
sitteryofel, sgclark: FYI ubuntu appstream data for some reason has a weird dolphin icon `appstreamcli get org.kde.dolphin.desktop --details|grep Icon` -> gwenview /var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-universe/64x64/dolphin_system-file-manager.png07:19
sitterI don't know more than that unfortunately07:19
sitteryofel, sgclark: probably this http://markmail.org/message/3fmqutpjz3jedw3o so not much to be done right nwo07:44
sitterlead me to realize this http://markmail.org/message/vhz5duiiiye6ah36 which is also not something that can be solved right now07:44
sitteroh yeah I didn't mention this... all of this means icons in discover are fishy ;)07:44
yofelcyphermox: thank you very much for looking at ubiquity!08:27
=== ovidiu is now known as ovidiu-florin
=== ovidiu-florin is now known as ovidiuflorin
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: humans, I've changed my IRC nick to be the same as telegram.09:10
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: hint: it's missing the -09:10
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information09:16
mparilloNew release candidate is up: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/359/builds09:17
BluesKajHowdy folks09:43
mparilloHowdy BluesKaj. This morning's release candidate (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/359/builds) dumped me straight into a live session without the try / install option first.09:47
mparilloOn physical HW. I will test in a VM in two or three hours.09:48
yofelanother RC will be coming with a bunch of core fixes + akonadi first run fix09:48
mparilloTY yofel09:48
BluesKajso whern can we dump the staging and landing ppas and just rely on the default repos?09:53
BluesKajor should I have removed them already?09:55
BluesKajwell, they're gone now10:03
yofelthey should already not make much of a difference..10:04
yofelclivejo: what was the state with settings?10:04
BluesKajyofel,  ok thanks10:05
* ahoneybun has staging from sgclark as well10:08
telegram1<athoneycutt>: thanks @ovidiuflorin looks like it works now10:28
clivejoyofel: cant figure out how to do it the "correct" way10:32
clivejoIf I create /etc/xdg/kickoffrc and add the favourites there it seems to work for new users10:34
clivejobut Sho_ informs me this is the wrong way to do it10:34
yofelclivejo: please just do what works, has to be up today if we still want that on the release images11:19
clivejoI probably wont get anything done on it until this evening, with good weather Ive a lot to do outside and Im only inside grabbing some lunch and making phone call11:21
soeeclivejo: @ last comment here11:58
ubottuKDE bug 347602 in Updater "Update Manager systray icon and info still reports pending updates after updates applied" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:58
soeewe have it working in Xenial right ?11:58
soeefor me it works as it should now11:58
yofelFixed in xenial, yes. And as the complaining user rightfully points out, not fixed in anything earlier12:13
sgclarkcan not even keep up with this release12:14
sgclarkclivejo: if you can just commit that kickerrc I can clean up the rest of the package and upload.12:15
clivejosgclark: just create a new file ( /etc/xdg/kickoffrc ) in that file put the contents of http://paste.ubuntu.com/15947501/13:03
clivejothat should then build the following KickOff menu for new users - http://s31.postimg.org/qy02ciul7/Screenshot_20160420_140018.png13:04
sgclarkclivejo: ok thanks13:05
sgclarkgonna give one last effort at fixing that folderview13:05
clivejoIve been looking too, there is absolutely no information I can find for plasma 513:05
clivejoseriously need some distro guides13:06
yofelgo to the shiny new distrio ML and sream DOCS13:06
clivejoI swapped dolpin for Quazzel13:06
clivejohope everyones happy with those apps13:07
yofelas long as you don't mean you swapped quassel in the xml, yes13:07
clivejoI had Quaseel in the favourite apps13:07
clivejoand got shouted at13:07
clivejoand forgot doplin13:08
clivejoso I swapped them13:08
yofelthe app list is fine I think13:08
mamarleyWait Kubuntu comes with Quassel again?  I thought it had switched back to Konversation.13:08
yofelmamarley: it does NOT13:08
mamarleyI didn't think so, but what clivejo said confused me.13:09
clivejomamarley: I was trying to build a default fav list13:10
clivejoand I asked for help with it13:10
clivejoI thought quassel was default, but I was wrong13:10
mamarleyAh, OK.13:10
clivejoand I missed dolphin13:10
clivejothis is the list Ive asked sgclark to include - http://s31.postimg.org/qy02ciul7/Screenshot_20160420_140018.png13:11
mamarleyLooks good :)13:11
clivejoits just for new users13:11
mamarleyI know13:12
clivejoas the default fav list is very bland13:12
clivejoI was looking into adding the Kubuntu logo as the Kickoff icon, but that seems to be unpopular so I gave up on that13:13
