture I mean I can't understand the funny things and boring ones according to the westren poeple00:06
cowboydodoHi guys, can I get an existing POSIX user into LDAP? I thought about adding a user in ldap with same username and uidNumber but I'm afraid to screw up my ldap, would that actually work that way?00:06
bazhangNew2Linux, take the chat to the offtopic channel, #ubuntu-offtopic , this is support Only00:07
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest42481
RustyShacklefordgoing to install ubuntu00:17
RustyShackleford15.10, or 16.04 beta 2?00:17
RustyShacklefordits sooo close to releasing haha00:18
dbrass4 days til it's officiallt launched00:18
RustyShacklefordi could just wait four days...00:18
\9you'll need to upgrade to the released version anyway. with 15.10 you can actually get support in here in case you get problems00:18
dbrassdoes anybody know what is the upgrade policy on kernels for LTS versions? (Beside the enablement updates at point releases)00:19
RustyShacklefordi've never done the upgrade00:19
\9and yeah, if you wait 4 days before installing you don't have to upgrade after installing at all00:19
RustyShacklefordalways reinstalled00:19
RustyShackleforddoes the upgrade usually go smoothly for you?00:19
dbrasscurrently 16.04 is based on kernel version 4.4.500:19
\9usually yeah00:19
RustyShacklefordusually lol00:20
RustyShackleforda long time ago I always read about problems with upgrading. So I just reinstalled00:20
dbrassas 4.4 is a LTS kernel branch do they upgrade to 4.4.6, 4.4.7 and so on or do they stick a 4.4.5 and backport some of the changes?00:20
RustyShacklefordbut that was a long time ago. I haven't been much into linux lately00:20
MetaKDis anyone here familar with the command "rtcwake"00:33
MetaKDhaving trouble with the command00:33
MetaKDthis is the one im using , sudo rtcwake -m no -l -t $(date +%s -d ‘tomorrow 06:30’)00:33
MetaKDbut its not following through00:34
MetaKDis that the correct format?00:34
=== Rhorse_ is now known as Rhorse
=== chu_ is now known as chu
sulfasalinstalled the russian lang pack, works fine but now when I, for example do %ls -l, the listing info is in cyrillic chars. How to fix?01:02
=== luckybunny is now known as KingGreyjoy
sulfasaleven after I switch back to English01:04
pro_waxersulfasal, ls -l from a terminal or from plain shell01:06
* sulfasal goes and checks01:06
pro_waxersulfasal, what you get w/ a:   " locale"01:07
sulfasalsorry, what's a: "locale"?01:07
=== KingGreyjoy is now known as KingTheon
mattflyany draftsight expert?01:08
pro_waxersulfasal, just type that on term to check your laguage settings01:08
mattflyany draftsight expert?01:08
mattflyany good soul?01:09
pro_waxerwell.. I like draft beer :)01:09
pro_waxerlots of draft beer01:09
pro_waxerpreferably plenty01:09
sulfasalpro_waxer: if a: is supposed to be the top of the list, it's LANG=en_CA.UTF-801:10
sulfasalthere's the whole locale command01:13
pro_waxersulfasal, maybe your term settings arent right?01:13
pro_waxersulfasal, I would check those settings: before the lang pack, then I would look them after lang pack, and see if there are diffs01:14
sulfasalpro_waxer: how do I check? This is 15.1001:15
pro_waxersulfasal, 1st you must to identify it (xterm, rxvt... I dont know), and then you can search the docs for that01:18
sulfasalDoesn't say on the terminal, but it's the stock issue, came with the OS01:19
pro_waxersulfasal, your locale setting is more complicated than what im use to: you have another alphabet involved01:19
sulfasalOK, under Sys Settings -> Lang support -> Regional Formats it's Russian. I changed it back to English, but I have to log out first.01:21
* sulfasal outtahere!01:21
pro_waxersulfasal, open one term open another and issue a ps - the 2nd line from bottom/up to above may tell something01:22
sulfasalpro_waxer: $ps - error: garbage option01:23
pro_waxerps -a01:23
pro_waxerkung foooooooooooo01:24
nescobarhola alguien que sepa español01:24
somsip!sp | nescobar01:24
mattfly yo hablo portunhol01:24
somsip!es | nescobar01:25
ubottunescobar: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:25
=== onei is now known as Guest46113
pro_waxerubottu, yep, give'em som hell01:25
ubottupro_waxer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:25
pro_waxerubottu, yes you are01:25
ubottupro_waxer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:25
sulfasalpro_waxer: 2nd line from bottom is '28839 pts/18 00:00:00 irssi'01:25
pro_waxerubottu, no youre not01:25
ubottupro_waxer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:25
somsippro_waxer: enough now01:25
pro_waxersulfasal, you oppened 2 terms?01:26
New2LinuxHi again01:26
New2LinuxI think you remember me01:26
somsipNew2Linux: just state your issue and someone will help you if they can01:26
sulfasalI've got four open01:27
pro_waxersulfasal, but you must to be sure the one youll check for was the last -1 processe01:27
* ebookclic < - www.ebooksclickbanks.tk - >01:28
somsip!spam | ebookclic01:28
ubottuebookclic: Please don't spam01:28
somsipNot as much impact as I hoped for...01:28
* sulfasal enuff outtahere!01:29
New2LinuxI am the guy who was trying to compile this https://github.com/wolf9466/cpuminer-multi/archive/master.zip on his ubuntu 14.04 trusty and you've told me that it's not possible but I've asked one my Arab friends and he told that he was able to do that without installing ubuntu 12.04 and this is the proof http://imgur.com/6vgYghm it's screenshot from his ubuntu 14.0401:30
New2Linuxand he installed the program without problems01:31
zen-guyhi how do i tell which audio server i have running ?01:31
somsipNew2Linux: if you have an issue compiling non-supported software, your main option is to contact the author of the software. You will rarely get in depth support in here01:31
pro_waxerzen-guy, ps -A01:31
zen-guythanks pro_waxer :)01:32
pro_waxerzen-guy, nope... its lsmod :)01:32
zen-guyheh kk ty :)01:32
* pro_waxer is old school01:32
New2LinuxI wonder it will be useful for others to share it01:33
somsipNew2Linux: and the issues section of the github pages for that package would be a good, central place01:33
zen-guyhmm so i'm running soundcore?01:34
* zen-guy does a man lsmod01:34
pro_waxerzen-guy, err... its ps -a01:35
somsipzen-guy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/426983/how-can-i-tell-if-im-using-alsa-or-pulse-audio-by-default-switching-to-i3-wm01:35
zen-guyoh that gives me pid and tty01:35
pro_waxerzen-guy, but lsmod gives some extra details01:35
zen-guyoh ok :)01:36
somsipzen-guy: two commands on that page you can run01:36
pro_waxerzen-guy, no names?01:36
zen-guypro_waxer no*01:36
zen-guythanks somsip too :)01:36
pro_waxerzen-guy, ps -A ?01:37
zen-guyps -a01:37
pro_waxerzen-guy, w/ capital A01:37
zen-guywell i'm on ubuntu and havn't changed anything so i have alsa and pulse, interesting they use both01:38
zen-guykk :)01:38
somsipzen-guy: ditto01:38
pro_waxerthat maybe good since one is good for some tasks and the other for another..01:39
pro_waxerdidnt know that01:39
somsippro_waxer: I ran alsa only for a long time, but a recent upgrade to Skype required pulse01:39
pro_waxersomsip, no conlficts?01:39
somsippro_waxer: it works, and I don't tend to mess with things that cause no problems01:40
pro_waxerzen-guy, youre telling youre running both at the same time?01:40
n-iCewhat do you guys actually think about unity these days?01:41
somsipn-iCe: that's one for #ubuntu-offtopic - support only in here please01:42
zen-guyinteresting, i wonder if installing different DE's changed the sound servers01:43
pro_waxerwheres that portunhol dude..01:43
zen-guykubuntu-desktop, cinnamon, gnome01:43
pro_waxercya guys01:45
=== KingTheon is now known as Bot6
=== Bot6 is now known as KingTheon
=== KingTheon is now known as KingGreyjoy
=== KingGreyjoy is now known as luckybunny
Zythyr_Trying to install a LAMP server using this guide, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu. I got it installed. But isntead of putting my files in the /var/www/html/ directory, how can I get it to be in my home directory01:56
xubuntu191when i install ubuntu and first login to the system after a couple of minuts it crashes x and the error messegs says something like "radeon stalling xxxx ms" someone know what it can be?02:07
xubuntu191i got a radeon 390x card02:07
FManTropyxZythyr_: if you want the www directory to be in there (instead of ~username), change the DocumentRoot in etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf02:09
Zythyr_FManTropyx I did that, but now when I go to http://ipaddress/index.html it says I don't have permission02:10
FManTropyxyes, you need to have your home directory accessible to www:www, which means o+r02:11
Zythyr_FManTropyx Sorry I am a noob. How can I do that?02:12
FManTropyxso basically chmod o+r -R /home/<username>02:12
FManTropyxor maybe it needs to be chmod -R o+r /home/<username>02:12
FManTropyxyeah, option first, then permissions02:13
=== Ramon is now known as Guest43561
somsipFManTropyx: nooooooo! Not safe02:15
somsipZythyr_: read this - you only need to make one subdir in your home dir readable/writeable to www-data, not the whole thing http://askubuntu.com/questions/26848/permissions-issue-how-can-apache-access-files-in-my-home-directory02:16
FManTropyxfor some reason the Ubuntu server I installed makes users' home directories readable by anyone by default...02:16
Zythyr_FManTropyx So I changed the DocumentRoot location to ~/www. Instead of doing chmod o+r -R ~/www, can I add www:www to the ownership or group?02:16
UserUSIf I just save an iso of the partition my linux is on, is it the same as a backup?02:17
FManTropyxyou need to specify an absolute path in DocumentRoot02:17
UserUSwhat is that?02:17
FManTropyxperhaps you can set your files to be owned by the group www and then set g+r instead02:18
FManTropyxbut I chose to assume that you have a single user system :)02:18
Zythyr_Is the www:www or is it www-data02:19
FManTropyxI think apache2 runs as both user www and group www02:20
=== shuduo-afk is now known as shuduo
ibrumfieldi cant connect to my win10 server with a shared drive, will not accept my login info. I have smb enabled on the win pc. i can see it in network just cant login. any ideas why?02:21
UserUSalso, why does backup keep asking me to enter the encyption pass02:21
UserUSI hit remember passwird02:21
Vert@ibrunfield Make sure you are using the same NTLM version02:24
Vert@ibrumfield https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smb.conf.5.html might be of some help to you. just look for "NTLM"02:25
ibrumfield@vert great, thanks02:26
aclaudemPlease how I can disable the GNOME time screen that appears after the computer is idle? I already turned off lock screen. And I already tried No Disable Screen Shield extension, no good.02:26
Vert@aclaudem Let me know if this helps you out. You might also try using dconf-editor. https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/36256/how-do-i-disable-the-gnome-lock-screen/02:27
aclaudemI didn't see anything in dconf Vert02:28
Zythyr_FManTropyx I tried this method,but I am getting permission denied: http://askubuntu.com/a/6489402:28
aclaudemAlready have screen lock off too Vert02:28
Vert@aclaudem try this one from that thread: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen true02:28
aclaudemVert already set that way :P02:29
Vert@aclaudem the last thing I have for you is this: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/517/caffeine/02:29
aclaudemVert I want my screen to turn off if idle, though (to save power)02:30
aclaudem(It's not lock screen, it's the screensaver with the big clock. You have to press space or scroll up to make it go away. But I dont want it to appear in the first place)02:31
VertCould you use Caffiene to disable that in Gnome/Mutter, but still keep the "turn display off" in power settings? I haven't used Caffiene before, but it sounds like the "disable auto-suspend" feature is optional02:31
=== Nach0z_ is now known as Nach0z
aclaudemIt's not suspend (I don't use suspend, doesn't work on my laptop). I want my screen to turn off when idle (not suspend)02:32
aclaudemI dont want to burn my screen :P02:32
FManTropyxZythyr_: I don't know about that - simply making them available in the way I described should work02:32
Vert@aclaudem How about this? https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/672/disable-screen-shield/02:33
VertSounds like exactly what you're looking for as long as it works for your version, yes?02:34
VertThere are some patches down below in the comments on that page if you need to do something specific for your version.02:34
aclaudemLike I said I tried that one before. The screen still appears. But Ill check the patches02:35
xaxxon"connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com ("... stuck at 0%02:40
xaxxonit was just waiting for me to get on IRC02:40
aclaudemThanks anyway Vert02:40
_Diskordbash or zsh?02:46
Zythyr_Need help. I installed LAMP server using this method. HOw can I navitage to the webserver with the URL http://localhost instead of the IP. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu02:51
xaxxonZythyr_, localhost is just
xaxxonZythyr_, did you bind apache to localhost?  or just an external IP address/03:04
xaxxonwhen you make a network program, you have to tell it what network interfaces to bind to - they don't just automatically bind to every network interface on your computer03:04
xaxxonso you can do things like only make a program visible on one side of a router, for example03:04
xaxxonZythyr_, I don't know exactly, but it's going to be the "Listen" directive to apache, most likely03:05
kisukeanyone got a list of the depends for ia32-lib/ia32-libs-multiarch? or can point me at one?03:09
Jordan_UZythyr_: Why are you using a guide from digitalocean? If you're using a digitalocean VPS then it is by definition not local, and it's not possible (in any reasonable way) to open a browser on the VPS. If your web server is on a remote machine, then trying to connect to it via localhost makes no sense.03:10
kisukeJordan_U: x forwarding over SSH is a thing. usually moot though, VPS tend not to have a graphics card.03:12
Zythyr_xaxxon I didn't bind. But after reboot, when I type localhost or it automatically goes to my websever with the ip address. so its worked103:12
Jordan_Ukisuke: Hence why I added "in any reasonable way" :)03:13
kisukeJordan_U: you and i have a slightly diffrent version of reasonable.03:15
xaxxonZythyr_, glad you got it working03:15
=== stub` is now known as stub
dongforceUbuntu is faggish.  Debian is faggisher than ubuntu still03:18
dongforceLOL FAGGOT03:18
dongforceLOL FAGGOT03:18
dongforceLOL FAGGOT03:18
dongforceLOL FAGGOT03:18
hermanreal mature, dongforce.03:22
NetUserhii all03:25
NetUseranybody know about Skipjack Encryption ?03:25
Rardaisnt that the old nsa encryption03:28
kisukeRarda: thats shipjack03:28
=== keastes is now known as kisuke
kisukeanyone know where I can get a depends list for an older package?03:30
Rardawhat package?03:30
kisukeubottu will demonstate why i need it.03:30
ubottukisuke: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:30
kisuke!info ia32-libs03:30
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in wily03:30
kisuke!info ia32-libs-multiarch03:31
ubottuPackage ia32-libs-multiarch does not exist in wily03:31
kisukeRarda, one of those two.03:31
kisukemakes no diffrence, they are the sam package.03:31
Rardanot sure but i will do some digging see if i can help out im bored anyways03:33
kisukeRarda, if it helps, it existed in 12.xx and 13.xx03:33
=== Not is now known as Guest67526
=== kb is now known as Guest59155
Guest59155ok just installed Ubuntu on a mac mini03:42
Guest59155where to find better themes ?03:43
leachim6what types of themes...03:43
Guest59155looking for something more like Mint03:43
leachim6well if you want it to look like mint, I suggest installing Mate03:44
leachim6are you running ubuntu 15.10 or 16.04?03:44
domino14i have a digital ocean droplet thing, and i put PermitRootLogin to no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, before i added my user to the sudoers group03:44
domino14am i screwed? how do i get in as root?03:45
domino14there has to be a way03:45
leachim6no problemo, just go into the control panel and select your droplet03:45
leachim6then on the top right, select console03:45
Guest59155Ubuntu Studio03:45
leachim6this will allow you to get a shell on your box03:45
domino14leachim6: yeah but its' asking me to log in and i don't have a root password03:45
domino14i have an ssh key03:45
leachim6no worries my friend03:46
django_hey all03:47
django_anyone know if its possible to play crossfire (fps) on ubuntu03:48
django_(without VM/wine)03:48
domino14so any ideas?03:48
kisukedjango_, nope, windows only, so wine or a VM.03:49
leachim6domino14: I messaged you, but I guess you didn't get it03:49
kisukedomino14, got a user account?03:49
XdebugXQual a forma correta de usar o urlsnarf? Quando dou partida ele me retorna o terminal apenas.... estou executando como root e com a interface correta..... agradeço pela atenção03:51
kisukeXdebugX, espanol?03:51
leachim6I think there's a channel for brazil03:52
leachim6lemme check03:52
XdebugXentendo um pouco de espanhol03:52
kisuke!portuguese > XdebugX03:53
ubottuXdebugX, please see my private message03:53
kisukeright pipe for in channel, angle bracket for /msg.03:53
leachim6domino14: there is a #digitalocean channel that is active, you should come join us over there for DO specific questions03:53
domino14nice. thanks for al lyour help03:54
domino14will join03:54
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.03:54
kisukeoh FFS, didnt synaptic used to have a list for recomends and suggested?03:57
leachim6attempting an upgrade or 14.04 to 16.04 on a fresh install, we'll see how this goes03:57
kisukeleachim6, cant go as bad as the time i lost power when i dist-upgraded fedora that one time.03:58
leachim6I think you win on that one03:58
kisuke> 10K packages borked.03:58
leachim6I hope that wasn't a production box03:59
leachim6but then again, I wouldn't use fedora for a production box03:59
