
tux|dudeNeat, 16.04 coming in less than a day00:15
ahoneybunmparillo, have you had a time to look over the release post?00:59
* ahoneybun wonders if you can log into the site00:59
ahoneybunvalorie, your looking at it?01:00
mparilloI do not think I have access. Do you have the URL?01:00
ahoneybunit's not public so I don't think a URL would work01:01
mparilloAnd as far as testing the first release candidate, I was the only one who marked anything at: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/359/builds and nobody has done any testing on the current release candidate, because yofel said they are respinning anyway.01:01
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: https://twitter.com/MarkRuan0122/status/71971908880162816005:20
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: Have these been fixed?05:21
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: The password thing I think was fixed, right?05:21
* valorie downloads all the zsyncs so that I can torrent the finals as soon as they are released05:46
valorieI would usually have a day to do this but am leaving for LFNW a day early05:47
palassohello I will spin up 7 DigitalOcean droplets (all the cities DO has servers) to seed. Are the torrents ready?06:32
valorieno, the final ISOs have not been released yet06:37
valoriepretty sure it will be around 21:00utc06:39
valoriedate -u says it's ~6:3006:39
palassook tyvm07:05
yeehiAt what time today will 16.04 be released? If you are running the Beta, how do you upgrade to the final release (in order to receive the new wallpaper, etc?)08:49
soee_yeehi: when Ubuntu release team do it09:01
soee_if you are on beta and you do simple update it should get all latets pckages and you will be on final09:02
yeehithank you soee_ ! Also, thank you for working on Kubuntu. It is so beautiful!09:04
soee_indeed :) And it will be much better when Plasma 5.6 lands in backports :)09:05
soee_anyway high five to all developers! :)09:06
yeehiOoh! 5.6? What is especially nice about Plasma 5.6? 09:06
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I echo that, great job, hard work and dedication, very much appreciated09:06
soee_yeehi: it has a lot of bugfixes, better performance, new features etc.09:07
soee_yeehi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0TzoXhAbxg09:09
yeehiso, the thing to do is update to 16.04, and then when Plasma 5.6 is available in backports, upgrade that. I wonder by which date the main kubuntu release will have Plasma 5.609:11
yeehiDebian and Trisquel make available DVDs for download. These include all the packages for that architecture for that release. Why doesn't Kubuntu / Ubuntu do this? (anymore)09:13
soee_do what exactly ?09:14
yeehi16.04 is out for Ubuntu: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/09:14
yeehioops, not yet09:16
yeehisoee_ If somebody would like to maintain an offline repository for Debian amd64, they can download the debian amd64 DVDs, (about 6 of them). These contain all the packages in Debian. 09:23
yeehiThere is no equivalent to this in Ubuntu09:23
yeehior Kubuntu09:23
yeehiI think there ought to be09:23
=== kathrin__ is now known as Jemand
yeehiKUBUNTU 16.04 is OUT!!! :)10:10
yeehiThree Cheers for the Developers!10:10
kfunkkubuntu.org doesn't say so 10:15
soee_ovidiuflorin: ping10:16
soee_or yofel10:17
telegram1<Clifford>: ** yawns ** what's all the shouting about?10:20
yeehikfunk soee_ Kubuntu 16.04 is here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/xenial/release/10:45
yofelimages are up, yes. but it's not officially released yet10:46
yeehiSeed, yofel :)10:47
yofeloh right. go ahead ;)10:48
mparillozsync complete. dd running slowly.11:14
ahoneybunyofel, any idea about moving images to the docs server?11:37
yofeloh sorry, I never did reply to that11:37
ahoneybunlet me move to my kubuntu laptop anyway11:38
yofeleither add your ssh key to kubuntu, then scp as that user, or first scp the images under /home/ahoneybun and move them after that11:38
BluesKajHiyas all11:39
ahoneybunyofel: so what command do I use?11:40
ahoneybunscp or sftp11:40
ahoneybunI have the image on this laptop11:40
yofelmultiple or single image?11:40
ahoneybunone at a time for now11:40
yofelscp is easier then11:40
ahoneybunmy ssh key might need to be updated11:41
ahoneybunI never get scp right or forget11:41
clivejo!info kubuntu-settings xenial11:41
ubottuPackage kubuntu-settings does not exist in xenial11:41
clivejo!info kubuntu-settings-desktop xenial11:42
ubottukubuntu-settings-desktop (source: kubuntu-settings): Settings and artwork for the Kubuntu (Desktop). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:16.04ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 2325 kB, installed size 4673 kB11:42
