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halivingstonhey folks, I just tried the "alleged" final ISO and tried running the desktop under Microsoft HyperV and it installs fine, but on login after you enter your credentials the background just stays there and nothing happens ... but my CPU usage on HyperV Manager says 10%06:33
halivingstondo you know if you guys tested this scenario? It used to work in beta2.06:34
seb128good morning desktopers09:47
seb128pitti, isn't bug #1572863 a feature? what language did you pick? I though didrocks changed seeded complete support for the main locales with the goal to get ride of the "incomplete" dialog on login09:52
ubot5`bug 1572863 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "no "incomplete language support" note in offline xenial install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157286309:52
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pittiseb128: no, check-language-support still gives me two metric tons of dictionaries and stuff, I only have the langpacks installed09:58
willcookemorning all09:58
seb128hey willcooke09:58
pittiseb128: well, maybe that is by design now, but that's not what the ISO test case says09:58
pittiand I'd like to have German spell checking :)09:59
seb128pitti, hunspell-de-* are on the iso09:59
seb128as is hyphen-de09:59
willcookedesktoppers - ISO test please:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/359/builds10:02
willcookedesktoppers - for desktop a quick smoke test.  Also look at flavours which don't have as many test runs10:04
davmor2willcooke: I done broked it already :(10:05
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willcookedriver issue?10:06
willcookeor more wide than that?10:06
seb128davmor2, move out of the wood back to civilization?10:06
seb128joke aside can you apport report a  bug against network-manager?10:07
seb128so we get logs&co10:07
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seb128davmor2, is that reproducible? when did that start?10:10
davmor2seb128: yeap I'm just looking into causes as it works in the oem installer part10:11
seb128davmor2, is that an issue in the live session or installed system? does your wifi card requires a firmware?10:11
davmor2seb128: intel wifi no driver, it works in live session, it works in the oem installer part so you can download updates, but it doesn't work in the installed end user session on first boot, if you reboot it then does10:13
davmor2seb128: hence diggind into it as there are so many different bits to enable and not enable it in and it is finding out if it is every install or what10:14
davmor2it doesn't help that the connect to network page has suddenly disappeared from ubiquity either though10:14
LaneyNo need to go on about that bug every 2 minutes, it's known10:17
seb128darkxst, rather asking here10:30
seb128is the GNOME iso supposed to boot to a "get me started" with no installer reference?10:30
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darkxstseb128, it should boot to the ubiquity greeter screen10:31
seb128I typed ubiquity but it has no result10:31
seb128the live session?10:31
seb128first item10:31
seb128I usually boot to live and run ubiquity from there10:31
seb128it feels nicer to have a session to play with while installing10:31
darkxstoh in the live session, ubuiqity is in the panel on left in overview10:31
seb128which is hidden by default10:32
seb128that's quite un-intuitive10:32
seb128but ok10:32
seb128imho you should not display the "how to get started" on the iso10:32
seb128it's more likely than people want to play with things or install10:33
seb128rather than watch introduction video and read help10:33
darkxstsearching for ubiquity (or install) should also work?10:34
seb128not in the tutorial app which is maximized10:34
seb128like my default reflexe was to try to use what pop in front of my screen10:34
darkxstoh I see, right10:34
darkxstinteresting the GCI kids all loved the tutorial app! it probably doesnt need to be on the live session though10:37
darkxstor maybe would be better if it wasnt maximised?10:37
darkxstI wonder if we could do a simple popup/notification "Press <super/win> key to get started"10:39
seb128darkxst, unsure, but closing/not maximizing doesn't help either since your desktop is empty10:41
seb128like there is nowhere obvious on screen that you can hit the activity corner to get the dash10:41
