
dg87so is the next version coming out?06:41
hateball!xenial | dg8706:41
ubottudg87: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+1 Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party06:41
dg87umm its 21st right now06:42
Unit193So, later on today.06:45
Unit193Just "when it's ready"06:49
ChunkzZ1anyone know what time lubuntu 16.04 will be released and will it be release with lxqt?08:57
Kiwikaki_afaik 21:00 UTC. Nope, it comes with lxde. 16.10 will come with lxqt09:03
ChunkzZ1how long for 16.10?09:04
Kiwikaki_Oktober 2016. ;)09:04
ChunkzZ1oh, why not move to lxqt with 16.04?09:05
Kiwikaki_I don't know, sorry. I'm only a user, not a developer :)09:06
Unit1931. LTS, so needs to be supported for a longer time.  2. LXQt is very new.09:06
ChunkzZ1the daily builds come with lxde, lxde is very old now.09:07
ChunkzZ1lxqt > future09:07
Unit193LXDE is mature and still activly maintained.  And sure, LXQt is the "future", which is not now. :P09:07
=== Kiwikaki_ is now known as Kiwikaki
phil42the alternate install image has been released10:35
phil42the desktop install image has been released10:36
phil42release desktop is identical to 4-20.1 daily desktop10:48
ikoniaphil42: please do not give out links until it has been released11:15
phil42link for lubuntu 16.04 desktop is  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04/release/lubuntu-16.04-alternate-amd64.iso11:15
phil42it has been released11:15
ikoniaphil42: why are you doing this11:15
ikoniait has not been released11:16
phil42it has been released11:16
phil42cdimage.ubuntu.com disagrees11:16
ikoniathat is not a release11:16
ikoniathat is the mirrors11:16
phil42says it is11:16
ikoniamirrors are still syncing - pointing people at them does not help11:16
ikoniathat why you wait for a release announcment from the release-manager11:16
ikonianot you11:16
ikoniaso PLEASE stop giving out links to people until the release has been officially announced11:17
phil42link for lubuntu 16.04 desktop is  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04/release/lubuntu-16.04-alternate-amd64.iso11:21
ikonia!ops | phil42 banned from 3 channels for giving links out despite being asked multiple times not to11:22
ubottuphil42 banned from 3 channels for giving links out despite being asked multiple times not to: Help! Channel emergency! (Only use this trigger in emergencies) - bioterror, genii, holstein, hyperair, IAmNotThatGuy, jared, Myrtti, stlsaint, Unit193, wxl.11:22
ikoniaphil42: no idea why you're doing this - the point is to help the community, not try to cause a problem11:23
ikoniayou've been asked multiple times not to do this, and you've been banned from other channels for doing it, no idea why you want to do this11:23
phil42rebooting to install new lubuntu11:24
ikoniagood for you11:24
ChunkzZ1ikonia, is it out yet?12:54
noobwhat should i use for a keyring on lubuntu13:56
noobssh keyring13:57
nooband how do i inlock it on ligin13:57
noobunlock it13:57
noobplease ping if you reply13:58
krytariknoob: Gnome Keyring is installed by default - you can use that.14:10
noobkrytarik: thanks.  it does not have a gui?14:12
krytarik!info seahorse14:12
ubottuseahorse (source: seahorse): GNOME front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 3.16.0-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 418 kB, installed size 2424 kB14:12
krytariknoob: Look above. :P14:20
noobok, so seahorse can see my key, and asks for pass phrase and unlocks it, but wont import it14:22
krytariknoob: Just drop both the private and the public key directly into '~/.ssh' - if the latter one is missing, Gnome Keyring won't handle it.14:27
noobi have a putty ppk, can i use that to get it imported?14:29
tewardnoob: you have to convert the Putty PPK into an OpenSSH private key14:29
noobkk, googleing teward14:30
tewardPPK is private proprietary, PuTTY only ;P14:30
noobhttp://superuser.com/questions/232362/how-to-convert-ppk-key-to-openssh-key-under-linux suggests it will convet to  openssh14:31
tewardnoob: that's a manual step you need to run :P14:32
tewardSeahorse can't convert :P14:33
noobteward:  or krytarik  what does seahorse need.  i have the private and publick there but stil no import.  do they need a specific name or permissions?14:37
tewardnoob: I don't think you need to import it into the keyring, perhaps just drop it into ~/.ssh14:38
