
LangjanG'morning guys, just checking in to see who the early birds are!03:45
Kilosguten morgen05:37
pavlushkaKilos: Good Morning!!05:39
Kiloshi pavlushka 05:39
pavlushkaHeya Kilos !05:40
Kiloswhew you also speak like they yanks05:41
Kiloshey and heya05:41
Kilostoo many movies05:41
Kiloshi andrewlsd 05:49
andrewlsdmorning Kilos pavlushka 05:49
pavlushkaKilos: May be its called love and admiration, :p05:50
andrewlsdmorning Langjan05:50
pavlushkaandrewlsd: Morning!05:50
Kilosandrewlsd leave him a message with maaz05:51
andrewlsdMaaz: Tell Langjan Hey Early Bird05:52
Maazandrewlsd: Got it, I'll tell Langjan on freenode05:52
andrewlsdHi pavlushka where abouts are you (in a general/regional sense)?  ZA North/S/E/W ?05:55
andrewlsd(I'm za south)05:55
Kiloshe is in bangladesh05:55
andrewlsdaah, so it _is_ your github page I found.05:56
pavlushkaandrewlsd: :north east from za05:56
andrewlsdpavlushka:   :-)   "hello-insance-sanebackend....."05:56
pavlushkaandrewlsd: lol, yes05:57
andrewlsdthis is me on github: https://github.com/zerlgi05:57
andrewlsdI think I have less hair than my gravatar suggests.05:58
pavlushkaandrewlsd: wow, I followed, :)06:00
andrewlsdnot much actual code, but lots of interesting repo's starred.06:00
andrewlsdas, in "I haven't got much actual code there"06:01
andrewlsdI use git a lot though, for config management stuff like salt/chef/puppet/ansible.06:01
KilosMaaz seen superfly06:18
MaazKilos: superfly was last seen 11 hours, 20 minutes and 4 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-04-21 11:58:01 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-04-21 23:12:34 PDT06:18
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 06:24
Kiloshi Squirm 07:02
andrewlsd Good morning all. LSD is looking for DevOps, configmanagment, and DBA folks (especially Postgres ). Mainly for JHB area, maybe a couple for CT.   If you're interested, feel free to check out http://www.lsd.co.za/#!careers/c1qim08:04
andrewlsd... and if you know someone who might be interested, please pass the info on to them.08:05
chesedomorning all08:19
Kiloshi chesedo bushtech 08:31
* Kilos watching sharks08:31
bushtechMorning Kilos08:31
SquirmHas anyone here had any experience with an Ubuntu phone?09:14
SquirmOr Ubuntu Touch?09:14
andrewlsdnot me, but I'm also keen to find out.09:14
andrewlsdKilos: where are the sharks?09:17
nlsthznGood morning South Africa... and happy day-after-release-day-day er...  :p09:17
andrewlsd:P nlsthzn 09:17
nlsthzn:) what's up andrewlsd , all well I hope?09:20
nlsthznglad to hear :)09:22
nlsthznso any release parties happen / happening in SA?09:23
Kilossharks just beat highlanders pavlushka 09:26
Kiloshi nlsthzn 09:26
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos ... with my silly work schedule I didn't even realise it is Friday again >.<09:28
nlsthznwas caught off guard to hear there is actually some rugby on today 09:28
pavlushkaKilos: yeah09:28
andrewlsdKilos: I was thinking of the fish.09:28
andrewlsdnlsthzn: why "blog of eight"?09:29
nlsthznandrewlsd, :) well I have always found infinity a facinating idea / concept and if there is such a thing as luck the number I would choose to represent it would be 8... and 8 kind of looks like the infinity symbol on its side so... no real reason actually :p09:30
nlsthzn... but I hardly used it when I did a few years ago :/09:33
Kiloscheetahs rebels soon nlsthzn 09:38
nlsthznthanks uncle Kilos ... but I am going for a quick nap in about ten minutes, night shift starting tonight :'(09:38
