
mhall119sergiusens: I just picked the webbrowser-app from the "default applications" settings00:13
mhall119not sure what you're asking about with containers00:13
sergiusensmhall119 I was talking about launching an app with its own desktop file using webapp-container (like the twitter click)00:35
sergiusensmhall119 thanks for the former00:35
mhall119sergiusens: ah, haven't tried that yet00:36
=== Guest85432 is now known as IdleOne
ogra_sergiusens, you mean running them in parallel ? that works fine01:04
ogra_sergiusens, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/slack-webapp_0.1_all.deb ... take a look at that01:05
ogra_(oh, i even made a branch ... easier to inspect https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/slack-webapp)01:06
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ycerdI have received an 8.8MB update `Ubuntu Version: 12' on my MX4. After downloading, it says `Installation failed'. What is wrong?04:57
ycerdHere's the output from `sudo system-image-cli -vv`: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15941462/05:00
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nhainesmpt: a little off topic, but I need to poke someone about a merge proposal to lp:example-content.  Do you have any idea who might be good to talk to?07:10
mptnhaines, I don’t sorry. The maintainer listed in Launchpad hasn’t worked on Ubuntu for about seven years afaik.07:13
nhainesHm.  And my plan to harass dholbach fails because he's not online.  :)07:14
mptMaybe see if dholbach can appoint a new maintainer?07:14
nhainesOr maybe Sebastian Bacher, but I'm not sure of his nick.07:15
nhainesI think it's seb128 but my memorie's bad on that kind of thing!07:16
nhainesmpt: anyway, thanks for the quick response.  :)07:23
RAOFnhaines: You are correct; seb128 is the winning nick!07:32
nhainesRAOF: great!  I've been staring at my screen for some 11 hours now,so it's all getting a little fuzzy.  ;)07:35
lotuspsychjegood morning sil210008:06
sil2100lotuspsychje: morning!08:06
lotuspsychjeexcited for xenial launch? :p08:07
sil2100In a way, yes ;)08:07
knightwiseis that today ?08:13
lotuspsychjeknightwise: tomorrow08:13
lotuspsychje!xenial | knightwise08:13
ubot5`knightwise: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party08:13
knightwiselotuspsychje: looking forward to the next LTS ,08:14
knightwiserunning 1404 on my dell xps08:14
lotuspsychjeknightwise: great, will you upgrade or wait until .1?08:14
knightwisewill wait to .108:15
knightwiseI'm taking my buntu machine to work so .. it HAS to be reliable08:15
lotuspsychjei understand08:15
lotuspsychjeim helping testing bugs, so already running daily on all machines :p08:16
davmor2dobey: because it keeps getting broken in new and interesting ways08:17
OrokuSakiDamn it. I got curious.. I booted into a rootfs from a custom ramdisk to boot into .stowaways/ubuntu with a ramdisk from ArchLinux.. Then got hybris initialized like sailfish, then added some patches into cm11, and I get ION errors.. Then I tried recompiling ubuntu hybris to include the hybris LD path for the sailfish compiled android libs.. ION error.. I tried compiling mer libhybris... that doesn't work with your mir hwcom11:06
OrokuSakiYou guys need a caf branch, that is supported by canonical... I tried these 2 dudes caf branches, but they didn't work.. and I dont think those projects cover a lot of devices11:06
dpmpitti, sil2100, is there a way to get a list of the languages (i.e. language packs) we preinstall on our phone images?11:08
sil2100dpm: yes, in the seed (or just taking the list from the manifest)11:08
pittidpm: the images should have a manifest11:08
sil2100dpm: let me fetch you that quickly11:08
OrokuSakigedit "build/core/main.mk add this to were the other device entires are: device/hp \ " if I had my vendor/hp and device/hp entries to that file... then it tries to build more hardware modules ie sensor.tenderloin.so and etc, but bombs on graphics11:08
pittior do they11:09
pittiI don't see it on e. g. http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en/krillin/11:09
OrokuSakiI also tried taking the ubuntu folder from phablet and tossing it into cm11 and compiling the compat folder....11:09
