
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
jin_jibel, Hi! jibel,04:37
jin_jibel, Telegram has a new ticket need QA support on testing:04:37
jin_jibel, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/128204:37
jin_jibel, could you please add it into your scrum board?04:38
jin_jibel, really thanks! :))))04:38
oSoMoNrvr, good morning! I commented on https://trello.com/c/in0lBeoh/3075-1273-ubuntu-landing-020-webbrowser-app-osomon , can you reliably reproduce that hangouts crash?09:05
rvroSoMoN: Hi! Nope, it was very late yesterday. I'll try to reproduce.09:45
oSoMoNrvr, thanks!09:46
rvroSoMoN: The video image shows inverted to me in the Hangout screen, take a look to trello10:08
rvroSoMoN: I'll be back soon, comment there10:09
oSoMoNrvr, answered on the card10:19
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Mirvrobru: I'd need to target a xenial only silo to overlay PPA, how can that be done nowadays?11:53
jin_rvr, Hello man!12:03
jin_rvr, there is a click ticket request need your support ;)12:04
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jin_jibel, ping12:08
Mirvrobru: it'd be nice if the "ubuntu" dropdown could have eg "stable phone overlay" as an option12:10
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jin_sil2100, Hello12:53
rvroSoMoN: How can I switch to the front camera?13:22
oSoMoNrvr, you’ll need to go to the browser settings, under privacy, set the default camera to be the front one, then reload the page13:23
rvrPoor jin_, nobody was around13:23
rvroSoMoN: Ok13:24
ogra_oh, thats nice !13:25
ogra_hangouts !13:25
rvroSoMoN: I just added more comments14:10
rvrogra_: It's a bit slow, but it works14:10
ogra_on what do you test ?14:11
ogra_not slow for me :)14:11
ogra_(manually hacked the UA override here though)14:11
oSoMoNrvr, regarding your second point (switching does nothing), this is a known bug in oxide: bug #153581814:19
ubot5`bug 1535818 in Oxide "sourceId and other constraints for getUserMedia are ignored" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153581814:19
oSoMoNrvr, and about your first point, what do you mean by "a bad video feed" ?14:19
rvroSoMoN: Oh, I forgot to share the screenshot, one moment14:19
rvroSoMoN: Attached14:20
rvroSoMoN: Another issue: start Hangouts, power off the device and let it suspend for some minutes, power on the device: webbrowser app closes. There is no crash file.14:35
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boikojibel: hi, britney failed on silo 55, but it is the same unity8 failure that we hit in a previous telephony-service silo15:59
boikojibel: can we bypass it?15:59
rvroSoMoN: Any comment on the closing problem?16:23
oSoMoNrvr, not yet, been in meetings the whole afternoon, looking now16:24
oSoMoNrvr, note that bug #1565055 is about hangouts reporting that this is an unsupported browser, so if this is fixed with silo 20, I’d recommend to go with it and report/fix the usability issues with hangouts separately16:26
ubot5`bug 1565055 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "google hangouts thinks we are unsupported" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156505516:26
oSoMoNrvr, the silo merely adds user-agent string overrides to make hangouts think they run on chrome android/desktop16:26
oSoMoNso crashes and other issues are unlikely to be related to that specific change16:27
oSoMoNthat said, I appreciate your thorough testing, making the hangouts experience polished is a top priority for OTA1116:27
rvroSoMoN: Hmmm... ok. I'll approve this silo and create bugs for those issues.16:32
oSoMoNrvr, thanks, I’ll be addressing them this week16:32
oSoMoNMirv, sil2100: would you mind publishing silo 20? there’s a packaging change that prevents me from doing so (the change is https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/webbrowser-app/fix_qt56_qdoc_move/+merge/290830)16:51
sil2100oSoMoN: on it16:59
MirvoSoMoN: on i... ok, not16:59
MirvoSoMoN: hey, that's a packaging diff that's already approved by coredev :)17:00
Mirv(not that you can publish it anyway)17:00
sil2100hah, ok, well... qttools5-dev-tools is in universe but all is good, since we now allow non-main build-deps if they do not generate a new universe bin-dep17:02
sil2100So good17:02
robruMirv: at the moment you'll need to use a regular xenial silo then just manually copy to overlay when you're ready17:13
Mirvrobru: ok, thanks. it'd be nice though, these 53 packages will potentially land in the overlay at some point, some diffs:s etc against specifically overlay would be nice https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-011/+packages . but there will be naturally related changes when the y opens and we figure out vivid/xenial/y story at some point.17:17
Mirvand manual copy always works too.17:18
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robruMirv: ok, i resurrected the destination field only for non-dual silos, and set your xenial silo to overlay, and regenerated diffs. please have a look19:20
renatutrainguards,  could you help me silo 001, the arm build is getting canceled: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/124121:08
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robrurenatu: OK, retried, but i never saw that issue before. If it happens again you should raise it with an lp person like Colin Watson or William Grant21:11
renaturobru, as you can see here in the log it was the second time21:12
robrurenatu: might be worth talking to them, then. I've never seen builds get cancelled unless somebody cancelled them21:14
robruEg maybe somebody is cancelling these for a reason21:14
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