
Rhorsetds5016: you can dl a copy of system rescue CD, if you have a cd rom. This disk has gparted.00:00
tds5016I'm using Ubuntu server, and I'm resizing an openstack volume.00:01
=== BenderRodriguez is now known as BenderBendingRod
=== BenderBendingRod is now known as BenderRodriguez
Rhorsethere is a cli command to resize volumes - I can't recall what it is....00:08
kulelu88there should be a few CLI tools available also00:08
tds5016Rhorse: is it resize2fs?00:10
fiftyyo hello guys. I have a big Problem.00:11
compdocwell we have a big solution!00:12
fiftyHave downloaded to much porn, now my drive has no more space, what should i do now? Compress them?00:13
b0s3di am having some problems with "Blueman Assistant" it says "No adapters found", i have tried a lot of things to be able to make it say that but i don't know how to get further from here. do any one have any experiences with troubles/issues with bluetooth on ubuntu systems? (also running Ubuntu-Mate)00:15
kulelu88is that a troll? ^^^00:16
fiftyyo then send us an pastebin of ur lspci...00:16
=== Zzyzx is now known as THX1138
fiftyyo we are waiting b0s3d00:19
b0s3doh sorry00:19
fiftywe need that output man00:19
zykotick9b0s3d: not you.  ;)00:20
b0s3dfifty: compressing it? use a browser or get an new hdd/ssd00:21
b0s3dwhy compress it?\00:22
b0s3dyou will properly dl more an use more space :P00:22
kulelu88I believe fifty is a troll00:22
IdleOneb0s3d: ignore fifty, they are just trying to waste time00:22
b0s3dIdleOne: cool, noted /ignore fifty wait.. he might actually say something that is ''funny''00:23
b0s3ddid he get ban? eh00:24
IdleOnehe is muted00:24
b0s3doh just quiet00:24
zykotick9b0s3d: if you run "lsusb" do you see anything bluetooth related?  <- i don't see the BT in the "lspci" output, do you?00:25
b0s3d"dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm'" do check if there is an actually device mounted right?00:25
b0s3di dont00:25
zykotick9b0s3d: i got nothin'.  good luck.00:25
b0s3dwhats up, meaning?00:26
b0s3dmight it mean that the device is not mounted right?00:26
k1l_does that device have bluetooth at all?00:27
b0s3dits a network card mounted at wwan and i am pretty sure its bluetooth, but i can't remember the name right of the device right now, gonna check and be back with results, also to see if i can make it fit in uwb if it is00:28
zykotick9b0s3d: <sidenote> devices don't get "mounted"  only filesystems are mounted.00:28
k1l_b0s3d: what shows "rfkill list"?00:28
b0s3dbrb with results00:28
b0s3dk1l_ nothing00:28
b0s3dmounted like hardware i mean00:29
b0s3dany way.. bbl00:29
b0s3dalright, there was written WPAN on the device00:47
b0s3dso its bluetooth right?00:47
b0s3dalso: http://paste.linux.chat/view/raw/9fe11e3800:47
b0s3dsudo service bluetooth status ^00:47
b0s3ddoes it tell you something guys?00:49
Shibehow can I upgrade to mesa 11 without using oibaf ppa?00:51
Shibeoibaf ppa breaks a lot of things00:51
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b0s3d<idleone_> I would help you, but idleone i going to mute everybody who trys to help somebody.01:05
b0s3d<idleone_> fifty is already banned. he dont understand his job as admin.01:05
b0s3dback to 4chan boi01:06
=== inteus_ is now known as inteus
SoulboyHey guys I was going to install my first Linux distro, ubuntu. Is there any difference between ubuntu 15 and 14 apart from cutting edge updates vs long term support? Would using 15 be harder than 14 for a newbie?01:23
Tin_manPersonally I'd go with 14.04, LTS nice stable version01:26
Bashing-omSoulboy: For a newuser I strongly advocate the Long Term Support release 14.04. There are many changes under the hood between 14.04 and 15.10, however, the use is the same .01:27
SoulboyOkay! Thank you! :D01:27
SoulboyTime to dive into my first linux system haha should be fun01:27
Bashing-omSoulboy: Jump in, the water is fine .01:27
Tin_mangood luck Soulboy01:28
SoulboyTyty :P01:28
Tin_manmight check out some websites gearing to 10 things or so after installing ubuntu 14.04.. good helpful tips..01:29
Tin_manthis is a pretty good one here : http://www.webupd8.org/2014/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu.html01:31
Tin_mani've got login's and out's off, oops..01:31
Shibeplease help01:34
Shibehow do i upgrade mesa to mesa 1101:34
Shibewithout using oibaf ppa01:34
Shibemesa 10 freezes any game or video i'm watching01:35
Shibeif i adjust volume or alt tab or exit fullscreen01:35
=== stephen is now known as Guest70587
ursusHi, what do you think: is it a good idea to have Ubuntu as a primary OS on a USB stick? I'd like the portability but afraid of heat problems and that the usb stick's lifetime would be shortened.01:35
* nomic wouldn't think it'd be a problem ursus01:38
nomicjust don't cane the filing system01:39
nomicbigger the better (capacity) .. means that it isn't writing to the same place all the time (trim)01:39
ursusnomic: I have a 128 Gb thumb drive, usb 3.001:40
nomicwow ...01:41
nomicreally - something that size .. you will not have a problem01:41
nomicrunning my ubuntu mate on 8gb01:41
nomicdon't forsee problemsd01:41
nomicnot ssd 'micro sd'01:42
ursussome people said that it may have problem with random I/O, I'm not sure what they mean01:43
ursusand how long do you use it?01:43
nomicit's reliable01:43
nomicthey do not degrade that quickly01:44
nomicwow the prices are down now .. 128gb usb = £20 (here)01:44
nomic2 year warranty01:45
nomicif they are offerning a 2 year w arranty with an ssd/flash type device .. they are going to be reliable01:45
ursusmy idea is just have this OS on my usb, customized everything I use (thunderbird, linphone, firefox addons, etc.). The goal is to be able to use the same environment and softwares (with the same settings) at my workplace and at home. For photos, videos I'd just use my home computer.01:45
glazedhello, new user here, kubuntu 15.10 wifi suddenly dropping / very slow, no issues with other devices on the same network01:45
glazedif someone could point me in the right direction id be super appreciative01:46
Loshkiursus: the biggest problem is that thumb drives tend to die unceremoniously & without warning. As long as you're prepared to handle that case, no problem.01:46
ursusLoshki: why does it happen?01:47
Loshkiursus: boring technical reasons, and cheap chips. I think a good brand ssd (Samsung evo) in a usb enclosure is a better way to go, though no nearly as compact.01:49
Loshkiursus: or stick with usb sticks but do tons of backups01:49
ursusThanks guys for your answers!01:51
ursusThat's the stick btw: http://gizmodo.com/where-is-the-worlds-smallest-128gb-flash-drive-hiding-a-170810567201:52
ursusIt heats up very quickly...01:52
citizenruin<---is looking for the most comprenshive and up to date security guide.01:53
Loshkiursus: from one of the reviews: "Think of the amount of data you can lose with that size flash drive."01:55
ursusright :)01:56
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ZythyrIs there a channel dedicated for LAMP server and webservers02:26
preciseWhat OS?02:27
preciseDope, didn't see what channel I was on...02:27
preciseUbuntu I presume?02:27
Zythyrprecise Yes Ubuntu02:28
preciseAre you having issues, or just looking for discussion?02:28
juanchohola buenas noches/dias02:34
josuejimenezcomo estan todos02:35
lowtechtroy ackman wont be playing this weekend do to a leg injury02:35
lowtechmy cat has wheels for legs man02:36
juanchoHolaa, alguien para charlar??02:38
brianxhola.  english may work better if you need help juancho.02:40
preciseInglés puede funcionar mejor si necesita ayuda juancho02:41
juanchoOh ok02:41
precisePerdon my Google Translate espanol02:41
preciseZythyr, you there?02:41
juanchogracias precise02:41
precisede nada02:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:44
binary01Hi all, I am having trouble with ubuntu 14.04. I left my computer for a while and when I came back it was totally frozen and I needed to do a hard reset. Now it is booting straight to terminal. I am able to get into unity with startx and but it doesnt show the start menu and audio isnt working. does anyone know how to fix this?02:49
Gallomimiaim having a similar problem where my raid seems to be assembling but it doesn't attempt to decrypt the luks container on it..03:14
Gallomimiaalso 14.04 and LVM after that. i can't seem to figure out what kinds of startup scripts run to get it there.03:14
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citizenruinanyone know the name of the program that scans tv series for you and tells you if they are availbe torrents03:40
citizenruincouchjunkie or tvscript something03:41
citizenruinhey whats up lakeluz03:41
citizenruinwhat are some other more active channels03:43
citizenruinwhy aint this google search bar turning up any results03:43
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terratomacitizenruin: did you web search for 'couchpotato' ?03:54
citizenruinterratoma: now sir i did not but now that you said that i know thats it i remember from the reddit article i seen today03:55
terratomairc cant read your mind.  i would just search in google!03:56
somsip!illegal | citizenruin (you cant discuss pirating TV shows here - take it to private please)03:56
ubottucitizenruin (you cant discuss pirating TV shows here - take it to private please): piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:56
citizenruina rookie question but since i recieved so many warnings from that is it safe to consider it a "unsafe" ppa or the like?04:01
Ben64citizenruin: all PPAs are 3rd party repositories and don't really have any assurances that they're safe04:02
citizenruinthanks ben64 is git a safer alternative to ppa's?04:03
Ben64citizenruin: no04:05
citizenruinnow my pastebinit is not working i think its not allowed by my ufw - man there is alot of maintence with linux - i love it04:06
Trinityi'm looking for a program or library that will allow me to overlay an image preferably PNG over the monitor04:29
Trinityso any application will have that PNG overlaid before rendering itself04:29
Trinityis this possible?04:29
Ben64that doesn't make sense...04:29
Trinityessentially it's a watermark but it won't be used as such04:29
citizenruinwhat would be the purpose?04:33
Trinityfor example an FPS game you want to add your own custom crosshairs04:33
citizenruinuse conky04:36
citizenruinedit it to always on top04:36
Trinitycitizenruin, awesome :D04:36
Trinityseems to be exactly what i'm looking for04:36
citizenruinonly charging 99.99 for tonight04:37
citizenruinand yes thats bitcoins04:37
Bray90820So for some reason after the software updater ran SMB is unavailable04:37
Bray90820Or rather samba04:37
citizenruinthats weird cuz after i updated i got samba04:38
citizenruinlubuntu 15.10 to 16.0404:38
HejMedDigHello all. I get the following error on boot:  [drm:intel_pipe_config_compare [i915]] *ERROR* mismatch in ips_enabled (expected 1, found 0)04:44
HejMedDigI am running gnome-shell 3.16.4 version04:45
=== root is now known as RahulAN
lotuspsychje_RahulAN: not good to join irc as root05:32
RahulANlotuspsychje_, Soyyr05:32
RahulANi ran xchat command with root05:32
lotuspsychje_RahulAN: close your irc client, and come back without root, for security reasosn05:33
lotuspsychje_RahulAN: xchat is also abandonned, use hexchat instead05:33
Rhorseno, irssi05:34
=== Rahul is now known as Guest72421
Guest72421lotuspsychje_, Came back05:35
=== Guest72421 is now known as RahulAN
lotuspsychje_RahulAN: much better now05:35
lotuspsychje_RahulAN: now install another irc client of your choice, hexchat is not maintained anymore05:36
lotuspsychje_xchat sorry05:36
RahulANlotuspsychje_, you suggested for hexchat05:36
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
RahulANYes this is hexchat05:36
lotuspsychjeRahulAN: ok good05:36
=== MrJack2 is now known as MrJack
shakirhello... would you please help me to delete shortcuts on desktop?05:38
shakirI found it ... thank you :-)05:40
dylanhey guys how you doing:)05:43
dylanhow good is ubuntu on a 5 year old mac?05:44
dylanwith a intel core 2 duo05:45
ElectroMotivedylan, it will work pretty good05:45
lotuspsychje!mac | dylan05:46
ubottudylan: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:46
dylanthxs im running it right now it seems alright05:46
ElectroMotivedylan, is this your first encounter with linux?05:46
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dylanno im used ubuntu a few times on this before05:47
dylanim had to customize ubuntu to look like a mac hahhah05:47
ElectroMotivecool well i have found that there is a linux for every type of hardware05:47
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:48
virtuosojwhat's the best app to access Google Drive on Ubuntu?  Can I mount my drive in Nautilus like it does on Fedora?05:48
=== BenderRodriguez is now known as Facecrack
FolattHello there, I am not able to connect with my wireless card. Can anyone help?05:50
dylanvirtuosoj have you tried grive05:50
dylantry that then05:50
dylanyou need to add ppa05:50
dylansudo add-apt-repository ppa:thefanclub/grive-tools05:51
dylanthen sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install grive-tools05:51
dylanthen once thats done it should be in unity dash if you typ grive05:51
dylanonce that it will prompt for a login in browser then like it then will be linked to nautilus05:52
dylantell me if it helped:)05:52
dylanfolatt what wireless driver is it?05:53
dylanor shall i say card05:53
dylanand what are you using it on ?05:53
Folatt04:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvA Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)05:53
FolattI am using Ubuntu 15.1005:53
dylanhmm ok05:54
dylanhave you tried ethernet or you cant?05:55
FolattI want both to work.05:55
FolattEthernet is working fine.05:56
dylanhave you tried asking on fourms at all?05:56
FolattNo, not yet.05:56
FolattI'm writing on Ubuntuforums right now.05:56
dylanif you already have an account try and ask there and see if someone can help you05:56
dylanunder wireless and networking05:56
dylanim sure05:56
ElectroMotiveFolatt, what seems to be the problem?05:58
dylanhis wireless isnt working05:58
dylanhes asking on fourms atm05:58
dylanits a realtek05:58
virtuosojdylan, the grive tools ppa doesn't work 16.04  :(05:58
dylanlet me have a look and see if theres some alternative05:59
dylanok heres this05:59
dylando sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center05:59
dylanopen it then theres like where you can add google account06:00
somsipvirtuosoj: are you on 16.04?06:00
ElectroMotivewell if your wireless is not working just use ethernet06:00
dylanyeah he is06:00
virtuosojsomsip, yes06:00
virtuosojand I asked in ubuntu+1, no answer06:00
somsip!16.04 | virtuosoj (no support here for a couple of days...yes, really)06:00
ubottuvirtuosoj (no support here for a couple of days...yes, really): Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party06:00
dylanthen once its done you should have a mounted google drive account06:00
dylanin nautilus06:00
virtuosojdylan, ty dude :)06:01
dylannp:) just had to look on web upd806:01
dylantell me if that works okay:)06:01
zagabrowse drive whit nautilus?...did i understud (sorry 4 my english)06:05
dylanwhat zaga?06:05
FolattElectroMotive, I want both to work, but I'm leaving right now. I have to go.06:06
zagayou were talking whit virtuoso about you should have a mounted google drive account...06:06
dylanhe needed help06:06
zagayou wrote something like that06:07
dylando you need help too or you all g?06:07
zagano sorry only courious06:07
dylanthats okay06:07
zagathanks ;)06:07
zagais it what u were talking?06:18
dylani would like to put music on my ipod touch generation 5 how can i do that and if how whats a good linux client for me to put music on the ipod touch and i can play it with no errors06:24
somsip!ios | dylan06:25
somsip!iphone | dylan06:25
ubottudylan: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:25