clivejoI guess it didnt get uploaded11:42
yofelscp is like cp, just with the user part before the target11:42
yofelclivejo: nope11:42
yofelit didn't11:42
yofelwill have to be an SRU11:42
clivejowas it rejected?11:43
yofeldunno, was I supposed to do something? Because last I saw it wasn't done11:43
* ahoneybun got it!!!!!!!!11:43
clivejoI think sgclark was just researching that folder size bug and was to upload it yesterday11:44
ahoneybunmm so I can't move the file around on the server11:45
ahoneybuneven as the kubuntu user11:47
clivejoeveryone ready for the storm of user support requests ?!?11:52
clivejoKubuntu killed my cat, how do I fix it11:55
clivejoor Kat11:55
soeegood news: Mozilla has announced today they will begin packaging Firefox in the snap format for Ubuntu "later this year." 13:24
yofelsoee: I always wonder what does sites would do if an image would have to be replaced after they wrote the announcement13:40
yofelmparillo: are you still testing anything? If not I would mark the images as ready13:40
soeemaybe they just want to be first to announce it :_13:40
yofelI think this is as "good" as we're going to be13:40
sgclarksorry I was in fear that the moving of stuff around would break everything and did not want to break everything the day before release. I was unsuccessful with all my attempt with folderview. 13:50
yofelnp, sounds reasonable. We can fix it for 16.04.1 (Which will probably happen sometime in July)13:53
yofelhm, marco seems away, well then13:54
* yofel markes images ready13:54
marco-parilloyofel, I am trying to download the current candidate (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/xenial/release/), but I fear even the download will not complete in time. Three to four hours left. 13:55
yofelmarco-parillo: those are the 20160420.1 images13:56
marco-parilloSorry: mparillo is my KDE Identity and is what I use for the KDE bouncer, but at work, they block IRC ports. So I use webchat and use my launchpad iD (marco-parillo) at work.13:56
* yofel uses ssh tunnels at work :P13:57
marco-parilloI did grab the 20160420.1 images, but I admit I did not test. I though I saw another spin was coming.13:57
sgclarkWhen exactly are the images released? I will be on a train most of today13:57
yofelthey're public already, just the announcement is missing13:58
marco-parilloThey are already at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/xenial/release/13:58
yofelbut from what I gather in -release, nobody wants to do yet another respin, even if there's issues13:58
sgclarkis our PR group one that? *looks at podcast group*13:58
marco-parilloThey have been for over an hour I think. 13:58
marco-parilloAlso at work, my host is Win7, so I cannot zsync. Usually that is not such a problem, but on release day it is.14:00
yofelFWIW, now that softpedia etc. put the announement out, you're probably best of using torrents for the rest of the day if you want to download anything ^14:01
yofelexcept at work, true :/14:01
marco-parilloI am afraid to even try a torrent at work.14:02
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Could someone check the Torrents on our website, I recall a while ago they were not working ( i.e Not Seeding )14:40
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I am at work so can't do it, but all the talk about torrents reminded me14:41
yofelI'm currently seeding them, and they seem to work fine14:41
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Brill.14:42
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I will share them on from my client later when I get home14:42
yofelI asked xnox to link https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-lts-release-anouncement from the flavor page, so please don't change that URL anyomre14:43
yofelcan someone maybe make a new screenshot for discover on that page? The current one looks... not very great?14:43
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: That article needs publishing too14:44
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: It's currently showing 40414:44
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Although we're not released yet so perhaps I am ahead of the curve14:44
yofelright, please hold off on that until the official ubuntu announcement mail14:44
yofel@Sick_Rimmit: do we have an updated download page yet?14:46
yofelI don't see one myself14:47
* genii quietly makes another large vat of coffee and washes out everyon'e mugs14:49