UnlockVie invite you to visit the open-source operating system http://www.cosos.cn/community/?fromuser=Vie03:59
kisukeif by prod you mean homelab laptop i was messing with? then yes.03:59
leachim6I want to build a homelab in my closet03:59
leachim6I have a 2BR with a free walk-in03:59
leachim6only issue is venting heat somehow03:59
kisukeleachim6, I'll settle for a decent nas box right now. mac mini is not cutting it, and i cant find a drive bigger than 2 TB for it.04:00
leachim6I'm running a raspberry pi clone with an old 500gb drive lol04:00
nomica clone?  why a clone04:01
leachim6because it has a sata connection on it04:01
nomicyou mean its faster than usb drive?04:01
kisukeoh nice, where did you source that?04:01
leachim6Banana Pi04:01
leachim6same price as the rpi $3504:01
nomicis it as fast ast the raspberry pi 3?04:01
leachim6hmm, not certain04:01
leachim6I think the Pi3 is a better buy right now because of the wifi/bt04:02
nomicyeah -- integral04:02
leachim6however, USB2 is still a limiting factor for a NAS build04:02
leachim6also the banana pi has GB networking04:02
leachim6sata2 that runs at 3gbps04:02
leachim6so it's got a lot going for it04:02
leachim6I say, why not grab both haha04:02
nomicmate is great04:02
nomicfor pi304:03
leachim6I agree, I'm glad it was made04:03
leachim6gnome has lost their way a bit04:03
leachim6I use Unity at work, I got used to it04:03
* nomic went up the wall for 2 days, trying to get nfs working on raspibian .. managed it04:03
leachim6it's just so much easier when constantly unplugging my laptop for a dock04:03
nomicthen just installed mate -- was up and running in 15 minutes -- everything04:03
nomiceverything works.04:03
leachim6why was it so hard to get NFS working?04:03
=== cplx_ is now known as cplx
xdzzzgnome3 is so ugly... plasma is too buggy04:03
leachim6just throw a few directories in /etc/exports04:03
nomicbecause it does not work on raspibian right away04:03
nomicraspibian is like playing with fedora04:04
leachim6weird, I'm running raspian on the banana and NFS worked without an issue04:04
kisukexdzzz, LXDE masterrace04:04
xdzzzlxde is a pain to setup, but i love it.04:04
nomicim not going to talk abouut it04:04
xdzzzaww yeah04:04
HickorySmokedBacIs there a channel for Ubuntu Phones ?04:04
xdzzzlxde is the shit04:04
leachim6that is a good question HickorySmokedBac04:04
nomicyou're obviously an "expert204:04
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch04:04
nomicthere aree issues with nfs04:04
leachim6haha, I am no expert, just wonderring why you had so many issues04:04
nomicvs a astandard ubuntu04:04
kisuke!phone | HickorySmokedBac04:05
ubottuHickorySmokedBac: please see above04:05
xdzzzi think lubuntu will be shifting over to lxqt soon, right?04:05
kisukewow, HOW DO I REMEMBER THESE, its been what, 7 years sence i was last active here?04:05
xdzzzit's a shame..., because i'm really starting to like openbox lol04:05
* nomic plays an old jack lemmon film in HD On his pi3 while continuing to program04:06
nomicthese things are amazing .. amazing04:06
nomicthe pc is dead. IMO04:06
kisukenomic, its all PC. consoles can abstract it all away, but PC will always have backwards compatablilty.04:07
nomicin what way will an arm device not have "backward compatibility"04:07
kisukefor example, the old x-com games for dos? 2k released them on steam. they use dosbox.04:07
nomicworst mistake of my life was getting involved in pc development04:09
kisukenomic, is java bytecode still supported?04:09
leachim6so upgrading to 16.04 broke my iptables04:09
leachim6module ip_tables not found04:09
leachim6any idea on a fix?04:09
kisukeleachim6, they moved to something...04:09
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo04:09
leachim6this doesn't answer my question at all04:13
=== vengeance is now known as Guest1263
leachim6eh, I just restored back to 14.04, I'll wait until the bugs are worked out04:18
leachim6glad I took an image first04:18
kisukeleachim6, anything in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ ?04:18
kisuketoo late...04:19
leachim6kisuke: I'll probably try it again when I'm less sleepy04:21
babathat's ok04:21
leachim6I'm basically just going to wait until my VPS provider has it as an official image so I can do a fresh install04:22
leachim6which should be later this month04:22
kisukeleachim6, mind if i ask who that is?04:23
leachim6digital ocean04:23
kisukeleachim6, they have some nice tuts.04:30
leachim6been using them a couple years, no complaints04:30
leachim6$10/m for a 1gb ram/30gb disk04:30
leachim6$12 if you want weekly backups rotating for 4 weeks, which I do04:31
razer_hi guys04:31
kisukeleachim6, with vultr ATM, or was, but they've been nice to me.04:31
leachim6vultr is very similar, a friend just recommended me DO a few years ago and I never felt the need to switch off04:31
leachim6I just use it for irc and a few other things, hosting a few domains, nothing heavy04:31
kisukeleachim6, same here, might spin it up again for a bouncer and maybe joinmarket.04:32
leachim6kisuke: joinmarket?04:32
kisukeleachim6, bitcoin thing.04:32
leachim6user7: anything I can help you with?04:33
leachim6guess not04:33
kisukehmm, trying to remember if ubottu has a <bang>ops...04:35
somsipkisuke: yes. yes it does04:36
daxit does. it's for emergencies.04:37
kisukedax, was thinking if the troll earlier got worse.04:37
daxkisuke: then that or /join #ubuntu-ops works04:38
=== zwiep is now known as zwiep`
kisukethat was the channel!04:38
lee_G750jmhello all04:42
devslash_are these instructions correct as far as upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04 ?04:44
janofdoes the set group id (SGID) also transfer the parent directories file permssions? Or just group ownership?04:44
lotuspsychjedevslash_: after final release its recommended to upgrade04:45
devslash_if i update now, wont i have almost nothing to update when its released on 4/2104:45
lotuspsychje!final | devslash_04:45
ubottudevslash_: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.04:45
devslash_i did that but dont see anything that says that i am upgrading to 16.0404:47
lotuspsychjedevslash_: until final release i would not recommend to upgrade, things can still break in this stage04:47
lotuspsychjedevslash_: unless you want to help testing 16.04?04:47
devslash_isnt it going to be released on 4/2104:49
devslash_as far as the final release goes04:49
lotuspsychjedevslash_: yes04:49
lotuspsychjedevslash_: but if you want to upgrade now already, sudo do-release-upgrade -d04:49
devslash_since its so close to release, would it be mostly stable....'04:50
lotuspsychjedevslash_: until final, things can break...04:50
somsipdevslash_: questions about 16.04 should be asked in #ubuntu+1 even though it is only ~3 days away04:50
=== sillytime is now known as nchambers
TrumanHow is everyone?05:36
cpaelzerTruman: tired :-)05:37
cpaelzerAnd that is true for all of the few people I met so far - so it is true for a small subset of everyone :-)05:38
mnathanifresh install of ubuntu 15.10 on vmware workstation - installed tools, however the screen does not adjust to fit guest in the window, instead I get a small display in the middle only05:59
N3X15Was nellymoser support disabled in ffmpeg in Ubuntu?06:02
maljazaerihello , i have little problem with apache2 , my problem is rewrite_mod is not working well as i want , i did on terminal a2enmod rewrite , then i saw it in phpinfo page , but htaccess still not work , thank you06:04
Seveasmaljazaeri: .htaccess files only work if allowed, and of course there could be a bug in your rules :)06:11
maljazaeriok how can i fix it06:14
maljazaerii changes in conf file also06:14
maljazaerii add this line also AllowOverride All06:15
dellboy56whats the latest wine version or a wine version that is compatible at running ms office 201006:18
dellboy56im ran it once sucessfully before but i forgot what i used06:18
dellboy56using playonlinux displays some error06:18
skweekhow do I set my resolution from the commandline?06:24
Nyctophilia_Hello, I have a problem with the tool expect under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I want to automate ssh logins to some Sophos UTM Firewalls and evelate my rights directly after with "sudo su -" and the correct password. I don't have to worry about plain text passwords, because my script runs directly out of the KeePass URL field (doubleclick executes the script and fills it with the correct passwords via agrument/KeePass {Placeholder} behi06:26
skweekdoes anyone know how to set the resolution from the commandline?06:26
Nyctophilia_f this done, except for not having a remote-root shell, which is not executing any commands and "dropping the connection" back to my ubuntu system. So the command I'm trying to run remotely is not excecuting for 3-5 seconds and then gets suddenly executed on the ubuntu system. Without telling me what happened. What do I have to do, to have fully functioning remote-shell? Pastebin with the explained stuff happening: http://paste06:27
MyrttiNyctophilia_: your lines are getting cut off06:34
Nyctophilia_Myrtti: what do you mean?06:36
WoodyPCWhat does all this mean???06:38
WoodyPCCRTC 63: trying mode 1280x720@60Hz with output at 1920x1080@30Hz (pass 0)06:38
WoodyPCCRTC 63: trying mode 1280x720@60Hz with output at 1920x1080@30Hz (pass 1)06:38
WoodyPCTrying modes for CRTC 6406:38
WoodyPCCRTC 64: trying mode 1280x720@60Hz with output at 1920x1080@30Hz (pass 0)06:38
WoodyPCCRTC 64: trying mode 1280x720@60Hz with output at 1920x1080@30Hz (pass 1)06:38
MyrttiNyctophilia_: IRC has a maximum length in the messages and you're going over. "172601 <count> yeah, but if I can keep my traffic inside european jurisdiction on channels only happening  there ... ;)06:38
Myrtti" and "with the explained  stuff happening: http://paste06:38
Nyctophilia_oh, its not cutoff here06:39
Nyctophilia_wait a sec06:39
Nyctophilia_ill just paste it inside another pastebin06:39
Myrtti"agrument/KeePass {Placeholder} behi"06:39
Nyctophilia_Myrtti: http://pastebin.com/ih3Xs4nD06:40
WoodyPCmy apologies06:40
MyrttiNyctophilia_: instead of pastebin, have you considered asking your question in AskUbuntu? That way you actually have a chance of getting a reply both there *and* here06:40
Nyctophilia_no, not yet - but will do. thanks06:41
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest86800
foul_owlWhat's the simplest monitoring tool you can think of? One that uses a web interface? Basically just want to check if a port is open for an ip address for about a dozen servers and that's it. Thanks!06:49
Ben64foul_owl: nmap06:51
lickmanmy name is likhwa06:51
lickmancan i have a registration06:51
foul_owlnmap has a web interface? I thought it was just a cli tool06:52
Ben64it is, why does it need to have a web interface, just use nmap, it's easy and does what you want06:52
Myrttilickman: registration for what?06:52
lickmanregistration code for linux mint community06:53
auronandace!mint | lickman06:53
ubottulickman: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:53
Myrttilickman: this channel is for Ubuntu, not Mint, and 'community' is quite a widely defined word, so it's hard to decipher what you want06:54
jotterbothi there, might be one for ubuntu-server, but I am wondering if anyone has installed an instance of OpenCL on a headless server ? Specifically using AMD drivers ?06:54
jotterbotAnd must i have X installed ?06:54
foul_owlHmm I suppose I could. And just use cron jobs or a bash script06:55
kisukejotterbot: I dont see why you would need X installed for open CL.06:57
jotterbotkisuke: I don't see why either, I am just trying to find up to date information and struggling06:57
jotterbotI keep getting a segfault06:59
jotterbotno idea where to start to debug this06:59
MrTonnyhi there07:08
MrTonnyhere am I, having some problems with booting((07:08
MrTonnyafter boot it looks like my display is not turn on07:09
MrTonnyI can't see login screen, but all the sound is played07:09
MrTonnyif I press power button for moving to sleep mode and then wake it up07:10
MrTonnythen it become ok07:10
MrTonnyso, it is not regular "black screen after boot" problem, I guess)07:10
AlagosHi. Anyone trying to use encfs with Dropbox?07:11
MrTonnySo, can somebody help me with this please?07:12
somsip!nomodeset | MrTonny (just in case it is)07:12
ubottuMrTonny (just in case it is): A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:12
MrTonnysomsip, ubottu  - thanks, I'll try it07:13
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Nyctophilia_Hi there, someone knows a solution to my SSH Problem? Thanks in advance! http://askubuntu.com/questions/758595/automating-ssh-login-gives-unresponsive-remote-shell-dropping-back-to-client-te07:35
banana_hey peeps07:36
banana_has anyone ever experienced and issue with application windows not rendering (blank) or showing a drop shadow only?07:36
banana_have my mates laptop here and decided to try and figure that out instead of blowing it away07:37
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JamaiHello, I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 and recently I upgraded my kernel from 4.2.0-16 to 4.2.0-35 and it doesn't boot. It keeps saying "Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...". I tried unpacking both old and new initrd and comparing them using git-diff. The only difference was in "lib/firmware" and "lib/modules" (diff stats: http://pastebin.com/gbq4d38d). Also I have everything encrypted.07:58
Jamai(encrypted sda1 [mounted as /boot] + encrypted sda2 [mounted as /]). I run kernel with commands: "root=UUID=..uuid.. ro cryptdevice=/dev/sda2:sda2_crypt", I have keyfile, which unlocks both sda1 and sda2, inside both initrd and "target=sda2_crypt,source=UUID=..uuid..,key=/crypto_keyfile.bin,rootdev,keyscript=/lib/cryptsetup/scripts/cat,discard" inside "conf/conf.d/cryptroot".07:58
JamaiHas anyone any idea what could be wrong?07:58
imetaleerbazhang is a faggot07:59
imetaleerbazhang is a faggot07:59
imetaleerbazhang is a faggot07:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang07:59
imetaleerbazhang is a faggot07:59
imetaleerbazhang is a faggot07:59
=== gazzerh_ is now known as gazzerh
radio_when i get a few things running my hdd light is constantly lit & system is very slow?08:06
somsipradio_: maybe a swap issue?08:07
somsip!swap | radio_08:08
ubotturadio_: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:08
k1lradio_: how much ram you got? can you run "free -m | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the link?08:09
=== Aria|away is now known as Aria
=== Aria is now known as Aria22
Nyctophilia_Hi there, anyone knows the problem with unresponsive SSH-shells when automating the password prompts? http://askubuntu.com/questions/758595/automating-ssh-login-gives-unresponsive-remote-shell-dropping-back-to-client-te08:32
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hellknighthow is ubuntu support on Asus UX series laptops?08:34
hellknightThe ones with Core M processors08:34
aleksandar_is it ubuntu mate good for beginners?08:36
k1laleksandar_: every ubuntu is good for beginners :)  but you still need to learn that some things have changed08:38
Jamaionly 3 more days ... :3c08:46
=== venkat_331 is now known as venkat_330
radio_fallocate: swapfile: fallocate failed: Operation not supported09:13
radio_i'm trying to create swap?09:13
SovaHello guys09:14
SovaSome one here?09:16
k1lSova: yes. just ask09:16
radio_i tried to create a swap file & terminal returned fallocate: swapfile: fallocate failed: Operation not supported09:17
k1lradio_: what was the command?09:17
popeyradio_: are you creating a swapfile in a location you don't have permission for? (does it need sudo?)09:19
radio_sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile09:19
* popey notes radio_ has gone but bets it's a VPS he doesn't have rights to modify / on09:22
SovaSome one have experience with creating a GTK3 Theme? You can find my problem here http://askubuntu.com/questions/757703/how-to-change-what-images-dash-use-in-a-gtk-theme09:22
SovaGuys I want to check in a directory in which file there is code that uses an specific image, so I can edit that file. I am trying this grep -nrwi YosembianceGray/ -e "*close_dash_prelight.svg"09:27
Sovabut It didn't find anything09:27
SovaAnd I know that somewhere there is code that uses this image09:27
somsipSova: no * needed09:27
somsipSova: grep inir dash_prelight ./09:27
somsip_nir ...09:27
SovaHmm still didn't find it ....09:33
Sovait showed me only the location of the image it self09:33
k1locram: still no warez here09:40
Light_I manually changed my password for my user account on 12.0409:57
Light_And then I couldn't boot in it just returns to my login screen because my home drive was encrypted09:57
Light_so how do I unencrypt my ~home drive??09:58
ikoniaLight_: depends on how you encypted it - do you still have the key ?09:58
Light_I think I know what it is09:58
Light_what's the command09:59
ikoniado you still have the key file09:59
Light_I did on command line passwd newpassword09:59
Light_I think so where would I find that?09:59
ikoniais it just home or your full drive thats encypted10:00
ikoniayou may want to have a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224489610:00
xsdfdfsahi i wrote into a pendrive from a ufs system a different os10:00
xsdfdfsaand ubuntu cant even mount it or recognize it10:00
=== morpheus is now known as Guest77651
ikoniaxsdfdfsa: is the ufs kernel module loaded to enable that file system support10:02
xsdfdfsaif that's the generic behavior then yes10:02
ikoniano it' snot10:03
ikoniait looks like UFS isn't even in the linux kernel10:03
ikoniaI assume this has come from an old solaris box10:03
ikoniatry to modprobe ufs see if ubuntu ships with it10:04
ikonialooking at other distros they don't build the module any more10:04
xsdfdfsaported to linux ?10:04
xsdfdfsait works ! thanks10:04
ikoniaperfect, ubuntu ships the module10:04
AscavasaionHello there.  Can someone direct me to a textbased sound mixer... ALSA is ringing a bell.  Where I can set base, treble, volume, etc.  Thank you.10:07