Kilosrest well lad09:39
nlsthznwill try, thx :)09:39
andrewlsdnlsthzn: My son is in a couple of these: :-)  someone I didn't appear in them. https://nlsthzn.com/2012/11/26/ubuntu-quantal-launch-party-for-johannesburg-and-pretoria/#jp-carousel-20709:49
andrewlsdMaaz: tell nlsthzn : https://nlsthzn.com/2012/11/26/ubuntu-quantal-launch-party-for-johannesburg-and-pretoria/#jp-carousel-20709:49
Maazandrewlsd: Got it, I'll tell nlsthzn on freenode09:49
nlsthznandrewlsd, nice... I wasn't present myself as I haven't been in SA for a while but someone there submitted the photo's 09:50
Maaznlsthzn: By the way, andrewlsd on freenode told me "tell nlsthzn : https://nlsthzn.com/2012/11/26/ubuntu-quantal-launch-party-for-johannesburg-and-pretoria/#jp-carousel-207" 48 seconds ago09:50
andrewlsdmaybe it was me who took the photos09:51
andrewlsdwould explain why I'm not in them.09:51
pavlushkaHaven't seen Xsm for a long time!!!!!!09:51
andrewlsdXsm ?09:51
pavlushkamaaz, tell Xsm that we miss him.09:52
Maazpavlushka: Sure, I'll tell xsm on freenode09:52
pavlushkaandrewlsd: you dont know xsm?09:53
andrewlsdI don't think so.09:53
nlsthznah ok, might explain it andrewlsd (and to be honest I suspect you are right) :)09:56
nlsthznwell I go snooze, cheers all09:58
andrewlsdpavlushka: I couldn't find a whois entry for Xsm.09:58
pavlushkaKilos: tell them, :p09:59
Kiloshe is only xsm when working on that hotels server09:59
Kiloswolfeyes is xsm09:59
pavlushkaand now?09:59
Kilosserver running fine09:59
pavlushkaSo its wolfeyes !!!!!!!!10:00
pavlushkanice one, ;p10:01
Kiloswhen xsm comes on he needs help10:01
pavlushkamaaz, tell wolfeyes that I was looking for Xsm but now I am not, :p10:06
Maazpavlushka: Righto, I'll tell Wolfeyes on freenode10:06
mazalHey all10:17
Kiloshi mazal 10:18
mazalGaanit oom10:19
andrewlsdCape of Storms is having its first for the Winter season. Very impressive winds.10:40
pavlushkaif anyone here can help me with http://askubuntu.com/questions/757279/how-to-connect-to-another-ubuntu-machine-using-the-same-router-but-one-is-connec ???10:41
pavlushkamazal, Hi!10:41
andrewlsdpavlushka: having a quick look10:42
andrewlsdpavlushka: you have to have a share.10:42
andrewlsdby default in Ubuntu you won't have anything shared.10:42
pavlushkarunning Xubuntu, other is Ubuntu, tell me how to share?10:44
andrewlsdright click on a folder, check if there is an option to share it10:44
andrewlsddo you want to share a folder (ie a "fileshare" )10:44
andrewlsdor do you want to give remote access via VNC?10:45
pavlushkaI know it works in Ubuntu but I cant find it for Xubuntu10:45
pavlushkano, no vnc, I'll try that later if I wish.10:45
andrewlsdcheck if you can go Menu --> Settings --> Shared Folders10:46
andrewlsdXubuntu's filemanager probably doesn't have the feature (or doesn't have the plugin installed by default) (since it aims to be lighter on resources)10:47
pavlushkagetting nautilus right away10:48
andrewlsdyou can get the settings via Control Centre10:49
pavlushkaandrewlsd: ok, machines can not ping each other through the router, what about that?11:00
andrewlsdwhat is each one's IP address?11:01
Kilospower back11:29
andrewlsd^ power backwards11:32
pavlushkaandrewlsd: I fall asleep, sorry11:49
LangjanHi andrewlsd thks for the early bird message11:50
pavlushkaandrewlsd: each one has 192.168.5. ip series, including the router and router is dhcp enabled but I try to connect after checking the ip on both machines.11:52
