
ahoneybunmariogrip, some progress I see for bacon00:13
Espionage724what is ubuntu-pd? I see it as a channel choice02:09
Stanley00Espionage724: I think it's called Ubuntu Personal http://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-publishes-impressive-road-map-for-all-of-their-ubuntu-products-488428.shtml02:12
Espionage724on cdimage there's somethign called Ubuntu Pocket Desktop; never heard of it before02:22
Espionage724ended up installing ubuntu-pd just to see what it really was; looks like regular touch only it comes with Firefox, LibreOffice, Gimp, and XChat-GNOME; clicking any of those however do nothing03:26
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ziz15hi everyone i just learn about ubuntu-touch and i'd like to ask:Can i install ubuntu-touch in a device other that the devices listed on site?thanks(sorry for my english)03:54
Stanley00ziz15: you have to port it to your device in that case. Did you port any rom before?03:55
ziz15Stanley00: no03:55
Stanley00ziz15: hmm... in this case, I think it's nearly imposible. What is your device then?03:56
ziz15Stanley00:if i use the installation guide could i manage to install ubuntu-touch?03:57
Stanley00ziz15: first, try looking your device name on this page. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices03:57
ziz15Stanley00: device is MANTA MID706 DUO POWER HD TABLET 7 4GB ANDROID 4.103:58
Stanley00ziz15: if it's not listed there, you have to follow this guide, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/porting-new-device/03:58
ziz15Stanley00: ok i look into that..thanks man03:59
Stanley00ziz15: you're welcome03:59
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gnumdkI've got an issue on my Meizu MX4, no more lock screen, any idea on how to debug this?08:41
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gihelhey guys, I found the cause for at least one scope broken https://bugs.launchpad.net/news-scope/+bug/1572074 and I'm looking forward for the other one10:58
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1572074 in News Scope "Le Monde scope broken" [Undecided,New]10:58
giheland for the second one https://bugs.launchpad.net/news-scope/+bug/1572080 first time I report a bug, tell me if I did something wrong !11:11
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1572080 in News Scope "Libération scope broken" [Undecided,New]11:11
knightwiseFeeling daring today and taking my ubuntu phone to work as my ONLY device11:32
knightwisesince i'm an entrepreneur I live off my phone so its going to be an interesting experiement11:32
knightwiseso far Gekko and telegram are behaving very well11:32
mcphailknightwise: all or nothing is the only way ;)11:35
knightwisemcphail: true. I imported my google contacts into Gekko and I can pretty much get around that way11:37
knightwiseI do have my ipad with me as a backup11:37
knightwisejust in case11:37
mcphailknightwise: throw it away!11:37
knightwiseDude :) I need to make a living11:37
knightwiseBut i DO enjoy the somewhat spartan ubuntu phone.11:40
knightwisenot too many bells and whistles = less distractions11:40
knightwisehavent been brosing facebook or instagram needlessly today11:40
mcphailknightwise: on a more serious note, I was thinking it would be useful to have a mailing list thread outlining the real-world problems we face using ubuntu as a solitary device. I was thinking of rustling something up with my own experiences11:41
knightwisethere is a big gap between the "developer who loves to tinker" and the professional who needs to make a living11:49
popeynatty little device11:49
popeyimagine ubuntu on that11:49
ogra_neat !11:50
ogra_imagine ubuntu with aethercast on that ;)11:51
mcphailpopey: that black one looks like a Spectrum+. How the wheel turns!11:52
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mhall119oSoMoN: can you give another UOS session about the webbrowser app and how you're making it work on both desktop and phone/tablet?12:48
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oSoMoNmhall119, the process hasn’t changed since last time, but if you think that’d be valuable, I guess I could13:13
