
Unit193DuckHook: Congrats!14:36
DuckHookJust became an Ubuntu member and recently joined the staff at ubuntuforums. Told to apply for my cloak on this channel and am respectfully doing so. Launchpad ID is https://launchpad.net/~duckhook  TIA for helping.14:38
DuckHookUnit193: Thanks. You were very helpful.14:38
DuckHookUnit193: Trying out hexchat. Am still working on irssi, but need more CLI-Fu14:40
Unit193Everything looks good, just waiting for a response now.14:41
Unit193DuckHook: You should have a PM.14:50
DuckHookUnit193: Much thanks again.14:54
k1l_ircc should put you in the cloaked people launchpad group and staff can set the cloak then14:55
DuckHookk1l_: Will I get some form of notice?14:59
Unit193DuckHook: uptime PM'd you, so as long as you confirm you're good to go.  Your status window will tell you once you get it too.14:59
Fuchs(depends on the client)15:00
Unit193Since he already said hexchat...15:00
Fuchsand considering switching to weechat :)15:01
DuckHookI may be missing something... Does PM mean the forums? Remember you're dealing with a newbie here.15:02
IdleOne-DuckHook: Congrats and welcome. Your membership fees are due on the 1st of every month (no later then the 5th) and you will receive your copy of the cleaning schedule with your duties by the 7th of the month.15:02
FuchsDuckHook: a private message15:02
FuchsDuckHook: you probably have a new tab, with uptime  (that's his name)15:02
FuchsDuckHook: if you can't find it, you can just prod him yourself and say you accept the cloak15:03
DuckHookOkay. I see it.15:06
DuckHookRats. Just missed him. Will keep my eye out.15:07
Fuchsyeah, he'll see the message when he's back and he can set the cloak15:07
Fuchsin the meantime, if you plan to stay with hexchat, you might want to configure SASL15:07
DuckHookStepping away for a moment here too. Thanks for handholding a rookie, y'all.15:08
Fuchshttp://freenode.net/kb/answer/hexchat  << this thing. It's for auto identification and thus applies the cloak on connect, so you won't join channels uncloaked and annoy them with 3 extra lines15:08
Fuchsotay, congratulations and bye :)15:08
Unit193Also we just barely missed the cloak dance, /ns info DuckHook.15:32
Unit193nhandler: Around?19:21
Unit193Can you give the IRCC account +f in -release?19:22
nhandlerUnit193: You should be good19:26
Unit193nhandler: Danke.19:26
Unit193nhandler: Oh, and the link when you register a nick on Freenode is 404'ing.19:32
nhandlerUnit193: Feel free to file an issue on https://github.com/freenode/web-7.0/issues (although, that one sounds familiar). Otherwise, I'll do so later.19:33
* Unit193 waits, has no GH account. :319:34
meurthThis is basically an offtopic/unregged channel then?23:54
Unit193This specific one?  No, why would you think that?23:55
meurthUnit193, the #ubuntu-ops introduction said the only channel broader than #ubuntu-offtopic was #ubuntu-irc.23:56
meurthI am trying to find an elementary school teacher from 13 years ago who is apparently no longer staff at that school.23:57
Unit193'This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only - #ubuntu-irc has a broader scope.' no, doesn't say -ot anywhere.  This is more LoCos and other team channels, as seen in the topic.23:57
meurthUnit193, I apologize.23:57
Unit193'Tis fine.23:58

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