
telegram1<Clifford>: Hi00:05
tux|dude16.04 is just round the corner yay00:11
tux|dudeWhat day is it coming out?00:11
telegram1<athoneycutt>: 2100:11
tux|dudeOh lol00:11
tux|dudeThat's today in my country00:11
tux|dudeI'm guessing that's murican time though I expect it will go live later today00:12
telegram1<athoneycutt>: still the 20th here00:12
telegram1<athoneycutt>: ETC something00:12
tux|dudeCurrent date in UTC/ETC apparently is 13 minutes past midnight00:13
tux|dudeSo the 21st seems to have just started there00:13
hazamonzotelegram1: oh can you?00:15
hazamonzoI didn't realise that00:15
hazamonzotelegram1: Oh thats useful. Thanks!00:16
mparilloYes, generally the release is around 2300 UTC.00:58
tux|dudeSo an hour before midnight on utc01:01
tux|dudeSo that's 11am tomorrow in my time. Damn01:03
mparilloThat seems to be their track record. If you want to watch closely, go to #ubuntu-release. But generally by the afternoon UTC, the Release Candidate is the same md5sum as the final.01:03
tux|dudeI see, thanks01:03
chron1cledoes upgrading to the release candidate and then turning off pre-release updates cause any issues?01:10
mparilloI never upgrade. I backup my user data (my real data, not all of $HOME) fresh install, install the other programs I want, and restore my user data.01:16
claydohI both upgrade and clean install. My PC has been upgraded since at least raring, and actually the drive in it was originally in my old laptop.01:22
claydohmy daily driver is usually a clean install but I usually run dev releases01:24
claydohon it01:24
claydohchron1cle: it should be fine to do that.01:25
mparilloYes, claydoh, running dev releases is kinda like rolling (every six months).01:29
mparilloAnd more pleasant community than the well-known rolling distro.01:30
claydohmparillo: more like every 3 or less, in my own use case as I test on my daily driver laptop01:30
claydohand the company is very pleasant ;)01:30
claydohrather the community01:31
chron1cletalked me in to it01:33
justin__Hi there. I just installed Kubuntu 16.04 and I'm having screen tearing issues - it's most noticable when scrolling on a webpage. My GPU is an Intel HD 4600. Any ideas?03:00
justin__I did not have any tearing issues with Unity, GNOME Shell or Xfce with Compton. SO it seems like a Kwin compositor issue. Do I need to run Compton like I did with Xfce to fix it?03:01
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PiyuI need to know some OS level difference between ubuntu and Kubuntu?06:02
chron1clekubuntu has KDE as the desktop environment and ubuntu has unity/gtk. otherwise same 'foundation' so to speak.06:03
PiyuIs there only difference of Desktop envirnoment?06:04
chron1clewell there are different default packages. use all of the KDE apps like kmail for email, konsole for terminal etc.06:05
chron1clepretty much QT apps instead of GTK apps but you can install gtk stuff if you want.06:07
hateballYou can run everything side by side, and you can choose DE on session login if you want06:07
PiyuCan you please tell me that why should I use this as i am already using ubnntu?06:08
chron1cleMatter of preference. KDE imho is miles better than unity. :)06:08
hateballMatter of preference indeed.06:09
chron1clenot sure off hand but if you have ubuntu you can install all the kde packages and run it that way06:09
hateballPiyu: You don't need to reinstall or anything if you already have Ubuntu installed, you can just "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"06:09
viewer|74580anyone who knows when the download will be up for 16.04 ?06:09
hateballand then you are able to choose between plasma and unity at login06:09
chron1clethough last time i tried that i had some broken configs trying to switch between unity and kde. was easier just to run kubuntu06:09
hateballYes there is some conflict with some IM packages06:10
chron1cleviewer|74580: last I saw 2100 utc i think?06:10
viewer|74580kewl :D thnx06:10
chron1cle2300 maybe06:10
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:11
Piyuwhere I got the option of choosing between KDE and Unity after installaion it on my ubuntu06:12
chron1clelogout, and then you can change session in the little drop down06:13
chron1clehaven't used ubuntu in a long time so not sure where the drop down is anymore :/06:13
chron1clewas hoping to play with amdgpu but r9 390 :C however I didn't see much about it but the radeon driver seems to have gotten about 35% faster in the newer version. Any one got info on that?06:14
ubottuFor AMD/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:15
valoriemight have some info for you, chron1cle06:15
hateballchron1cle: amdgpu driver is in the kernel in 16.0406:16
chron1cleyah doesn't work on gcn 1.1 though apparently so lsmod is showing radeon only unless im looking at this wrong06:17
chron1cledid find on arch wiki that you can compile kernel with a different flag to get it to work but its not stable apparently06:17
Poke95Too many aurelie...06:21
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viewer|7327hey guys, today is the LTS release, right?07:20
viewer|10098When they will release the 16.04=07:25
viewer|10098I know07:26
viewer|10098But what time07:26
mikklebetween 12:00 and 23:59:5907:26
mikkleIf you download a daily image it'll be the same, I'd guess07:27
viewer|10098How do i download a daily image?07:28
ubottuDaily builds of the images of the current development version of Kubuntu can be found at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/07:28
hateballviewer|10098: do you already have 14.04 or 15.10 installed?07:29
hateballIn such case you can do-release-upgrade -d, or you could just... wait.07:29
luis__how do i chat?07:34
viewer|7327you do it07:34
luis__this is so much fun, i can hardly keep up with all the conversation07:35
valsumthis is the support channel sorry07:35
luis__ok, understood. where do i go from here?07:35
valsumthere are lots of other chats07:35
valsumfor instance #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic or you can /list the server channels07:36
valorieluis__: not many people still awake, or not awake yet.....07:36
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sabbir2worldWhen 16.04 coming? :o09:10
hateball!party | sabbir2world09:11
ubottusabbir2world: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !xenial release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/09:11
viewer|67601when will kubuntu 16.04 be ready to download09:22
sabbir2worldIn 2020 join #ubuntu-release-party09:23
user|92185Hi everyone!09:40
user|92185Does anyone know if there is a defined hour for the new kubuntu release?09:42
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I believe it will be 23:00 UTC09:42
user|92185-_- that's almost day 2209:43
user|92185Thank you09:43
user|5508when will kbuntu 16.04 realesd today??09:44
soee_user|5508: when Canonical decide to release it :)09:44
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !xenial release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/09:45
user|5508okay thax xDD09:45
user|5508is kbuntu offical supported from ubuntu?09:45
soee_no, i don't think so09:45
user|5508i hate unity but i love kde09:46
user|5508i dont know why ubuntu dosnt use gnome anmore09:46
sabbir2worldwelcome to the KDE group then xD09:46
user|5508unity is crap -.-09:46
sabbir2worldand boring09:46
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Hi there visitors09:47
sabbir2worldI would rather use Ubuntu Mate instead of that boring Ubuntu unity 7 :'(09:47
user|5508me too but mate is for older pc09:48
user|5508and i have a new i7 pc09:48
soee_well i am on Kubuntu for few years now and i can't imagine switching to something different ;)09:48
user|5508i am not sure if i will use kde or gnome09:49
user|5508i dont know what is better09:49
sabbir2worlduse KDE :)09:49
user|5508hahah okay :D09:50
user|5508do you have used gnome?09:50
user|5508i dont like this creappyy icons of gnome09:51
user|5508i will use kde09:51
soee_use what you liek more and is better for you :)09:52
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sabbir2worlduse kde, better customization than unity :)09:55
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g4z"i dont like this creappyy icons of gnome. i will use kde" ... haha10:23
sabbir2worldI think it is out guys !10:24
SmurphyGo go go .... Download and install it ...10:26
SmurphyThen come back (if you can) and report if everything works as expected ! :D10:26
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=== Adrian is now known as Guest55887
hateballHello, do you have a support question?10:46