brainwashAscavasaion: try alsamixer10:10
Ascavasaionbrainwash, Aaaah, so it was Alsa... thank you so so much10:10
anes_Friends, I edit 3 config files in /home folder i.e .bashrc,.profile, .bash_profile ... but still i see some other variables in echo $PATH , how to find which file it came?10:17
anes_i got path error10:17
Ben64anes_: explain what you're trying to do and what exactly you did10:18
asarhello guys10:19
asari have a question10:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:20
anes_Ben64: When I try to create apk i got error as10:21
anes_Error: Failed to find 'ANDROID_HOME' environment variable. Try setting setting it manually. Failed to find 'android' command in your 'PATH'. Try update your 'PATH' to include path to valid SDK directory.10:21
anes_i try echo $PATH10:21
anes_Ben64: I get duplicate path which will not exist10:21
=== fornax is now known as Guest28494
asari have ubuntu 15.10 installed on my virtual machine with this specs(core 2 quad, 4gb ram and ATI graphics card 512mb) but it still lags. acn anyone help me?10:22
ikoniaasar: is it slow to do anything or just visually slow10:24
Light_ikonia this is the pastebin https://www.google.com/url?q=http://pastebin.com/CApBYLU5&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwiY9eOI_JfMAhXoloMKHezkDP8QFggFMAA&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNHGMxokAaQdJ4CdvsAt429BrdJ96g10:24
DirkosHow can i increase the server ulimit (open files) permanently10:24
asarikonia its visually slow10:25
ikoniaLight_: pastebin for what10:25
de-facto_anes_ you might want to read about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables10:25
Light_I do know the pass phrase for the encrypted home10:25
ikoniaasar: so if it's just visually slow, rather than slow processing / working, it's most likley your video card "drivers" are either not compatible fully or working properly with your card10:25
asarikonia for instance when i try to minimize something it takes time to minimize10:26
ikoniaLight_: thats great10:26
ikoniaasar: so that is normally incorrect/incompatible video card drivers for your card10:26
ikoniaasar: it's most likley either failing to use them correctly or falling back to "vesa" (slow generic drivers) because it can't use the ati ones with your ard10:26
Light_what I think I need to do is connect it back with the keyring or something10:26
asarikonia so theres no fix for that?10:26
Light_I didn't use GUI to change password I used command line passwd user10:27
Light_I think that was the mistake10:27
ikoniaasar: depends - check the version of the drivers you are using against support for your card10:27
ikoniaasar: look at the xorg log to see if you can get an idea of what's happening with your display server10:27
asarikonia canyou give me a link to that10:29
ikonialink to what ?10:29
=== Aria22 is now known as Aria22|away
ikoniaasar: it's in /var/log10:30
Light_ikonia now that I know the passphrase how do I get it to boot up with that user and see the encrypted files10:31
Light_I believe it's keyring problem10:31
Light_not sure though10:31
ikoniaLight_: did you check the link I sent you10:31
ikoniathat seemed to walk you through pretty much exactly what you wanted10:31
Light_yes did you take a look at the command line pastebin.com I sent you ^--10:32
ikoniawhy do I need to see that ?10:34
Light_it's not readable I think I need to make them normal readable files and haven't figured it out yet10:35
Light_that's the out put the pastebin of what I did on the command line10:36
Light_I think it's a keyring problem10:36
ikoniaif it can't read the key - it won't be able to unlock it10:36
SkizuDo crontabs run as root?10:37
ikoniathey run as the user you tell them to10:38
ikoniaa cron can run as any user10:38
SkizuIs there a way I would run a cron which needs elevated permissions?10:38
popeyyou could run it as root.10:39
popeysudo chroot -e10:39
ikoniaSkizu: if you run cron under the root crontab it will run as root10:39
Light_ikonia, I'm running as root what's the command to unecrypted files or add or change the keyring10:39
ikoniaSkizu: you can also change the sudo rules for that non-privileged user, to be able to execute that command passwordless10:39
SkizuI'd like to know the user for audit10:39
ikoniaLight_: doesn't it say in the guide10:39
Light_no but maybe in man pages10:40
ikoniaSkizu: setup a sudo rule for that user/cron, that it will get audited/logged that the user exected the command as root then10:40
Skizuikonia: Thanks10:40
SkizuShould I make it so that user isn't loggin-able ?10:40
ikoniaLight_: the commands are in the guide I gave you10:41
ikoniaSkizu: that up to you,10:41
ikoniaSkizu: really depends on the situation10:41
Skizuikonia: Okay I'll think about it more, thanks man10:42
pakezoniteAnyone here can help me with a lvm problem related to thin volumes?10:43
=== venkat_331 is now known as venkat_330
BluesKajHiyas all10:48
radio_i'm up to the stage of making my swap file permanent. how do i save & exit at the end?10:52
radio_i presume i use terminal to make my swap file permanent?10:53
de-factoradio_ its the entry in /etc/fstab to use a swap file on next reboot too http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-create-add-swap-file/10:54
jumcarryjumlaty here i have problem with mysql10:56
MagePsychoanyone using #tmux here?10:59
radio_how do i save & exit?10:59
MagePsychoI am unable to copy paste from tmux terminal10:59
pakezoniteIn Trusty (14.04) newly created lvm thinpool gets corrupted :"Check of thin pool vg_backups/backup_thinpool failed (status:1). Manual repair required (thin_dump --repair /dev/mapper/vg_backups-backup_thinpool_tmeta"11:00
radio_enter just doensnt seem to do the trick11:00
pakezoniteRunning the manual repair gives: read failed11:01
de-factoradio_ yes those commands are to be run in a terminal, for editing files you enter something like "sudo nano /etc/fstab [ENTER]" then edit it,  [Ctrl] + O to save it [Ctrl] + X to exit nano11:04
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Adityahi i need some help with my onboard wifi11:13
dotcomThat is good to hear11:13
=== mariorz_ is now known as mariorz
AdityaI was trying to install airmon ng etc and that messed up my wifi11:13
dotcomAre you a robot?11:13
Adityai do not want to reinstall ubuntu11:13
=== kudu is now known as Guest20412
radio_i'm trying to make my swap file permanent11:17
radio_how do i save the file11:17
dotcomwhere are you from?11:18
Adityadotcom who are you talking to?11:18
k1ldotcom: this channel is only for ubuntu support. please look into the !guidelines if you are unsure what the purpose of this channel is11:18
ubuntu-mateis ubuntu mate better than xubutu ?11:18
k1lubuntu-mate: test both and decide yourself :)11:18
ubuntu-mateyes ive tested both :)11:19
dotcomwhere are you from?11:19
ubuntu-matei cannot decide x)11:19
ubuntu-mateso give me your opinion11:19
Adityanevermind guys fixed it :)11:19
k1lubuntu-mate: then we cant help you :)  if you ask 2 users you get 3 opinions :)11:19
radio_i've got the etc/fstab file open & i've added the last line. how do i save & exit11:19
ubuntu-materadio you have to be root to save it11:20
ubuntu-matedid you opened the file as root ?11:20
radio_i don't no how?11:20
ubuntu-mateopen a terminal11:20
ubuntu-mateand wirte11:20
ubuntu-matesudo nameofyoureditor /etc/fstab11:21
ubuntu-matefor example if you use gedit to edit the file so rite :11:21
dotcomI'm not incredibly fond of Java.11:21
ubuntu-matesudo gedit /etc/fstab11:21
ubuntu-mateand then add the line you want to, and do Ctrl + S to save and quit11:21
ubuntu-mateso guys, give me your opinion about ubuntu mate and xubuntu :D11:22
brainwashgive both a try11:24
radio_what's the name of my editor?11:24
ubuntu-mate_ive tried oth :)11:24
ubuntu-mate_but i cant decide...11:24
ubuntu-mate_i need your opinions11:24
k1lubuntu-mate_: then ask in #ubuntu-offtopic since that is not a technical issue :)11:24
radio_what's the name of my editor?11:25
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest15632
dario_does this work? (I just tried to send a message to another channel, and failed)11:33
radio_i'm logged in as root. still can/'t save?11:34
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=== zhongfu_ is now known as zhongfu
radio_i'm trying to make my swapfile permanent11:37
radio_how do i save the /etc/fstab file?11:37
`zradio_: sudo nano /etc/fstab11:37
`zMake your changes, then Ctrl-O to save it.11:37
radio_someon3 else said ctrl + s11:38
`zIt depends on which editor you use (In my example, it's nano).11:38
radio_terminal is an editor?11:39
`zThere are many console-based editors, and nano is just one of them.11:40
scamvim,vi,nano, about 40 more cli editors11:41
almarkthe editor ;)11:42
radio_how do i login as root?11:43
almarksudo -s11:43
`zradio_: Just type "sudo nano /etc/fstab" in the terminal. It will prompt for your password.11:44
radio_i seem to be doing everything except save & close. how do i do  that?11:45
`zradio_: First of all, you used my command, right?11:45
`z(As I don't know which editor you are using, or if you are doing it correctly)11:45
radio_i pressed ctrl + O . it said wrote 15 lines11:46
`zradio_: Okay, hit Ctrl-X to exit the editor.11:46
=== zz- is now known as zz
`zThen "sudo swapon -a" to enable the swapfile (If you haven't done that already).11:47
ub_ubuntuso whats new in Ubuntu 16.0411:47
radio_ctrl x didn't exit the editor11:47
radio_i clicked the X11:47
radio_& closed it11:47
radio_if i type free -m11:48
radio_i get 1 gb to use as swapfile11:48
radio_that's how much i wan11:48
`zSo, problem solved, right? :D11:49
radio_i wan't to make it permanent11:49
`zYou can try rebooting and check if the swapfile gets automatically enabled.11:49
radio_it doesn11:49
`zradio_: Please "cat /etc/fstab", then paste the output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:50
radio_how do i save the /etc/fstab file?11:51
radio_do i need to have root privileges11:52
BluesKajradio_, yes11:52
BluesKajor user permissions at least11:52
`zradio_: Okay, let's do it again. You open the terminal, type "sudo gedit /etc/fstab", and enter your password. It should bring up a familiar graphical editor.11:53
captainfantasticI can't get my wireless keyboard working on Ubuntu whereas I worked perfectly with Fedora. Anyone experienced this?11:54
`zradio_: ... then append the line you have, and hit Ctrl-S to save the file. Click on the X to close the Window.11:55
scamcaptainfantastic, need some more info. brand, type of wireless ?11:55
pakezoniteIn Trusty (14.04) newly created lvm thinpool gets corrupted :"Check of thin pool vg_backups/backup_thinpool failed (status:1). Manual repair required (thin_dump --repair /dev/mapper/vg_backups-backup_thinpool_tmeta"11:56
pakezoniteRunning the manual repair gives: read failed11:56
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pakezoniteActually, this problem only occurs if the PV is bigger than 2T -very strange... On Centos 7 it works, but on Ubuntu it fails and the thinpool gets corrupted.11:58
pakezoniteCan this be a bug in lvm on Trusty?11:59
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captainfantasticscam: how do you see that?12:00
carpediembabyHello, I am trying to establish a nested ssh connection by following this post: http://serverfault.com/questions/37629/how-do-i-do-multihop-scp-transfers .But it doesn't seem to work. I want to connect to server C through B while sitting on server A. The problem I am facing right now is that I have different usernames on all three machines. I tried12:08
carpediembaby providing Username in the .ssh/config but it doesn't work.12:08
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carpediembabyAh nevermind. Found the solution. I could directly provide the username in the hostname12:10
quandryHow do I get Ubuntu to detect a printer I have on the network12:11
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quandryNever mind.. I guess my tech skills were up to par >.> .. i have to add it in as a network printer, and I guessed on the i.p. address..12:18
quandryThanks again guys :(12:18
quandryreal helpful12:18
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mikhael_k33hlI'm using the network-manager-strongswan package, but it it appears that the latest version is not in the repo yet(thus no PSK support on GUI), so I manually added it to /etc/ipsec.secrets, how do I configure the connection to connect to it with a username and password too?12:22
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QwertieShould this bug be set back to new from incomplete because I found a driver that fixes the problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/155090512:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1550905 in linux (Ubuntu) "[MacBookAir7,1] Backlight control broken. Won't turn on after suspend." [Medium,Incomplete]12:25
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mikhael_k33hlI'm trying to manually install network-manager-strongswan from source, but when I configure it, it says No package 'dbus-glib-1' found13:05
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scammikhael_k33hl, install that package first then13:08
scamits depending on that file.13:08
mikhael_k33hlscam, I did13:08
scamdown vote13:10
scamPresumably this is an error from a configure script?13:10
scamThe error is referring to pkg-config package files. These do not correspond one-to-one with Ubuntu/Debian package names (since they are not Debian or Ubuntu specific).13:10
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scamIn this particular case, the dbus-1.pc file is found in the libdbus-1-dev Ubuntu package, and dbus-glib-1.pc is found in the libdbus-glib-1-dev Ubuntu package. Installing those two should satisfy the dependencies of that configure script check.13:10
scammikhael_k33hl, try any of this yet? http://askubuntu.com/questions/62115/how-to-install-libraries13:11
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arca_voragoupgraded to 16.04, lightdm no longer autostarts, but once I do "sudo systemctl start lightdm" and log in all is well. Suggested course of action?13:25
k1larca_vorago: #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 issues13:25
arca_voragoMuch obliged13:26
kd`hello good day, i bought a wifi nano dongle but cannot get the drivers to load for ubuntu, is there an easy way to do this?13:27
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BluesKajkd`, is it listed with lsusb in the terminal?13:30
kd`BluesKaj yes when i do lusb it is there13:30
BluesKajand which wifi chip is it ?13:30
kd`i think it said Ralink but the supplier says its a mtk chip13:31
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codephobichow do I add write/execute/delete permission for my user, to a folder which needs to have www-data as owner (chown -R www-data:myusergroup folder1)?13:38
BluesKajkd`, apparently the mtk chip uses the ralink driver, http://superuser.com/questions/738096/how-to-install-mediatek-mt7610u-rt2860-driver13:38
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Gambit15Hey guys13:41
Gambit15What's the deal with adding virtual interfaces to the interfaces config?13:42
Gambit15I'd got "auto eth0:1" etc in my config, but when the server rebooted, it complained that there were multiple configs for eth013:43
Gambit15Above each config, I had "auto eth0", "auto eth0:1", etc, etc13:44
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Tie21I have some trouble with the installation of a Ubuntu server on a hp probook13:50
Jhuanxwhat do you doing?13:50
kd`thanks BluesKaj13:51
the_last_oneat work13:51
Tie21The installation is complete but when I reboot it display "No bootable image was found, notebook will be shutdown"13:51
BluesKajkd`, hope it works for you.13:52
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
kd`BluesKaj i have to try when i get home though, been battling for days13:53
Jhuanxanyone channel for friendly?13:54
grapsHas anybody here been able to "resuscitate" an Ubuntu Linux partition from a Win 7/Ubuntu Linux dual-boot partition, where only the Win 7 partition was reformatted ?13:56
guestgraps: did you install Windows, and now you've lost the boot menu?13:57
guestgraps: but the partition is still there?13:57
guestgraps: If so, boot from a live USB or CD13:57
grapsguest: Yes13:57
ThePendulumI installed Skype and compizconfig on Ubuntu 15.10, but they're not showing up in the unity panel; can I 'refresh' that somehow?13:58
grapsguest: I'm running the live DVD now13:58
the_last_onehow can I help you?13:59
Guest31284It's me13:59
grapsguest: Do I edit the grub file, and restart, or is there something else I need to do ?14:01
Tie21I can't boot on Ubuntu after the installation with an HP ProBook14:01
guestgraps: run this14:04
guestgraps: sudo grub-install /dev/sda14:05
guestgraps: assuming /dev/sda is your hard drive, which if you only have 1, it is.14:05
grapsguest: Okay, running that instruction now14:05
grapsguest: I got a grub-install error: failed to get canonical path of '/cow'.14:07
guestCan you put the whole error output on http://paste.ubuntu.com ?14:07
grapsguest: Yes. Hold please14:07
grapsguest: paste.ubuntu.com/15913496/14:10
arca_voragoWhats the best greeter to use? (mostly using ubuntu desktop, but switch to i3/awesome/xmonad sometimes14:10
EriC^^arca_vorago: lightdm is nice14:11
scamgraps, df -h14:12
arca_voragosorry meant to say which of the lightdm greeters, webkit vs gtk14:12
Gambit15I asked a question a couple of minutes ago, but I then lost my connection, so apologies if anyone's already answered14:14
Gambit15What's the deal with adding virtual interfaces to the interfaces config?14:14
Gambit15I'd got "auto eth0:1" etc in my config, but when the server rebooted, it complained that there were multiple configs for eth014:14
Gambit15Above each config, I had "auto eth0", "auto eth0:1", etc, etc14:14
grapsscam: df -h shows only the live DVD partitions14:15
guestOK graps do this please14:21
Tie21no one have already had "No bootable image found, notebook will be shutdown" after installing Ubuntu on a new HP Laptop14:21
guestsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt14:21
guestsudo grub-install --rot-directory=/mnt /dev/sda14:21
guestroot-directory not rot-directory14:21
grapsguest: Okay, typing them out14:22
grapsOkay, Installation finished. No error reported.14:24
guestOK now you can reboot14:24
guestAnd your grub menu will be back14:25
grapsguest: Okay, I'll reboot and go from there. Thanks, guest !14:25
* scam crosses your fingers :) 14:26
guest"I'll be back"14:30
guestforever the pessimist14:31
grapsHi again all14:33
grapsguest: I think /dev/sda1 wasn't the right partition. I got the grub> prompt14:34
guestdid you do grub-install /dev/sda114:35
guestI told you to do grub-install /dev/sda14:35
grapsguest: Okay. I can do that now14:35
guestCan you pastebin the output of14:35
guestsudo fdisk -l14:36
grapsguest: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15913881/14:37
guestWow that is... a lot of partitions14:38
guestYou need to find which one of /dev/sdaX is your ubuntu partition, or your /boot partition if you had a separate one14:38
guestThen do those steps again:14:39
guestmount /dev/sdaX /mnt14:39
grapsguest: Yep, I was trying to go for diversification :)14:39
guestgrub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda14:39
guestWhat are they all? Different distros?14:40
grapsguest: They're actually separate partitions, one for /boot, one for /usr, etc.14:40
grapsguest: Maybe I should minimize the set ?14:41
llutzgraps: are you mounting /usr ro?14:41
guestyou shoukld14:42
guestyou should not do that lol14:42
grapsllutz: Not intentionally14:42
llutzgraps: so why separate /usr then?14:42
guestYou gain nothing from having those in separate partitions on the same disk14:42
guestI can maybe understand having /home on a different drive14:42
guestyou just gain headaches14:42
grapsllutz: :) Okay, I'll delete some of them14:43
guestYOu can't just delete some of them14:43
guestWithout copying their contents to the root partition14:43
guestIf it ws me I'd nuke that mess from orbit and reinstall CLEAN14:43
grapsguest: I've backed the data up14:43
gagaliciousi want to disable ram for testing low memory conditions. what's the "safe" way to do so in a production server? also how do i re-enable the ram?14:44
guestgagalicious: http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/99435/4322714:45
grapsguest: So, I'll reinstall Ubuntu and get rid of the separate partitions14:45
guestYou don't have to, but it might be easier14:47
guestAlso the bonus would be that reinstalling Ubuntu would install Grub for you :P14:47
grapsThanks guest ! Back to the reinstall I go14:47
Tie21No one can help with my problem of "No Bootable Image found" ?14:51
EriC^^Tie21: what are you trying to do?14:52
guestThat isn't an error I recognise from Ubuntu... could it be trying to boot from some HP recovery partition?14:53
gagaliciousi want to disable ram for testing low memory conditions. what's the "safe" way to do so in a production server? also how do i re-enable the ram?14:53
guestgagalicious: "stress" is a workload generator that simulates cpu/mem/io/hdd stress on POSIX systems. http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/99435/4322714:53
Tie21EriC^^, I try to install an Ubuntu server over a windows14:53
EriC^^Tie21: ok so you're trying to boot a live usb?14:54
Tie21No no install worked well14:55
Tie21it's after that14:55
Tie21It's an ubuntu server *14:56
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Jordan_U_Tie21: UEFI or BIOS?14:57
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Tie21when I press F9 the option Boot From EFI File allow me to boot on my ubuntu server14:59
Jordan_U_Tie21: Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr".15:00
Tie21Ohh in fact I do not need pastebin15:01
Tie21only 2 lines15:01
Tie21BootCurrent: 000015:01
Tie21Timeout: 0 seconds15:02
Jordan_U_Tie21: Run "sudo grub-install" then "efibootmgr" again.15:03
Tie21boot0000* ubuntu15:04
Jordan_U_Tie21: OK, Reboot and see if the entry is still there after rebooting.15:04
Tie21there one more option in the F9 menu called ubuntu15:05
Tie21F9 menu is the boot options menu15:06
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Tie21the entry is still here15:08
gaofenganyone can see me?15:09
BluesKajcan you see your text, Tie21?15:10
Tie21My text?15:10
Tie21Sorry I don't understand what you mean15:11
BluesKajnevermind even15:12
MonkeyDusti can't see anyone of you15:12
BluesKajme neither , MonkeyDust , but I can read your text ;-)15:13
Tie21Ohhh some IRC's problemes?15:14
Tie21Ohh damn, i'm a bit tired ^^15:14
ice9any solution for the kswapd0 high cpu usage?15:21
g3ngarhi everyone15:27
g3ngarcan i ask here a question or there's a channel for that?15:32
duwanghey guys, so I was messing around with apt-get and was installing random packages, and I guess one of them was incompatible with my system and now whenever I boot all I see is a blank black screen. Any tips?15:32
Walexduwang: most likely it is just not starting the X server. Switch to a text console, use "recovrery mode"15:34
Walexice9: don't overload memory...15:34
duwangAh, I'll look into that. Thank you!15:35
ice9Walex: it's not overloaded, there is half of ram free and lots of cached memory too, it's a known bug!15:35
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g3ngari've installed ubuntu 16.04 beta2 on my notebook because i needed 4.4 kernel version, when 16.04 will be released i can upgrade directly from the beta?15:36
geniig3ngar: The regular updates will just up it to the 16.04 release version afterwards15:37
g3ngarperfect, thank you15:38
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mhallI've got a coworker setting up a new Ubuntu system. Since Xenial is only a week away, I wanted to check if you can safely install the beta or some other RC version and use do-release-upgrade or dist-upgrade to get it to the final release when it gets finished here soon. Does it work correctly if you do that?15:57
geniimhall: If you're on Xenial before official release, no need for do-release-upgrade. The regular updates will bring it from beta to release15:59
nacc!final | mhall15:59
ubottumhall: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.15:59
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mhallSweet, thanks guys! I figured dist-upgrade would be OK as I used Debian since '97 but I just wanted to make sure there wasn't any secret sauce going on w/ 16.0416:00
mustmodify___Can someone help me to diagnose this unmet dependencies issue? I know what it says but I don't know why. https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/d1e6164bcd31527ea6d29e1bcba4ca7e16:03
blydro@mustmodify what version of ubuntu are you running16:07
ThePendulumDid GNOME Terminal get more color since 15.10 or did I miss that the entire time I was using it in 14.04?16:07
naccmustmodify___: the version mentioned for sqlite3 is not in the archives?16:08
naccmustmodify___: are you on precise and using a PPA?16:08
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elGALL0is there an app that can watch ~/Downloads  and move torrent files based on url the file was downloaded from?16:10
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elGALL0such as *.torrent (from movie tracker) to /path/to/movie/watch/folder16:11
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elGALL0such as *.torrent (from tv tracker) to /path/to/TV/watch/folder16:11
elGALL0such as *.torrent (from music tracker) to /path/to/music/watch/folder etc..16:11
ThePendulumI think we got the gist m816:11
davido_Files themselves don't have metadata describing whence they came before residing on the filesystem.16:11
ThePendulumthe torrent does though, I reckon?16:12
* elGALL0 facepalm16:12
ThePendulumbut you'd need to do some interfacing with the torrent client16:12
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elGALL0returning to OS X is looking better and better everyday16:12
blydroscripting time16:12
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ThePendulumelGALL0: what does that have to do with anything?16:13
blydrowait you got a system that crazy to work with osx?16:13
ThePendulumI have nothing against OS X but you reached conclusion before we even said anything16:14
davido_Preconceived notions die hard.16:14
elGALL0downloaded files in OS X have metadata, the systme I had for 10+ years. theres an app that can see the URL a file (torrent) downloaded from and follow a rule to sort into a different folder16:14
mustmodify___blydro: 13.0416:15
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mustmodifyswitched nicks16:15
elGALL0on ubuntu for r(u)torrent16:15
naccmustmodify___: *13*.04 ? that's eol and not supported any longer16:15
mustmodifynacc: PPA?16:15
naccmustmodify: --^16:15
blydromustmodify: whatever ppa you're grabbing sqlite from doesn't support 13.0416:16
CRz_hi, anyone here?16:16
mustmodifyblydro: ah, thanks.16:16
mustmodifynacc: his answer was much more helpful.16:16
MonkeyDustelGALL0  use whatever system suits you best16:16
naccmustmodify: you really don't want to be on 13.0416:16
elGALL0just all the stuff I HAVE to do to get ubuntu working is more effort than everything just "works" on OS X. dont have to mess with fstab to get drives to automount16:16
naccmustmodify: it's not being updated any longer ...16:16
elGALL0don't have to set permissions for apps to access files on drives16:16
elGALL0etc etc16:17
CRz_...first time I'm using this app.... I see now that I', not quite alone here... :-p16:17
elGALL0ubuntu would be fine if it were mose user friendly16:17
MonkeyDustelGALL0  what brings you here? if you don't like ubuntu, you're free to not use it16:17
davido_I think we've diverged from the topic of support.16:17
elGALL0and nothing against you. just that having to mess with all these apps and some devs are douches16:17
PicielGALL0: such discussion is not welcome in our channels.16:18
elGALL0sorry for taking out frustraions on you guys.16:18
CRz_I would like to learn to do unattened installations of Ubuntu, anyone have time to assist me...?16:18
MonkeyDustelGALL0  you're the one who sounds frustrated, we're happy with ubuntu, thank you for asking16:18
elGALL0jsut in other channels I ask for help and get told to use google or check the forum, which i'd already done and the reason im on IRC.16:19
elGALL0out MY frustrations*16:19
MonkeyDustelGALL0  we get it, now take it elsewhere, this is the support channel16:19
elGALL0ok so with scripting, does anyone have any ideas on where to get started if the *.torrent doesnt have any metadata?16:20
blydroelGALL0: scrape the file and look for a unique string16:20
elGALL0bear in mind I'm a 5 weeks in with ubuntu, as a server not a daily,16:21
elGALL0how do I scrape? all i've done is look at properties?16:21
blydrowell open up the file16:21
blydroand look at the tracker info16:21
blydroand use that to determine what tracker it came from16:22
elGALL0if I open it with gedit the URL info I would normally use in OS X is there, how would i tell ubuntu to "open *.torrent with gedit if url contains [movie tracker name] move here" etc for tv and music?16:23
naccelGALL0: i did a quick google and fwiw, macosx stores the "wherefrom" attribute as an xattr; i wonder if you could script the torrent program you use to do something similar, like a post-download hook16:24
naccelGALL0: oh it's in the file itself?16:24
blydroelGALL0: you could use a bash script or a python script or really any type of script16:24
mcphailCan you move the piracy discussion to another network please?16:25
elGALL0<--- no clue how to script16:25
MonkeyDustelGALL0  say OS X once more16:25
elGALL0 i can run python scripts if they;re preconfigured, but i mess that up half the time16:25
madwizardI think this doesn't belong to Ubuntu channel, rather to scripting channels?16:26
madwizardPick bash or pyton or perl16:26
CRz_From what I read the kikstart app is able to get the locally install packages/ppa... but I only see one Kubuntu desktop... So um, what might I be doing wrong...?16:27
elGALL0ok i'll try python thanks16:27
=== elGALL0 is now known as elGALLO
srulihow can i install ubuntu 14.04 mini in uefi? or is there 16.04 beta mini in uefi available?16:28
naccCRz_: you mean preseed/kickstart?16:31
CRz_nacc: Yeah... or not sure.... I want to PXE it from PXE linux and add some extra ppa's and remove some apps I never use... And get GUI for install location (want manual control of that)...16:33
naccCRz_: so, to be clear, not unattended?16:33
naccCRz_: so yeah, i think you want to look into preseeding, and specify the bits in your preseed file that provide the pre-defined things you know about, whatever you don't preseed will get prompted for16:34
CRz_Yes, but not the install path.... the rest unattened.... :-)16:34
naccCRz_: you might consider using an installation server tool, like cobbler (there are others, i'm just most familiar with cobbler)16:34
CRz_That would be fine too... at the moment I have Windows 2008r2 setup.... with PXE Linux ontop...16:36
CRz_Do you know of any other provitioning tools?16:36
CRz_But the kikstart app, how does one use that... think there is someting wrong with the one thats available at Ubuntu launchpad... most likely I'm doing something wrong... doesnt hurt to ask... :-)16:39
naccCRz_: there is no "kickstart" app16:39
naccCRz_: kickstart is a specification (sort of) for syntax for an autoinstall file16:40
naccCRz_: it's mostly supported on ubuntu, but some thigns still need to be preseeded16:40
OneM_IndustriesSo.. I may have made a derp.. I accidentally saved a file to a system directory, and now I can't find it. I don't remember where I saved it, and it is not showing up in any of my searches.16:40
CRz_I meant the system-config-kikstart...16:40
naccCRz_: that's for creating kickstart files, afaict16:41
naccCRz_: i have no idea about it, sorry16:41
OneM_IndustriesIs there some other way to try and find it?16:42
naccOneM_Industries: do you know what the file's name is?16:42
OneM_Industries..you are going to hate me. "Passwords.odt"16:43
CRz_nacc: ok... I'm able to start livecd over pxe... all I need is to add a kikstart cfg...16:43
OneM_IndustriesAlready searched for that, and it is not showing up.16:43
naccOneM_Industries: try `locate Passwords.odt`16:43
OneM_IndustriesThank you!16:44
=== matthelmke is now known as matthelmke-afk
OneM_IndustriesNow to figure out why it went to "/lib/firmware/intel/intel/Passwords.odt"16:44
junglemanis us.archive.ubuntu.com down?16:44
naccCRz_: did you take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility?16:45
junglemanI can't use apt-get because it wont respond. I pinged the server and it seems to be responsive.16:45
akikOneM_Industries: /lib/firmware/intel is owned by root. it's not so easy to accidentally save there16:45
naccCRz_: you will almost certainly need to use some preseed if you want everything but the install path to be pre-specified16:45
OneM_Industriesakik: I didn't even open it for a while, is the thing.16:46
akikOneM_Industries: here's the find command example "find / -name Passwords.odt"16:46
OneM_IndustriesIt just suddenly isn't in my normal spot for it.16:46
MonkeyDustjungleman  what's the outcome of   cat /etc/issue16:46
junglemanMonkeyDust: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l16:47
OneM_Industriesakik: Nice, I will keep that in mid as well.16:47
=== elGALLO is now known as elGALL0
junglemanMonkeyDust:  Any ideas?16:49
andreas_Hello! I'm trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on my lenovo x1 carbon, but after the install had finished it only boots into win16:50
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cryptomonkWhen is 16.04 LTS coming out?16:51
CRz_nacc: The link you sent... I come across it during googling awile ago....16:51
Guest62383 Hello! I'm trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on my lenovo x1 carbon, but after the install had finished it only boots into windows. I have disabled secure boot.16:51
cryptomonkI thought it was already out16:51
Picicryptomonk: april 21st16:51
akikOneM_Industries: here's a more general one find / -iname "*foo*"16:51
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+116:51
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CRz_nacc: Do you know if there will be new utils from this on the new release?16:51
cryptomonkoh man 3 days, I'll just wait then16:51
cryptomonkabout to roll out some server and really didnt want to use 14.04 when 16 is so close16:52
OneM_IndustriesOOH! 3 days to new version!16:52
OneM_IndustriesTime to back up all the things!16:52
naccCRz_: sorry, new utils for what exactly?16:52
anunnakihas someone working hiden wiki links : thx16:53
CRz_ncc: unattened installations ofcourse.. :-)16:53
quandryIs it possible to wipe the bios out when installing Ubuntu?16:54
anunnakiI think not16:54
akikquandry: don't wipe your bios16:54
quandryWhy not16:54
akikquandry: your computer might be unusable after that16:55
quandryI think I got infected by a buddy -.-16:55
quandryBios is a tricky infection..16:55
naccCRz_: ok, so to do unattended installations, you need a pxe server (which you say you have) and a preseed or kickstart file. For preseed files, you can use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler/Preseed for a full NQA example. For kickstart, you should, I guess, use the utility you found?16:55
quandryIt's based on where he used to work, so while it's a suspicion, it's definitely something he could do. I could care less if I wasn't going to use the device, but I am, so I want it wiped if I can.16:56
quandryis that impossible?16:56
quandryOkay, rephrase.. What are methods I could use to deal with this if I install Ubuntu?16:57
MonkeyDustquandry  wipe what?17:00
quandryI don't know how else to phrase it other than wiping out a potential bios virus..17:00
quandryIt's an issue that manufacturers have pledged to update their bios' to prevent..17:00
quandryAnyway, if you know I'd be grateful for assistance.. i know that messing with the bios is trouble, but during installation, the bios is what handles the load of things17:01
MonkeyDustquandry  and how is that ubuntu related?17:01
