
pittiGOod morning05:59
pittihey Sweet5hark, wie geths?07:18
Sweet5harkpitti: all well here, just started writing a leak-detector for smart-pointers in LO which is fun ...07:33
pittiSweet5hark: uh, and getting a bazillion hits? :-)07:34
Sweet5harkpitti: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=99352 <- in the range 100-1000 for the unitttests existing right now.07:35
ubot5`bugs.documentfoundation.org bug 99352 in graphics stack "Some VclPtrs leak past DeInitVCL" [Normal,New]07:35
Sweet5harkpitti: next step is to make the smart ptr remember which line of code it was last set with a clang plugin, so it will spill out "leaked VclPtr to a bar of a foo-type, pointer was created at foo.c:123 and last set at bar.c:345"07:37
Sweet5harkpitti: that should make hunting them quite easy07:38
Sweet5harkalso I need to find out why some VclPtrs have a vptr to NULL -- that seems ... unhealty.07:39
Sweet5harkpitti: how about you? how are things going?07:39
pittiSweet5hark: the release front is surprisingly quiet07:40
pittiwell, I did work on some major installer bug yesterday, but no nightshifts and no panic mode07:40
pittisomething is wrong07:40
Sweet5harkurgh, "something is wrong" is the triage stage Im usually quite nervous about shortly before release ;)07:42
seb128good morning desktopers07:43
seb128hey Sweet5hark pitti07:43
pittibonjour seb128 !07:44
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest37202
pittiseb128: comment vas-tu ? jetlag getting better?07:44
pitti(you don't do this jetlag thing anyway, right?)07:44
seb128ça va bien :-)07:44
* pitti te donne une accolade07:44
seb128yeah, I slept from 11pm to 7am the first night in the U.S07:44
seb128and 11pm to 9am on the night back07:45
seb128I was feeling slightly sleepy in the afternoon though07:45
* seb128 donne une accolade à pitti en retour07:45
Sweet5harkseb128: heya07:48
RAOFAlso, hello!07:59
RAOFAnd good night!07:59
seb128RAOF, hey, and good night ;-)07:59
alexarnaudhello all!08:03
darkxstseb128, do you use lightning (calendar) in tb? that seems to be causing my hangs08:17
seb128darkxst, no08:19
seb128the hang issue is known iirc08:19
seb128or I think it was listed as something to sort out if we opted for that option when we evaluated calendaring solutions08:19
seb128cf email on desktop list from midcycle08:19
darkxstseb128, but its weird I never had a problem until this month! and nothing in the mozilla stack has changed08:20
seb128no idea what's the issue then...08:21
darkxstmaybe I should just migrate to gnome-calendar08:21
seb128darkxst, btw we are going to rename gnome-software from Software to "Ubuntu Software", how much of an issue is it for Ubuntu GNOME?08:21
seb128we could do a "add another .desktop and play with ShowIn" but that would require to change unity config/tests and migrate configs08:22
darkxstseb128, I would prefer to keep it just "Software" so it fits in with the rest of the default apps08:22
seb128lol, what I though08:23
seb128would be too easy if things would work for everyone08:24
seb128need to check with the unity team and release team now :-/08:24
darkxstseb128, why is so hard to add an extra .desktop file?08:26
seb128it's not hard08:26
seb128but the unity launcher config has the current name08:26
seb128so we need to migrate user config now08:27
seb128if we change it08:27
seb128also unity source/tests use the current name08:27
seb128so we need a new unity landing to change those08:27
seb128which just editing the Name= of the current .desktop would be a trivial change08:27
darkxstseb128, I see, why is this all landing so late?08:28
seb128darkxst, because non-technical part of Ubuntu/Canonical feedback loop is less tight08:31
seb128so it took them a while to realize that the name/store presentation changed in a way which make brand recognition harder to our current users08:32
seb128like people look for the ubuntu software center/store08:32
seb128and don't find it08:32
darkxstand our users are going to look for GNOME software, not ubuntu software (maybe)08:33
seb128yeah, depends what "brand" they recognize more08:36
seb128like if they consider themself Ubuntu users or GNOME ones08:36
darkxstwell that depends on context, at the level of the appstore, I suspect most would say GNOME08:37
seb128k, I would say Ubuntu08:38
seb128especially because the store is a frontend to the ubuntu archive08:38
seb128+ partner/myapps/etc08:38
seb128also until now you were using software-center as well no?08:39
darkxstseb128, yes08:46
darkxstbut then our users have been waiting quite a while with an expected switch to GNOME software08:48
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darkxstand tbh I doubt they mostly know where the packages come from!08:49
darkxstjust like there is a lot of unfounded hate, on social media towards ubuntu flavours, because users assume its all Canonicals doing'08:51
darkxstwhich of course it isnt, but that is the users percepentions08:51
seb128yeah, but I think those discussions/views are quite tech user centrics08:54
seb128the vast majority of users out there don't even know what a desktop environment is08:54
seb128or what Unity or GNOME are08:54
seb128but you could argue that those just use Ubuntu Desktop and not the GNOME remix08:54
darkxstseb128, I doubt we get many fresh newbies, with no tech knowledge, that go oh hey I can download an image an break my computer08:58
seb128hey Laney08:59
* pitti purrs at Laney08:59
darkxstmost, if not all users I have interacted with have generally used some other Linux distro before09:00
pittino meeow today?09:00
LaneyI'm in London now09:00
