
TAFBokies, here it goes :)00:00
sarnoldI suspect these are choices from your vps provider00:00
tarpmaneh, hoster-provided images tend to be pretty bad...00:00
tarpmanabout the same as OEM-provided windows images, from my perspective :)00:00
sarnoldouch man that's a low blow :)00:00
TAFBsays it's removing 6 apache packages00:00
patdk-lapheh, first packages I purge are os-prober and mlocate00:01
TAFBis os-prober the thing that keeps deleteing my ffmpeg?!?00:01
sarnoldpatdk-lap: oh is os-prober ther thing that craps all over dmesg? :)00:01
patdk-lapwell, craps all over grub00:01
patdk-lapit totally screwed something up00:02
patdk-lapthink it was my glusterfs testing00:02
TAFBholy crap, works!00:02
TAFBnow just need to get php working :(00:03
TAFBsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-5.600:04
TAFBOk, wtf?? When I go "apt-get install php5" it says "The following NEW packages will be installed:   apache2 apache2-bin apache2-data apache2-utils"00:06
TAFBwhy would I want apache with php??! :(00:06
patdk-lapcause the default is mod-php00:07
patdk-lapinstall like, php5-fpm00:07
patdk-lapas that is what nginx really wants00:07
TAFBahhh, nice :)00:07
TAFBPHP 5.6.20-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 (cli)00:08
TAFBnew enuff?00:08
patdk-lapshould install php 700:10
TAFBdamn, how could I make it do that? :(00:10
patdk-lapno idea :)00:10
patdk-lapbut not sure how much stuff supports php 700:10
patdk-lapnot much stuff I use atleast does00:10
TAFBmy script will, it's super simple00:10
sarnoldi'd skip php7 not everything supports it yet00:11
sarnoldif this were a long-lived server it might be worth investigating but if it's getting torn down again tomorrow afternoon what's the point? :)00:11
TAFBi thought I could upgrade to 16.04?!00:11
sarnoldit'll probably be a pain in the ass to upgrade to 16.04 with all those extra ppas installed00:12
sarnoldyou'd want to purge them first00:12
TAFBlol :(00:12
TAFBok, so stick with PHP 5.6.20-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 (cli) then?!00:12
TAFBokies. re-installing :)00:13
* patdk-lap wonders how well 16.04 has been testing on a 2.6 kernel :)00:21
sarnoldprobably "none at all" given systemd's list of requirements00:21
TAFBi enabled php-fpm in default.conf and added index.php to the nginx.conf, I just get "an error occured" now :(
TAFBdefault.conf: http://pastie.org/1080616800:25
TAFBnginx.conf: http://pastie.org/1080616900:25
sarnolderror logs?00:26
TAFB2016/04/20 20:27:39 [error] 28277#28277: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: ""00:28
sarnoldalright that's good progress, is fpm listening on
TAFBsarnold: how do I tell that?00:29
sarnoldnetstat -tlnp | grep 900000:29
TAFB^^ empty00:30
sarnoldtry netstat -alnp | grep fpm -- see where it -is- listening, if it's running..00:30
sarnoldTAFB: nice, uncomment the unix:/... socket line and fix the path to match, and restart nginx00:31
TAFBhow do I tell where the path to php is?00:33
TAFBunix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock failed (2: No such file or directory)00:34
patdk-lapphp-fpm pool config00:34
sarnoldTAFB: it's line 2 of http://pastie.org/1080617300:34
TAFBnice. getting closer: unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock failed (13: Permission denied)00:35
sarnoldTAFB: check ls -l /var/run/php5-fpm.sock -- what group owns that file? you can probably tell nginx to run with that group00:39
TAFBsrw-rw---- 1 www-data www-data 0 Apr 20 20:23 /var/run/php5-fpm.sock00:39
patdk-lapeasier to just modify php to have it set correctly00:39
patdk-lapedit the file in /etc/php5-fpm.d/www.conf likely00:40
sarnoldhunh i'm surprised that failed00:40
TAFBthis one? /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf?00:41
patdk-lapI've been in rhel land too long lately00:42
TAFBlisten.owner = www-data00:42
TAFBit says to make sure execute permission on that user on the file?00:45
sarnoldon the directories that contain the file?00:47
TAFBnot sure, just searching google for "permission denied php"00:47
sarnoldoh don't do that, that'll lead to nutters who solve everything with chmod 777 rather than understand the problem at hand :)00:48
TAFBalso read to uncomment "listen.mode = 0660" in the www.conf00:48
patdk-lap777 solves everything00:49
patdk-lapit also invites *guests* to help solve things00:49
TAFBuncommenting "listen.mode = 0660" didn't fix the permission problem00:50
