
JanCseems like upgrades to 16.04 don't install the breeze theme for LibreOffice?01:34
pittiGood morning05:44
* ricotz welcomes yakkety06:40
pittimy dictionary fails on that -- I suppose that's just some made-up and phonetically nice word, yes?06:41
pittia yak alliteration06:41
ricotzhaven't investigated it yet ;)06:41
flocculantpitti: "just catching up on everything...nothing important "06:41
pittiflocculant: that's what "yakkety" means?06:42
flocculantand some really old song that infinity remembers :p06:42
* pitti still votes for rolling in between LTSes :)06:42
ricotzah, so still a placeholder?06:42
flocculantI said it to tsimon in xubuntu-offtopic when I failed to come up with a yy name for me to use :)06:43
pittino, that adjective is settled -- https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety06:43
flocculantricotz: yea :)06:43
ricotzpitti, I see06:43
flocculantpitti: LOL06:43
ricotz"Yakkety yakkety yakkety yakkety yakkety yakkety yakkety yakkety yak. Naturally 🙂"06:44
ricotzby quoting http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/149606:44
* flocculant is prescient ... "<flocculant> it's still on the w spec for someone to copy to the yakkity yak one" from weeks ago :p06:44
pittiwe all pretty much agreed on the yak :)06:45
pittibut I suppose there's no adjective sufficiently close to shaving that starts with y :)06:45
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* Sweet5hark takes out the papers and the trash!07:49
seb128good morning desktopers07:56
seb128hey Sweet5hark07:56
pittibonjour seb128 ! wie gehts/07:56
seb128salut pitti! sehr gut, danke! und dir?07:56
pittiseb128: prima, danke!07:57
* pitti feels very yakkety07:57
seb128was a name announced?07:57
pittiseb128: yes, although a lot less funny post than usual: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/149607:57
seb128no fun, infity/the guys at the office had it right :p07:58
seb128it's not usual that Mark picks something suggested by others!07:58
Sweet5harkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6-2eXjx-h0 looping here07:58
pittiseb128: I guess the yak was pretty much without alternative anyway07:59
seb128yeah, but "yakkety" could have been changed ;-)07:59
* seb128 is facing the dilemna about what to do with his laptop07:59
seb128I guess I'm going to stick to the LTS until .107:59
seb128or at least a bit to get some SRUs going08:00
pittiVMs FTW!08:00
willcookemorning seb128 pitti08:02
pittihey willcooke08:02
larsumorning! Congrats on the release!08:02
pittihey larsu, thanks!08:02
seb128hey willcooke, had a good trip back yesterday?08:02
seb128hey larsu, thanks!08:02
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest49953
larsualso, yakkety yak is a *perfect* ubuntu name08:03
seb128pitti, right, but you don't end up using VMs much, you just spawn them for quick testing08:03
willcookeseb128, met an old school friend after the office, so didnt get home till late08:03
seb128pitti, I can as well build/test apps on xenial and downgrade back then08:03
pittiseb128: yeah, but that seems alright for you for doing yakkety stuff until .1?08:03
Sweet5harkFWIW, me does all testing on VMs (and building on pbuilders) ... -- currently having 11 VMs (sized for LibreOffice) which brings the 512GB SDD to its limits sometimes ...08:03
seb128willcooke, oh ok, nice, at least you celebrated xenial :-)08:03
willcookeseb128, :)08:04
larsuSweet5hark: I hope some of those are nested... :P08:04
larsuthat's where the fun comes in08:04
seb128pitti, I usually don't even bother doing VM, I do my merges on n-1 and test there and then downgrade, at least for GNOME apps and such, like if it's the same upstream version and just merges not a lot can go wrong08:04
* flexiondotorg fears the Yak shaving jokes.08:05
willcookemorning Sweet5hark larsu08:05
willcookeflexiondotorg, :)  I can't work out if that's real or epic troll08:05
flexiondotorgwillcooke, I hope a troll.08:05
flexiondotorgYouthful Yucatan anyone?08:05
flexiondotorgHas the advantage it's a squirrel, so no artwork changes.08:06
flexiondotorgAnd no last minute scramble with the design team ;-)08:06
