
tux|dudeHow's 16.04 coming along?00:56
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MichaelTunnelltux|dude: less than 3 more days for release03:12
MichaelTunnellvirtualbox has a weird issue with 3d acceleration but thats the only issue I've found so far03:13
NOYFB-JACKany plans on another screensaver function OR lock screen background changer? OR am I missing something?05:08
NOYFB-JACKSo...................... was that an I DONT KNOW??05:20
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.05:21
valorieNOYFB-JACK: the plasma team is focussing on getting ready for wayland05:24
valorieonce that's ready, we'll see05:25
valorieI don't know exactly what Plasma 5.6 has yet, because I didn't want to get too impatient05:26
valoriewe'll not get it in Kubuntu until after release05:26
NOYFB-JACKdoes wayland support anything like this? I thought wayland was just a replacment for X11?05:37
valorieNOYFB-JACK: I'm not sure about screensavers05:40
valorielock-screen backgrounds I assume is a separate issue05:41
valorieyou might ask in #plasma once the devels wake up05:41
NOYFB-JACKbut you should have all the answers!! :P05:56
NOYFB-JACKletting me down girl! :P05:56
xrfanghi there  I have a problem with the linux sort command, see this url: http://paste2.org/9FYkNec906:04
xrfangmy question is: the "~" character should be sorted AFTER english alphabet according to the ASCII table.06:05
xrfangany hint is greatly appreciated.06:05
valoriexrfang: not really a Kubuntu question -- you might have better luck in ##linux06:07
valorieNOYFB-JACK: I have lots of answers, but try to only give the right ones06:08
xrfangwell, a kubuntu, konversation question :-) how can I hide the message that someone enter or leave a channel?06:08
NOYFB-JACKsounds like an appropriate answer :P06:11
NOYFB-JACKOnly the best will do anyhow!!!06:11
valoriexrfang: that's easy, actually06:12
valorieSettings > Configure Konversation  > Chat Window06:14
valoriehide joins & parts06:14
xrfangvalorie: cool, I checked that under "notification", found nothing ...06:16
valorieI had to look in a couple of different dialogs06:22
NOYFB-JACKHow long have you used KDE Val?06:22
valorieNOYFB-JACK: since about 200206:25
NOYFB-JACKfull time since 2002 or starting to davel?06:30
NOYFB-JACKdabbleing *06:31
valorieNOYFB-JACK: pretty much full-time06:48
valoriemy first laptop was a dual boot with windows, but I found I just never used the windows partition06:48
valoriealthough that was win2kpro, which was much better than my previous versions06:49
NOYFB-JACKwindoze, almost don't even remember those days... It's nice we had a great alternative to use....06:56
valoriebefore Windows, I used a Mac06:56
valoriebefore that, first computer: Coleco ADAM06:56
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swimmer_Hi there, I've installed KDE plasma into 16.04 and I want to have the "printers widget, does anyone know the name of the package?08:35
valorieseems to be called Printers08:39
valorieyou click on the hamburger menu, click add widgets, then type printer08:39
swimmer_I wont show printers08:40
swimmer_doesn't show anything printer related08:40
valorieI'm running 16.0408:41
swimmer_but you are runnig ubuntu 16.04 with KDE or Kubuntu?08:42
valorieKubuntu is KDE software on Ubuntu08:44
swimmer_I know but you started directly with a kubuntu ISO or with a Ubuntu ISO and then installed the KDE plasma?08:45
valorieKubuntu ISO08:46
valoriethere might be an plasma extras package or so08:46
valorielet me search08:46
swimmer_thats the difference... I'm starting with a Ubuntu ISO and I'm installing the packages that I want08:46
valorieplasma-widgets-addons - additional widgets for Plasma 508:47
valorietry installing that08:47
swimmer_I have that installed but don't show any printer settings08:47
valorieswimmer_: do you have plasma desktop?08:47
valorieor just applications08:47
swimmer_ii  plasma-widgets-addons                           4:5.5.5-0ubuntu108:48
valoriewe have various settings packages that you may or may not have, if you didn't install kubuntu-desktop08:48
valoriewhich of course you still can do08:48
swimmer_I dind't. I went for plasma packages08:48
valorie  Installed: 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu108:49
valorieso same here08:49
valorieI don't know what's in it, I don't have printers08:49
valorieyou might ask in #plasma if there is something you are missing08:49
swimmer_:) ty for your help08:50
valoriesorry I couldn't be of more help08:50
swimmer_you tried, that counts08:51
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Morning everybody09:06