oSoMoNmhall119, when is UOS?13:13
mhall119oSoMoN: May 3-513:17
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ogra_hangouts !!!13:51
MCMicGreat, another Google-only technology in ubuntu touch :-/13:56
ogra_MCMic, you can use any webrtc service13:56
MCMicI don’t get the point of using Ubuntu touch if it’s for using google services, the point of not using Android is to avoid Google.13:56
ogra_point is that video calls work now13:57
MCMicogra_: Oh, so it’s a webapp on your screenshot?13:57
ogra_MCMic, its just the browser13:57
MCMicOk, sorry, I jumped to conclusinos13:57
MCMicI’m just missing an XMPP client on Ubuntu touch, and a sync GUI for other things that google.13:58
ogra_hangouts is simply most popular (and we use it to communicate in canonical)13:58
ogra_they will all come13:58
dobeyi don't think you can avoid google, even if you were to go to mars :(13:58
ogra_just a matter of time13:58
MCMicI hope so :-)13:58
ogra_dobey, mars ? dont you need amazon prime for that ?13:58
dobeyogra_: i'm sure google provides the fiber connection though13:59
ogra_ah, yeah ... monoplists ... screw them :P13:59
dobeyand yeah, i have to use google for a great many things; but i still don't want android14:00
* ogra_ wishes the calendar would work though :/14:00
davmor2MCMic: you can use the same enablement to run on webrtc too though I think14:00
ogra_yes, in fact it *is* webrtc :)14:01
davmor2ogra_: it does work for everyone that isn't you :P14:01
dobeyogra_: well, since i can't select calendars other than my personal calendar for google in the calendar app, that's pretty useless anyway :)14:01
davmor2ogra_: I stand corrected you and dobey14:01
ogra_davmor2, well, i'm a bit ahead of time ... the patch is still landing (i hacked the UA ovveride in manually)14:01
dobeydavmor2: obviously you haven't tested it yet, if you think it works :)14:02
davmor2dobey: calendar on the phone work it annoys the crap out of me when I'm on holiday14:02
ogra_dobey, i *can* select my company calendar ... but since about two weeks it stopped showing events in the indicator ... no matter what i do ... so i miss all noticfications14:02
* ogra_ blames charles_ 14:02
ogra_(and it is the same across all devices for me ... doesnt matter of phone or tablet)14:03
dobeyogra_: well you can only select the primary calendar for that account right? not calendars owned by others that you are subscribed to, or other calendars you own?14:03
ogra_dobey, right14:04
ogra_but all events i care about are copied into my cal14:04
ogra_and they show up on the today scope as well as in the app14:04
ogra_the indicator only shows events in my private cal though14:04
ogra_might be some oauth issue14:05
dobeynot for me. almost all the events i care about dealing with are in other calendars14:05
ogra_in any case i'm missing meetings all the time :/14:05
dobeyogra_: and the events all have alarms set as the notification method, in the google calendar web page?14:08
ogra_dobey, yes ... they all stopped working all of a sudden14:10
ogra_(on all devices arounmd the same time)14:10
ogra_what i learned you should definitely not do is to delete the calendar on disk and then hit sync btw ...14:12
dobeyogra_: weird; i just added an event to my personal calendar in google, re-synced (after dealing with several resync errors), and now the event shows up in indicator14:12
ogra_wiped my calendart twice already14:12
ogra_dobey, now do the same in your canonical calendar14:12
dobeyogra_: i don't have that account on my phone, because there's no way in hell i want to type my password on my phone :)14:13
ogra_well, i do ... and i rely on the notifications since the calendar works14:14
dobeyi really wish mir had support for being a synergy client14:15
dobeythen i could copy/paste it :)14:15
ogra_as you can see there is a meeting tomorrow in my calendar ...14:15
ogra_no indication of it in the indicator14:15
dobeyyeah, not sure what is causing that14:16
ogra_i think the 2fa gets in the way somehow ... since that is the big difference between the accounts14:16
ogra_but thats indeed a wild guess14:16
