
lynorian5am my time00:01
tsimonq2wxl: is that okay with you, if it lines up perfectly, for me to announce the releases?00:03
tsimonq2before I go to school, that is00:03
wxlknock yourself out tsimonq200:03
lynorianok this is the live session of amd 64 is done and I have done manual install00:06
tsimonq2awesome wxl "_00:06
wxlthx for all the help tsimonq200:07
tsimonq26:21:17 PM < infinity> flocculant: If all goes well, we expect to release between 12 and 2 London time, so ticking things ready a  couple of hours before  that (say, 9 UTC) would be nice.00:07
tsimonq212 PM London time is 6 AM my time00:07
tsimonq2that's when I wake up00:07
tsimonq2and I leave by 7:15-7:2000:07
tsimonq2so it *should* work out fine00:07
tsimonq2oh shoot, I'll see if Julien is online...00:08
tsimonq2:( nope00:08
tsimonq2I assume he will be around tomorrow?00:08
tsimonq2could someone add the Ubuntu Etherpad and Ubuntu Wiki situation to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved ?00:33
tsimonq2I'll do it later if someone doesn't...00:34
palassohello I will spin up 7 DigitalOcean droplets (all the cities DO has servers) to seed. Are the torrents ready?06:33
tsimonq2palasso: not yet, wait for the announcement :)10:37
palassook ty10:38
tsimonq2confirmed bug 137070710:39
ubot93bug 1370707 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Plymouth does not display the graphical boot splash" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137070710:39
tsimonq2confirmed bug 148478510:42
ubot93bug 1484785 in abiword (Ubuntu) "language selector text cut off in abiword" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148478510:42
tsimonq2confirmed bug 157242910:43
ubot93bug 1572429 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu alternate iso files are oversized for CD disks" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157242910:43
tsimonq2confirmed bug 154730210:49
ubot93bug 1547302 in casper (Ubuntu) ""Check disc for defects" boot option displays no text some flavors" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154730210:49
tsimonq2confirmed bug 157125510:51
ubot93bug 1571255 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "gnome-disks truncates a huge image when restoring to a drive from xz-compressed image file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157125510:51
tsimonq2lxpanel volume applet settings opens empty terminal window (1434774 Workaround Exists)11:00
tsimonq2lubuntu-software-center only lists installed applications from alternate install (1467517 Workaround Exists)11:00
tsimonq206:07:13 AM -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Mate Desktop amd64 [Xenial Final] has been marked as ready11:47
tsimonq206:07:13 AM -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Mate Desktop i386 [Xenial Final] has been marked as ready11:47
tsimonq206:07:13 AM -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Mate Desktop powerpc [Xenial Final] has been marked as ready11:47
tsimonq2whoops, meant to paste that into #ubuntu-release-party :)11:47
tewardtsimonq2: poke13:16
redwolfwxl, please ping me13:53
flexiondotorgwxl, teward, tsimonq2, phillw You are needed in #ubuntu-release16:18
tewardflexiondotorg: i have no say in Lubuntu in #ubuntu-release16:18
tewardnor do I have any say for Server, etc.16:19
tewardi'm also already tehre16:19
tewardflexiondotorg: i also didn't do PPC tests at all16:19
tsimonq2flexiondotorg: I'm around, someone still needed?17:12
tsimonq2wxl: I see the blog post isn't released, need revisions before release?17:13
tsimonq2wxl: or what's up with that?17:13
tsimonq2phillw, wxl: were NO release announcements sent out? I can help17:15
tsimonq2I'm here until :5517:15
phillwtsimonq2: I'm waiting on you!!!17:15
tsimonq2 /o\17:16
phillwtsimonq2: the wolf should be back imminently from his neck massage.17:16
tsimonq2what do you need from me?17:16
tsimonq2Rafael hasn't given me access to lubuntu.me17:16
tsimonq2I haven't posted anything else17:16
tsimonq2I'll get G+ quick17:17
