
dholbachmarcoceppi, how's the world of juju, layers and django? can we update ubucon-site again?04:45
pleia2a bit early for you dholbach04:46
dholbachI've got a few things to do today and woke up early :)04:46
pleia2usually dholbach hello means "pleia2 needs to go to bed" but it's only 21:46 :)04:46
pleia2hope you have a good one04:46
* dholbach hugs pleia2 04:46
* pleia2 hugs dholbach 04:46
dholbachyou too! :-)04:46
Kiloshi svij dholbach Na3iL06:02
svijhi Kilos06:02
dholbachhi Kilos, svij06:06
svijhi dholbach06:07
czajkowskiMorning folks06:39
Kiloshi czajkowski06:39
czajkowskiKilos: morning06:43
popeydpm: morning, did you get a chance to look at the music-app translation setup?10:02
dpmpopey, morning. I didn't, but I can have a look at it now10:02
dpmpopey, do you happen to know which strings appeared untranslated?10:04
dpmpopey, mhall119, davidcalle_, jose, dholbach and I have just been talking and decided that it might be better to move today's Q&A to Thursday, same time11:23
dpmthe reasons being that some of us are still busy with release tasks (e.g. snappy desktop examples and documentation)11:23
dpmand it'd be good to have an event on release day11:23
dholbachrelease day for maximum attendance :)11:25
popeyheh, wise11:27
mhall119dpm: ok, I'd post that to social media then so people are aware12:03
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
mhall119svij: ping13:21
svijmhall119: pong13:24
popeydpm: https://translations.launchpad.net/music-app/refactor/+pots/com.ubuntu.music/es/+translate?show=untranslated - seems 5 missing - since we changed "Songs" to "Tracks"13:27
dpmpopey, sorry, I got distracted with missing clock & calculator for the d.u.c docs13:27
dpmok, so it seems it's just a matter of the strings not having been translated yet13:28
mhall119svij: hey, I won't be on the UbuCon call on Friday, but I have a question about sponsorships13:29
popeynp :)13:30
svijmhall119: ok13:30
mhall119I've setup the brochure to currently say that sponsors are going through Canonical, is that okay or would you rather your legal entity handles the sponsorship agreements and money directly?13:31
svijIt would be better if our association would do that directly13:32
mhall119svij: ok, then I'll need a contact name and email for someone in your association to put as the contact in the sponsorship form13:34
svijmhall119: http://verein.ubuntu-de.org/node/1 this should have all information. "ubuntu Deutschland e.V." as the association name, "Torsten Franz" as the contact13:35
svijand email is there too13:35
josedpm: thursday at that time is busy19:16
josemhall119, popey, davidcalle: ^19:16
dpmjose, we can do another time too19:17
josedpm: would 16 UTC work for you?19:17
dpmjose, not for me particularly, but I can ask the other guys, I think it should be good if at least 2 of us can make it19:18
joseok cool, just lmk :) ubuntuonair.com/calendar for current busy slots19:19
joseso, everyone ready for release Thursday? just two days away!20:28
pleia2still working to find a venue for our party in San Francisco20:29
pleia2aiming for early May though :)20:29
josesame here in Peru, I have a couple ideas of where we could make one20:29
josefortunately, some other volunteers are going to jump in and give me a hand as well!20:30
pleia2hopefully things are on track to get the 16.04 usb sticks shipped off to teams20:30
pleia2that's great to hear20:30
josehaving USB sticks would be great, just need to make sure we deal with customs in the right way20:30
pleia2yeah :\20:30
pleia2I imagine that's harder than for the dvds20:30
knomeo hai pleia220:31
pleia2o/ knome20:31
knomepleia2, work @ #x-d20:31
pleia2yes yes, on it :)20:31
popeySO MANY Emails from people begging for access to the etherpad/wiki20:59
wxlso how's that mediawiki transition coming along? XD21:00
pleia2popey: my favorite was "please join this the them"21:01
pleia2(I haven't been replying)21:01
popeyI have. It's fun :)21:02
pleia2thank you21:02
popeywxl: I have a flight coming up and a new battery on my laptop. Planning to give it a go21:02
wxlpopey: i had a hell of a time working through those scripts. they need a lot of work. if you figure it out, man, i'd be elated (this is for an outside wiki)21:05
popeyaaaargh https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecentChanges21:28
wxlwell we're bound to screw up some of the time21:30
tsimonq2popey: uh oh, I screwed it up now, tried connecting to mattermost.popey.com and accidentally entered the wrong email...disconnected and can't connect back :/22:12
popeytsimonq2: eh? what if you try again with the right email?22:44
popeytsimonq2: from the invite link22:44
tsimonq2popey: but I literally cannot connect to do so23:05
popeytsimonq2: https://mattermost.popey.com/ubuntu/channels/town-square#23:07
popeywhat happens?23:07
tsimonq2I'll log in23:10
tsimonq2all good23:10
tsimonq205:13:07 PM [Mattermost Ubuntu] -!- Irssi: Looking up mattermost.popey.com23:11
tsimonq205:13:07 PM [Mattermost Ubuntu] -!- Irssi: Connecting to mattermost.popey.com [] port 666723:11
tsimonq205:13:07 PM [Mattermost Ubuntu] -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server mattermost.popey.com port 6667 [Connection refused]23:11
tsimonq2sorry for the paste :)23:11
popeyooh, it died23:12
popeytry now23:12
popeyi should add monitoring for this23:12
tsimonq2 \o/23:12
tsimonq2thanks popey :)23:12
jcastropopey: mhall119: cool, I got happy snappy now with the last update23:42
jcastro`sudo snap install links`23:42
jcastrolooks like they cleaned up a bunch of things in the store too23:43
popeyLinks! Welcome to 201623:43
jcastrowell, I hadn't seen it actually work yet23:43
jcastrowithout weirdbinary.names and nonobvious things23:44
jcastropopey: I want to convince our team to setup a mattermost23:46
jcastrothat irc gateway work as well as you'd hope?23:46
popeycreate a company wide one23:46
popeypretty well23:46
popeytsimonq2: broke it :)23:46
popeyneeds work, not stable enough yet23:47
jcastrowell I was hoping IS would do that23:47
jcastrobut that doesn't solve my immediate problem23:47
jcastrooh, so probably not production ready then23:47
jcastropopey: some of these spams are getting clever now23:51
jcastro but 2 of them I looked at are like brand new accounts23:52
popeyi reply to some, others are obvious23:53
jcastrosome are obvious23:54
jcastro"I want to use the wiki" seems rather dubious23:54
jcastrolike, uh huh, sure pal. I love going to the dentist too...23:54
pleia2I made app, many bugs, need account23:55
pleia2I can't even23:55
popey 😃23:56

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