dobeycould be, but you should get sync failed errors14:17
ogra_why ?14:17
ogra_it syncs fine14:17
ogra_(as you can see in the app)14:17
dobeyogra_: if 2fa is the problem; because 2fa being the issue means it needs to re-authenticate14:17
dobeyogra_: if you find the .ics file for that account in .local/share/evolution/ does the event have an alarm defined? or is this a recurring event?14:18
ogra_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ grep -r "Snappy" .local/share/evolution/calendar/*14:20
ogra_.local/share/evolution/calendar/1459439280.2411.0@ubuntu-phablet/calendar.ics:SUMMARY:Snappy Community Sync14:20
ogra_.local/share/evolution/calendar/1459439280.2411.0@ubuntu-phablet/calendar.ics:DESCRIPTION:Sync on the community topics around Snappy.14:20
ogra_it is re-curring (weekly)14:20
ogra_how would i know if theer is an alarm defined ?14:23
ogra_(whats the keyword)14:24
dobeyi don't recall the spec for that bit :)14:24
dobeyogra_: VALARM i think14:24
ogra_yeah, seesm to be14:25
dobeyogra_: i think the issue you're seeing might be that the VALARM is only defined on the first instance14:25
ogra_... and thats missing in the ics14:25
dobeycharles_: ^^ is that the issue ogra has?14:26
ogra_ok. it works if i manually add reminders in the calendar app14:28
ogra_smells like we simply stopped to import that bit14:29
dobeynot sure14:35
dobeyit worked for me when i did it, so perhaps something weird going on there with recurring events14:35
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charlesogra_, so you're saying it's an issue with imported calendar events, but not ones created on the device with calendar-app?15:23
charlesrenatu: ^15:23
ogra_chit is an issue with importing the alarm setting it seems ... enabling the alarm loacally lists the events again15:23
ogra_charles, ^^15:23
cariveriHi. is there a wy to pin favourite apps to the leftside bar?15:24
ogra_cariveri, start the app ... open the launcher, long-pree the icon15:24
renatuogra_, I think we have a fix for that on silo 915:24
renatuogra_, could you check if silo 9 fix your problem?15:25
ogra_not today, sorry15:27
ogra_(super busy with pre-release stuff)15:27
cariveriogra_: great:) thanks.15:30
peat-psuwitawe_: How is NM 1.2?15:34
awe_peat-psuwit, it's progressing.  There's a version in my PPA15:38
awe_but not yet in a silo15:38
charlesogra_, could you mail me an .ics file before and after enabling the alarm locally to re-list the event?15:40
charlesogra_, I'd like to see the diff, eg what's happening with the valarms15:40
ogra_charles, hmm, i enabled the events everywhere now (seems a sync even populated that setting to the other devices now)15:41
peat-psuwitawe_: Thanks15:42
ogra_i should have backed up the ics file earlier :(15:43
charlesogra_, if it happens again please do backup the ics file and ping me & renatu15:46
ogra_will do15:48
peat-psuwitawe_: Confirming that NM in your PPA works. rmnet devices disappear from 'nmcli device' and connectivity works.16:26
awe_working on getting that into rc-proposed... probably within the week16:27
awe_fighting a regression with hotspot on krillin atm16:27
awe_but otherwise it looks good16:27
awe_thanks for your feedback16:28
peat-psuwitawe_: BTW how hotspot works? It's grayed out on my device, so I guess there's some work to be done on my side.16:28
lotuspsychjeMaesh: check the porting url in topic16:29
lotuspsychjeMaesh: there is also the XDA forums as starting point no other projects16:30
Maeshi tried following that guide16:30
Maeshbut i had some errors16:31
lotuspsychjeMaesh: wich device are you trying to port?16:31
Maeshon phablet-dev-bootstrap the server couldnt be reached or something like that16:31
Maeshim trying the BQ Aquaris E5s16:32
awe_peat-psuwit, it only works on certain devices16:32
awe_peat-psuwit, although I'm surprised it doesn't work on your device.  The system-settings code specifically checks device_name16:32
awe_so no "mako"16:32
awe_or "flo"16:33
awe_what's your device_name set to?16:33
awe_peat-psuwit, note... system-settings talks to the com.canonical.SystemImage DBus service to retrieve device_name16:34