seb128pitti, London doesn't give Laney a meeowing mood09:00
Laneyno meowing from here09:00
seb128see :p09:00
Laneyit is an omionous place09:00
pittiLaney: oh, you're at the release sprint? nice09:00
seb128speaking of release09:02
seb128Laney, I'm going to sponsor the g-s update from attente, then doing another one for rename09:02
seb128Laney, I'm leaning toward adding an ubuntu-software.desktop now09:03
seb128would that create issues with dbus activation or whatsoever that would expect .desktop to match dbus name09:03
seb128shrug, in fact attente's ppa didn't back out the changes we didn't want to land from the look of it...09:07
seb128attente, hey, let me know when start your day, ^09:08
LaneyI don't know, I told you that I prefer just renaming the whole thing09:11
seb128k, need to go for some erands and lunch09:45
seb128going to upload gnome-software a bit after I'm back, I still have some testing to do and wanted to include some of the fixes from attente but the version in his ppa has more changes that wanted, need to check with him before upload09:46
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
Laneyhappyaron: here?11:13
Laneycan you fix the changelog please?11:13
Laneyyou need a space after "LP:"11:13
Laneymake sure Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed is in the _source.changes you get11:14
Laneywas it you that uploaded it?11:14
happyaronI think that's led by I generated them on a Debian box11:14
Laneythen set DEB_VENDOR=Ubuntu before building11:15
Laneybut I think you need the space anyway11:15
happyaronshould I re-upload?11:15
Laneyyes please11:15
attenteseb128: hey11:23
attenteseb128: i didn't back out the changes, i simply disabled the plugin11:25
seb128attente, hey, oh ok, unsure how -release feel about that11:35
attenteseb128: ok, i'll remove it11:35
seb128Laney, g-s bugfix update, fine if that includes the new backend as disabled or would you prefer that as not part of the change?11:35
seb128attente, wait for ^ maybe11:35
LaneyI feel fine about it11:36
attenteseb128: have you tried the private ppa?11:36
seb128attente, yes, mostly works for me11:36
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
seb128attente, is that normal that if you auth in software-properties then g-s asks again to auth?11:37
seb128jibel pointed that out11:37
seb128also he had a crash when trying to do a review and seems the list is not refreshed after snap installs11:37
attenteseb128: oh no... we shouldn't be using auth in software-properties at all any more11:37
seb128attente, k, so just delete that one from the ppa?11:38
seb128jibel, ^11:38
seb128attente, I didn't get the error 500 so far11:38
attenteok, so i can delete that, fix the re-prompt on cancel11:38
seb128also it's confusing that search for "calc" doesn't find ubuntu-calculator-app11:39
seb128but that's a snap/store issue11:39
seb128"snap find calc" doesn't work either11:39
attentei guess it's doing some prefix based search11:39
attentei should delete the reviews button for those11:39
attentebecause it seems to not work for some reason11:40
seb128better to not have it than having it buggy11:40
seb128we can re-enable as we fix11:40
seb128Trevinho, you didn't revert that "numlock is on" warning in the unity lock screen right?11:59
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, is any of you looking at this missing menus issue?12:47
Trevinhoseb128: no, no revert12:48
Trevinhoseb128: as for the menus... I do.12:48
seb128Trevinho, the no revert makes me sad12:48
seb128I'm considering maintaining my ppa forked version :p12:49
TrevinhoBut I can't reproduce. As said yesterday I believe that there's something related with gtk12:49
seb128it's really annoying/disturbing to be warned about something normal12:49
Trevinhoseb128: well, it's a light warning12:49
seb128I don't see it as light12:49
seb128see I never have heavy ones12:49
TrevinhoTrevinho: we didn't talk about that later... You're right.12:49
seb128it's just a warning12:49
seb128but that discuss can wait for next week12:50
TrevinhoI mean I thought you were ok at the end12:50
seb128did we ever get design input on that?12:50
seb128well, let's see release feedback12:50
seb128it just feels buggy and I don't get used to it12:50
TrevinhoNot really.12:50
seb128every time I unlock I'm like "wth is it warning me about my config being right"12:50
TrevinhoI would love to find a way to detect the presence of a numeric keypad12:51
seb128like a numpad typing number12:51
seb128yeah, you can't though12:51
seb128seems we don't get proper info12:51
seb128oh well, let's see if I can convince you over beer next week :p12:51
TrevinhoUSD does some euristics to figure out the machine type, but nothing really reliable12:52
seb128Trevinho, on the menu issue, seems we have active people on the bug, I know remote debugging through questions is not easy but do you think we can get somewhere with that?12:52
TrevinhoOk.. I think it would be easy in Prague :-D12:52
seb128Trevinho, well in my case it's a docked laptop with an external keyboard12:53
TrevinhoOh, yeah... Same I do12:53
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
seb128Trevinho, so, the menu issue ... if you think it might be a gtk issue did you try to get input from desrt?13:01
* desrt scrolls13:01
desrtgood morning, seb :)13:01
seb128hey desrt, how are you?13:05
desrtpretty good13:05
desrtit's starting to get pretty awesome here13:05
seb128desrt, we are speaking about unity-panel/indicator-appmenu not displaying the exported menus sometimes on xenial13:05
desrtit's bamf!13:06