phillwtsimonq2:  ML :) Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/PrePostReleaseTODO#Use_press_announcement17:17
tsimonq2I'll do that17:17
phillwAll I've done is post the link for the release notes wiki page :)17:17
phillwsimply to stop people asking "is it out yet?!!" :P17:18
tsimonq2do I need to indicate that alternate images are oversized?17:18
phillwit is in the notes, along with using server iso for language and/or WiFi capability.17:18
tsimonq2so it's NOT needed in the release announcement?17:19
phillwtsimonq2: this is what they currently have... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu17:20
phillwhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO has the details for using server CD17:21
tsimonq2so am I clear to release the ML announcement?17:21
phillwand update the TODO page with your nick so we know it's been done :)17:22
tsimonq2I had Julien check it over this morning BTW17:22
tsimonq2he acked17:22
phillwgood :)17:23
phillwwe always like a proof read of things!!17:23
tsimonq2who do I send it to?17:23
tsimonq2I want to be fast, so direct email addresses preferred please17:24
tsimonq2(if there are more)17:24
phillwnope, just to the dev and user MLs will be fine :)17:25
tsimonq2alright :)17:25
tsimonq2phillw: and the release notes are fine?17:26
tsimonq2email sent17:29
tsimonq2teacher needs be bbs17:30
phillwseem to be :)17:31
phillwtsimonq2: a bit easier, as with final - we can point to ubuntu release notes for common issues, instead of picking which we mention which is the case with milestones.17:33
tsimonq2phillw: please just post the blog post17:43
tsimonq2(and put my name on there in small letters so they know who to blame :P)17:43
tsimonq2then the others can be released17:43
tsimonq2phillw: and you are the only other person online to do that that has access to lubuntu.me17:44
phillwi am, but rafael needs to edit his blog post :)17:46
tsimonq2phillw: I take off in 10 minutes, please remind him17:46
tsimonq2phillw: and please use what I've written out17:47
tsimonq2(assuming it's wordpress, source mode if you could)17:47
phillwalso, instead of sending people to cdimage (which is getting hammered) it is better to send them to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu as it asks that they use torrent and mentions the mirror :)17:47
tsimonq2I see17:47
tsimonq2well too late for the ML17:47
phillwwe do have seeders :)17:47
tsimonq2this is why I asked if you proofreaded it ;)17:47
phillwI was setting up a VM :P17:48
tsimonq2but I leave in 10 mins and I want to finish this up17:48
tsimonq2if you don't mind17:48
phillwI await Rafael to return :)17:49
tsimonq2for the blog post?17:49
tsimonq2alright I'm off, phillw, I've tasked wxl to handle it if you don't mind17:55
phillwkk have fun!17:55
redwolfphillw, back!18:19
phillwneck better?18:22
redwolfnot really! _D18:23
redwolfbut I have another session, and she promised to make me a relaxing one, with some fabric bags with warm stuff inside18:23
phillwredwolf: can you add on the PPC and also the notes from the ML written by tsimonq2 and approved by gilir this morning. (Just edit the link to cdimage to be to GetLubuntu).18:24
wxli'm going up on the blog with this stuff18:24
redwolfI know!18:24
redwolfI'm going to add the missing links18:25
phillwhiyas wxl :)18:25
redwolfwxl, *\o/*18:26
wxlhey all18:27
redwolfso, adding PPC desktop and PPC alternate18:28
phillwredwolf: yep... just waiting for the Pi image to arrive :)18:29
phillwthere is an RC for both MATE and lubuntu on my mirror.18:29
wxlcan you guys move that around to all the places?18:30
redwolfwxl, did you put a reading-stop and tags/categories?18:31
wxlnot a reading stop18:32
wxli can do that18:32
redwolfgood boy!18:32
phillwwxl: can you edit the link direct to cdimage server to point to getlubuntu . it extols the use of torrent and has the mirror :)18:32
redwolfotherwise one post fills the entire blog. thank you18:32
redwolflinks checked18:32
redwolfwho takes care of social?18:34