awe_might be the same as reported by system-image-cli -i16:34
peat-psuwitawe_: w7, shares with all LG L90 models.16:35
awe_not it also relies on the ConnectivityService ( part of indicator-network ) properly reporting "ModemAvailable"16:35
awe_take a look at ubuntu-system-settings-0.3+15.04.20160407/plugins/hotspot/plugin/hotspot-plugin.cpp16:36
awe_again, whether or not the icon is grayed out is controled there16:37
awe_and it's all done via DBus queries16:37
awe_so you should be able to figure it out via dbus-send16:37
lotuspsychjeMaesh: not sure if it can be ported16:43
Maeshlotuspsychje, why is that?16:43
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cliftontsEvening everyone. Would here be the right place to get a little help getting the emulator in the SDK working correctly?18:42
pmcgowancliftonts, did you see zoltan's email about downloading a premade chroot?18:54
cliftontspmacgowan, not that I know of.19:01
pat_cliftonts, see his new release email on ubuntu-phone to see if it helps19:03
=== pat_ is now known as pmcgowan
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dobeypmcgowan: what does that have to do with emulator?19:04
cliftontsTo be honest guys I'm not even sure of where you are talking about.19:05
pmcgowanhe has an issue with the chroot  building it I thought19:05
dobeyoh, perhaps19:05
dobeybut was asking about creating emulator19:05
pmcgowanI corrrelated to the email he also wrote :)19:05
cliftontsdobey, he is right, I am getting errors creating the chroot.19:06
dobeycliftonts: why is it trying to create a 14.10 target?19:06
dobeycliftonts: you should be creating a 15.04 target19:06
cliftontsI'm glad one person knows who I am, but I have no idea who zoltan would be in the mailing list.19:07
cliftontsNo idea dobey19:07
popeythats probably the mail you were referring to pmcgowan . see ^ cliftonts19:07
popeyspecifically the "known issues" part19:07
cliftontsFramework 14.10 is the only option it gives me.19:07
taiebotHey i have a question do you get image updates when you have no sim card installed?19:08
dobeytaiebot: wifi?19:08
taiebotdobey yes.19:08
dobeyoh i thought you were asking "how"19:08
dobeyyes, updates happen over wifi19:08
popeyi dont have a sim in mine19:09
dobeymy mako has never had a sim19:09
taiebotdobey. I was abroad this week end and connected on wifi and did not get any update19:09
cliftontsHah! Trust me to jump on board just before the issue is resolved.19:09
dobeytaiebot: from what channel?19:09
dobeyand what device?19:09
sergiusensmhall119 how do you tell unity7 that you want the webbrowser to be your main browser?19:10
taiebotdobey popey: rc-proposed mako from thursday. i normally expect one on friday and saturday19:10
cliftontspopey, the fix suggested in that email does not work. Packages not found.19:10
sergiusensmhall119 and another one, does running a container instance and the browser per se work for you?19:10
dobeytaiebot: there were definitely updates19:10
davmor2cliftonts: don't install the sdk from the repo there is a ppa that you are meant to install it from. https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/platform/sdk/installing-the-sdk/19:10
sergiusensogra_ my tablet has shipped!19:11
cliftontsOf course there is. Silly me for not expecting to work for it ;)19:11
taiebotdobey popey i had a look at doing updates via the command line but the ouput was talking about key errors.19:11
cliftontsMy tablet began shipping but then changed its mind and went back to being a reservation.19:11
dobeysergiusens: unity7 doesn't have a concept of "browser" itself; if you go to system settings, details, "Default Applications" the browser needsd to appear in the list for "Web" to be selected as the default19:12
ogra_sergiusens, lucky you ... mine will arrive tomorrow (so susie can have the hand flashed one i use)19:12
davmor2cliftonts: the package in the archive can't be updated as quickly as the ppa can and the whole system is updated like every 6 weeks so that isn't possible to do from an archive package really unfortunately19:13