seb128Trevinho thinks it might be a regression in gtk 3.16->3.1813:06
seb128the menus are correctly exported/matched since hud lists those13:06
desrtthis is a pretty easy theory to test13:06
desrtoh.  looks like the HUD tested it for us :)13:06
seb128Trevinho, around?13:07
desrti seriously doubt that a gtk regression is to blame here13:07
desrti'd also like to know what "sometimes" means13:07
seb128we should get that discussion moving, release is thursday13:07
seb128desrt, bug #153222613:08
ubot5`bug 1532226 in unity (Ubuntu) "No menu bar in gtk apps on fresh boot" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153222613:08
seb128desrt, some users have it on boot, restarting the unity-panel-service seems to "fix" it13:09
seb128I wish kamstrump joined IRC for debugging rather just commenting on the bug...13:09
desrt"notable exception firefox" implies that dbusmenu is working well but gmenumodel is screwed13:10
chrisccoulsonsomeone's still using firefox?13:12
desrtchrisccoulson: hi :)13:12
chrisccoulsonhi :)13:12
larsuchrisccoulson: your irc client apparently still notifies you when someone mentions it :P13:13
larsuhi all!13:13
seb128desrt, I guess Trevinho is having lunch, let's wait for him to be back13:19
seb128attente, good news is that your fixes from earlier today (theme, leaks) is in xenial13:48
attenteseb128: great, thank you13:49
seb128thank *you*!13:49
seb128I installed the gnome-calendar update in g-s which had 6 upgrades listed14:08
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seb128now it tells me "system is uptodate"14:08
seb128and all content vanished14:08
seb128like no apps on the "all" tab14:08
seb128categories empty14:08
seb128andyrock, around? what do you work on? (asking because I've some bugs to nag you about, but only if you are not busy on more important things)14:10
andyrockWorking on a bug about not restoring correctly14:11
andyrockRight now in a train XD14:11
andyrockseb128: but which bugs?14:12
Trevinhoseb128: ok, here I am14:12
seb128andyrock, if you click "install" in gnome-software and deny auth the unity launcher gets an "installing" icon anyway and there is no way to remove until out of restarting unity14:13
seb128which is a bit annoying14:13
seb128Trevinho, great! can you summarize the appmenu issue for desrt?14:14
Trevinhodesrt: so, basically unity-gtk-modue does its job and properly exports al the menus... They have been properly exported and in fact both HUD and a raw script (such as https://gist.github.com/3v1n0/58c13a8bac4008a82cd66084fc71c95a) can see them14:15
Trevinhodesrt: however it looks like that gtk at libappmenu level doesn't get them14:16
Trevinhoor well, it gets them when restarting unity-panel-service... So delaying unity-panel-service to start also is a workaround (I guess, as I can't try that directly)14:16
TrevinhoI was also curious whether using older gtk (wily version, let's say) for u-p-s would work (just to see if that's the cause). But I can't reproduce this, so I can't do too many experiments.14:19
seb128Trevinho, is there anything that makes you think that could be due to gtk? also saw desrt's comment that one of the reporters says that firefox is working which suggests dbusmenu is but gmenumodel not?14:22
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, libdbusmenu based apps (qt, xul and such) are working fine14:22
Trevinhoseb128: the problem is with gdbusmenumodel... But the gio side is fine I think. Since things are well exported. The problem seems to be gtk not reloading the menus when the model changes or something like that.14:25
seb128andyrock, bug #1553165 (assigned to you on march 04th, but seems like you didnt see it? or just ignored me? :p)14:25
ubot5`bug 1553165 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "unity launcher items stay as "installing" on errors" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155316514:25
andyrockOps sorry14:26
andyrockI missed it14:26
andyrockI ll take a look as soon as possible14:26
Trevinhoseb128: as libappmenu uses gtk_menu_new_from_model, then it's all managed like if we had a gtkmenu...14:26
Trevinhoseb128: and that menu is actually empty it seems14:26
seb128andyrock, thanks14:26
seb128tjaalton, is there anyone you could nag upstream intel to review the patch on https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=88584? unsure if it works/makes sense but that bug is annoying and I would be glad to see it fixed in xenial if we can :p14:28
ubot5`Freedesktop bug 88584 in Driver/intel "[ilk] Font and screen corruption in GTK+ applications" [Major,New]14:28
seb128Trevinho, did we do much changes on the appmenu side this cycle?14:28
Trevinhoseb128: no, nothing14:28
Trevinhoseb128: it all appened in the previous two cycles14:29
seb128but the bug started in xenial?14:29
seb128k, thanks for the summary14:30
seb128seems we lost desrt meanwhile14:30
TrevinhoWell... we have a change in xenial cycle... But...14:30
seb128at some point we should be able to have both around! :p14:30
TrevinhoMh, it seems so14:33
Trevinhohowever, well... Actually something changed in bamf, so let me try something14:33
seb128Trevinho, is that bamf change you are trying giving anything?15:09
Trevinhoseb128: well, I'm experimenting something, to verify wether the fact that bamf is not there could cause the problem, but... It would be very weird15:10
TrevinhoI'll ask to test something in the bug report too15:10
desrtseb128: still here :)15:15
seb128Trevinho, can desrt help you there?15:15
seb128desrt, do you know of anything that changed on the gtk side that could lead to menus not updating when the model change?15:16