sil2100pitti: it's not on system-image11:09
sil2100pitti: it's on cdimage, I have a script for easily fetching those11:09
OrokuSakiI just came into hear to say.. YOU NEED caf. =) And.. "damn" nice FORK. !!!!11:09
OrokuSakiOne hell of a fork11:09
OrokuSakiMir sucks11:09
sil2100dpm, pitti: the language-packs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15945376/11:10
OrokuSakiBut I did get libhybris working without the LXC container on ubuntu touch. \m/11:11
sil2100dpm, pitti: those are the ones we currently ship11:11
dpmthanks a lot pitti and sil2100!11:11
ogra_pitti, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/vivid/daily-preinstalled/current/11:11
ogra_thats the cdimage dir where system-image picks them up ... (and tehere is the manifest)11:12
sil2100pitti: you can get earlier manifests when browsing http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu-touch/vivid/11:12
OrokuSakiAll that work... 2 years ago.. no more caf devices.. you guys suck! Except for ogra... Tadaow!11:12
sil2100Or use lp:landing-team-tools get-image-manifest helper script11:12
ogra_whats a caf device ?11:13
sil2100Not sure, I thought you'd know - being the only one that doesn't suck!11:14
dpmpitti, do you happen to remember if there is a CLI tool that returns language names from ISO codes?11:16
pittidpm: not a CLI tool, but simple enough to get from /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639.xml or /usr/share/xml/iso-codes/iso_639_3.xml11:17
dpmthanks pitti. I seemed to remember there was a tool that read those, but perhaps I was mistaken11:17
pittidpm: we use that to generate http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/view/head:/maps/languages and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/view/head:/maps/countries which might be simpler to look at /grep11:18
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dobeydavmor2: the calendar does, you mean?13:15
davmor2dobey: no the age of the emulator13:19
davmor2dobey: Emulator keeps getting broken in new an interesting ways, everytime someone fixes it someone else breaks it13:20
* dobey blames mir13:21
dobeymust be mir's fault right? :P13:21
davmor2dobey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/156568513:24
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1565685 in Canonical System Image "Ubuntu-emulator: Crash in new welcome wizard / browser" [Critical,Confirmed]13:24
ogra_davmor2, did you notice that searching for packages on phone/tablet suddenly started showing snap packages ?13:25
davmor2ogra_: no but I haven't searched recently13:26
ogra_search for "filemanager" .... shows me an upnp-server snap13:26
davmor2ogra_: search for ubuntu-core and I see webdm-app13:27
dobeyhuh really?13:28
davmor2ogra_: confirmed upnp-server-armhf when searching for filemanager13:28
* davmor2 blames JamesTait 13:28
ogra_yeah, all his fault13:29
davmor2oh wait it ogra_ snap that is showing it's all ogra_ 's fault13:29
dobeyhmm, canonical-pi2 is in there too13:30
JamesTaitogra_, suddenly as in when?13:30
ogra_JamesTait, dunno ... i installed my other tablet 10 days ago or so ... when i searched for filemanager there i definitely didnt have the upnp-server snap as return value13:31
dobeythe Erle stuff too13:31
JamesTaitogra_, when did you first notice?  Just now?13:32
ogra_yes, just setting up my new tablet13:32
JamesTaitAck, and reproduced on my phone.13:33
JamesTaitApproximately 14 minutes ago we switched CPI to an upgraded environment, which is why I'm pointedly trying to narrow down the timeframe.13:34
JamesTaitWe've also had several code rollouts over the last week.13:35
davmor2JamesTait: it doesn't help that nothing on this page screams Snap app over Click app by the look of it other than the info part so you wouldn't notice it unless you are the dev of the snap app13:37
JamesTaitdavmor2, that should never be an issue, because those apps should never even appear on a phone. :-/13:38
davmor2JamesTait: Indeed but you broke it so now it does :P13:38
JamesTaitWell... we might have broken it before, but nobody noticed.13:39
davmor2ogra_: told you it was JamesTait fault though didn't I, it has nothing to do with me always blaming JamesTait for store stuff at all you understand ;)13:40