dylanso how do i get it to work?06:32
codepython777I'm running ubuntu 15.10 - and when i run startx, i get a blank screen. If I execute a terminal, there is no window manager - it sticks to the top. What is an easy way to fix this?06:45
fkmdnis there a way to make boot screen resolution higher? now it is 640x48006:45
codepython777I can run gnome-panel - but that still gives me no window manager06:45
fkmdnrun "metacity --replace &" or "compiz --replace &"06:46
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fkmdnor run some session manager, it should handle everything06:46
codepython777fkmdn: Thanks! compiz --replace & works - how do i make sure that i dont have to run it after every startx?06:48
codepython777fkmdn: its still acting up. If I click on a minimized window on the bottom bar, it does not become visible06:49
fkmdnwhy do you use startx in the first place?06:49
codepython777fkmdn: this is a machine which i mostly use with command line06:49
codepython777it needs to run X rarely06:49
codepython777fkmdn: the panel on the top displays, but is not responsive06:50
fkmdncodepython777, apparently that is "XSESSION=unity startx"06:50
codepython777fkmdn: so export XSE... in .bashrc?06:51
dylanwhats the best way i can put music on my ipod touch 5 through ubuntu?06:59
dylanbecause i want to but im not sure how07:00
somsipdylan: did you read the link from earlier?07:00
dylanyeah but i dont understand how it works07:00
dylani would like to put music on this 5 generation ipod touch but its hard:/07:00
SourceyHello. Im renting a dedicated server and want to change the hosts file to my prefered hostnames. Will this affect anything ? I'm affraid i'll loose my connection to the server after restart or something07:02
cfhowlett!ipod | dylan07:04
ubottudylan: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:04
cfhowlettofficial info above.  my solution?  ubuntu + virtualbox + windows + itunes07:05
dylanicould do that07:06
dylanjust wondering if that would freeze my mac :/07:06
cfhowlettdepends on ram07:06
dylanits 4 gig of ram07:06
dylana intel core 2 duo07:06
dylan2010 macbook pro07:06
cfhowlettlubuntu then, not ubuntu07:06
dylanim already installed ubuntu though?07:06
dylanwhat happens if i install lubuntu desktop?07:07
cfhowlettdylan, no problem07:07
cfhowlettsudo apt-get install lxde          for the desktop.  logout, select lxde session, login07:07
cfhowlettmuch less resource hungry BUT you lose the cool unity integration features07:07
cfhowletthappy2help! dylan07:08
fkmdnis there a way to make boot screen resolution higher? now it is 640x48007:08
firmanmay I ask some question, I am new on ubuntu n xchat07:09
cfhowlett!ask | FiremanEd07:09
ubottuFiremanEd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:09
cfhowlettfirman, this ^^^ sorry FiremanEd07:09
firmani am new on ubuntu, i run it on asus x200ma laptop, with intel graphic. Is there way to activate hotkey for set the backlight?07:11
azizLIGHTwhen i turn on pc, the startup sound is WAY TOO LOUD, and it differes from the volume I have when logged in. what is the issue here and how do i fix it?07:12
=== Guest45507 is now known as raziellight
BakaProxypfff ubuntu07:19
BakaProxymore like niggers07:19
fkmdnall normal distros include configuration utilities except ubuntu07:20
dylanquick question how can i install virtualbox 5.007:29
fkmdndylan, isn't it in repo?07:30
dylannot sure07:30
dylanill look07:30
dylanim using lxde atm07:32
dylanand i cant hear music on youtube07:32
dylanhow come07:32
dylanlxde as a de07:32
mikhael_k33hlIs there any news about network-manager-strongswan 1.3.1 being supported on Ubuntu 14.04?>07:34
dylanim got a question if i was going to install lubuntu right07:38
dylancause im using a macbook pro theres this thing to install the drivers07:38
dylanlike on the cd07:38
dylansince im running Lxde as a DE can i remove the whole unity desktop etc ?07:43
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fkmdndylan, yes07:45
dylanhow can i do that?07:45
dylanisnt it sudo apt-get remove unity-desktop or something like that07:45
dylanim not sure to be honest07:46
lotuspsychjedylan: if you like lxde, why not clean install lubuntu right away?07:46
dylancause if i do ill have troubles of wireless07:46
dylanand stuff07:46
dylanlike im certain that my b43 isnt in the cd of lubuntu07:47
dylanif i install dkms then a restricted thing in pool that allows me as a mac to install the wifi driver07:47
lotuspsychjedylan: drag n drop the needed driver on usb then, or install lubuntu with cable07:47
lotuspsychjedylan: if it works on desktop, should work on lubuntu also07:47
dylanit works with my install of ubuntu07:48
mikhael_k33hlI think the network-manager of ubuntu is the same regardless of the the DE that you're using.07:48
dylanso your saying this ubuntu disk i can take the file Pool out and put it say on a usb07:48
dylanthen use that to get my wireless for lubuntu07:48
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lhulotjoin #gcu08:00
fkmdnhow can i change boot screen resolution? it stucks at 640x48008:03
lotuspsychjefkmdn: whats the native resolution of your screen?08:04
somsipfkmdn: what video driver?08:04
fkmdnsomsip, vbox08:05
somsipfkmdn: have you installed the extras?08:05
somsipfkmdn: guest additions08:08
firemanwhich boot screen do you mean? fkmd08:08
somsipfkmdn: or just do this http://askubuntu.com/questions/127851/change-boot-screen-resolution08:09
fkmdnwhat a retarded method08:11
lotuspsychjefkmdn: please keep it polite in here08:13
lotuspsychjefkmdn: if you really need the proper native resolution, install ubuntu physical not in virtual machine08:14
fkmdnwhy there is no normal tools for configuring the bootloader?08:15
fkmdnif i want to change the default os there, do I need to edit config files manually too?08:16
firemandid installing ubuntu physical can change boot screen of win 8 whene i make it on second os? coz my win boot screen is shifted after instaling ubuntu 15.1008:18
mcphailfkmdn: editing files "manually" is the "normal tool". Quick, simple, scriptable and reproducable. There isn't much call to write a GUI app for every simple config task08:18
lotuspsychjefkmdn: why are you so focused on the boot resolution anyway? you dont like the resolution of your ubuntu desktop after boot?08:18
fkmdni don't like resolution changes08:20
stevenmanyone in here still use the electric sheep?08:21
lotuspsychjestevenm: ive tested that last year, why?08:22
stevenmlotuspsychje, the community just seems a bit dead and I can't get it to display a different sheep per screen :S08:23
lotuspsychjestevenm: it seems like sheep has been rejected out of 14.04 repos also08:24
lotuspsychjestevenm: perhaps choose another nice xscreensaver one you like?08:24
stevenmlotuspsychje, their official site still links to this PPA though (even has Xenial).. https://launchpad.net/~ichthyo/+archive/ubuntu/zeug08:24
lotuspsychjestevenm: well we cant support external ppa's neither :p08:25
stevenmit works... although I had to modify the screensaver .desktop file to make it work :)  just curious how to get the dual screen working08:25
stevenmno i no you can't :)08:25
lotuspsychjestevenm: perhaps their forum or file a new bug on their launchpad?08:25
codepython777where can i ask questions about 16.04?08:36
Ben64codepython777: #ubuntu+108:37
tilerenderingI want a user to access (r/w/x) all files within a folder if he explicitly knows their names. I want him also to be able to create directories or files. but I want to prevent him from listing all the files/dirs directly under that folder. is that possible ?08:40
Ben64tilerendering: no08:41
edosi think so08:41
tilerenderingso whenever he is able to read files under folder F he will be able to list all files under F ?08:42
tilerendering(if he can read them all)08:42
tilerenderinghm. I need to prevent him to get a listing of all files under F.08:42
tilerenderingI have all user profile pics there08:43
tilerenderingand the web server gets granted access to that folder.08:43
tilerenderingI have hashed/randomized the users profile pics filenames08:43
tilerenderingso it becomes almost impossible to guess them08:43
Ben64so why do people have access to the folder08:43
tilerenderingin order to be able to load the profile pic08:44
Ben64not making sense08:44
tilerenderingsee: when a user gets logged in, the servers api sends him all details of his profile + the path to his profile pic.08:44
tilerenderinghis client can then display the pic knowing the path08:44
tilerenderingbut a malicious user could - by this means - list all users profile pics08:45
tilerenderingand I want to prevent that08:45
lotuspsychjetilerendering: then dont store all profile pics in 1 folder08:45
tilerenderinglotuspsychje: sure. but how would this help ? if the server got access to all folders under F under which profile pics are stored, we got the same problem08:46
tilerenderingor dont we =08:46
Ben64why can the users access things as the webserver08:46
nindustriesHi, I can't seem to find the public key for GPG D834D91FA49CCDDB . Apt-update fails because of this. --revc-keys does not work. Ideas?08:46
edosyou /set verbose leve;=308:47
nindustries( GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty InRelease: )08:47
tilerenderingBen64: because the webserver needs to serve them resources. or would you add a linux user for each web app user ?08:47
tilerenderingthat would be very unscalable08:48
Ben64your setup seems very strange08:48
lotuspsychjetilerendering: doesnt make sense to mix things up for all users neither08:48
lotuspsychjetilerendering: perhaps the #ubuntu-server guys can help you straight up, what you really need?08:48
tilerenderingthe issue would be solved if I could prevent a linux user (namely the web servers user) to list all directories08:49
tilerenderingunder F08:49
tilerenderingunless of course you have another good idea08:49
tilerenderinghm. maybe the web server itself can be told not to allow listings of files under F08:49
tilerenderingthat would be a way to go08:49
mcphailtilerendering: you switch off Indexes on that document root in Apache. Then a user won't be able to list the contents of the dir08:50
tilerenderingI just found it. it should be solved at webserver level, yes.08:51
tilerenderingthanks mcphail and everybody08:51
tilerenderingactually, with nginx, indexes are off by default for every location08:53
mcphailYes. This is fairly basic stuff, which leads me to worry about the security of your solution. But that conversation would be offtopic here.08:54
tilerenderinganyhow, thx, cya08:58
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MoL0ToVxubuntu 16.04 LTS is released with ubuntu 16.04 LTS or is 2 separated release? so xubuntu 16.04 LTS is released same date with ubuntu 16-04?09:08
lotuspsychjeMoL0ToV: join #ubuntu+1 please09:09
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dylanhey guys09:25
roryahoy hoy09:25
dylanim just about to install lubuntu before i do though how can i get wireless driver as im using mac09:25
rorydylan: What mac?09:26
rorydylan: I'm 99% sure it Just Works.09:26
dylani know wireless will work in ubuntu if pool then dkms then back to pool then restricted then bcm09:26
dylanbut in lubuntu its different09:26
dylanmy macs a 2010 macbook pro09:26
lotuspsychjedylan: also mention your b43 chipset09:26
dylanhow i get the chipset?09:27
dylanoh the thing09:27
dylanits a bcm432209:27
lotuspsychjedylan: you said this morning it was a broadcom right09:27
dylanyeah its broadcom bcm432209:27
lotuspsychjedylan: cable on + updates during setup + 3rd party software enabled09:28
dylanahh dont have acess to cable atm09:29
lotuspsychjedylan: can check the iso/usb stick for that b43 driver also perhaps09:29
dylanthe b43 driver is in ubuntu09:29
dylanbut not in lubuntu09:29
vorapdylan: What about an external wifi usb stick?09:29
dylannah dont got one09:29
lotuspsychjedylan: its recommended to enable internet during setup09:30
dylanwell when i installed ubuntu it had a b43 driver in its cd09:30
dylanin lubuntu thats a different story09:30
dylanso unless i can copy that b43 driver to a usb09:30
dylanor something09:30
lotuspsychjedylan: i told you this morning you could backup that driver09:30
dylanill tell you what let me go get my ubuntu 14.04.3 cd and ill put the pool file from that on a usb09:31
dylancould that work?09:32
Ben64very doubtful09:33
vorapBen64: Yeah, I would say so09:33
Ben64if ubuntu works... install ubuntu?09:33
dylanomg this is the ubuntu cd that didnt get complete09:33
dylanahh gonna have to get a fresh copy ubuntu09:33
vorapInstall ubuntu, then you could just install LXDE instead of the unity desktop09:34
hateball!info lubuntu-desktop09:35
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.62 (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)09:35
dylanyou know how ubuntu ships with ubuntu-desktop or something like that09:36
dylancould i just remove that and make it boot as lxde de?09:36
vorapAs far as i can remeber yea, you can09:37
vorapYou have to install ubuntu first, with the unity desktop09:37
Ben64you don't even need to remove it, you can just add lubuntu-desktop09:37
vorapBen64 dylan: Yea09:37
dylanim installed ubuntu as the os09:37
dylanso i can just type sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?09:37
lotuspsychjeinstalling ubuntu-desktop and then uninstalling unity is a bad idea09:38
dylanhmm ok09:38
Ben64just... install lubuntu-desktop09:38
dylanthank you09:38
vorapDo sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop09:38
vorapNo problem09:38
dylanthen do i just log out and log back in09:39
vorapdylan: I think so, and then you should be able to choose your environment from the login screen09:40
dylanok thanks09:40
vorapNo problem :)09:40
Cablegunmasterquestion; switching between windows seems sluggish in my ubuntu mate, how to diagnose the culprit?09:43
CablegunmasterI sometimes haveto click multiple times on a window before it response xD09:43
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vorapCablegunmaster: Hmm, does it feel sluggish when you use Alt + Tab?09:44
CablegunmasterAlt tab seems fine09:44
vorapThat's weird09:45
vorapWait a sec09:45
Cablegunmastervorap, thing Is I have to click multiple clicks before it reacts on my windows09:48
Cablegunmastertrying to get rid of the 'extra' clicks I have to do.09:48
vorapCablegunmaster: Do you have a different window manager installed? Such as Compiz Window Manager?09:48
CablegunmasterI got the compiz window manager installed09:48
vorapIt's very plausible that compiz is causing this to happen09:49
Cablegunmasterthanks , got it it was the polling on the mouse, that made his happen XD09:50
Cablegunmasterkinda doing the opposite as polling supposed to do09:50
CablegunmasterI kept clicking 3 times before it would respond to anything xd09:50
vorapWhat mouse do you have?09:51
Cablegunmasterlogitech G100's09:51
vorapOkay, good to note incase someone has the same problem xD, well I'm glad it worked out xP09:51
Cablegunmasterweirdly, I wouldnt have thought about it xd09:52
Cablegunmasteryay my os feels more stable thx vorap :309:52
akikCablegunmaster: how did you actually fix it?09:52
CablegunmasterI disabled the polling09:52
Cablegunmasterin compiz settings manager under utility I saw 'mouse position polling'09:53
Cablegunmasterand clicked on it , and unchecked the 'enable mouse position polling'09:54
vorapdylan! Did it work?09:54
dylanlubuntu-desktop yeah works:)09:54
dylanhow can i uninstall that gnome flashback thingy09:54
dylanor whatever it is09:54
akikok thanks didn't know that kind of setting09:55
vorapdylan: Sorry? Could you explain what problem you have?09:55
Cablegunmasterno problem akik, for me it was just more trouble as the setting would help.09:55
Cablegunmasterso its better to disable it in my case.09:55
dylani was saying how can i uninstall gnome flashback or whatever it is09:55
vorapOh gothca. I think that this should work: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop unity && sudo apt-get autoremove09:57
