
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
CrazyLemonhey guys..did anyone build 16.04 docs on 16.04?20:51
CrazyLemonjust curious if everything works20:51
pmatulisCrazyLemon: why not take a look?20:52
CrazyLemonpmatulis well..i really dont wanna play with it if it doesnt work :)20:52
pmatulisCrazyLemon: run it virtually if you're nervous20:54
CrazyLemonpmatulis virtually?20:54
CrazyLemonthere is also a 'bug' in the docs https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/ubuntu-docs/+pots/ubuntu-help/sl/188/+translate20:56
CrazyLemonthere is no such thing as 'Software'.. it was renamed to 'Ubuntu Software'20:56
pmatulisCrazyLemon: please open a bug if you have the chance20:57
CrazyLemonpmatulis k20:58
pmatulisthank you CrazyLemon20:58
CrazyLemoni see also some duplicate string20:59
CrazyLemonwill also check them and open a bug about that20:59

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