seb128pitti, yak-1 = xenial :p08:07
Sweet5harklarsu: precise64, trusty64, vivid64, wily64, xenial64, ooo33, aoo411, debian, snappy, vagrant_default..., allsnaps. I guess some could be cleaned up by now ...08:07
* larsu is impressed08:08
flexiondotorgwillcooke, not a troll. Syncs have started to yakkety.08:08
* Sweet5hark needs to add yakety yak to technical.dic. Totally a technical term right now.08:09
arawillcooke, seb128: hello!08:10
arawillcooke, seb128: did we remove browsing files using BT in xenial on purpose?08:10
seb128hey ara08:10
seb128ara, removed from where compared to what?08:11
araseb128, if you open set up a mobile device over BT, you no longer have the option to browse the files in the phone08:12
araseb128, you are able to send or receive files, but not browse the contents08:12
seb128ara, was that working and in what ubuntu version? 14.04? 15.10?08:13
seb128ara, and what were you using to browse them, nautilus?08:14
seb128ara, please provide some details08:14
araseb128, 14.04 for sure, no sure about wily sorry08:14
araseb128, using the indicator08:14
seb128the indicator is only a menu08:14
seb128it never provided some "browsing UI"08:14
seb128so I guess it was calling from some external program08:15
arahey chih08:19
seb128hey chih08:19
araseb128, chih is the one reporting this issue, he will be able to give you more details08:19
chihhello seb12808:19
seb128ara, thanks08:19
seb128chih, what did you use to browse those shares with? nautilus08:19
seb128is that using obex?08:19
chihseb128, using obex is fine. it is through gui tool that has issues08:20
seb128what gui?08:20
chihseb128, bluetooth-setting?08:20
seb128bluetooth-setting is not a thing08:21
seb128we don't have such codebase/app/project08:21
seb128nor ever did08:21
chihseb128, right. need to be more precise. hold on.08:21
seb128can you just describe/screenshot/screencast what you did on 14.04?08:21
seb128did you use to browse your phone with nautilus over obex?08:23
seb128is that what this is about?08:23
chihseb128, unity-control-center bluetooth08:23
seb128that's the config panel08:23
seb128it allows to pair device08:23
seb128it never had a file browser included08:23
chihseb128, we used another pc to file browsing08:24
seb128ok, that's getting nowhere08:24
seb128please provide a screencast of what you are doing on the old Ubuntu08:25
seb128or tell me what application is used for browsing08:25
chihseb128, sure. we should have prepared for this08:25
seb128or is the app that secret that nobody wants to share its name? ;-)08:25
chihseb128, let us find it out for you.08:25
chihseb128, sure08:25
seb128chih, ara, I expect you are using nautilus and being bitten by http://www.hadess.net/2011/11/obexftp-in-gnome-non-update.html / https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74562108:26
ubot5`Gnome bug 745621 in [obsolete] obexftp backend "remove obsolete obexftp code" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:26
chihseb128, need to go attend a call now. i am having another team member check with you on this issue.08:27
kristinchuangseb128: ping08:30
seb128hey kristinchuang ;-)08:30
kristinchuangseb128: hello :)08:31
kristinchuangseb128: I'm here to provide some info on debugging the BT browsing function :)08:31
seb128kristinchuang, can you screenshot/screencast what you used to do which worked? or give me the name of the application doing the browsing (is that nautilus?)08:32
kristinchuangseb128: do you mean the application that's supposed to be doing the actual browsing (i.e. showing all the files to be browsed)? Yes that's nautilus08:34
seb128thanks, that's all I wanted08:34
kristinchuangseb128: but I haven't been able to reach the step where nautilus is launched though08:34
seb128kristinchuang, so I think your issue is https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/commit/?id=606ef241fb8677528bd5d5526854658f0f298a2c08:34
seb128see http://www.hadess.net/2011/11/obexftp-in-gnome-non-update.html08:34
seb128and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75790108:35
ubot5`Gnome bug 757901 in [obsolete] obexftp backend "Resurrect obexftp backend" [Normal,New]08:35
