
waverzI was running mythbuntu 14.04 with mythtv 0.27 for the last year or so.  Today I decided to try and upgrade mythtv to 0.28 by using sudo adding ppa:mythbuntu/0.28 repo,  update, and then install mythtv. I thought everything was working properly but now in having major issues. Is there more to upgrading than just those 3 steps?01:14
waverzI suck with Linux,  I knew I was going to break something today.01:22
waverzSorry,  using Android irc, didn't know I could copy and paste.  Here's what I did. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mythbuntu/0.2801:29
waverzsudo apt-get update01:29
waverzsudo apt-get install mythtv01:29
waverzI can still watch live tv, but cannot record or access mythweb. I'm not sure how to proceed. The only thing I know to do from here is reinstall mythbuntu from ISO. I'm really hoping you guys can give me some advice before I do that.01:38
tgm4883waverz: is this a backend or a frontend?01:42
tgm4883waverz: ok, any errors when you go to mythweb?01:45
waverzI usually use kodi for frontends. I am able to get guide info and watch live tv and recordings but cannot record or access mythweb01:45
tgm4883what do you mean you can't record? what happens?01:45
tgm4883I'm cooking dinner, so if I'm away for a few minutes I'll be back01:46
waverzI can't get mythweb at all.  I am able to access the front end Web page using port 654401:46
waverzNo problem.01:46
tgm4883ah ok01:46
tgm4883are you able to type some commands on your backend and paste the results in a pastebin?01:47
tgm4883'dpkg -l | grep myth'01:47
waverzGoing to need a minute.  Trying to do this in my phone.01:50
tgm4883waverz: installing pastebinit might help01:51
tgm4883yea that's what I figured01:55
tgm4883you've got a weird state of programs01:55
tgm4883you need to upgrade the rest of the mythtv packages01:55
tgm4883generally I just recommend doing 'apt-get dist-upgrade'01:56
tgm4883but you can specify each of those package names that are on 0.27 if you want01:56
waverzSo basically I haven't updated everything that needs to be.  Any harm in just doing the 'apt-get dist-upgrade'?01:58
tgm4883waverz: no, it just upgrades all of the packages02:00
tgm4883that's what I do02:00
waverzAwesome,  I'll give it a shot.  I really appreciate the help.02:01
waverzWell. ..my phone decided to reboot itself during the ssh session02:07
waverzThat sucks. .I don't even know the command you told me to run02:08
waverzI'm going to get on a pc...this is rediclous02:09
waverz1i've never had my phone just reboot like that before02:14
waverz1what was that dist update command again?02:16
waverz1was it 'apt-get dist-upgrade myth'?02:19
waverz1ok got everything upgraded but now i cant connect to the backend at all02:39
waverz1not sure what i did but now when i use mythtv backend setup it cannot connect to the database, i had a random generated password before, now its trying to use 'mythtv' as a password. Maybe that is the issue02:57
waverz1found the old password but wasn't the issue apparently03:03
qwebirc30829Hey guys, I'm having an issue trying to upgrade to 0.28.  After adding the repo and trying an update/upgrade I get the following display:The following packages have been kept back:   mytharchive mythbrowser mythgallery mythgame mythmusic mythnetvision   mythnews mythtv-backend mythtv-common mythtv-dbg mythtv-frontend   mythtv-transcode-utils mythweather mythweb.  Is there a reason?13:18
qwebirc30829Proceeding with the install results in a failure.13:18
LocutusOfBorgping any dev here?14:00
LocutusOfBorgxserver-xorg-legacy (from xorg-server) is seeded in:14:00
LocutusOfBorg  mythbuntu: daily-live14:00
LocutusOfBorgplease stop seeding it,14:00
LocutusOfBorgand seed virtualbox-guest-dkms instead14:00
LocutusOfBorgit should work now with xorg rootless14:00
LocutusOfBorgI checked ubuntu and ubuntu-gnome successfully, please test14:01
LocutusOfBorg 5.0.18-dfsg-2build1  should be fine (virtualbox)14:01

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