clivejono point wasting time adding something people dont want!13:13
clivejoeven if I think its pretty!13:14
* yofel wonders if khelpcenter should really be there....13:14
clivejois there another help factility?13:14
yofelI looked at like 5 pages, and 4 were either broken, looked weird or had misleading information (Ctrl+Q does NOT list your activities...)13:15
sgclarkyeah it is quite broken currently13:15
sgclarkan embarrasment really lol13:15
sgclarkmakes me think I need to go back to documentation, but then I remember I have not enough hours in the day to do more.13:16
yofelif that dosen't improve we might want to replace that with a web link to docs.kubuntu.org13:16
sgclarkmaybe we can do that now?13:16
marco-parilloclivejo: I like the idea of the Kubuntu logo, but when I started paying attention the vision of Kubuntu was to not unnecessarily change upstream defaults. Now that we have had some turnover, I think the KC can re-visit that, but I think it is a bit late now.13:16
clivejocause docs.kubuntu.org is better?13:16
yofelwhich ofc. doesn't help offline usecases13:16
sgclarkthere is that13:17
sgclarkkubuntu-logo is fine, as long as both light and dark breeze look good with it.13:17
clivejomaybe some of our guys could contribute to that project13:17
clivejowell this is what my dark breeze looks like with kubuntu logo - http://s3.postimg.org/3ukpbnykj/Kick_Off2.png13:18
clivejoIm actually keeping it13:19
yofelIIRC as long as it uses docbook nobody WANTS to contribute to it13:19
clivejodunno what to suggest, for new users a Help guide is pretty essential in my view13:19
yofeland I haven't seen Darkwing around in ages, he was the last real maintainer of our kubuntu khelpcenter docs. And the later attempts at generating that never really worked out13:20
clivejowhen I first came to Kubuntu it was in the menu13:20
clivejobut through plasma 5 the favourites list seems to have got smaller and smaller13:22
clivejoI think theres only two on it now, browser and settings13:22
yofelyeah. It's one of the things that suffers from there not being an official "KDE Release" anymore, only random software pieces that distros are supposed to patch together13:22
sgclarkheh I was suppose to take over docbook for kubuntu, you all kinda got me a bit distracted13:24
yofelyeah, I know that feeling :D13:24
clivejothe way things are moving youd need a full time team working on docs13:25
clivejoprobably need some kind of version control too13:26
sgclarkwell most of should go upstream13:26
clivejoanyways, the orchard isnt going to mow itself13:27
cyphermoxyofel: sorry it took so long13:42
cyphermoxyofel: it's still going to need some more love though, I'm not that good at QT... there's definite room for improvement13:43
yofel"not crashing" will have to do for now, but we'll have some SRUs to do so 16.04.1 can really be recommended13:47
BluesKajhmm, suddenly some webstes aren't rendering properly looks like a flash problem, but I can't be sure, http://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/weather/ontario/ottawa13:52
libihello everyone here 13:57
yofelcyphermox: sorry to ask you, but would you by any chance have time to mangle this into ubiquity? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2016-April/010350.html14:04
yofelIf not, should I make a debdiff on a bug and ping the release team? (I only will have time for this in a couple hours)14:04
yofel(ubiquity doesn't chroot when editing the sddm auto login config)14:04
cyphermoxI suppose we can probably squeeze it in (since we're fixing casper shortly, and that might require a respin)14:05
cyphermoxcould you bring it up on #ubuntu-release?14:05
cyphermoxif you have a debdiff, that would help too, since I'm not sure I understand what the patch is14:07
cyphermoxthis needs a fix in user-setup and a ubiquity update14:07
cyphermox(the file comes from user-setup)14:07
yofelthe patch is in plain diff format, so yeah, that'll need redoing14:09
clivejosgclark: did you get kubuntu-settings patched up?16:03
sgclarkno still messing about with folderview16:03
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telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Yofel any idea how to fix the doc server?19:01
yofel@athoneycutt what's the problem?19:05
telegram1<athoneycutt>: it is saying it is missing something from the theme19:06
yofeloh, during the build?19:07
telegram1<athoneycutt>: yea let me get the error19:07
telegram1<athoneycutt>: mportError: No module named sphinx_bootstrap_theme19:08
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I19:08
telegram1<athoneycutt>: ImportError: No module named sphinx_bootstrap_theme19:08
telegram1<athoneycutt>: only thing I can think of is that the theme was dropped but twitter is using bootstrap still19:08
yofelsounds somewhat familiar19:08