seb128so if you are not a GNOME user you get to sit down there watching tutorial or an empty desktop10:42
seb128oh well, I guess most of users are GNOME users and now where to go ;-)10:42
darkxstwell there is a slight learning curve compared to a traditional DE10:45
darkxstand yet even windows users just go and click on "Activities" not try and press <super> which even opens the menu on windows (maybe they don't know that either though!)10:48
seb128darkxst, good work, Ubuntu GNOME looks good ;-)11:20
seb128just did an i386 installation11:20
seb128worked great11:20
darkxstseb128, thanks, should be a very solid release11:21
Laneymark them as ready!11:22
darkxstLaney, ok, I just finished smoketesting the last images, look good here also11:22
seb128mdeslaur, lol, I didn't see that this trusty samba update was 4.1 to 4.3 serie, fun one!12:10
mdeslaurseb128: yeah, the fix was over 400 commits, no hope to backport it into 4.112:10
mdeslaureveryone else updates to either 4.2 or 4.3 too12:10
seb128that's quite annoying what happens12:10
seb128its means security update disrupt your working infra12:11
seb128but I guess no choice there...12:11
mdeslauryeah, we didn't really have a choice12:11
mdeslaurthis is the perfect example of why we usually backport fixes instead of upgrading versions12:12
seb128especially on something complex/interacting with other systems like samba12:14
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a1fawhats with unity mouse acceleration? i dont know if i should open up a bug report or not13:07
a1fabut disabling mouse acceleration in the mouse setting should disable the mouse acceleration13:08
a1fai shouldnt have to use xinput13:08
a1faxinput --set-prop 8 "Device Accel Velocity Scaling" 113:08
a1faand why does launchpad no longer allow you to report a bug ;(13:13
seb128Trevinho smells13:56
seb128Trevinho, sorry, I made the mistake to let my laptop unlocked13:57
seb128somebody used the opportunity13:58
Trevinhoseb128: yess, yesss......13:58
seb128cyphermox, did you look at the missing "connect to wifi" page in ubiquity?14:01
cyphermoxstarted looking yeah14:01
cyphermoxyou still have nm-applet, and it's too late for fix now.14:01
seb128still looking? did you figure you somebody14:01
seb128Laney is starting as well and just said he was sure he would duplicate work with somebody14:02
seb128seems like he's right :p14:02
seb128just don't want to dup too much work14:02
seb128how much did you look?14:02
seb128should we stop?14:02
cyphermoxno, please keep at it14:02
cyphermoxI only just got up minutes ago, and jumped right in a meeting14:03
cyphermoxall I did was yesterday try to add printfs and such to find out if it was being started at all, but I didn't see any hints14:04
cyphermoxI don't know why it's unhappy14:04
Laneycyphermox: I found the problem14:21
Laneystand by14:21
seb128happyaron, e.u.c daily xenial view has some youker-assistant reports about import error due to missing lxml14:43
seb128is anyone looking at that?14:43
Laneypitti: do you know things about dbus-python?14:50
pittiLaney: that's a trick question :)14:50
LaneyThe wifi bug is because we ask for a property called 'state'14:50
Laneybut it's actually called 'State'14:50
Laneyapparently dbus-python handled uppercasing in trusty but not in xenial14:50
pittioh, did that change between 1.0 and 1.2?14:50
pittioh, wow14:50
LaneyI'm asking if it is known and/or deliberate :)14:50
pittinot to me, at least; so far whenever I used properties I just spelled them right14:51
pittiso, single-character fix?14:51
LaneyI'm worried that it might be a problem elsewhere14:52
* seb128 saw a wifi screen on Laney's screen14:52
pittiwell done -- can't possibly get smaller for an SRU :)14:52
cyphermoxLaney: definitely sounds like it could be a problem elsewhere14:52
cyphermoxLaney: nice catch14:52
Laneythis instance is obviously trivial to fix14:52
Laneybut if other things expected the old behaviour...14:52
LaneyI don't see any in ubiquity though14:53
pittido we know, was this still working in wily?14:53
pittiah, nevermind14:54
pitti dbus-python | 1.2.0-2build2  | trusty  | source14:54
pitti dbus-python | 1.2.0-2build2  | vivid   | source14:54
pitti dbus-python | 1.2.0-2build3  | wily    | source14:54
pitti dbus-python | 1.2.0-3        | xenial  | source14:54
pittiit's not like this actually changed much14:54