andrewlsdif ip on each is then you have a problem11:52
andrewlsdthey can both be 192.168.1. as long as the last number differs11:52
andrewlsdsorry. I mis-read11:53
andrewlsdwhat are the exact ip addresses? I suggest you use terminal and run this on each:11:53
andrewlsdip addr show dev eth011:54
andrewlsdip addr show dev wlan011:54
andrewlsd(eth0 is lan, wlan0 is wifi)11:54
pavlushkano  as dhcp is enable on the router, both machines get a random 192.168.5.** series ip when they connect.11:54
pavlushkaenp2s1 is lan, wlp1s0 is wifi.11:55
andrewlsdin terminal:11:55
andrewlsdarp -n11:55
pavlushka192.168.5.**             ether   f8:e9:03:81:d3:34   C                     enp2s1, its the router's ip address11:56
andrewlsdfor example mine shows: https://bin.snyman.info/mmmn3ayz11:57
andrewlsdthat means that the router seems to be doing filtering11:57
andrewlsdcheck wifi settings on router, disable  any "isolation" setting11:57
andrewlsd(isolation is a nice feature, protects your LAN from your wifi, in case it is not adequately protected)11:58
pavlushkamine http://paste.ubuntu.com/15979977/11:58
andrewlsdyou shouldn't be getting **12:01
andrewlsdis that an Ubuntu machine?12:01
andrewlsdsorry, dumb question. you already said it was12:02
andrewlsdreconnecting in a moment12:09
* andrewlsd is back12:11
Kilosandrewlsd 12:16
Kilosgot your thinking cap on12:16
Kilosi installed clamtk but when i start if i get and error, first it doesnt start from its icon so i started it from cli12:17
Kiloshere is the error12:17
KilosIcon 'gtk-new' not present in theme at /usr/share/perl5/ClamTk/GUI.pm line 259.12:18
Kilosi tried nano /usr/share/perl5/ClamTk/12:18
Kilosbut thats empty12:18
Kilosoh lemme try with gui.pm as well12:19
pavlushkaKilos: so you fear, your machine caught virus?12:19
pavlushkaKilos: the reason to use clamtk!!!12:19
Kiloschecking emails12:19
Kilosi dont want to spread anything to peeps that arent on linux12:20
pavlushkacopy that12:20
Kiloscan aslo check home for anything not good12:21
andrewlsdKilos what mail provider you using?12:22
andrewlsd(many of them already scan for virii)12:22
Kilosgmail yhoo and msn i think12:23
Kiloshi Langjan 12:23
LangjanHi Kilos you ok?12:23
Kiloshhet jy dit12:23
pavlushkaand andrewlsd , what about me?12:23
Kilosyes why?12:23
Langjandid the young man come around?12:23
Kilosyes he left here at 1.3012:24
andrewlsdgmail does scan already12:24
andrewlsdpavlushka: I'm waiting for your answer about "isolation"12:24
Langjanok many thks, should be here within 30 mins or so, will confirm12:24
Kilossec i go chase sheep12:24
Langjanmake chops12:24
Langjansheep chops pretty good if you can afford them, did Pieter bring one?12:25
pavlushkaandrewlsd: sorry, I didn't follow, there was a power cut, my machine rebooted.12:25
andrewlsdok, 12:25
andrewlsdI asked you to log onto the router to disable any user/IP isolation that it might be doing12:26
pavlushkaandrewlsd: on it12:26
andrewlsdpavlushka: you can check the IRC log at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/04/22/%23ubuntu-za.html12:26
andrewlsd(useful for copy-paste stuff)12:27
pavlushkabut it has a sync lag, I am logging it into disk, it reloaded, I can see that.12:27
andrewlsdYip, I think it only updates every 10-15 minutes.12:28
andrewlsd(not realtime)12:28
pavlushkaandrewlsd: in my router, in wifi tab, Enable MultiAP Isolation was checked.12:29
pavlushkaI have no clue about it.12:30