vorapI think09:57
firemanwhy my computer often freeze when browsing with firefox and watch a video? I use intel graphics and ubuntu 15:1009:57
vorapfireman: Are you useing Xserver display driver?09:58
firemanvorap: i am is new ubuntu user, i dont understand what you say09:59
vorapfireman: Okay, if you click the ubuntu icon in the top left and search for driver manager10:00
firemannothing shown, i try to looking for additional driver in system setting and then i got message10:02
vorapfireman: What does the message say?10:02
alexkeyshello please is there anyone here who can help me with this peewee question?  I will like to select model fields in an unordered list is there anyway I can do that?10:02
firemanusing micro processor microcode10:02
firemanfirmware for Intel CPUs from intel-microcode10:03
vorapfireman: Does it say something else in that message box?10:04
firemani am sorry that is not message but "the device is using an alternative driver"10:05
firemanand i can choose what to computer doing with the device, using processor bla bla bla or do not use the device10:06
Cablegunmasterstill have the feeling my mouse is slowish xD.10:08
vorapfireman: Hmm, did you recently update your system?10:08
Cablegunmasterhave to keep investigating xD10:08
firemanwhen system updater ask me to update i always say yes10:08
vorapCablegunmaster: xD Keep looking in Compiz Mouse section, god knows what you might find10:08
vorapOkay, do you experience this freezing often?10:09
firemanall the time, at least once a day10:11
vorapHas it always been like this? If not, when did you first start seeing it?10:11
firemanfrom first time i instaling ubuntu as second os, this is This is always the case even when the initially suspend i cant return10:14
firemani mean its always happen from first time i install ubuntu10:15
firemansorry for my english10:15
vorapfireman: No problem½10:15
vorapfireman: Does it happen in every single program? Or just in firefox and movie player?10:17
firemanalso happen when suspend in a long time10:18
vorapfireman: Are you on a laptop?10:19
firemanand if that happen, i cant do anything, ctrl+sysrq+reisub not give me something10:20
firemanyes, asus X200MA, ram 4 gb, intel graphic10:20
akikfireman: isn't that alt+sysrq ?10:20
vorapfireman: If you plug the computer into an outlet, does it still happen?10:21
firemanvorap: outlet?10:21
vorapA power outlet10:21
vorapA power "hole", in the wall10:22
vorapxyberpix: Thank you!10:22
firemani run the laptop with power plug in all day10:22
vorapfireman: Okay, press CTRL + ALT + T10:23
vorapA terminal window should pop up10:23
firemanits terminal10:24
vorapNice! Hold on a second10:24
vorapfireman: If you type "sleep 1; xset s active" Then your computer should suspend. When you wake it up, does it lag then?10:27
firemanill try10:27
firemannothing happen, "xset: unknown option active"10:29
vorapOh sorry, It's supposed to be sleep 1; xset s activate10:29
firemansleep 1(one)? or l(el)?10:30
firemanno lag, wake up with normal condition10:31
vorapfireman: Try running "sleep 1; xset dpms force off" And wake it up from that, does it lag then?10:32
lotuspsychjehi EriC^^10:32
EriC^^hi lotuspsychje10:32
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firemanvorap: done, whats then?10:33
firemanno lag10:33
vorapWait a sec10:34
vorapI am thinking that it has something to do with Display Power Management in xorg, could I get someones second opinion on this?10:36
* alkisg thinks that fireman should read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend10:37
firemanvorap: thx a lot for the attention, i appreciate that :-D10:38
alkisgSuspend issues are hard to troubleshoot10:38
vorapfireman: No problem, I am really interessed in what could be causing this problem. :)10:39
alkisgUsually, bad kernel drivers10:39
vorapalkisg: That's true :/10:39
vorapalkisg: Thanks for the help!10:40
firemani was experience suspend issue, that cant return when monitor dim while suspend, i fix that with some tips from askubuntu10:40
vorapCould you post a link to the thread?10:41
firemanno i just read someone who has same issue10:42
vorapOkay, hmm I'm sorry but I don't think that I can help you with this one. Sorry :(10:43
firemanthis the thread http://askubuntu.com/questions/436133/unable-to-resume-after-suspend?lq=110:43
vorapdenisse: Heyy10:44
denissewhere are you from?10:45
vorapdenisse: Sweden, you?10:45
denisseSpain :D10:45
denisseWhat are you doing right now?10:46
vorapfireman: I'm sorry but I don't think I could help you with this one. I'm sorry :/10:46
vorapdenisse: Just doing some school work, you?10:46
denisseThe same bro xD10:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:47
firemanvorap: its okay, maybe next time :)10:47
vorapfireman: Absolutley10:47
vorapI'm sorry10:47
voraphateball: My bad10:47
denisseI'm a girl so cute...10:48
mcphaildenisse: That may be true, but this is the Ubuntu support channel. Please go elsewhere for general chat10:49
vorapdenisse: This is a chat for linux support, nothing else, if you just want to talk go elswhere10:49
vorapUbuntu support**10:50
denisseReport pls10:50
denisseteemo afk10:51
boomernanghi. I have a computer here with a 120GB SSD and a 1TB HDD. I want to install Ubuntu onto the SSD and have say /storage for the 1TB. How do i go about this? Any links to read? Does the SSD need any post install tweaking?10:51
lotuspsychjeboomernang: bios needs to be set ide to ahci10:52
lotuspsychjedenisse: stop using this channel for general chat10:52
lotuspsychjeboomernang: what brand is your ssd please?10:53
mcphailboomernang: you can just set that up from the installer. There will be an option to pick how you want to arrange things, rather than following the defaults. Another option would be to use bcache, which would use your SSD as a cache for your HDD. But that's trickier to set up10:53
denisseWhy? I haven't got friends :(10:53
vorapThank you!10:53
alakxso in 2 days xenial will go out of beta ?10:55
boomernanglotuspsychje: Kingston10:55
boomernangthanks mcphail10:55
popeyalakx: yes10:55
denissehello, sorry10:56
lotuspsychjeboomernang: some ssd's need a firmware upgrade, check their website if its up to date, before you install ubuntu10:56
denissenow i'm going to be a best person10:56
denisseanyone play LOL?10:57
boomernanglotuspsychje: hmm ok thanks10:57
Cablegunmastervorap , think my mouse is dying.10:57
Cablegunmasterwhich is a viable option xd.10:57
vorapCablegunmaster: Noooo :(10:57
vorapCablegunmaster: Are you sure?10:57
popeydenisse: stop!10:57
Cablegunmasterim hiv negative, but still positive it might be10:58
vorapJust add her to your ignore list10:58
vorapCablegunmaster: XD,  Have you tried your mouse in another pc?10:58
hateballvorap: That doesnt really make the situation better for anyone else in her trying to get/provide help. There's a reason there's an offtopic channel10:58
Cablegunmasterwell second mouse button seems to work right xd10:59
Cablegunmasterso I think my lefty mouse button is slowly dying10:59
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akikboomernang: there's a stage in the installer where you can set the destination drives. there's a selection "something else" in which you can select your drives and partitions10:59
voraphateball: That's true10:59
vorapCablegunmaster: But have you tried using your mouse with another pc?11:00
ubottuPlease do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»11:00
Cablegunmastervorap, I haven't but I am not whoring my mouse around should I ;)?11:00
boomernangakik: what happens with permissions at that stage? (sorry, newbie here) i dont want root to own the partition11:00
boomernangakik: or is it best to have root own it?11:01
mcphailboomernang: you can change the permissions to whatever you desire after the install11:01
boomernangok. thanks guys11:03
akikwhy wouldn't you want root to own the partition? it's been like that from the beginning of time :)11:07
Ben64if the partition is for you to store stuff, you can own it11:08
citizenruinwhen using fail2ban should i edit jail.conf or should i edit but provide customizations in jail.local file,11:09
citizenruin#           or separate .conf files under jail.d/ directory, e.g.:11:09
akikoh he was talking about the data partition11:09
BluesKaj'Morning all11:09
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gahanI'm using xenial and I need mongo 3.2.5, so I'm mongodb's ppa to download it. Only has an upstart script while I understand ubuntu uses systemd. There's not /etc/init.d/mongo script. Any suggestions?11:44
mcphailgahan: you'll need to discuss that with the PPA maintainer11:48
vorapI'm back11:51
gahansystemctl enable mongod.service11:55
SpinradHi, ubuntu serveur, 14.0.4, if i upgrade samba 2:3.6.25 -> 2:3.6.3-2 my windows 7 clients can not authentificate themselves anymore. Did anybody had ever heard of this kind of problems ?11:56
gahandoes upstart cans till work on Xenial?12:02
stevenmis xenial systemd like debian 8?12:11
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stevenmah as of 15.04 i think12:12
alakxcitizenruin, you should edit jail.local file12:28
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:29
Eragera!help I was trying to update my system today but got 'E: GPG error: http://mega.nz ./ InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?)'12:36
ubottuEragera: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:36
ErageraAny fix for it?12:36
ErageraUsing Xubuntu 14.0412:36
citizenruinhow did you pull from mega.nz12:38
ErageraFrankly, I dont remember, it was months ago12:38
citizenruinseems like that is a password protected download eragera12:38
ErageraOh, another thing I got was this 'E: GPG error: http://mega.nz ./ Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2'12:39
networkeronHello everyone!12:39
ErageraAfter trying to update after a restart. AskUbuntu said to reset Software and Updates > Authentication back to defaults, which I did12:40
Erageraafter which I got the error stated above again12:40
networkeronI bought Asus ux303 with preinstalled Windows 10. I would like to install Ubuntu but without destroying Windows instance and recovery feature (for the future pursposes). Is it possible? Is there any online tutorial that can helps me?12:41
EriC^^networkeron: the recovery feature usually won't work after you repartition the hdd12:42
EriC^^networkeron: it's better if you make a recovery usb or dvd from it, you can still manually do a recovery too, it's more involved though, fwiw12:42
citizenruinnetworkeron: i would make a backup of your grub and win10 and then save them offsite incase you ever wanted to go back you can jsut load those backups in a VM12:42
networkeronEriC^^: citizenruin: thanks for your advices12:44
citizenruinhey man take mine with a grain of salt cuz im newer then you lol12:44
Louis__bonjour je voulais savoir si c'est possible d'installer bspwm sous ubuntu ?12:46
EriC^^!fr | Louis__12:47
ubottuLouis__: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:47
citizenruineric^^: does that translate automatically for you with that command?12:48
EriC^^citizenruin: yeah12:48
EriC^^it tells the user how to join the ubuntu french channel12:48
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citizenruinyesterday i setup ssh - three hours later i was already getting ssh scanned from china - setting up failtoban now - should i cover just my ssh or should i do all (plex ssh whatever else i add)12:50
hateballcitizenruin: Running sshd on a non-default port is a good start. fail2ban is also good.12:51
ErageraSo should I just remove Mega from the update list and carry on?12:51
citizenruinhateball: i can just pick any port or should i set up port knocking to a strange port also12:51
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citizenruinyes eragera: sorry forgot all about your question12:52
ErageraAh dont worry about it. Just the fact that Ill have to use an old version till its fixed is annoying12:52
citizenruinyou should be able to find a defualt list for xubuntu and just save your current one load the defualt one then maybe add the additional stuff you want one ppa at a time12:52
citizenruinwhat application was it anyways12:53
citizenruinidk man to be honest the only time i used mega was downloading stuff for "hacking" = 'scriptkiddie"12:54
citizenruinyou might be better off with out it12:54
ErageraWell, I use it to sync my music. I share my library with a few people, so I need to have it updated constantly. I guess the old version wouldn't be so bad, until ofc they introduce something new which is required....12:55
zarishawhat music do you like eragera?12:56
citizenruinlook at plex media server eragera12:56
citizenruinits what you need i think12:57
maddawg1i use plex12:57
ErageraI like J-pop, mostly. Also, what is a Plex Media server? Ill look it up, but I dont think windows users would be able to configure it12:57
maddawg1love it12:57
maddawg1tho i will say Emby is giving it a run for it's money12:58
maddawg1(formarly Media Browser)12:58
citizenruinplex works multi systems12:58
zarishacool eragera12:58
ErageraAh I see. Thanks for the tip. Will look into it.12:58
zarishaj-pop is cool12:58
citizenruini got it on linux box ruko 3 tablets xbox smart tv and 2 phones12:58
citizenruinplex.tv i think it is12:59
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citizenruinfor ban time can i put say 9999999999 to make it forever - in failtoban jail.conf13:04
citizenruinjail.local sorry13:05
citizenruinlol im sorry man still my first cup of coffee13:05
EriC^^thought there might be a wiki or guide about it13:06
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citizenruinoh i thought you were correcting my spelling13:06
somsipcitizenruin: http://serverfault.com/questions/415040/permanent-block-of-ip-after-n-retries-using-fail2ban13:06
citizenruinthanks somsip:13:06
somsipcitizenruin: looks like it's just using the max int (or similar) F2B will recognise13:06
somsipcitizenruin: though the -1 suggestion seems to work on some versions13:07
citizenruini was looking at having a script read the log and perma ban , but that bantime = -1 looks way better13:08
citizenruindo any of you make a living from working with linux?13:09
citizenruini just a revelation.13:12
citizenruinplaying with linux is like cheating in c&c red alert13:13
citizenruini just rememebred editing the config files to make my guys move faster and live longer for that game13:14
somsipcitizenruin: you're getting offtopic now...13:14
L0what game?13:14
somsip!ot | citizenruin (this is the place to go for general chat)13:15
ubottucitizenruin (this is the place to go for general chat): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:15
dn5is it possible to send SIGNAl to a nodejs app?13:26
Picidn5: what sort of signal?13:27
dn5Pici: I'm not sure yet. I'm trying to extract a title of the song from a soundnode app.13:27
UbuntuDudeguys what is the simplest photo editor for linux/ubuntu? something just to do simple editing like selection and removing unwanted parts of pictures13:30
Guest74837UbuntuDude: pinta is easy13:30
dn5UbuntuDude: Gimp13:30
=== puff` is now known as puff
xyberpix+1 for Gimp13:31
Guest74837UbuntuDude: kind of like Paint for Windows13:31
Picidn5: er, well you'd just issue a kill command with the signal you want to send and your pid, i.e.: kill -USR1 $(pidof yourapp)13:31
xyberpixIf you're using it for photo's though, try Shotwell13:31
UbuntuDudedn5: no gimp is not simple13:32
dn5UbuntuDude: if that ain't simple I don't know what is13:32
Picigimp is photoshop-like13:33
dn5Pici: now you gonna tell me photoshop is hard?13:33
UbuntuDudeGuest74837: tried to install pinta and got .. Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:33
Picidn5: its not for everyone.13:33
dn5Pici: If you can't learn two-three menu operations to copy/paste layers, then I'm not sure if you are literate enough to use computer.13:34