quandryIs there anything I can do?17:01
quandryBecause I'm going to install the OS that's why17:01
quandryI think I've mentioned that multiple times17:01
quandryInstallers have options for partitioning and other things17:02
MonkeyDustyes, so does ubuntu17:02
quandryI was curious if there were tools during or after the OS install that I could utilize to further purge any influence17:02
ter500hi guys. I have a problem with my external driver. I've connected to a widnows terminal and after that to the ubuntu one and get an error: Error mounting : Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sdc1" "/media/slack/Unix"' exited with non-zero exit status 13: $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0). Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardwa17:03
quandryMonkey, i was talking about the Ubuntu Linux installation17:03
naccquandry: i think the problem is, if the bios is infected already, there is not much the OS can do to avoid that infection?17:03
quandryWell, actually I'm asking you that question17:03
quandryI don't mind using Ubuntu rather than the OS I'm currently using17:03
quandryWill it solve my issue though?17:04
naccquandry: right, sorry, should have been a statement (it was, just masked as a question)17:05
quandrySo, it can't do anything then17:05
naccquandry: the OS relies on the BIOS to be somewhat trusted and consistent, aiui17:05
naccquandry: well, you need to get your BIOS in order :)17:05
quandryI'm currently on another system that has Ubuntu installed17:05
naccnot sure, i wonder if reflashing it would help -- it might depend on the nature of the BIOS infection17:06
pumiceis there something I can do to stop abiword from malfunctioning? the cursor jumps around alot, the page margins change without touching them, and text disappears from page without touching that either? any ideas?17:06
MonkeyDustquandry  bios questions are not for this channel17:06
naccpumice: does it only happen with abiword?17:06
quandryMonkey get lost17:06
MonkeyDustquandry  and stay polite17:06
CRz_nacc: I think that's abit to much... My linux/ubuntu knowledge is lacking.... Would have been nice with a gui to play around with in the beginning. Shall do some more research in to thirdparty provisioning tools instead....17:06
pumiceit does, I had open office and that was bad too17:06
quandryDon't shoo people that are seeking help away.17:06
CRz_nacc: That's for you help! :-)17:07
naccquandry: MonkeyDust is probably right, though, fixing your BIOS isn't really ontopic for the channel (which is about ubuntu support) -- you might try ##linux17:07
quandryMy question is intrinsically related to Ubuntu as it's the installation I'm currently contemplated17:07
pumiceit happens with writing mail in g mail17:07
quandryIf there are tools or methods that people might have a feeling would work, then they'd mention it.. if not the appropriate answer is "don't know, sorry"17:07
jkdaiiiea982hi guys17:07
naccCRz_: installation is (ime) not gui driven; if you're trying to automate installations, you need quite a bit of knowledge ahead of time17:08
quandrynot.. You're in the wrong place "leave" masked with it's not an appropriate topic17:08
jkdaiiiea982maybe i've done an error with ssh17:08
quandryAnyway, thanks for the input you've given me17:08
quandryi appreciate it17:08
naccpumice: so i'd expect it to be something else than abiword then :) -- is it your touchpad possibly going crazy (i have that sometimes when my wrist or palm hits it) if a laptop17:08
jkdaiiiea982where can i see all the terminal commands i 've done? thanks17:08
pumiceit happens using a pc with regular keyboard17:09
MonkeyDustjkdaiiiea982  in ~/.bash_history17:09
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pumiceI thought it was my keyboard or mouse, so I changed them both17:09
KuroganeHello, how i can get ask me again config of the package? i tried to apt-get purge but when install again the package not show again to config a clean and i see "Selecting previously unselected package" ?17:10
pumiceI'm running Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty)17:10
CRz_nacc: Yeah... its a learning curv, not quite there yet...  know some but... things are best learned the hard way as they say!17:12
naccKurogane: dpkg-reconfigure `package name`, maybe?17:12
naccCRz_: sure, i'm around on #cobbler too, if you have questions for that17:12
jkdaiiiea982hi MonkeyDust , i've opened it, but there are the last17:12
naccpumice: does it happen in general (clicks)? anything look odd in `dmesg` output?17:13
jkdaiiiea982MonkeyDust,  the terminal is opened, i must close it?17:14
CRz_nacc: thx, is #cobbler on the same network as this channel?17:14
pumiceit does, yes, im not sure what "dmesg" is?17:14
Kuroganenacc, not, i want ask me again as never installed the package17:14
MonkeyDustjkdaiiiea982  less ./bash_history ... how many 'last' commands does it show17:14
MonkeyDustjkdaiiiea982  less ~/.bash_history ... how many 'last' commands does it show    <-- correction17:15
jkdaiiiea982MonkeyDust, i've closed the terminal, now they are17:15
jkdaiiiea982MonkeyDust,  not all :(17:16
naccCRz_: yep17:17
CRz_ok :-)17:18
MonkeyDustjkdaiiiea982  ok, open a terminal window and type   less ~/.bash_history17:18
naccpumice: ok, so i'd expect something might be up with interrupt processing (possibly) or something else more general ... are you uptodate on 14.04? have you tried, by any chance, the latest HWE stack (if able)?17:18
naccKurogane: sorry, not understanding -- you installed once (with some configuration), purged, installed again and it didn't prompt for configuration. Is that correct?17:19
Kuroganenacc, yes17:19
jkdaiiiea982done MonkeyDust17:19
jkdaiiiea982it works17:20
MonkeyDustjkdaiiiea982  great, you can now scroll up and down ... hit q to quit17:20
jkdaiiiea982MonkeyDust, do u know ssh commands? i've problem to copy directory in remote raspberrypi17:21
pumiceI believe it is current with update, but I do have a red exclamation point in my tray saying update info is out of date yet the computer software updater says everything is current, i was thinking similar ideas,17:22
jkdaiiiea982i don't find the directory i've copied in it MonkeyDust17:22
MonkeyDustjkdaiiiea982  i know ssh commands, but not raspberrypi17:22
pumicewhat is HWE stack?17:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:23
lmatWhat does canonical use to do video conferencing? And "instant messages", etc.?17:25
Rardalooking for some help...anyone have a little extra time to help me work though a issue17:26
lmatI'm tired of using Microsoft Windows for this, and not knowing a viable alternative.17:26
lmatRarda: don't ask to ask ;-)17:26
lmatRarda: I know it's a pain to type it out only to find that nobody helps, but I don't think anyone will commit to help you like that.17:26
Rardawell i deleted windows 10 off my laptop last night (thank god) and i installed ubuntu 14.04.4 on my laptop and for some reason it randomly logs me out and closes my programs17:27
citizenruini will take one for the team rarda17:27
citizenruinwhats going on17:27
Rardaits almost like it is rebooting but not all the way just goes to the log in screen17:27
citizenruinyour not typing sudo shutdown now GTFO in terminal are you?17:27
Rardalol no17:27
kakooniaim trying to compile a minterm version of bitchx on my ubuntu and i have a process feed of hival.c on the main logging mainstream window, do someone know what is an ifc error, i got the comm pack on to version 7, do i need to upgrade the source code of the epi, while i got the latest bitchx version. need i bitchx forum?17:28
Rardaand it is not my display settings i have it set so it does not shut off the screen17:28
citizenruini got you dude17:28
citizenruingo to system settting17:28
citizenruinthere should be a privacy tab there17:29
citizenruinclick that17:29
lmatcitizenruin: sudo journalctl -k -b 017:29
lmatRarda: sudo journalctl -k -b 017:29
lmatcitizenruin: meant that for Rarda ;-)17:29
citizenruinsudo journalctl -k -b 0 from lmat will work also17:29
UbuntuDudeI don't know which buttons I accidently pressed while editing /etc/hosts and now it's seems everything is gone!!17:30
UbuntuDudeFile /etc/hosts is being edited (by root with nano 2.4.2, PID 11230); continue?17:30
=== Deviatio_ is now known as Deviation
UbuntuDudethat is what I get when I try to open the file again17:30
naccKurogane: and `dpkg-reconfigure pkgname` didn't do what you want?17:30
citizenruinkill 1123017:30
UbuntuDudeI tried Yes and it worked17:31
UbuntuDudethanks citizenruin17:31
pumiceill try updating every which way possible17:31
citizenruinlol wait you typed yes?17:32
citizenruinor you typed kill?17:32
UbuntuDudeis it possible to run another X from another tty while the current is already running?17:32
Kuroganenac, not as do what i want but i not want that, i not want to run dpkg-reconfigure i just want as clean package i never installed17:33
naccKurogane: so you're asking why the second install didn't prompt for the configuration step? what package is this? what version of ubuntu?17:33
lmat(@ lol wait you typed yes?)17:34
MonkeyDustUbuntuDude  nested, yes, with Xephyr17:35
Rarda@lmat i ran that line and it said command not found17:35
UbuntuDudeMonkeyDust: what shall I do exactly? anything to read about this stuff?17:35
citizenruinlol @ dildosan17:37
Dildosanwut citizenruin?17:37
Kuroganenacc, mysql, is whatever package, i know why the second install not prompt becuase there is some file is detected so because of that not ask again i understand some point but i want to delete this config and ask me again when reinstall the package17:38
citizenruindoes anyone here do CTF contest?17:40
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ThePendulumIs there any way to 'reset' unity for it to find recently installed applications?17:41
ThePendulumit's failing to find both Skype and the compiz settings manager17:41
MonkeyDustUbuntuDude  looking, i don't remember the name17:41
citizenruinhtop > find unity > kill (process id)17:43
citizenruin<--- still looking for help on securing deskstop and server.17:45
citizenruin<--- still looking for help on making dd-wrt router17:46
odin_It's very easy17:46
citizenruinlol some of us where born in the backwoods of southern states - i need to be able to ask questions as im doing it i think lol17:47
Picicitizenruin: dd-wrt stuff isn't really on-topic for #ubuntu, perhaps #dd-wrt or ##networking would be more appropriate17:48
misha_Can you guys hear me?17:49
Picimisha_: yes17:49
citizenruinthanks pici17:49
MonkeyDustUbuntuDude  https://box.matto.nl/xnest.html   <-- 2010!!17:49
citizenruinis there a way to autojoin a few channels when i start IRC? (hexchat)17:50
misha_Just installed a command-line IRC client on my Ubuntu box.17:50
citizenruinthats a cool project misha17:50
misha_Tyring to figure out how things work here.17:50
misha_looks like I'm going to be a frequent visitor here.17:51
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citizenruinwhat was the client called?17:51
misha_it is called irssi17:52
sgshubham03Hi all.17:52
MonkeyDustUbuntuDude  and this  http://askubuntu.com/questions/116936/how-can-i-run-a-unity-session-inside-xephyr17:52
Picimisha_: fyi, #irssi also exists here, they're quite helpful.17:52
misha_what do they usually talk about there?17:53
squintycitizenruin,  hexchat -> network list -> edit _> autojoin channels17:53
MonkeyDustmisha_  ubuntu support17:53
smellsLikeGoatSphello everyone, just a quick question here, is it possible to connect different clients to a TCP/IP server at the same time?17:53
sgshubham03Reading package lists... Done17:54
sgshubham03Building dependency tree17:54
sgshubham03Reading state information... Done17:54
sgshubham03Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have17:54
sgshubham03requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable17:54
sgshubham03distribution that some required packages have not yet been created17:54
sgshubham03or been moved out of Incoming.17:54
citizenruinthanks squinty17:54
MonkeyDustsmellsLikeGoatSp  there's also #ubuntu-server17:54
MonkeyDustsgshubham03  next time, use a !pastebin17:54
naccKurogane: not sure why that would be, sounds like a bug in the purge, then?17:54
citizenruinsudo apt-get install pastebinit17:54
squintycitizenruin,  another way is to right click on channel button -> autojoin17:54
smellsLikeGoatSpMonkeyDust: noted.17:55
sgshubham03Error while `sudo apt-get install ttf-indic-fonts` for Ubuntu 15.10 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/hkHk9w1Z/17:55
RalphBasmellsLikeGoatSp, your question is quite interessting. maybe you should precise it17:56
Kuroganenacc, i do the purge thing and i find something interesting debconf-get-selections | grep package is listed the config and i want do delete that how i can do it?17:56
misha_What command should I issue to see how many people there are in the chat?17:56
MonkeyDustmisha_  /names17:57
misha_I just need the number17:57
misha_Well, it lists all the names. I'd like to have just the number of total users i nhte chat.17:57
Picimisha_: /names -count17:58
misha_got it.17:58
MonkeyDustmisha_  or /lusers17:59
sgshubham03@all: Help me. I am getting this issue https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/hkHk9w1Z/ for Ubuntu 15.1017:59
smellsLikeGoatSpRalphBa: so a friend of mine has a light control software called e:cue that connects to a LAS server (I believe) which is connected to a butler that controls the light via DMX. this software sends signals down the network using TCP/IP to ignite command to play sound in his RPi. This is done to avoid paying for the sound licence and only sticking to the lights. (continues)17:59
Fuchs/lusers is network-wide18:00
smellsLikeGoatSpRalphBa:  Now this system failed for one of the RPi and I was thinking of setting a separate server-client  TCP network to input the RPi with commands for the sound. I tested a tutorial using my LAN connection and worked out fine. I should try with an ethernet now. But I was wondering whether a server can listen to multiple clients simultaneously18:01
MonkeyDustFuchs  true18:01
misha_Okay, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you all. I'll come back though.18:02
MalinuxI have Corel Aftershot pro It has support for openCL. However, I always getting: "Could not select an OpenCL platform"18:03
MalinuxI have this card: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF119M [NVS 4200M] (rev a1)18:04
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yellabs-r2hi there18:05
dzieciolhello :)18:05
yellabs-r2strange thing : i removed ubuntu one , a long time ago, now upgraded to 14.04 recently, and look and behold - ubuntu one is messaging that its closing soon..18:06
yellabs-r2how can i get rid of it ?18:06
texlawhy am i not getting returns on /lusers18:06
RalphBasmellsLikeGoatSp, send answer via /msg, may not really fit here18:06
yellabs-r2ah synaptic is helpfull18:09
yellabs-r2shows more info on what is wrong18:09
yellabs-r2reboot !18:10
dzieciolguys can i use wall terminal command on android ??18:10
* yellabs-r2 afk 18:10
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sam_vimesHello! I just installed ubuntu gnome, but I have a high definition display and I can't change any high definition settings in the display settings menu18:19
kayjoin #ubuntu-unity18:19
sam_vimesit's just not there, any ideas?18:19
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sam_vimesbut it's gnome, not unity.18:19
TheMariussam_vimes, probably a display driver issue18:19
sam_vimesI use Intel Display18:19
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TheMariusthat should work fine18:20
sam_vimeshttp://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201411-16196/ <- my laptop18:20
sam_vimesonly I have i718:20
TheMariusok .. im a noob so i dont know, but if ive had intel graphics ive never had an issue18:20
sam_vimeshmm.. I'll need to do a restart, be back soon.18:20
TheMariusati is the rotten apple in the basket of gpu's18:21
TheMariusbut i still get it to work18:21
NarwhaalATI is amazing18:21
Narwhaal<= AMD user18:21
TheMariusNarwhaal, ive had driver issues and thats the reason i cant upgrade to 16.0418:21
Narwhaalnvidia is worse imo18:21
NarwhaalTheMarius: I use 16.04 with open drivers18:21
TheMariuscause its an end to fglxr with 16.0418:22
Narwhaalno problems18:22
TheMariusmy computer running open drivers is like a raspberry pi trying to run windows 1018:22
Narwhaalthen get a better PC18:22
TheMariusradeon 587018:22
TheMariusfor this? no18:22
TheMariusill switch distro instead or just wait.. it works fine with fglxr drivers, but not with open drivers18:23
Narwhaalif you can't get an AMD card working on such an easy OS then get back to windows18:23
Narwhaalworking properly anyway18:23
TheMariusit works properly with fglxr drivers18:23
TheMariusi told you18:23
TheMarius16.04 wont come with that though .. thats the issue18:24
NarwhaalI've been having success with open drivers since radeon 6950 so18:24
TheMarius15.10 however runs it fine18:24
Narwhaalmy R9 fury x works even better18:24
TheMariusprobably cause you have a different model18:24
TheMariusnewer one18:24
TheMariusthis is 6 years old or sommething like that18:24
TheMariusbut i dont game so why would i upgrade18:24
TheMariusmany say nvidia is better at supporting linux18:25
TheMariusthats what i most often hear.. however fglxr drivers of a new kind is released this summer i think.. or autum.. which is supposed to fix it18:26
up123since no one is responding in #ubuntu-unity:  are there plans for adapting icons in Unity 8? like calendar showing the actual date instead of only a 28 all the time?18:26
Narwhaalnvidia never worked for me18:26
Narwhaalwell it worked but not at the same level as windows18:27
TheMariuswouldnt be surpriced if it has something to do with opengl18:30
Narwhaalopengl worked very well tbh18:30
Narwhaalit's just the performance from the cards weren't up to par18:31
TheMariusits amazing theyre able to keep up with directx18:31
Narwhaalthey aren't18:31
Narwhaalthey're becoming better18:31
