
wyrehi guys! when has been released ubuntu Gnome 16.04?00:31
joeberardisanyone else having issues using proprietary nvidia driver with 16.04?00:40
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shayan3985hi guys  i wonder when will ubuntu16-04 with gnome desktop release? anyone know ?08:17
shayan3985no one ? :)08:17
shayan3985hmmm :-?08:17
mgedminI think it's out already08:55
mgedminit's just that everyone who can change the topic is now sleeping because Australia time or something08:55
felixisI am trying to boot into recovery mode on 16.0410:56
felixishowever pressing the shift key does not bring up the grub screen10:56
felixiswhat could be the reason10:56
mgedminlol I messed up the upgrade11:57
mgedminhit ctrl+shift+i to get the gtk+ inspector11:57
mgedmininstead, the upgrade window froze11:57
ForageGood afternoon13:35
LinDolhi :)13:35
ForageFirst of all: many thanks for yet another shiny Ubuntu GNOME release!13:36
LinDolkorea is going to midnight :)13:36
Forage(second: the channel topic is outdated :-P )13:36
ForageJust a quick question: is updating (from 15.10) by using the livecd considered just as safe/stable as using the normal software updater on a running system?13:38
wyrehi guys! when will be released ubuntu-gnome 16.04?13:38
Foragewyre: it already is13:39
Foragethe website hasn't been updated due to issues13:39
Foragewyre: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-gnome/2016-April/003913.html13:40
wyremmm ok :D13:40
wyreForage, ty :P13:41
LinDolForage, I think you would better just fresh install haha :)13:41
ForageLinDol: nonsense13:41
LinDolhaha :)13:42
LinDolI advise you upgrading without livecd :)13:42
ForageI can't take you serious any more with your previous advice :-P13:43
LinDoloops :) sorry :>13:43
ForageIt would save me a lot of time using the iso, if things work as expected of course13:44
ForageThis because of my current internet connection13:44
ForageAnd I already have the iso13:44
Forage...Unless the software updater will download a lot less than the full iso13:45
LinDolah.... i haven't know your network.. sorry, i think upgrading with livecd better13:45
* Forage wonders: ...when are they finally going to nuke the bloody Rhythmbox...14:02
mgedminif I enable the gnome3-staging PPA on xenial, will I regret it?14:59
mgedminI see apt wants to remove seahorse-daemon for some reason15:00
mgedminwas it replaced by some other package, or will I lose the nice gpg keyring integration?15:00
mgedminwell, there's one way to find out ;)15:00
darkxst_mgedmin, there was a switch to gpupg-pinentry or whatever it is called, not entirely that is related to that though15:03
darkxst_gnome3-staging is mostly usable15:03
darkxst_but also well behind upstream releases, this release cycle (for xenial proper) was a fucker15:04
mgedminthe screen locker bug >_<15:05
darkxst_which? for upgrades15:06
darkxst_idk how to fix that, and apparently upstream don't either15:07
mgedminoh, was there a link to an upstream bug?  I didn't notice15:07
darkxst_you can boot it back to shape with some manual foo15:07
darkxst_no, mostly IRC discussions15:08
mgedminI had to finish my upgrade with no window manager15:08
mgedminafter using an ssh client on my smartphone to pkill gnome-shell15:08
darkxst_because you manually locked it?15:08
mgedminyup!  coffe break -- hit <lock screen> by reflex, dum-de-dum lali-da-da come back oops15:09
darkxst_how am I meant to fix that?15:09
mgedminI'm not blaming you!15:09
darkxst_you get things back though, switch to a VT kill shell, launch metacity from the VT, then reload shell from metacity15:10
darkxst_but yeh thats a bit much for most users15:10
darkxst_and things just get worse with wayland ;(15:10
mgedminwhat does the intermediate step (metacity) give you?15:10
mgedminprevent gnome-shell from re-locking the screen when it launches?15:11
darkxst_dbus sessions etc15:11
mgedmin(I thought it would, and that's why I didn't restart it from my terminal)15:11
darkxst_if you launch shell from a VT its not going to find the dbus user session15:11
darkxst_and even if you set that, there must be other things missings15:12
mgedminno, the environment variables are missing15:12
mgedminbut I thought if you launch metacity from /dev/tty1, then whatever you launch from that metacity would ... oh15:12
mgedminyou mean use an existing terminal that would have all the env vars15:13
mgedminok, that would work15:13
mgedminnowadays things aren't that bad even without a window manager15:13
mgedminI could change keyboard focus with my mouse15:13
darkxst_yes metacity gets your the envvars15:13
mgedmina long time since I had to craft 'metacity' using middle-click copy and paste :)15:14
darkxst_short of scraping proc fs15:14
darkxst_in wayland if the compositor crashing, everything is gone ;(15:14
mgedminbrave new world15:17
mgedminbrb, rebooting into gdm 3.2015:17
* darkxst_ sleeping now15:25
mgedminwell that took longer than expected15:55
mgedmintried out a wayland session15:55
mgedminthings like xchat-gnome or gnome-settings-daemon segfault there15:55
mgedminmiddle click works (yay!) but not inside vim (the "* register is empty)15:56
mgedminstudied journalctl jogs for 25 minutes, wrote down everything that seemed wrong and rebooted into an old-style X11 session15:56
mgedminxchat-gnome's text area is strangely grey15:56
mgedminmouse cursor (trackpoint) feels strangely quick15:57
mgedminmaybe wayland had a different acceleration profile and I got used to it during those 25 mins?15:57
mgedminit feels fine again15:57
LocutusOfBorghi darkxst seems that ubuntu-gnome works with rootless x16:07
LocutusOfBorgbut xserver-xorg-legacy is still seeded...16:07
try1604hi guys!16:58
try1604im having issues with nvidia proprietary driver16:58
try1604when I start my pc the screen turns off16:58
try1604and I had this issue in ubuntu 14.0416:59
KernelPanicHi everybody! I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, please apolgize me. Ubuntu 16.04 has been released and on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/16.04/release/ appeared a release .iso . On the ubuntu gnome website I can't find any news, is that iso the official release or does it is still in beta (the gnome version)?17:00
MrJonnyHey Guys, I got a problem with my gnome ubuntu. In certain apps including software centre I get two letter for key.17:01
MrJonnyHey Guys, I got a problem with my gnome ubuntu. In certain apps including software centre I get two letter for each key press.17:01
KernelPanicI'm sorry @MrJonny I can't reproduce the issue17:02
KernelPanicI'm using ubuntu gnome 15.10 at the moment17:02
MrJonnyKernelPanic, I can't seem to get it working correctly. If you run the app as root its fine.17:04
KernelPanicunfortunately I can't help you. I've never had that issue and I'm not an expert.17:07
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BAHansenHello All. I'm sure its been talked about, but just thought I would drop in to see if the Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 build is ready on the daily build DL.19:45
BAHansenGuys still working through things?19:45
jbichaBAHansen: Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS is released, download links are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME20:40
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=== darkxst_ is now known as darkxst
=== darkxst changed the topic of #ubuntu-gnome to: Ubuntu GNOME Development & Support | Latest LTS Release: 16.04 LTS | Latest Stable Release 16.04 | Download from http://ubuntugnome.org/download/ | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | http://ubuntugnome.org/getting-involved/ | join us on #gnome @ ubuntu.slack.com ask here if you need an invite to slack

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