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BluesKaj'Morning all11:09
BluesKajHi Smurphy, vorap11:53
viewer|43420i had a question about kubuntu12:53
hateballAsk away12:53
viewer|43420what is with the future of this project?12:53
viewer|43420i want to use kubuntu but i read something about the disput of jonathan riddell and canonical12:54
BluesKajviewer|43420, atm  that's a difficult question to answer...think we'll know more in the next few weeks12:55
viewer|43420i like kubuntu12:55
viewer|43420i want to use it again12:55
BluesKajviewer|43420,Kubuntu is going in a differnt direction than ubuntu and it's supported by Blue Systems now, so I'm optimistic it will continue12:56
viewer|43420witch alternative is there to kubuntu?12:57
vorapviewer|43420: Take a look at this http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours12:58
viewer|43420i taste that all12:58
viewer|43420i want kubuntu12:58
viewer|43420when the distribution is dying i think i go to debian12:59
BluesKajwell , I'm sticking with Kubuntu as long as I can so not considering any alternatives atm, but since I'm a dedictaed KDE user then I'd probly switch to Debian if Kubuntu fell by the wayside12:59
vorapSame here13:00
viewer|43420i hope the best13:00
vorapWe all do13:00
hateballWorst case, there is Project Neon13:01
BluesKajhateball, i'm not too impressed with neon, it's links to the downloads are disabled because the thing is so broken13:04
hateballBluesKaj: Hence worst case :p13:04
BluesKajno case :-)13:05
BluesKajBut realy do think Kubuntu is going to be around , the devs are just playing their cards "close to the vest" so to speak.13:09
viewer|43420help me to understand... kubuntu get no money from canonical?13:20
viewer|43420but it is a officinal flavor?13:20
viewer|43420by means of all the informations i have, it is right when i say kubuntu is not a realy flavour of ubuntu?13:22
viewer|43420sorry my english is so good ;)13:23
swimmer_what is the definition of flavour?13:23
marco-parilloKubuntu, like all official "flavours" get support (especially hosting) directly through Canonical, They also have access to request community support for things like travel to conferences, printing posters / burning CDs, etc.13:23
viewer|43420you can say it - i ask13:24
marco-parilloNote that the K Desktop environment was what KDE originally stood for. Now KDE is a community, and their main software is Plasma (the desktop), Applications, and Frameworks.13:25
BluesKajmarco-parillo, that's thje "official position" canonical presents to the public , but what's the reality now that JR etc are working with Blue Systems to support and develop Kubuntu13:26
viewer|43420i why riddle is disputing because the donate money?13:27
marco-parilloMy personal reading (note that I am not on the KC, or even a member), is that basically Kubuntu was unique among the flavours some years ago as JR was a Canonical employee. After they dropped him, the Kubuntu was treated exactly like the other flavours.13:28
viewer|43420ok. i think is really it is a definition-ask...13:30
BluesKajor even neglected due to the rancor13:30
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marco-parilloMy read on the donations is that (charitably), it was administered by techies who were clueless about proper fund accounting. I have had only a bit of accounting training, and I was shocked at how sloppy it was. Now some might say that the sloppiness was by design, but I do not know, and, lacking any credible proof, am disinclined to promote that.13:31
marco-parilloAs far as neglect, obviously, the Unity environment and now the phone are promoted. All others (Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Gnome, etc.) are strictly unpaid by Canonical.13:32
marco-parilloLabor that is. As I said, there is hosting, bug tracking, build, wikis, etc.13:33
viewer|43420sorry for only ok13:33
marco-parilloSo Kubuntu started using the KDE wiki in part because the Ubuntu wiki is close to unusable, but that is a problem all flavours (including Unity) face.13:34
viewer|43420that sounds like canonical company policy13:34
BluesKajshuttleworth is trying to monetize ubuntu itself into an enterprise type OS I think13:35
BluesKajnot my cuppa tea13:35
BluesKajerr "cup of tea"  rather :-)13:37
marco-parilloI tend to agree. This is not an endless charity for him. And I think the RHEL model of services is already taken.13:37
viewer|43420i admit that i have not notion :)13:37
BluesKajyeah the enterprise server buisness13:37
BluesKajwhich was a smart move for redhat from a business pov13:39