tewardbecause I think that's where the ssh-agent picks up SSH keys from14:38
noobdoes it need a specific name or permissions set?14:38
nooband does it need both pup and private?14:38
tewardit needs both14:39
nooband the name?14:39
tewardprivate key can be named whatever, needs a `chmod 640` though on it14:39
tewardpublic key has to match the private key filename, but with .pub appended14:39
tewardchmod 644 on that i believe14:39
noobbah, pcmanfm can set numeric perms14:41
noobso how i see if this got picked up teward14:44
noobwow there it is14:44
noobwait a min14:45
noobit set it up to connect to this pc14:45
noobi need it to connect to another box14:45
tewardnoob: um, what?14:45
teward;set it up to connect to this pc'?14:45
tewardnoob: it's a key file - it doesn't define where it's used, or what connection it's used for14:46
tewardyou take the OpenSSH public key, put that into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the "other box"14:46
tewardfor the user on that system you want to SSH into and login as14:46
tewardfrom your system you're on NOW, `ssh user@remote-box-address` (replace the things accordingly!)14:46
tewardSSH key auth will be attempted14:47
noobok, so how do i connect to the remote box?14:47
tewardand should "work"14:47
tewardreading my messages would be a start then14:47
tewardwith what error?14:50
tewardif any14:50
noobPermission denied (publickey). teward14:50
tewarddid you add the public key contents to the 'remote' box?14:50
tewardand login with the correct user?14:50
noobyep.  it works with putty14:50
noobkrytarik: I got the key imported but i am getting permission denied15:02
noobPermission denied (publickey)15:02
expaLe puse Lubuntu 15.10 a un AMD Turion (tm)64 por defecto configuración de monitor 640x480 no la puedo cambiar con xrandr15:13
krytarik!es | expa15:15
ubottuexpa: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:15
rkzzyonce ubuntu 16.04 is released, how long will it take to create lubuntu 16.04?15:43
redwolfrkzzy, they're usually "cooked" at the same time15:44
rkzzyah, so once ubuntu 16.04 is released tomorrow, lubuntu 16.04 will be available too?15:45
redwolfyup :)15:45
redwolfyou're welcome15:45
redwolfanyway, rkzzy, I don't know your timezone, but your "tomorrow" is my "today". Lubuntu is being released now, wait a few hours and you'll see the post everywhere15:47
Dice-Manhello i have lubuntu 15.10 it gaves me a bbswitch no vga devices found16:33
Dice-Mani cannot login16:33
expaLe puse Lubuntu 15.10 a un AMD Turion (tm)64 por defecto configuración de monitor 640x480 como modificarla16:33
Dice-Manat bootin16:34
Dice-Manhow to solve that problem ?16:34
Dice-Mani have an nvidia graphic card16:35
Dice-Mani removed all nvidia drivers by sudo apt-get purge nvidia*16:35
srulihi, is lubuntu 16.04 being released today?16:37
ubottuIt's Out!!! See - http://www.ubuntu.com/download16:40
ChunkzZ1lubuntu released?16:40
expacon escritorio LXDE y fce no se puede cambiar la configuración por defecto 640x480, no tiene nvidia16:41
tewardChunkzZ1: yes16:44
tewardthey all did at the same time for 16.0416:44
ChunkzZ1I don't see it?16:45
tewardChunkzZ1: it may not be up on the Lubuntu site yet16:46
tewardbut they're up and released - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04/release/16:46
=== AntiSpamMeta2 is now known as AntiSpamMeta
noobteward:  hey my friend17:02
noobmy ssh is still broken17:03
wxlnoob: what's your problem?17:09
wxlnoob: also i wouldn't focus on one particular individual here and we're all often in and out17:09
=== leszek_ is now known as leszek
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
noobwxl: ssh is not working18:08
noobputty is working18:09
noobI added the key to seahorse18:09
nooband it shows18:09
noobssh-add -l does not show it18:10
noobso apparently open ssh and gnome keyring are fighting18:11
noobwell so say the openssh guys18:11
wxlnoob: so if i understand you correctly, the problem is with the key, not with ssh?18:14
noobwxl: nah, the key works in putty18:23
noobbut it not work in a terminal ssh session18:23
nooband does not show as a valid key in ssh18:23
noobbut does show in seahorse18:23
wxlthat's because they use different key types, noob18:23
noobnah they key went into seahorse and shows there18:24