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: @ovidiuflorin What is the status with Download page ?14:56
MacLeodhi! if I correctly understand, that there is no plasma 5.6.2 under 16:04 in near plans in main repo and it will appear only in backports? and now affects only to discover/notifier/muon for bugfix?14:56
yofelMacLeod: 16.04 will only get strict bugfixes, no new plasma. I'm not sure what you mean regarding discover?15:00
yofel(no new plasma in main repository)15:00
MacLeodi mean muon-discover and plasma-discover packages15:01
MacLeodok, i see15:01
MacLeodthanks for answer!15:02
yofelmuon-discover is an alias for plasma-discover now15:02
yofel(you can remove the first if you want)15:03
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I haven't done anything to the download page15:04
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: if someone gives me the download links, I'll update them15:04
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: it*15:04
sgclarkyofel: 5.6.2 is in xenial, ping ximion for details15:05
sgclarkdiscover I mean15:05
yofelthat I know, but I still don't understand what the original question was about15:05
sgclarkah, me eithere then15:06
yofel@ovidiuflorin: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/xenial/release/15:06
yofelas a replacement for the 15.10 section. I would leave 14.04 as a "KDE4 LTS" maybe?15:07
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I can add a third one15:07
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: @ovidiuflorin if its release can you publish the annoucenment15:07
yofelor that15:07
yofelthe announcement still has to wait for the mail15:07
yofelbut with the images out, you might as well publish the download page changes15:08
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: torrent links please15:13
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: ah15:14
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: they are all there15:14
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: thank you15:14
yofelI wonder if the announcement should have a known issue list that tells people how to find the "Install" button on the image, as we never got that glitch fixed :/15:17
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: That would be helpful, perhaps with a screenshot15:17
yofelat least for VM users (I suspect everyone coming from plymouth text mode), as marco did say that Ubiquity-DM works fine on hardware15:19
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: download page is ready15:21
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: shall I publish it?15:21
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: Known issues is a must15:21
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: also with a link to Ubuntu Known issues15:21
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: these are a must15:21
yofellive session looks like this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/Screenshot_20160421_172011.png15:22
yofelfind the problem :P15:22
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: folderview size broken?15:23
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: long press on the widget, then resize15:23
yofelyup, tell that to someone that doesn't know how to do that. Other way is to just search for "install" in kickoff/krunner15:24
yofelif you click into a corner of the visible icon the launcher actually does work, it just looks horrible15:24
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: it's too late to fix it now, right?15:24
yofelright, will be fixed in 16.04.115:25
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: can I publish the updated download page?15:25
yofelI guess so15:25
sgclarkyeah, I am trying to wrap my head around plasma configuration. The docs SUCK. Mixed kde4 and plasma5 crap and nothing works.15:25
yofelubuntu images are still syncing to CDN, so the announcement will  have to wait15:26
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: Untill I get a definetly yes, I won't publish it15:26
yofelthen lets just publish everything in one go15:26
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: ok15:26
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: Has anyone added the release notes link to the announcement?15:26
yofelthe upgrade wiki pages that are linked from the download page don't exist15:28
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: ah, yes.. I did15:28
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: but the release notes wiki page does not exist15:28
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: we can clone and update the beta 2 release notes?15:28
