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nik90t1mp, ping10:20
t1mpnik90: hi10:22
nik90t1mp, Hi, I am having an issue in my app with the latest UITK in rc-proposed where the back button disappeared in a few pages. I was able to narrow it down the reason to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/156581110:24
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1565811 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "PageHeader should not have a back action if it's the first page on the stack" [High,Fix committed]10:24
nik90t1mp, I have a setup similar to http://paste.ubuntu.com/15920303/10:25
nik90where I have a so called "Home Page" which I don't push into the pagestack.10:25
nik90Instead I push the child pages only to the stack. As a result, when I push them, the depth is 110:25
t1mpwhy do you do that?10:26
t1mpin any case, you can set PageHeader.leadingActionBar.actions = [ Action { iconName: "back"; onTriggered: pageStack.pop(); text: "Back" } ]10:26
nik90t1mp, I do that because sometimes I want to pop all child pages to return to the home page using the clear() function.10:27
nik90If I had pushed the Home Page, then that would be popped from the stack as well.10:27
nik90UITK Pagestack pop() function doesnt allow me to dictate how many pages I want to pop like the upstream Qt Stackview10:27
nik90t1mp, And yes, at the moment I have resorted to using a custom back button.10:28
nik90But that feels hacky :P10:28
t1mpwe can only have one default behavior for the back action, either we show it or we don't show it when there is one page on the stack10:29
t1mpwe had it documented as not showing for one page, and it worked like that with the old header, so I think the bug you pasted above was valid, and it should not show the back action10:29
t1mpI don't know the whole structure of your app, but I would say that the home page can be the first page on the stack10:30
nik90fair enough10:30
t1mpas a side note, maybe you want to switch to the AdaptivePageLayout :)10:30
nik90t1mp, it is for uNav (default navigation app on the phone)10:31
t1mpbecause it will support convergence10:31
nik90so the breakage is a bit concerning and we don't yet have an idea about how we want to converge.10:31
nik90we're still brainstorming about the design10:31
t1mpso you relied on our bug when it was not obvious that it was a bug.10:32
nik90t1mp, one more question, will the SDK add default keyboard shortcuts to the back button like "Escape" ?10:32
t1mpif I unfix the bug to fix the app, that will break other apps again10:33
nik90t1mp, yes I wasn't aware it was a bug10:33
t1mpnik90: not that I know of, but we can ask a designer10:33
t1mpFemma: ^ will we have default keyboard shortcuts for a back action in a page?10:33
nik90t1mp, I will give it further thought to see if I can also push the HomePage (map view) to the stack.10:34
nik90but as of the moment, I know that sometimes we need to jump from stack depth 2 to the map view.10:34
t1mpnik90: there is keyboard navigation however so you can use TAB to select the back button and then trigger it with (I think) enter or space10:34
nik90and I don't see how to do that without using the clear() function10:34
t1mpnik90: or multiple pop()s10:35
t1mpnik90: I don't know the designs for unav. Perhaps the map could be a separate layer not in the stack10:35
t1mpperhaps that's what you have now :)10:35
nik90t1mp, that's what we have now :P10:35
nik90whcih is why our child pages have depth 110:35
Femmat1mp:  nik90 at the moment, the way to achieve that would be via focus. There are currently no plans to implement a back keyboard shortcut, however if there is a requirement/use case for it then we can definitely think about including it10:36
nik90t1mp, see this is why you don't automate stuff in the SDK side :P .. if app devs want to hide the back button, just give them a method to do so.10:37
t1mpnik90: yeah. Now they can by setting leadingActionBar.actions = []10:38
nik90t1mp, yup10:38
t1mpnik90: maybe that is a good reason to switch to the APL :)10:40
t1mpnik90: it can do everything that the PageStack can do, but it has a more flexible removePage(page) function10:41
t1mpnik90: apl.removePages(mapPage) would do the trick for you10:41
t1mpnik90: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04.4/Ubuntu.Components.AdaptivePageLayout/#removePages-method10:42
nik90t1mp, ooh that's nice..I will try to migrate to it10:46
t1mpnik90: cool. Let me know if there are any issues10:47
t1mpor if you discover more advantages of the APL over PageStack so we can convince more people to migrate :)10:47
t1mpmzanetti: hello  :)11:22
t1mpmzanetti: I thought it may be useful for you and nik90 to know what you both are doing for navigation, to avoid duplication of the effort11:22
t1mpnik90: what's up with unav? Are you planning a big redesign/rewrite?11:23
mzanettiyeah, I've been talking to Marcos and Nekhelesh already. As I said, I didn't really want to compete with uNav but rather just play a bit with the QML location api11:26
mzanettiand well, turns out its working very nicely11:26
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mhall119bzoltan_: zsombi: Kaleo: UOS is coming up ,and I'd like to have a session showing off our UITK and specifically the convergence/adaptive features of our components, which one of you can lead that session?13:06
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cariveriHi there. I got an error: opening shm. I read that it is a platform error. what can I do?14:38
cariveriit crashes HaloWord and I think some more other apps.14:38
cariverimy platform was ubuntu 15.04 OTA-10.1, on a bq Aquaris E5.14:40
bzoltan_mhall119:  it will be zsombi15:06
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cariverihey. does any one know this: failed to open shm error?15:23
mhall119thanks bzoltan_15:42
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