
fiftyyo hello guys whats up, what are u guys doing?00:11
IdleOneyou got a lot of time to waste00:20
IdleOneWhy don't you go play a game or something00:21
fiftyJust because i help people and ur just sittin there and banning people who writes not correcly :D00:24
fiftyAnd just doing nothing?00:25
fiftyGreat job.00:25
fiftylspci was needed ;) worst admin ever :D00:27
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llinguiniAnybody has any experience running mail servers?02:44
llinguiniWhat's the best way to go about it? mail-in-a-box?02:45
sarnoldthere's a lot of moving pieces with email; and modern antispam tools seem like the sort of thing that eat souls. can you let google handle it instead?02:46
sarnoldif you have to do it yourself, pick one piece at a time and work on it, keep a good eye on the logs, and test each layer by hand when you can..02:47
sarnoldwhere "one piece at a time" means e.g. local delivery or local submission for remote delivery or imap4 or pop3 or dkim or .. whatever the other thing is that's like dkim :)02:48
llinguinisarnold: Do you think paying $5/month for a google apps is worth it?02:51
llinguiniThat's what I'm thinking about, because I already pay $5/month for a digital ocean droplet. If it's that much more work then I guess it would be worth it02:51
sarnoldllinguini: it'd certainly be work $5 / mo for me :) (heck, i'm paying more htan that per month for an ancient he.net account with way worse email..)02:52
sdeziel$5/month is really cheap in comparison of the time you'd need to put in your hand made mail stack02:53
sarnoldif you're doing the mail stack because you want to learn how to do it and don't want to hand it over to google, well, that's one thing.02:54
sdezieltrue that ^^02:55
sdezielmail is fun but tedious too02:55
sarnoldfifteen years ago I had good fun setting it up..02:55
llinguiniWell, I mostly need it so I have a more professional email address. Not saying I'm not interested in learning about setting up the stack.03:09
llinguiniJust maybe not worth my time if it takes that much time to set up.03:10
sarnoldyeah that sounds like an ideal candidate for just paying google to do it for you.03:12
sarnold(which one of these days I'm going to get around to doing for myself. I'm just a very lazy person.)03:12
=== Guest29558 is now known as devil_
ruben23hi guys anyone can help with this command somehow ------> isql -v MySQL -cdr.awayin.net.au aaaaaaaa bbbbbb   ----------> i get this error somehow [IM002][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified and [ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect06:05
clifferCritical extension is unavailable: unable to start SyncRepl session is used using bind-dyndn-ldap: http://pastebin.com/cqwx5Lqk FFForever any idea?06:32
clifferit seems as if base is not set but should be set in /etc/bind/named.conf.options06:33
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DelphiWorldhi ubuntuyists09:46
DelphiWorldi am trying to compile tbs dvb drivers but getting lot of unknowne symbols up on loading them09:46
DelphiWorldanyone know of this situation?09:46
RoyKDelphiWorld: no idea, but what is TBS DVD? And if you could pastebin the errors, it might be easier09:50
RoyK!pastebin | DelphiWorld09:50
ubottuDelphiWorld: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:50
DelphiWorldRoyK: tbs is a brand, making DVB (digital video broadcasting) card09:51
* DelphiWorld rebooting ... wait09:52
DelphiWorldRoyK: paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15927094/09:57
RoyKDelphiWorld: pastebin output of uname -r and modinfo tbs_pcie_dvb09:58
DelphiWorldi made it to work RoyK10:00
RoyKwhat did you fdo?10:01
RoyKwhat did you do?10:01
DelphiWorldRoyK: removed the media drivers10:08
DelphiWorldRoyK: and redid make install for my drivers10:08
DelphiWorldall went well!!!10:08
* DelphiWorld love DVB10:08
_KAMI_After http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2950-1/ security update the ldap connection to smb ldap has stopped. Do you have ide what went wrong or what was misconfigured in my system?11:35
_KAMI_Thank you in advance!11:39
mdeslaur_KAMI_: is that using owncloud?11:40
_KAMI_We doesn't use owncloud but we use few other software that uses ldap of samba for user authentication11:42