patdk-laptype in, dmesg00:54
TAFBdmesg said nothing00:54
patdk-lapwhat user is nginx running as?00:55
TAFBhow do I check that?00:55
sarnoldI'd check with ps auxw | grep nginx00:55
sarnoldfull detailswould be in /proc/<pid>/status but ps auxw should show user ..00:56
patdk-lapwhy is it running as nginx? :)00:58
patdk-lapchange php to run as nginx00:58
TAFBno clue, just apt-get installed it :)00:58
sarnoldchanging the nginx configuration to use "user nginx www-data" ought to work too00:59
patdk-lapwell, in that same php file00:59
patdk-lapjust change the user/group listen-user/group lines00:59
patdk-lapsarnold, assuming he has a www-data user00:59
patdk-laphe isn't using the ubuntu package00:59
patdk-lapit might not exist00:59
sarnoldpatdk-lap: he does, it owns the socket :)00:59
patdk-lapok, hope it doesn't screw nginx finding it's own modules or someting :)00:59
TAFBk. done. change all www-data to nginx, now getting this: *11 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: ""01:00
sarnoldgreat now you're just stuck with php problems :D01:01
patdk-lapor nginx -> php problems01:03
TAFBi tell you it's like this every time for me :(01:03
TAFBsomeone needs to write install script for php. check what program is on port 80, check what user it's running as, self config, check permissions, set up nginx.conf, etc. etc. :(01:06
TAFB"You need to ensure you have +x on all of the directories in the path leading to the site's root - so /home, /home/noisepages and /home/noisepages/www01:12
TAFBall had +x already :(01:13
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TAFBlooks like something wrong with this line: "fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;"01:17
TAFB"NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini"?01:19
TAFBwas set to 1, restarting php and trying01:21
TAFBchanged the error a bit: 2016/04/20 21:20:55 [error] 28635#28635: *4 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Unable to open primary script: /etc/nginx/html/index.php (No such file or directory)" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: ""01:21
TAFBthe path is completely wrong01:22
TAFBthat .php is in /usr/share/nginx/html :(01:22
TAFBhow do I point it to the right place?01:23
TAFBIT WORKS using the default.conf from here: http://pastebin.com/Y2CaqNeZ01:59
TAFBok, now to enable directly listing and install h5ai!02:01
Emmanuel_ChanelHello! I'm going to upgrade my Ubuntu Server from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS when it's released. It's not released yet?02:05
sarnoldEmmanuel_Chanel: it should be released tomorrow02:06
Emmanuel_ChanelOn UTC, it's today. On JST, too. So I wondered.02:07
Emmanuel_Chanelsarnold: thx for answering me.02:07
sarnoldEmmanuel_Chanel: ah then "later today" :) hehehe02:08
patdk-lapya, something around 8pm or so your time02:18
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clifferis there a dovecot line needed in /etc/postfix/master.cf on using postfix iwth dovecot? i cant find any mention in the docs06:27
qman__if you want dovecot sasl auth, you need several06:28
qman__oh, in main.cf, not master.cf06:29
cliffera line starting with dovecot06:29
qman__I can check if mine has one06:29
qman__no, mine doesn't have one06:30
clifferi get the following errors related to dovecot: "qmgr: warning: connect to transport private/dovecot: No such file or directory" and "systemd: dovecot.service: PID file /var/run/dovecot/master.pid not readable (yet?) after start: No such file or directory"06:33
clifferis it right that "ls /var/run/dovecot/master.pid  -al" is owned by root?06:33
clifferqman__: thx btw :)06:36
qman__my master.pid is root.root06:37
qman__and the first error appears to be related to the unix socket location06:37
qman__make sure postfix and dovecot have the same thing specified06:38
qman__and that the directory exists06:38
qman__mine's /var/spool/postfix/private/auth06:38
qman__postfix's config line only uses private/auth, the rest is implied for it, but dovecot uses the whole path06:39
clifferboth correctly set, dir exists and is owned by postfix:postfix06:41
clifferbut private /var/spool/postfix/private/dovecot does not exists06:42
qman__ok, dovecot might not be starting correctly then, it should be creating it06:42
qman__I'm not exactly an expert on it, just what I ran into making mine work06:43
clifferdovestart is started, the onyl message in the logs is the missing master.pid06:46