telegram1<athoneycutt>: yea I want to finish the changes from Google Code in and get some new screenshots from 5.5.5 hopefully19:09
yofelwhat exactly are you running?19:09
yofeland where?19:09
telegram1<athoneycutt>: make html in the source19:09
telegram1<athoneycutt>: /home/kubuntu/docs/kubuntu-manual19:10
yofelI get this: https://paste.kde.org/p9un7fbot19:11
yofellooks fine?19:11
telegram1<athoneycutt>: weird permission error?19:12
yofelyou *are* running that as 'kubuntu', right?19:12
telegram1<athoneycutt>: as me?19:12
telegram1<athoneycutt>: https://paste.kde.org/pbm21ji7119:12
telegram1<athoneycutt>: opps19:12
yofelah yeah, that won't work19:12
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I don't know that user's pw19:12
yofelsudo -u kubuntu -i19:12
yofeland it'll work19:12
telegram1<athoneycutt>: just mine19:12
yofelwith that sudo command you only need yours19:13
telegram1<athoneycutt>: yep thanks 19:13
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Yofel 19:13
telegram1<athoneycutt>: clivejo can you help me test a mic?19:16
telegram1<athoneycutt>: BBB room 1119:16
telegram1<athoneycutt>: *119:16
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Yofel any idea how to send screenshots to that server?19:25
telegram1<athoneycutt>: scp is giving me permission denied19:25
yofelhm, scp into your account and then copy I guess. Or you could add your ssh key to the kubuntu user19:26
telegram1<athoneycutt>: scp into my account?19:27
telegram1<athoneycutt>: sudo scp KickOff_16-04.png ahoneybun@docs.kubuntu.org:/home/kubuntu/docs/kubuntu-manual/source/images/xenial19:27
telegram1<athoneycutt>: this is the command I';m using atm19:27
telegram1<athoneycutt>: maybe kubuntu@docs.kubuntu.org?19:28
sick_rimmitHi Folks19:35
telegram1<athoneycutt>: heyo19:35
sick_rimmitI've seen how busy it has been here today19:35
telegram1<athoneycutt>: anyone alt+tab working?19:35
sick_rimmitI've been frantic at work, but am home now19:35
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: sick_rimmit are you on Telegram?19:38
sick_rimmitNo IRC right now19:47
telegram1<athoneycutt>: missing some letters: http://imgur.com/1PI75Lq19:50
sick_rimmitclivejo: Muon got release tagged 5 days ago, carlo did19:53
clivejosick_rimmit: I know, thats what we pushed to the archive19:54
sick_rimmitI got an email, for my upload to PPA, but that was prior to the Release tag19:55
clivejohe bumped libqapt and muon for us19:55
sick_rimmitSo is it in LTS, do I need to repack ?19:55
sick_rimmitdid we miss it19:55
sick_rimmiter 19:55
sick_rimmitI miss it19:55
clivejoits in the archive19:55
clivejo!info muon xenial19:55
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.6.0-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 337 kB, installed size 2018 kB19:56
sick_rimmitThat's excellent news19:56
clivejodunno about that19:56
sick_rimmitThank you, clivejo you took care of it19:56
clivejoneeds a lot of work19:56
sick_rimmitI'm happy to repackage, sort the diffs out etc... 19:57
clivejoappstream, snappy suport etc19:58
sick_rimmitWill have to be on Ricks schedule, but otherwise19:58
clivejoproperly ported to KF5 and QML interface19:58
sick_rimmitI'm not worrying too much about that yet..19:58
sick_rimmitCarlo wants to work on KF5 and QML19:59
sick_rimmitovidiuflorin: Is going to work on it too19:59
sick_rimmitJust wanted to ensure that it got into archive, so folks can install20:00
sick_rimmitit's an important component for dev's 20:00
valorieI agree20:02
sick_rimmitvalorie: Good job on the Party2 Review news item, that's a really good article now20:16
valorieglad you like it! ovidiuflorin fixed it after I made my pass, though20:16
valorieanybody working on a release text?20:17
valorieI'd like to help, but will be traveling tomorrow20:17
telegram1<athoneycutt>: not atm20:17
telegram1<athoneycutt>: was working on the docs20:17
telegram1<athoneycutt>: still need to move pictures over there20:17
telegram1<athoneycutt>: /me does not like the outdated one20:18
valoriegood move, ahoneybun20:18
valoriehaving docs ready for release is important20:18
mparilloTraditionally the release text was never on the wiki (that was reserved for alphas and betas), but was a link to kubuntu.org/news20:18
valoriemparillo: exactly, a release should def. be on our server, not the wiki20:18
valoriealthough we can cadge a great deal of the text from the beta release text20:19
telegram1<athoneycutt>: yea that is tru20:19
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Valoriez most of the work from Google Code in is in20:19
telegram1<athoneycutt>: just need some new screenshots, need to found out how to do that20:20
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Valoriez http://docs.kubuntu.org/welcome.html20:22
telegram1<athoneycutt>: release version and date is ready20:22