seb128basically that feature was buggy and non maintained and didn't work with bluez508:35
seb128so they removed it08:35
=== chih is now known as chih-meeting
kristinchuangseb128: I see......thanks! Let me go get engineers involved first and get back to you later :D08:44
seb128kristinchuang, yw!08:44
seb128kristinchuang, sorry but it's not going to be an easy fix08:44
kristinchuangseb128: :D oops so this means that there's no confirmed schedule for the resurrection yet right?08:50
seb128kristinchuang, correct, nobody seems to work on it08:51
seb128there is a patch on the bug I pointed out08:51
seb128but it got one review and has been sitting there since08:51
kristinchuangseb128: ok got it. Thanks for the info!08:53
* Laney is running yakkety08:55
Laneyit's reaalllly stable08:55
pittihey Laney08:57
Laneyhey pitti!08:57
pittiLaney: ooh, any kool new features yet? :-)08:57
Laneyshiny png transition to get your teeth into :P08:58
pittiLaney: oh, that actually has new packages already?08:59
* pitti had assumed it would need a new toolchain first08:59
pittithen I guess I'll do my traditional debhelper merge today :)09:00
Laneyyeah, you can put stuff in the queue09:01
pittiLaney: but still working on charming up lxd workers, so that we can move armhf to scalingstack09:01
pittifinally, some actual development after this crazy week :)09:01
pittiLaney: put more eggs into that brittle basket :-P09:01
seb128hey Laney09:02
seb128Laney is the opposite of me :p09:02
* seb128 sticks to the LTS and intend to SRU strongly in the next weeks09:03
seb128no yak to shave here!09:03
seb128willcooke, btw any though as what as a team we should focus on in the next weeks? unsure if we should have a team focus or just let people go crazy on what they prefer doing ;-)09:04
seb128Laney, where did you guys go to eat btw?09:04
Laneyseb128: the diner place09:06
willcookeseb128, not sure I follow you.  Sprint next week where I we can discuss goals etc - or do you mean something else?09:06
Laneypitti: charming> where's juju involved in that part?09:06
Laneyusing juju to manage lxd?09:07
pittiLaney: we need autopkgtest-cloud-worker to be able to start workers with an lxd configuration09:07
seb128Laney, the one place where you can get dinner in London? ;-)09:07
* seb128 hides09:07
Laneyone n!09:07
pittiLaney: hand it a list of "architecture IP #workers"09:07
Laneythe place up the road09:07
Laneywhere we got a free meal09:07
seb128oh, I see!09:08
LaneyI had an "american breakfast"09:08
Laneywas good09:08
seb128was the free meal coupon still valid?09:08
pittiLaney: and it sets up the correspondig remotes, uses a different worker.conf, and call lxd on these remotes instead of ssh/nova09:08
seb128that one09:08
pittiLaney: I also want to create a separate machine/service for the lxd controllers; the nova autopkgtest-worker service/machine is loaded enough already09:08
pitti(controller, just one for now)09:08
seb128willcooke, no, I was just wondering how we put the balance between LTS work/stabilization/SRU and new yakky crazyness, but I guess that's a good topic for next week09:09
pittiLaney, seb128: you guys are back home now?09:09
seb128pitti, I am09:09
Laneypitti: ah right, I just thought you would teach the existing one how to do lxd too09:09
seb128was only in London for one day09:09
Laneypitti: nope, but I'm going to head back in the day today09:09
pittiLaney: yeah, it's the same charm, but it needed some extension for all this09:09
pittiLaney: just boring plumbing for the most part, but it needed to be done :)09:09
* pitti still needs some time to train his fingers to write juju-1 instead of juju, argh09:11
Laneyalias juju=juju-1 :P09:11
willcookeseb128, gotya.  There are a couple of clear issues in X that need sorting around g-s and the missing menus issue which we should get on, but I think we can afford a day of playing :)09:11
seb128well, playing is fine09:12
seb128I guess people who update still have the LTS in a vm and can work on SRUs there09:12
Laneythat stuff is going to be fixable in both09:12
seb128yeah, it's just that we have a big stack of things worth SRUing and probably more are going to be reported09:14