lalaI'm trying to figure out how to get my computer that has a wireless card connected to the internet.18:31
lalaIt is running Ubuntu Server 15.10, I believe and when I do `lspci -vnn | grep 14e4` I get Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11b/g/n.18:32
lalaAccording to this website: http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2011/09/fixing-broadcom-43xx-wireless-card.html18:32
lalaIt says that I need to install packages using apt-get, but because it's not connected to internet, I need to transfer the packages somehow.18:33
lalaI'm not exactly sure how to do that.18:33
Maczimuslala i found this link. it also shows what to do if you don't have access to the internet https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:39
Zeelotgood morning18:43
anunnakigood evening18:43
ZeelotI am having a bit of a brain fart. I've created a new user but this user doesn't have `/sbin` in his $PATH. I understand this is normal, but I want to know what change makes that happen. my default user has a very different $PATH from this new one. it seems like the new user doesn't load `/etc/environment`18:44
Zeelotand I can't find much information for how `/etc/environment` is loaded in the boot/login process.18:45
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geirha/etc/environment is read by the pam_env module when you log in18:47
Zeelotgerald: so is everything I need to know found in `/etc/pam.d/`?18:48
Mausje75i`m messaging from the new bq aquaris ubuntu tablet!18:49
ZeelotMausje75: nice :) I went to order one a few weeks ago and the checkout form crashed18:50
ZeelotI should try again!18:50
geirhaZeelot: man pam_env18:50
Mausje75i have it for a few hours now... just a lot of testing and figuring out...18:51
ZeelotMausje75: how has it been so far?18:51
GlockxHi guys, so what's up with Ubuntu 14.04 updates lately? I have a computer where I cannot login after the recent update. permissions checked. xauthority checked. ubuntu-session checked. anyone else is getting this ?18:52
Zeelotgerald: looking at that but not quite sure what to do with the info18:53
Mausje75@Zeelot: so far so good!18:55
Mausje75Converge works nice18:55
Zeelotawesome. I'll order mine today :) how did you hook it up to a monitor/keyboard?18:55
arooniwhy am i sseing : "ssh: Could not resolve hostname brazil: nodename nor servname provided, or not known"  when i run ssh brazil ; where brazil is a defined host in /home/myuser/.ssh/config ?18:56
Mausje75i haven` t connect it to a monitor yet18:56
Mausje75don` t have the cable18:56
ubuntu-matehello boys18:57
ubuntu-mateis there anyone here?18:57
BluesKajno boys here, justubuntu users18:57
ZeelotMausje75: ah ok. I'm quite interested in how it performs in a more "desktop" mode18:57
Zeelotgeirha: not quite understanding the info :( could I have another hint?18:58
Zeelotthere's nothing specific to my users configuredin there unless it's based off groups?18:58
Mausje75In desktop mode works good... i` m typing with a bluetooth keyboard now18:58
arooninevermind; fixed it.19:01
Zeelotoh! so it looks like /etc/environment is not loading when I switch users using `sudo su - foo`19:02
geirhaZeelot: firstly, don't use sudo *and* su, sudo is enough19:07
scamsudo passwd root19:07
geirhasudo -Hu foo -i19:07
geirha!root | scam19:08
ubottuscam: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:08
scamthats nice but i made a root password then19:08
Zeelotgeirha: hmm so what is the difference in switching users that way? why did that cause the $PATH to be properly defined?19:09
geirhasu will set PATH based on /etc/login.defs19:10
Zeelotwhen would you want to use su?19:10
geirhawhen sudo is not available19:11
geirhabut since ubuntu ships with sudo by default, you never really need su. Many scripts still rely on su though, so it can't be removed19:11
geniiZeelot: You'd use su to become a different user and run an application as that user. For instance, as a user allowed to run the mail server or database backend19:12
Zeelotright, ok19:12
geirhagenii: No, use sudo for that19:12
chowderwhere can I get help with Ubuntu 16.04?19:12
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party19:13
chowderThanks geirha19:13
Zeelotgeirha: thanks for the info19:15
clifferso is there anybody administrating a server using a ldap directory to manage domains (bind9) and email addresses (postfix/dovecot) and using a (not self written) gui willing to name his solution?19:22
MonkeyDustcliffer  there's also #ubuntu-server19:23
Rardacould someone please have a look at this for me i am having issues with ubuntu on my laptop randomly logging me off19:26
Rardahere is my posted question on askubuntu.com and everything i have came up with so far19:26
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cpamahi there. i have a 64 bit 14.04 lts install.  i just downloaded robomongo and tried to open the tar file using ubuntu software center19:28
cpamabut it bombs with the message19:28
Fuchscpama: .tar is not meant for the software center, it's just an archive. Probably there are instructions when you unpack it19:28
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cpamaFuchs, actually, no19:29
cpamai've tried to unzip it19:29
cpamaand run some of the bin files19:29
cpamabut it didn't wor19:29
cpamaso I found this:19:29
cpamaseems that someone else was able to open the tar.gz file using software center19:29
Fuchsdidn't work is not an error message, if you give us an error message, we can probably help19:29
Fuchsunlikely, again, .tar is not meant for software center19:29
Fuchsif they have a .deb file somewhere, that could be installed via software center (or just dpkg)19:30
cpamaFuchs i was in the middle of typing the message about when you responded... and then i got distracted.  The error just says "/tmp/robomongo-<version number>.tar.gz" could not be opened19:31
\nihang on in your chair. Noob question coming out.19:31
\niwhere is the proper place to put a self made program, so all user on the system can access it?19:31
Guest99289How does ubuntu move files so fast? I have a 1.5 GB Iso file, which would take windows 15+ seconds to transfer to another location... whereas as soon as you send it to the new location, its pretty much there?19:31
cpamaFuchs, i tried to search software center for robomongo19:31
Fuchscpama:   tar -xf robomongo-version.tar.gz19:31
cpamabut wasn't able t find anything19:31
cpamaFuchs, so I tried that.  it creates folder structure.19:32
cpamabut not obvious from there what to do . i checked the bin folder19:32
cpamato see what it includes19:32
Fuchsthen you go into that folder structure and look for either instructions or a binary19:32
Fuchsfeel free to run a    find .    inside that folder and give me the result in a pastebin (not in here)19:32
Fuchsthen I'll look at it19:32
mcphailGuest99289: if the destination is on the same partition, all that is changed is the path to the file. Nothing is actually moved on the disk19:33
cpamaFuchs, http://pastebin.com/wjaz9nea19:34
deluciaNeed help with a landscape install. Getting a persistent error         agent-state-info: |-19:34
delucia          failed to retrieve the template to clone: cannot determine cached image URL: cannot determine LXC image URL: cannot determine LXC image URL: failed to get https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/query/trusty/server/released-dl.current.txt19:34
Fuchscpama: good.  Go to that folder, then cd bin/   and then  ./robomongo19:34
Fuchseither that works, or it gives you an error message we can hopefully work with :)19:34
deluciaany ideas?  2 containers fail the others come right up.19:34
cpamaFuchs, i'm an idiot.  I was just typing "robomongo" instead of "./robomongo"19:35
cpamaactually, i should ask why we need that syntax19:35
Fuchscpama: sure19:35
Guest99289how do i assign a name on the irc? it said i failed to identify in time?19:35
cpamai guess it isn't obvious to the system that I'm talking about the binary in the current folder?19:35
Fuchscpama: ./  says  "current directory". Otherwise it checks for something called robomongo  in every folder that is in the variable $PATH19:36
Fuchscpama: as $PATH doesn't contain that folder, it has no idea what to run19:36
Fuchscpama: anyway, you can now create a desktop shortcut / launcher to that thing, and run it from wherever you please. Maybe first move it to a place you are happy with it being in19:36
Rardacould someone help me figure out what is going on with my ubuntu.. this is the forum post i posted with my issue and everything i have figured out up tell now but i have reached a wall http://askubuntu.com/questions/758748/ubuntu-14-04-4-keeps-logging-me-out19:36
cpamaFuchs, ooooooohhhhhhh19:36
cpamamakes sense19:36
Fuchscpama: you're welcome :)19:36
zach2825_Rarda, check your screensaver settings. i had a problem with that a while ago..19:38
contumaxhi, there is no tty after ubuntu server 14.10 boot, but i'm able to ssh to the server, any help?19:38
geirha\ni: /usr/local/bin/19:38
nickabbeyshould I ask 16.4 questions here or in a different channel (ubuntu+1)?19:39
MonkeyDustcontumax  14.10 is dead ... or do you mean 14.0419:39
geniiThe #ubuntu+1 until after Thursday19:39
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party19:39
contumaxMonkeyDust, 14.04 sorry19:40
nickabbeygeirha: thanks19:40
FuchsGuest99289: /nick yournamehere19:42
FuchsGuest99289: if that doesn't work and you have a registered nick, you probably have to release it as you didn't identify in time,19:42
FuchsGuest99289: in this case:  /msg nickserv release YourNameHere YourPasswordHere    and then   /nick YourNameHere19:42
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aberts10Fuchs,  how do i assign a password?19:44
contumaxhi, there is no tty after ubuntu server 14.04 boot, but i'm able to ssh to the server, any help?19:44
Fuchsaberts10: your current nick doesn't appear to be registered yet, so:   /msg nickserv help register19:44
Fuchsaberts10: make sure to use a valid e-mail address, as you'll have to confirm it19:44
zach2825_contumax, have you tried something like ctrl+alt+f1?19:45
contumaxzach2825_, yes, ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't do anything, just black screen19:45
zach2825_contumax, thats interesting. sorry never saw that problem..19:46
zach2825_maybe bad video card config?19:46
zach2825_or bad X11 config..19:46
zach2825_maybe this page could help.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221963219:47
rcw2are there freenode channels to hire people for coding gigs19:47
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http19:47
kallo82I have a problem with ubuntu 14.04 afer i updated the kernel with graphics, its dimming all the time and showing black spots whenever i move the mouse or browse a webpage19:48
contumaxzach2825_, I didn't change any drivers or graphics configuration19:48
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zach2825_contumax, an apt-get dist-upgrade could have done something. its a potential starting point.19:49
squintycontumax,  might want to keep in mind that servers are mostly headless (no monitor) and ssh is one way to access19:49
squintycontumax, fwiw, there is a #ubuntu-server channel here on fidonet19:50
anticitizenkallo82: have you tried reverting your kernel? which kernel are you on? i had graphics issues with my nvidia card when i tried kernel 4.519:50
zach2825_this has been a life saver for me many times checkout "etckeeper"19:51
contumaxzach2825_: yes probably19:51
zach2825_with "etckeeper" you can put your whole /etc/ directory into a repository so you can track changes19:51
kallo82anticitizen: im on kernel 4.4 lts19:52
contumaxzach2825_,  thanks19:52
kallo82my graphic card is intel HD iris19:52
kallo82how to get that thing installed ?19:52
zach2825_contumax, good luck19:52
aclaudemConsidering using unity instead of gnome. Does the compiz zoom follow keyboard caret as I type and tab through the user interface? I dont use a mouse so this is important to me19:52
contumaxzach2825_, I see GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”", isn't RUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”text” supposed to be there?19:53
zach2825_contumax, checking my server now..19:53
Rardacould someone help me figure out what is going on with my ubuntu.. this is the forum post i posted with my issue and everything i have figured out up tell now but i have reached a wall http://askubuntu.com/questions/758748/ubuntu-14-04-4-keeps-logging-me-out19:55
kallo82anybody can help ?19:56
zach2825_Rarda, i answered and posted a reply on the question. did what i said work?19:56
Rardazach no it did not work i replied to your post19:56
zach2825_contumax, i don't have that setting on my server. sorry i bet it is something like that . just keep in mind you edit something in /etc/grub.d/ and run the grub update. i ruined a server one because of that mess//19:57
zach2825_contumax, i don't have that setting on my server. sorry i bet it is something like that . just keep in mind you edit something in /etc/grub.d/ and run the grub update. i ruined a server one because of that mess..19:57
contumaxzach2825_, great :-(19:58
cliffershould i report a bug if the example.ldif could not be imported to ldap even if the schema.ldif was imported before? and docs are suggesting to import example.ldif?19:58
clifferthe pkg is bind9-dyndb-ldap19:59
BenderRodriguezI need help!20:00
clifferthe schema nsContainer is missing20:00
BenderRodriguezI have a combo printer/scanner I want to share20:00
BenderRodriguezlsusb shows the attached printer as Bus 001 Device 006: ID 03f0:7e04 Hewlett-Packard DeskJet F4100 Printer series20:00
BenderRodriguezIs this printer supported with cups for networked printing and scanning?20:00
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Rardacould someone help me figure out what is going on with my ubuntu.. this is the forum post i posted with my issue and everything i have figured out up tell now but i have reached a wall http://askubuntu.com/questions/758748/ubuntu-14-04-4-keeps-logging-me-out20:04
jaythelinuxguy@Rarda, does it happen if you disable your screen saver? I've had xscreensaver crash X before.20:05
zach2825_jaythelinuxguy, i used to have that same problem. it has something to do with the video card. all of a sudden while your using the computer it goes to the login screen and you loose your work..20:07
jaythelinuxguyIn my case it was with intel video when I had that issue20:07
zach2825_that might have been it for me to. i did a fresh install and a few other things and that problem went away20:08
kallo82Guys any help on my issue ? how to reinstall my integrated intel graphics ?20:10
jaythelinuxguyAnother thing that can cause an instant X crash for me is using the obmenu app and saving my changes. Simply saving changes in that app is an instant X killer20:10
BenderRodriguezyou know what I got the initial cups issue resolved20:10
BenderRodriguezis it possible to expose the shared printer to multiple subnets?20:10
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82 apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel20:12
jaythelinuxguyTo reinstall, it's: apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel20:12
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: i tried that and i have this, let me pastepin20:13
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kallo82jaythelinuxguy: http://pastebin.com/bpaw2Qsw20:13
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82 did you try to install the package it's complaining about?20:15
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82 did you also try: apt-get -f install20:15
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: never tried any of those, should i ?20:16
jaythelinuxguyWhat happens when you run my second command, apt-get -f install20:16
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kallo82jaythelinuxguy: i tried and had the same error20:17
kallo82the one i sent you20:17
jaythelinuxguyWhat happens when you try: apt-get install xserver-xorg-core20:17
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: http://pastebin.com/9sPt0UZX20:18
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: Is this Ubuntu proper, or is this a flavor?20:19
Rardajaythelinuxguy yes i used sudo apt-get remove gnome-screensaver and it is still doing it20:19
jaythelinuxguy@Rarda, is xscreensaver running?20:19
anticitizenkallo82: are you using any manually added repositories? like ones not for the version of ubuntu you're on?20:19
jaythelinuxguyps aux |grep xscreensaver20:19
kallo82anticitizen: this is dell latitude with preinstalled ubuntu20:20
Rardano xscreensaver is not running20:20
kallo82i just updated --> upgraded the kernel20:20
anticitizenah ok20:20
jaythelinuxguy@Rarda: I'm not sure, then. I've had that problem myself, and for me, it was xscreensaver causing it20:20
anticitizenhave you tried reverting back to your previous kernel20:20
anticitizenit's not always adviseable to have the most recent20:20
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: Is the ubuntu-desktop package installed?20:21
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: yes ubuntu 14.0420:21
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jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: Make sure the ubuntu-desktop and its dependencies are installed. It would also be nice to see the dpkg.log from when the botched update ran20:22
kallo82anticitizen: i needed to update the kernel in kernel 3.19 had issues with HDMI and D-SUB ports20:22
jaythelinuxguy@kall082: Also, did you add any new repositories?20:22
kallo82only teamjava and mozilla20:23
jaythelinuxguyKallo82: If you did add any additional repositories, comment them out for now, do an apt-get update, and try to install the xserver packages again20:23
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kallo82jaythelinuxguy: you mean dell repos ?20:24
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82 are the dell repos the only extra repos added beyond what Ubuntu normally comes with?20:24
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: http://imgur.com/NeLAVKM20:25