UbuntuDudedn5: I'm not compared to your high IQ13:34
UbuntuDudeso yes gimp and photoshop are too hard13:34
PiciUbuntuDude: anyway, are you already installing something? if so, you need to wait for that to stop. or perhaps you didn't use sudo with your command.13:35
dn5Then why did you ask? If you are not determed enough to do the editing yourself, pay for it and someone will.13:35
PiciLets move on...13:36
UbuntuDudedn5: appartently you don't know what you're talking about if you think gimp and photoshop are just two-three menu operations .. have you ever heard of the word permutations and exponential growth? well that's what happens when you real math of those two-three menus13:41
UbuntuDudeGuest74837: Pinta works as magic .. thank you13:42
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TomyWorkhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maven2/+bug/537562 is there a way to attach a workaround to this bug without having a launchpad account?13:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537562 in maven2 (Ubuntu) "maven2: DAV Wagon not included - Cannot find wagon which supports the requested protocol: dav" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:57
TomyWorki think it's going to help people, but that's a hoop i dont want to jump through right now13:57
edlindehi guys, I just mounted an external hdd from one usb port.. I want to be able to tar gzip the contents of a certain folder, and write them to another USB external drive14:01
edlindeis there a way I can directly create this tar gzip file on the second drive?14:01
edlindeI don't have enough disk space on my laptop to first generate the tarball and then copy it over to the second usb drive14:01
edlindeany ideas?14:02
hateballedlinde: use full path14:03
hateballedlinde: like tar czf /media/whatever/tarball.tgz /path/to/stuff/you/tar14:04
edlindeah ok14:04
hateballor cd to where you want it to be put... but using full paths is better imo. no risk of confusion14:05
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nanaasarwhich one of y'all uses vagrant?14:07
ubuntu456hi. What is working solution to create a persistent usb install ? Is there any guide to do it on the command line myself instead of using a  tool ? otherwise what tool still work today ? with 16.0414:07
trijntje!16.04 | ubuntu45614:09
ubottuubuntu456: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:09
JH151nanaasar: I use Vagrant14:09
nanaasarthank God14:09
JH151There are 10's of us!14:10
calebebatistabom dia14:10
nanaasarJH151 my problem is i have vagrant running but i cant access file i download on to my vagrant... it seems to be a permission problem14:11
JH151nanaasar: Are you connected to the vagrant box?14:11
JH151nanaasar: Can you give a little more information? What OS's are at play, what file was downloaded and using what, what does ls -l give you and what user are you running as14:14
nanaasarJH151: i use wget to download a zip file on github but i cant extract it... when i use tar xvf and press tab... it doesnt auto complete it like theres no file there... but when i (ls) i see the file14:14
JH151nanaasar: What user are you running as?14:14
nanaasar-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root   15014 Apr 19 12:54 master.zip14:15
JH151Whats your current user?14:15
nanaasari dont get it14:15
JH151At the start of the command prompt you have <something>@<vagrant>14:16
JH151What is the <something>14:16
JH151sudo chown vagrant:vagrant master.zip14:16
JH151Run that14:16
JH151You should be able to run the tar command now14:17
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nanaasarJH151: still the same or should i restart vagrant?14:20
nanaasarJH151 here is it now -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 15014 Apr 19 12:54 master.zip14:21
JH151nanaasar: Cool, instead of tar use unzip see: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/146206/why-cant-tar-extract-zip-files14:22
nanaasarJH151L thanks... its now working14:24
JH151Nice, glad I could help14:25
anibehi all am new here14:25
nanaasardamn i spent hours finding solutions online14:25
nanaasaranibe: welcome14:26
anibethanks @ <nanaasar>14:28
nanaasarJH151: does vagrant ip address start with 10.0  or 192.168 ?14:40
Facecrackis there any way to get updated packages for ubuntu server 14.04?14:40
auronandaceFacecrack: if you mean newer versions then maybe you can check backports14:41
auronandace!backports | Facecrack14:41
ubottuFacecrack: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:41
JH151nanaasar: Depends on how you set your networking up. Run 'ifconfig' and look at eth0 that will tell you14:42
Facecrackauronandace, it shows this deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse14:42
Facecrackwhich is already enabled on my sources.list14:42
nanaasaryeah i did that and it came up with 10.014:43
Facecrackbut apt-get is still installing 1.7.2 for cups14:43
Facecrackinstead of version 2.x14:43
JH151nanaasar: Take a read of this doc page, it will help you out :) https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/getting-started/networking.html14:43
PiciFacecrack: Then no one has backported it.14:44
PiciFacecrack: You might be able to find a PPA, but as always ymmv.14:44
Facecrackas it is with all of linux14:44
Facecrackmy mileage always varies14:44
lotuspsychje!codenames | brainwash14:44
ubottubrainwash: Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more14:45
nanaasarJH151: so does it mean i should use scp file.txt vagrant@ip address:~ or scp file.txt vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64@ip address:~14:46
JH151nanaasar: vagrant@localhost -p 2222 is what you want14:47
nanaasarJH151: i want to send a file from my machine to my vagrant14:49
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JH151nanaasar: Yeah you use localhost because it forwards a port14:52
nanaasaralright let me try14:52
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lotuspsychje!es | Sharkey15:06
ubottuSharkey: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:06
FManTropyxI am so tempted to make a very bad joke about chili sin comillas, but I shall not, brb15:07
cipher___when is Ubuntu NT being released?15:14
lotuspsychje!ubuwin | cipher___15:14
ubottucipher___: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.15:14
topirateHey i m new15:30
topirateCan you tell me how to download and play amnesia15:30
VertDo you already own the game?15:31
Vert@topirate Have you bought this game yet?15:31
TAFB2i compiled nginx on 15.04 and it runs if I run /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx but how do I get it to load on boot?? :(15:31
lotuspsychjeTAFB2: 15.04 is end of life15:32
tewardTAFB2: by not using nginx 15.0415:32
topirateI wanna buy it online15:32
Vert@topirate using Steam or no?15:32
tewardTAFB2: we don't support 15.04.15:32
TAFB2if it's a vps/server is it safe to upgrade it to 15.10?15:32
PiciTAFB2: It should be.15:33
PiciTAFB2: But as always, you should have backups in case things go pear shaped.15:33
TAFB2i'm getting ready for a big streaming event from thursday to sunday so perhaps I'll upgrade it next week :(15:33
lotuspsychje!usn | TAFB2 also see the risks of an eol version15:33
ubottuTAFB2 also see the risks of an eol version: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.15:33
DoyleHey. Does anyone have issues with Chrome freezing every day, or at best every other day under 14.04? It freezes, nearly entirely, but if you wait a long time tabs will switch. The menu button still works, so you can hit exit and restart it.15:34
lotuspsychjeDoyle: perhaps start chrome from terminal, see what kind of errors you encounter?15:34
VertI second that. I believe Chrome also has a built in task manager to see what specifically is using all the CPU/mem.15:35
vachohow do I install memcache on ubuntu? not memcache(d)15:37
DoyleThanks lotuspsychje , Vert - running from cli is a good idea.15:37
DoyleThe task manager reveals nothing. :/15:38
somsipvacho: you mean the PHP extension?15:38
naccvacho: what somsip said, what do you mean by "memcache"?15:38
vachosomsip: yes15:38
somsip!ingo php-memcache | vacho15:39
somsip!ingo php5-memcache | vacho15:39
vachotrying to get a web app running and it requires memcache, I installed memcached apparently.15:39
somsip!info php5-memcache | vacho15:39
ubottuvacho: php5-memcache (source: php-memcache): memcache extension module for PHP5. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.8-5build1 (wily), package size 69 kB, installed size 251 kB15:39
Vert@doyle also consider using that built in task manager in Chrome might show you a specific website you visit that is abusing your memory or CPU.15:39
le_pigIf my organization already has an internal repo mirror, is it possible to add our own .debs to a separate "section" to advertise internally? I've read some docs, but it's just a bit unclear.15:41
lotuspsychje!repo | le_pig15:41
ubottule_pig: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.15:41
naccle_pig: i'm not sure it's that trivial to add a new section (i assume you mean component like universe, multiverse)?15:42
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le_piglotuspsychje: thank you15:42
DoyleVert, Yea, I looked for that. There's the usual suspects, gmail, mesos, but other than that nothing too bad. There's a lot of overhead in resources here.15:43
le_pignacc: yeah, that would be the goal: A component like my_org with my_org.deb advertised when clients poll our repo mirror for updates via apt.15:44
naccle_pig: there are also private PPAs for commercial subscribers of ubuntu (per https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA)15:44
naccle_pig: which would be roughly what you describe, I think15:44
le_pignacc: That's fantastic.  I believe I completely misunderstood the purpose of those PPAs. Thank you for pointing that out. I've got some reading to do. :)15:45
naccle_pig: i think the point of private ppas is to not let them show up in searches / be advertised to anyone you don't want :)15:45
naccle_pig: as opposed to the general PPAs lp users get, which aren't restricted in who consumes them15:45
le_pignacc: That would be a benefit for us.  This is all good info. Thank you very much for your help.15:46
naccle_pig: np, gl!15:46
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TAFB2I got it to load on boot by following this service guide: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/install-nginx-with-mod_security-on-ubuntu-15-04/15:49
newubuuserHello everyone :) I've installed ubuntu on virtualbox but I have very annoying problem... Brightness screen is changing dynamically. If I have white windows opened the screen is lighter. When I open dark window (like terminal) screen is getting lighter.15:55
newubuuserIs anybody know how to solve this brightness problem?15:56
vachonewubuuser: did u try googling the problem?15:57
somsip!google | vacho15:57
ubottuvacho: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.15:57
vachosomsip: sorry15:57
somsipvacho: no biggie - we're all learning15:57
EriC^^newubuuser: which ubuntu is this?15:57
vachonewubuuser: : try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/568773/how-to-disable-automatic-brightness-adjustment-in-ubuntu-14-0415:57
newubuuservacho: I was trying to google it.15:58
newubuuserEriC^^L 14.0415:58
EriC^^newubuuser: try settings > brightness > remove the check next to dim to save power15:59
EriC^^i have it on, never experienced it though15:59
EriC^^i thought that was just for when you unplug the laptop16:00
EriC^^maybe it's a virtualbox feature?16:00
newubuuserEriC^^: thanks, I'll try to check this solution16:00
newubuuserEriC^^L: sadly I don't have this checkbox16:11
lotuspsychjedieter: welcome, how can we help you?16:17
dieterfange neu an aber meine Tastatur will nicht so richtig z gleich y z gleich z wo kann wie kann ich das anders einstellen16:19
lotuspsychje!de | dieter16:19
ubottudieter: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:19
ThePendulumI'm using Ubuntu 15.10 since yesterday and Unity doesn't seem to catch up with newly installed software half the time16:20
james1138Hello all. Question for group. I have a Lexmark x9575 multi-function printer that I know there are no linux print drivers for... however would anyone know if there are any "generic/cups" printer drivers that can be used to print text or word documents?16:20
ThePendulumit just doesn't show it16:20
dieterok versuche ich wie gesagt bin neu16:20
curlyearsmy 14.04 install won't boot, complains about "attempt to read or write beyond hd0" anbd then dumps me intogrub16:23
curlyearsdoes anyone heave any thoughts?16:24
Maeshis there any good tutorial on how to port aside from the official?16:25
Malsasa_curlyears: hello. Are you sure there is no data wipe? If the partitions are there, basically you can boot your Ubuntu manually from GRUB prompt.16:26
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lotuspsychjeThePendulum: wich software doesnt show where?16:27
curlyearsMa;sasa:  excuse, please?   This is a fresh oinstall16:27
curlyearshow do you mean "data wipe"16:28
lotuspsychjeMaesh: port what?16:28
Maeshubuntu touch16:28
lotuspsychje!touch | Maesh16:29
ubottuMaesh: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch16:29
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: any newly installed application doesn't show in the Unity panel, regardless of whether I install it via a deb package or from the command line16:29
ThePendulumvia apt-get that is16:29
Maeshok thanks16:29
ThePendulumI shouldn't say any, -some- don't16:29
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: wich package would this be?16:29
ThePendulumwell so far Skype, Puddletag and the compiz config settings manager16:29
ThePendulumThey do show up after a restart/logout16:29
ThePendulumI don't remember if killing unity helped16:30
ThePendulumbut either way I don't want to have to do that every time I install something :P16:30
MagentiumHey Ubuntu peoples! Anyone here able to assist with some Questions in RE to the Ubuntu 16.04 Release??16:30
ThePendulumMagentium: #ubuntu+116:30
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: you mean you get greyed out ? icons instead?16:31
MagentiumThePendulum, use that channel instead?16:31
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: no, when I search for them in the unity panel, there are just no relevant results16:31
ThePendulumI don't know what that panel thing is called16:31
curlyearsthe Desltop?16:32
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: dash with the ubuntu logo?16:32
ThePendulumdash is probably it16:32
ThePendulumbeen using it for years, vocabulary is not my strong side16:32
ThePendulumbut yeah, the thing that shows up when I ram the super key16:32
ThePendulumor click the ubuntu logo16:33
ThePendulumwhich I never do, forgot that'll make it appear too, my bad :P16:33
user|89840hi all!16:33
user|89840please, help me with video drivers16:34
EriC^^hi user|8984016:34
lotuspsychje!details | user|8984016:34
ubottuuser|89840: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:34
curlyearsI greshlyinstall 14.04 from aa DVD downloaded 2 days ago.  Installation goes without a hitch.  When I restaat, it complains about "trying to read or write beyond hd0" then dumps ,e to A GRUB PROMPT16:34
EriC^^curlyears: how big is your hdd16:34
curlyearsEnC^^  3TB16:35
EriC^^curlyears: uefi ?16:35
curlyearsI suppose so...it never ask aboutt uefi16:36
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: not sure why it would not show, did you notice differences by official packages and ppa added packages?16:36
user|89840I works with sweet home 3d program. When i used kubuntu, it worked correctly, but on ubuntu I always have segfault. I think it is video drivers truoble. Maybe there is difference in kubuntu and ubuntu x11 driver versions?16:37
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: no, this is what I mean for additional clarity btw http://imgur.com/a/9D1TY16:37