Guest55887the canonical going ubuntu 16.04 today?10:47
Guest55887My English is bad10:47
soee_Guest55887: yes10:48
Guest55887Im waiting10:49
hateball!party | Guest5588710:49
ubottuGuest55887: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !xenial release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/10:49
aakashI want to know that y my moun updater is not working11:00
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ToomyHi, do we know if Kubuntu 16.04 is beeing released today?11:21
ikoniaToomy: you'll see it on the web page11:21
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:22
ikoniaToomy: and the mailing lists when the anouncement it made11:22
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BluesKajHiyas all11:39
MikeDenmark43what time do you expect i can download 16.04 today?11:54
MikeDenmark43what time do you expect i can download 16.04 today? MiaSWs11:54
MikeDenmark43what time do you expect i can download 16.04 today?11:54
MikeDenmark43what time do you expect i can download 16.04 today?11:54
viewer|53081alguien sabe de alguna solucion para el kernel 4.4 y el hdmi?12:02
BluesKaj!es | viewer|5308112:04
ubottuviewer|53081: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:04
viewer|53081ok thanks12:05
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user|99661Hello Guys12:21
user|99661do you know when will 16.04 be released?12:21
user|99661at what time?12:21
soeeuser|99661: officialy ?12:24
soeethe final images are already released: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/16.04/release/12:24
user|99661for automatic update12:25
clivejosoee: they are released when Mark Stuttleworth says they are and not a moment before!12:25
user|99661so, lets wait for US time zone guys to wake up12:26
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop is not updated yet12:26
todayhello - when today the new KUBUNTU 16.04 LTS will be released?12:30
hateball!xenial | today12:30
ubottutoday: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:30
todayok...today which time?12:39
todayi mean UTC time12:39
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todayas we all live in different time zones around the globe ;-)12:39
hateballtoday: when it is ready12:41
today@hateball ... please try to answer the "ubuntu" way12:43
todayso an adequate manner would be12:43
hateballThat's the official answer afaik12:43
today"we are still working on it, please give us some time"12:43
today"ubuntu" in African cutures is a bout respect and good-heartedness12:44
today"we are still working on it, please give us some time"12:44
todayis muh more social competent ;-)12:44
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: All  of us are working on our Ubuntu12:45
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Understanding its African meaning is a great step in the right direction12:46
chron1cledo-release-upgrade -d easy fix for waiting12:47
hans_canyone using Kubuntu 16.04 noticed strange issues with the favourites menu?12:50
AceKingIs it possible to upgrade from 14.04 directly  to 16.04?12:51
hateballAceKing: Yes12:51
hateballIt is in fact the only supported upgrade path12:51
AceKinghateball thanks12:52
hans_clike a chrome shortcut changing to a firefox shortcut, or is it a new browser war?  ;-)12:52
chron1clemine seems to be working ok. there's a graphical bug on the application switcher in the panel where it draws a rectangle behind the words some times for me but thats all ive seen so far.12:54
hans_cthis weird thing with the KDE menu is the only thing I noticed so far.12:57
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ubottuNo, it's not out yet!13:06
user|99661do-release-upgrade -d entered13:06
user|99661waiting for update13:06
SmurphyYou guys let me know how it goes :D13:08
ubottuNo, it's not out yet!13:27
=== eu is now known as Guest38726
=== Guest38726 is now known as excognac
excognachi all. What is the best way to test if i have right drivers for my hardware? Yet again I made huge mistake purchasing a laptop, not quite designed for linux. I run 15.10, it's a 64-bit system with glitches of core i5 and 8 gig ram, AMD radeon etc. the system seems never to use swap, wwhy is that?13:31
popeyexcognac: linux tends to only "use" swap when it's under tight memory pressure13:32
excognacpopey: thanks13:33
popeyusing the open source amd driver?13:33
Smurphyexcognac: Linux is very good in using what it has. Won't need more.13:33
SmurphyYou can imagine how my linux feels in 16GB on my system :)13:33
excognacpopey: it's using X . org x server, i think it's the propeatary. i have the options for fglrx13:36
hateballfglrx goes away in 16.04, it is replaced by amdgpu13:38
soeelaptop is nice except radeon on the board, it is known that amd does not have good drivers :/13:39
jonathan_zzI am using K3B to directly burn some files to disc. The disc is ~8GB dual layer DVD and I burn about 6GB. Almost exactly halfway, I get a write error. What is going on?13:39
jonathan_zzIt says: :-[ WRITE@LBA=184410h failed with SK=5h/INVALID ADDRESS FOR WRITE]: Invalid argument13:39
jonathan_zzJust before I tried to do a background copy which caused both device and software buffer to hit almost zero.13:40
telegram1<Clifford>: <hans_c>: the default favourites menu links to the system default browser what ever you have configured it to be13:40
jonathan_zzThe device (external writer) suddenly stopped doing anything.13:41
excognacyeah, I cannot wait for the LTS, hate to mess around on different distros. I'm happy to live with the same OS for a few years. Shall I try to set up and debug everything now (e.g. sound), or just wait a few weeks for LTS then for the know bugs concerning upgrade process?13:41
jonathan_zzI can try another burner but I worry the same thhing is going to happen again.13:41
excognacsoee: yeah, I should have bought a thinkpad not this glitchy idepad13:42
BluesKajjonathan_zz, you could try wodim in the terminal13:43
excognacjonathan_zz: what's the error message?13:43
soeei have Dell Inspiron for 2 years and i had no slingle problem with it :)13:43
soee*oh maybe sometimes with prime13:43
BluesKajjonathan_zz, run wodim --devices to get the dev name then try this:  wodim -eject  -tao speed=0 dev=/dev/sg1 -v -data /my/directory/image.iso13:44
excognacwhy I'm spamming here questions, is cos right after booting up and logging on, the system seems to be pretty slow, firefox has to restore everything always etc. also, upon booting all 4 processors seems to be really busy (40%+ each)13:45
BluesKajsub your device name for the /dev/sdg1 in the string, jonathan_zz13:45
jonathan_zzwell mkisofs suddenly quit. I'm trying to found out if it quit while changing layers.13:47
jonathan_zz/dev/sr1: splitting layers at 1573440 blocks -- I don't know how big the blocks are.13:47
BluesKajI've had trouble with k3b since 14.04 so I gave up on iand use wodim which rarely fails IME13:49
BluesKajgav up on it that is13:49
BluesKajneeds more coffee13:50
jonathan_zzIf I assume the block size is 2k, the number matches, and it failed moments after changing layer.13:52
jonathan_zzBluesKaj: I'll first have to make an ISO that way13:53
jonathan_zzdoes K3B use temp space if you burn directly?13:53
jonathan_zzI wonder if I caused it with the buffer underruns13:54
jonathan_zzI just executed a cp for something large but immediately both buffers would drop to 013:54
jonathan_zzthat means I can't do anything on my system while burning13:55
BluesKajjonathan_zz, I'm sure it will buffer if you do something while burning, but not until13:57
yossarianukhi - I take it kubuntu 16.04 will also be able to use snappy packages (being the same base)?13:59
yossarianukcool - I ask as mozilla are offerig snappy packages for firefox - https://blog.mozilla.org/futurereleases/2016/04/21/firefox-default-browser-for-linux-users-ubuntu-new-snap-format-coming-soon/14:00
yossarianukwould not anppy be good for doing plasma-backports ?14:00
jonathan_zzI have 3 external DVD writers in my home. Suddenly I cannot find the other two :(/.14:07
yossarianuknoticed some mirrors have the final .iso in now....14:07
jonathan_zzI will use K3B to make an image first and then burn it to another writer, then see what happens.14:10
chron1cleusb stick?14:10
chron1clebeen so long since i used a disc my dvd drive gets stuck and doesn't want to open14:12
jonathan_zzbut I rather doubt it's a good thing if the buffers approach zero.14:14
jonathan_zzand I don't know how to put my CP at lower IO priority14:14
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xnnHi, is there a eta for xubuntu 16.04  official download?14:26
xnn^kubuntu ^^14:27