willcookeI think over the next, say, 6 weeks, we'll spot the really common issues09:14
seb128maybe se should a sub/virtualteam focussed on .109:14
seb128we did that after some previous LTSes (precise(iirc?) had a formal virtual team with explicit goal to work on .1)09:15
willcookeand get people from kernel, etc etc as part of that team?09:15
seb128yes, we have 1/2 person of each team, kernel/foundation/desktop/qa09:15
willcookedavmor2, jibel - how would you guys be fixed for some additional 16.04 QA over the next couple of months?09:17
willcookeand then maybe CC cyphermox and/or xnox? ^09:17
willcookeor pitti?09:17
* willcooke volunteers all the people 09:17
willcookeI'll speak to Steve of course09:18
seb128yeah, let's see, I don't know if that's compatible with the objective/focus for next cycle09:18
seb128e.g if we can manage to officially redirect that bunch of people to the .109:18
seb128but it would be nice if we could :-)09:18
willcookeworth exploring for sure09:18
willcookeI think NM will need some love09:19
seb128for sure09:19
willcookexorg / fglrx09:19
willcookemaybe bluez?  Seems ok so far, but OEM might want some work of theirs SRUing?09:20
seb128yeah, let's see what's the feedback/reports in the next weeks or so09:23
willcookesounds like a good plan09:24
davmor2willcooke: No but what I would suggest is we start 16.04.1 testing earlier maybe instead09:31
davmor2willcooke: so I think that cyphermox and co are well aware of the issues as they currently stand, But I would suggest that a month before 16.04.1 we start looking at it weekly till the end and ensure the issue that currently stand are resolved and that no new ones have arrived but maybe discuss a time frame around that when he is online, Also I would assume by then the majority of the user issue would be10:09
davmor2resolved by your team for any major niggles in the system itself that none of us have happen to trip over10:09
davmor2willcooke: also jibel is off today and might have a differing opinion so maybe re-discuss on Monday10:11
willcookethanks davmor210:11
* willcooke begins backing up10:46
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andyrockgood morning all11:05
willcookehey andyrock11:05
seb128hey andyrock, how are you?11:30
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andyrockseb128: lunch time with Trevinho13:01
seb128andyrock, Trevinho, are you guys taking the day to enjoy Prague?13:01
seb128have fun there!13:01
andyrockJust a little bit13:01
andyrockI worked this morning during the travel Marco swapped the day13:02
seb128say hey to Trevinho ;-)13:03
seb128willcooke, Laney, attente, reading the g+ post from hughsie about the number of users hiting their firmware server since yesterday, did we talk to them/ask if them if they are fine having our user hammering their resources?13:06
seb128he doesn't complain about it in the post/sounds positive about it but I wonder if that might become an issue as more users upgrade13:06
attenteseb128: maybe canonical can offer resources for that?13:18
attenteit would be a nice gesture13:18
seb128attente, is that a "no" then? e.g we didn't discuss the topic at all with them?13:19
seb128or you don't know13:19
seb128but yeah, offer resources13:19
attenteseb128: that's a no, i didn't even anticipate that problem :)13:19
seb128or have our own server13:19
desrtgood morning ubuntu13:19
desrthow's the hangover? :)13:19
seb128I don't know how comfortable we have having all our desktop install "dialing" into a third party infra daily13:20
seb128we are*13:20
desrtseb128: based on the 'enthusiastic' response we've received every time we try anything of the sort, i'm going to go with 'not' :)13:20
seb128hey desrt! doing good, back to business, some crazy distroer even dealing with yaks ;-)13:21
seb128desrt, yeah, me too...13:21
* desrt eats a chocolatine with powdered sugar on top13:22
* desrt is conflicted13:22
seb128that sounds wrong13:22
seb128shound be icing13:23
desrti already told the guy at the counter that he's lucky that no french person is in here13:23
pittihey desrt!13:39
