
mappshi all05:05
mappswatched dirty grandpa..retty funny05:05
knightwisemorning peeps05:55
highburyhmmm. tried using the advanced partitioning option whilst installing a new VirtualBox guest. The advanced partition options is displayed, but nothing seems to be changeable07:53
knightwiseComin to you livvvvvvvvvvve from my own digitalocean droplet !08:05
davmor2Man this year just gets suckier now Prince :(08:06
diploHad enough of hearing about him, not in here too :(08:10
* SuperMatt is back to using Ubuntu on his desktop machines08:15
* popey is back to using Ubuntu on his desktop08:15
popey(as I have since 2004 :) )08:15
SuperMattI had a brief stint with Fedora08:16
davmor2SuperMatt: isn't it nice to be back home :)08:16
SuperMattAnd the reason why is silly - at my last job, the machines weren't all that powerful, so gnome was the best DE for me, and Fedora had the most up to date version of gnome08:16
popeyUbuntu MATE is quite nice for low end machines08:17
popeyI have it on a 10 year old Thinkpad T43 here :)08:17
SuperMattyeah, but it didn't work the way I liked08:17
diploAlso using Mate on an old Dell optiplex08:26
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:51
knightwisemorning brobostigon08:53
brobostigonmorning knightwise08:53
knightwiseany of you know where they hid the plugins folder in tt-rss ?09:05
* brobostigon uses owncloud for rss.09:06
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Friday, and happy Earth Day! 😃  🌍09:07
SuperMattmorning JamesTait09:19
JamesTait👋 SuperMatt09:20
davmor2JamesTait: the obvious one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU09:59
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
MazdaHello guys i have " Error reading from remote server" when i'm trying to get from browser, there is my /etc/apache2/conf.d/SOGo.conf http://pastebin.com/LqSkzhKZ11:31
foobarrytrying out unity812:36
foobarrysomething bad happened12:39
foobarryanyone got it working with virtualbox?12:41
popeyit doesn't work in vbox12:50
foobarryvbox issue?12:51
foobarryassume so.12:51
popeyonly works on free drivers right now12:51
DJonesYou should expect to encounter bugs (and possibly performance issues, doubly-true if your device uses AMD graphics? http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1496?12:52
DJonesGrr, wrong paste12:53
DJonespopey: Is this the official codename http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1496?12:53
foobarryunified messaging app? http://www.meetfranz.com/#download13:01
popeyDJones: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/yakkety/13:03
DJonesI guess thats a Yak then13:03
zmoylan-piat least theirs a song...13:06
knightwiseI just considered :13:15
knightwiseFor the price of a raspberry pi , you can have a vm on digital ocean for an entire year13:15
popeycan't plug a webcam into it though.13:19
popeyor plug it into a telly :)13:19
MazdaHello guys i have " Error reading from remote server" when i'm trying to get from browser, there is my /etc/apache2/conf.d/SOGo.conf http://pastebin.com/LqSkzhKZ13:24
knightwiseoops sowwt$13:25
foobarryand a raspbi lasts more than a year14:03
diddledanomg. 16.10 is called...14:55
brmbrmcarIt needs renaming!14:58
diddledannot gonna happen14:59
daftykinsi'm typing from the new desktop at last \o/15:01
diddledanooh, you finished building it?!15:01
daftykinsyep got the case from Germany yesterday a.m.15:01
daftykinspostie said "i am so glad you're home" as he puffed and panted from carrying it up my hill15:02
diddledanposties can be awesome people15:02
daftykinshe's pretty cool that one yeah :D sounds northern15:03
daftykinswhich isn't hard down here granted, but northern for England ;)15:03
diddledanthat's a tidy case15:07
diddledanI went budget on my last one - there's zero cable-management15:08
daftykinsthis thing has a good 30mm gap behind the mobo tray to stuff things, very handy15:11
daftykins*barely* got the ATX power top left from the PSU up to the corner there XD15:11
daftykinsfirst time i've put together a desktop with no sign of an optical15:11
diddledanno smudged-disk (blurry)?15:12
daftykinsi wouldn't have any reason to use them in a PC to be honest15:16
daftykinsi've used my xbox one as a player the rare times i've given my discs a spin :D15:16
foobarryany easlsticsearch ppl in here?15:19
diddledanfoobarry: I have one set-up but haven't actually got around to playing yet15:20