contumaxhi, any experience with Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied ?06:53
SierraKomodocontumax: What exactly are you doing that's bringing up that error?06:54
contumaxtrying to run screen06:54
contumaxubuntu 14.04 server06:54
contumaxfurthermore this issue started with another one at same time06:55
contumaxthere is no tty after boot, just black screen, but I'm able to ssh to the server06:55
lynxmanaah exciting LTS release day :)07:23
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Dieselhonkyanyone feeling helpful and polite?09:08
cpaelzerDieselhonky: sure - feelings are easy - BEING helpful and polite is the hard part09:09
Dieselhonkyjust asked for help in the #ubuntu support channel and those guys tore me apart and werent helpful.  they just talked crap to me.09:10
Dieselhonkyok so here is my question09:10
DieselhonkyThe unetbootin website says that you can make a bootable USB instance on the main hard drive to boot from.  I dont have a USB stick and only have external hard drives over 250GB.  i want to install ubuntu.  tried to do it that way and it didnt work.09:12
Dieselhonkyi dodnt want to dual boot.  i want windows gone.09:13
rbasakExternal USB drives are basically identical to USB sticks as far as the system is concerned. So whatever instructions you follow, when you see "USB stick" just think "my external USB drive" instead.09:14
cpaelzerrbasak: exactly09:15
Dieselhonkycorrect.  but my computer will not allow me to format any of my external HDD devices to FAT32.  thats the issue there09:15
Dieselhonkysays they are too big09:15
cpaelzerDieselhonky: and be careful - unetbootin is about creating an install media onto e.g. an usb stick / or disk in your case09:15
cpaelzerDieselhonky: that is what the other channel tried to refer to I think09:16
cpaelzerDieselhonky: so this won't "install" Ubuntu on it - instead it would convert your USB drive so you are able to install FROM it09:16
cpaelzerwasn't there wubi or so in the past09:16
Dieselhonkyok.  so no linux until i can oer a live CD.09:16
rbasakI don't really know how Windows does it. In principle there is no need to create a filesystem on your "USB stick" first. Perhaps that's a requirement on Windows though, I don't know.09:16
Dieselhonkycpaelzer exactly thats what i want to do09:16
Dieselhonkywubi only installs a dual boot as far as i know09:17
cpaelzerDieselhonky: well the windows would be sad being wiped away while running :-) so yes probably only dual boot09:18
Dieselhonkyhaha.  windows needs to be sad09:19
cpaelzerI look for alternatives, ... do you have a smartphone with some space around ?09:19
Dieselhonkyi am in the process of converting all of my pc's.  just starting with a laptop to see how it goes.09:19
Dieselhonkycpaelzer, yes i do have a smartphone with free space09:20
cpaelzersecond please, I need to find how that app was called ...09:20
cpaelzerDieselhonky: could you check if this would be an option for you https://www.maketecheasier.com/install-linux-distro-from-android/09:21
cpaelzerDieselhonky: I neverused it but a friend of mine recommended it once09:21
hateballDriveDroid works, if you have android09:21
hateballfor booting ISOs, that is09:22
cpaelzerhateball: that is what I just linked - glad you agree09:22
* hateball hopes he read the above conversation right09:22
Dieselhonkyhateball, cpaelzer, awesome!!! finally an option.  you guys rock.  Let me go check it out09:22
hateballcpaelzer: :)09:22
Dieselhonkythanks for going eazy on a noob.09:22
cpaelzerDieselhonky: don't hurt yourself, even in the other channel they didn't really go that bad - they even started to call each other back to reason09:23
cpaelzerDieselhonky: good luck with this approach09:23
cpaelzerDieselhonky: in IT there is always more you don't know than what you know - so everyone or nowone is a noob :-)09:24
Dieselhonkythanks man.09:25
Dieselhonkycant abtain root on my android :(  i must be Tech-Tarded10:41
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lynxmanzul: hey hey12:29
zullynxman: whats up12:33
lynxmanzul: waiting for the release so I can build AMIs out of it ;)12:35
zullynxman: nifty....12:36
lynxmanzul: you know me :)12:36
stshi. anyone knows where i can find the current ubuntu package source for the zfs systemd service files?13:55
TJ-sts: for which release?13:55
TJ-!info zfsutils-linux | sts13:57
ubottusts: Package zfsutils-linux does not exist in wily13:57