noobsame finger print and stuff18:24
wxlbut feel free to continue to poke at it if you like :)18:24
noobok so what is relavant18:24
noobbut putty converted the key to opens ssh18:25
wxlonce you have that done for sure18:26
wxlif it still doesn't work, then pastebin ssh -v and we can figure it out18:26
wxlalso this is not a lubuntu specific thing, so #ubuntu might offer you more people that can provide help18:26
Kamilionnoob: are the permissions on ~/.ssh/18:44
ChunkzZ1so, lubuntu still using lxde?18:46
* ChunkzZ1 is a sad panda18:47
wxlChunkzZ1: there's instructions on how to use lxqt in xenial18:47
Kamilionand lxqt works quite nicely18:47
Kamilionthere's a screenshot :)18:47
wxleven on raspberry pi 2 :)18:48
Kamilionthe only major bug I've seen so far is trying to resize the screen with vmware or virtualbox18:48
Kamilionthe desktop background xwindow doesn't correctly resize18:48
ChunkzZ1I don't see the lubuntu 16.04?18:48
wxljust came out18:49
ChunkzZ1link me please?18:49
Kamilionread the release notes if you have a system built in 2016, there may be some issues (re: intel skylake stuff)18:49
Kamilionwxl: is there an lxqt channel or is this it? (other than #lxde )18:51
wxlKamilion: yeah, #lxde is the general lxqt channel. the #lxde on oftc is more lxde focused than lxqt.18:52
Kamiliondarkxst got some wayland stuff punched in for ubuntu-gnome and I'd like to bang on lxqt18:52
wxlfrankly i think they should set up #lxqt as main and have #lxde redirect but oh well18:52
Kamilionbtw, are the lxqt packages in core now? Do I still need the PPA?18:53
Kamilioni know the ppa's needed to get newer stuff, but AFAIK some of this landed in december to universe, right?18:53
Kamilionor is it just the themes and customization in the ppa, while the binaries are already in core?18:53
wxlthey're in xenial18:54
wxli gotta check on artwork18:54
wxlwait duh18:54
wxlof course it is18:54
wxlit's release day hahahahah XD18:54
Kamilionhence my questions, now that the release pocket's been published to *18:55
ChunkzZ1thanks, guys.18:57
Kamilionaye. If you've got any questions about 16.04, feel free to ask, ChunkzZ118:58
KamilionI've been running the xenial package series since november18:58
Kamilionbunch of packages got renamed, some went away, ETC18:58
Kamilionso if you're lookin' for something, speak up :D18:59
ChunkzZ1I do have 1 question, is it a lie about lubuntu 16.04 on a raspberry pi 2?19:02
wxlnoppe that's for real19:02
ChunkzZ1nice! I am using my pi 2 right now with debian.19:05
noobwxl: as i said i already had putty convert them (pup and private) and added to seahorse19:18
nooband ssh v seem to be missing a thing?19:19
noobKamilion:  permissions on ~/.ssh are 70019:19
AriMarttiphew, tried to install lubuntu 16.04 to 5 different old machines, 2 success and 3 didn't boot. Those 3 did't even boot on live-mode although installer runs fine.19:40
AriMartticannot specify the hardware but machines were old19:40
AriMartti1386 image in use19:40
AriMarttipressed F6 during boot menu and erased "quiet splash" and notided that "GPU cannot be detected, Light Desktop Manager cannot start"19:41
KamilionAriMartti: sec19:52
KamilionAriMartti: do you know how to read the output of lspci?19:53
AriMartticannot do that19:53
AriMartticomputers are 35 km away from me19:53
Kamilionah, you've changed locations since the test?19:53
KamilionWhen you have a chance, lspci or lshw them -- I know a couple xorg drivers may have been dropped like ati mach6419:54
AriMarttiKamilion: maybe tomorrow I can pastebin lspci -v for you :)19:54
Kamiliondon't need the pastebin, just the GPU's common-name19:54
Kamilionhence why I asked you if you could read it's output ;)19:55
Kamilionit turns out a lot of servers happen to have 'old' GPUs19:56
AriMarttithowe were old fujitsu-siemens desktops19:56
KamilionAriMartti: got an average age for me?20:02
Kamilionpost 2005? post 2010?20:02
AriMarttiRAM about 1 to 2 GB, so maybe 200820:03
Kamilionalright, so not terrifyingly old20:03
Kamilionpost-pentium4 space heaters, at least20:03
AriMarttisata disks and so on :)20:03
Kamilionsounds like intel core or core220:03
Kamilionllwalahoop: plymouth theme controls bootup20:04
Kamilionand I'm not sure what deals with the lightdm greeter theme offhand20:05
craysiiii'm probably not the first to ask this but does anyone know when lubuntu 16.04 will release?20:56