mardymzanetti: the 1 line change that made the Ubuntu phone kick ass: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/rotate-dash/+merge/29237713:43
ogra_mardy, doesnt that break sidestage handling ?13:44
mzanettino, it doesn't13:44
ogra_ah, i thought that was the reason it was held back for so long13:45
* ogra_ uses that hack since ages :P13:45
popeyhaha, excellent mardy :)13:46
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JamesTaitogra_, did you unpublish that upnp snap, perchance?14:44
ogra_JamesTait, not that i remember14:44
JamesTaitJust I'm not seeing it when I search for filemanager on my krillin now.14:45
davmor2JamesTait: confirmed I don't see it now, I wonder ogra_ did you update it to 16?14:53
tsdgeossil2100: Mirv: who would be the best person to backport lttng-ust from xenial to vivid overlay?14:54
tsdgeossil2100: Mirv: i just compiled 2.7.1 on the phone without issues and it fixes the deadlocking problem i have with the vivid version14:55
ogra_davmor2, nope, didnt15:00
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realtribei need a help to install ubuntu touch on nexus 715:51
lotuspsychjerealtribe: whats going on mate15:51
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realtribeso..i tryed to install ubuntu touch but when i write "ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel --bootstrap" it answer flag error..15:54
realtribewhat i can do?15:54
ogra_call ubuntu-device-flash with the proper command ?15:55
ogra_and also never ever use the devel channel :)15:55
ogra_its dead beef, not for bein used by anyone15:55
ogra_(teh right command is "ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel= ....."15:55
realtribeookey now i try...but what is the complete command?15:57
realtribeookey i tryed but it aswer :"lorco@lorco-desktop:~$ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu  2016/04/20 17:59:23 Expecting the device to expose an adb interface... device cannot be detected over adb"16:00
ubot5`Error: Ubuntu bug 2016 could not be found16:00
ogra_boot to recovery and make sure "adb devices" sees it16:01
realtribeyes it aswer lorco@lorco-desktop:~$ adb devices List of devices attached  015d4b33e5380213sideload16:02
realtribebut don't work..16:02
realtribesideload? it's right?16:07
realtribelorco@lorco-desktop:~$ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu --bootstrap 2016/04/20 18:08:49 Expecting the device to be in the bootloader... waiting 2016/04/20 18:08:50 Device is |grouper| Device grouper not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu16:09
realtribeand now?16:09
realtribeplease help me16:09
sebsebsebok so16:11
sebsebsebI got my Ubuntu tablet came today :)16:11
sebsebseband I knew  that meant to apparatly use a bluetooth mouse and keyboard with it16:11
sebsebsebread plenty of stuff saying that16:11
sebsebsebetc etc16:11
sebsebseb,but yes I don't have  those currently16:11
sebsebseband so can't erally type on it16:11
ogra_why not ?16:12
sebsebsebonly time the touch screen keyboard came up was to set up the wireless password16:12
ogra_the OSK works fine on mine16:12
sebsebseband it comes up to unlock it as well that's it16:12
sebsebsebit's  the HD version as well16:12
ogra_same here16:12
sebsebsebogra_: oh how come you got the HD rather than FHD?16:12
ogra_err, i got the FHD, sorry16:12
sebsebsebI can move around   instead of the cursour on the touh screne, but I really can't type16:13
ogra_anyway, the image should behave exactly the same (since it is the same rootfs)16:13
sebsebsebogra_: yeah I'll probably buy the FHD at a later date, when got more moeny as well :d16:13
sebsebsebhave both versions :d, but for now nope16:13
sebsebsebI know very similar16:13
ogra_so if you tap in a search field anywhere in the UI or in the browser url bar there is no keyboard coming up ?16:13
sebsebsebyep from what I have seen16:13
sebsebsebI have tried gedit I have tried16:14
sebsebsebbrowsers I have tred...16:14
ogra_gedit wont work16:14
ogra_none of the X apps will be hooked up to the OSK16:14
ogra_use the native apps16:14
sebsebseboh ok that explains it16:15
sebsebsebI think16:15
sebsebsebok comes up in the default brwoser16:15
ogra_(neither gedit, libreoffice, firefox, gimp or xchat will have OSK)16:15