marco-parilloIt is already out, but not official14:28
jonathan_zzno error yet this time14:31
RuediiHello, I hate to ask the question everyone has obviously been asking all day, but how's the progress on the 16.04 release?14:32
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Progressing well,14:33
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: IIRC Release is 23:00 UTC14:33
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: so I heard14:33
RuediiThanks.  I suspect they never got rid of the image over 1GB bug, or is that what is taking so long? (brute force compression.)  My flash drives are all over 1GB anyway.14:34
equinox_16.04 's released since few hours14:34
jonathan_zztar: john: file changed as we read it -- how do I deal with that?14:35
jonathan_zzif the thing had just continued everything would have been fine, now another hour wasted so to speak.14:35
RuediiSo wait, it's only the images that have the wait.  So, I should be able to pull the update already if I'm an upgrading.  OK.  I'll go prepare to upgrade.  First thing, remove FGLRX and X-Edgers.14:36
RuediiWish they'd publish that on the news.  (Packages being up and all, building images as we speak.)14:36
jonathan_zzthis is painful, was just creating a backup of my home dir, and now it won't work if any file changes while doing it.14:39
RuediiI'm so happy to be moving to the new, functional mesa tree.   Hopefully X-SWAT will get 11.2 releases out quickly and X-Edgers will do the same with 11.3-GIT tree Kang builds Either 11.2+GIT or 11.3-GIT14:40
jonathan_zzall of that means nothing to me ;-).14:41
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Hi There14:46
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dinepadaanyone tried te 16.0414:47
viewer|96720when is 16.04 being released, the website still shows download link for 15.1014:50
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: UTC 23:0014:50
dinepadatoday but the website says the older version for now14:51
Artemis3viewer|96720, can you torrent?14:53
RuediiThe images aren't ready for 16.04 yet.   However, since the packages are up in the Ubuntu database you can upgrade a 15.04 or 15.10 system.14:53
viewer|96720yes I can torrent14:53
xnnwhats about this image http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/16.04/release/ ?14:54
RuediiOh, BTW if you want me to get the torrent release up on LinuxTracker.org just pop me up a message.14:54
Artemis3xnn, the images are ready, they just unannounced14:54
xnnso ruedii is incorrect ?14:55
Artemis3xnn, do you see .torrent there? use those14:55
xnnok, no there a no torrents14:55
Artemis3be sure to use the torrents14:56
jonathan_zzso much hypernoia.14:56
Artemis3so you don't melt the server14:56
xnnok, there is a torrent file ,)14:56
=== vorap2 is now known as 7GHAATYJE
=== 7GHAATYJE is now known as vorap2
viewer|28682hi guys i need your help. i was running the previous LTS, and i upgraded to the new one released today. when i boot into the OS it now forces me to stay in a black terminal like view15:03
viewer|28682asks me for my username via CL, then for my pass15:04
viewer|28682when i login it just sits me at this CL15:04
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: Please try login as your account15:04
viewer|28682i dont know what to do and i cant lose all of my data on that OS :(15:04
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: then could you try startx15:04
viewer|28682startx ok15:04
viewer|28682will that start the GUI side of the OS?15:04
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I hope so15:05
Artemis3viewer|28682, you can always boot a live iso and backup your data if you are worried15:05
viewer|28682ok. i had to boot into ubuntu in order to get online to ask for help15:05
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=== 7GHAATYJE is now known as vorap2
viewer|28682i'll be back and see if that worked15:06
Artemis3viewer|28682, then you can backup your data now15:06
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: OK15:06
viewer|28682hi guys i am back15:10
viewer|28682and using another laptop while im booted into KDE15:10
viewer|28682i ran startx15:11
viewer|28682screen goes blank for a while then a bunch of stuff is on CL15:11
viewer|28682current version of pximan: 0.33.615:11
viewer|28682failed to set IOPL for I/) (operation not permitted)15:11
excognacviewer|28682: hi. on the one there is no GUI try to press ctrl+alt +F=15:11
viewer|28682xinit: connection to X server lost15:12
viewer|28682control alt F = doesnt do anything15:12
excognacviewer|28682: sorry i meant ctrl+alt+F715:13
viewer|28682still nothing. keep in mind i am in a CL interface at this point15:14
viewer|28682i have logged in with my user and pass15:14
excognacviewer|28682: backup your data!15:14
viewer|28682how can i back it up if i can't get into the OS GUI15:14
Artemis3viewer|28682, i would guess your video card is important15:15
viewer|28682can i roll back the upgrade in this screen to go back to previous LTS i was running?15:15
Artemis3if you want to backup, boot any live iso15:15
viewer|28682do i use the same ISO of the previous LTS i was using, or the new LTS?15:16
viewer|28682would me reviewing the log file help here?15:16
excognacviewer|28682: any. probably the old LTS is better15:16
viewer|28682i guess i am confused how i would be able to access the data for this OS if i am booting into a new ISO file15:17
Artemis3boot and youll see :)15:17
viewer|28682fair enough15:17
Artemis3its usually a simple click15:17
viewer|28682k let me start that download then of the ISO file15:17
Artemis3don't you have the iso already?15:18
Artemis3did you not use ubuntu iso?15:18
viewer|28682i have to boot into ubuntu to do everything now instead of kubuntu15:18
Artemis3use that15:18
telegram1<Sick_Rimmit>: I think its an upgrade15:18
viewer|28682i was using kubuntu LTS 14 that was partiioned on my laptop15:18
viewer|28682then i ran upgrade15:18
viewer|28682it restarted15:18
viewer|28682and now im sitting at a CL15:18
excognacviewer|28682: how did you do the upgrade? from GUI?15:19
RuediiLooks like someone already beat me to uploading it on Linuxtracker15:19
viewer|28682i went to the site and it said to run a command15:19
viewer|28682one sec15:19
Artemis3use the kubuntu 16.04 iso to test if there are problems before performing an upgrade, i think you might need to solve gpu issues15:19
viewer|28682i ran this kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade15:20
Artemis3it doesnt matter at this point15:20
Artemis3if you already did it15:20
Artemis3you could lspci to see what video you have15:20
Artemis3or lshw15:20
Artemis3but its easier to backup/reinstall of course15:21
Artemis3but boot the live iso first15:21
Artemis3if that fails it might be pointless15:21
viewer|28682i run lspci and i see i have vga compatable controller NVIDIA15:23
Artemis3which nvidia?15:23
viewer|28682one sec15:23
Artemis3it should show the model there15:23
Artemis3this might be simpler to solve after all...15:23
viewer|28682GF108GLM Quadro 1000M rev a115:24
viewer|28682audio controller is NVIDID CORP GF108 High Def AUdio Conroller15:26
viewer|28682i also get this when i login: E: Error: BrokenCount > Orun-parts: /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available exited with return code 25515:30
viewer|28682however it does allow me to login and run commands so it isn't limiting my movement in the CL15:30
Artemis3that probably doesn't hurt15:31
viewer|28682yeah thought it may be a warning but wanted to let you know anyway15:31
Artemis3viewer|28682, can you dpkg -l | grep nvidia ?15:35
viewer|28682is that a lowercase "L" or uppercase "I"?15:36
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: lower case L15:36
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: from list15:36
Artemis3evil font :315:36
viewer|28682i run that and it just goes to a new CL line as if i didnt type anything in15:36
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: then you don't have any package containing nvidia installed15:37
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: run echo $?15:37
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: is it non 0 ?15:37
viewer|28682i type in echo $ and it prints $ on new line15:38
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: ....15:38
viewer|28682i am sorry i do not know what "non 0" means15:38
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: no15:38
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: never mind15:38
BluesKajlspci | grep VGA , viewer|2868215:38
Artemis3that gpu is supported in 361 so should be fine to sudo apt-get install nvidia-36115:38