redwolfphillw ?18:34
wxllink me, phillw18:34
phillwI'll redo the ones marked via me on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/PrePostReleaseTODO#Use_press_announcement18:35
phillwredwolf: can you do the twitter etc ones.18:35
phillwwxl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu18:35
wxlredwolf: s/etc/reddit/18:35
wxloh yeah18:35
wxlsnapchat? XD18:36
phillwthey're listed so we don't forget :)18:36
redwolfI'll do Twitter and Reddit18:36
wxlk download link fixed18:36
phillwmay need to add in snapchat :)18:36
wxlredwolf: what about snapchat? :)18:36
wxloh and tinder18:36
wxl"hot lightweight operating system looking for hardcore user"18:37
phillwhe he18:37
redwolfwxl, -_____-18:38
phillwand grinder :P18:38
redwolfyes, Grindr, and KiK, and StumbleUpon, and Tuenti, and...18:38
wxloh yeah kik!18:38
redwolffor Grindr... "Lubuntu, harder than ever"18:39
redwolf"everything will run smoooooth..."18:39
wxlis digg still a thing?18:39
redwolfyes, I think so :)18:39
wxli really don't have any interest in doing any more of that crap18:39
wxlmaybe i could hack public apis to publish all at once18:40
wxlor better yet.. WORDPRESS PLUGINS18:40
wxlthanks for all the help btw both of you18:42
redwolfreddit and twitty done!18:44
redwolfwxl, there's something for that, an app or something to post everywhere18:44
wxlredwolf: don't forget pinterest. you know, for the ladies. :)18:44
redwolfBUT as I prefer to edit manually text and links (Twitty needs short urls, and Reddit hates them), not useful18:44
* wxl rolls eyes18:45
wxland soccer moms18:45
redwolfbtw, we have a new community: http://lubuntuofficial.deviantart.com18:45
redwolfin time it'll replace the (too much gay) Pinterest18:45
redwolfand of course, Xenial was added18:45
wxlnice nice18:46
redwolfomg, we're done! :D18:46
wxlyay good job everyone18:46
phillwthe 5 allocated to me have been re-edited. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/PrePostReleaseTODO#Use_press_announcement18:47
redwolfthank you, I know, thank you18:47
redwolfoh, wxl, and look at the audience (for now): http://pasteboard.co/mgeriHC.png18:48
phillwwxl: only thing not done is 'turning off' testing page, as we're back to testing 14.04.5 for when ever it is due.. can you edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing accordingly. Thanks.18:48
redwolfBUT go to http://lubuntu.me/blog/ and you'll see today's random visits... 5,952!!!! and it's beginning!18:49
wxli'll probably go to lunch first but then i'll do it phillw18:49
wxli have it in my browser to remind me18:49
phillwwxl: okies, please mark as don on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Developers/PrePostReleaseTODO when  done :)18:49
redwolfI feel very proud of you all... but one o__o18:50
redwolfkidding, nice dev job18:50
wxlalso in the browser phillw :)18:51
wxlthanks everyone......18:51
phillwredwolf: kris is on #phillw if you want to say hI... He's home after his operation earlier today.18:52
redwolfoh, yes! :D18:52
redwolfdo tell!18:54
redwolftell me19:01
redwolfdon't be shy19:01
wxlit's not what you're hoping it is :)19:01
redwolfhow do you know what's on my mind? .__.19:02
redwolfphillw, don't worry, I'm chatting with kris :)19:03
redwolfdinner time!19:09
tsimonq2thank you wxl :)20:02
* tsimonq2 glanced during Science class20:03
tsimonq2phillw: gosh darnit, you pasted the email text into the Facebook post, that's where the Facebook text goes :|20:26
phillwno need to follow links.. they can read it directly there :D20:27
tsimonq2but the blog post is different then the email20:28
tsimonq2if anything you should have put the blog post on Facebook20:28
phillwthe links are hard to do from lubuntu.me to FB for the downloads... So, sent people to GetLubuntu :)20:29
tsimonq2phillw: but I made modifications special for the email...for the email! /o\ :P20:32
phillwah well, all done now :)20:33
phillwplenty of likes :)20:33
tsimonq2but the end...and the beginning... /o\20:33
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