
=== SwissBot_ is now known as SwissBot
bluesabreknome: gotcha some fresh screenshots, tried to stay mostly true to our current screenshots https://imgur.com/a/g3m2H00:53
bluesabreflocculant: more than content with catfish/mugshot on the release notes03:37
bluesabreknome: more screenshots https://imgur.com/a/mSWgn03:40
bluesabreso tired03:40
bluesabrenight all03:40
pavlushkanight bluesabre !03:42
palassohello I will spin up 7 DigitalOcean droplets (all the cities DO has servers) to seed. Are the torrents ready?06:33
flocculantpalasso: no - nothing is released yet06:39
palassook ty06:39
akxwi-daveunbelievable...  finally got my first Thunar crash for the move bug....10:12
Unit193After thunar was uploaded, no? :P10:12
akxwi-daveyep.. with todays iso...  Just a quick thought.. all the tests I have done previous was with the view in icon mode.. no crashes.. this time I had detailed mode on and it crashed after 5 moves.10:14
bluesabreseems possible, this patch only applies to one of the views http://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/commit/?id=77cf6ec3a3969589a4e9a8beea6a122b7dbcc2a010:16
akxwi-davehmm just done 50 moves in icon view no crash10:17
bluesabreit's pretty likely the bug is not caused by changes to gio/gvfs but rather revealed by them like in the case above10:19
akxwi-davei think my crash may have just been one of those things....  done 150 move in both views now and no crashes]10:22
ochosig'day eveyone10:32
bluesabremorning ochosi10:33
ochosihey bluesabre! what's the status on the backlog (thunar, -release)?10:33
ochosisorry, wasn't around and just started to read the backlog now10:34
bluesabrethunar with 2 patches was uploaded Monday/Tuesday, release not happened yet10:34
bluesabretrying to squeeze some final tests this morning10:34
akxwi-davei offically hate drag and dropping now...10:35
akxwi-davejust done 1000 moves and no crashes.. 10:35
ochosiso the crashing is definitely better with the two patches, no?10:36
bluesabreshould be10:36
akxwi-daveI would put the one I had down to just a normal crash.. as from what i read once you get one of the crashes it happens regulary10:36
bluesabreakxwi-dave didn't have the crashes before as I understand it10:36
akxwi-davethats correct.. no crashes before10:37
ochosiso i guess it's somehow related to the cache10:37
akxwi-davei can also confirm that the list out of order and the rename bugs haven't affected me either10:38
akxwi-davewould you like me to put the thunar crash as a bug on the daily or pass it.. as I cant get it to replicate?10:45
akxwi-daveput it as a pass for now10:47
bluesabreif you'd like, you can put it on the daily with a pass, you can add a note that it can't be reproduced10:47
akxwi-dave:-) exactly what i have done...10:50
akxwi-davelunch time bbl10:57
bluesabreI think we should be good for release10:58
flocculantbluesabre ochosi - sounds good to me11:37
flocculanthad more or less no time this morning 11:37
flocculantmarked them11:42
bluesabreflocculant: great, thanks11:57
flocculantwasn't the best of mornings here - minor child implosion :p11:58
bluesabrethose happen11:59
akxwi-daveand it don't get better when they grow up..12:01
flocculantthis is the last one :)12:02
akxwi-daveyou hope..!!12:02
flocculantback later 12:06
knomeadded release art to announcement12:23
akxwi-davelooking good.12:36
sidiAnyone here who knows how to build OEM ISOs for Xub?13:36
sidiwith custom PPAs / installed packages13:36
* knome guesses sidi will know in a few weeks13:36
knomeask him13:36
sidiknome, I deeply resent that you exist.13:36
* knome bows13:37
HosckoHello everyone !13:46
sidiHi Hoscko 14:04
sidiCan I just say this was a serious question though, knome? I could really use some expertise :p14:04
sidiand I promise I won't steal all your users with my Xubuntu fork :p14:05
flocculanthi sidi 14:08
flocculantno - don't ask - I have no idea :p14:08
flocculantafternoon knome 14:08
flocculantknome: we want to advertise the x.org on announce again or wiki release? 14:08
flocculantassuming first - url https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-16-04-release ?14:09
flocculantanother pointless addition of hundred papercuts to a bug 156230514:23
ubottubug 1562305 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Tooltip for Rubbish Bin displays "Wastebasket ..." instead of "Rubbish Bin ..."" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156230514:23
knomeflocculant, url is correct and x.org please14:26
knomesidi, you can... :P14:26
knomei have page updates ready waiting for the release too14:27