viewer|2868201:00.0 VGA compatible controler: NVIDIA Corporation GF108GLM [Quadro 1000m] (rev a1)15:39
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: if grep receives no input from preceding command it returns an exit code different than 0. That means it (grep) failed. "echo $?" prints the exit code of the previously run command15:39
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: ? is part of the command15:40
viewer|28682oh sorry one sec then15:40
viewer|28682echo $? returns 015:40
Artemis3well it would echo $ otherwise15:40
Artemis3but that doesnt matter :315:40
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: forget the echo thing15:41
telegram1<ovidiuflorin>: it was just a confirmation of the obvious15:41
viewer|28682should i try to run the install line?15:41
Artemis3sudo apt-get install nvidia-36115:42
Artemis3do it15:42
viewer|28682E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem15:43
viewer|28682so i assume do that? :)15:43
Artemis3ok then do that as well15:43
Artemis3probably got interrumpted15:43
BluesKajviewer|28682,  looks the recommended driver for your gpu is the nvidia-35815:43
viewer|28682that command is doing a lot of stuff!15:43
Artemis3BluesKaj, http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/101423/en-us15:43
Artemis3and 16.04 comes with 361 not 35815:44
BluesKajArtemis3, http://www.ubuntumaniac.com/2015/11/install-nvidia-linux-display-driver_22.html15:44
viewer|28682it's saying the /etc/default/rcS has been modified since installation15:44
viewer|28682should i install the package mainter's version15:44
viewer|28682or keep my currently installed version15:44
RuediiHey, quick question while I'm waiting on the first stage of the updates, does anyone know if the AMDGPU kernel driver is default for later RadeonSI/RadeonCI chips yet?  (R9-2xx series).15:45
Artemis3BluesKaj, old article is old :315:45
BluesKajthe 361 doesn't work for a lot of gpus yet , not ready15:46
BluesKajon 16.0415:46
EvilRoeyoh hey BluesKaj :) :) :)15:46
EvilRoeyhow are you doing? blinkblinkblinkblink15:46
Artemis3BluesKaj, its bundled in the release, and official in the nvidia site.15:47
Artemis3ie. not beta, not pre-release.15:47
RuediiYeah, that article is old.  Try using the premade packages for nVidia cards, or use the proprietary driver panel.   If you want the latest beta nvidia drivers install X-Edgers.15:48
Artemis3361.42 is current for both nvidia and ubuntu 16.04 release15:48
Artemis3there is no need to X-Edgers (and i don't recommend it)15:48
RuediiI wouldn't recommend X-Edgers just yet either.   It's more stable than it used to be, but wait for the patches for the new stack first.15:49
Artemis3product model is clearly supported in the nvidia driver description15:49
Artemis3it should work out of the box for a fresh install15:49
BluesKajArtemis3,  doesn't matterr it's not ready for kubuntu yet15:49
Artemis3but he had the upgrade interrumpted15:49
viewer|28682ok now i have something15:50
viewer|28682blue screen15:50
RuediiGenerally I switch to X-Edgers around the time the first backport stacks come through.15:50
viewer|28682a display manager is a program....15:50
viewer|28682default display should be KDE i assume?15:50
Artemis3what did you install 361 and rebooted already?15:50
viewer|28682no i ran the get dpkg command15:50
viewer|28682and now it takes me to package config15:50
Artemis3answer the question15:51
viewer|28682i can type full message if you need it15:51
viewer|28682k i'll pick KDM15:51
Artemis3no no15:51
Artemis3which other choices?15:51
viewer|28682has kdm, lightdm15:51
viewer|28682and sddm15:51
RuediiLightDM or SDDM are the best choices.15:51
Artemis3let me chec15:51
RuediiSDDM is default.15:51
Artemis3yeah go with that15:52
Artemis3newfangled thindies :)15:52
viewer|28682ok now back to normal CL installing lines...15:52
viewer|28682this is huge!15:52
jonathan_zzdid they fix the issues in 361.28?15:52
Artemis3just the one told you15:52
Artemis3its .42 already15:52
Artemis3sudo apt-get install nvidia-36115:53
viewer|28682k one sec15:53
Artemis3its also bundled and shipped in the iso15:53
viewer|28682still going through auto stuff for dkpg15:53
Artemis3for good or bad, everyone gets that :)15:53
viewer|28682tons of setting up and updating going on over here15:53
RuediiSDDM is one of those newfangled thingies for sure. In earlier versions it wasn't as good.  These days it's your best bet.15:53
RuediiEarlier versions of SDDM just had more overhead, that's all.15:54
Artemis3yes i remember when they were picking another dm15:54
Artemis3just forgot the name ;)15:54
RuediiLightDM is the old one they chose15:54
RuediiKDM sucks.15:54
EvilRoeyhey all15:54
EvilRoeyso question15:54
RuediiKDM is incompatable with other desktop environments.  Particularly MATE, XFCE, LXDE and GNOME.15:55
EvilRoeyI bought a bluetooth headphone and receiver for my desktop.15:55
Artemis3its probably more that the old ones fail with systemd or such15:55
EvilRoeyWHen I try to connect to it, I get "the device is unreachable"15:55
EvilRoeyhow can I diagnose this?15:55
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  ^15:55
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BluesKajEvilRoey, usb?15:56
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viewer|28682ok that dpkg is finished15:56
viewer|28682i will run the sudo apt-get install nvidia15:57
viewer|28682sudo apt-get install nvidia-361  to be exact15:57
RuediiSDDM initially installed all it's unnecessary network modules on local-only systems.  That got fixed in later versions.   LightDM works well, but it's no good for network systems due to security reasons.15:57
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  doesn't work over uSB I don't think15:57
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  it's bluetooth15:57
BluesKajwell good luck, hope it works , viewer|2868215:57
viewer|28682when i run that it starts out well15:57
polarisIs it possible to update to 16.04 from 14.04?15:58
viewer|28682then asks for additional disk space will be used i say Y15:58
viewer|28682then i get Errors15:58
viewer|28682failore resolving us.archive.ubuntu.com15:58
Ruediipolaris, I think you may need to upgrade to 15.04 first.15:58
viewer|28682ah one sec15:58
viewer|28682at bottom it says15:58
BluesKajEvilRoey, the BT device/dongle/connection toyour pc?15:59
polarisRuedii, ok thanks15:59
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  yes15:59
viewer|28682E; unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing15:59
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  and then the headphones are BT15:59
viewer|28682i will do the apt-get update15:59
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  I can /find/ the headphones through the Plasma taskbar applet15:59
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  when I try connecting to them, I get "the device is unreachable".15:59
BluesKajEvilRoey,I'm not well informed about bluetooth audio16:00
viewer|28682i run sudo apt-get update and it returns errors about unable to reach us.archive.ubuntu.com again16:00
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  ahh I see16:01
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  well thanks for responding anyway! :)16:01
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  hint: you're my go-to person for kubuntu support16:02
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  because you're kind and patient16:02
EvilRoeyanyway, I'll BBIAB for realz16:02
BluesKajEvilRoey,try lsusb to find your BT dongle name16:02
amichairEvilRoey: do you have pulseaudio-module-bluetooth installed?16:02
Artemis3polaris, it SHOULD be possible16:03
Artemis3polaris, it might get active later tho16:03
viewer|28682wow ok so i run startx again, and this time i see the login page i assume for KDE and then it brings me back to the CL16:03
Artemis3upgrading LTS to LTS is supported officially16:03
amichairEvilRoey: I had a similar issue (though I don't remember the exact error message), and had to install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth and change some setting in /etc/pulse. I don't remember exactly :-/16:03
Artemis3polaris, i don't recommend you go to 15.04 or you will lose this chance16:04
BluesKajheh,I keep forgetting about pulseaudio, since I don't use it.16:05
Artemis3pulse is used for bt headsets iirc16:05
BluesKajit can be16:05
Artemis3i don't own any bt device :)16:06
Artemis3i like my wires16:06
polarisArtemis3: thank you for the response. By later you mean in the next few days?16:07