dobeytaiebot: maybe you were on an unsafe wifi network that broke things? i definitely update my mako daily on wifi19:13
sergiusensdobey thanks that was what I was looking for19:13
dobeydavmor2: guess you'll have to snap it then19:14
cliftontsdavmor2, of course. Bare with me, I've never poked around at this before.19:14
davmor2dobey: I won't19:14
sergiusensogra_ she's into Ubuntu too? Lucky you (I only got my wife to switch her laptop; she's too addicted to whatsapp, we did a 2 week trial)19:14
taiebotdobey me too was wondering if gsm network being roaming was triggering an error in checking for the download19:15
ogra_sergiusens, i wont maintin a win or OSX laptop for her ... so yes, she is on ubuntu all the time ...19:15
ogra_we both have nno whatsapp friends :)19:15
dobeytaiebot: not unless the network is doing naughty things19:16
taiebotdobey: well i could donwload apps my daily updates of balls :-) should start playing this game19:16
dobeytaiebot: well, i don't know. all i can tell you is that it works fine here. buy me tickets/hotel for london next week and i'll go try it there too ;)19:18
cliftontsExcellent! I've added the PPA and done update/upgrade. Now my system is broken.19:21
cliftontsclick-system-hooks.service couldn't start.19:21
cliftontsI'm also getting this error that was present in the SDK too:19:22
cliftontsImportError: cannot import name 'commands'19:22
davmor2cliftonts: I can't help you there I'm afraid, my knowledge ends at the page to install the sdk.19:24
cliftontsNever simple is it?19:24
cliftontsTrouble is I'm somewhat out of the loop. I haven't had the need to know anything about development until very recently.19:24
cliftontsI wonder if purging the SDK and reinstalling might help, it's rather ancient my copy.19:25
dobeycliftonts: what version of ubuntu is this even on?19:28
cliftontsInteresting.... dpkg: warning: subprocess old pre-removal script returned error exit status 119:29
cliftontsIt looks like there is a library missing somewhere and it's crashing the install process.19:30
cliftonts   from click import commands19:30
cliftontsImportError: cannot import name 'commands'19:30
cliftontsI'd guess at something not being installed that it depends on.19:30
dobeycliftonts: do you have python3-click installed?19:30
cliftontsNope but I'm betting I can't install it without resolving this issue.19:31
dobeyyou should be able to19:33
dobeynot sure how you got click installed without the python package it needs19:34
cliftontsNope, it keeps telling me to run apt-get -f19:35
cliftontsI can't install anything. Could I remove click and reinstall?19:35
dobeyyes, but i forget how to tell it to not run the scripts19:38
cliftontsI can't uninstall either. My system has essentially ground to a halt!19:39
dobeybecause you'll have to tell dpkg to not run the scripts when removing the package, otherwise it will try to run them and fail19:39
dobeydon't be so dramatic :)19:39
cliftontsWhy not? A little drama is good, who'd want to be boring?19:39
dobeya little sure; but "ground to a halt" is overly so :)19:40
cliftontsFrom a package management point of view it has.19:40
cliftontsCome to think of it, from every point of view! This Lenovo is a bit of a letdown.19:41
cliftontshow about dpkg --force breaks?19:43
dobeyi don't recall19:44
dobeyyou /can/ just delete the script file from the dpkg database though19:44
cliftontsOh I'm so out of practice doing things the hard way!19:45
cliftontsBare with me, my laptop is being a snail19:46
cliftontsI'm not getting anything coming up in that directory. Nautilus is just saying loading.19:48
davmor2cliftonts: it is a huge directory I'm not surprised19:49
cliftontsI'm doing it in terminal.19:49
cliftontsSo delete them and then apt-get -f again?19:50
dobeyyeah i wouldn't use nautilus19:50
dobeyjust those two though19:51
cliftontsIt's still doing the same19:51
yellowolleyanyone here using the Aquaris M 10 already?19:55
cliftontsI have just downloaded python3.click and the software centre told me a later version is already installed when I opened the deb. Weird!19:57
dobeydownloaded from where? and what version?19:58