ThePendulumalthough I think it was clear16:37
EriC^^curlyears: can you boot a live usb?16:37
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: actually I don't think I encountered it with a ppa package, but I think that's just sheer frequency16:37
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: I had it with Skype's deb package and with puddletag through apt-get just now16:37
curlyearsI am on a live DVD now. m  for some reason, ythis system does not seemm to like to boot from USB DEVCIES16:38
ThePendulumI wonder whether the 2nd display issues I had with 16.04 will resolves themselves at release, I didn't really mean to upgrade to 15.10, lol16:39
ThePendulumnow I got everything set up and I can wipe it again in a few weeks16:39
EriC^^curlyears: the hdd is usb?16:39
ThePendulumeh not few weeks16:39
EriC^^curlyears: oh16:39
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: you can upgrade wilty to xenial also16:39
EriC^^is it though?16:39
ThePendulumthe release is overmorrow innit16:40
curlyearseRIc^^   NOPE, INTERNAL sata16:40
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: im installing puddle myself to check, holdon16:40
EriC^^curlyears: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999916:40
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: I didn't notice this in 14.0416:40
DexterFin a non-gnome/unity session, how do I change gtk3 themes?16:40
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: so yeah, sudo apt-get install puddletag, normally GUI applications show up immediately, but this requires a new session16:40
ThePendulumthey are definitely installed though, I can run them from the command line16:41
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: puddletag doesnt show gui here neither16:41
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: on xenial that is16:42
ThePendulumglad it's reproducable16:42
lotuspsychjeThePendulum: you sure its not a cli app, you saw this before?16:42
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: in my screenshot I have puddletag running behind the dash16:42
ThePendulumand it happened with Skype and the compiz config settings manager as well16:43
appleguruis there a reasonable way to “offline update” a 12.04 install to 14.04 without cloning the entire official repo(s)?16:43
Vert@appleguru you might be able to do so if you burn the Live DVDs for the major releases since 12.04 and upgrade using the DVD as a repo.16:44
appleguruVert: interesting… ideally this would be something I could automate/deploy on a headless machine16:45
appleguruIE, no user interaction (!)16:45
curlyearsEriC^^: response i:  http:://termbin.com/drp516:45
Vert@appleguru perhaps you could put the .iso on a network share and point apt-get to that? Not sure if that particular solution will work irl tho16:46
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: I wonder how clean updating to xenial from wilty would be though, I prefer clea installs, but this is a bit recent...16:46
ThePendulumI should've resolved all issues before wiping 14.04, lol16:46
Vert@appleguru https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades#Upgrading_Using_the_Alternate_CD.2FDVD16:46
VertNevermind. Looking at this, you should absolutely be able to put that .iso on a net share and just mount it and use it as such.16:47
Vert@appleguru http://askubuntu.com/questions/110477/how-do-i-upgrade-to-a-newer-version-of-ubuntu and control+f "Upgrading using the command line". between these two links, you should be able to script it away16:49
EriC^^curlyears: ok, the bios_grub partition is at the start of the disk16:49
EriC^^i think that's fine16:49
appleguruVert: Thanks, will take a look16:50
EriC^^curlyears: it should be on the first 2Tb of the disk according to the arch wiki16:50
Vert@appleguru no problem!16:50
curlyearsEriC^^:   as one would expect in aa fresh install, Yes?16:50
EriC^^curlyears: how old is the machine?16:52
curlyearsEriC^^:   hardware  all brand new last August.16:53
appleguruVert: hmm.. I don’t see an “alternate” install CD for 14.04? http://mirror.pnl.gov/releases/14.04.4/16:53
EriC^^curlyears: ok, it is this16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284196 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Install to 3TB disk fails with "attempt to read or write outside of disk" error on reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:54
EriC^^curlyears: i think if you make a separate /boot at the start of the disk, it will load grub fine16:54
vachoI am a root user, but I cannot access /root on the server. I guess I need to sudo first before entering that folder? How?16:54
EriC^^vacho: sudo -i16:55
vachoEriC^^: much better! worked ;)16:55
vacho:) **16:55
firmanhay, anyone here that use asus X200MA? my sysrq cant used, i was try alt+fn+sysrq+REISUB and nothing happen16:55
curlyearsEric^^ :  so I see. to borrow a prase from Mr. Spockl;   fascinating.  Thnkas!\16:57
EriC^^curlyears: :D no problem16:57
Vert@appleguru  IIRC the alternative CD was just a command line minimal deal. You might have to use the network install image for newer ones.17:01
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InspiralI changed graphics card and I'm having some bother getting supported resolutions detected and experience this error in Xorg.0.log: [     4.242] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable17:05
Inspiral[     4.242] (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering The full log is here: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8868243 can anybody assist? Initially I couldn't get X to boot until I had removed the old driver, now X works but in low resolution17:05
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InspiralThe graphics card is a Radeon HD4850 which is apparently supported by the opensource radeon driver, which is supposed to be pre-installed17:06
lotuspsychjeInspiral: ubuntu version?17:06
lotuspsychjeInspiral: wich graphics card did you have before?17:07
Inspiralgeforce 680017:08
lotuspsychjeInspiral: you could try a sudo apt-get purge nvidia*17:08
InspiralI believe they were removed by apt-get suggesting to use autoremove, but let me try that17:08
InspiralThat failed, I believe they are already gone17:09
InspiralE: Unable to locate package nvidia-prime-upstart.log17:09
lotuspsychjeInspiral: ok, i would try a recoverymode/fix broken packages maybe, it might fix the radeon17:10
lotuspsychjeInspiral: is your system up to date to latest 14.04.4 also?17:10
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lotuspsychjeInspiral: you can enter the recoverymode from grub==> then fix broken packages menu17:12
InspiralI believe I'm up-to-date, I'll try recovery mode now,17:12
grvhelp ! i got this message on opening of virtualbox http://pastebin.com/HYJWCYqt17:13
appleguruso, do offline upgrades work with the 14.04 DVD?17:13
k1lappleguru: yes, they should.17:15
k1lgrv: what ubuntu exactly?17:15
grvk1I: 14.04 lts17:16
k1lgrv: the output of "uname -a" please17:18
appleguruk1l: and I can script it/mount it as an image?17:18
grvk1I: Linux torrent-desktop 4.6.0-rc3+ #1 SMP Sat Apr 16 14:05:55 IST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:18
lotuspsychjewwwi: welcome, what can we do for you?17:19
k1lgrv: well, you are using a custom kernel. make sure to have the mathcing headers installed.17:19
wwwiif ubuntu apps crash, it means you need to reinstall ubuntu?17:19
k1lgrv: if that doesnt work ask the one who shipped that kernel to you what is going wrong there17:19
lotuspsychjewwwi: wich apps are you talking about?17:19
lotuspsychjewwwi: can you give us an example of a package that crashes on wich ubuntu version?17:20
freeone3000I'm trying to set up an L2TP-PSK VPN client. However, NetworkManager doesn't seem to support this. Is my best option configuring OpenSWAN and tunneling all traffic through that?17:20
wwwilotuspsyche it's random apps that crash17:20
grvk1I: how to install mathcing headers.yup I am using kernel for development17:20
james1138Is Kino the only video editing software that handles digitial video (DV)?  I have old VHS tapes to make into MP4 files....or is the a GUI for dvgrab?17:21
wwwie.g. sometimes ubuntu software center on ubuntu 1517:21
k1lgrv: get them there, where you got the kernel17:21
ModhaarnI'm installing Ubuntu in UEFI mode (custom partitioning scheme). Do I need to change the bootloader location to /dev/sda2 (my ESP), or leave it at /dev/sda?17:21
lotuspsychjewwwi: upgrade or clean install? 15.04 or 15.10?17:21
wwwilotuspsychje: the .117:22
lotuspsychje!uefi | Modhaarn can this help?17:22
ubottuModhaarn can this help?: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:22
wwwilotuspsychje: clean17:22
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lotuspsychjewwwi: can you start software-center from terminal? see what kind of errors occur?17:22
grvi got it from //git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/gregkh/staging.git17:23
wwwilotuspsychje: its working now17:23
=== Guest25283 is now known as max12345
wwwisometimes it crashes17:23
lotuspsychjewwwi: ok lets us know wich errors at the time it crashes17:23
k1lgrv: yes, we cant support this in here. you need to get to know where you get all the stuff you need like kernels headers and kernel extras etc. to build the kernel modules with dkms.17:24
lotuspsychjewwwi: if you installed clean, reinstall would not be needed..17:24
lotuspsychjewwwi: so a deeper investigate of the crashes would be usefull17:24
lotuspsychjewwwi: the rest of your system performs good overall?17:25
lotuspsychjewwwi: can you recall other packages crashing?17:26
wwwinot sure of another example17:28
lotuspsychjewwwi: ok mate, keep us informed when something else happens17:28
wwwiis this behavour common in ubunbtu?17:28
k1lif there is a crash it must have a reason. and the errormessages will help finding the reason. so one can solve that17:29
wwwibut is it common for ubuntu to have problems with noerdn hardware?17:30
ExecSlimHow long do users usually wait before upgrading to a new ubuntu release? (For most of the bugs to be fixed during release)17:31
k1lExecSlim: that depends on the user. a lot of users cant even wait for the final release. but since the non-LTS only have 9 months support you will need to have to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 from end of april to july.17:32
thechancegmy keychain seems unable to remember my credentials for a network drive? I have to re-enter the user/pass after every restart, regardless of what I choose for remembering. Synology drive if that matters. Any ideas?17:32
linmobExecSlim: Depends on your specific use cases. I used to always test with a new ISO whether it would boot back when I had "difficult" hardware.17:32
Inspirallotuspsychje, thanks, fix broken packages worked a treat, much appreciated!17:36
=== Guido is now known as Guest24884
Guest24884I have a problem with my network printer. The Windows computer to which the printer was comnected is not working in the moment. So I installed the printer on another XP printer. Now I want to print from my laptop with XUbuntu. To do that I copied the old printer and adjusted the samba path. However, Linux is asking for some kind of pasword and I get the message "Inactief - Can't load /etc/samba/smb.conf - run testparm to debug17:36
ThePendulumlotuspsychje: thanks for checking the disappearing programs is not a local issue17:37
Guest24884I also get the message "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"17:42
soulissonHello, I'm using k3b, it's the third it says preformatting the DVD any idea what can I do?17:42
freeone3000soulisson: Wait for the DVD to be preformatted? Buy formatted DVDs?17:43
BluesKajsoulisson, which "buntu version?17:43
soulissonfreeone3000, but it's the third time?17:43
soulissonhow many times is it going to preformat?17:44
BluesKajK3b is buggy on 15.10 in my experience, better off to use wodim in the terminal17:45
soulissonBluesKaj, ok, but if I choose cancel is my DVD lost?17:46
BluesKajsoul is this dvd-r or rw?17:47
freeone3000Your DVD hasn't even started yet.17:47
soulissonIt's written on the DVD "DVD+RW"17:47
xdevnullguys what is this dpkg-preconfigu ? taking 50% of my cpu and 20% of memory17:48
BluesKajsoulisson,  wodim -eject  -tao speed=0 dev=/dev/sXX -v -data /my/directory/image.iso..../dev/sXX being the cdrom drive17:49
NoCodeIs there anyway to learn PHP on a local computer without installing a LAMP stack?17:49
soulissonBluesKaj, thanks17:49
sealbhachxdevnull dpkg is your package manager. I would kill it, then do sudo dpkg --configure -a17:49
xdevnullkill: kill 7384 failed: operation not permitted17:50
BluesKajsoulisson, run wodim --devices to find the cdrom device name17:50
thechancegNoCode: i mean you could use the php-cli, but why?17:50
soulissonBluesKaj, I can't seem to physically eject my dvd, is there a command?17:50
sealbhachxdevnull sudo, then: kill -9 738417:50
NoCodethechanceg, Maybe I'll just create a virtual host ony my VPS to learn from. I guess that's probably the best solution.17:51
geniisoulisson: sudo eject -T /dev/cdrom17:52
xdevnullsealbhach, i killed it it ran again but this time with root -_-17:52
xdevnullsealbhach, i killed it it ran again but this time with root -_-17:53
thechancegNoCode: if you are going to be using php, 95% of the time it will be running in a lamp environment. Might as well get used to it :)17:53
DexterFin a non-gnome/unity session, how do I change gtk3 themes?17:53
thechancegNoCode: sudo apt-get install tasksell && sudo tasksel install lamp-server and you are good to go17:54
thechancegsorry, only one l, tasksel17:54
xdevnullMaybe update-manager executing it?17:54
NoCodethechanceg, what's tasksel?17:54
NoCode!info tasksel17:54
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is optional. Version 2.88ubuntu17 (wily), package size 31 kB, installed size 240 kB17:54
NoCodeNever heard of that before.17:55
xdevnullsealbhach, u received my msg?17:55
sealbhachxdevnull preconfigure sounds like its trying to install something17:55
xdevnullsealbach, i've install running :/17:55
sealbhachsorry, didn't get msg17:56
TAFB2is 'do-release-upgrade' to run over ssh?17:56
Strykarhi, does anyone use sixxs.net's AICCU client for an IPv6 tunnel? It creates a sixxs interface, shouldn't it create a tun0 interface instead?17:56
xdevnulli don't have install running *17:56
xdevnullsealbhach, i killed it it ran again but this time with root -_-. I'VE UPDATE MANAGER running maybe it causing it to run again?17:56
xdevnullin Software update center u've "Applying changes" but this since long time there..17:56
sealbhachHmm, is it taking forever to run? Maybe just let it complete17:57
xdevnullsealbhach,  not moving since hours17:57
soulissonBluesKaj, didn't work maybe there is an issue with my burner17:58
pieroWhy "hashcat" isnt in the official repository ?17:58
sealbhachWell then it should die. See if you can go into the Update Manager GUI and stop it doing what it's doing17:58
pierois there a lack of thrust ?17:58
TAFB2is 'do-release-upgrade' safe to run over ssh?17:59
tewardTAFB2: run it inside a 'screen' session maybe17:59
wdblI uninstalled all of the landscape packages but I'm still getting landscape info after login (MOTD) - how do I get rid of that/17:59
tewardbut i wouold be CERTAIN you have backups first17:59
TAFB2alright, here goes!17:59
tewardwdbl: is it giving you the standard Landscape advert?17:59
tewardwdbl: if it is, ignore it - that's just part of the automated script giving system informatoin out :P18:00
wdblteward: It's got System load, IP addresses, Swap usage, etc. and a link to https://landscape.canonical.com18:00
wdblteward: I ran: sudo apt-get uninstall landscape-common so I expected this MOTD to be removed18:00
wdblI guess my question is - do i have to remove this manually or did I not uninstall things correctly?18:01