TJ-sts it's there, zfsutils-linux "/lib/systemd/system/zfs-mount.service" and friends13:59
TJ-!info zfsutils-linux  xenial | sts13:59
ubottusts: zfsutils-linux (source: zfs-linux): Native OpenZFS management utilities for Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version (xenial), package size 277 kB, installed size 721 kB13:59
stsgot it!13:59
TJ-I forgot the bot still thinks 15.10 is the current release14:00
rbasakWell, it is :)14:01
lynxmanrbasak: as of this hour :D14:02
TJ-nah, its 6 months old... far too old in the Internet age :)14:03
lynxmanalmost EOL14:10
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randymarsh9does richard stallman get along with linus16:43
naccrandymarsh9: #offtopic.16:43
randymarsh9nacc: sry i'm on my lunch break16:43
randymarsh9what is the topic anyway16:45
naccrandymarsh9: type /topic17:01
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support, try #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/ | 16.04 will become an upgrade path on July 21st when 16.04.1 is released
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support, try #ubuntu | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Docs and resources: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/ | 14.04 to 16.04 will be offered on July 21st when 16.04.1 is released
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RoyKhm... can I install ubuntu 16.04 on a zfs root?17:26
Odd_BlokeRoyK: I don't believe that's supported.17:27
patdk-wk_I see grub has zfs and *wonders zfscrypt17:27
Odd_BlokeBut I'm not 100% sure.17:27
nacci think it's not supported, but some folks have done it (meaning it's possible)17:28
RoyKlemme try...17:31
naccRoyK: there is this, as well, fwiw: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/pkg-zfs/wiki/HOWTO-install-Ubuntu-to-a-Native-ZFS-Root-Filesystem17:31
nacci think the installer natively doesn't allow it, but i'm not sure17:32
RoyKyeah, found that17:32
RoyKno, the installer doesn't seem to have zfs17:32
* patdk-wk_ is just using zfs-on-linux for datastore currently17:32
naccRoyK: it's meant mostly for datastore for containers, aiui (in 16.04)17:33
RoyKI know, but then, I've worked with zfs for six years or so and have seen the nice things about having on the root as well as for data17:34
naccyour experience is, ultimately != Ubuntu supporting it :)17:34
naccRoyK: but I think it's a known thing (no root support)17:34
jcastroyeah, would have been a nice-to-have17:34
RoyKPlan A: Setup a normal system, add a disk, setup an zfs rpool on it, rsync everything, install grub, reboot17:35
RoyKor perhaps not... setting the mountpoint for the pool will be tricky17:36
naccRoyK: and note, though, you immediately become unsupported17:36
patdk-wk_I find it strange, rpool name is limited to only using rpool17:37
patdk-wk_I commonly rename it, to support upgrading/moving my rpool17:37
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RoyKnacc: what do I care? It's a VM for testing - I use debian in production (lvm/ext4 root with zfs datastore)17:37
naccRoyK: just a note :)17:37
RoyKnacc: I'm quite aware of that, thanks ;)17:38
RoyKthe 'support' in ubuntu (without paying) is rather on the slack side anyway17:38
nacc*cough*, /me puts RoyK on the ignore list :)17:39
nacci mean, technically, the above *is* support :)17:39
devster31hi, I'm trying to make a directory owned by someuser:somegroup that behaves in such a way that every new file or directory created inside has rw permission for the group regardless of the user who creates it and is owned by somegroup, how can I do it?17:39
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jaltHi, #maas was not helpful so trying my luck here: anyone using MAAS knows how does it manage its (rack controller) networks? It currently sees both NICs but only setup the first one (DHCP), so I want to know if manually enabling the 2nd one on /etc/network/interfaces is the right thing to do.18:01
naccdevster31: you probably want to look into the setgid and setuid bits18:03
sdezieldevster31: chmod g+s the dir and make if group owned by the group you want to be set on every files under it18:04
saftblandarnCan someone tell me a easy way to upload files from my (windows) computer to my ubuntuserver? LIke when I want to change my /var/www/html?18:28
saftblandarnokey, cool18:29
saftblandarnor can I do it with directly with putty?18:30