realtribehelp help help..please..i loockig for channel for grouper version..16:15
ogra_realtribe, grouper ?!?16:15
ogra_realtribe, thats not supported since two years or so16:15
ogra_was dropped long ago ... use android ...16:15
sebsebsebogra_: so it's for Firefox and thigns like that, that need the bluetooth keyboard?16:16
sebsebsebogra_: any recomendations on bluetoothe mous eand keyboard16:18
sebsebsebI been looking at amazon16:18
sebsebseb etc16:18
sebsebsebif I order something in the next hour and a half or so I would even have by tommorwo I Think16:18
sebsebsebwith one day delivery option16:18
realtribewhat i can use like same grouper?16:20
popeysebsebseb: logitech k48016:22
ogra_sebsebseb, i have a k480 from logitech16:23
ogra_its a bit clunky ... but thanks to the slot at the top yu can actually use the whole set like a laptop16:23
ogra_sebsebseb, mediamarkt sells them in germany ... in case you dont want to wait for delivery ;)16:25
realtribewhat i can use like same grouper16:25
lotuspsychjeogra_: for real?16:25
realtribeplease help me..16:25
ogra_lotuspsychje, yes, they are real k480 keyboards16:26
ogra_realtribe, you mean another tablet ?16:27
ogra_the flo works ... the deb seems to have a community supported image16:27
ogra_or you could order a bq M10 ...16:28
sebsebsebpopey: ogra_ ok good my o2g device is working  just tried a keyboard like that a normal USB one16:28
ogra_yeah., that works too16:29
sebsebsebpopey: yeah that's the lilke recommended bluetooth at the moment, but seems expensive,  plus it's not laminated16:29
realtribeogra  i need to fix this tablet..how i can do?16:30
sebsebsebogra_: I could order something on amzon and get tommorow I think if do it in he next hour or so16:30
ogra_realtribe, install android16:31
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sebsebsebogra_: popey what's a good see in the dark as well bluetooth keyboard, I don't think the k480 has that feature16:31
* ogra_ doesnt know 16:31
sebsebsebseems linksys got another one that is for like 60 pounds though16:31
sebsebseband that's just the keyboard16:32
sebsebsebor there are cheapewr makes on amazon even16:32
popeyno idea16:32
sebsebsebpopey: ogra_ What's so good about the k480 really what makes it so great, why's it so hyped up? other than being from september 2015 so new16:33
sebsebsebsame for the recommended mouse I guess, but not as much16:33
ogra_it has that slot at the top16:33
sebsebsebwhich slot?16:33
ogra_there is a slot at the top where you can put the tablet in so it behaves like a laptop16:33
* Mirv votes for buying a shell account for IRCing to tsdgeos16:33
ogra_just a kind-of stand16:33
Mirvhard to answer, and I won't remember it tomorrow16:34
sebsebsebbut I saw some other keyboard on amazon with a free stand with it for a lot cheaper as well16:34
sebsebsebogra_: k480 doesn't have backlit though?16:34
ogra_try to use a free stand with the thing on your lap when sitting on a sofa :)16:34
sebsebsebapparnatly backlist keyboards are meant to be so good, and I don't  have one16:34
sebsebsebogra_: with he thing Ubuntu tablet?16:35
ogra_the whole thing ... kbd and tablet16:35
sebsebsebI am kind of up for buying two blue tooth keyboards with reason16:35
popeyI have had an illuminated keyboard16:35
sebsebsebsame for mouses16:35
popeyThey're overrated16:35
sebsebsebmaybe a like k480 and  then something illuminated16:35
ogra_popey, totalyl not !16:35
popeyi dont tend to use my computers in the dark, underground16:35
popeyalso, I tend to know where the keys are :)16:36
* ogra_ doesnt want to miss his backlit kbds ... but for the tablet i found the builting stand/slot thing more important16:36
sebsebsebeven on this lap top I can type in the dark, I am atouch typist to, but  would be nice at times to see someo f the keys actsaully16:37
* sebsebseb is a vampire likes the dark16:37
* sebsebseb must feed on popey as a victum16:37
sebsebsebCanonical geek blood tastes better than normal humans apparnatly h eh16:37
sebsebsebogra_: you think a good stand is better for tablet?16:38
sebsebsebthat's something else I am not sure about standds etc16:38
ogra_sebsebseb, i like to use the tablet with keyboard like a laptop ... i.e. on my lap ... with no desk around16:39