amichairEvilRoey: I used bluetoothctl and the steps in archlinux wiki for diagnosing bluetooth, and eventually found the culprit16:07
Artemis3if past experience repeat, yes, wait until you see it in the updates16:08
viewer|28682i run startx, then control+alt+F1 and still brings me back to the CL. however i DO see for a short second or two the new login screen i assume for plasma16:08
viewer|28682this is first i've seen that at this point16:08
amichairEvilRoey: hope that helps :-)16:08
Artemis3viewer|28682, why are you doing startx?16:08
viewer|28682doing that because it was suggested previously16:08
viewer|28682just to see if it worked16:08
Artemis3when you install nvidia, reboot and should work (tm)16:09
viewer|28682ok one sec16:09
Artemis3else, there is a problem16:09
Artemis3sddm handles the graphical login16:09
viewer|28682(fingers crossed)16:09
viewer|28682brings me to black screen with [    5.799778] i2400m_usb 2-1.5:1.0: WiMAX interface wmx0 (00:1d:e1:47:a0:72) ready16:11
viewer|28682printed at top and under it has blinking undescore16:11
viewer|28682i have an usb keyboard plugged into it not sure if that is why this is showing16:12
viewer|28682i hit control+alt+F1 it brings me back to the CL screen to login16:17
viewer|28682this time i dont see the error we saw earlier16:17
viewer|28682im running sudo apt-get update again to see if that fixes this16:18
viewer|28682that returned no errors16:18
viewer|28682i will reboot16:18
KsiuIs 16.04 out?16:19
viewer|28682returns me to same screen with  [    5.799778] i2400m_usb 2-1.5:1.0: WiMAX interface wmx0 (00:1d:e1:47:a0:72) ready16:20
BluesKajviewer|28682, after your grub boot and you get the blinking cursor drop to a VT/TTY , login at the prompt , then do , sudo systemctl enable sddm , then sudo systemctl start sddm , if nothing hapopens then run startx16:20
viewer|28682thanks one sec16:20
viewer|28682failed to excute, no such file or directory16:21
viewer|28682for sudo systemctl enable sddm BluesKaj16:21
BluesKajdid you install sddm?16:23
viewer|28682yeah i did that in the blue screen where it had me choose which one i wanted16:24
viewer|28682let me try this BluesKaj - http://linuxpitstop.com/install-sddm-on-ubuntu-15-04-and-linux-mint/16:27
viewer|28682ok so that worked it seemed16:28
viewer|28682i then run these two commands16:28
viewer|28682sudo systemctl enable sddm , then sudo systemctl start sddm16:28
viewer|28682and then it brings me to a blank white screen16:28
viewer|28682should i reboot?16:29
BluesKajviewer|28682, sddm is in the repos16:31
BluesKajwhy use an old ppa16:31
viewer|28682idk i was just going by the tutorial16:31
BluesKajit's for 15.0416:31
viewer|28682oh i see16:32
viewer|28682should i run update then?16:32
BluesKajremove the ppa , it will get yuou into trouble16:32
viewer|28682could you tell me how to do that?16:33
BluesKajthe update/upgrade16:33
viewer|28682ok just ran update, now doing upgrade16:33
viewer|28682ok upgrade is finished16:34
viewer|28682should i run the systemctl enable and start now?16:34
BluesKajyou should have wau=ited for my instructions first16:35
viewer|28682im not sure how to remove the ppa16:36
viewer|28682k i ran startx and it now brings me to the login16:37
viewer|28682its not pushing me back to CL any longer16:37
BluesKajviewer|28682, sudo nano /et/apt/sources.list  find the blue shell ppa and remove it from the file, then ctl+o , enter, ctl+x to save the file then update and upgrade again16:37
BluesKajcorrection   /etc/apt/sources.list16:38
viewer|28682what is werid is i dont see the blue shell ppa listed here16:39
acheronif added with 'add-apt-repository' the ppa with have it's own seperate .list file in directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:40
tyrogHi guys, Kubuntu isn't out yet?16:40
viewer|28682when i go to etc/apt/sources.list.d it shows blank file16:41
viewer|28682i am wondering if my previous update/upgrade didnt remove it for me?16:41
acherondoubtfull. you are on xenial?16:43
viewer|28682i believe so16:43
viewer|28682i just see security.ubuntu and us.archive.ubuntu lines thorughout16:44
acheron'sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/blue-shell-ubuntu-sddm-xenial.list' should remove the ppa then16:44
viewer|28682ok one sec16:44
viewer|63101I believe we just went live16:45
viewer|6310116.04 shown in download page16:45
viewer|28682k i run that command and brings me to next line with no message or anything16:45
viewer|28682just making sure that is intended acheron16:45
GargamelHi there. I am sure this question has been asked 20 times today.....16:45
acheronthere are no xenial packages in that ppa anyway, so stay or go it's no big deal16:45
BluesKajacheron, thanks for that16:46
Gargamelwhat time will the final version of 16.04 bereleased?16:46
viewer|28682ok so to clarify i should run update and then upgrade again at this point?16:46
viewer|28682ok it is removed16:46
viewer|28682i ran the command again and it says 'no such file'16:47
viewer|28682so at this point i will run update and then upgrade16:47
BluesKajyes viewer|28682 it should bring your sddm version up to date16:47
viewer|28682ok sorry about this...16:47
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viewer|28682ok so nothing new has been installed/upgraded16:48
viewer|28682i should run startx or should i reboot?16:48
acheronGargamel: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-lts-release-anouncement16:48
BluesKajview reboot to see if sddm works16:49
tyrogIt's here: https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/16:49
viewer|28682view reboot just opens up new file16:50
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Phlegethonanyone know if amdgpu driver works out of the box?16:51
viewer|28682going to manually reboot now...16:51
Phlegethongot an r9 380 4gb16:51
viewer|28682wow this is a huge improvement from 14 LTS16:52
viewer|28682let me see if dual display monitors will work16:52
viewer|28682i see the two monitors in system settings but the second monitor isnt turning on16:54
viewer|28682ok got it16:55
viewer|28682second monitor wasnt enabled16:55
viewer|28682BluesKaj and acheron and Artemis3 i owe you all so much!16:56
viewer|28682this upgrade is literally amazing and i have all of my files and programs in tact!16:56
Artemis3have fun16:56
viewer|28682i can't thank you all enough16:56
viewer|28682is there a donation option to the team?16:57
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BluesKajviewer|28682, yw16:58
user|39166when is kubuntu realeasd?16:59
BluesKajguess they fixed the nvidia-361 bug , maybe now I can try it16:59
BluesKajuser|39166, http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-lts-release-anouncement17:00
user|39166how will kubuntu handle nvidia and intel gpu?17:00
BluesKajuser do you mean an optimis setup?17:00
BluesKajoptimus even17:00
user|39166will he use prime ?17:01
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BluesKajit should work fine with nvidia-prime in the mix17:01
clivejoviewer|28682: You can donate to either KDE or Ubuntu projects if you like the software - KDE ( https://www.kde.org/community/donations/ ) Ubuntu ( http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/contribute/ )17:02
clivejoor both :)17:02
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swipe-How long before sudo do-release-upgrade works? I've updates sources but still getting "No new release found"17:04
BluesKajswipe-, add -d  at the end the release flag is delayed17:06
user|39166how nvidia prime works???17:06
user|39166whill kubuntu use only one gpu17:07
user|39166intel or nvidia?17:07
swipe-BluesKaj: thanks17:07
user|39166can some one help me?17:09
user|39166how nvidia prime work?17:09
BluesKajuser|39166, is it installed on you OS ,l it should be if youare running 15.10 or 16.0417:10
user|39166i dont use kubuntu now17:10
user|39166but how nvidia prime works??17:10
user|39166in linux mint i could sitch between intel or nvidia17:11
soeeuser|39166: same here, through Nevidia Settings panel you can do it17:12
soeeor via command line17:12
user|39166okay thanksd17:12
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EvilRoeyamichair:  thanks so much!! I will try this at home!17:22
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 16.04 https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-16-04-lts-release-anouncement/
todayRELEASEhello - how is the process of release of KUBUNTU 16.04 going on, any news?17:31
ikoniatodayRELEASE: I thought it had been released now17:32
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todayRELEASEthaaanks so it is done ;-)17:49
amichaircan the iso be used to upgrade an existing system, or does apt have to re-download everything again?18:03