craysiiinevermind i guess lubuntu.net hasn't been updated but lubuntu.me has21:00
Kamilioncraysiii: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04/release/21:01
Kamilionbeen available since yesterday.21:01
Kamilionlubuntu seems to have been first in the build queues and least in 'broken stuff' during release21:01
KamilionI think ubuntu-mate had one final respin at the end, so they were a few hours later than the rest of the images21:02
xet7Is NVidia driver support fixed in Lubuntu 16.04 LTS for PowerPC, for Mac PowerBook G4 ?21:05
noobi need help getting ssh working21:09
noobI tried in ubuntu but there topic says use your distros channel21:09
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Lubuntu Docs: http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp | Lubuntu 16.04 LTS is out: http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | About: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | QA/Development: #lubuntu-devel
solounchicoanyone can sugest me how to make a lubuntu usb permanent system?22:40
Kamilionsolounchico: sure22:58
Kamilionoh, nevermind, they left22:58
J0hnD03iiI done the minimal installtion from the ubuntu network installer, it's all installed but no network manager for wifi or ethernet?23:12
liquidsnake_i had the same problem23:14
J0hnD03iiliquidsnake_, how did you fix it?23:14
liquidsnake_so i switched to linux mint23:14
liquidsnake_i didn't i just switched to a different distro23:14
J0hnD03iiyeah I wanna use 16.04 :(23:15
liquidsnake_do you have older hardware you're trying to install this distro on?23:15
J0hnD03iia 2012 asus x501u laptop23:15
liquidsnake_might wanna try xubuntu. its lightweight too23:15
liquidsnake_what are the specs of your laptop?23:16
liquidsnake_is it a dual core with at least 2gb of ram?23:16
J0hnD03ii1ghz 2gb ram 120gb ssd23:16
liquidsnake_is that a dual core or single core?23:16
liquidsnake_yeah try xubuntu instead. i mean i know u want to run lubuntu but for some reason on some machines it has that problem with the network connection23:18
liquidsnake_i haven't found a workaround for it23:18
liquidsnake_so i just switched distros23:18
liquidsnake_so try linux mint xfce or xubuntu23:19
liquidsnake_only other thing i can suggest is search the net for a solution23:20
liquidsnake_J0hnD03ii: you still there? What are you going to do?23:22
wxlJ0hnD03ii: you mean your installed system's ethernet doesn't work?23:23
J0hnD03iiyes no network connection with wifi or ethernet23:23
wxli wouldn't be surprised about wifi (broadcom chips are notorious) but ethernet is straaaange23:24
n-iCeoh I remember!23:24
wxlhave you looked through your logs to see if there are any errors reported?23:24
n-iCelubuntu release is today, right!23:24
wxlalready out23:24
n-iCegonna download it23:24
n-iCehow is it23:24
liquidsnake_like i told J0hnD03ii i haven't found a workaround for it yet23:25
J0hnD03iiyeah it's stupid23:26
wxldid both of you install the same way?23:26
liquidsnake_with some machines it has that network problem23:26
wxlJ0hnD03ii: also did you look at your logs?23:26
J0hnD03iiwxl, no errors reported23:26
wxlJ0hnD03ii: what do they say about networking? anything? they certainly should say SOMETHING.23:26
J0hnD03iinope, nothing. I checked!23:27
wxlJ0hnD03ii: you also may want to check if the networking hardware is picked up. use lsusb or lspci as needed23:27
n-iCeuhm where is the iso23:28
wxlJ0hnD03ii: networking should start on boot. perhaps that failed. do `ps aux | grep -i net` to see iuf you see any relevant processes23:28
wxln-iCe: you can find it on lubuntu.me (among other places)23:28
J0hnD03iiwxl, I just restarted the install23:28
n-iCewhy not in lubuntu.net23:29
n-iCeis not the official site23:29
wxlthat's a longer story :/23:29
J0hnD03iiwxl, can you help about my brightness keys?23:29
wxlyou'll notice all the links on the wiki point to lubuntu.me being our website23:29
n-iCewow tht's new for me23:29
wxlit's a relatively new change23:30
n-iCe16.04 downlaoding23:30
n-iCeoh ok23:30
J0hnD03iiwxl, ?23:30
wxlthe short story is that lubuntu.net is run by the guy who originally started the project and who is NOT active in its development anymore and is hard to get a hold of. we had neverending problems with it lagging behind reality. so we just decided to do our own thing. :)23:30