flocculantknome: seem to be waiting on announce - looks like cdimage is there14:27
pleia2hey hey, release!16:25
pleia2congrats all :)16:25
knomecongrats to you too16:25
knomestarting the website tasks now16:25
pleia2I'm available-ish for the next hour for things, working on fridge first though16:26
knomefirst of all, https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-16-04-release/ is out16:26
flocculantseems I woke up just too late then :p16:26
flocculantthanks everyone 16:26
knomefront page widget is updated16:26
knomesans title16:26
knomethat's done too16:27
bluesabreGreat work everyone!16:27
knomesupport page updated16:27
knomedownload page updated16:28
knomescreenshots page updated16:30
pleia2sorted fridge for ubuntu itself, doing g+/fb now16:33
knomehmm also16:33
knomei typoed the tweet16:34
knomefixed that...16:34
flocculantxenial will forever be known as the first Xubutnu release :p16:34
knomepics or it didn't happen..16:34
flocculantknome: not sure where the list to do stuff lives (did once ...) but I assume that it has docs.xubuntu on it somewhere 16:36
flocculantok - so not done yet then - just checking :)16:37
knomeyep, not done16:37
knomebut i just logged in to the dev server...16:38
flocculantknome: you get to do first y cycle meeting then - bet you'd forgotten :p16:38
knomeindeed :P16:38
knomeok, dev.xubuntu.org now visibly tracks the y cycle16:39
pleia2eep, actually my first meeting is in 20 mintes16:40
pleia2knome: how are our docs looking? any changes in creation?16:40
knomethat's fine, i'm working on taking care of docs.16:40
knomeok, docs updated17:01
knomenot contributor though17:02
flocculantfirst dupe bug winner goes to ... 17:15
flocculantcursor missing after unlock 17:15
PaulW2Uflocculant: and they'll be many more...17:17
flocculantPaulW2U: for sure :)17:17
flocculantPaulW2U: thanks for your help testing and confirming issues for us - much appreciated :)17:18
PaulW2Unp, wish I could have done more but....16.10 who knows what might happen?17:19
knomeupdating contributor docs17:20
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* brontide peers over at transmission... 8.5GB uploaded.17:24
knomeok, contributor docs updated from the y-series branch too17:24
knomeanything else?17:24
flocculantnot that I'm aware of17:25
flocculantknome: thanks :)17:25
knomei'll be back later if there's something else that might need my attention17:26
knomecongrats everybody - again, i think this was the best xubuntu release so far17:26
brontideinstalled beta2 yesterday.  Besides a upgrade and dist-upgrade is there anything else I need to do?17:27
flocculantbrontide: no - except next time remember not to do that ;)17:27
knome(this isn't referring to brontide specifically...) people are all over "cutting edge" stuff, then they whine when something breaks17:29
* flocculant will be making a concerted effort next cycle to not call milestones milestones and to remember to not blog about them either17:29
knomestart calling them kilometerstones!17:29
* flocculant shall also make a concerted effort to not have anything but b2 as well :)17:30
brontide:-P I've been doing linux since the pre-1.0 kernel days...17:30
flocculantI really don't think we gain anything from it17:30
knomebrontide, and you still need to ask how you get to the final release from beta2? :P17:31
brontideNew to ubuntu, generally a RH/yum distro ( professional )17:31
brontideBut I do have a bug.17:31
flocculantbrontide: then you'll understand that the milestones are out of date almost immediately - if you'd asked me yesterday I would have said install from the rc image17:31
flocculantbrontide: mmm17:32
brontideDell Lattitude E6500 Intel GM45 chipset.  Lock the screen and then unlock and cursor is MIA, you can see the effects of mouse but not the cursor itself.17:33
flocculantbrontide: I really wish that people would read release notes ;)17:34
flocculantbug 156860417:34
ubottubug 1568604 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor lost when unlocking" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156860417:34
brontideMy bad... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/156860417:34
* brontide puts on the dunce hat and sits in the corner17:35
flocculantha ha ha 17:35
knomenow it's proven playing with linux since pre-1.0 kernel days doesn't teach you to read17:35
flocculantha ha 17:35
flocculantbrontide: as penance you have to start testing the y cycle asap :)17:36
flocculantright - I'm off for a while now17:37
flocculantbrontide: nice to meet you :)17:37