desrthello pitti :)13:39
desrti'm coming to visit your country soon13:39
* desrt will spend 2 hours there on sunday :)13:40
pittidesrt: that stretches the meaning of "visit" quite a bit :)13:40
desrti also have a short vacation there during may :p13:41
desrtpitti: what are you up to lately?13:42
pittidesrt: fun with the release up to last night, and opening yakkety right now :)13:42
desrtoh seriously13:43
desrtwe actually called it that?13:43
pittidesrt: apparently so13:43
pittiyodelling yak would have been fun :)13:43
desrtawesome.  just awesome.13:43
seb128desrt, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety13:44
desrtfinally a release name that i can get behind!13:44
seb128pitti, desrt, google insist on it being written "yakety", did we typo that?13:45
desrtya.  i was noticing that and wondering if this is part of mark's plan to convince the word to spell this word differently13:45
desrti'm sure the spelling was carefully considered and that there is a good reason for it..... but what? :)13:46
pittiseb128: dictionary wise neither is a real word :)13:46
desrtmaybe it's to avoid infringing copyright on the song title :p13:47
desrt...or to make it easier to search for *our* yakkety yak13:47
desrtbut mostly i just see a million google results pages "...did you mean 'yakety'?"13:47
seb128pitti, well, http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/yak has "yackety-yak"13:48
desrtwe're already 3rd hit on yakkety, so i guess this will go fairly well, in fact13:48
* desrt is particularly enjoying her morning caffeine buzz today13:48
desrti wonder if these people are on to something with the sugar on the chocolatines13:49
seb128are you sure it was sugar? :p13:50
* qengho afk lunch14:09
* Sweet5hark feels sorry for the folks watching the social media accounts for this company: http://yakketyyakllc.com/social-media-marketing/ 14:29
ogra_the company might like us now though :)14:31
ogra_free ads ! :)14:31
attenteseb128: hughsie said that the fwupd servers are at 3% load, but if it ever gets really bad, he would update the cache time and ask us to cherry pick that15:06
seb128attente, ok, willcooke emailed him as well15:06
willcookehe just replied, it's not a problem.  But we should get our own servers up I think.  We can start that next week15:08
seb128dpm, pitti, what is defining what goes in -gnome langpacks?15:25
seb128http://launchpadlibrarian.net/249587950/ubuntu-xenial-translations.tar.gz has evolution-3.18.po15:25
seb128but they are missing from the langpacks in xenial15:25
seb128well the .mo are15:25
pittiseb128: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/view/head:/lib/pkg_classify.py, but that's fairly unrelated15:28
pittias that just decides between -gnome and main15:28
pittiif it's missing entirely, there's a different problem15:28
seb128seems to be15:28
pittiWARNING: unknown translation domain: evolution-3.1815:29
pittihm, missing from mapping.txt?15:29
pittiseb128: if you have it downloaded already, mind checking?15:29
seb1283 langpacks have one15:29
pittiseb128: I guess those are obsolete ones which fell under the 5% treshold15:30
pittilangpack@snakefruit:/srv/language-packs.ubuntu.com/xenial$ find -name evolution-3.18*15:30
pitti-> nothing15:30
seb128let me check for the mapping.txt15:30
pittie-d-s-3.18 seems fine15:31
pittiseb128: or it's another bug with multiple domains from one package (sil2100 fixed that some weeks ago, but perhaps not completely)15:31
seb128did we rebuild xenial langpacks with that fix applied?15:31
seb128pitti, the mapping has15:35
seb128evolution evolution-3.1815:35
seb128evolution-data-server evolution-data-server-3.1815:35
seb128evolution-indicator evolution-indicator15:35
pittiok, that looks fine15:35
pittibut sorry, no steam today any more to debug this still, and need to run in about 10 minutes anyway15:36
pittibug report appreciated15:36
seb128pitti, we have bug #1545212 opened on february15:37
ubot5bug 1545212 in langpack-o-matic "Evolution 3.18.4 package does not include translations" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154521215:37
seb128shrug, I reassigned back then but forgot to follow up15:37