jaltnot putty per se, but you can use pscp (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html)18:32
devster31sdeziel: I already have them set g+s, but when I create a new folder it's created with the correct group but not the correct permissions18:36
devster31meaning a user:group owned folder with 2775 permissions contains a second folder with 2755 permissions18:37
sdezieldevster31: the permissions are derived from your user's umask18:37
devster31and I can't enforce them with acl or something?18:37
sdezieldevster31: ACLs could do this IIRC but if you tune the umask you should get the perms you want18:38
saftblandarnjalt, thanks!18:38
JanCFileZilla also supports SFTP, and there are Explorer (the file browser) plugins that implement sftp18:40
devster31and I should change umask in login.defs,  /etc/pam.d/common-session or user profiles?18:40
sdezieldevster31: I would suggest to try manually first and see if that gives what you want18:41
sdezieldevster31: then /etc/login.defs seems to be the place now :)18:45
jaltFor 16.04 is there any supported way to reload the whole /etc/network/interfaces short of rebooting?18:57
sarnoldjalt: try ifdown -a ; ifup -a  ?18:58
jaltnope, that is the same as ip link set <devname> up and does not load ip (or any other configuration really)19:00
jaltFor reference: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/130101519:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1301015 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Networking does not restart" [High,Confirmed]19:01
sarnoldjalt: that bug is a dumping ground; there's nearly nothing useful in it except  the advice to use (ifdown -a ; ifup -a) & -- which seems like better advice than my ifdown -a ; if up -a -- if there's something wrong with it, please file a bug19:05
jaltactually the bug is about the removal of a useful feature "Networking does not restart ", as per title.19:06
sarnoldyes, I myself filed a bug somewhere along the way when "service network restart" destroyed my desktop environment19:06
sarnoldthat's when I learned that ifup and ifdown were the way to restart networking services19:07
jalti'd blame your DE then ;)19:07
sarnoldif those don't work, please file a bug.19:07
sarnoldoh I did. and still do. :)19:07
jaltthey are a way to restart an interface, but not to reload the full networking stack19:07
jalti.e., you cannot change ips, cannot create bonds, etc.19:07
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jaltthat is not a bug, because ifupdown and ip set link are not supposed to do all that19:08
jaltso I rebooted (and it worked to load the new interfaces conf) but tty1 font color is now orange-ish!? any idea why that happened?19:12
randymarsh9so ubuntu server supports zfs now19:12
sarnoldrandymarsh9: yes19:13
jaltyou may want to read the whole ZoL docs to confirm what features are supported, but in short, yes.19:13
sarnoldjalt: wiggle the vga cable? that was the cause last time I saw something like that19:13
jaltfor desktop use you should be careful if you want to boot out of it, dual boot with win and/or efi, or full drive encryption.19:14
jaltsarnold, i'm using DVI, the cable did not move and the other TTYs are normal :)19:14
sarnoldjalt: dang :)19:16
jaltrestarting again fixed it....19:21
dasjoeHah oh wow, 16.04 got released today19:29
dasjoeI thought we had one week left19:30
patdk-wk_I have only upgraded 1 server so far19:35
patdk-wk_others still running beta :)19:35
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Emmanuel_ChanelHello! I'm trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. "sudo do-release-upgrade" says "No new release found"21:25
Emmanuel_ChanelShall I wait for a few days?21:25
dasjoeFor around 3 months, the upgrade will be made available around July 21st21:26
patdk-lapupgrades from 14.04 aren't supported till 16.04.1 comes out21:43
DelemasAnyone know if 16.04 still supports upstart like 15.10 did?22:16
DelemasThe answer is yes.22:20
JanC16.04 uses systemd as its (default) init system though22:20
DelemasI was trying to figure out if upstart alone would cause do-release-upgrade to fail. It seems it shouldn't.22:21
JanCit didn't break upgrades on earlier versions  :)22:22
JanCand 15.10 used systemd too22:22
DelemasI've had bad luck with do-release-upgrade lately... Did with 15.10 too...22:22
DelemasOne of them was a btrfs corruption though so that's not do-release-upgrade's fault.22:23
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