xdevnullsealbhach, It's trying to update "mysql-apt-config" but it stuck there for some reasons.. i dont know18:01
sealbhachxdevnull, OK don't know what that is. You are the boss though, so don't let it be doing things against your will.18:03
wdbldoes anybody know if the landscape MOTD should have been removed by uninstalling landscape-common or if I have to do that myself?18:03
xdevnullsealbhach, roger leader.18:03
sealbhachxdevnull, if it was my system, I would do what I usually do18:03
sealbhachkill everything, then run sudo dpkg --configure -a18:03
sealbhachAlso maybe apt-get -f install18:04
xdevnull/var/lib/dpkg/lock.. how do i kill it?18:04
sealbhachYou may have to open your file manager as root, go into that directory and delete the lockfile, or do it from the command line18:06
DiamondSwordI want to change Ubuntu's orange all over the system. how can I do that?18:07
a7i3n1join #manjaro18:09
wdblok, looks like a reboot took away the landscape info from the login message. yay!18:09
a7i3n1yikes... can't tyoe...18:09
gurrHello. My mouse cursor just disappeared! Any way to get it back without rebooting?18:10
gurrIt still works it's only invisible18:10
compdocsounds like a driver issue18:11
gurrit's weird. never happened before18:11
Maczimusthat happened to me the other day. rebooted...18:11
=== Bill is now known as Guest55625
pi_when i log in to lubuntu i have no mouse cursor. i have to log out and log in and then i hve a mouse cursor. Can i do something about this18:12
nubwerdgurr, you could restart your window manager or something killall -1 xorg ? i don't know18:12
=== Guest55625 is now known as Ndtx
huphuphow can i paste the output using command line18:15
huphupto a pastebin like ptpb,etc18:15
huphupso immediately effectivve and quick18:16
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=== Old_Nick is now known as Tex_Nick
gurrnubwerd: hmm, not sure how to do that without losing all running programs. I think I'll be safer with a save&restart :)18:18
nubwerdgurr, i would try asking in #xorg too18:19
pieroIs there a reason to HASHCAT dont be in the official or community repositories?18:19
=== Charlotte is now known as Guest92538
galileo_alguna chica por alli?18:22
freeone3000piero: There's no ubuntu maintainer for it?18:25
pieroI dont know? Do you?18:25
pieroBut I dont think thats the right answer18:26
=== borbosha_ is now known as borbosha
huphupof ubuntu18:26
codepython7771I'm trying to install ubuntu 14.04.4 on my nuc, and get a Syslinux boot error - any ideas how to fix this?18:31
huphupcodepython7771, tell me18:31
jatt_i'm new18:32
huphupi am experience and an arrch user as well18:32
huphupso ask waht u have to jatt_  codepython777118:32
huphupcodepython7771, did you use grub as bootloader?18:33
EriC^^codepython7771: how did you make the usb18:33
=== Guido is now known as Guest34838
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
Guest34838I have some problem with Samba after adding a second printer which didn't worked. how can i fix samba?18:34
codepython7771EriC^^: A friend gave it, let me ask18:34
codepython7771EriC^^: Is there a recommended way of making the usb stick for install?18:35
lokienhey guys, I tried to install graphics drivers (through "additional drivers", then by "apt install nvidia-340") and now I have no icons. anybody help, please?18:36
jost_What is the release date für Ubuntu 16.04.1?18:36
jost_Is there even one?18:36
huphupcodepython7771, u should install it again, yes there is a way18:37
le_pigjost_: Point releases are generally available every 6 months, no?18:37
codepython7771Startup disk creator?18:37
huphupsudo dd if=/file_location of=/dev/sdb & sync will suffice18:38
jost_le_pig: no idea, that's why I'm asking18:38
destinojost_, 2118:38
huphupu can use that too, or unetbootin that's better and more professional!18:38
jost_destino: I'm asking for the point release 16.04.118:38
codepython7771huphup: so on the 2GB USB drive i just copy the ISO byte to byte?18:38
le_pigjost_: I believe the 14.04 point releases occurred roughly every 6 months.18:38
huphupmake your own iso yourself, yes u can use dd better,18:38
huphupspecify bs=1M bs is locksize18:39
jost_le_pig: thanks18:39
firmanjost_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases release date18:39
Guest34838How can I get a clean version of samba again? It doesn't l;et me install it nor uninstall it. there is an error with system-config-samba and a conttrolproces with error code18:40
codepython7771huphup: do you know why that error happens?18:41
codepython7771SYSLINUX 6.03 ... boot error18:41
huphupi never got that error, how could you burn that file so quickkly18:41
=== ExecSlim is now known as Guest55286
huphupdo didint answer my questio neither, whch bootloader are you using, that is the source to the problem, and which ubuntu version18:42
jost_firman: thanks18:43
huphupuse grub , instead of syslinux that is the cause of the error, and then boot in legacy BIOS not UEFI!!!18:43
Guest34838I keep getting "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"18:43
firmanjost_: ur wellcome18:43
huphupcodepython7771, which version of ubuntu are you using18:43
huphupcat /etc/*release shows the version18:44
huphupor uname -a18:44
codepython7771huphup: 14.04.418:47
codepython7771huphup: just got a new usb drive from a friend. Pushed it in and tried to install - got boot error18:48
huphupcodepython7771, how many times i have to tell u, dont use his pendrive, burn iso on your own18:50
huphupthen you will know what you are doing: are you on windows, if you have ubuntu use unetbootin atleast to burn it AGAIN18:50
huphupand then tell me do you get the error, you willl never get the error, trust yourself and be confident18:51
codepython7771huphup: i'm on ubuntu 14.0418:51
codepython7771I was thinking of using your dd command18:51
huphupi'm sure you can do it, then what's the problem, format it first using 'disks'18:52
huphupcodepython7771, i dont understand u at all18:53
huphupi dont know what the problem is any longer since you are not doing things that you are told18:53
huphupcodepython7771, how old are you?18:55
huphupare you a teenie18:55
huphupyou talk like a teenager18:55
MBuff22016is there a such thing as overburn raid ?18:56
MBuff22016RAID 1 w/overburn18:57
princesse_lamahello ?19:08
MBuff22016is there a such thing as overburn raid ?19:09
MBuff22016RAID 1 w/overburn19:09
freeone3000MBuff22016: "overburn" is medium-specific. It makes sense on DVDs and CDs, which have an in-built "redundancy" segment, but don't make sense on HDDs and SSDs, which generally either do not have such a thing or do not present it to clients.19:12
anzu103_hola alguien es de venezuela?19:12
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
ubottucinese93: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:13
MBuff22016freeone3000:  i dont care if it makes sense i want to know if such a thing exists19:14
freeone3000MBuff22016: No, such a thing does not exist.19:14
MBuff22016freeone3000:  if it did what would it be called ?19:14
freeone3000MBuff22016: The thing that doesn't make sense and doesn't exist? What would it be called if it did?19:15
MyCuriosityDefault file explorer of ubuntu is stuck. What process name am i searching for ?19:15
freeone3000MBuff22016: Charles, I suppose.19:15
EriC^^MyCuriosity: nautilus19:15
MBuff22016freeone3000:  for a flylog environment something like this would be helpful19:16
MBuff22016freeone3000:  flywheel log*19:16
MBuff22016freeone3000:  especially if i want to have additional redundancies19:17
freeone3000MBuff22016: What are you *actually* asking for?19:17
MBuff22016RAID 1 with overburn19:17
freeone3000MBuff22016: RAID1 is a thing that exists, overburn is not.19:17
MBuff22016freeone3000:  you don't understand then.  i want RAID 1 but i also want included overburn.19:18
freeone3000MBuff22016: And what would this overburn do?19:18
MBuff22016freeone3000:  once both disks are full the second disk starts filling up on its own19:18
MBuff22016freeone3000:  for a flywheel log environment something like this would be helpful19:19
freeone3000MBuff22016: Uh. Once both disks are full, *both* disks are full. WHere would the data go?19:19
MBuff22016freeone3000:  the second disk would overwrite existing data from the disk entry point on19:20
freeone3000MBuff22016: So you want RAID0.19:20
MBuff22016I want redundant raid with overburn19:20
MBuff22016unless raid 0 already does this ?19:20
freeone3000MBuff22016: Your "overburn", due to how RAID works, would ruin the entire redundant aspect of RAID1 involving the second disk - partitions are *not* safe to freely overwrite!19:21
MBuff22016freeone3000:  how do you figure ?19:21
freeone3000MBuff22016: ...cause I know RAID. It's a block-level system, not a file-level system, and if all blocks are equal, no blocks are equal.19:21
MBuff22016freeone3000:  is there a file level raid ?19:22
freeone3000MBuff22016: You could take it out of RAID1 and then re-raid as a RAID0, but then you probably should have had it in this segment to begin with, and this transform cannot be done on-line.19:22
freeone3000MBuff22016: Why are they RAIDed if you care more about capacity than redudnancy, anyway? Why not lvm?19:22
thewhitehatMBuff22016: what you're asking for is ridiculous. Either you want redundancy, or you don't.19:22
MBuff22016freeone3000:  is there a file level raid with two hard disks ?19:22
thewhitehatPick one and stick with it.19:22
MBuff22016thewhitehat:  its not ridiculous at all19:23
freeone3000MBuff22016: It actually is.19:23
MBuff22016no it isn't19:23
thewhitehatMBuff22016: It's completely ridiculous.19:23
MBuff22016thewhitehat:  its not ridiculous at all19:23
freeone3000MBuff22016: You want it fully redundant! Until the point you run out of space, in which case, you don't want redundancy at all.19:23
MBuff22016freeone3000:  yes exactly19:23
thewhitehatMBuff22016: You can say that as much as you want, but it IS ridiculous, and shows you have zero concept of how RAID functions or why it exists.19:24
freeone3000MBuff22016: That's contradictory, is what it is.19:24
thewhitehatMBuff22016: Yes, exactly. It's ridiculous.19:24
MBuff22016thewhitehat:  like i said it would make perfect sense in a fly wheel log environment19:24
freeone3000MBuff22016: It means that you're willing to have low capacity *and* no redundancy at any point, because you're fine with either.19:24
MBuff22016thewhitehat:  its not ridiculous at all19:24
=== Charlotte is now known as Guest48005
thewhitehatMBuff22016: So you've said. Obviously, you're mistaken.19:25
MBuff22016freeone3000:  im fine with RAID UNTIL both disks are full19:25
freeone3000MBuff22016: Which means that, the more data you have, the less important redundancy is?19:25
MBuff22016freeone3000:  correct.19:25
thewhitehatMBuff22016: There is no until. There is no use case where this is a sane solution.19:25
freeone3000MBuff22016: You want RAID0.19:25
freeone3000MBuff22016: Actually, run it as a degraded RAID5, for more performance.19:26
MBuff22016thewhitehat:  it makes perfect sense if you already have multiple redundancies capturing logs elsewhere19:26
thewhitehatfreeone3000: I almost spit my coffee on that one.,19:26
thewhitehatMBuff22016: No, it makes no sense. I do this for a living, as does the entire team that I manage. It's absurd.19:26
freeone3000MBuff22016: So, you don't need redundancy *at all*, which is perfectly fine, you just need capacity. In seriousness, I'd do this with LVM. RAID0 is another actually decent choice. (Don't do the RAID5 thing.)19:27
thewhitehatfreeone3000: And honestly, I think it's a troll, so I'm just going to wander off.19:27
speleoHey everyone. I'm trying to add a third SSD to my server running ubuntu server 14.04, but whenever I add it, it seems that my second SSD fails to mount.19:30
speleoDisconnecting the third SSD resolves the issue19:30
tnewmani'm guessing something to do with /etc/fstab19:31
speleols /dev | grep sda shows sda and sda1 when SSD 3 is disconnected, but once connected the same command only shows sda19:31
EriC^^speleo: it's probably using /dev/sdX instead of the uuid19:31
tnewmanright, what EriC^^ said19:31
speleoSomehow the primary partion is not shown when I plug it in19:31
EriC^^speleo: /etc/fstab19:31
speleoHrm, so maybe it switched to sdc1?19:31
speleoI know, I have it open in Vim right now. I'll try switching it to sdc19:32
EriC^^speleo: sudo parted -l shows the disks and partitions19:32
EriC^^speleo: use the uuid instead19:32
EriC^^sudo blkid /dev/sdc119:32
speleoFantastic idea, thank you19:32
=== Zaitzev82 is now known as Zaitzev
tnewmancan you use /dev/disk/by-id/ in fstab?19:32
EriC^^UUID=323h-4c334.... in /etc/fstab instead of /dev/sda119:32
speleoAnd it worked! Thank you.19:33
tnewmanalso, sudo hdparm /dev/sd*19:33
firmanwhat the meaning of boot firmware?19:34
EriC^^uefi or bios maybe19:34
tnewmanhdparm is super useful too, if you want to see what sdX/UUID/id corresponds to what19:34
andyhouhow can i get ubuntu16.04lts live session user's password19:46
EriC^^andyhou: it should be ubuntu, or a blank password19:47
chakoje suit nouveaux et debutant19:47
Pici!fr | chako19:48
ubottuchako: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:48
entouragewhy were there no build for the 18th ??19:52
freeone3000I'm trying to run Ubuntu in VirtualBox. How can I use X11 as my display so that extensions work?19:53
entouragewill there not be any more daily builds??19:53
UbuntuDudefunny thing ubuntu is giving me operation was interrupted before it could finish, yet it didn't stop in time when I figured I probably made a mistake!19:54
UbuntuDudeit just continued removing important stuff from them system19:54
UbuntuDudewhat I've done what this command .. sudo apt-get autoremove minitube19:54
UbuntuDudeit ended up removing many things they seem important and I'm not sure if the system will bootup again or not19:55
couchsurferhello! I'm at a friends place and her ubuntu update seems to be stuck how can I unblock and retry?19:55
UbuntuDudehow can I fix this problem? http://pastebin.com/qe21ikwv19:56
tripelbcouchsurfer: 1. What is your version you started with ..  Going to?  2. How do you know it is stuck?19:57
EriC^^UbuntuDude: they dont seem that important19:57
EriC^^libs for videos mainly19:57
UbuntuDudeEriC^^: is there an automatic way to put the system back as it was?19:57
UbuntuDudesomething to undo the autormove command19:58
tripelb<-also couchsurfer (use #ubuntu-offtopic to reply to this. Not in this channel)19:58
EriC^^UbuntuDude: type tail /var/log/apt/history.log19:58
EriC^^and get the list of the programs it removed and save them in a file19:59
EriC^^bla (1.1), bla2 (1.2), ...19:59
couchsurferit is version 12.04 it got stuck upon trying to updatem it stopped progressing halfway. and to make things more complicated the system is in slovac and my host just went to bed :-s19:59
couchsurfertripelb: how do I change to that channel?20:00
UbuntuDudeEriC^^: then what? apt-get install each one from the list or there some UNDO like command?20:01
KocaneAny stunnel experts here?20:02
EriC^^UbuntuDude: sed -ie 's/([^()]*)//g' /path/to/file20:02
MonkeyDust!find stunnel20:03
=== n3rd__ is now known as Shnaw
EriC^^UbuntuDude: you could just copy and paste each one, sudo apt-get install bla1 bla2 bla320:03
KocaneMonkeyDust huh?20:03
EriC^^without the version number20:03
tripelbcouchsurfer: starting in column one /join #ubuntu-offtopic  it maybe just r-click on the channel name I typed. (Method 2 depends on your client)20:03
UbuntuDudeEriC^^: thanks :)20:03
Blink`Hey, so if I bought a server, and the IP that's given already shows "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page20:03
Blink`", am I right to assume that LAMP is already pre-installed? If not, how do I check?20:03
tripelbUse my nick there couchsurfer20:03
EriC^^UbuntuDude: run the sed -i command20:03
EriC^^it'll remove what's between the ()20:03
EriC^^UbuntuDude: then type sed -i 's/,/ /g' /path/to/file20:04