desrtnothing that wouldn't also impact dbusmenu in a similar way15:16
desrtdoes anyone have a machine that has the problem?  i tried a VM but i can't reproduce.15:17
TrevinhoAnother possibility could be: ups starts when the window hints aren't set, then it can't get the dbus address.. BUt this would be weird since it should be done before mapping15:17
* Trevinho neither... I tried yesterday in a new install too15:17
seb128can you log that?15:17
desrt(beta2, fwiw)15:17
seb128I can't either15:17
desrtTrevinho: ya.  this is the only thing i could think of15:18
desrtlike if the order of realize/set-property/map got changed15:18
desrtbut that would impact the hud as well15:18
Trevinhoseb128: yeah I could add some logging to ups... But the fact that there's no one here able to redpduce and thus a way to get quick feedback doesn't help15:18
desrtiirc both sources are querying the info out of bamf15:18
Trevinhodesrt: well, true...15:18
desrtso either bamf has the property or not15:19
desrt(and obviously it has it)15:19
* desrt reads some hud source15:19
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Trevinhothere's also another issue related to this though... seb128 try to enable auto-login. I don't get menubar removed15:22
seb128I've autologin on my travel inspiron15:22
Trevinhoand also fonts aren't properly set15:22
seb128no menubar issue15:22
seb128I used all of previous week while traveling15:22
Trevinhoseb128: ah... Mh, my VM has problems instead15:23
Trevinholike if unity-settings-daemon isn't properly setting stuff, but it's indeed there15:23
desrthud is indeed querying bamf15:24
desrtalthough in a different way15:24
desrtthe panel sometimes gets itself into a state, on login, that it cannot display menus from any apps15:25
desrteven if the apps are restarted15:25
desrtbut restarting the panel fixes this state15:26
desrtthis basically has to be an issue in libappmenu, panel service, unity15:26
desrtor an extremely convoluted issue in the way the panel is communicating with bamf15:26
desrtit's extremely difficult to imagine this problem being as a result of a change on the app side15:27
Trevinhodesrt: I think ups is fine, so is unity...15:27
Trevinhodesrt: I bet for libappmenu15:27
desrtya.  me too.15:27
desrtthis will be awesome15:28
desrtof course, as you suggest, the problem may come from gtk vs. gmenumodel changes in the libappmenu side15:29
willcookeit's meeting time15:31
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-1915:32
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Apr 19 15:32:10 2016 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:32
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic:
Trevinhodesrt: I wanted to ask some reproducers to install somehwere wily's gtk lib and add an LD_LIBRARY_PATH in unity-panel-service.conf upstart job to override the default one and see if there's some regression in there...15:32
willcookeRoll call: andyrock, attente, desrt, fjkong, happyaron (out), hikiko (maybe out), laney (sprint), qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)15:32
desrtTrevinho: let's chat after15:33
desrthi willcooke :)15:33
willcookedesrt, Trevinho  - will try and keep this quick15:33
desrtback in UK?15:33
willcookeand the sun is shining15:33
willcookelet's rock through this as quickly as we can15:34
willcooke#topic andyrock15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrock1. Completed hud branches, dealed a bit with FFe etc until Trevinho got it15:35
andyrock2. Fixed a crash in dash on theme change15:35
andyrock3. Fix unity script crash15:35
andyrock4. Reviews15:35
andyrock5. Start working on a bug with gnome-terminal that fails to restore to the correct size after maximization15:36
andyrockand moved to lappland before the sprint15:36
willcookethanks andyrock.  As soon as I get final confirmation on the HUD invocation keys I will let you know15:36
willcookesay hi to Santa from us.  I assume he works at an ice cream stand for the summer15:37
willcooke#topic attente15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: attente
desrtwillcooke: santa belongs to canada :p15:37
attentehey, not much, just some gnome-software work15:37
willcookenot much15:37
desrt"living under a giant /frozen/ rock for the last week"15:37
willcookeHuge thanks to attente for spending much of his weekend on g-s15:38
* desrt couldn't get attente to come out and play this weekend, even15:38
willcookenext week15:38
willcookeattente - if you need things/people - let me know15:38
attenteyep, of course :)15:39
willcooke#topic desrt15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: desrt
desrttrying to figure out this libappmenu issue... it more or less has to be on the unity-panel-service side... pretty sure it's no change in gio or libappmenu since there are no changes there in a year, so leaning toward a gtk change impacting the weird stuff that libappmenu does to it now15:39
desrtjust about to jump into that now15:39
willcookethanks desrt15:40
willcooke#topic FJKong_15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: FJKong_
FJKong_last update:15:40
FJKong_coding and testing skin for new feature15:40
FJKong_half day for going to Embassy of Czech handing material15:40
FJKong_one day holiday15:40
FJKong_this update:15:40
FJKong_unpack skin file with patching libpng15:40
FJKong_coding on qt/qml to change each frame after another15:41
willcookethanks FJKong_ - when do you arrive in Prague?15:41
willcookesafe travels15:41
willcooke#topic happyaron15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: happyaron