pittiah, thanks15:37
seb128np, thanks for the replies15:40
xclaessewow, totem 3.18 is a MASSIVE perf regression o_O15:40
xclaesseit can't even play a 640x480 mp4 smoothly anymore15:40
xclaesseon my older laptop connected on my tv15:40
xclaessewith gst-play and vlc the video play fine15:41
seb128xclaesse, :-(15:41
xclaessebut with totem I get like 10fps, it's impossible to watch15:41
seb128xclaesse, does it work better if you use the old totem version?15:41
xclaesseon my newer x230 laptop totem runs fine though15:41
seb128could also be something in gstreamer stack that changelog15:42
xclaesseseb128, was working just fine on 14.0415:42
seb128gst-play and totem might use different pipelines/elements15:42
xclaesseI suspect clutter/cogl, tbh, but with no proof atm15:42
seb128pitti, where did you see that "WARNING: unknown translation domain: evolution-3.18" warning?15:43
seb128xclaesse, could be yes15:43
LaneyWell, yes, it was known that firmware updates are going to use the LVFS. That's a goal of the service.16:01
* seb128 googles LVFS and finds "Linux Vendor Firmware Service"16:02
LaneyIt's the work that superm1 was enabling16:03
seb128just curious but is it owned by hughsie himself?16:03
seb128or on some fdo or such infra?16:03
LaneyI think it's on a RedHat machine, but you could go ask him16:04
* superm1 pokes in16:04
superm1openshift IIRC16:04
* seb128 googles openshift as well :p16:04
seb128oh, a RH thing16:04
superm1when i talked to hughsie, he was confident he could handle the load from this getting into distros16:05
superm1but willing to expand out to a mirroring system if need be16:05
seb128well anyway, I've no clue if we are fine using that or if we want our how mirror/server, willcooke is going to investigate16:05
LaneyCall it the Ubuntu Firmware Service while you're at it16:07
superm1something that could be explored is just mirroring metadata (and metadata signature) somewhere else ubuntuey and still pulling firmware from his service instead16:07
seb128Laney, :-p16:07
seb128I've a feeling you don't like the idea how having a mirror16:07
superm1the metadata and firmware can realistically be hosted in separate places.  authenticity is verified for them separately on each of them16:09
seb128yeah, unsure if that's needed16:10
seb128it just feels suboptimal to rely on an external service we have no garantee about16:11
jcastroanyone have a link to the server side component he's using?16:12
seb128jcastro, https://github.com/hughsie/lvfs-website I guess16:13
superm1Yeah that's his site.16:15
seb128Laney, are you back home btw? had a good train back?16:22
Laneyseb128: yeah, train was mostly non eventful16:33
LaneyI found a cool turkish place quite near to st pancras and had some lunch there16:33
seb128that looks good16:40
* seb128 starts being hundry and wouldn't say no to some börek16:40
* desrt looks that up16:46
desrtmmm.  now i'm hungry too.  thanks :p16:46
Laneyafter I wrote that I found the second half of my börek in my bag and ate it17:16
seb128have a good w.e everyone, see you on sunday!17:26
dobeyhrmm, i wonder why sometimes my volume control keybindings just stop working17:48
dobeyso weird17:48
JanCI wonder why gnome-terminal breaks dead keys in xenial (also weird)17:49
JanCbreaks dead keys & compose17:51
qenghoJanC: My compose works in gnome-terminal, FWIW.17:59
JanCqengho: do you have customized compose keys (in ~/.XCompose)?18:04
qenghoJanC: No.18:07
JanCroxterm doesn't have the bug, so seems like it's in gnome-terminal and not libvte18:30
=== tedg_ is now known as tedg
qenghoJanC: Compare your environments between terminal emulators too. Is LANG the same?19:53
JanC$LANG shouldn't influence keyboard layout20:16
qenghoJanC: Yes, but (I think) LANG should influence what compose mappings are loaded.21:03
JanCit really shouldn't  :)21:04
JanC$LANG seems to be the same everywhere though21:05
qenghoOoh, that's the encoding, not the locale. Sorry, JanC.21:07
JanChm, nautilus has the same problem22:09
JanCso, seems like the bug is related to the xim input module22:13

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