foobarryi have unassigned shards that i need to dispose of15:20
daftykinsno fly tipping!15:22
daftykinshttp://techblo.gg/stuff/controller1.jpg http://techblo.gg/stuff/controller2.jpg15:56
daftykinsnothing to it and yet it doesn't work right! D:15:56
diddledanbiggest complaint over ubuntu-on-windows so far has been impersonating root instead of an unprivileged user in the linux environment (note that being root doesn't mean you can do root-level stuff to your host)18:16
diddledanso you can run in windows the command "lxrun /setdefaultuser myuberuseraccount"18:17
diddledanyou can now*18:17
ali1234that seems like a silly complaint18:18
diddledanyeah especially as su works18:19
ali1234it is effectively a private chroot18:19
ali1234my biggest complaint is how much stuff doesn't work in it18:19
diddledanit's not like the root user in ubuntu could do admin stuff to windows which would be a way of elevating if that were the case18:19
diddledanhaha. listening to the ubuntu podcast - new sport of extreme presentations sounds fun18:37
diddledanrm -rf / and then start presenting for e.g.18:38
knightwisehey diddledan :) What episode ?18:44
diddledanknightwise: s09e0818:45
knightwiseah :) Gotta check that one out18:45
diddledanit only went live yesterday, so you're not too tardy :-p18:45
knightwiseI have podget grepping the feeds at home18:50
diddledanI use the web thingy called pocketcasts18:51
knightwisediddledan: a web based aggregator ?18:53
knightwiseoooh , sync casts across devices ?18:56
knightwisebut does it download them or stream them ?18:56
diddledanwhen you use their website it streams. they have apps for ios and android though which I believe lets you do both stream or download18:59
knightwisediddledan: i'm interested !18:59
knightwisebeen looking for a solution to "pickup where i left off"18:59
diddledanit's not terribly expensive - each platform requires a one-off payment to acquire access, so that means I paid for the ios app and the website separately19:00
knightwiseok , that sounds fair19:00
diddledanI'm impressed that in over a year they've never requested any further payment than the original19:00
knightwiseyep , I know what you mean19:01
knightwisejust moved all my feeds out of feedly because their ifttt integration is now a payed service19:01
diddledanI have no idea how they can keep their site online without subscriptions19:01
knightwiseNow running my own tt-rss server19:01
AuroraAvenue_off to bed, night all.19:40
diddledando we need to know that considering AuroraAvenue_ hasn't uttered anything for several hours (i.e. I've not seen anything since I opened the window)19:41
brmbrmcarEarly :)19:47
* diddledan pretends to be in a brmbrmcar and honks his horn19:47
diddledan"what a moron driver!" reply: "honk your lights at him!" reply 2: "or flash your horn!"19:59
brmbrmcarI am scared of the horn irrationally.19:59
=== benxyzzy is now known as ben_xyzzy
ben_xyzzyhow do I make the system default text size smaller in Xenial? It's a bit of a Fisher-Price OS ATM20:56
=== benxyzzy is now known as weuifbuiwbghwyui
deadlockHey, all! When I try to experiment the live media without installation, it happens. http://imgur.com/BYgw7Ll Anyone knows how to solve it?21:18
ali1234i don't know how to solve it. the problem is your amd graphics card21:20
deadlockali1234, i understand. But until version 15.10 I had no problem. You think that it will be solved?21:33
ali1234probably not21:34
ali1234amd will release a new series of graphics cards and drop support for the old ones21:35
ali1234the new ones will have a different set of bugs21:35
diddledanaren't AMD graphics cards effectively unsupported in 16.04 right now?21:35
ali1234no idea21:35
diddledanI heard the drivers were a mess for this iteration21:35
ali1234they have always been a mess though21:36
diddledanmoreso :-p21:36
ali1234i haven't heard anything specific21:37
diddledanthat's what I read I think21:37
ali1234catalyst was never installed by default anyway21:37
ali1234so that's unlikely to be the problem here21:38
diddledanyeah I realised when I just googled that it's only the fglrx21:38
deadlockMy driver is compatible with new Crimson driver. Crimson will not supported on new Ubuntu versions?21:39
ali1234never even heard of that21:39
diddledanme either21:39
deadlockali1234, diddledan, thank you, guys. I will to search more about it.21:48

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