
IdleOnecan't drone do the job? Not the kline obviously00:00
bazhangidoru got outsourced to sigyn00:01
chubazhang: Yeah, ldunn just told me in #u-o sorry :p00:03
bazhangwel ldunn00:03
Unit193IdleOne: Can, but only helps #u, Sigyn can help the entire network.  I brought this topic up not long ago actually.00:04
k1l_Unit193: was there a solution then?00:07
IdleOnewait for the next IRCC to decide00:16
bazhang<fifty> Have downloaded to much porn, now my drive has no more space, what should i do now? Compress them?00:16
k1l_its user denlud (~dennis@b2b-78-94-10-158.unitymedia.biz) from before00:16
bazhangmore time wasting then00:17
Unit193k1l_: Part of the discussion brought up that staff aren't always around and in the past there's been a couple problems with FPs, but that might have been when idoru was in -ot.00:36
k1l_i dont quite get how someone who spamms can be a false positive?00:43
Unit193k1l_: Depends, but sometimes it's an accident or something you don't want to simply kline for.01:29
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangcam so cute!10:56
dz0ny_http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Stanzas is down?13:01
dz0ny_or just me13:01
Picidz0ny_: looks like it is having issues, but thats more of an issue for #upstart that it is for us in -ops.13:04
dz0ny_Pici: hehe, thx I tried on #ubuntu-boot but it's empty :)13:05
=== equinox is now known as Guest73238
bazhangfacecrack / foxhund 'linux will never be ready' as he has some weird printer scanner that he cant get working14:46
Picioh, there was a decision made for that thing, good.15:15
bazhangcrysis five on ubuntu!15:17
bazhangor was that farcry15:18
Picikubuntu has a final ISO for 16.04 already?15:35
geniiPici: They seem a bit disorganized in #kubuntu-devel as far as figuring out who is responsible for what at this point :-/15:39
valoriegenii, Pici, we're a bunch of beginners in kubuntu, learning by doing20:51
geniivalorie: I'm rooting for you!20:52
valorieso far, so good20:52
valoriethe stuff we're fixing is tiny, like the driver manager20:52
valoriewhich works for me, but not for a few20:52
k1lcurlyears> thischannel is the most friendly and welcoming cjannle I have ever used, and I've been IRCing sisinve 198421:23
genii..but wasn't IRC invented in 1988? ;)21:26
geniiMaybe they are thinking of BBS things21:27
k1li am focusing on the "most friendly channel" part :)21:27
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest85432
k1lT3ZlckNvZGVy (oc@pisg/dev/OverCoder)   <T3ZlckNvZGVy> You fucktard23:31
k1lwho said the pisg guys were ok?23:32
elkywhere was that?23:40
k1li told me in pm that another user told him to join and say that23:40
k1l*he told23:40
elkycan you paste the PM for me, i'll go talk to their GC23:41
k1lelky: will send a pm23:43
elkyk1l: sebastien is giving them a talking to. cloak may change.23:56
k1lok, thanks.23:56

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