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: can someone with wiki access do that?15:28
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I might be able to clone it, but I don't know what to update to it15:30
yofelI think it's c&p, with less known issues15:30
sgclarkdo we have any artwork for this release? I think we are burning DVDs @ linuxfest northwest15:32
yofelahoneybun: ^15:32
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I've talked with Andrea to draw something for us15:33
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I'll bug him in a few moments15:33
soeeis there new banner for homepage /15:33
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: no15:33
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: soee do you want to make one?15:33
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: we don't have a squirrel Konqi15:34
soeeisnt Alex how made this one ?15:34
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I forgot15:35
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I don't know15:35
yofeldid someone have time to run the live session on hardware? (regarding bug 1571564)15:43
ubottubug 1571564 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Unable to install Kubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157156415:43
soeeovidiuflorin: ok so Andrea shoudl take care of the banner15:46
marco-parilloSorry I am at work, I can run a live session in a VM if it helps. The ISO finally downloaded.15:47
yofelactually, the guy next to me just went home, let me hijack his PC15:49
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
soeehehe Kubuntu 16.04 just around the corner https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Nvn3HxItEPk/VxjPDZxEWCI/AAAAAAAADMA/SYQ1eAcKidYDMnwJD6eX4vJWsAsU3Qy7A/w296-h312-rw/excited-puppy-dance.gif :)16:02
yofeluh... kubuntu-desktop isn't part of the ISO16:17
yofelhow is that even possible16:17
* yofel goes build log reading16:17
yofelit does install fine in the live session..16:18
yofelit is out https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2016-April/003720.html16:21
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: so we can publish the articles?16:35
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: yofel ^16:35
yofel@ovidiuflorin yes, but could you possibly make a new discover screenshot that doesn't have broken text in it?16:37
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: ahoneybun ^ ?16:37
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I don't have an install at hand16:37
yofellet me try to make one16:37
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: thank you16:37
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Leaving work in a few minutes, will be on hand to help in about an hour16:38
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I'm working on a new Download page16:38
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I hope I'll finish it by the end of the day16:38
yofel@ovidiuflorin http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/Screenshot_20160421_183922.png16:40
yofeloh me16:40
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: what?16:40
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: can I use it or not?16:40
yofelspektacle removed the window border16:40
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I don't think that's a problem16:41
yofel@ovidiuflorin http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/Screenshot_20160421_184138.png16:42
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/16:44
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: updated16:44
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-lts-release-anouncement/16:45
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: published16:45
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: yofel please update the release notes wiki page16:45
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: can you?16:46
yofellet me try16:46
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: thank you16:46
yofelNo I can't, copying pages doesn't work and I randomly get logged out16:56
yofellet me try to attach the release note information at the bottom of the website page16:57
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: no16:57
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: please leave the page as is16:57
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: can we not copy the page source?16:57
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: and make a new one?16:57
sgclarksigh, I was hopoing to download iso before I left, looks like that is not happening.16:58