* Laney didn't look there14:54
Laneydid we switch py2->3?14:54
pittiand http://launchpadlibrarian.net/234773210/dbus-python_1.2.0-2build4_1.2.0-3.diff.gz has no code changes at all14:54
Laneyhmm, nope, I was reproducing on python314:55
Laneyumm, not reproducing14:55
Laneydbus change?14:55
pittimore probable, yes14:56
seb128nothing obvious in the commits log or bugzilla*14:56
pittibut that means it would affect dbus-glib, gdbus etc. too14:56
pittiLaney: did that affect wily already?14:56
pittiI suppose not14:56
seb128I think not14:56
pittithen we at least don't look at the 1.6 -> 1.10 changes, only at 1.10.0 to 1.10.614:56
seb128it does?14:56
LaneyI used d-feet and it works14:56
Laneyyes to my previous question14:57
pitti$ busctl introspect org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager | grep State14:57
pitti.State                              property  u           70                                       emits-change14:58
pittithat says it's "State", not "state" ??14:58
LaneyState is the right name14:58
pittioh, what you said, sorry14:58
Laneybut on old dbus you could do Get(iface, 'state')14:58
Laneyand it worked14:58
* Laney goes to ask smcv14:58
pittiLaney: that should be simple enough to test with dbus-send on a trusty VM?14:58
Laneythat's what I just did14:59
LaneyI'll just fix ubiquity, but want to confirm that this was intentional14:59
Laneycyphermox: can haz bug number?15:06
cyphermoxnot sure, too many tabs15:07
cyphermoxBug 157279315:07
ubot5`bug 1572793 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity no longer prompts to join available WiFi networks" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157279315:07
pittiif we all think very hard, can we flip that one bit on our released image?15:08
LaneyI can go and sed them15:09
cyphermoxpitti: you don't want to respin? :)15:09
Laneydon't worry15:09
cyphermoxLaney: live binary sed at download-time, everywhere15:09
cyphermoxoh, the NSA could help there.15:09
pitticyphermox: no, just direct some strategic solar radiation on the world's mirrors :)15:10
cyphermoxyou mean bit-flipping using a magnifying glass?15:10
pittiwhatever helps :)15:10
cyphermoxI thought that's what "stategic solar radiation" meant, at least if you apply the same logic to ants.15:11
pittistrategically aimed/placed at that bit, I meant15:11
pittianyway, 16.04.1 it is15:12
seb128charles, tedg, did any of you had a chance to look at the geoclue issue?15:18
* tedg has not15:18
Laneycyphermox: for your reviewing pleasure15:22
cyphermoxSHIP IT!15:22
Laneymight be a good idea for someone other than me to test15:22
cyphermoxyep I will in a second15:22
pittii. e. this is boot life session, change that s to an S (or install -proposed package), run ubiquity, right?15:23
Laneynot that there is any package yet15:23
pittiright, but that change is simple to apply inline on a running system15:24
Laneyyep, just saying so that you don't go looking15:24
cyphermoxdavmor2: ok, that other bug is as I said, in the oem-config, after we get back to a "real" session, wpasupplicant has been killed.15:27
cyphermoxno supplicant = no wifi15:27
davmor2cyphermox: \o/15:29
davmor2cyphermox: so that is a fixable thing right?15:31
cyphermoxdavmor2: yeah, given enough eyes, all bugs are shallow15:31
cyphermoxgiven enough hammers, anyone can fix systemd units.15:31
davmor2cyphermox: I have hammers it how I break things :)15:32
pitti(needs really big mallets, though)15:32
cyphermoxbut I think maybe I'd just make things reboot rather than trying to get to a session straight out of the oem wizards15:32
cyphermoxperhaps all we need is for wpasupplicant to ship a unit, so that things don't get killed off if it's running already15:33
cyphermoxoh, except it does15:33
cyphermoxand the busname looks wrong.15:34
pittiI have fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant and fi.w1.wpa_supplicant115:35
cyphermoxExecStart=/sbin/wpa_supplicant -u -s -O /run/wpa_supplicant15:35
cyphermoxit should be fi.w1 ^15:36
cyphermoxwhere do you have both pitti?15:36
pitti/usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.service and /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.service15:36
pittiand tab-completing "busctl introspect fi.<tab>"15:36
cyphermoxI'm looking at wpa_supplicant.service under /lib/systemd/system15:37