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BluesKajamichair, it can if you have separate / and /home partitions then installing the new iso to / and just setting the mountpoint for /home in the partitoner manually18:08
amichairBluesKaj: and how do I run the upgrade (not clean install)?18:09
BluesKajwell the above is considered a clean install of the OS m v=but all the config files and most default app settings will be retained using the above method, otherwise you can just update and full-upgrade , then run sudo do-release-upgrade, which will bring in the new release18:12
amichairBluesKaj: so the answer is no? you can't upgrade (not clean install) using the iso as a repo instead of apt downloading everything?18:14
yofelamichair: no you can't18:17
amichairtoo bad :-)18:17
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viewer|70052Hi :) ! How can I upgrade my pc running kubuntu 15.10 as the official link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XenialUpgrades/Kubuntu gives me "page not found" ?18:27
anteruAlso, muon doesn't see it yet - I guess it takes a while until it gets propagated to all mirrors?18:27
anteruOr is it safe to do a do-release-upgrade -d now, as that will update to the same thing?18:28
kuseRHi. Kubuntu release 16.04 LTS is out. But from Muon 14.04 LTS, no upgrade is proposed. Any idea?18:35
user|28651what a useless piece of shit - thanks for an awesome 16.04 - I just went back to windows....18:38
Pici!ltsupgrade | kuseR18:39
ubottukuseR: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.18:39
ubottuUsers of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.18:40
polaris_user|28651: What has disappointed you?18:42
AciD`hey, is Kubuntu 16.04 available now?18:47
kuseRubotto: didnt know. Thanks for the information18:54
kuseRubottu: I didnt know. Thanks for the information18:56
ubottukuseR: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:56
soeeAciD`: yes18:57
Basstard`Ooh, crash with 16.04 liveCD on a ThinkPad X40 (forcepae). It did not even get to the desktop. plasmashell crashes.19:07
soeeBasstard`: running in Virtual Machine or hw ?19:08
Basstard`soee: ThinkPad X40.19:08
soeeBasstard`: yes yes, but are you running it in VirtualBox for example or directly fromr dc/dvd drive ?19:09
Basstard`soee: Directly.19:10
swipe-gutted that 16.04 breaks radotray :(19:38
soeehow ?19:39
soeeBasstard`: well i havent tired that so can't help much :/19:39
clivejoswipe-: what is radotray?19:43
clivejo!info radiotray xenial19:46
ubotturadiotray (source: radiotray): online radio streaming player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.3-5ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 75 kB, installed size 556 kB19:46
Chaserwohoo do-release-upgrade now shows 16.04.19:57
clivejowell fancy that!19:58
clivejoon released day too19:58
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clivejoswipe-: you there?20:18
keithzgHmm, well I was lazily putting off updating packages on my 14.04 desktop here at work and so there's a bunch to update now (hey, all the servers are set to automatic security updates and I check them regularly too! I'm not a delinquent sysadmin!) but I'm not seeing the dist update notification.20:21
keithzgIs 16.04's release still percolating through the mirrors?20:21
steveireHey, I'm having trouble upgrading. When I run the upgrade tool I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15972626/ How can I get more information about what the problem is?20:21
soeevan ou try executing the suggested command: ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core20:23
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04)20:23
keithzgsteveire: You could check /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log and see if it has anything seemingly applicable20:24
soee!ltsupgrade | keithzg20:24
ubottukeithzg: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.20:24
clivejokeithzg: is the system being upgrade full up to date?20:24
keithzgclivejo: Oh it is now, I just remember being offered it well before in the past, but soee's info seems to answer my question.20:25
clivejoshould still be able to force it if you want it20:26
keithzgErr, that is to say: I remember still having pending updates but being offered the next dist most times in the past.20:26
keithzgYeah, honestly I go back to when the only reliable way was to chance the apt sources list, so I'm quite willing to just run update-manager from a VT or such ;) I just figured I'd check and do things as "normally" as possible in case I ran into problems that were meaningful to report.20:27
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clivejokeith are you sure you have the latest versions of update-manager and update-manager-core?20:30
keithzgclivejo: Well as soee pointed out, the automatic upgrade will only be offered when 16.04.1 is out so it makes sense I don't have the notification, no?20:31
keithzgGood ol' "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" looks like it's working fine so far.20:32
clivejobut -d is devel release20:33
clivejowhich was fine up until today as Xenial was still in dev20:33
swipe-clivejo: yes mate20:33
keithzg*shrug* I just did it out of muscle memory, and it grabbed xenial20:34
clivejoswipe-: what is radotray?20:34
swipe-it's an internet radio app that sits in the system tray20:34
clivejothe one I listed?20:34
swipe-gutted it's broken. I've reported it on launchpad20:35
clivejohow is it broken? have a bug report number?20:35
swipe-clivejo: 155711520:36
clivejoLP Bug 155711520:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1557115 in radiotray (Ubuntu Xenial) "[regression] RadioTray won't launch without python-xdg" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155711520:36
clivejoswipe-: it installs on my Xenial installation20:37
swipe-does it worl though?20:38
clivejoseems to20:38
clivejotheres music being played20:38
swipe-can you launch from the console?20:38
clivejoI launcher from KickOff Menu20:39
swipe-not sure whats wrong with mne then. Mind you, it was playing while I upgraded20:39
swipe-but I've pruged and reinstal and reinstalled python-xdg too20:40
swipe-it's also not installable from discover20:41
clivejoswipe-: http://s31.postimg.org/rbqnuemrf/Radio_Tray.png20:41
swipe-doesn't show in the list, only insta;;able via apt20:41
swipe-clivejo: thanks, don't know whats up with mine then20:42
swipe-I may try removing python20:42
clivejodunno, I was going to look into the packaging but when I installed it, works fine!20:43
clivejoI installed via apt20:44
swipe-did you upgarde xenial or fresh install?20:48
=== ahab is now known as ahab9k
keithzgOh oops I really should have removed apt-listchanges before starting the dist upgrade21:08
keithzgThis is taking a looooooong time to generate . . .21:09
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest11898
=== Guest11898 is now known as verdenas
user|87180Kubuntu 16.04 looks really bad21:29
user|87180Not the nice icons on 15.1021:29
user|87180Wut happened?21:29
soeewhat icons ?21:30
soeecan you post screenshot ?21:30
user|87180The desktop icons like on dolphin21:30
user|87180+ navigation bar looks so bad too21:31
user|87180how can i post a screenshot?21:32
soeeuser|87180: print screen and upload to wstaw.otg for example and paste link here21:34
* drleviathan downloads both kubuntu-16.04 and ubuntu-16.04 via bittorrent (will try them out this weekend).21:37
user|87180Those icons21:37
user|87180Are like the old ones21:38
user|87180Horrible icons21:38
soeeuser|87180: sis you upgraded or did a fresh install ?21:39
user|87180Fresh install21:39
soeeoh that is strange21:39
soeewhat iconset you have selected in System Settings -> Icons21:40
soeeis it Breeze?21:40
=== verdenas is now known as verdenasrdenas
=== verdenasrdenas is now known as verdenas
user|87180dark breeze21:40
soeetry to change to Breeze21:41
soeeand relogin21:41
user|87180ok doing that21:41
user|62200Icons are cool again :))21:55
soeeuser|62200: did you change them to Breeze Dark ?21:55
soeei mean after install21:56
soeeah, ok21:56
user|62200It's cool now21:56
clivejohi neanderslob22:02
neanderslobclivejo: howdy22:03
clivejohow are you getting on?22:03
neanderslobI was actually just about to message you; I have a new development with yesterday's problem and wanted to run it by you if you have a moment22:04
clivejonot that I actually understand what the problem was!22:05
neanderslobok, so it seems that this is a problem that replicates itself on shutdown.  the trick to getting it working is to fire up the machine, delete the file and reinstall pulse audio and then restart22:05