EriC^^it'll remove the commas20:04
EriC^^then type xargs -a /path/to/file sudo apt-get install -y20:04
EriC^^and it'll install them20:04
couchsurfertripelb it seems like I have to register with nickserv, just a minute20:05
Kocane!find stunnel20:05
ubottuFound: stunnel420:05
=== jake__ is now known as jake_
Blink`", am I right to assume that LAMP is already pre-installed? If not, how do I check?20:08
Blink`Hey, so if I bought a server, and the IP that's given already shows "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page20:08
Blink`Woops, wrong way round.20:08
Bashing-om!lamp Blink`20:10
EriC^^Blink`: php and mysql could still be missing20:10
Bashing-om!lamp | Blink`20:10
ubottuBlink`: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.20:10
tripelbcouchsurfer: OK. What is nice is that your use of my nick buzzes me.20:10
movichi guys20:10
movici have a problem with su command20:11
movicI'm as root right now and when i use "su user" im getting permission denied20:11
movicAnyone can help?20:12
EriC^^which user20:12
MonkeyDustmovic  ctrl d to go back to normal user, then use sudo20:12
MonkeyDustmovic  ctrl d to go back to normal user, then use sudo, if you need root permission for something20:12
movicits vps i've got only root20:12
EriC^^su www-data ?20:13
movicand i have another user and i cant switch to it20:13
movicEriC^^: what do you mean?20:13
EriC^^type grep <user> /etc/passwd20:13
EriC^^movic: is the user a service's user?20:14
movicafter grep20:14
movicEriC^^: it was crated by hadnd20:14
movicby hand*20:14
DArqueBishopmovic: it doesn't look like you set a proper shell.20:14
EriC^^movic: ok, the shell is set to "taiga"20:14
EriC^^movic: type chsh taiga -s /bin/bash20:14
movicit works20:15
movicthanks guys20:15
EriC^^no problem20:15
Blink`Bashing-om - I know what LAMP stands for..20:17
Blink`EriC^^ - Possibly. Let me check20:18
Blink`MySQL seems to be running20:19
Blink`PHP doesn't seem to be installed, even though there's a php directory20:19
Blink`I'm checking correctly, with 'sudo service xxx status', right?20:19
EriC^^Blink`: try dpkg -l | grep php20:20
EriC^^there's probably a command for apache to list the enabled stuff, let me see20:20
Blink`That did return a bunch of stuff20:20
Bashing-omBlink`: What we are suggesting, see if the components of lamp are installed .. say like ' dpkg -l php5 ' ??20:21
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Blink`That is my intention, yes.20:22
Blink`I'm new to the ubuntu scene, so trying to learning this properly20:22
Bashing-omBlink`: We were all new at one time .. Hang in there ... it will come together .20:23
Blink`Thank you, much appreciated ^^20:24
naccBlink`: for the case of php, it's not a service, it's a interpreter (well the php executable itself) -- and so it's about making sure it's enabled for the SAPI you want to use20:24
Blink`That actually cleared things up for me20:24
Blink`Having any luck, EriC^^?20:25
nacciirc, it's apache2ctl, EriC^^20:26
naccapache2ctl -M ?20:26
EriC^^yes ^20:26
naccmight need sudo20:26
Blink` http_module (static), php5_module (shared) has appeared in the list20:27
EriC^^that's it i think20:27
Blink`So that means it's enabled20:27
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Blink`Awesome, so that means LAMP was pre-installed20:27
Blink`That would've been nice to know beforehand.. :p20:27
Blink`Last question then :p20:29
Blink`What now? xD20:29
EriC^^if it's a new vps, you should probably secure it20:29
EriC^^china bots are probably all over the ssh20:30
Blink`I made my friend sort out the ssh for me20:30
\9using key pair authentication and disabling passwords deals away with the chinese bots20:30
Blink`Before I did anything, since for some reason20:30
Blink`ssh didn't co-operate with me20:30
Blink`So I got the private key and such20:30
\9if key authentication works then you can disable passwords entirely (but then you need to ensure that you don't lose your keys)20:31
Blink`Since this is my first server, I'll stick with passwords for now20:32
\9hmm yea probably a good idea if you're just starting20:32
Blink`At least until I'm knowledgeable with Ubuntu20:32
Blink`ty though \920:33
Blink`Just wondering what to do now, am I able to change the IP address to this domain I own?20:33
EriC^^Blink`: yeah, you need to set up a nameserver for the domain20:34
dn5Blink`: depends20:34
EriC^^Blink`: freedns.afraid.org if your vps doesn't give free nameservers20:35
Blink`Heh, it's fine. I've had one rented with GoDaddy for years20:35
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Blink`Mostly due to making sure no one else took the domain :p20:35
couchsurferhey tripelb I have issues accessing my mailaccount for registration as I am logging in from Slovakia instead of my home country. this seems to take a while. I was not aware that this is your nick. I believe nicknames can expire on nickserv as I've had a similar issue years ago when I still used IRC20:35
AaronTheGreatHi. How does the apache2 server/nginx server generate var/www? I need to create one as nginx did not? how do I do this?20:36
EriC^^Blink`: nameserver not domain20:36
dn5AaronTheGreat: I think it's installation procedure20:36
dn5AaronTheGreat: doesn't have to be default20:37
dn5IIRC you can change either in your config20:37
Blink`Wouldn't the nameserver come with the domain? Unless you mean one from the server, directly?20:37
dn5For Apache it's VirtualHost *20:37
AaronTheGreatdn5: yup, but its "recomended" by most things to put it in /var/www... and i'm not sure whats the BEST and most securest way to make it (permission wise)20:37
tripelbcouchsurfer: I see.20:37
EriC^^Blink`: ah right20:38
\9Blink`: that's something you need to find out with your registrar20:38
dn5AaronTheGreat: I'm not an sys guy so don't listen to me. But I think readonly is a good aproach in case you are not serving a server-side dynamic content20:38
dn5But wait for others answer20:39
\9AaronTheGreat: permission wise you can make it so that all files belong to www-data user and group, and add users who can read/write to it into the www-data group20:39
tripelbcouchsurfer: my nick us tripelb and your nick is couchsurfer  - tripelb is my only registered nick.20:39
AaronTheGreatOk thanks \9 and dn5 :D20:40
owen1_how to stop nginx from running on boot? ps aux show me : root     18236  0.0  0.0  23808  6164 ?        Ss   12:49   0:00 nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;20:40
opGMOHello, Fellow Ubuntu Users.20:40
\9AaronTheGreat: if you're much concerned about security you can split permissions of individual services into individual users/groups for different services20:40
opGMOIḿ Happy To See You.20:40
owen1_and curl localhosh show me 302 page from nginx20:40
\9AaronTheGreat: so that a daemon running one service cannot edit the files of another20:40
Blink`\9 and EriC^^ - I just checked on GoDaddy, I have 2 nameservers provided.20:41
\9AaronTheGreat: of course if you're just having the web server run everything then that point is moot20:41
AaronTheGreat\g ok il do that :) thanks20:41
tripelbcouchsurfer: I am a member of a group/site called couchsurfer and suggested discussing it in off topic, thereby creating a confusion.20:41
EriC^^Blink`: cool, put the ip of your server there as an A record for the domain and www.domain.com20:41
opGMOHow Do I Connect To An IRC Server By Filling In A Link?20:42
opGMONo Answer? ;';20:43
\9opGMO: 1) be patient, 2) There's No Need To Write Like This, It's Annoying To Read, 3) what do you mean by filling in a link?, 4) what IRC client are you using20:44
opGMO1). I am trying to be. 2). I'm very sorry for that. 3). I have recieved a link from an anonymous person from wich i would not like to talk about. And he said fill it in. 4). I be using XChat-GNOME20:46
Blink`EriC^^ - Although, I am getting this "The zone file is unavailable because the domain's set nameservers do not belong to this registrar."20:47
EriC^^Blink`: maybe it's the 2nd nameserver?20:48
EriC^^or something?20:48
\9opGMO: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto here are general instructions on using XChat20:48
opGMOIt's very irritating that i cannot see if anyone is typing. xD20:48
opGMOBut Thanks either way :D20:48
\9opGMO: if you were given an IRC link in form of irc://irc.somewhere.net/blah then 'irc.somewhere.net' is the server name and '#blah' is the channel name20:48
opGMOThere's no #Blah or anything behind a "/"20:49
\9opGMO: so then you were just given a server address?20:49
\9you should be able to connect to it anyway20:50
daftmonkanyone on the 16.04 beta?20:50
Ben64daftmonk: #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 until release20:50
EriC^^daftmonk: /join #ubuntu+120:50
daftmonkcool thx20:50
opGMOnahh, still on 15.10, jst to be safe20:50
\9opGMO: please keep the discussion in here and not message me privately20:50
opGMOI'm verry sorry20:51
naccalso what does this have to do with Ubuntu, opGMO ?20:51
opGMOI was trying to communicate with "daftmonk"20:51
xdevnull/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory20:51
xdevnullnodejs -v work / node -v not working how i can add alias?20:51
Blink`EriC^^ - Is there a way I can change the nameserver within ubuntu? I have the nodesktop version. So I would just need to go in the panel and configure from there, right20:52
naccxdevnull: apt-get install nodejs-legacy, iirc20:52
naccxdevnull: i just typed `node` at my prompt and c-n-f figured that out for me, fwiw20:53
Ben64Blink`: you likely need to configure your domain at your registrar's website20:53
xdevnullThanks <320:53
xdevnullnacc, that worked20:53
Blink`Ben64 - That's come up empty though. It's saying "The zone file is unavailable because the domain's set nameservers do not belong to this registrar."20:54
ebeneДобрый вечер.20:54
EriC^^Blink`: try to go to settings in the domain20:54
ebeneЕсть кто?20:55
Blink`That works EriC^^ - Settings, but there's no way I can put my IP in the A record20:55
\9!ru |ebene20:55
ubottuebene: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:55
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EriC^^Blink`: does it say set the nameserver somewhere?20:56
Blink`It does say Nameservers + manage20:56
Blink`There's 2 nameservers on that list20:56
EriC^^what are they?20:57
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Blink`Is it safe to say it? xD20:57
EriC^^it's public20:57
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Blink`Those 2 are the nameservers, EriC^^20:58
Ben64Blink`: and who is your registrar?20:59
Ben64so why do you have redbackinternet in there20:59
A_BeginnerHow do i join different server's? I've been provided with a link "irc.something.net"20:59
Blink`Although, I'm curious. Am I just supposed to leave the main IP as itself, and make my server host a domain?20:59
Ben64A_Beginner: /server irc.something.net20:59
A_Beginnerthanks :D21:00
Ben64Blink`: maybe you should continue this in ##networking21:00
Blink`A_Beginner a better one would be /server -m irc.something.net21:00
\9A_Beginner: FYI you're not decieving anyone with the name change21:00
A_BeginnerNo but i wanted to make it clear.21:00
A_BeginnerThat i'm a beginner.21:00
TAFB2upgrade do 15.10 stalled at "The user `syslog' is already a member of `adm'." If I log in to ssh, it says "Welcome to Ubuntu 15.10 (GNU/Linux 2.6.32-042stab113.11 x86_64)" ..... "New release '15.10' available." :(21:00
couchsurfertripelb here's the result:21:01
couchsurferwera@laptop:~$ lsblk NAME                 MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda                    8:0    0 465,8G  0 disk  ├─sda1                 8:1    0 243,1M  0 part /boot ├─sda2                 8:2    0     1G  0 part [SWAP] └─sda3                 8:3    0 464,5G  0 part    ├─wera-root (dm-0) 252:0    0    10G  0 lvm  /   ├─wera-var (dm-1)  252:1    0     5G  0 lvm  /var   ├─wera-tmp (dm-2)  252:2 21:01
Blink`Ben64 - That may be so, but I don't think my question is for them21:01
Blink`The uhh21:01
Blink`Although, I'm curious. Am I just supposed to leave the main IP as itself, and make my server host a domain?21:01
Ben64Blink`: well it's not really ubuntu related21:01
Blink`If that is for that, then Ill go ask that :p21:01
tripelbArg couchsurfer you must put that in a pastebin21:01
couchsurfertripelb okay lol sorry21:02
tripelb!pastebin couchsurfer21:02
* tripelb has forgotten how to call ubottu21:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:03
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couchsurfertripelb: here's the pastebin with the extract: http://pastebin.com/BwPduFVV21:03
lucas-arghey all is there any way to configure lightdm resolution???21:05
lucas-argi can figure out how to configure ligthdm resolution21:07
TAFB2ok, after my upgrade do 15.10 stalled at "The user `syslog' is already a member of `adm'." I restarted and now I can't connect by SSH :(21:10
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Umeaboysebsebseb: Are you here?21:12
curlyears*YAY*    finally, after 15 weeks of struggle, I have a functional, booting computer!!!!!21:16
TAFB2look like a firewall problem! A port scan comes back with zero open ports :(21:16
curlyearsnow I can start playing with the 3D printer I got last October21:18
curlyearsthank you to *ALL* of you, whohavebeen so supportive and helpful21:19
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sebsebsebUmeaboy: yeah21:22
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TAFB2sudo ufw disable = "ERROR: Couldn't stat '/etc/ufw/before6.rules'" :(21:22
curlyearsthischannel is the most friendly and welcoming cjannle I have ever used, and I've been IRCing sisinve 198421:23
tripelbcurlyears: yes it transformed my ability to use Linux (this channel did)21:23
sebsebsebcurlyears: is IRC really that old, doesn't sound right21:23
EriC^^was there irc in 1984?21:23
akikcurlyears: doubtful as irc was written in 198821:23
tripelbIrc existed before the web. I used it in a shell.21:24
tripelbIrc was a command21:24
YouCallItFarhrm updater hung21:26
curlyearssebsebseb:  actually EFnet debuted in the late summer of 1983akik:  the CURRENT version of icr-server software was designed in 198821:26
TAFB2YouCallItFar: you too? my upgrade to 15.10 hung :( system is REAL broke now21:26
YouCallItFarexact same TAFB221:26
tripelbHistory of irc (what's a few years between friends)  https://daniel.haxx.se/irchistory.html21:26
tripelbcurlyears: thanks. I didn't remember the year but undernet came out new.21:27
tripelbCurlyeas (OK to pm me anytime) you may be the (hu)man to update the Wikipedia21:28
TAFB2root@tafb:/# sudo do-release-upgrade -d ... Checking for a new Ubuntu release ... No new release found21:28
TAFB2oh damn, she broke21:28
sebsebsebTAFB2: no21:29
sebsebsebTAFB2: you don't want the -d21:29
sebsebsebTAFB2: that's for upgrading to development versions21:29
TAFB2without the -d it still says nothing new found, failed in the middle of updating to 15.1021:29
TAFB2nothing works now, like the networking or firewall is broke21:29
tewardTAFB2: `sudo apt-get install -f`  on the terminal21:29
sebsebsebteward: 15.04 to 15.10 ?21:30
tewardTAFB2: if it still doesn't work, you will probably be facingi a reinstall21:30
tripelbThere are no years on this page   http://www.irc.org/history_docs/tao.html21:30
tewardsebsebseb: partial-upgrade state21:30
TAFB2E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:30
sebsebsebTAFB2: 15.04 to 15.10 ?21:30
EriC^^TAFB2: try sudo dpkg --configure -a21:30
TAFB2sebsebseb: yep21:30
tewardTAFB2: `sudo dpkg --configure -a` then21:30
sebsebsebteward: don't use the d. and you can try and do a fix install on the terminal like teward is suggesting21:30
tewardsebsebseb: they were here earlier about nginx compiled on 15.04, and got the big "EOL!" notice :P21:30
sebsebsebTAFB2: abo21:30
tewardsebsebseb: *cough* mishighlight21:30
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sebsebseba bove21:30
sebsebsebteward: ye21:30
sebsebsebboth of you have t names21:31