sebsebsebogra_: what stand would you recommend for the Ubuntu tablet?16:39
sebsebsebideally on amazon since I might buy something in the next hour or so from there16:39
sebsebsebfor the tablet/s16:39
ogra_dunno, anything that keeps it upright i guess :)16:39
ogra_i dont have that prob since i have that logitech kbd16:39
ogra_dont need an extra stand16:39
sebsebsebogra_: would this be worth buying, or is it so cheap for a reason: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bluetooth-Keyboard-Wireless-Backlit-Android/dp/B00ZBN6JSI/ref=sr_1_50?ie=UTF8&qid=1461083421&sr=8-50&keywords=bluetooth+backlit+keyboard16:40
davmor2sebsebseb: I would personally get the logitech bt keyboard it has a slot for phone/tablet in it the it functions like a laptop16:40
geniiI have a nice clear acrylic stand that works great and was like $5 at Walmart16:40
sebsebsebdavmor2: the m480 you mean?16:40
* ogra_ guesses he means the k48016:41
sebsebsebyep the k480 I meant16:41
sebsebsebdavmor2: so it has some kind of stand as part of that for tablets and phones?16:41
ogra_it has the slot at the top16:41
ogra_you plug the tablet in and it stands like a laptop lid16:41
davmor2sebsebseb: http://www.johnlewis.com/logitech-k480-multi-device-bluetooth-keyboard/p1803195?sku=234130711&kpid=234130711&s_kenid=8749aa3c-f8a8-4a46-9ab0-c626db0ddf20&s_kwcid=402x354964&tmad=c&tmcampid=7316:41
sebsebsebI know it seems meant to buy the k480 really,  but I kind of want a lamanted one to,  so maybe I'll buy a seperate lamanted one as well. such as the one I linked to?16:42
ogra_that yellow thing at the top is a slightly angled slot where you can put the tablet in16:42
sebsebsebdavmor2: yeah there's some kind of bundle on amazon for  the grey one16:42
ogra_in the end any BT keyboard will do16:42
* ogra_ used an old logitech di-novo in the beginning before he had the k48016:43
sebsebseboh so that's for putting tablet in ok16:43
sebsebsebwhat about the mouse?16:43
ogra_scroll the picture gallery down a bit16:43
sebsebseband hold on be right back or back soon16:43
ogra_there are pics with a phone sitting in the slot so you get an impression16:43
davmor2sebsebseb: or just watch the video on my link16:44
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bhdouglassHey, beuno or jamestait or whoever can help me out here. uApp Explorer is getting inconsistent results from the click store api, is something wrong with the api? For example, this page: https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/search?page=6&size=500 usually gives me a full page of results, but occasionally when refreshing it, it will be empty.16:56
beunobhdouglass, hi!16:56
beunowe deployed a big update to that service today16:57
beunoso this is interesting16:57
beunobhdouglass, we'll look into that and get back to you16:57
bhdouglassPrefect, thank you! uApp Explorer has been adding and removing apps today, the users have started to notice! :)16:58
ogra_"deployed and upgrade" is the new "we broke the world" :)16:58
ogra_(this is the store people followint the snappy team here ... )16:59
davmor2ogra_: then stop deploying and upgrading now wonder the world is so broken16:59
ogra_where would be the fun in that17:00
ogra_also ... if we dont break everything every second update, how the heck would the sentence "snappy will fix that" still work17:00
ogra_ubuntu !17:01
davmor2\o/ ubuntu \o/17:01
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sebsebsebdavmor2: oh ok I see,  it can fit more than one in it even17:16
sebsebsebdavmor2: looks like it's that amazon bundle offer or something then17:17
sebsebsebogra_: what does x386 in this one mean? https://www.amazon.co.uk/TeckNet-Illuminated-Ultra-Slim-Li-polymer-Rechargeable/dp/B00YNKO7F2/ref=pd_bxgy_147_img_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=JSDCG468GB031W9RCMSQ17:26
sebsebsebpopey: ^^^17:26
popeysebsebseb: model number?17:28
sebsebsebpopey: there are a few options17:30
sebsebsebpopey: I think it's to do with size17:30
sebsebseblook on the page17:30
popeyit's the model number17:31
sebsebsebpopey: it sas like ipaid air and pro and such on there to on amazon17:32
sebsebseband then the prices are differnet to17:32