neanderslob...for every shutdown22:05
neandersloboh, completely understood22:06
neanderslobthis explains why it worked the first time I booted up but then stopped working thereafter22:06
viewer|28682very pleased to see my volume up/down buttons on my laptop now work with latest release of kubutnu!22:06
neanderslobit's sounding more and more like a bug that I should report but I was just wondering if you might have any other ideas before I go sending others on a goose chase22:07
clivejoso it stops working everytime you shutdown?22:07
clivejodoes it do the same from the new user you created?22:08
neanderslobgood question, should have checked; unfortunately I'll need to sign off because it requires a restart22:08
neanderslobback in a moment22:09
tux|dudeWhoooo!!! Kubuntu 16.04 is out!!!22:13
soeetux|dude: indeed ;)22:16
tux|dudeI love it when new stuff like this comes out22:17
tux|dudeUpdating now22:17
clivejowait til you see 5.7 :P22:17
soeeclivejo: packaing it ? :D22:17
tux|dudeKDE 5.7?22:18
tux|dudeOh NICE22:18
tux|dudeIs it already backported?22:18
tux|dudeOh right lol it isn't out yet22:18
tux|dudeI'm dumb22:18
soeenah it will take 3 months till it gets releaded22:18
tux|dudeIs 5.6 gonna be in the backport repo?22:19
clivejotheres a lot of work to be done22:19
tux|dudeI see22:19
tux|dudeSince I loaded a backport of plasma 5.5 onto my 15.10 install lol22:19
tux|dudeI like to live on the bleeding edge at times22:19
tux|dudeStill I've been waiting for this update with baited breath. Can't wait to see what 16.04 is like22:20
clivejoXenial has 5.5.522:20
tux|dudeOh I see22:20
tux|dudeI'm running a backport of 5.5.4 lol22:20
tux|dudeCan't wait to see all the new stuff22:21
clivejoalthough plasma-discover is version 5.6 :)22:21
tux|dudeHopefully kernel 4.4 doesn't break anything on my surface pro 2 though22:21
tux|dudeKernel 4.3 seems to be the version that works fine on my surface so 4.4 probably won't break anything22:21
tux|dudePlasma discover?22:21
clivejoKDE Software centre application22:22
tux|dudeOh I see22:22
clivejorun Discover22:22
tux|dudeYeah I sideloaded the ubuntu software centre tbh as discover was a bit unstable for me lol22:22
tux|dudeI've got a bit of a frankenstein of packages going on here lol22:22
neanderslobclivejo: so that was educational22:30
neanderslobit apparently does NOT happen on my other account22:30
neanderslobso methinks there's something in my ~/ that's poisoning pulse audio22:30
clivejoyeah, thats what I been thinking22:31
clivejoplasma saves your settings when it exits22:31
neanderslobI also think that it's not the shutdown process that does it but the autologin that does (not especially helpful but sort of interesting)22:31
clivejodo you have any audo programs which auto load?22:32
neanderslobknow what's interesting, I have plasma configured to launch a clean session for this account; maybe that's part of the issue22:32
neanderslobyea, dropbox but I don't think autoload is the issue because logging out and logging back on doesn't create the issue22:33
neanderslobmy guess is something left over in .kde is the problem22:34
neandersloband that's easy enough to test22:34
neanderslobright, so I've certainly got enough to work with here; thanks!22:36
taterhi all. i am curious if anyone is having issues with plugging in kubuntu into a large tv via hdmi. when i do it, in both 14 and 16 releases, the large television screen has a lot of pixels not firing for lack of better term. it's as if the tv is broken. yet when i plug it up into windows it works fine.22:36
taterit works fine with normal computer monitors, and i use those plugged into it at work all day long22:37
neanderslobtater: haven't tried it with 16 but did so all the time with 14 and didn't have a problem22:37
neanderslobtater: I'll ask the obvious question: did you try it with different tvs/different hdmi cables?22:38
tateryes i've tried it with multiple hdmi cables. said hdmi cable works fine in windows when booted into windows on same machine; when switched to kubuntu it does not.22:39
taterso i've ruled out it is a laptop specific since it works via hdmi into windows22:39
neanderslobtater: ....well shoot22:42
MichaelPinstalled 16.04 beta2.. did apt dist-upgrade.... discover is only finding a few gst packages and same with synaptic22:42
taterjust curious if i'm missing something obvious or if anyone in this room has had similar experience22:42
neanderslobtater: something's missing something; like I said, I haven't tried it in 16.04 but 14.04 works great and I used it quite a bit22:43
neanderslobtater: the fact that it's happening with two different releases is interesting22:44
neanderslobtater: have you tried it with a different laptop? I realize you tested it with windows but it might be some sort of hardware incompatability issue with ubuntu22:45
neanderslobMichaelP: actually found that as well but I just figured I either installed them LATE last night or that the release packages would come in time22:47
MichaelPneanderslob: funny thing is... in discover under search.... i type in gstreamer... i don't get gstreamer.. i get Find Files/Folders ... Searchmonkey... Desktop Search... Search for files ... look... Recoll...... Where does that have anything to do with gstreamer ?22:54
neanderslobMichaelP: oh wow, I don't think we're talking about the same thing22:55
neanderslobok, never mind my previous remark22:55
neanderslobI misunderstood you22:56
neanderslobhave you tried running a sudo apt-get update?22:56
MichaelPsearch for gst... i get gSTM parole media player transmageddon voideo transcoder pitivi videos.....22:58
MichaelPdone that about 4 times22:59
neanderslobalright, story checks out23:00
neanderslobI'm able to find it just fine in the terminal though23:00
MichaelPyeah but when you have 30 different gstreamer plugin packages.... GUI is nice23:02
neanderslobI'm not sure how discover filters its packages (if it regards gstreamer as a secondary sort of dependency or what)23:03
neanderslobactually, it appears not to include any backend packages like ffmpg, python or alike23:04
MichaelPIt found them the otherday... Then went back to arch... then got tired of plasma 5.6 panel always chrashing... so came back here... and now today it not finding23:05
neanderslobso this seems like a "feature"23:05
MichaelPJust installed muon... it found everything23:06
neanderslobyea, it seems to only be showing gui packages23:06
neanderslobah, there we go23:07
MichaelPGuess discover is still needs work23:07
neanderslobI've found a couple other bugs here and there23:08
neanderslobI really do like the new interface though23:08
MichaelPNothing going to be a 100% bug free... Its man made23:08
robotdevil1hey im on 14.04 and I have a mount on /mymount but the indexer isnt indexing the drive, what gives??23:09
robotdevil1like the dolphin "find" option doesnt appear to work on it23:09
MichaelPi like gui's like muon better... straight and simple23:10
robotdevil1discover actually helped me discover thou23:14
robotdevil1winswitch ftw23:14
MichaelPonlything it discovered for me.. is it broken right now23:16
PacoSmithereensAfter upgrading, my clock is showing 7 hours earlier than it should.  This is a UTC issue.  I noticed during the upgrade a message about /etc/default/rcS and the line indicating UTC being removed.  I do not know why the update killed the line completely.  Elsewhere, there is some reference to a file with a name like (forget exactly) /etc/timeadj, but this file does not exist and I have been unable to find its syntax anywhere.  Can23:18
PacoSmithereensanyone tell me how I can fix this.23:18
=== eu is now known as excognac
excognachi all, how does the upgrade go? all good?23:18
MichaelPPacoSmithereens: right click on clock. .. adjust date and time... under time zone... see if it set to your time zone.... and on date and time... Set date and time automadically23:21
tux|dudeOk I've run into a slight issue23:27
tux|dudeI tried updating my kubuntu but something went wrong and apparently some packages didn't install or something23:28
tux|dudeAnd I can't get back into the kubuntu os23:28
tux|dudeIs there a way I can try updating again using a ISO image or am I basically buggered at this point?23:28
ildefonsodo you have console access to the system? or just remote.23:29
tux|dudeI can access the recovery section23:29
amichairmy upgrade just aborted as well. yay.23:30
tux|dudeBut when I try to boot the OS all I get is a black screen with the blinking cursor. No login screen. It shows the kubuntu boot screen then just that black screen with the cursor on it23:30