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: why not?16:58
clivejoguys, that donation question in the other channel?  do we point people to donated to KDE or to Ubuntu?16:59
clivejo[17:57:27] <viewer|28682> is there a donation option to the team?16:59
sgclarksure wish there was16:59
yofel@ovidiuflorin "Create new empty page" -> "Internal Server Error"17:00
sgclarkeither kde or ubuntu we have to beg if we actually want access to the donations, so it really does not matter.17:00
yofelthe 15.10 release notes are part of the website17:00
sgclarkwe are equally ubuntu and kde so it would benefit either way17:01
sgclarkas far as development17:01
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telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: page created17:03
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu17:03
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: it needs updating17:03
BluesKajwhat an anticlimax, I'm already there 17:03
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: yofel, can you edit the page now?17:04
soeeyofel: what are next steps - moving back to launchpad or backporting stuff ?17:10
yofeluhm, dinner and gaming I guess? I'll answer your question over the weekend. (former probably, at least until Mark has finally decided what X+1 is supposed to be called)17:11
BluesKajyofel, any hints out there about the next silly name for 16.10?17:13
sick_rimmitHi friends17:14
clivejohi rick o/17:14
sick_rimmitBack from work now, so I can chat more freely and help out17:15
yofelBluesKaj: none that I know of yet. Random guessing and betting is officially allowed now :P17:15
BluesKajyofel, wonder if there'll be a kubuntu 16.10 dev OS17:16
* clivejo thinks this is a loaded question, so sits back and watches17:16
yofeldev certainly, but I have no idea how that's going to look like (or what we'll end up releasing)17:16
soeeYielding Yeti17:17
yofelwe should wrap our whole desktop session into a snappy image, who wants to do that? :D17:17
clivejosuch a crazy idea!17:18
mamarleyyofel: Please don't do that, I want to keep using .debs and APT.17:18
BluesKajunderstood it is rather "early days" , but there are rumours about Kubuntu's demise after 16.04 17:18
sick_rimmitI was using Mint Debian edition the other day, I like the popup screen with icons and links to all their community stuff17:18
clivejowe can control what software our users use17:18
geniisoee: Yodeling Yak17:18
clivejoand how they use it17:18
yofelmamarley: we'll see. I'm not happy with our current deb workflow at all, but I've seen so little about snappy that I have no idea if that'll work out17:18
mamarleyWouldn't snappy completely kill the concept of PPAs though?17:19
BluesKajyofel, snappy is for cotainer use is it not , being a home user I doubt I'd ever bother17:19
yofelBluesKaj: there are rumors that ubuntu wants to ship Firefox updates through snappy images17:20
BluesKajmy FF is mucked up right , serious mem leak 17:21
yofeland desktop application containerization is something people are working on, it's just that nobody has something that's finished17:21
* soee just upgraded his VPS17:21
clivejoyofel: will you be continuing on as RM?17:23
yofelNot sure, but assume "yes" for now17:23
yofel@ovidiuflorin release notes updated, the images are missing though17:24
yofeltoo tired to fix that right now (volunteers welcome)17:24
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: thank you17:25
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: iamges are in the announcement17:25
sick_rimmitwhat needs fixing17:25
sick_rimmitAh images17:25
sick_rimmitOh WoW that article looks excellent17:27
sick_rimmitDo you just want optimisation on the images ?17:27
yofelsick_rimmit: I mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu17:28
yofelbut I'm not sure if that even needs images17:28
yofel(that's mostly a copy of the beta2 page)17:28
marco-parilloyofel: Thanks for remaining as the release manager (at least for now)17:29
amichairtypo - on website news: "Delivering an Long-Term Release" (an -> a)17:31
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Xenial is out, why are you not drinking yet? | Plasma 5.5.5: X/archive, Apps 15.12.3: X/archive, FW 5.18: X/archive | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging
amichairand the top image on release anouncement page is loading slooooooowly... like the dialup days, before 28k modems came out17:33
yofelI think that's the DC being overloaded ^^17:34
yofelbut could use a rescale, true17:34
amichairit's only the one image, as far as I see. 2m for a single image is a bit much17:34