mdeslaur_KAMI_: you need to use ldaps, or re-introduce the security issue by adding "ldap server require strong auth = no" to your config11:42
_KAMI_okay I will set up things to enforce ldaps everywhere11:43
mdeslaur_KAMI_: see https://www.samba.org/samba/security/CVE-2016-2112.html for more info11:43
_KAMI_mdeslaur: thank you for the information11:46
_KAMI_We will go to ldaps for all connection11:47
devster31given the choice between a start-stop-daemon init script and an LSB compliant one which should I prefer?12:22
clifferCritical extension is unavailable: unable to start SyncRepl session is used using bind-dyndn-ldap: http://pastebin.com/cqwx5Lqk FFForever any idea?13:48
coreycbjamespage, I tested horizon in trusty mitaka staging and it's ready to promote14:03
jamespagecoreycb, ack doing so now14:03
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autofsckkhello everybody, i have a little problem, im getting some strange behaviour from a ubuntu box, i have 3 NIC's there with this chip  "Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)"  i found some strange output in dmesg showing the nic going down and up a bunch of times, i read about the driver r8169 having some troubles in14:47
autofsckkubuntu & debian, but i want to know if ...14:47
autofsckk... that could be really affecting my server performance, i mean if that problem could be making some disconnections14:47
jrwrenautofsckk: check, test, or replace the cables? it could be a bad cable.14:48
autofsckkjrwren -> i have several servers with this chip/problem i get some strange things going on, i know it could be a bad cable but on all the machines?14:49
jrwrenautofsckk: not likely.14:49
autofsckkthe thing i would like to know if somebody here have had this chip and if the have had problems with it14:49
jrwrenautofsckk: sorry. mine are all RTL8168evl/8111evl and RTL8168c/8111c14:49
autofsckki found there's a module replacement from realtek r8168 that i already did on a test machine, but i dont know how to test it before putting it on production, because the place where i should put it is like 3 hours from here :/ jajaja and that is the shortest14:51
=== prince is now known as King
FFForevercliffer, Did you check out zentyal? I haven't personally used the bind ldap module before15:37
clifferFFForever: no, i could check there for reference values15:38
FFForeverPossibly. Load it up on a vm and see how they do things.15:38
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hallynsay - i seem to vaguely recall a website that let you search 'all the code in debian packages' ?20:02
hallynwas that in a dream, or does that exist?20:02
Odd_Blokehallyn: https://codesearch.debian.net/ ?20:03
hallynOdd_Bloke: rockin', thanks20:03
Odd_Blokehallyn: (Guess what I typed in to Google ;)20:03
hallynyou're supposed to hand me a lmgtfy link then20:03
Odd_BlokeI vaguely recalled that website, but couldn't work out how to find it. ;)20:04
hallynugh, http://sources.debian.net/src/kde4libs/4:4.14.14-1/kpty/kgrantpty.c/?hl=101#L101  of to a terrific start20:05
sarnoldit's super-handy to assign it a keyword for searching; I use o dcs <foo> in pentadactyl a few times a day.. ;)20:06
hallynsarnold: or a function in edbrowse :)20:07
hallynbut (obviously) i've had far less need for it than you20:07
sarnoldhallyn: ooh you can do that? :) I only gave edbrowse ten minutes of trying the other day.. it looked promising but I don't know ed well enough to feel at home in edbrowse :(20:07
hallynsarnold: yup, nicely scriptable.  in some ways easier to do (if you are using multiple pages) than scripting around wget20:08
sarnoldhallyn: then it obviously deserves more of my time :) thanks20:19
jgeHey all, anyone in here ever used xmllint to extract multiple values out of an xml page?20:47
YamakasYanyone an idea why kernels are still not autoremoved ?20:48
YamakasYold ones, I need to run auto-remove for it20:48
jgeI have this command working: curl -s http://app-01-prod:8080/manager/status?XML=true | xmllint --xpath "string(/status/connector[@name='\"http-bio-8080\"']/requestInfo/@requestCount)" -20:48
jgebut it only fetches one of the values I need20:49
jgeI need @requestCount and @bytesSent20:49
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