sick_rimmitIf you fire me a bunch of bullet points I can draft something20:22
sick_rimmitperhaps valorie could sort the grammar and spelling, once I have put the narrative together20:23
* sick_rimmit calls kate for assistance20:23
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I can do that if need be20:23
* sick_rimmit switches output device to verbose, and begins writing20:24
valoriesick_rimmit: look at the beta announcement; most everything we need should be there20:24
telegram1<athoneycutt>: yea not much of that needs changing20:24
telegram1<athoneycutt>: but do mention Muon is back!20:24
valoriethat's a big victory for us20:25
valorieand KDE as a whole imo20:25
telegram1<athoneycutt>: awesome stuff everyone20:25
valoriealso Discover is better too20:25
valorieahoneybun: docs are looking good, at least on the surface20:26
telegram1<athoneycutt>: on the surface?20:27
mparilloOn http://docs.kubuntu.org/docs/support.html it mentions IRC, but does not give the channel name. 20:28
valorieahoneybun: I meant the landing page20:30
valorieI've not had a chance to go through page by page20:30
mparilloSo you have to go back to the contribute page.20:30
telegram1<athoneycutt>: http://docs.kubuntu.org/docs/contribute.html20:30
telegram1<athoneycutt>: yea I should refer to the new IRC page @ovidiuflorin made20:31
valorieare we withdrawing the docs from the kde wiki?20:31
telegram1<athoneycutt>: withdrawing?20:31
telegram1<athoneycutt>: changes that were made from the userbase wiki are moved to the docs site20:32
clivejovalorie: any reply from Flames_in_Paradise (ellisistfroh)  ?20:32
valorieah, got it20:32
telegram1<athoneycutt>: the wiki is so others can easy make changes20:32
valorieoh, good20:33
valoriethat was my idea from the start, and I'm glad we can still make that work20:33
valorieclivejo: never an email make to me, no20:33
valoriebut he did file a lp bug which we fixed20:34
valorieBug 155781620:34
ubottubug 1557816 in Kubuntu Website "Content refers to unsupported versions of Kubuntu & exposes escaped DVD-DL link" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155781620:34
cyphermoxyofel: your autologin fix should be in the next respin20:35
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @va20:35
sick_rimmitAre we releaseing with Plasma 5.620:36
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Valoriez I would like a script to pull the changes but it works20:36
sick_rimmitOK Cool20:36
clivejolucky to have got that in!20:37
clivejoonly for sgclark and yofel working their backsides off!20:37
sick_rimmitlove me20:37
sick_rimmitthey're awesome20:37
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: @athoneycutt script can be done20:37
sick_rimmitbut we're going to grow this team20:37
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: ping me sometime and I can make that for you20:38
valoriehopefully we can get plasma 5.6 and the new applications asap after release20:38
telegram1<athoneycutt>: the issue is that they are putting in things that only work in the wiki not sphinx20:38
sick_rimmit^^^^ /me/em/ 20:38
valoriesick_rimmit: amen!20:38
sick_rimmitLovem em20:38
sick_rimmitnot 20:38
sick_rimmitlove me20:38
clivejoI think sgclark and yofel will be taking some well earned time off!20:38
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: meeeh.. we can convert them20:38
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I've set up a TG-IRC sync for the Kdevelop channel. Anyone cares to join?20:39
sgclarkno rest for the wicked heh. slavedrivers.20:43
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: /me hugs sgclark and yofel20:43
sgclarkbut I have some KDE CI stuff higher in que. but we will get to it when we get to it.20:43
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: are you guys going to Munich in may?20:44
sgclarkhave to create the git branches inLP first.20:44
sgclarkNot I.20:44
yofelhaven't decided yet20:44
ahoneybunmparillo: better? http://docs.kubuntu.org/docs/support.html20:45
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Sick_Rimmit we're in BBB room 1 if your free20:45
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: who's we?20:46
telegram1<athoneycutt>: clive and me20:46
sick_rimmitOK here is the draf20:50
telegram1<athoneycutt>: we can't see that20:50
sick_rimmitI have not proofed as I have to wait an hour before reading my work20:50
sick_rimmitotherwise I don't see the errors20:51
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: committment20:51
sick_rimmitIt needs some imagery too20:51
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: " who  continue "20:51
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: space and missing s20:52
telegram1<athoneycutt>: Plasma Discover = Muon Discover?20:52
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: "what can you expect in this latest release" colon at the end20:52