cliftontsI just googled for it. I wanted to take a look at the package.20:00
cliftontsThe point is it is installed but my system can't see it.20:00
dobeywhat does dpkg -l python3-click say?20:00
dobeyno, you probably downloaded the wrong thing20:00
cliftontsii  python3-click  0.4.40+15.10 amd64        Click packages (Python 3 interfac20:01
dobeyso then it is installed20:01
dobeywhat does python3 -c "from click import commands" say?20:02
cliftontsYes but when I tried to install it via command line it behaved like it wasn't20:02
cliftontsGood idea20:02
cliftontsImportError: cannot import name 'commands'20:02
cliftontsimport click works however so it is seeing the library as a whole.20:03
dobeyis gir1.2-click-0.4 installed?20:04
dobeydo you have any python stuff installed in /usr/local/?20:04
cliftontsNot sure, hang on20:05
dobeyi suspect you have a python package named "click" installed there, which is different from the ubuntu click stuff20:06
cliftontsYes, quite a lot by the looks of it.20:06
dobeythat's your problem20:06
cliftontsSo, how to resolve this?20:06
cliftontsManually remove it? Manually copy one over the other?20:06
dobeyremove the "click" stuff from /usr/local20:06
cliftontsNot sure what it's doing now but it's not complaining so that must be progress.20:09
cliftontsRight, thanks for all that dobey. Everything is back up and running again. Question is, can I create the emulator?20:14
dobeyyou already created an emulator i thought20:14
dobeykit != emulator20:14
cliftontsI wasn't able to set it all up to run.20:15
dobeythe emulator running has nothing to do with the sdk creating a chroot20:15
dobeycliftonts: what was the exact command you used to create the emulator?20:16
cliftontsI create a virtual device and it says it needs to run and identify before I can autocreate a kit for it. Then it wants me to do the chroot and that's when I had the problem.20:16
cliftontsI'm doing it in the SDK, not command line.20:16
dobeyyes, you have to start the emulator before you can autocreate a kit for it20:17
cliftontsUntil I saw someone post a command here I didn't even know the commands to do it. I've never done this before.20:18
cliftontsI'm hoping once my new tablet arrives I'll be able to clear this machine and do a fresh install. That might help things a bit.20:18
dobeyoh, you created a "stable" channel emulator i guess20:19
dobeythat's why it wanted to create a 14.10 chroot. :-/20:19
dobeypmcgowan, davmor2: ^^ why is the emulator image so old in stable still?20:20
pc_magasFellows greedings, I managed to make my application into a .deb package from ionic framework but how can I test that the .deb is created perfectly. Can be installed to a default ubuntu machine?20:20
pmcgowandobey, it hasnt been promoted in ages, due to breakage20:20
dobeypc_magas: i think you want #ubuntu-packaging perhaps20:20
pmcgowanwe are 1 fix away from promoting one20:20
cliftontsIt is now insisting on updating kits. I can feel myself growing older! lol20:20
dobeypmcgowan: that's pretty awful considering we're telling people to use that for development :(20:21
pmcgowandobey, could not agree more20:21
pc_magasAlso does ubuntu phone installs lenses via .deb packages?20:21
pmcgowanwe just fixed a slew of issues20:21
dobeypc_magas: no, it doesn't have lenses anyway; but / is a read-only partition on phone images20:22
cliftontspmcgowan: I'm constantly amazed at how much has been achieved with so little. My phone has many rough edges but it's still my favourite of any I've ever owned. I'm really looking forward to seeing the endgame.20:23
pc_magasdobey, how apps (aka lens) in ubuntu are instelled. Eg I have made to make my application how do I distribute / test on my device?20:23
pmcgowancliftonts, that is truly great to hear20:24
dobeypc_magas: follow the documentation on developer.ubuntu.com to build a click and upload it to the store20:24
cliftontspc_magas: Are you talking about desktop or mobile?20:24
pc_magascliftonts, mobile20:24
pc_magasof course Ionic is a framework for making mobile application by combinind apache cordova and Angulas.js20:24
dobeypc_magas: html5 apps are built in the sdk using cordova20:25
