
flocculantrebuilding images06:15
flocculantochosi: ack - done that then - just need you to do the XPL bit on launchpad now :)06:38
flocculantshame swissbot doesn't know when our normal images get built06:58
Unit193About how long for a rebuild?07:01
flocculant30 minutes to announcement07:02
flocculantsays ~30 minutes ago - so 15 minutes for it to build 07:02
flocculantbut that's just one set obviously - depends where we are in list if it's global rebuild :p07:03
flocculantbluesabre ochosi - rebuilt image with new artwork - all ok there 07:34
ochosiflocculant: awesome, that's great news!09:01
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bluesabreflocculant: indeed, great to hear10:57
ochosibluesabre: thanks for all the hard work btw!10:59
bluesabreochosi: of course :D still a bit more to do11:00
ochosibluesabre: you mean for the 16.04 final image or in general? :)11:17
bluesabreGotta figure out thunar, hopefully in a short amount of time11:18
ochosiyeah, the thunar issue... i know11:19
ochosifrom what ali1234 wrote the patch i mentioned a while ago (by harald) fixes the crash, but then there's another problem with thunar not repainting correctly11:20
ochosi(i wonder what's worse)11:20
bluesabrewhich patch11:20
bluesabreI think we can handle bad repainting, unless it always happens and you can't tell the file was moved11:21
ali1234there are only two patches on thunar git since the last release11:22
ali1234this one: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/commit/?id=029012f4c39d9d3d9ae617491a69f76f54a4192f11:22
ali1234and this one: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/commit/?id=77cf6ec3a3969589a4e9a8beea6a122b7dbcc2a011:23
ali1234they both introduce extra checks and return if the checks fail11:23
ali1234so now instead of crashing, thunar just stops doing whatever it was doing and returns11:24
ali1234that seems to mean it stops before redrawing the screen11:24
ali1234so i conclude the bug is not actually fixed, it is just caught before it crashes11:24
ochosiyeah, sounds like a reasonable conclusion11:28
ali1234actually returning nothing instead of NULL probably causes the stack corruption that causes the crash, so it's probably the second patch that is responsible11:29
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bluesabreali1234, but it does seem like those patches would be desirable, would you agree?12:34
bluesabreUnit193, are those the ones we have in the PPA, or do we have another? If the latter, want to drop those into -staging for some quick testing? Otherwise, I'll get them in the PPA this evening.12:36
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
flocculantochosi: you need to reply too https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2016-April/003694.html14:10
flocculantjust in case you're not subscribed 14:10
ochosiflocculant: i received it and also replied (just now)14:54
ochosibut thanks for highlighting, there's always the chance that i'd have missed it14:54
flocculantochosi: welcome - just thought that one I ought to say something before it's Thursday :p14:55
ochosihehe, indeed14:56
flocculantochosi: don't forget to add akxwi-dave either :D14:59
Unit193bluesabre: Just the former.15:04
flocculantoh damnation15:05
flocculantif I had thought to search with git I could have told ochosi this the other day :|15:06
pjotterHi there people! Recently I have noticed that the icon of the whiskermenu sometimes disappears. When I hover the mouse over the positio where it should be, it becomes visible again. Does anyone know what's up with that?16:33
flocculantpjotter: I've just seen a couple of random reports around the place - not any sort of reason nor resolution16:48
flocculantnor can I remember exactly what either - possibly theme related 16:49
pjotterI just found the bug report16:49
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10656 in General "Dragging a panel window button turns external panel plugin black" [Normal,New]16:49
pjotterThis is what happens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAxa_0hbBCg16:49
flocculantoh yea - that reminded me now16:50
pjotterBut I guess, they already know and are working on a fix... It's not a real big problem but it doesn't look good.16:50
flocculantbut that is xfce4.10 16:50
flocculantisn't it? 16:51