marco-parilloAlas, I am still drinking tea. But toasting yofel sgclark clivejo sick_rimmit ahoneybun ovidiuflorin and lots of other volunteers.17:34
* yofel out17:35
yofeland thanks!17:35
yofelnow to get some dinner17:35
sick_rimmitImage is slow to download, I could fix this, but it is a Hi-Res image which means that folks can click on it, and get a zoomed in view17:37
sick_rimmitWhich is pretty useful17:37
sick_rimmitI am tempted to leave it as is17:37
amichairsick_rimmit: you can have a small image link to the full image, and provide a much better user experience for visitors...17:37
fone626sick_rimmit: if you convert them to jpgs (prefereably progressive) they will load a LOT faster since they will be in the kilobytes and not megabytes like they are now with the PNG format.17:38
mamarleyIt would also introduce a lot of crappy artifacts.17:39
fone626only if you compress it too much17:39
amichairthere are almost 4m taken up by 3 images on the page... that's huge17:40
mamarleyHave you tried running them through pngcrush or pngout or something?17:40
amichairbut in any case, just a tip. Do with it what you will :-)17:40
mamarleyOr, I also like the idea of a smaller-resolution image link that when clicked would go to the higher resolution image.  That way, bandwidth can be conserved and speed increased while still offering artifact-free images everywhere.17:41
* sick_rimmit rolls up sleeves and starts GIM{17:47
* sick_rimmit rolls up sleeves and starts GIMP17:47
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
amichairthe download page says the installer is 1gb, but the torrent iso is 1.42G... are there two versions, or is the page incorrect?18:16
yofellatter probably18:18
sick_rimmitAlright images optimised18:18
telegram1<athoneycutt>: Someone posted the release, good lol18:19
amichairsick_rimmit: while you're at it, perhaps you'd want to optimize the title background image too... (1.4M)18:23
sick_rimmitamichair: Well really we should get a new one with Xenial18:25
sick_rimmitinstead of Willy18:26
amichairsick_rimmit: true... but make sure it's counted in 10's of K, not in M :-)18:27
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
sick_rimmitAnyone from  VDG about ?18:28
sick_rimmitamichair: I think I will try to fix that anyway's just helps a bit with load on the server18:29
snele_congrats on release guys and girls! you rock!!! ♥♥♥18:37
sick_rimmitsnele_: :-D18:38
sheytanwhy i don't get any notification that the LTS upgrade is ready? :(18:52
sheytanhow to force it?18:52
clivejoovidiuflorin: the file size is 1.4Gb but download page on kubuntu.org states  (the file size is 1GB).18:53
* sick_rimmit scratches head and wonders how to get kdevelop to build muon, against a local libqapt he just built18:54
clivejosick_rimmit: did you install it?18:54
sick_rimmitI didn't as it wants root, I was hoping to to build against it locally18:55
sick_rimmitto my user18:55
sick_rimmitits for testing you see18:55
clivejohas to be installed on the system for muon to find it18:56
* sick_rimmit trying to formulate right question for duckduckgo18:56
sick_rimmitOh 18:57
fone626Just installed 16.04.   At least in virtualbox it doesn't boot to a desktop.  I have to stop and start sddm to get a desktop.18:57
sick_rimmitI was hoping to setup a build, that I could then clean afterwards and re0use18:57
clivejoin the Cmake file it will be looking for qapt 3.0.218:57
* sick_rimmit Thinks hmm...18:58
clivejofail to build if it cant find it18:58
clivejojust install the packaged version18:58
clivejoapt makes it easy to install and remove stuff18:58
sick_rimmitWhat if I add libqapt buildir to my $path18:59
soeecan we add some information how to upgrade  to 16.04 from 14.04 or 15.10 (add to news post)?19:01
soeeusers are asking how to do it19:01
sick_rimmitsoee:  We certainly can, do you have any text explaining it ?19:02
sheytansoee: yeah, will be helpfull, cause none of update manager and Discover shows there's an update ready19:02
soeesick_rimmit: no i do not :)19:02
soeei think there are 2 ways atm.: 19:03
soeecommand line: do-release-upgrade -d19:03
ahoneybunremove the -d as that looks for development releases I think19:03
soeeor configure updater to upgrade to update to: Normal Release19:04
soeeby defautl it is set to upgrade to LTS but this will work with 16.04.119:04
soeeso add command to execute and do some screenes how to set it via GUI19:05
soeeand mention in post that automatic upgrade will be proposed after 16.04.1 is released19:05
soeeyofel: can you confirm that it is correct ^ ?19:07