popeyi know17:32
sebsebsebwhat does it really mean then?  that the other one is better for a ipad pro etc?17:32
popeyclick them and you will see17:33
popeythe different models fit various apple devices17:33
sebsebsebpopey: oh is that one only really for Apple devices?17:33
wesleymasonbhdouglass: if you see any more issues with the search API you can also ping me17:35
bhdouglassthanks wesleymason!17:36
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beunobhdouglass, it should be fixed18:06
beunolet us know if not18:06
bhdouglassthanks beuno, I'll check it out! Out of my own curiosity, what was the problem?18:06
beunobhdouglass, here's too much information18:07
beuno4 < wes> nessita: beuno: one of the app servers on every 4th or 5th hit was returning an empty result and then squid was caching it...I've killed the cache and restarted gunicorn which has stopped it occuring but pulling the18:07
beuno             logs down to figure out *why*18:07
bhdouglassIt seems to be fine now, I'll have uApp Explorer re-import everything, apologies for the increased traffic!18:09
wesleymasonbhdouglass: bring it on, it's all good testing :):18:43
bhdouglasschallenge accepted!18:43
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cliftontsEvening everyone. My emulator saga continues. I've got them booting now but it doesn't matter what channel I choose only one of them actually allows me to unlock the phone, the others don't respond to my mouse.19:32
cliftontsThe one that does respond doesn't show up as booted in the SDK so I can't set the framework for it.19:33
cliftontsSo what am I doing wrong?19:34
Chuck-is phablet-dev-bootstrap still the goto way to get the ubuntu-touch source for building? The manifest for repo doesn't seem to have been updated in quite some time19:47
dobeycliftonts: which channlel is the one that did boot?19:52
cliftontsUbuntuSDK i38619:53
cliftontsBut for whatever reason it has that kit but the SDK doesn't recognise it has booted.19:54
dobeycliftonts: no, that's not the channel19:54
dobeycliftonts: stable, rc-proposed, etc are channels19:54
cliftontsNo, but I have no idea how to discover the channel now19:54
dobeycliftonts: run "system-image-cli -i" inside the emulator19:54
cliftontsI don't understand. How do I run that inside the emulator? Install terminal?19:55
dobeycliftonts: yes, or using phablet-shell or adb shell to connect to the emulator19:55
cliftontsI can't do that if the SDK thinks it hasn't booted can I?19:56
dobeyi don't really know anything about what the sdk requires to connect to the emulator19:57
cliftontsHmm, the terminal won't install.19:57
dobeyif running "adb devices" shows the emulator in the list, you can connect to it19:57
dobeyyou did enable developer mode inside the emulator itself, right?19:58
cliftontsOk, but I've never done that outside of the sdk. No idea of the commands.19:58
dobeyi don't know if it's enabled or not19:58
cliftontsNot yet, no. I've been focussed on trying to get one to boot properly.19:58
dobeywell, if it's not in developer mode, i don't think the sdk will see it19:59
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cliftontsAah, perhaps some come with it enabled as default then.19:59
dobeyi don't know19:59
dobeyi know you can't use the current stable image with the sdk, because it's far too old20:00
cliftontsBingo, it's recognised now.20:00
cliftontsadb shell opens up saying vivid vervet (development branch)20:01
cliftontschannel ubuntu-touch/vivid20:02
dobeythat channel seems wrong, but eh20:02
cliftontsBut it's working. That's the easy bit done. The next challenge is to compile an app I'll be taking over. I suspect I will be in for repeated headaches but I need that learning curve.20:03
cliftontsFunny thing is I was told that rc-proposed had the mouse fix in it to allow me to unlock. But that's not working.20:08
cliftontsHow would I go about doing an update via command line? Can I just apt-get upgrade or is there a different method on touch?20:19
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AuroraAvenueChuck, right on man, right on !22:56
Chuck-Atleast i didnt pasted my middle click buffer again three times :)23:38

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