
darkxstLaserAllan, not by default I don't think, but you can add custom shortcuts in gnome-control-center01:45
yojashello, im looking for information about release of 16.0403:17
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yaaic12Any app to snap a picture using the webcam at login?06:13
yaaic12Or say record live for 3 mins06:17
palassohello I will spin up 7 DigitalOcean droplets (all the cities DO has servers) to seed. Are the torrents ready?06:36
yaaic12magnet links not working plasso07:22
ricotzdarkxst, hi, are you aware of progress regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1292398 ?08:00
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1292398 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Second screen position isn't saved from one session to another" [Low,Triaged]08:00
darkxstricotz, I don't think there has been any, the monitor kind in mutter is kind of under maintained without Jasper and Gcampax08:03
darkxstI have been meaning to look into though, it affects my 3rd monitor08:03
darkxst(assuming this about loosing position when unplugging a montior and not just rebooting08:04
ricotzdarkxst, I see, that is unfortunate, I am hit by it myself, but it brought to my attention again08:05
ricotz(for the trusty cycle I applied a crude hack to prevent this reset in mutter)08:06
darkxstright there was a patch that just dumped configs that didnt match, ages back08:07
ricotz(fwiw this concerns 3.18/xenial)08:09
ricotzI see08:09
rafgasHello, im surprised this question doesnt have an answer in the motd. When is 16.04 expected in ubuntu gnome?08:11
darkxstricotz, I will look into it some time08:11
darkxstrafgas, the same time as Ubuntu08:11
darkxstwhich is basically when its ready (later today)08:11
rafgasperfect! Curious to see what unity looks like, but mostly looking forward to those awesome gnome 3.18 looks and feels like!08:12
darkxstricotz, oh there is a new bug also in 3.20? I just lost my 3rd monitor after reboot, that doesnt normally happen so long as its plugged in ;(08:33
darkxstmonitors.xml seems confused but maybe that is connectors changing names across NVIDIA releases perhaps08:37
darkxstricotz, right, disabling a monitor from g-c-c deletes the position10:06
darkxstjust unplugging it however doesnt10:07
darkxst-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu GNOME Desktop amd64 [Xenial Final] has been marked as ready11:27
darkxst-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu GNOME Desktop i386 [Xenial Final] has been marked as ready11:27
darkxstmgedmin, not quite, waiting on upgrades to sort themselves out ;(11:33
mgedminwhat does that mean?11:34
darkxstbug 157285511:34
ubot5`bug 1572855 in xorg-lts-transitional (Ubuntu) "libgbm.so.1: cannot open shared object file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157285511:34
darkxstits fixed, but not migrated yet11:34
LinDolhi all12:54
=== tao is now known as Guest46326
Guest46326can someone give me an information ?13:01
LinDolwhat is the information that you nedd?13:02
Guest46326when did the ubuntu-gnome image will be ready on ubuntugnome website ?13:02
LinDoloh i don't know it exactly13:03
Guest46326np seems like it's avaible on cdimage13:03
Guest46326just to be sure it's not a beta :)13:03
LinDolhaha okay :)13:04
Guest46326when I have a look at how many times I will take me to dl this ISO, seems like servers are very crowded... I will wait and test13:05
Guest46326thx anyway lindol13:06
LinDolI think It will be announced April 21.13:07
LinDolbecause when i check ubuntugnome.org13:07
LinDol15.10 was announced with ubuntu release data :)13:07
LinDolGuest46326, haha welcome :)13:08
Guest46326I saw that the ubuntu unity is ready to dl everywhere13:08
Guest46326maybe website ubuntugnome.org is not up to date but the final iso i'm trying to dl is ok13:12
Guest46326I will told you after install :)13:12
LinDoloh :) but i am not administrator for ubuntu gnome website.. haha :)13:14
LinDolbut thank you for your testing :)13:15
Guest46326np :)13:15
Guest46326cya in a few minutes :)13:16
digitaldefectorwhen is ubuntu gnome 16.04 released?13:47
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Guest39529when is ubuntu-gnome getting realeased?14:25
LocutusOfBorgdarkxst, HI!17:07
Ergohello - are the mirrors updated with final 16.04?17:25
vimesAny one know release date of Ubuntu Gnome 16.04?17:40
Ergoits released according to mailing list17:54
Anon95Quick question: Since Ubuntu has released 16.04 today, is Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 going to be released today as well, or is there a different schedule for the GNOME version?17:59
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youre_a_nicknameis there any update on when the 16.04 ubuntu gnome will be out?18:20
Anon95I just realized that 16.04 will not support the proprietary AMD drivers, fglrx. If you've got a computer with an AMD GPU, you should probably stay on whatever version you've got now.18:24
rafgasHello. Is the motd right about latest stable release?18:39
rafgasis 16.04 gnome out ?18:43
ZiioynxSo has anyone heard if Xenial is going to hit today?18:43
Ziioynxrafgas: Why do you prefer Gubuntu, I have been using the standard pkg for geez maybe 618:47
rafgasunity? i don't know, i like gnome, its very clean and fluid18:48
ZiioynxCool, i am just looking for a change of interface. Unity hasn't changed much is so long just want something a bit different18:49
rafgasI felt that unity was in the way, gnome feels almost invisible at times to me18:52
ZiioynxWhat is your primary use?18:57
rafgasi write my homework in latex, do my maths in wxmaxima, and when my children are sleeping i play games on steam19:14
rafgasand ofc the usual homestuff, music, web19:15
lester_Hi! Critical issue after upgrading to 16.04 (from 15.10): booting directly on tty1, unable to use keyboard (screen flashing) on a nvidia laptop, is this possibly related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1559576 ? Is my ubuntu dead? Thx ;)20:38
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1559576 in gdm3 (Ubuntu Xenial) "Ubuntu Gnome boots to black screen when using proprietary Nvidia drivers on a laptop with Optimus" [Critical,Triaged]20:38
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kernixhey all22:44
ZiioynxHey kernix23:07
kernixhow are you? Ziioynx23:13
ZiioynxNot too bad23:28
ZiioynxJust working away23:28
ZiioynxWas hoping to see the official Xenial release today, but they are probably pretty busy.23:29

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