sick_rimmitOK, so please go ahead and edit, amend, add, subtract etc...20:52
clivejo!info plasma-dsicover xenial20:52
ubottuPackage plasma-dsicover does not exist in xenial20:52
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: "e to choose" (from)20:53
clivejo!info plasma-discover xenial20:53
ubottuplasma-discover (source: plasma-discover): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.6.2-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 75 kB, installed size 290 kB20:53
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: put it in a notes.kde.org so we can collaborate20:53
sick_rimmitOK we'll however is doing the marketing and naming for Plasma, etc... maybe need to think about name changes and impacts20:53
sick_rimmitplease change as appropriate20:54
sick_rimmitby all means please, do 20:54
sick_rimmitI'm tight for time, have to go in a few minutes20:55
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: Rick, if you are editing, we can't edit at the same tiem20:55
sick_rimmitso I just wanted to get the verbose bits out20:55
sick_rimmitNo editing from me20:55
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: do you have the editor open?20:55
sick_rimmitIt's a rough start, and I hope it helps20:56
sick_rimmit2 secs20:56
sick_rimmitI typing to you20:56
sick_rimmitanyone would think I had a multi-tasking operating system here20:56
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: it's not the os20:57
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: your ISP is the problem :P20:57
sick_rimmitOK an out of edit mode20:57
sick_rimmithe he#20:57
sick_rimmitI know, its dreadful20:57
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: ok, I'll have a go now20:57
sick_rimmitOK I got to go20:57
valorieovidiuflorin: are you editing?21:00
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: yes21:00
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: give me 5 more minutes21:00
valorieI see a couple of spelling errors21:00
valorieok, I'll wait for you21:00
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: done21:04
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: valorie I've added some suggestions in parenthesis21:06
* clivejo looks for his trout21:15
valoriedraft saved21:16
valoriewe need some nice images to go in there21:17
telegram1<athoneycutt>: works21:17
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: screenshots21:17
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: @athoneycutt can you please take some?21:17
telegram1<athoneycutt>: yea on it21:17
mparilloahoneybun: I do like it better. Typo on sofware and I prefer the IRC webchat URL formatted like this: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#kubuntu21:17
telegram1<athoneycutt>: what typo21:18
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: why not kiwi?21:18
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @ovidiuflorin @Valoriez is working on it21:18
telegram1<athoneycutt>: give me a link and I'll put it in @ovidiuflorin 21:18
valorieI've saved the draft21:18
telegram1<athoneycutt>: says you are editing21:19
mparillos /sofware/software/21:19
telegram1<athoneycutt>: did not want to mess anything up21:19
telegram1<athoneycutt>: on contribute or support?21:19
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: valorie, close the editor21:19
mparilloahoneybun: in http://docs.kubuntu.org/docs/support.html#internet-relay-chat21:20
valoriehmmm, we don't have a new banner, do we?21:20
ahoneybunclivejo: https://telegram.me/kubuntu_support21:22
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I don;t atm21:22
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I think Aaron of Andrea are the people to make graphics21:24
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: they are good at it21:24
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I suck at graphics21:24
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: have you seen the IRC image I made for the podcast page?21:24
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: it's horrible21:25
valorieah, I see the misspelling: "RC allows you to communicate in real-time with many others who are also using IRC and are on common networks and channels. For more information about IRC clients, see the Chat Clients section on the Sofware Page"21:26
valorieSofware Page21:26
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: that's meant to be like that :P21:26
valorieshould be a link as well21:26
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: for the release announcement, shouldn't we go with something simmilar we had in the past?21:27
valorieovidiuflorin: for instance?21:27
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: http://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-13-04/21:27