amichairsomething about mysql-server-5.7 error23:30
tux|dudeYeah that's what happened to me23:30
ildefonsosimplest way is a reinstall, however it can be fixed.23:30
tux|dudeThe update aborted and I can't get back into the system atm23:31
tux|dudeI have time23:31
tux|dudeHow can it be fixed?23:31
ildefonsoyou need to boot into some kind of recovery system, maybe a live cd, or any recovery system that let you mount your existing filesystems.23:31
ildefonsothen, you need to chroot into it23:32
ildefonsoand try first running dpkg --configure -a23:32
ildefonsoand see if are there partially installed packages.23:32
tux|dudeI actually managed to access the recovery kernel and do dpkg23:32
tux|dudeBut that didn't do much23:32
ildefonsoany errors?23:32
tux|dudeDo I have to do that from a live usb or something for it to work right?23:32
tux|dudeOnly one about chrome23:32
tux|dudeAlthough I just selected the dpkg option in the recovery menu23:33
tux|dudeSo I might have missed something23:33
ildefonsosometimes, after an error, it will not continue to the rest of packages.23:33
* ildefonso has not used that recovery menu in eons...23:33
tux|dudeI see23:33
ildefonsoI would try to chroot to your system and run dpkg from there directly.23:34
ildefonsothen, check the logs23:34
tux|dudeOk. So use a live usb then23:34
ildefonsofor clues of what else can be failing to start.23:34
ildefonsoI am pretty sure the recovery thing has an option to chroot to the root filesystem, doesn't it?23:34
tux|dudeOk then. I'll give that a shot23:34
ildefonsosomething like start a shell in the...23:34
amichairildefonso: any idea how to fix the mysql-server-5.7 error?23:35
ildefonsoamichair, what error are you getting?23:35
amichairJob for mysql.service failed because the control process exited with error code23:35
ildefonsoand... I guess this all is the result of trying to do-release-upgrade or something like that?23:35
amichairildefonso: yes23:35
amichairnow doing dpkg --configure -a, but that just repeats the mysql error23:36
* ildefonso books a whole morning to handle his PC upgrade...23:36
ildefonsoamichair, did you have any MySQL DBs on your system before the upgrade?23:37
ildefonsohow bad is your system? ie, is it up and running except for MySQL?23:38
amichairildefonso: upgrade aborted in the middle, haven't restarted or anything so (old) system is still up23:39
ildefonsodid you take a full backup of your DBs before the update?23:40
ildefonsothe simplest is to purge mysql, and then try to make it finish the upgrade.23:40
amichairand the not simplest?23:40
amichairwhat is the problem?23:40
ildefonsowell, mysql is failing to start, the reasons: I don't know (there should be some extra info in the logs), but sometimes it is library conflicts that can be cleared by uninstalling, finishing the process, and then reinstalling it.23:42
ildefonsoamichair, what was your previous version? 14.04?23:42
ildefonsofirst, go to the logs and try to find a more specific error, look in /var/log23:43
amichair[ERROR] Function 'innodb' already exists23:44
* ildefonso is more proficient in PostgreSQL, so, he is actually googling the MySQL error.23:45
amichairildefonso: much appreciate, but I wouldn't want to waste your time... I can do that myself23:45
amichairildefonso: I just asked in case it's a well-known issue or something23:46
jonathan_zzdid they fix the gaming issues of nVidia 361.28? Many games required additional parameters to turn off certain features that caused the game to not work.23:46
ildefonsoamichair, well, not to me.  I am no mysql expert, ask me about postgresql! :D... but, usually, you will find that kind of issues while doing a do-release-upgrade, I use to just take a full backup of data before doing that, and then just remove any problematic package, install it again, and restore backups as needed.23:48
ildefonsoUbuntu/Kubuntu at least allow for a direct upgrade path, CentOS and the such will require a reinstall (as far as I can tell).23:48
amichairildefonso: suppose I figure this out, should I run do-release-upgrade again, or just apt-get dist-upgrade, or what?23:48
jonathan_zzmostly I also store my backups in a safe vault beneath a mountain just in case something happens, you never know with Linux.23:48
ildefonsoapt-get dist-upgrade23:49
ildefonsoor, dpkg --configure -a23:49
ildefonsojonathan_zz, oh, I do that with the windows systems!23:49
amichairildefonso: and then reboot and that's it? do-release-upgrade doesn't do anything else afterwards?23:49
jonathan_zzof course you do.23:50
ildefonsodo not run do-release-upgrade again23:50
tux|dudeYeah I dunno if I'm gonna be able to figure out how to fix that... As inconvenient as it is I'm probably gonna have to back up my shit and do a clean upgrade23:50
ildefonsojust apt-get dist-upgrade (or aptitude dist-upgrade if you like it better)23:50
ildefonsoor dpkg --configure -a23:50
jonathan_zzjust in windows or any other system usually backups are not the first line of defense against disaster.23:50
amichairildefonso: ok, thanks23:50
jonathan_zzin Linux it is, or it is the thing that is always mentioned to safeguard against any program error.23:50
tux|dudeWait what's that apt-get dist-upgrade command?23:51
jonathan_zzeven simply undeleting files is often so hard.23:51
ildefonsojonathan_zz, can you upgrade Windows Server from, say, 2008 to 2012 without a reinstall?23:51
ildefonsothat is what we are doing here.23:51
telegram1<Clifford>: <ildefonso> mysql 5.7 was only uploaded to the archive a week or so ago.23:51
amichairtux|dude: that's the regular package update command, and what do-release-upgarde uses behind the scenes23:51
tux|dudeIs there a way to backup my user preferences before a reinstall?23:51
telegram1<Clifford>: Its been causing a lot of issues with upgrades23:52
ildefonsotux|dude, backup /home (simple), or... find where your specific configs are.23:52
tux|dudeI see23:52
ildefonsoalso, backup /etc is usually a good idea.23:52
jonathan_zzI never mentioned anything like that, I was just alluding to the fact that... if you do need a backup while the thing is supposed to work without much hassle.... then in the end you cannot really say you can safely upgrade with Linux (Ubuntu) either.23:52
tux|dudeOk. So backup home and etc and then copy it back after the reinstall?23:53
ildefonsojonathan_zz, this is the most uncommon task, do-release-upgrade23:53
jonathan_zzi don't care, you are comparing apples and oranges now. I was not saying anything of the kind.23:53
ildefonsoand one that most people (count me in) just try to avoid.23:53
telegram1<Clifford>: You could try move /var/lib/mysql somewhere and restart the upgrade23:54
ildefonsowell, I asked amichair if a backup existed, because they are doing do-release-upgrade, that can be risky.23:54
jonathan_zzbtw yes you can upgrade from Windows 7 and Windows 8 to Windows 10 ;-). Your data is probably going to be very safe but Windows 10 is buggy to begin with ;-).23:54
jonathan_zzthat's one of the apples and oranges ;-). :p.23:55
ildefonsono, Windows Server.23:55
jonathan_zzyou might as well have mentioned upgrading from Windows 95 to Windows 10.23:55
jonathan_zzand then say "can you do that? huh? huh?"23:55
jonathan_zz;-) :p sorry.23:55
ildefonsoI am talking about a server environment here.23:55
tux|dudeMan I knew this wasn't going to go smoothly23:56
jonathan_zzwell what does it matter really.23:56
ildefonsoUbuntu is one of the few distros that allows to do that.23:56
ildefonsoand, I am not surprised at all that it is a bumpy road.23:56
tux|dudeCan someone just pastebin a list of commands and things to try if we have a broken upgrade?23:56
amichairtux|dude: this happens to me almost every upgrade... lesson learned is not to reboot after an aborted upgrade. fix it while the system is still up...23:57
telegram1<Clifford>: Tux|dude where did you get up to?23:57
tux|dudeLike, 99% completed on the last step of the upgrade before the error popped up and said something about package and things being unstable23:58
mayhewI think the clock in the bottom right corner is pretty big, is there a way to make it smaller?23:58
jonathan_zzthere are often failures in package updates in this system of do-release-upgrade I must say. One time it hung for me for no other reason than that the actually command line tool was asking for user interaction but my GUI thing didn't allow that :( :P.23:59
amichairildefonso: ok, progress - seems like two configuration options were renamed. now getting errors about needing to repair tables... but seems like the right track23:59

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