viewer|43420and why blue systems adjusting a new maintainer for kubuntu and all is good?!?13:41
BluesKajviewer|43420, let's hope so13:42
viewer|43420ok, i hope13:43
viewer|43420thanks for reply13:44
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tnt1I can't get the Dragon Player to work in Kubuntu 16.04 Final ISO?15:34
BluesKajtnt1, install kubuntu-retricted-extras15:36
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:36
hellcookI use kubuntu with awesomewm as a window manager. Is there a command line to start a network manager applet?16:11
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telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: There certainly will be, but I don't know what it is..16:27
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager16:28
user|89840всем привет16:28
user|89840ребят, вопрос16:28
telegram<Sick_Rimmit>: Have a quick look at that, It looks like it may help16:28
user|89840какая версия x11 на кубунте?16:28
Unit193!ru | user|8984016:29
ubottuuser|89840: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:29
user|89840hi all! i have a question. What version of x11 is default in kubuntu?16:29
hellcooktelegram: were you answering my question or did someone ask a very similar one before me?16:35
user|89840can anybody tell me default kubuntu x11 drivers version?16:40
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viewer|54951was geht ab ihr bitches? Das 21.04.16 Release steht noch?17:18
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:19
user|10205alguien habla español?18:42
BluesKaj!es | user|1020518:43
ubottuuser|10205: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:43
user|10205alguien  habla español?18:45
user|10205Es que tengo unas dudas entre si instalar lubuntu o Kubuntu, gracias!18:46
BluesKajuser|10205, /j ubuntu-es18:47
user|10205alguien habla español? es que tengo dudas entre instalar en un notebook con windows 7 entre lubuntu y kubuntu, gracias18:49
geniiuser|10205: esta zona es para Inglés . Por favor, viajar a # ubuntu -es de asistencia18:53
geniiMeh. #ubuntu-es18:53
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Guest2326Hi all, I was wondering, in Kubuntu 15.10, is there a way to have a three (or more) row taskbar? I have two rows now but I don't see anyway to increase that in the settings.20:11
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ZrenGuest2326: task manager settings > max rows?20:49
luchoHi!! I'm new to kubuntu and I'm loving it. But I need a hand with activities20:50
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luchoI forced my computer to reboot and now I have a "stopped" desktop activitie o.O20:51
luchoI'm sorry, I know my english is horrible...20:52
soeehiho lucho20:52
soeelucho: it always stops after reboot ?20:53
geniiVery odd.20:53
luchoyep, If the reboot is forced20:53
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luchosoee, the only way is delete the stopped activity and create a new one... there is no way to resume it21:18
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luchosoee, it's different when I intentionally stop an activitie (I can resume it just clicking the "manually" stopped activity)21:20
soeelucho: what Kubuntu / Plasma version are you runing ?21:27
luchoOk, I deleted the "stopped" activity and created it again. I lost my activity.21:27
luchoKubuntu 15.1021:27
luchoPlasma 521:27
luchoPlasma 5.4.2 (:21:29
soeelucho: do you have backports enabled ?21:31
luchodeb http://uy.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ wily-backports main restricted universe multiverse21:32
soeestrange i never experienced that problem :/21:35
luchosoee: Ok, thanks for your time :)21:36
soeelucho: you can try asking tomorron on #plasma21:36
luchoOk, I'll do that!21:36
soeetry to catch there ivan|home21:36
luchosoee: many thanks!21:36
luchoI'm looking at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/21:38
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alibraconfigured raid 0 on 2 seperate hard drives after installing kubuntu 14.04, need syntax to give access to user. Only root has access now. Thanks works otherwise.Have mdadm installed.22:56
alibraI just need to give myself access as user,, sorry nOOb23:02
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RoeyI'm having trouble playing music on these bluetooth headphones... when I play a track in Amarok, it just pauses there without playing music or advancing the track.  Same thing with mplayer.  How can I diagnose this?23:32

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