sick_rimmitovidiuflorin: Hi mate, to install a project from Kdevelop do I need kdesudo installed19:08
sick_rimmitHa I got it19:10
sheytansoee: will you update the release notes with 'how to upgrade' ?19:10
soeesheytan: i do not how that power ;)19:11
sick_rimmithmm is kdesu deprecated ?19:23
sick_rimmitI can't seem to install it19:23
sheytansoee: yofel: do-release-upgrade shows that no new release has been found19:23
clivejosick_rimmit: isnt it kdesudo now?19:24
sick_rimmitYes, but Kdevelop wants kdesu to install qapt19:26
sick_rimmitI might be able to fix that however19:26
soeesheytan: and what is configured in Discover?19:27
* sick_rimmit gets los running round in circular dependencies19:27
soeeNormal Release or LTS ?19:27
sheytansoee: no matter 19:27
sick_rimmitclivejo: Ah ha I can configure what to use from Kdevelop19:28
sick_rimmitLinux Questions is my friend19:28
sheytanwhy there isn't a way to upgrade like always, that it shows the notifications?19:30
sheytanwhat you guys broke? :D :D19:30
soeesheytan: notification sows up after 16.04.1 no ?19:30
* sick_rimmit Hee Muon is building19:30
clivejoI blame soee19:30
* sick_rimmit Grins19:30
clivejohe broke it19:30
sheytanwell, usually notification show alwasys when upgrade to a new release is ready19:31
sheytanno matter if LTS or not19:32
sheytanbut, as I said, even terminal says there's no new release19:32
clivejoits release day, it might not be totally ready yet19:32
sheytanclivejo: I don't now how it works :)19:32
sheytanDoes it smowhow check the upgrade from ppas?19:33
clivejohave you fully upgraded your current system?19:33
clivejono, the update comes from the archive19:33
clivejoyou should disable PPA's for the upgrade19:33
clivejothe script usually comments them out19:33
sheytanclivejo: usually this happens automatically19:34
* sick_rimmit Oh Yeah!! Muon built and running from git Master branch19:34
sheytanwell, i'll wait. Maybe it will show later :D19:34
soeeRiddell: ping19:35
clivejosheytan: what command are you runng?19:36
clivejobecause -d is the developer release19:36
soeemaybe you are already on 16.04 :D19:37
sick_rimmitclivejo: Thank you, your pointer helped me get my Muon build env working, so now I can move to bug fixing.19:38
clivejosick_rimmit: first task is to update the about screens to list you guys as the new maintainers19:39
clivejowe need to know who to complain to19:39
sick_rimmitAh yes OK19:41
sick_rimmitOK, got to go19:41
mparilloOn one physical and one VM, the GA ISO boots straight to a live session (which I prefer), on a different physical, the ISO boots to the try / install chooser.20:05
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: Would you be so kind to check out our home page? https://kubuntu.org/20:42
telegram1<athoneycutt>: Holy20:43
mparilloOragami. Cool. Like the Plasma wallpaper.20:44
telegram1<athoneycutt>: Sweet20:44
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: credit goes to Andrea20:44
clivejovery big image - 877.82 kB20:46
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: it started as 5MB20:47
clivejoovidiuflorin: https://kubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/e476/rect6576_smalla.png is resized in HTML or CSS from 1600x500 to 1024x320. Serving a scaled image could save 518.3KiB (59% reduction).20:49
clivejohi slhk_ 20:50
clivejoare you upgrading?20:50
slhk_hi clivejo20:53
slhk_not yet20:53
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: hi slhk20:53
slhk_hi Rick20:54
clivejowaiting until all the bugs are ironed out?20:54
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: that scaling depends on screen size20:54
slhk_maybe a couple days, I cannot risk breaking the system now20:54
slhk_I did upgrade a VM a couple days ago and everything went fine. though20:55
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I got Muon and libqapt build environment setup in Kdevelop earlier, so I am ready to start working on Muon bugs now20:55
slhk_Rick: nice!20:56
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Yes, I am very pleased with that.. am making some good progress20:57
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Did you see the Release announcement on Kubuntu ? Muon is given quite a good mention20:57
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Seems to have been well received by the community20:57
clivejoslhk_: are you going to add yourself as a maintainer in the Muon about dialogue?20:58
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I really like that 16.04 banner logo21:01
telegram1<athoneycutt>: it is awesome21:01
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Did Andrea make that ?21:03