willcooke1. apng in libpng for Fanjun15:42
willcooke2. slideshow for kylin15:42
willcooke3. prepare sogoupinyin release that aligns with 16.04 release15:42
willcooke4. sponsor uploads15:42
willcooke#topic hikiko15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: hikiko
willcooke- ezoom: still fighting with the redraws and damages :/ although I fixed several problems I still see visual artifacts on unity because parts of it don't update correctly. I'm working on them. The compiz and nux parts are here:15:42
willcooke |-- https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/compiz/compiz.EZ15:42
willcooke |-- https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/nux/nux.EZ15:42
willcooke- u8: went to the first kpi meeting, got a brief look at some u8 branches, set up virtual manager to install u8 before Prague.15:42
willcooke#topic larsu15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: larsu
willcooke#topic Laney15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: Laney
willcookeLaney, do you want to say anything or just be left in peace?15:43
larsu* installed fedora15:43
* willcooke sets a 15 second time out...15:43
willcooke#topic qengho15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: qengho
Sweet5harklarsu: Fedoras are only for the top of your head ...15:44
* larsu nods15:44
larsuSweet5hark: I already wondered why nothing worked anymore!15:44
willcookeno qengho ?15:45
* willcooke starts counting again ....15:45
willcooke#topic seb12815:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• 3 days planning sprint in SLC + travel15:46
seb128• gnome-software sponsoring + renaming request/discussions15:46
seb128• sponsored accountsservice fix for auth dialog displaying in locked sessions15:46
seb128• uploaded some launchpad translations updates for package not using langpacks15:46
seb128• backported a gnome-calendar "can't reopen dialog" fix15:46
seb128• cleaned out old unity-control-center buggy migration script15:46
seb128• landed some themes tweaks15:46
seb128• backported a rhythmbox segfault fix15:46
seb128+ launchpad bugs review/tried to stay on top of release issues15:46
willcookethanks seb12815:46
Laneywillcooke: here if you want15:46
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
willcooke#topic Laney15:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: Laney
LaneyI didn't prepare anything15:46
Laneybut mainly worked on g-s more15:46
Laneyapt backend, bug fixes and stuff15:46
Laneydid an upload or two for attente15:46
Laneyand I did some other gnome uploads that were pending15:47
Laneyglib-networking and something else,15:47
seb128gvfs? ;-)15:47
Laneyoh I helped Trevinho with landing his hud things15:47
seb128you did gnome-calendar15:47
Laneyand did some releas-y stuff15:47
Trevinhoeh, in fact... libnwck either :)15:47
* seb128 hugs Laney15:47
Laneylike pushing back on some freeze exceptions (sorry )15:47
Laneyand finally uploaded a new appstream from ximion15:47
seb128hope you guys are having some laught about it at least ;-)à15:47
Laneyand sponsored some of the backlog15:47
Laneya few new packages got appstream because of that15:48
willcookethanks Laney, see you Thursday15:48
* Trevinho loves this "and" prefixed bullet list :-D15:48
Laneyoh wait15:48
LaneyI broke featured apps in the latest upload15:48
Laneybecause I didn't install the generated featured.ini15:48
Laneyneed to upload one more to fix that15:48
Laneyreal end15:48
Sweet5hark- some crash-on-exit fixes15:48
Sweet5hark- wrote a (primitive so far) leak detector for LibreOffice UI-Toolkit smart pointers: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=99352 -- yielded already some fixes15:48
Sweet5hark- reviewed and approved The Document Founation annual report to authorities15:48
Sweet5hark- budgeting decisions at The Document Foundation15:48
Sweet5hark- took part/led a job interview for a candidate at TDF15:48
Sweet5hark- some snappy aftermath15:48
Sweet5hark- (also was at the "we were all fired" 5 year anniversary dinner of the good ol' Sun/Oracle OpenOffice crew)15:48
ubot5`bugs.documentfoundation.org bug 99352 in graphics stack "Some VclPtrs leak past DeInitVCL" [Normal,New]15:48
Laneywrite only irc15:48
qenghowillcooke: I'm here. Didn't hear beep.15:49
willcooke#topic qengho15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: qengho
qengho- working on new chromium security update, v50.15:49
qengho- still working on chromium snap. currently on fonts access from inside snap.15:49
willcookethanks qengho15:49
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: TheMuso
willcookeNot much this week other than testing accessibility relatedf cuntionality in the installer for Ubuntu and mate flavours. mate is not working properly, requires investivation, will likely need SRUing for .1. I also found a bug when using Orca with unity and suspending... The screen is not being locked, will file a bug in the morning for this one.15:50
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- Google Summer of Code 2016: A last adjustment in student selection15:50
tkamppeter- OpenPrinting Summit preparations15:50
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:50
tkamppeterNext week I will be on the OpenPrinting Summit at HP in Boise, ID.15:51
willcookethanks tkamppeter, have a great time15:51
willcookesorry we will miss you15:51
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: Trevinho
Trevinho· Fixed regression in BAMF (thanks to unit tests for catching it)15:51
Trevinho· New compiz, unity, bamf, hud landing to get window actions available in HUD15:51