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: Uncheck everything from the first dell.archive down, and then update your sources. Then try to install the xserver packages again. You can always re-enable the other repos later. One of them is causing your issue20:27
vapulahi, any idea why strace is not showing file path, but just a pointer (open(0x7fbff244dd04, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3) (14.04 LTS, amd64) ?20:27
satysinhey, is the 16.04 release candidate not out yet?20:27
satysini thought it was due the other day?20:27
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82 if for some reason that doesn't solve it, it would be because some package got added to your system from one of those repositories that has a dependency the official repositories can't comply with20:28
teward!16.04 | satysin20:28
ubottusatysin: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party20:28
satysinyeah i know it is due on the 21st but the RC was due on the 14th and isnt out by the looks of it?20:28
tewardsatysin: you didn't read the message.  Go to #Ubuntu+120:28
teward"Discussion in #ubuntu+1"20:29
satysinyeah I just realised :P20:29
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: the same20:29
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: same error message20:29
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: I'm not sure which, but some package on your system is requiring a dependency newer than what your Ubuntu version is offering. Whatever package that is, needs to be removed and reinstalled. I'm not sure which, though. It's looking like the Dell PPA or another PPA isntalled an incompatible package on your system20:31
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: maybe this happened because i updated the kernel version ?20:31
kallo82i only updated the kernel and then build-essential20:31
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: Where did the updated kernel come from?20:32
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-xenial20:32
kallo82i ran this20:32
jaythelinuxguy@kallo8w: That very well could have caused it. Why did you upgrade to the xenial kernel on 14.04?20:33
kallo82well that solved some issues with my external monitor , also dell dock didnt work on 13.19 , neither do now20:34
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82 are you referring to a display link dock?20:34
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: AFAIK, display link drivers haven't been released for the 16.04 kernel yet. Basically to fix this issue, you would want to remove any packages and dependencies installed as part of your kernel upgrade, then reinstall xorg. But since you have some 16.04 packages, you may as well just back up your data and upgrade everything to 16.0420:35
kallo82i think ill format and restore the manufacture OS , i tried 16.04 a while ago its has some issues with PHP and MySQL20:37
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: Which issues with mysql?20:37
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: but i could use the dock20:37
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: issues on PHP 5.6 version and connectivity to mysql20:38
kallo82it only supports php 720:38
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: 16.04 switches MySQL to UNIX socket authentication. If you disable that, it will act like it used to.20:38
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: you mean i should use tcp/ip method ?20:39
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: I'm not familiar with your code/environment, but on my end when I was using MySQL, I had to turn off UNIX socket authentication in order to authenticate from other machines, I wasn't sure if you were running into the same thign20:40
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: also i had some issues with fresh ubuntu 16.04 installation (couldnt create swap)20:40
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: i used beta 2 version20:41
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: which i believe its the latest version20:41
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: That's a known bug (the swap issue). When you do a fresh install of 16.04, if you use gparted to delete all partitions, then reboot and try your install again, it will work20:41
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82 your current install CAN be saved though, it will just require uninstalling any package that was installed as a part of your kernel update, then making sure the intel driver and ubuntu-desktop packages and their dependencies are installed. Whether you try that or reinstall depends on how much time you're willing to put into your current install20:42
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: the problem is when i reinstall , i start to have the same issues after the regular update to kernel 3.1920:43
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: and start to have this issue with lshw and ubuntu is experiencing an internal error20:43
jaythelinuxguyWhich version of 14.04 specifically? 14.04.4?20:44
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: its 14.04 | after regular upodate its 14.4.420:44
kallo82jaythelinuxguy: where drama starts to happen20:45
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jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: You should always install from the latest point release. So you should install 14.04.4, not from 14.04.0 or whatever you're installing from. Point releases include hardware enablement updates, which are crucial for newer hardware to run properly.20:45
jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: Or rather, the regular updates leading up to 14.04.4 won't include hardware enablement updates20:46
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jaythelinuxguy@kallo82: To be sure, try a live image of 14.04.4 and see if you have the same issues20:47
saphirnuit debout20:48
citizenruinwhy does firefox take 50% of my cpy when it starts up20:49
saphirnuit debout20:50
citizenruinso i noticed that i had a SSH connection20:55
citizenruinthe thing is i only installed SSH 3 hours or so ago20:56
citizenruinApr 18 15:54:06 Dystopia sshd[17657]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 t20:56
citizenruinApr 18 15:54:08 Dystopia sshd[17657]: Failed password for root from port 46235 ssh220:56
citizenruinhow do these guys find me so fast20:56
citizenruinChina, Jiangsu for address20:57
jaythelinuxguy@citizenruin if you're worried about SSH security, you should look into fail2ban20:57
tewardcitizenruin: automated portscan, auth attack failures20:57
citizenruinman those news articles are true huh20:57
tewardcitizenruin: not uncommon - so set up fail2ban, and some security measures20:57
citizenruinteward it wont let me messages you direct - thanks thou i will set up fail2ban now what other measures would you suggest20:58
citizenruinwhere can i view all my SSH logs at?20:58
citizenruinthanks jay20:59
tewardcitizenruin: SSH key authentication only instead of password auth, firewall to only permit certain IPs that you trust to SSH into the system, etc.20:59
citizenruink i already have ssh key and firewall up20:59
tewardcitizenruin: two-factor authentication if you want even more security like I have, though that's usually *not* necessary :P20:59
tewardcitizenruin: i mean finetune the firewall rules - allow port 22 access *only* from trusted IPs.20:59
citizenruintwo factor would be a interesting project i guess21:00
tewardcitizenruin: and turn off password authentication, permit only SSH key auth, etc.21:00
tewardcitizenruin: and fail2ban is a nice touch too21:00
citizenruinokay thanks21:00
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
citizenruinApr 18 15:54:56 Dystopia polkitd(authority=local): Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:17758:1572285 (system bus name :1.82 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 4 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8)21:02
citizenruinApr 18 15:54:59 Dystopia polkitd(authority=local): Operator of unix-session:c2 successfully authenticated as unix-user:citizen to gain TEMPORARY authorization for action org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units for system-bus-name::1.83 [systemctl stop ssh.service] (owned by unix-user:citizen)21:02
citizenruinwhat am i reading here21:02
teward!pastebin | citizenruin21:02
ubottucitizenruin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:02
tewardfirstly, that ^21:02
=== h4x0riz3d is now known as antto
tewardcitizenruin: secondly, you're observing the ssh service being stopped by a systemctl call - if 'citizen' is your user, and you ran `sudo service ssh restart` or similar, it may show as that (or any `systemctl` command affecting the status of the ssh service)21:03
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citizenruinsorry i keep forgetting i have pastebinit installed21:04
gskelligim trying to add more swapspace and I'm getting "operation not permitted" when I do sudo swapon /swapfile21:05
citizenruinFailed password for root from port 55074 man 2 of them in 3 hours21:05
bekkscitizenruin: Starty worrying when getting 2 of them in a minute ;)21:06
gskelligany ideas?21:07
citizenruinthis first time i ever see anyone try to get into to something of mine21:07
citizenruin3 total ips21:07
citizenruinall china21:07
citizenruinfor a total of 7 mins21:07
k1l_citizenruin: welcome to the internet21:07
k1l_citizenruin: that is the reason to use strong passwords etc. they are not only targetting companies and known people, they are scanning various ip ranges.21:08
citizenruinis it illegal for me to see if i can access those ips?21:08
tewardcitizenruin: that's not a question answerable here.  but, as k1l_ said, welcome to the Internet21:09
k1l_citizenruin: i would not mind. use programs like "fail2ban" to block such ips if you there is one who tries a lot of passowords with bruteforce methods. or block such ip ranges you know you would never use or travel to.21:10
k1l_and keep your software updated, to not have software that got known security issues.21:10
gskelligis there any reason why I should be getting operation not permitted when I run as sudo?21:11
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citizenruindo you have sudo rights?21:11
gskelligi even tried running it as root21:12
citizenruinwhat command is it21:12
gskelligI was following this guide https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-14-0421:15
gskelligto add more swapspace21:15
saphir irc.mircscripts.fr21:16
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arunsHi guys, short and simple question here.21:22
arunsOn the terminal, you know you have modifiers for commands such as -R for recursive.21:22
arunsWhat do you call those modifiers?21:22
arunsIs there a specific term for them?21:22
zykotick9aruns: i call them "switches"...  note, -R isn't always recursive ;)21:23
\9I hear the term switch used for them21:23
\9yeah I guess switch is the proper term for them21:23
Rardacan someone please help me here http://askubuntu.com/questions/758748/ubuntu-14-04-4-keeps-logging-me-out21:24
wutfunless i manually tell it to monit is just not checking my service21:24
arunsAh :P21:24
wutfthis works: sudo monit -c /etc/monit/monitrc.d/openvpn -v21:24
fl0daThe end of what?21:24
wutfthis does not: sudo monit reload21:24
wutfit just doesn't check.21:24
fl0daYes it does, at least for me.21:24
fl0daFor you it doesn't.21:24
\9test 1 2 321:25
fl0daIch mag dich.21:25
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang21:26
fl0daCe Ops.21:26
\9we have a spambot21:26
fl0daI know katie hodge.21:26
fl0daYes, you are holding him right now.21:26
k1l_fl0da: this channel is for technical support only. please read the guidelines if you are unsure what this channel is for21:26
fl0daWhat did you say?21:26
\9it's pretty clearly a bot21:26
fl0daWhats the meaning of death?21:26
gskelligconor@quetzal:~$ sudo swapon /swapfile21:27
gskelligswapon: /swapfile: swapon failed: Operation not permitted21:27
gskelligDoes anybody know what I can do here?21:27
Gabriel_EdenHello all, Using Ubuntu Gnome - While locking laptop stops music playing and goes into hibernation, while on my desktop music playes on ? How can I disable hibernation while locking?21:28
Bashing-omgskellig: Hard to say, how are you setting up swap ? Show us in a pastebin ' cat /etc/fstab ' /21:29
tgm4883Rarda: have you looked at .xsession-errors21:29
tgm4883in your home dir21:29
Rardatgm4883 no i have not what should i look for21:30
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tgm4883Rarda: errors, fail, stuff like that. It sounds like X is crashing21:30
arunsIs anyone here good with LAMP stacks?21:30
gskelligBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15921138/21:31
Rardatgm4883 ok could you walk me through this a bit i am fairly new to ubuntu21:31
Bashing-omgskellig: Look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/15921138/ .21:31
arunsJust wanted some help, maybe, with setting up local dev sites.21:31
tgm4883Rarda: can you paste the file ~/.xsession-errors21:31
tgm4883!paste | Rarda21:31
ubottuRarda: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:31
gskelligBashing-om: i'm just following this guide. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-14-0421:32
Rardatgm4883 i cant find that file21:32
tgm4883gskellig: are you using digitalocean as a host?21:32
tgm4883Rarda: it's hidden21:32
gskelligtgm4883: not on this particular VM21:32
gskelligjust following that doc21:33
tgm4883gskellig: it's a local VM then or hosted somewhere?21:33
Bashing-omgskellig: I honestly do not see how you can even boot .. is that "fstab" from the installed system you are working ? What distribution and release is this ?21:33
gskelligits hosted21:33
zennyHi, I could neither add/del users using adduser, useradd and other commands: simply outputs: "groupadd: failure while writing changes to /etc/group \n adduser: `/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1009 test' returned error code 10. Exiting." Checked whther there are .lock files in /etc, but none.21:33
gskelligit's a VM on ramnode21:33
zennyRunning in 14.0421:34
bekkszenny: do you use sudo?21:34
Bashing-omgskellig: An exanple (mine) of a working "fstab" file : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15921162/ .21:34
zennybekks, both sudo and as a root21:34
gskelligBashing-om: maybe becuase this is  a VM?21:35
gskelligits a very lightweight vm21:35
tgm4883gskellig: I'm assuming you tried doing 'su -' then running 'swapon -a'21:35
Bashing-omgskellig: reading .21:35
bekkszenny: Check wether your root filesystem is mounted read-only.21:35
gskelligtgm4883: yes i tried that as well21:36
zennybekks: it is writable21:36
Rardatgm4883 i am not having any luck21:37
tgm4883Rarda: are you looking via the command line?21:37
Rardatgm4883 no i am in the gui file explorer21:37
tgm4883Rarda: open up a command prompt and do 'ls -l ~/.xsession-errors'21:38
Rardatgm4883 ls: cannot access /home/rarda/.xsession-error: No such file or directory21:40
zach2825_missing the s21:40
BenderRodriguezHow do I install a scanner on ubuntu server?21:40
mistralolhum it looks like the most recent updates on ubuntu 15.10 broke evolution with (evolution:3630): e-data-server-WARNING **: module_load: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmapi.so.0: symbol DEBUGLEVEL_CLASS, version SAMBA_UTIL_0.0.1 not defined in file libsamba-util.so.0 with link time reference21:40
mistralolany ideas how to fix?21:40
zach2825_BenderRodriguez, you can try localhost:63121:41
zach2825_i have not installed a scanner in forever but i used cups to do it..21:41
BenderRodriguezzach2825_, that's the cups server. I've set up the all-in-one printer to print via cups21:42
BenderRodriguezbut I cannot figure out how to get the scanner working21:42
Bashing-omgskellig: I know nothing about life with a VM, No regrets but I lurk and see what others here advise .21:42
RardaScript for ibus started at run_im.21:42
Rardainit: at-spi2-registryd main process ended, respawning21:42
Rardainit: at-spi2-registryd main process ended, respawning21:42
Rardainit: at-spi2-registryd main process ended, respawning21:42
Rardainit: at-spi2-registryd main process ended, respawning21:42
Rardainit: at-spi2-registryd main process ended, respawning21:42
Rardainit: at-spi2-registryd main process ended, respawning21:42
tgm4883!paste | Rarda21:42
zach2825_does "simple-scan" see it21:42
gskelligwell thanks anyways Bashing-om im sure i'll figure it out21:43
gskelligi just need gcc to compile and its like a 2kb file but it requires like 1gb of ram to compile21:44
zach2825_BenderRodriguez, i have a cannon mg5700 all in one. i have it working through the networking interface and i just setup using the "Printers" program21:45
Rardatgm4883 http://paste.ubuntu.com/15921276/21:47
tgm4883Rarda: not sure. I've got to run to a dentist appointment though :?21:48
zennyHas anyone any idea why user  addition and deletion does not work? There is no .lock files in /etc folder nor the root is read only. Any inputs21:48
tgm4883Rarda: maybe also look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:48
Rardatgm4883 http://paste.ubuntu.com/15921325/21:51
mrtzenny: You mean useradd and userdel?21:52
mrtzenny: Did you preface it with sudo?21:53
zennymrt: I certainly used sudo and sudo -i too21:55
Kallisis there a log to display all uninstalled apps since installation please ?21:55
Kalliswould it be the dpkg log ?21:56
mrtzenny: What error did you get?21:56
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BenderRodriguezzach2825_, I'm using Ubuntu Server so no GUI to install it that way21:57
zennymrt: "groupadd: failure while writing changes to /etc/group \n adduser: `/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1009 test' returned error code 10. Exiting."21:57
BenderRodriguezThough if network printing/scanning works, then I should be able to do it via cli21:57
BenderRodriguezI'm going to lose all my hair over this21:57