curlyearsthanlsagain, filk21:31
sebsebsebTAFB2: you really don't want the -d21:31
sebsebsebTAFB2: that's pobably why it's gone wrong as well21:31
TAFB2i didn't use the -d before21:31
sebsebsebyou gave a command with a -d ?21:32
TAFB2google said use -d if it stopped in the install21:32
sebsebsebteward: yes 15.04 is end of life, but can try and support some one to upgraade to 15.1021:32
TAFB2my upgrade to 15.10 stalled at "The user `syslog' is already a member of `adm'."21:32
sebsebsebTAFB2: try a fix install, and don't use the -d at all, and google said aye, what's your link?21:33
bitMANAnybody knows when 16.04 is coming out?21:33
sebsebsebTAFB2: also you will probably need all the updates installed in your 15.04 install, before it will let you upgrade to 15.1021:33
tewardsebsebseb: i'm aware - when they were here earlier it wasn't at that point21:33
sebsebsebTAFB2: 15.04 is dead, but I think the repos are still there frozen with the last stuff21:33
teward!ubuntu+1 | bitMAN21:33
ubottubitMAN: Xenial Xerus is the codename for Ubuntu 16.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+121:33
teward!16.04 | bitMAN21:33
ubottubitMAN: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party21:33
TAFB2when I ran "sudo dpkg --configure -a" it also stalled at "The user `syslog' is already a member of `adm'." :(21:33
sebsebsebbitMAN: Thursday21:34
bitMANAwesome teward! Thank you!21:35
longwuyuanif i install xenial beta-2 today, will I have to do dist-upgrade or just update tomorrow ?21:35
TAFB2gotta run, we can fix "Setting up rsyslog (8.12.0-1ubuntu2) ..." when I get back :)21:35
sebsebseblongwuyuan: it will just stay on 16.04 I think21:35
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party21:35
k1llongwuyuan: run the updates will bring you to final  (sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade)21:37
davidmichaelkarrFor quite a while now I have had a 14.04 VM that works as expected when I press "Alt+x" in Emacs.  I just created a 15.10 VM that I'm attempting to configure similarly, but the Alt key is seemingly ignored in that VM.  I know I must have done something a long time ago in the 14.04 VM, but I don't remember exactly what it is.  I don't see any obvious dot21:37
davidmichaelkarrfiles in my homedir that would configure this.  What is the most likely way to configure this?21:37
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.21:37
sebsebsebbrainwash: just upgrade on Thursday or a bit after21:37
longwuyuansebsebseb, k1l : thnx. i asked because i need to use the ubuntukylin iso21:38
longwuyuansebsebseb, k1l : noob question. full-upgrade and dist-upgrade do different things ?21:39
thechancegmy keychain seems unable to remember my credentials for a network drive? I have to re-enter the user/pass after every restart, regardless of what I choose for remembering. Synology drive if that matters. all other remembered passwords/unlock upon login seems to work. Any ideas?21:40
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k1llongwuyuan: on the new command "apt" instaed of "apt-get" they renamed it because people get confused with "apt-get dist-upgrade" beeing an upgrade to the next ubuntu version, which it isnt21:40
longwuyuank1l: much clear now. thnx. this does not change for ubuntukylin is'nt it ?21:41
k1llongwuyuan: its the same on the kylin edition21:41
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longwuyuananyone using broadcom 43a3 wifi21:43
longwuyuananyone using Skylake21:44
longwuyuanIs skylake support mentioned anywhere for xenial ?21:45
k1llongwuyuan: the kernel support it, right?21:45
longwuyuank1l:xenial beta-2 made everything work yes. but unity hangs like clockwork every so many minutes21:46
k1llook at the logs what is going wrong21:47
longwuyuank1l : that is my problem that am not able to solve. complete silence in logs. have not increased debug level anywhere. just needed to get my XPS13 going21:48
k1lwell, i would talk to the dell sputnik guys, who focus on the ubuntu running on the xps21:49
longwuyuank1l : would that be "#sputnik"...anywhere i can lookup21:49
k1lsorry dont know where they hang out.21:50
longwuyuank1l : ok .. will check21:50
deniz946hello, one question ,i have 1 hdd and 1 ssd and, the hdd is my STORAGE drive and i want it to mount automaticaly on startup, how i could do it? i have it UUID and it's ntfs, but don't know what exactly i should type in the fstab file22:05
WARlrusHey - I'm having trouble with a vpn through pptp-linux - it seems I can get a connection, but running something like `ping -I ppp0 google.com` doesn't work, any suggestions on how to debug?22:11
EriC^^deniz946: UUID=....... /mountpoint  ntfs-3g  auto,users,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=027,fmask=137,utf822:11
deniz946deniz946, can you explain it for me please?22:12
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deniz946EriC^^, UUID=.1243124124124124/media/STORAGE  ntfs-3g  auto,users,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=027,fmask=137,utf8?22:13
EriC^^deniz946: yeah without the . and a space after 422:14
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deniz946EriC^^, for what are all those flags?22:16
Guest7983Hello, I have a problem with SAMBA and printing. I get the errormessage “E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) ” and "Gestopt - Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb does not exist!" How can I fix it?22:19
reisiohi Mido22:20
MidoI have got an problem when I watch full screen video on google chrome and change the volume setting from my laptop bottom everythink get freeze22:22
reisioMido: could be your volume changing is triggering an onscreen notification, which is b0rking up your graphics driver22:23
reisiolikely one of these will circumvent it: 1) disable compositing/accelerated wm/effects 2) disable notifications 3) change graphics driver22:24
reisioMido: 4) stop using a stupid proprietary closed source browser22:24
TheOuterLinuxChrome based browsers literally just crash my whole system every time. Its usually on sites with  flash video. I only use it for Google drive purposes. This includes both Chrome and Chromium. However, it won't on an OpeneSUSE Studio appliance I made.22:25
Tex_Nickreisio: awww chrome aint that bad22:26
reisioTex_Nick: bad? It's exactly what I said22:27
reisiobinary builds of any browser are going to tend to suck22:27
Tex_Nickhmmm well firefox plugin-container has it's problems also22:27
reisioFirefox binaries from Mozilla suck, too22:27
reisiowe have distro-specific binary builders/maintainers for a reason; so we don't hate ourselves22:27
reisioTex_Nick: yup22:27
k1lTheOuterLinux: start chrome from a terminal and see what errors come up22:27
Tex_Nickchrome seems to be best alternative for drm atm ?22:28
reisioalternative to what22:28
Tex_Nickreisio: well yes what ???22:29
TheOuterLinuxOh....proprietary stuff like flash.22:29
carpediembabyhello, i have an ubuntu 14.04 install but the trackpad keeps disappearing randomly. It comes back when i restart. I have tried to reload psmouse but this sometimes works and other times not. Also tried setting org.settings.daemon-plugins.cursor true but this didn't help either22:32
d4rklit3what is the cron expression for once every 2 hours?22:32
reisioTex_Nick: for what, netflix?22:32
carpediembabyCan someone suggest a more permanent fix than having to restart every time this happens?22:32
reisioTex_Nick: you can use chrome's binary blobs with chromium if you want; or you can use pipelight; or you can not waste time on netflix22:32
TheOuterLinuxThe pipelight method is ok. I hate having to use wine though.22:33
ratraced4rklit3: 0 */2   first two columns22:34
carpediembabyOr at least to reliably bring the cursor back without restarting. Also, the mouse is visible if I connect a usb mouse22:34
Tex_Nickreisio: i use mostly firefox, but for netflix yes i use chrome & I've used both silverlight & pipelight kludges with fire fox in past ... chrome works fine for me though ... firefox also except for plugin-container locking up entire browser with some content22:35
carpediembabyThe pointer is otherwise functional (i can see the highlighting of links change when the mouse moves and I can also click) but the cursor is just not visible22:37
Tex_Nickreisio: tis not really fair to classify chrome in such a negative perspective ? ;-)22:37
d4rklit3ratrace I accidentally did * */222:39
d4rklit3hilarity ensued22:39
Midoguys, any one please can give some advice about metasploitable, If i install it on VM on my personal computer it my heart my pc22:40
MidoI need to Install it for testing22:40
eelstrebori've been banging my head trying to figure out why some of my apps are coming up in spanish and others are not - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables doesn't help - locales returns the environment setting as LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 and i can't change it22:40
ratraceeelstrebor: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales22:42
thechancegmy keychain seems unable to remember my credentials for a network drive? I have to re-enter the user/pass after every restart, even if I choose remember forever. all other remembered passwords/unlock upon login seems to work. Any ideas?22:59
Guest7983Hello, I have a problem with SAMBA and printing. I get the errormessage “E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) ” and "Gestopt - Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb does not exist!" How can I fix it?23:02
reisioGuest7983: https://answers.launchpad.net/hplip/+question/159829 ?23:04
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=== [Saint_] is now known as [Saint]
Guest7983reisio: I have a brother and it seams that SAMBA is broken, maybe more23:06
XDS2010thewhitehat: in reading your convo from earlier i can see where raid with disc overburn could be helpful for instance in a distributed computing chain23:07
reisioGuest7983: a brother you say, interesting23:08
terratomai think i am running into this bug in ubuntu 14.04 and preseed and kickstarting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/134772623:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1347726 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "ubuntu14.04 installation hang on "The installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions"" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:10
Guest7983reisio: the problems started with SAMBA. The Brother is conected to an XP computer. It worked, but the XP decided to quit. so I installed it to another XP and copied the printa in linux and wanted to change the path. afterwards samba was broken.23:10
terratomahow can i tell the installer, with preseed, to just overwrite the existing partitions ?23:10
Guest7983reisio: now I have no SAMBA installed and can't install SAMBA again23:11
Guest7983reisio: if I try to install SAMBA I get: http://pastebin.com/TNrq3j8B23:12
__chromahow would i go about repairing a NTFS partition in ubuntu?23:14
NarwhaalI still don't understand why guest asked this question in ##windows23:16
reisioNarwhaal: he's sharing a computer from windows, over the network23:17
NarwhaalI know23:18
NarwhaalI'll repeat23:18
reisionow what _I_ don't understand, is why _you_ would ask /that/ question in #ubuntu :p23:18
NarwhaalI still don't understand why guest asked this question in ##windows23:18
* reisio headdesks23:18
Narwhaal[01:02:57] <Guest7983> Hello, I have a problem with SAMBA and printing. I get the errormessage “E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) ” and "Gestopt - Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb does not exist!" How can I fix it?23:18
Narwhaalthis question23:18
Guest7983Narwhaal: because i already asked several times in ubunto today already and i need it to work again. i have to print. so i would appriciate some help23:18
reisioNarwhaal: that question, yup23:19
Narwhaalso keep asking in the channel of the host OS23:19
k1lNarwhaal: stop that.23:19
reisioNarwhaal: why would the ignorant know which OS is more pertinent23:19
Narwhaalstop what ?23:19
reisio"that" :p23:19
Narwhaaldunno what I done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯23:20
reisioyou been typin' again23:20
reisionobody seems to care for it :p23:20
reisiothat's what twitter's for23:20
Narwhaalreisio: if he's clever enough to try and install samba he should know the host OS anyway23:21
Narwhaalanyway I'll just idle and enjoy the show23:21
k1lNarwhaal: drop that drama. be helpfull and try to solve the issue for that user. but what you are doing is not helpfull in any way.23:21
Narwhaalreally ..23:21
reisioNarwhaal: don't sweat it23:22
queraxa!urmum k23:22
NarwhaalI ask one question .. and I get a request for leave :/23:22
NarwhaalI'll just idle so23:22
josspykerhe has a point <k1l>23:22
k1lthis channel is for technical ubuntu support. all the users who are more interessted in making drama are free to leave now.23:23
=== RyanKnack_ is now known as RyanKnack
Shai-TanI am trying to install ubuntu 15.10, but it seems not to like the GE Force carD.is there a work around for this?23:24
k1lShai-Tan: what card and what issue?23:24
reisioShai-Tan: install 16.04 instead?23:25
Guest7983has anyone an idea what i can do or what for information is nessessery to help?23:25
Shai-Tanooh, there is a 16.04? I did not see it23:25
tewardit's not released23:25
* teward glares at reisio23:25
=== sebastien is now known as Sebastien
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest85432
Shai-Tanthis one?23:26
reisioteward: there's an install image23:27
reisioShai-Tan: yes23:27
tewardreisio: it's not Final yet.23:27
alibraNeed syntax to change permissions on Raid 0 from root only --to user23:27
reisiothat's the latest23:27
Shai-Tanwhat could possibly go wrong23:27
reisioteward: it's tangible23:27
reisioShai-Tan: not much I wouldn't think23:27
reisiobut I have the benefit of not being able to be sued for having said that :D23:27
k1lreisio: its not finale yet. it still gets testing23:28
reisiok1l: uhuh23:29
Guest7983k1l, reisio: I will take a shower now. Hope afterwards someone has an idea how I can fix SAMBA and afterwards the printer.23:29
reisioGuest7983: probably; sorry I don't rely on Windows much or I'd have more information myself23:30
reisioGuest7983: /nick sambaguy when you're back :D23:30
T3ZlckNvZGVyk1l, o cmon23:31
T3ZlckNvZGVyYou fucktard23:31
eelstreborratrace, this is about the hundredth time i've tried that and it still doesn't fix the problem23:34
Andy___hi...does chromium work with google chromecast?23:43
Andy___i'm using lubuntu23:43
reisioAndy___: I'd probably just use VNC23:44
k1lAndy___: yes. install the chromecast plugin23:44
k1l"google cast" is the name23:44
Andy___how do I get chromium on lubuntu please?23:45
reisioshould be in ordinary repos23:45
k1lAndy___: chromium is in the ubuntu repos.23:45
reisioapt-get install23:45
k1lAndy___: intsall the chromium-browser package23:45
genii!info chromium-browser23:46
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 49.0.2623.108-0ubuntu0. (wily), package size 75067 kB, installed size 280071 kB23:46
geniiMay need to enable universe23:46
k1lyeah, good hint23:46
Guest7983nick:, are you the sambaguy?23:49
Guest7983nick: are you the sambaguy?23:49
Guest7983reisio: think nick is not online23:49
reisio/nick sambaguy23:50
Andy___do you recommend chromium or chrome?23:51
reisioit's the wesley snipes of googley browsers23:51
Earforceln -s `which smbspool` /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb23:52
k1lAndy___: chrome is chromium+google-stuff. its both the same codebase.23:52
reisioprobably why he asked about those two specifically23:53
=== akkad` is now known as Akkad
Guest7983reisio: don't realy get you23:54
Andy___i read that chrome updates automatically and chromium is not, you have to update chromium manually. is that correct?23:56

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