brontideIt's a beautiful day here, hope it's as nice for all of you17:37
brontideChatting while I'm ignoring a useless skype meeting17:37
flocculantit's not raining 17:37
knomeindeed, i'm off as well17:38
knomehf all17:38
Nairwolfhi everyone ;)17:42
Nairwolfcongratulations for this release ;)17:42
NairwolfI come back from my work, and I've started to seed 16.04 releases (ubuntu, xubuntu, and lubuntu). After eating, I should be around here. 17:43
pavlushkaHi Nairwolf !17:44
pavlushkaCongratulations to you too.17:45
flocculantknome: changed get xubuntu page - link to release announcment 17:50
mexchipjust wanted to say congratulations for the release and a big THANK YOU for all of your effort18:21
mexchipI'll be upgrading my systems this weekend18:21
mexchip(from 14.04)18:21
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flocculantin case anyone see's issues in #xubuntu, software fails to install some packages - at least chrome - attente is now aware and can reproduce it 20:10
flocculantbbl 20:10
knomeflocculant, ah, thanks20:17
slickymasterknome, noticed you already set up the Y blueprint for docs20:24
knomewhy wait? :P20:25
flocculantI set up the z qa blueprint as well 20:25
slickymastersaw that too, flocculant 20:25
flocculantslickymaster: you saw the y one ;)20:26
flocculant[21:25:33] <flocculant> I set up the z qa blueprint as well 20:27
flocculant[21:25:51] <slickymaster> saw that too, flocculant 20:27
slickymasterhard to keep a conversation here and with my mother on the phone at the same time :P20:27
flocculanthard to keep up with them at the best of times :p20:27
slickymasterI just read the beginning and the end of your sentence and assumed you were talking about Y20:27
flocculantha ha ha 20:28
flocculantknome: did you see http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-small-nuggets 20:28
knomeslickymaster, the solution is to NOT listen to your mom20:28
knomei saw the url :P20:28
knomeflocculant, there's no way that could be more confusing20:29
slickymasterknome: 20:29
flocculantknome: which and what 20:29
knomeslickymaster, your recent driving history reminds us you didn't think what she said anyway, so it doesn't really matter if you hear it...20:30
knomeflocculant, the pad content :D20:30
slickymasteralmost an year now20:30
knomea knome doesn't forget20:30
flocculantknome: I could some stranglish quickly enough to make it more confusing :)20:31
knomeflocculant, anyway.. since i'm pretty sure this is related to an article series, i'm happy with somebody creating some content20:32
flocculantnight all20:50
slickymasterhave a good one flocculant 20:51
NoskcajIs anyone working on weather-plugin 0.8.7? It looks like we may have to SRU it21:08
bluesabreNot I21:10
knome"have to"?21:10
Noskcajknome, is "want to" better?21:23
knomeindeed, but still maybe not accurate :)21:26
ochosihappy release day everyone21:33
ochosisorry, had to babysit tonight21:33
ochosiand now i'm exhausted, gotta get some rest...21:33
ochosiwell done everyone!21:33
ubottuakxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19321:33
slickymasterthe rest of the warrior21:33
bluesabreHave a good night ochosi21:34
AuroraAvenue_knome, how do I push text from my terminal to ubuntu paste ?22:19
AuroraAvenue_i.e. paste.ubuntu.com22:20
AuroraAvenue_yeah, I'd kinda like to know how, thou.22:20
Unit193grep foo /var/log/syslog | pastebinit22:21
AuroraAvenue_it's seized up doing that.22:23
AuroraAvenue_Unit193: As I said that doesn't do much. http://imgur.com/pQF2Gmi22:37
knomefirst of all, you're mistyping the command; second, that was just an example.22:39
pleia2note the space between foo and /var... ;)22:40
pleia2it's hanging because grep isn't returning22:40
pleia2but as knome says, "grep foo /var/log/syslog" is just an example of the output of a command you want to put in the pastebin22:40
knomeand ultimately, this is the channel for development discussion...22:41
AuroraAvenue_fine I'll go then, see ya.22:42
* knome shrugs22:45
knomepleia2, i know you are busy, but we need to sit down some day with marketing stuff22:46
knomeanyway, i'm off to bed now, so you can stop worrying until tomorrow ;)22:47
pleia2knome: after May 9th22:47
pleia2have conference and book deadlines until then22:47
pleia2knome: good night :)22:47
knomenighty, and thanks & congratulations to you too for the release :)22:47
Unit193krytarik: ...magnet:?xt=urn:btih:161e498e099bc04f0286578df3804f20085e4002&tr=udp://tracker.unit193.net:6969&tr=udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969 ? :D23:17

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