Trevinho· Studing issues causing weird menu behaviors in xenial15:51
Trevinho· Fixed some notify-osd issues in handling replacement and appending15:51
Trevinho· Spent some time in setting up new laptop15:51
Trevinho· Changed the way the HUD manages the windows, reducing a lot the memory footprint (my new 32GB of RAM doesn't stop me doing this :-])15:51
Trevinho /EOF15:51
tkamppeterwillcooke, Sprint without long beards.15:51
willcookethanks Trevinho15:52
willcooke#topic willcooke15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: willcooke
willcooke* Chasing my tail15:52
willcooke* Branch for terminal notebook colours15:52
willcooke* Fixed calendar theme bugs15:52
willcooke* Went to SLC15:53
willcooke#topic any other business15:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-04-19 | Current topic: any other business
willcookeZOMG - Thursday15:53
willcookeI'll be heading to London to "help" Laney and co.  Seb will be there as well15:53
willcookeso won't be any meetings on Thursday15:53
willcookePlease take some time on Friday to do your lightning talk slides if you need them15:54
willcookedesktoppers ^15:54
willcookeAnyone got any bugs they think need to be critically fixed before release that aren't generally being worked on?15:54
willcookeIMO we've got the big ones on the lsit15:55
TrevinhoI think so15:55
willcookeok, then let's wrap15:55
willcookegood luck everyone15:56
seb128willcooke, oh, and slides is a good plane activity :p15:56
willcookeISO TESTING!15:56
willcookeNeed moar halp15:56
seb128upgrades as well15:56
desrti just did some testing.  unfortunately everything worked properly.15:56
Trevinhoyeah, it's soo bad when it happens15:56
willcookeyeah, please everyone, plan on doing so VM installs and upgrades on Thursday if you're not working on bugs15:56
willcookeI will send an email on this topic later on ^  It's really rather important15:57
willcookeand I think that really is it15:57
willcookegoing once....15:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Apr 19 15:58:12 2016 UTC.15:58
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2016/ubuntu-desktop.2016-04-19-15.32.moin.txt15:58
willcookethanks all15:58
Sweet5harkwillcooke: (I guess its ok that I threw in my copypasta in Laneys #topic)15:58
Laneyif you're happy with it counting as my work15:59
attenteLaney for new LO maintainer15:59
Sweet5harkwhats that dust cloud were Laney was a sec ago?16:00
Trevinhowillcooke: about iso testing... Just tried to run a daily in vmware, but no luck :o. I get a crash on X starting during the installer16:01
seb128attente, Laney, desrt, would having an ubuntu-software.desktop (or com.Canonical.Software.desktop) in Untiy instead of org.gnome.Software.desktop create any issue (due to desktop name not matching the dbus one)?16:01
desrtthere are a couple of intersecting issues there16:01
willcookeTrevinho, erk.  Hopefully that's something odd with your set up - works for me in Vbox16:01
desrtif you have DBusActivatable=true (and you do) then ya... it's a total non-starter16:02
* willcooke downloads ISO again 16:02
Trevinhowillcooke: I think it coudl be related to their "autoinst.iso"...16:02
* Trevinho goes in the manual way16:02
desrtthe bus name, by definition, is the same as the desktop file name16:02
seb128desrt, what would happen?16:02
seb128we have an autostart .desktop starting the service with the session16:03
desrtseb128: a dbus message would be sent to something that lacks a .service file and it would be dropped on the floor16:03
seb128so it's not getting dbus activated afaik16:03
seb128it's not systemd handled16:03
desrtseb128: doesn't matter if the process is already running or not.  the thing gets started by sending a Activate message to the bus name that matches the desktop file16:03
desrtseb128: it's dbus-handled16:03
desrtyou're thinking .unit perhaps?16:03
Trevinhowillcooke: mh, I think there's a crash somewhere could be related to vmwgfx though...16:04
seb128well, I just didn't keep up with that16:04
seb128in my world the autostart .desktop calls the Exec it has16:04
desrtbut we're talking about the applications/ .desktop file, right?16:04
Trevinhowillcooke: and I've a long time running installation in vmware which has xenial in it... it works fine. But running a new instance with the daily iso seems to crash16:04
seb128desrt, well, gnome-software acts as a service16:05
Trevinhoouch, it's a compiz crash16:05
seb128desrt, /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-software-service.desktop16:05
desrtwhich file, specifically, did you want to rename?16:05
seb128$ grep Exec /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-software-service.desktop16:05
seb128Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service16:05
seb128or rather I want to make it NotShowIn=Unity16:06
desrtthe one that you find in /usr/share/applications, right?16:06
seb128and have a com.canonical.UbuntuSoftware.desktop16:06
seb128that is OnlyShowIn=Unity16:06
desrtwhy do you want to do that?16:06
seb128because we want different Name= in GNOME and Unity16:06
desrtmy brain hurts16:07
desrtwill we also have a different name in the title bar of the app?16:07
seb128"Ubuntu Software" vs "Software"16:07
desrtif you want to do this, you're going to need to make 3 new copies of things16:07
desrtbecause there are three files here16:07
desrtthe autostart file, the dbus service file, and the applications/ desktop file16:07
desrtthis is where the new gapplication appid flag can come in useful16:08
desrtof course, there is another option....16:08