pjotterI think so. I'm running 14.04 (out of the box) So, that's 4.10 isn't it?16:52
pjotterYes, I got it. It's 4.10.16:52
flocculantaah and also 4.12 if you see comments16:53
pjotterhmmm... There is a patch supplied that is supposed to work16:54
flocculantpjotter: would be good if we can get it confirmed as still there in 16.04 - might be able to do something for the .1 release16:56
pjotterIs 16.04 out already?16:56
flocculantthere is a launchpad bug 1397095 too 16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1397095 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "dragging applications in the task bar causes repaint errors" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139709516:56
flocculantpjotter: no - but there's a less than gnat's whisker of getting this looked at in 2 days ;)16:57
pjotterProbably... :D16:57
flocculantI'll add it to the 16.10 blueprint and see if I can confirm it next week 16:58
pjotterbtw I'm on 14.04 amd6416:58
pjotterI really should start reporting these kinds of things to the launchpad... 16:58
flocculantmy last unused 14.04 will bite the dust tomorrow when it gets subjected to an upgrade test16:58
flocculantpjotter: well - thanks for reminding me - sorry I can't actually help you :)17:00
pjotterMine just crashed  yesterday. So I'm using a shiny new one right now... Until 16.04 comes out I guess :D17:00
pjotterIt's ok17:00
pjotterYou know there is a minor bug that has been in xubuntu for a very very long time. But many people don;t seem to notice.17:00
flocculantI don't doubt it at all :)17:00
pjotterIt concerns the panel trash-icon. I put mine on the panel. And when I put something in the trash, log-out and in again... the icon is not updated properly and always shows an empty trashcan. Putting a dummy file in the trash and deleting it, updates the icon. I made a script that does this on every logon.17:02
pjotterIt's probably related to xfce4 or the panel trash thingy.17:03
* flocculant logs out and in 17:08
flocculantpjotter: shows full here - but xfce4.12 and xubuntu 16.0417:09
pjotterO great! Would love tyo see this solved.17:09
pjotterThere just minor things, I know.17:10
flocculantpjotter: http://i.imgur.com/QT8ifSx.png17:10
pjotterI haven't actually tested this for a while now... let me make sure this is still an issue here...17:10
dkesselConfirmed that Repaint bug, flocculant17:18
flocculantdkessel: the dragging thingy? 17:21
dkesselflocculant: yup17:21
flocculantaah yes - I see you tagged it \o/17:22
flocculantdkessel: thanks :)17:22
pjotterback again ;)17:26
flocculantpjotter: wb 17:26
pjotterI couldn't get back on freenode.net :|17:26
flocculant... 17:26
pjotterI had to switch to irc.ipv6.freenode.net instead. That seems to work17:27
pjotterAnyway... So, yups. The trash problem still remains in 4.10 and 14.04.17:27
flocculantok - just let me check here again17:29
flocculantpjotter: working here 17:30
flocculantso regardless of trash state - after login - it is correct17:30
pjotterAlright. So, it got fixed somewhere along the line then :) Nice17:30
flocculantoff to do some grub - then back to the 'release is almost upon us again' things :)17:31
flocculantpjotter: btw someone has confirmed the 'dragging icon' bug in xenial while you were fighting with freenode17:32
pjotterDo you know the correct server for freenode?17:32
pjotterI just used chat.freenode.net 6667 But maybe it should have been irc.freenode.net?17:33
pjotterIt's a bit puzzeling to me. Why the one minute I can get access to chat.freenode.net without any problem and another second, no matter what, I can't get on.17:33
pjotterhmmm... I just found chat.freenode.net:669717:34
pjotterLet's see if that works17:35
pjotterWeird stuff... :/17:36
pjotterI'm back on using chat.freenode.net 6667 again. Now suddenly it works.17:37
ochosiakxwi-dave: hey - welcome to the xubuntu team! :) (i just added you to the LP team)18:23
akxwi-daveochosi, thx mate.. :-)18:25
ochosiflocculant: ^18:25
flocculantochosi: thanks :)18:25
ochosino problemo :)18:25
knome--> https://xubuntu.org/?p=3909&preview=true18:26
knomefeel free to poke around the content18:26
flocculantknome: which is over 10% more than in the 16.04 competition 18:27
ochosiknome: nice!18:29