zennymrt: same with userdel/useradd and what not?21:57
mrtzenny: Maybe your syntax was wrong.  useradd -m -G video,audio,network,scanner user-name21:59
b0s3dhi how do i check if i have a (mounted right) the bluetooth device (on my laptop)21:59
zennymrt: actually the problem is reported by apt-get install outputs which I verified using the user/add-del and so on and validated.22:01
zennymrt: This is very ubuntu specific, it seems22:01
zennynot a syntax problem22:01
zennyI am trying to remove a user: userdel -rf <user> as root and also getting similar output22:02
mrtzenny: Wrong command22:03
zennymrt: # deluser speech-dispatcher22:03
zennyRemoving user `speech-dispatcher' ...22:03
zennyuserdel: failure while writing changes to /etc/passwd22:03
zenny/usr/sbin/deluser: `/usr/sbin/userdel speech-dispatcher' returned error code 1. Exiting.22:03
zennymrt: I did read man pages, and everything seems like it should be, yet the command does not work.22:05
mrtzenny: What version of ubuntu are you on?22:05
zennymrt: 14.04.422:06
KallisIf i run a getfacl on a windows mounted directory , should it show me a list of ACL's on the directory/file assigned from the windows server ?22:07
Kallis thr windows share is mounted with  acl enabled22:07
BresA little concerned here. I have a folder in my Downloads folder that I can't open, delete or shred even as root. I've tried everything I know with no success. If I shred it using BleachBit it just changes the name of the folder to a new letter but it remains locked and I can't do anything with it. Any ideas?22:08
mrtzenny: I'm not sure what you mean by, "the problem is reported by apt-get install outputs".  Can you explain?22:08
mrtBres: What does ls -l say about it?22:09
linuxgeckoi keep getting weird mouse behavior. when i first boot, i get a cursor at the login screen,  well,  actually iget 3,  one on each monitor. and it's frozen.. mouse won't move it.22:09
Brescannot open directory m: Permission denied22:10
linuxgeckothen, when i login, and let it sit for a bit, because the mouse is still frozen,  it sorts itself out into 3 connected desktops,   but only some of the time does my mouse start working.  what's wrong here?22:10
mrtBres: ls -ld22:10
zennymrt: I tried to install lxd which reported that it could not create a user 'lxd'22:11
Bresdrwx------ 3 root root 4096 Jan  1  2000 m22:11
mrtBres: If you want to delete the directory:  rm -rf m22:12
\9Bres: what exactly happens if you try to remove it as root?22:12
linuxgeckorolling the dice by rebooting, and getting a time where it's not fubar, is the only real option i know.  ther has to be a better option.22:12
citizenruinteward: Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable.22:12
mrtBres: rm -rf m  will delete the directory and everything within.22:12
citizenruindoes that mean they got in?22:13
Bressudo rm -rf worked, thanks :-D22:13
b0s3dbluetooth problem:: nvm mind guys i22:14
markssIn Ubuntu 16.04, the 'Software' program lets you search for and install software. I have 3rd party repositories manually added to sources.list and sources.list.d. The software in these repositories shows up in Synaptic but not in the Software program. Is this because the software does not include a /usr/share/appdata/foo.appdata.xml file? Is it because the 3rd-party package repository does not provide DEP-11 data?22:15
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mrtzenny: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd22:19
zennymrt: tried to add docker engine and got the same error (see http://hastebin.com/idufodosec.vhdl)22:20
zennymrt: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd is the only source from where lxd info is available afaik.22:20
kloudhello, looking for some help with network shared drives22:21
citizenruinsould my syslog be 2.3 gib22:22
mrtzenny: ls -l /etc/group  Tell us what that says.22:22
zennymrt: did you notice in the output in http://hastebin.com/idufodosec.vhdl that reads "groupadd: failure while writing changes to /etc/group"22:22
mrtzenny: yes22:23
zennymrt: 644- -rw-r--r--22:23
zennymrt: same permission with /etc/passwd too 64422:24
mrtzenny: after that it says root root?22:24
kloudHello, Ubuntu15.10 need some help, I am no longer able to connect to network hardrives after recent security update22:25
zennymrt: I am not so new to linux world, fyi. However, here is the output: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1204 Apr  1 09:50 /etc/group22:25
zennymrt: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2301 Apr 10 01:11 /etc/passwd22:25
zennymrt: this seems like upsteam bug!22:26
mrtzenny: Must be a bug with the installer.22:26
mrtzenny: But what file system are you using? ext4?22:26
zennymrt: / is ext422:26
zennymrt: it is not the problem with installer, but seems to be with adduser/deluser tools, I guess.22:27
mrtIs that what blkid reports?   sudo blkid22:27
mrtzenny: Well, if you know what groups to add to, you could do it manually.22:28
zennymrt: that is what I reported to you.22:28
alphaWhat is the point of installing binaries on unix22:29
zennymrt: but manual addition is not working, that is what I have been stating from the very beginning. It is not problem with apt utility, but with the user add/del utility.22:29
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citizenruinwhats the best text editor to open a 2.3 gig file22:29
bekkscitizenruin: What is the base problem you are trying to solve by editing a 2.3g file?22:30
mrtzenny: So you tested the function of usermod?22:30
Guest43998Such as the functions in a make install22:30
citizenruinbekks: my log files syslog.1 ufw.log and kern.log are all 2.3 gig i would like to see why22:30
zennymrt: yeop22:30
Guest43998If unix doesn't run a registry, what would I be accomplishing by using such a program compared to just copying binaries to a specific location22:30
mrtzenny: You can do it manually...22:30
b0s3dhi can anyone tell me what this is "Fireware bug" http://paste.linux.chat/view/raw/f5cc4abc22:31
mrtIf the user is already created, use usermod, if not use adduser -G22:31
kloudHello, looking for help with "Browse Network" errors/issues22:32
_Kevin_So I'm compiling (recompiling cause I was having trouble to first time logging in) linux-4.6-rc4 and I wasn't able to login22:33
zennymrt: I don't thing this has to do anything with what you have been suggesting to. Maybe it is locked by a bug which I could not figure out.22:33
mrtzenny: Then just vi /etc/group22:34
_Kevin_I'd put my password in and then it would go to a black screen with a few words (like some green and white), and then go back to lightdm22:34
mrtzenny: Manually edit the /etc/group file22:34
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kloudHello, need some help connecting to network HDD22:35
zennymrt: actually it is not about manual edit of /etc/group and /etc/passwd or whatever it is, but this is stopping additing pacakges that needs creating special users and groups by apt-get.22:36
_Kevin_i tried in tty1 sudo service lightdm restart and then I tried logging in and briefly saw my desktop and then it went to the black screen with a few lines of text then it went back to lightdm22:36
mrtzenny: Are you fully updated?22:37
_Kevin_I had already tried chown username:username .Xauthority22:37
zennymrt: yuep22:37
_Kevin_and nothing22:37
mrtzenny: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:37
travtehey guys22:37
zennymrt: all tweaks that can be done has been done and also searched the internet for hours, but nothing helped.22:37
zykotick9_Kevin_: currently, is root the owner/group for .Xauthority?  "ls -l ~/.Xauthority"?22:38
bekksmrt: No need to. sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade22:38
zennyThat is the reason I came here if there is someone who has any idea22:38
aclaudem  (GNOME Zoom) What's the difference between Focus and Caret tracking? I saw the description in dconf-editor and on GNOME's website but I dont understand it22:38
_Kevin_-rw------- 1 kevin kevin 149 Apr 18 18:10 /home/kevin/.Xauthority22:38
mrtbekks: "sudo apt full-upgrade"?22:38
zennymrt: thanks anyway trying to helkp22:38
bekksmrt: Yes.22:38
mrtbekks: Ok, thanks for the update.22:39
zykotick9bekks: <sidneote> ".. apt upgrade" _should_ upgrade everything - and won't remove anything.  so it _might_ be safer for people than full-upgrade YMMV?22:39
_Kevin_I was able to log in on 4.2.35-generic kernel with lightdm, so idk why i was having trouble on the latest kernel22:39
bekkszykotick9: Indeed. AFAIK full-upgrade tries to upgrade a little bit harder :)22:40
zykotick9bekks: with "apt" upgrade will upgrade to new versions (what full-upgrade would do with apt-get) of packages by default.  it just won't break, aka remove, packages.22:41
_Kevin_and i'm using my default config file, I did this command earlier in the kernel folder22:43
_Kevin_kevin  ~  cp /boot/config-4.2.0-35-generic .config22:43
mrt_Kevin_: Probably just ln -s22:45
mrt_Kevin_: Oh, you are compiling a kernel?22:46
_Kevin_I'm still making it22:47
mrt_Kevin_: Oh sorry... disregard what I said.22:47
_Kevin_it's all good22:47
denludHey people, my suspend at my Laptop isnt working at the moment. Everytime i wake my laptop up, my filesystem is crashing. Can someone help me?22:48
denlud Already tried alot.22:48
_Kevin_I got it from kernel.org if that helps22:49
t1pt0pdenlup: do u have /swap partition?22:50
denludYes i have one22:50
citizenruinhttps://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-secure-ubuntu-1604-lts-server-part-1-basics - is this a pretty decent guide for security22:51
linuxgeckois it possible to get libudev.so.0 in ubuntu 15.10?22:51
denludMy Problem is I have two eMMC memorys in my laptop. On one is my system and on the other my home. Everytime i wake up my laptop, my home is crashed.22:52
denludAfter a restart all is working fine again.22:52
linuxgeckodenlud: you're runnign you system off of sd cards?22:53
denludIs there a chance to say the pm-utilitys not to touch my memory?22:53
denludI have a Lenovo 100S 14" Laptop. And it has one internal eMMC "SSD" Memory. And a slot to expand the memory with an sd.22:54
denludThe internal eMMC is 32GB....thats not so much...22:55
denludThe thing i dont get, is why it didnt worked, both are recognized as unremoveable.22:56
denludBut the one is working and the other not.22:56
denludI tried already tried many many things to get it work. I would be very happy if somebody knew something i hadnt tried already.22:58
Rardai really need some help i am about to give up on having ubuntu on my laptop i have been trying to find help and figure out my issue all day with no luck22:58
Bashing-omdenlud: Mounting ?? How are the respective partitions mounted at boot up ? Show us in a pastebin ' cat /etc/fstab ; sudo blkid ' .22:59
denludBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/g1TP7MjM23:01
Bashing-omdenlud: look'n .23:02
denludAnd its both recognized as unremoveable.23:06
denluddennis@Yoda:/sys/block$ cat ./mmcblk0/removable23:06
denluddennis@Yoda:/sys/block$ cat ./mmcblk1/removable23:06
denludBashing-om: Is there something I can try? Maybe change settings of the pm-utilitys?23:10
Bashing-omdenlud: So far I see nothing amiss .. fstab and blkid agree . as to removing a block device, no can do while that device is in use .23:14
vachohey guys..23:14
vachoI am running some ssh commands that required my key (id_rsa in .ssh dir) ... ssh commands works fine when I am inside my home folder, but when I run it from my /var/www it does not look at my key, thus fails authentication. Anyone?23:15
denludYou mean the SD Card cant go into standby, thats why I it crashes everytime i wakeup?23:16
denludSorry dont understand what you mean.23:16
Bashing-omdenlud: Just do not know what to advise to isolate why /home would crash .. have you looked at the system logs ?23:17
denludYes one Moment.23:18
\9vacho: is the web server able to read your key file?23:18
vacho\9: it's chmod 40023:19
\9that does not answer my question23:19
\9but generally assuming that the web server runs as its own user, it shouldn't be able to read your key file23:20
vachoit's not the web server running anything, it's my user logged in on bash23:20
\9so you run it as your own user, from /var/www?23:21
denludThat is the output after i wake up my laptop, and home is already crashed23:21
* _WWW-BUKOLAY-COM hi23:23
Bashing-omdenlud: reading .23:23
kulelu88how do I download the .deb of a package from launchpad?23:24
nacckulelu88: generally, you don't -- what package? do you mean from a PPA?23:25
kulelu88nacc: it has a PPA, but I don't want to add the PPA and just want the binary to install myself23:25
ikhalihenawelinace qui23:27
nacckulelu88: if you just click on the package in teh PPA web interface, it shows you the package files?23:27
kulelu88nacc: yeah, I can see the .deb files there23:28
nacckulelu88: but i don't know why you would want to do what you suggest and not add the PPA, tbh23:28
nacckulelu88: ok? so click on it? or c&p and wget/curl/etc23:28
citizenruinanyone have any experience securing shared memory23:28
Bashing-omdenlud: Still reading - " [  167.214102] EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p1): previous I/O error to superblock detected " does not bode well .23:28
sine0ok folks this is a serious issue that has been plaguing me since I have installed ubuntu about 3 weeks ago23:28
kulelu88nacc: can PPAs be trusted?23:28
sine0my web searches hang untill i restart the web browser or kill/reset dnsmasq23:28
nacckulelu88: depends on the PPA -- they aren't supported, obviously, by ubuntu23:28
denludBashing-om: :D yes error isnt a good sign :D23:29
nacckulelu88: but d/l and installing a .deb from a PPA is not any safer than adding the PPA itself?23:29
kulelu88actually, that is a valid point nacc23:29
denludBut i try to look positiv forward. I also tried another SD Card. The same thing.23:29
sine0its as if there is some dns caching going on that is really slow on my computer23:29
nacckulelu88: and implicitly trusting the PPA (as a supposition for using the PPA, that is), you might as well get updates from the PPA owner if they publish them23:29
kulelu88all browsers? sine023:29
sine0kulelu88: yes23:30
sine0kulelu88: its not the router or antyhing other boot os is fine, other comps fine,its ubuntu and its web stuff23:30
kulelu88hemmmm... what do you mean by web searches? sine023:30
Bashing-omdenlud: Will take one with greater experience than I, but for sure need to run a file system check/repair on that device .23:30
sine0kulelu88: loading a web page23:30
sine0like ina  search or click on a google result23:31
sine0if i quit the browser and reload it and search it comes up straight away23:31
denludI already tried another SD Card. And also install Ubuntu new.23:31
sine0im constantly quitting firefox to restart it becuase i cant access webpages23:31
kulelu88well this may not have anything to do with it, but how much RAM do you use? sine023:31
sine0kulelu88: 32GB23:31
denludThere must be another stupid thing...23:31
kulelu88ubuntu 15.04? sine023:32
sine0(i think, i forgot how do i check lsb_somthing)23:32
denludSeems like my SD Card home isnt working. One Question to you guys. Would you give back a laptop with only 32GB Diskspace?23:34
denludNormally Its just a device for work, I have a computer too....but 32GB..Hm...23:35
kulelu88is there a nice/simple way to 'see' what extras are installed when I apt-get a certain package to install?23:37
kulelu88say I install a package called 'zoo', that has dependencies 'foo', 'boo', 'goo', how can I see that 'zoo' depends on those other packages after installing?23:38
viscerakulelu88: apt-cache show/showpkg23:38
nacckulelu88: apt-cache depends <pkg>23:38
visceraso many ways23:39
kulelu88*hat tip*23:39
k1l_and there is rdepends for the other way around23:40
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Bashing-omdenlud: 32 gigs will be tight when you install additional applications . ' df -h ; df -i ' to see the space usage . - nut that will not directly address the superblock problems .23:40
tds5016hi all. I was wondering if someone could tell me if it's possible to extend a filesystem partition WITHOUT deleting its data?23:42
kulelu88do these apt-cache commands have a python wrapper/lib?23:42
tds5016I have an openstack volume I'm going to extend, and it would be best if I could repartition to use the extra storage without losing the data currently on the volume.23:43
Rhorsetds5016: I would say it's a dangerous proposition...23:44
k1l_tds5016: rule of thumb: if you touch partitions or filesystems better have a backup. because if you have on then murphys law wont strike back :)23:44
tds5016I have a backup.23:44
kulelu88you could throw all the data into a backup23:44
tds5016I'm just trying to minimize downtime.23:44
k1l_tds5016: you can resize partitions and filesystems when the volume is not mounted.23:44
tds5016yeah, I can unmount the volume.23:44
kulelu88tds5016: make 2 backups23:45
tds5016I just need to extend the parititon/filesystem :-)23:45
kulelu88and then make sure each backup works23:45
tds5016I don't have enough space to make 2 sadly.23:45
tds5016but kulelu88 you're entirely correct.23:45
kulelu88and then download the backup23:45
RhorseShrinking is much easier done, especially when you have a lot of free space after your data.23:45
kulelu88Trying to resize a partition on a production server will give some sysadmins a triple heart-attack23:46
tds5016does anyone have a tutorial for resizing the partition/fs without deleting data?23:46
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tds5016I am seeing a lot of stuff on resize2fs...23:52
tds5016but I'm not sure if that's what I should be using...23:52
tds5016can someone at least tell me at a high level what I should be doing?23:52
Rhorsetds5016: you can also use gparted, which does the file system and partition resizing automatically. But there's no guarantees....23:53
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tds5016Rhorse: unfortunately I don't have a GUI23:59
tds5016this would have to be done from cli.23:59

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