pittithat name does exist, but there's another one, not sure which is the "right" one15:37
cyphermoxfi.w1... seems to me like the right one. that's where we talk to wpa from NM, in any case15:38
pitticyphermox:  nice catch; then it should (re)start on demand again15:39
pittiso is /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.service entirely obsolete then?15:39
cyphermoxmaybe, lemme see if it's not really used only for hostap15:40
pittioh, or maybe it actually does listen to both names15:40
pittithe old name for backwards compat reasons15:40
cyphermoxfor some reason upstream only ships the old name as a systemd unit?!15:42
tedgseb128: So apparently we want to SRU unity8-policy-kit, which is a new package and on CI-Train. I don't know how all those work together.15:42
tedgseb128: I don't think I can make an SRU bug until the package exists, no?15:43
seb128tedg, you can open a bug against "ubuntu" and reference it to the changelog, the important bit is to have a page for the testing/tracking, no to have the right component/autoclosing on upload15:45
tedgseb128: Okay, will do15:46
seb128tedg, yw!15:46
seb128tedg, what was the review url you pinged me about the other day?15:47
seb128I can have a look now15:47
tedgseb128: Cool, it is the packaging for this package: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/unity8-policy-kit/initial-work/+merge/29137115:47
seb128tedg, charles, any chance I can one of you to look at this geoclue issue in exchange? :p15:48
tedgseb128: Heh, probably not today as we're both doing time critical things today, but I should be free tomorrow.15:49
seb128sounds like a good friday afternoon thing ;-)15:49
tedgOh, now that we have a VPN I wonder if I can test being in the UK....15:50
cyphermoxpitti: this didn't look to have worked :/15:50
* tedg starts substituting all his 'z' and 's's15:50
charlesseb128, as tedg said, today doesn't look good15:50
seb128charles, I think you are in Prague next week? I can nag you in person there :p15:50
tedgseb128: Heh, don't let him change his timezone without a fix!15:51
seb128tedg, right!15:54
seb128tedg, " This package provides a service for the Pay Service" ?!15:57
seb128tedg, did you copy/paste the description from the pay-service and didn't change it?15:57
tedgOops, copy paste :-)15:57
seb128tedg, also policykit / policykit-gnome ... can you do "unity8-policykit" for consistency? (without the "-")15:58
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seb128(I guess it's a bit more annoying because it would mean renaming the launchpad project)15:59
tedgYeah, though we could make the deb and the LP project be different.16:00
seb128would be confusing as well16:00
seb128like users would try to go from the package to the launchpad page using the name and get a not found16:00
tedgHeh, I'd like to see a user figure out there's an issue with the policykit agent :-)16:01
seb128tedg, copyright should be updated to -2016 (nitpick)16:01
tedgMore worried about Ubuntu Devs16:01
seb128right, those are your users as well :p16:02
tedgseb128: Copyright and description updated. What do you want to do with the package name?16:06
tedgWe're gonna have to rebuild, so we could change the LP project as well.16:06
davmor2willcooke, pitti, cyphermox: do we know what is happening with this now?16:09
seb128tedg, if you rename can you make it policykit-unity8? consistent with -gnome/-kde/...16:09
seb128tedg, but yeah renaming is better if that's not too much work16:09
willcookedavmor2, "this"?16:09
cyphermoxdavmor2: what's "this" ?16:09
davmor2willcooke, cyphermox: the wifi issues16:09
willcookedavmor2, yes!16:10
cyphermoxin part, yeah16:10
cyphermoxmy idea for wpasupplicant doesn't seem to work though16:10
tedgseb128: K, I'll just make a new LP project and kill the old one.16:10
davmor2no don't say that16:10
seb128tedg, thanks16:10
seb128tedg, the packaging/license/etc looks fine otherwise16:11
tedgseb128: Cool, thanks!16:11
willcookecongratulations desktoppers16:22
* Trevinho takes drinks out from the fridge16:24
seb128well done team!16:25
seb128and other teams as well ;-)16:25
* pitti goes and grabs a xerus ice cream16:28
pitti... for purely medical reasons, of course!16:29
ximioncongrats to the successful release! :)16:32
ximionand I must say, GNOME Software / Ubuntu Software is working well here :)16:32
jcastroit is quite nice16:35
