=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-mythtv to: Mythbuntu 16.04 Released :: Please visit http://goo.gl/yc9p9R for more information. :: Paste logs @ http://pastebin.ubuntu.com :: Please stick around for people to answer your question :: See (and comment on) our quick start guide at http://goo.gl/S54zL [22:12] hey folks, I need a screenshot of the mythubuntu 16.04 front end and I'm struggling with installing it here using virtualbox just for that purpose, can anyone help me out? [22:24] pleia2: I can get you one when I get home in about an hour if nobody else gets one sooner [22:26] tgm4883: that would be wonderful, thank you! [22:29] pleia2: what exactly are you looking for a screenshot of? Just the main mythtv frontend menu? [22:29] or would any screen work [22:29] I ask, because there's this you could grab https://github.com/MythTV-Themes/Mythbuntu/blob/master/preview.png [22:32] tgm4883: I'm finishing up the 9th edition of the official ubuntu book, mythbuntu has never had a screenshot in the book, adding one this time around, so something that can be printed (needs to be free of copywritten material) [22:32] no pawn stars :\ [22:33] so whatever you think would be a good representation of the interface in a single screenshot [22:33] for users who may consider it while reading a chapter about ubuntu flavors