ochosialso, i gotta say (especially now that i see this overview again) that i'm quite happy with how the contest turned out. nice selection.18:29
ochosibluesabre: and rly, bluesabreWife? :p didn't think you'd actually stick to that18:30
akxwi-davesorry nothings coming up for me there.. assuming i'm supposed to see it.. :-)18:30
flocculantakxwi-dave: you need to be logged in 18:31
flocculantnot sure who can do that tbh18:33
flocculantI think -team can - not sure18:33
flocculantknome will be able to tell you :)18:33
akxwi-daveknome did give a login for it a while ago i think18:34
flocculantk - see pm :)18:34
akxwi-davecheers and in..18:34
flocculantknome: once you're done - I'll have a play with words :)18:34
flocculantochosi: and yea - nice selection :)18:35
akxwi-daveoooooh very nice...18:35
flocculantnever did here back from Mike Sinko18:36
flocculantsigh ... s/here/hear18:36
knomeflocculant, that should say "more than in the 14.04 competition"18:38
knome-team can18:39
flocculantknome: I thought so - but you has lock and I didn't know if you were doing things or had wandered off for a bit :)18:39
knomei released the lock18:39
knomei was lying on the other side for a change :P18:39
flocculantknome: feeling better ?18:40
knomebetter than last week, yeah...18:40
flocculantgood :)18:40
knomebut doing anything leaves me gasping for breath in 5-10 minute18:41
knomeso not competely ok yet...18:41
flocculantthat doesn't sound much fun 18:41
knomebut it's ok on the sofa18:41
knomeso re: website permissions18:43
knome-team can log in a see everything18:43
knome-website can log in and do everything18:43
flocculantknome: reworded para 3 a bit 18:44
flocculantI did think of adding "We hope you approve" to there :)18:45
flocculantdone anyway 18:46
flocculantknome: while you're about - the wiki note is more or less there now - I can make a start on the x.org if you want 18:47
knomeso anything you need social mediaing and when?18:47
knomeplease do18:47
knomei'll chime in later when i'm feeling better18:47
knomehopefully starting from tomorrow18:47
flocculantyea - was my thought yesterday/today :)18:47
pavlushkaknome: get well soon, wishes!18:47
knomebut i can take care of the formatting at least, before thursday18:47
knometa ta18:47
flocculantknome: you could tweet 18:48
flocculant"We now have images at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/359/builds available for testing." 18:49
flocculantos something like that18:49
flocculantbumping the facebook/g1 stuff perhaps18:50
flocculantnot completely sure we see anything from those tbh - never seem to get random 1 off results much on the tracker18:51
flocculantback shortly18:51
knomeflocculant, https://twitter.com/Xubuntu/status/72213541651474432018:52
flocculantknome: thanks :)18:54
flocculantreally back shortly - got sidetracked with that youtube vid :p18:55
ochosiyup, saw that vid as well and wanted to reshare it via g+19:21
flocculantbluesabre: do I remember correctly - mugshot has camera disabled? 19:38
flocculantwould check - but waiting till the morning is easier than digging the camera out and having soundcard issues when it's plugged in :p19:39
NairwolfI've tested yesterday, and mugshot has camera enabled19:41
flocculantk - thanks :)19:42
flocculantknome: draft is up - still needs bits sorting - it's pretty apparent where :)19:43
knomei'll look tomorrow then19:44
flocculantI'll look tomorrow as well I expect 19:44
flocculantgot one last nasty thing to do with the release note - then just check bug status for some later in the week19:45
Nairwolfflocculant: From a VM I can't have access to the webcam, so, in fact, I don't know if camera is disabled on mugshot20:16
flocculantyup - thanks Nairwolf 20:17
flocculantnight all :)20:17
Nairwolfgood night flocculant ;)20:21
tsimonq2Greetings, a user is having a problem with adjusting the brightness on his/her laptop using Lubuntu and claims it works on Xubuntu. What package does Xubuntu use for brightness?21:10
pleia2tsimonq2: you want the support channel21:15
tsimonq2pleia2: but I'm asking what *package* is used, I thought this would be development, but travelling over to #xubuntu :P :)21:16
bluesabreflocculant, Nairwolf, the camera is force disabled in the code, if it's not disabled, you might have mugshot from a ppa21:48

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