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: or https://wiki.kubuntu.org/WilyWerewolf/Beta1/Kubuntu21:29
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: this one is prettier21:30
telegram1<athoneycutt>: screenshots are in21:30
valorieimo we can improve it a LOT with some screenies21:30
telegram1<athoneycutt>: feel free to review21:30
valorieplasma is so beautiful21:30
telegram1<athoneycutt>: fixed that @Valoriez 21:31
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I added some21:31
valoriehmmm, I would prefer the first big shot to be more bright and colorful21:31
valoriethat is really dark21:32
telegram1<athoneycutt>: but that is my prefered:)21:32
telegram1<athoneycutt>: plasma lets me make it my own21:32
telegram1<athoneycutt>: key selling point21:32
valorieI understand, and it would be cool to have it further down maybe?21:32
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @ovidiuflorin any links with kiwi?21:32
valoriebut something bright and light up top21:33
telegram1<athoneycutt>: default layout then?21:33
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Valoriez 21:33
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/?nick=user|?#kubuntu21:34
valoriesure -- you can probably find such a screenshot online21:35
valorieyou don't have to change your machine 21:35
telegram1<athoneycutt>: working onit21:36
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I have a activity for Demo21:36
telegram1<athoneycutt>: mm amarok is missing21:37
valorieooo, sometime the podcast should cover those21:37
valorieI'd like to make more use of them21:37
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I have one for each modes21:37
telegram1<athoneycutt>: laptop or desktop21:37
telegram1<athoneycutt>: oh crap21:37
telegram1<athoneycutt>: The following packages have unmet dependencies:21:38
telegram1 amarok : Depends: amarok-common (= 2:2.8.0-0ubuntu9) but 2:2.8.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa2 is to be installed21:38
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I needed that for the screenshot21:38
ahoneybun!info amarok-common21:38
ubottuamarok-common (source: amarok): architecture independent files for Amarok. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.8.0-0ubuntu6 (wily), package size 3148 kB, installed size 14770 kB21:38
telegram1<athoneycutt>: so it is not in xenial?21:39
ahoneybun!info xenial amarok-common21:39
ubottu'amarok-common' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed21:39
ahoneybun!info amarok-common xenial21:39
ubottuamarok-common (source: amarok): architecture independent files for Amarok. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.8.0-0ubuntu9 (xenial), package size 3148 kB, installed size 14786 kB21:39
telegram1<athoneycutt>: oh I broke something then21:39
soee_apt-get remove amarok-common & apt-get install --reinstall amarok21:41
valorieI had the same problem; I think a breaks/replace or something was missing in the packaging21:42
ahoneybunfixed thanks soee_21:42
ahoneybunI think it was the ppa21:43
soee_yes that was from backports or something21:43
telegram1<athoneycutt>: almost have the screenshot down21:43
telegram1<athoneycutt>: *done21:43
telegram1<athoneycutt>: uploading now21:46
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Valoriez 21:48
telegram1<athoneycutt>: review21:48
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @ovidiuflorin working on putting that link in now21:48
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: /me off to bed21:49
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: night21:49
valorieniters ovidiuflorin21:50
valorieooo, nice ahoneybun21:50
telegram1<athoneycutt>: night21:50
telegram1<athoneycutt>: you like?21:50
valorieI do21:50
telegram1<athoneycutt>: which part lol21:51
valorieone small critique -- that bottom screenie should be smaller21:51
valorieone thing we could add is asking for bug reports, but that seems to dim enthusiasm a bit21:51
telegram1<athoneycutt>: the bottom screenshot is easy to change21:52
telegram1<athoneycutt>: man sphinx does not like that link @ovidiuflorin lol21:54
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: make it like it21:54
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: beat it into submission21:54
telegram1<athoneycutt>: I am21:54
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @ovidiuflorin I got it22:02
telegram1<athoneycutt>: could look prettier maybe but it works22:02
clivejoany of you guys know about audio related issues?22:03
telegram1<athoneycutt>: @Valoriez check the post now22:12
valorie > laundry22:13
telegram1<athoneycutt>: sweet22:13
telegram1<athoneycutt>: /me grabs some food 22:13
telegram1<Clifford>: When will the Xenial download actually go live on the site?23:55

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