desrtjust drop DBusActivatable=true and call the desktop file whatever you want16:08
desrtthe only thing you have to worry about in this case is window-matching logic (ie: bamf stuff)16:09
desrtbut you can probably fix that with a wmclass hint16:09
desrt...but that might not work if the service was already running16:09
desrtwhat you're trying to do is very ugly :p16:09
desrtone more idea16:10
desrtdo we munge XDG_DATA_DIRS by desktop?16:10
* desrt already nuked her vm16:11
desrthonestly, if you're gonna give the app a split personality, i think you ought to go all the way16:12
desrttwo completely separate app ids16:12
seb128yeah, we have /usr/share/ubuntu in front of XDG_DATA_DIRS16:12
desrtif that's only for unity then that's your ticket16:13
desrtjust drop a separate org.gnome.Software.desktop in /usr/share/unity/applications/ with the name you like16:13
desrtand it will be taken instead of the GNOME one16:13
Trevinhoseb128: do you know how can I add debug symbols to a crash with no symbols from cli? I mean, after installing the symbols from ddebs16:13
seb128Trevinho, you can "symbol-file /path/to/symbol"16:13
seb128but that unload the other ones16:13
desrtseb128: otherwise i can probably walk you through figuring out the personality-split proceedure, but i still recommend against it16:14
seb128desrt, does the dbus activation thing care about OnlyShowIn?16:14
desrtthis is a dbus .service file in /usr/share/dbus-1/16:14
seb128hum, ignore that16:15
seb128if I click on ubuntu-software.desktop in the dash it's going to try to dbus activate that name16:15
seb128I'm going to go with16:16
seb128" just drop DBusActivatable=true and call the desktop file whatever you want16:16
seb128 the only thing you have to worry about in this case is window-matching logic (ie: bamf stuff)"16:16
desrtdbus activation is not really a big problem here because there are a half-dozen ways to work around that part of the problem... your issue comes from app matching and the fact that this thing is xdg-autostarted16:16
desrtfor example, i have no idea if bamf will gate window matching vs. desktop files based on OnlyShowIn16:16
desrti suspect it won't16:16
desrtso you might end up with the gnome-software desktop file being shown in the launcher if someone starts it from the dash... and then if someone makes that one a favourite then you'll have gnome-software from then.... or maybe making it a favourite will fail... or... or...16:17
desrtand the best part: it will probably be semi-random16:17
seb128Trevinho, ^ do you know if that's likely to go fine with bamf?16:18
desrti'm reading bamf source today anyway... let me take a look at this :p16:19
TrevinhoMh, I'm not fully into the topic, but we ignore certain .desktop files if have a NotShowIn or OnlyShowIn... I mean we try to avoid to use them for launched apps16:20
desrtthis is true.16:22
desrtthat info ends up in the index as well16:22
desrtNotShowIn is not handled though16:22
desrtonly OnlyShowIn16:23
* desrt cries16:23
* Laney also16:23
* Trevinho clean tears16:24
desrtthe handling is also broken16:24
desrtit won't properly treat XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP with : in them16:25
Trevinhodesrt: yeah, true16:25
desrton balance, i'd say that this is not something we can rely on16:25
desrtgood news is that gnome-session properly handles OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn for autostart files16:28
desrtso you have three viable options:16:29
desrt1) don't do it16:29
desrt2) do it by putting the new desktop file with the same name into /usr/share/ubuntu16:29
desrt3) do it by splitting the app completely, with two separate app ids16:29
desrt"completely" here meaning xdg autostart, dbus service file both giving a new appid16:30
seb128desrt, I like the usr/share/ubuntu option ;-)16:36
desrti thought you might :)16:36
seb128thanks for the suggestion!16:37
desrtthere is one nice aspect to the 'new appid' idea though -- it would let you gate behaviour changes within the app (such as which name it uses in its titlebar) based on its own appid16:37
desrtrather than indirectly via envvars or whatever you're planning on16:37
* desrt goes to lunch and then an appointment. bbiab.16:40
flocculantseb128: sorry to but in and ask but I'll go ahead anyway ... re the above on Ubuntu Software and the other name - is the name for other still staying as Software ?16:42
flocculantor indeed anyone else able to answer that :)16:43
seb128flocculant, yes16:43
flocculantseb128: thanks :)16:43
Laneyattente: uuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm16:47
Laneywhere is d7dc006 ?16:48
attenteLaney: i might've forgotten to push it16:49
LaneyI can see it but it's not in the branch16:49
Laneydon't even know how that happens16:49
Laneylaney@nightingale (ubuntu-xenial↑1|…)> git branch --contains d7dc006                                                                                                       ~/dev/gnome/gnome-software16:49
Laneylaney@nightingale (ubuntu-xenial↑1|…)>                                                                                                                                     ~/dev/gnome/gnome-software16:49
Laneylaney@nightingale (ubuntu-xenial↑1|…)> git show d7dc006                                                                                                                    ~/dev/gnome/gnome-software16:50
Laneycommit d7dc006d041906445c531c78285373b093d82d4b16:50
attenteLaney: it should be there16:50
LaneyAuthor: William Hua <william.hua@canonical.com>16:50