pc_magasAnd I managed to create a .deb with it.20:25
cliftontspcmcgowan: I'm wanting to be part of that, to understand more about development and working with click. I've recently got a job as a software engineer. I can't think of a better time to take the plunge.20:25
pc_magasdobey, the framework magically can build tmy app by using the ubuntu sdk20:26
dobeypc_magas: i don't know about magically; but the sdk provides all the tools to build and package an html5 cordova app for the phone20:26
dobey(and tablet)20:26
cliftontsdobey: I think that is probably the thing I'm most unsure of. Designing for multiple platforms. I'm not artistic enough to create for one!20:27
cliftontsExcellent! I now have a DIFFERENT error when doing the chroot.20:28
cliftontsE: Failed getting release file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/utopic/Release20:29
dobeycliftonts: yes, because 14.10 is no longer supported20:29
pbrunierdoubting on buying the new tablet. Is it possible to install my own apps. Install from ordinary ARM repos without using a store or store account?20:30
dobeycliftonts: i would recommend not trying to use the stable emulator image right now, because it's so old :-/20:31
cliftontsAah, so if I change my image it should work.20:32
dobeypbrunier: not exactly; some legacy apps are installable via libertine into a container. but you can't install arbitrary apps in / as it's read-only20:32
pbrunierdobey: Hmmm thats a big bummer. Would like to use it as a mobile Django dev computer20:32
dobeypbrunier: you can certainly do that i think20:33
pbrunierdobey: But it requires me to use a store right?20:34
dobeypbrunier: i'm not quite sure what exact issue you're trying to solve/avoid with "the store"20:35
dobeypbrunier: i'm not sure if you need to install a packge from the store or not to install legacy apps, but i think not20:35
cliftontsBQ are holding my tablet hostage I'm sure of it. The status changed from reservation to processing last week, then went back.20:36
pbrunierdobey: I dont like the store model, because they dont respect my privacy in general and don't give me full control over my bought software20:36
cliftontsIt is processing again today so fingers crossed"20:36
dobeypbrunier: who is "they" exactly? and what do you mean "full control" exactly?20:36
dobeyi'm not sure what sort of privacy of yours is not respected by the ubuntu app store on the phone, but there are no privacy issues with it20:38
pbruniermost appstores require an account and track my app usage20:39
dobeyobviously an account is required20:40
pbrunierWhy should that be obvious?20:40
dobeynot sure what you mean by tracking "app usage" though20:40
pbrunieryou dont need an account to use APT repositories20:41
pbrunierwhy should we need an account for a phone or tablet?20:42
cliftontspbrunier: What are you doing on your tablet/phone which you need to keep so secret?20:42
dobeysure you do; how else do you access the internet?20:42
dobeycliftonts: that's a horrible way to argue the point :)20:42
cliftontsI'm not sure anyone can do me any damage by knowing I downloaded uNav20:42
pbrunierdobey: aaahh you know what I mean20:42
cliftontsdobey: Perhaps so, but it's direct20:42
pbruniercliftonts: Nothing. But I own my privacy20:42
dobeycliftonts: no, it implies privacy/security are irrelevant, and only needed for people doing bad things20:43
cliftontspbrunier: To give away all your privacy, or to hoard it will both ruin the experience for you.20:43
cliftontsYou need to give just a little in order to make the technology work for you.20:43
pbrunierI just need mail, pycharm, openjdk, vlc20:44
pbrunierI dont need cloud stuff20:44
cliftontsdobey: I have the software centre on my laptop, but I don't need to use it. Isn't there any way to install a click from a file directly on the tablet?20:45
dobeyyes, there is20:46
dobeyvia CLI20:46
cliftontsSo, in theory, his privacy concerns are answered.20:46
dobeyyou can't download click packages from the store without an account though20:46
dobeyand you certainly can't make any purchases without an account20:46