wxlJ0hnD03ii: possibly maybe. :)23:30
J0hnD03iiwxl, to change my brightness, I have to add acpi_osi=Linux to my grub, nothing else works -.-23:31
J0hnD03iisorry, typo23:31
wxlJ0hnD03ii: does that allow the brightness keys to work or what exactly does it do?23:31
J0hnD03iiwxl, it allows me to change the brightness with my fn keys23:32
J0hnD03iiif I don't add that to grub, my brightness won't turn down/up23:32
wxlJ0hnD03ii: ah, so that's probably not something that's going to change. ubuntu (and debian upstream) has given defaults for grub and none are likely to include that. BUT you can make that a default grub option.23:33
ianorlinaren't there other ways to change brightness than fn keys like the power manager applet and the lubuntu shortcut23:33
J0hnD03iiwxl, yeah but I gotta figure out how to change the brightness and turn down the fan :/23:33
J0hnD03iithe brightness is the easy part23:33
J0hnD03iithe fan :/ idk23:34
J0hnD03iiacpi_osi= < brightness works with that23:34
J0hnD03iibut my fan is still fully loaded23:34
J0hnD03iiim gonna cry lol23:34
wxlthere's ways23:34
wxli gotta remember what they are :)23:34
J0hnD03iiyou're a dev, right?23:35
wxlJ0hnD03ii: https://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed23:35
wxli do a little bit of everything but don't contribute code for the majority of my contributions23:35
ianorlinI am not expirenced with the fan noise stuff although if you expirence high load it might need that much fanspeed for cooling if you are running something really that heavy23:36
wxlit would be good to check the cpu temps and see if they are requiring the cooling23:36
wxlif not it may be a general power management issue23:36
ianorlinyes and the panel has an applet for that23:36
wxlianorlin: he needs an installed system with networking first. :) he says when he installed the first time (doing it again), he had no wifi OR ethernet. that latter bit seemed oddd to me23:37
ianorlinyes no ethernet does seem quite odd23:37
J0hnD03iiianorlin, nothing heavy, just the fan is always on. liquidsnake_ had the network problem too23:38
J0hnD03iieven just sitting idle, fan is full.23:38
wxlprobably pmgmt then23:38
wxlpower management23:39
J0hnD03iioh XD23:39
wxlit's likely turning on the fans because it's sensing something that's not actual there23:39
J0hnD03iithe fan never goes off23:39
liquidsnake_well guess your problem goes unsolved J0hnD03ii23:45
wxlliquidsnake_: not so. just waiting for him to get an installed system up so we can figure it out.23:46
liquidsnake_oh ok23:46
wxlliquidsnake_: since your problem is "solved," is there something else we can do for you?23:46
liquidsnake_well i never could get the network connection to work either in lubuntu23:47
liquidsnake_i was wondering why is that?23:47
wxland is that something then, that you want to fix?23:47
J0hnD03iilubuntu = epic23:47
wxlliquidsnake_: sooooo do you have an installed system to work with?23:47
J0hnD03iiliquidsnake_, what changes are there for 16.04? because it seems a lot quicker23:47
J0hnD03iiwxl, ^ my bad23:48
wxlthere's a lot of little things23:48
liquidsnake_i'm on linux mint right now though cuz i just switched to a different distro due to the network issue23:48
wxlliquidsnake_: well, if you want to switch back, maybe we could help you figure that out.23:48
liquidsnake_i have no way to get on if i install lubuntu again23:48
wxlusually when my car breaks down, i don't switch to another car in order to fix the problem XD23:48
J0hnD03ii00:48 and I gotta be up at 6am. :/23:49
wxlJ0hnD03ii: we'll still be here when it's convenient for you23:49
J0hnD03iiwxl, great saying :D23:49
J0hnD03iiwxl, yeah, im not tired, yet23:49
wxlJ0hnD03ii: ok, we'll keep hammering at it until you give up then :)23:49
liquidsnake_well ok then tc everyone have a good one. hope you get your problems resolved J0hnD03ii23:50
wxlJ0hnD03ii: if you want some reading material, btw, http://lubuntu.me/xenial-released/23:50
J0hnD03iiwxl, I found this http://itsfoss.com/fix-brightness-ubuntu-1310/http://itsfoss.com/fix-brightness-ubuntu-1310/23:55
J0hnD03iibut it doesn't say what to do with amd -.-23:55
wxlJ0hnD03ii: get your installed system up and we'll go from there23:56
J0hnD03ii25% left :)23:56

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