seb128https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/commit/?h=wip/iainl/ubuntu-xenial&id=d7dc006d041906445c531c78285373b093d82d4b ?16:50
LaneyTELL ME GIT16:50
attentethat shouldn't be on your branch16:50
Laneyit should if your changelog isn't lies16:50
attenteLaney: did you fetch?16:50
Laneyyes that's why git show works16:51
davmor2Laney: you're a GIT......what do you mean that's not what you meant??16:54
attenteLaney: ok.. i remember what happened. i did that on your branch, made a release, fast-forwarded my branch then reset your branch back without that last commit to do the private release...16:55
Trevinhoseb128, Laney: do you know how to manually launch the installer  session in a live? As it's crashing here in vmware... I'd like to understand what happens16:56
Trevinhowell, compiz crashes :o16:56
Trevinhobut I believe it's something down in the stack16:56
LaneyTrevinho: Look at what the .desktop file does16:57
Laneysomething like ubiquity gtk_ui16:57
TrevinhoLaney: I mean the one that is launched with no unity, eh...16:58
LaneyTrevinho: that doesn't use compiz17:01
TrevinhoLaney: that's what I thought, but I get a compiz crash in /var/crash17:01
TrevinhoLaney: in order: the UI starts, then X crashes -> black screen -> compiz crash is there17:02
Trevinhomaybe it uses it only as WM?17:02
LaneyTrevinho: It uses metacity17:04
Laneybut I think it's supposed to try to go back to the full live session if the installer only one fails17:05
Laneyattente: what's the best way for me to do a release?17:05
LaneyI need to fix the featured.ini thing17:06
Laneycommit on top of gnome-3-2017:06
Laneymight be easier for you to do that?17:06
attenteLaney: i can do it, just add it on your branch17:06
attentethen i'll cherry-pick ^ on top17:07
Laneyokay, I put it there17:07
attenteand the changelog won't lie any more17:08
* willcooke -> dinner. bbl17:08
attenteok, i'll upload it to a ppa17:08
Laneyattente: It's ok to just push it, I'll make a tarball from that and upload17:10
attenteLaney: ok17:10
attenteLaney: pushed17:10
attenteLaney: (is there some command you're using to generate the version string?)17:11
Laneyattente: nope17:11
seb128Laney, attente, you already rolled tarball?17:17
seb128k, no buggy17:18
seb128no biggy17:18
seb128that warning is a bit annoying17:18
seb128g_warning ("Failed to get changelog for %s version %s from changelogs.ubuntu.com: %s", binary_source, update_version, soup_status_get_phrase (status_code));17:18
seb128would be nice to demote to a g_log17:19
seb128but not a release issue in any way17:19
Laneyattente: https://paste.ubuntu.com/15934139/17:26
Laneyare those src/ changes expected by you?17:26
Laney+if (g_strcmp0 (gs_app_get_management_plugin (app), "snappy") == 0) {17:28
Laney+self->enable_reviews = FALSE;17:28
Laney+gtk_widget_set_visible (self->button_review, FALSE);17:28
Laney+} else {17:28
Laney+/* show review widgets if we have plugins that provide them */17:28
Laney+self->enable_reviews =17:28
Laney+gs_plugin_loader_get_plugin_supported (self->plugin_loader,17:28
Laney+       "gs_plugin_review_submit");17:28
Laneyyou should use that quirk instead of that pls17:29
attenteLaney: the quirk isn't available in our version of appstream-glib17:29
Laney#define it in gs-app.h17:29
Laneynot going to block the release17:30
Laneybut for next time17:30
Laneyattente: so are those changes good?17:32
attenteLaney: i don't know why that svg is there17:33
Laneythat's the awesome rebranding17:33
Laneyjust look at the src/ bits17:33
attentewhy do i have to login to download from ubuntu's paste bin...17:35
attenteLaney: yeah. src/ changes are ok17:37
attenteLaney: ahhhhh.. it's actually defined in gnome-software master17:42
Laneyattente: yep you can cherry-pick that17:42
Laneyhe probably added it when adding the quirk?17:42
attentebless hughsie for thinking of us :)17:43
tjaaltonseb128: trying..18:02
tjaalton..to poke ickle18:03
Trevinhoouch... Just noticed that menus are missing the shadows in xenial :/18:05
Trevinhodesrt, seb128: I was thinking it could be caused by the way we run bamf nowadays (it's dbus-activated, but also using upstart)... But it doesn't seem to be the problem: in a clean session, with no bamf  or unity running, by launcing indicator-loader3 with libappmenu.so correctly loads the indicator entries (thus it causes bamf to run via upstart)18:11
willcookeseb128, I enabled proposed and update (dist-upgrade) Software is still called Software19:10
willcookemaybe I'm too early19:10
LaneyInstall ubuntu-software, then restart your session19:13
willcookethat would make more sense19:13
willcookethanks Laney19:13
willcookenope, doesn't show up yet19:14
willcookeI bet19:14
LaneyIt'd be good to wait until ubuntu-desktop is updated anyway19:17
Laneythen you can test the upgrade path that users will get19:18
willcookeLaney, ack19:19
ogra_do we have a bug open for the constantly stuck white shadow in gtk apps ?19:25
* ogra_ would like to subscribe to it 19:25
ogra_this is what i mean ... http://i.imgur.com/dCgFE2K.png ... (it usually stays stuck like that until i scroll again)19:27
willcookeogra_, not see a stuck one before19:31
ogra_i see it constantly about 50 times a day ... might be an evo bug though ...19:31
ogra_since 15.10 already btw19:32
ogra_and i actually only noticed when looking at the screenshot that my evolution isnt translated at all !19:36
ogra_(i'mm using it since friday evening that way and totally didnt notice that after the release upgrade)19:37
willcookegotta go. night all20:00
willcookeogra_, please log a bug when you get a chance20:00
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