
phillwtsimonq2: I'm talking about adding in the 4th method of installing lubuntu. We currently have desktop, alternate and netboot.00:00
tsimonq2oh alright00:00
tsimonq2phillw: 5? :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods%2B1#Debootstrap00:00
phillwtsimonq2: not this late in the cycle... i had prepped up server image as a "JiC"... Not all of the chats people like Walter, Rafael and myself are public and shared. We do pop ideas to him and get his feed back before we go bounce it around the mailing list. It is so important that he "idiot check" some thing before we let our ideas go too wild :)00:04
tewardphillw: and sometimes the idiot checking requires outside interference (case in point certain issues i've been pinged on wrt alternate image)00:05
phillwteward: indeed it does... but that's what we all are supposed to do :)00:08
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phillw-virtualgreetings from xenial6415:35
phillw-virtualgreetings from xenial-3215:49
phillwflexiondotorg: teward has uploaded the revised 15.10 images to my mirror. I've kicked in md5sums for them. Do feel free to share with others. And a large thank you to you both.16:24
tsimonq2wxl: could you take a look at the guide I've written for installing Lubuntu via debootstrap? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods+1#Debootstrap17:40
tsimonq2wxl: and is it in the right place? :P17:40
wxlwhat's the reason for having this process?17:41
tsimonq2*shrug* because it's more flexible17:42
wxlrelative to?17:42
wxlwell here17:42
wxli'll put it to you this way17:42
tsimonq2well the installers don't give you much choice as to what comes preinstalled, this is more of a DIY way17:42
wxlput a paragraph explaining exactly why someone would want to go through all the trouble17:42
tsimonq2k I'll do it later17:43
wxlthink persuasive essay17:43
phillwhiyas redwolf18:09
phillwwxl: "He's alive!!!" - Hope you had a good birthday.18:10
redwolfbirthday? meh...18:11
phillwredwolf: we are allowed them :)18:17
phillwwxl: as an aside, can you touch base with RonWhoCares about the new wheels / bearings he needs for his older powered wheel chair. At least one of the suppliers only ships within USA so you'd need to forward onto to him in Canada... Once it went past the basics, it went beyond me except to find him a couple of suppliers.18:20
phillwnew kernel is arriving18:43
phillwbugga.. a red bug :(20:17
ubot93Launchpad bug 1572306 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Side by side fails at "Select and Install Software" step" [Undecided,New]20:18
phillwcan someone please confirm... Thanks20:22
phillwI'm going to grab server image and see how it gets on.20:22
tewardphillw: something I need to look at?23:02
phillwteward: alternate has been respun... will server catch up?23:02
tewardphillw: respin reason?23:03
tewardphillw: what was the reason for the alternate respin?23:04
phillwteward:  idk, I didn't ask for lubuntu alternate respin... But having everyone on the same kernel would be nice :)23:04
tewardphillw: i'll check23:05
* teward doesn't have access to check respins23:05
tewardi think that's matsubara's department23:05
tewardi'll check cdimage tomorrow morning, see what's on that image23:05
tewardand poke matsubara if it's got a discrepancy23:05
phillwI have asked, but cloud issues seem to be priority #1 at the momwnt23:05
phillwteward: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/1572306 is a big red bug.... As we are on logged channel, I cannot say my true opinion on it :P23:08
ubot93Launchpad bug 1572306 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Side by side fails at "Select and Install Software" step" [Undecided,New]23:08
phillwcan some one confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/157230623:54
ubot93Launchpad bug 1572306 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Side by side fails at "Select and Install Software" step" [Undecided,New]23:54
ianorlinphillw with the new respin I will try23:55
phillwianorlin: yeah, they re-spun while I was testing.... makes it more fun :P23:56

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