tedgseb128: So we have the branch to add a libpam-cgfs dep for UAL so that it gets pulled in for unity8, but that then fails on vivid because there is no libpam-cgfs. Is there a way to write that dep so that it'll work on vivid and xenial?16:49
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Laneyin ou tin17:47
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flocculantattente: when you're about - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/1551707/comments/319:36
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1551707 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Installing local debs gives an error dialog" [High,Fix released]19:36
flocculantif it is in fact different I'll report it - unless it gets reported in the meantime19:36
attenteflocculant: hey, i'm not sure what's going on there, i just tried it with some other debs, but maybe there's some deps missing that would cause the error message...19:44
flocculantattente: could be - if I try with gdebi - it wants to get 2 dependencies19:45
attenteflocculant: ok, yeah. so i'm not sure what to do there. on the one hand it sounds like erroring out is the right thing to do if we can't install the deb due to missing deps, on the other, maybe we could be better about looking for those deps19:46
flocculantI'd have to assume that the second would be the way to go :)19:47
flocculantbut no coder here ;)19:47
flocculantattente: mmm - so I installed the deps that gdebi needed, but it still fails with software19:49
attenteflocculant: oh... really?19:50
flocculantjust going to look in a clean install19:51
attenteflocculant: ok, i'll look into it19:51
attenteflocculant: not sure that will change much19:51
flocculantwell - this install has been kicked about all over the place for the last 2 or 3 months - so I prefer to check :)19:52
attenteflocculant: sure, be my guest :) i'm not expecting anything different though...19:53
flocculantattente: well the issue is 'slightly' different on that - doesn't install, but don't get the error popup20:00
attenteflocculant: it actually doesn't install? or is it just the button that isn't updating properly?20:01
attentethat second one is a known issue20:01
attentedo you see the progress bar at all for installation on the button?20:01
flocculantattente: it doesn't install - I saw the progress bar - which I would think finished much too quickly to have been the install20:02
attenteok. did it pop up a dialog asking you to authenticate with user password?20:03
attenteflocculant: can you link to the deb? i want to try that specific one20:03
flocculanthttps://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/ 64 bit20:04
flocculantlocally I needed to install libappindicator1 and libindicator7 to allow gdebi to install it20:05
flocculantattente: also I'm using xubuntu - not that it should make any difference20:06
attenteflocculant: yeah, i can reproduce with that deb20:07
flocculantattente: ok cheers :)20:07
flocculantattente: you need anything from me at all now?20:07
attenteflocculant: nope. i see the error message too :)20:08
attenteGDBus.Error:org.debian.apt.TransactionFailed: error-unreadable-package-file: [Invalid UTF-8]20:08
flocculantokey doke - I shall wander off into the void again then :)20:08
flocculantthanks for looking20:08
attenteflocculant: nooo not the void! :P20:08
attenteflocculant: thanks for letting me know :)20:09
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flocculantwelcome :)20:09
flocculantnice to actually have some idea of who to tell to be honest - this is a rather useful channel for a flavour's qa to idle in :)20:10
attentehehe, indeed!20:11
TheMusoHoly crap! Just discovered that systemctl can use policykit so you don't have to run it with sudo. Wow thats awesome! :)22:27
TheMusoAlthough you do have to autnehticate every time.22:28
TheMusoStill, useful to know.22:28
* Laney can't remember if polkit has caching22:53
Laneybut I thought that the gnome agent did22:54
Laneycould be just making that up though22:54
TheMusoSeems not for systemctl at least.22:57
TheMusoThe GNOME agent may, but this was under Unity.22:57
Laneythat's the gnome one22:58
LaneyJust checked, doesn't here22:58
TheMusoAh ok.22:58
Laneystill, cool of systemd to use that22:59
TheMusoI discovered it totally by accident, calling systemctl to work with a service without using sudo.23:01

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