
popeyThat moment when someone applies to be on ~ubuntu-etherpad, and a quick google for their email address shows them on a hard-coded block list for an open source project :)07:58
popeyhttps://github.com/jenkins-infra/account-app/blob/master/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/account/Application.java is a handy reference!  ðŸ˜ƒ07:59
dholbachnice one08:11
dholbachdpm, I don't have any updates for the ubucon call today13:24
svijdholbach: nothing new from the ubucon blog?13:31
dpmdholbach, let's join in and sync up in any case13:31
dpmdholbach, svij, omw13:31
svijdpm: ok13:31
dholbachdpm, ok, sorry - omw13:34
dholbachmarcoceppi, do you know when we can do another ubucon site deployment?13:48
marcoceppidholbach: hey13:52
marcoceppiyes, sorry, otp rn, give me 10 mins13:52
dholbachhey marcoceppi13:52
marcoceppidholbach: I want to help get you updated, it can be manual and I can show you that until I can rev the layer and test it13:53
marcoceppidholbach: release and packaging had me tied down a bit13:53
dholbachok, that'd be great13:53
dholbachwe should start announcing the Q&A14:02
dholbachpopey, dpm, davidcalle: you guys going to be around?14:02
dpmdholbach, I posted it earlier, but it'd be good to re-send the announcement. I will be around, not going to miss the fun! :)14:03
* dholbach posts on social meda14:11
* dholbach posts on social media too14:11
popeydholbach: me too14:11
* popey will be there i mean :)14:12
belkinsaSo...when this is QA today?14:15
dholbach44m from now14:16
belkinsaAh.  The video says that it will start in few moments though.14:20
dholbachmaybe whoever set up the hangout in g+ didn't specify the start time14:20
dpmhm, I did specify it to be 15:00UTC14:21
* dpm double-checks14:22
dpmbelkinsa, the hangout time is already set correctly to start in ~35m from now14:24
dpmthanks for keeping an eye on it :)14:35
belkinsaNot a problem.14:38
belkinsaThanks for whoever Tweeted it.14:38
davidcalledpm: dholbach: can't join you, sorry guys, will watch though ;)15:01
dholbachall right my friends - have a good one and see you on Monday!16:11
=== chuck__ is now known as zul

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