slhk_didn't see the announcement, I will take a look. Thanks for pointing out21:06
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: kubuntu.org/news21:06
slhk_actually, I still have to announce the release... :s21:06
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Ah yes, I see its tagged, I pulled the latest Master ealier21:07
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Built it and tested, all looking good so far21:08
slhk_clivejo: I will consider adding my name, but I don't know what other steps I need to take inside KDE to become the maintainer21:09
clivejono-one to guide you?21:11
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: My understanding is you can just do it21:11
clivejowill the old maintainer not help you get your bearings?21:11
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I had spoken to Alex Pol, about me signing on as a maintainer21:12
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I think it needs some one, and right now that looks like you.21:13
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I am am happy to be listed there, and I believe ovidiu is alos21:13
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Ensures that it doesn't get orphaned, because we don't want to loose it from Kubuntu21:14
clivejoslhk_: is Muon ported to KF5?21:15
clivejoor is that what the sticking point was?21:15
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Hey maybe slhk_ ovidiu and me could organise a Sprint to work on Muon. We could use our BBB server to work together, something to think about21:16
slhk_clivejo: apol helped me until now, so yes I can ask him21:17
clivejoId help out, but first Id have to learn how to actually code!21:17
slhk_clivejo: dependency from kde4support has been removed21:17
telegram1<sgclark2>: Lol. That on my ever growing to do too21:17
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Well if we ran some sprints on BBB we could explore that together21:18
clivejoslhk_: so its pure KF5 now?21:18
telegram1<sgclark2>: Learn to code party21:18
telegram1<sgclark2>: Drunken coding. Could be fun.21:18
* clivejo smiles21:18
* clivejo bites his tongue21:19
slhk_clivejo: I would say yes, it is. And qapt too21:20
clivejoslhk_: you mentioned moving to a declarative UI?21:21
slhk_yes, but that's not something happening soon. And apol suggested not to do it, at least not now.21:22
clivejolot of work Im guessing21:23
clivejowhat are your goalposts?21:23
slhk_indeed, and time which could be spent fixing bug21:24
slhk_my what?21:24
slhk_goals? continue fixing (muon, qapt, but also discover)21:25
slhk_feature I miss: short keyboard shortcuts (same as those from aptitude), clickable package names everywhere (e.g. in dependencies)21:26
soeeslhk_: who is working on doscover atm ?21:28
slhk_I guess that's what you where asking for21:28
slhk_Aleix Pol (apol)21:29
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Alright, I will organise something in the Kubuntu DoJo, around sprinting on bug squishing Muon, and come back to you21:53
soeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15973656/ :)22:03
tux|dudeCongrats to the dev team for all the work on getting kubuntu 16.04 all sorted out!22:17
clivejoBTW did anyone test Discover?22:23
tux|dudeI'll test that when the new build has installed22:24
clivejoIm seeing text all over the window :/22:24
telegram1<sgclark2>: Worked for me.22:25
clivejothe featured apps slideshow looks corrupted or something22:26
soeewhole Discover UI is so bad ;/22:27
soeeyeah all over the place http://wstaw.org/m/2016/04/22/Screenshot_20160422_002752.png22:28
telegram1<sgclark2>: Wow that looks terrible. Had it looked like that for I would have not approved. But it did not :( looked nice to me.22:29
telegram1<sgclark2>: I was not only tester22:30
telegram1<sgclark2>: Phone dying. Bbl22:30
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: Work in progress: https://kubuntu.org/download-test/22:32
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: I'm off to bed22:32
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: good night22:32
clivejodiscover 5.6.2 seems to be building new packages22:35
clivejo5.5.5 doesnt have the text issue22:45
* clivejo giggles22:47
clivejoplasma-discover wants to update itself22:47
clivejoyeah, its definitely due to being 5.6.222:49
clivejocan we do anything about that?22:50
clivejoonly backports would fix it?22:50
quintasanyofel: ping23:17
=== quintasan is now known as Quintasan
ahoneybunyofel: still kicking?23:25
QuintasanIs it my quassel acting up or yofel's core is dead?23:44

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