pbrunierthats understandable20:47
pbrunierBut I would like to be able to just run apt-get install or something similar20:47
cliftontsNo, but you can package them yourself20:47
dobeypbrunier: then make a chroot and do so inside it20:47
dobeypbrunier: https://askubuntu.com/questions/620740/recommended-way-to-install-regularcli-deb-packages-on-ubuntu-phone/623311#62331120:48
cliftontsThat's what I love about linux. It's all possible if you're willing to put in a little effort.20:49
pbrunierah very nice20:49
cliftontsThis emulation is the slowest booting phone in the known world I think.20:50
dobeythe terminal app is open source, so you can get a click externally from the store and side-load it20:50
dobeyor you can just use the libertine container instead and run xterm or whatever via libertine, and do it all in there i guess20:51
dobeyi haven't actually used the libertine legacy app stuff, so i don't know what all is possible there20:51
pbrunierI will look into it tomorrow and decide if I buy the tablet. Thank you very much for the help dobey, cliftons20:51
cliftontsNo problem. Glad to be of help.20:51
cliftontsWell, I'm off to try and get this emulator going. Thanks for your help.20:59
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matv1got my tablet today. I have to say I am superpleased with it. Despite knowing my way around the phones quite a bit, I had never really been hands-on with tablet mode and side-stage just rocks!21:47
matv1it just works really well. As does convergence. Needs some more tuning but hey. Its really getting there21:49
matv1thanks a lot to all you at canonical who dream this stuff up! Really nice job. And to the community devs as well of course :)21:50
Acou_Bassmatv1: coool! those tablets do look great ;D21:51
matv1Acou_Bass the most asum thing is that you're holding a tablet but at the same time you're not. When you're working with it, you realise that the potential is so much more21:53
Acou_Bassso does the tablet come with the pd-build, IE. the one with Xorg software installed too?21:54
matv1i am not sure what pd-build means. but yeah it does a bunch of xorg dependent apps21:56
Acou_Basspd build i think stands for 'pocket desktop' or something - its the image that comes with things like libreoffice/gimp preinstalled21:57
matv1oh. right thats the one. Its got libre office, gimp, firefox and some more21:57
Acou_Bassthats awesome ;D21:57
matv1yeah I know21:58
matv1at the moment it is not possible to create those xorg wrappers yourself (if you want any other desktop apps on your phone or tablet) But I understand thats coming soon22:00
Acou_Bassisnt libertine-container-manager installed?22:00
Acou_Bassthats how i do it on my nexus 422:00
matv1yes it uses libertine. I just thought i wansnt really possible to use that for other desktop apps very easily22:01
matv1at least I wouldnt know how to :)22:02
Acou_Basslibertine-container-manager list will list the containers, then you do libertine-container-manager install-package -i containername -p packagename || true22:02
matv1thats it?22:03
Acou_Basshowever i think at the mo you need to create your own .desktop file so its still a bit bleh to actually do22:03
matv1if all ther is to it is adding a .desktop file thats not really a problem22:03
Acou_Bassshows how the .desktop should loko too22:04
Acou_BassHOWEVER i think there is a libertine scope/GUI available (or will be soon) so maybe better to just wait fo rthat hehe22:04
matv1hmm that looks simple22:05
matv1X-Ubuntu-XMir-Enable=true is most of the magic apparently :)22:05
matv1I am going to try tinkering with that for sure22:06
Acou_Bassi think the /bin/true too, i have no idea what this 'true' binary does but it does seem to work22:06
Acou_Bassi only used it on my n4 to install emacs - i didnt really try it any further than that besides the default ones that are already installed22:07
matv1does that need read/write mode enabled on the OS?22:09
Acou_Bassnah libertine is a container management thingy, IIRC the containers are installed in your home dir22:10
matv1ah cool22:10
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