
cmaloneyARe we? :)00:11
cmaloneytime to find the show-stoppers.00:12
jrwrenwell, tomorrow is the previously announced release date.00:16
=== waf1 is now known as waf
cmaloneyGod morning11:09
cmaloneyAnd God morning11:09
cmaloneyGood morning. :)11:09
cmaloneyJust one of those mornings12:04
_stink__must be release day...12:33
jrwrenzomg its only thursday!?!?13:01
jrwrenit needs to be friday13:01
jrwrenyay release day! seed them torrents!13:01
cscheibwhen is official 16.04 release time, dammit14:33
cscheibI want to spin up some servers.14:33
jrwrentorrents and isos are up.14:39
jrwreni don't know when cloud images are up.14:39
=== _stink__ is now known as _stink_
cscheibare they up? the ones I see are still tagged with beta14:39
cscheibthere's still mention of beta there14:39
jcastrograb a daily?14:43
jcastro24 hours, nbd14:44
jrwrenhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/ afaik14:50
jcastrocscheib: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2016-April/000207.html16:27
jcastroI wish we got the day off16:30
jcastrojrwren: GO BACK TO WORK16:31
jrwrenoh, I am HARD at work. believe me.16:32
_stink_i need an adult!16:33
cmaloneyUbuntu 16.04 LTS is the first long-term support release available for16:35
cmaloneythe new "s390x" architecture for IBM LinuxONE and z Systems, as well16:35
cmaloneyas introducing the new Ubuntu MATE community flavour.16:35
cmaloneyFuck yeah! Now I can be on a LTS!16:36
jcastrojrwren: hard at work breaking production? awwwwww yeahhhhhh...16:36
jrwrenjcastro: that was NOT me. (this time.)16:36
cscheibthe md5 is the same as what I was downloading earlier that was allegedly "beta"16:52
jrwrencscheib: nice!16:57
cmaloney"It was discovered that the PHP..."17:12
cmaloney(insert bad thing)17:12
ZimdalePHP is always followed by bad things =(17:19
cmaloneyYeah, no joke17:20

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