
wligtenbergHi, just curious if there is still something I can help out with regarding: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/java-common/+bug/155276407:24
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1552764 in swt-gtk (Ubuntu) "Eclipse and SWT are very slow/hang on a fresh 16.04 install (gtk3/swt issue)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:24
rbasakwligtenberg: is there a fix available?08:10
wligtenbergNot that I am aware of, only a work around, which is mentioned in the issue08:11
wligtenbergI am a bit unsure as to how to dig into the problem08:11
rbasakPerhaps whatever is reading that variable needs to be patched to default back to 0.08:13
wligtenbergrbasak, well that would be eclipse (but also other applications based on the Eclipse framework)08:14
rbasakwligtenberg: if that's what's needed to fix eclipse then an SRU would probably be appropriate. A proper fix would be even better though.08:36
wligtenbergYeah, I am more interested in a proper fix. I use the environment variable at the moment, but it still causes some graphical glitches. I am just not sure on how to investigate the issue...08:38
wligtenbergI am not an Eclipse/SWT dev or something :)08:39
rbasakTalk to upstream? Ubuntu devs may know but they are generalists. Upstream wrote the code so are probably experts :)08:44
wligtenberggood point, joined the eclipse room. :)08:48
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hikiko|lnhello, I'd like some help with the sru process..10:30
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hikikohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates I'm following these steps10:31
hikikoI downloaded the package orig.tar.gz used quilt10:32
hikikoand I wonder what's the next thing I have to do :) re-compress using the same name and upload it?10:32
hikikoUpload the fixed package to release-proposed with the patch in the bug report, a detailed and user-readable changelog, and no other unrelated changes.10:33
hikikohow do I change the changelog? just edit it myself?10:34
hikiko(sorry it's the first time I try to SRU something :p)10:35
rbasakhikiko: what package is it?10:35
hikikorbasak, compiz10:35
hikikoI want to SRU something on trusty10:35
hikikoso far, I've downloaded the trusty orig.tar.gz and applied the change using quilt10:36
rbasakhikiko: we should move to #ubuntu-devel or something then. This channel is for bug triaging.10:36
hikikoI didn't edit/change anything else10:36
hikikosorry rbasak :)10:36
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