andrewlsdpavlushka: that should sort it out.12:36
pavlushkaandrewlsd: I think so, :)12:36
andrewlsdonce you've unchecked it (and it has updated its settings) try the ping again12:36
pavlushkaKilos: you knew that? ^12:39
Langjanyour sheep Kilos ?12:40
pavlushkaI am concerned Kilos ! :p12:41
pavlushkaandrewlsd: yea... it works!!12:42
Kilosneighbours with our ram with them Langjan 12:42
Kilospavlushka concentrate on fixing your prob12:43
Kilosim using all the sheep to clear the weeds and long grass before winter comes12:44
LangjanSo you have a ram? Mooi man, good idea 12:44
LangjanAutomated lawn mowers 12:45
Langjanalso add to fertilising12:45
Langjanhow  many gigs your ram?12:45
Kilosyes ram is all thats left after evil neighbour with poisoned greens and dogs and theft12:46
Kilosram to big to run away with12:46
Langjaneish! 12:46
Kilosabout 90 kgs of ram12:46
Langjanlivestock theft is a big problem12:46
Langjanlots of chops there...12:47
pavlushkaandrewlsd: what next??12:47
Kilosthats when they steal, xmas new year12:47
Langjanwhew! so where the ram going when you go to oz?12:47
Kiloshe will stay with next doors sheep12:48
Kilosbeen there 3 weeks already12:48
Langjanok and make more chops12:48
Langjanyou got a big plot there?12:48
Kilosonly that guy works 12 hour shifts so i look after them 12:48
Kilosna i think 2.5 hectare12:49
Langjannice, what else do you do on the plot?12:49
Kilossleep and chat on irc12:49
Langjanno veggies, fruit?12:50
Kilos8 pecan nut  trees12:50
Langjanbearing good?12:50
Kilosherbs and veggies on small piece12:50
Kilosyes this was a bad year but should still be about 40 kgs of nuts12:51
Langjangood, do you sell some nuts, veggies, herbs?12:51
Kilosbut veggies and sheep and one naughty jersey bull calf dont work well12:52
Langjanabout 5 kg per tree, what is the normal yield in a good year?12:52
Kilosno veggies we eat12:52
Kilosnuts we eat and pick up and sis bakes a with them12:53
Kilosnext summer neighbour gonna pic up and sell for us12:53
LangjanGreat, home-grown veggies is best.  12:53
LangjanGood, nuts are expensive. Pieter is in town, expecting him in  a few minutes. 12:54
Kiloshad lots of tomatoes and bringle and peppadews and spinach and green peppers and i forget what else12:54
Kiloswhew he should be in linpopo already12:54
LangjanSounds great! Did Pieter chat for a while or just pick the drive up? 12:55
Kiloshe foned and said where must he go12:55
Kiloshe was at the front door12:55
Kiloswe had power cut 12:55
Langjandid he get lost? oh12:55
Kilosthen rugby so i forgot about him12:56
Kiloswhe n he foned i rushed out with drive12:56
pavlushkaandrewlsd: So what to do now to have access to the other machine??12:56
Kiloshe must be busy pavlushka 12:56
KilosLangjan with luck that drive will boot into bento12:57
Kilosi added Tannie account just in case12:58
Kilosif it works and you dont like bento you can install 14.04 32 bit12:58
Kilosthat bento is 14.0412:59
andrewlsdpavlushka:  now you need13:00
andrewlsdpavlushka: now you need to decide what to share.13:00
andrewlsdpavlushka: and where to share it from.13:00
andrewlsdif sharing from Xubuntu: Menu --> Control Centre, 13:01
pavlushkaI already shared folder in both machines13:01
andrewlsdthen search for "share"13:01
andrewlsdthen browse to 13:01
andrewlsdsmb://192.168.5.x   (where x is the number for the other computer)13:01
andrewlsdif you're lucky you can just use the file-browser to browse the network13:02
andrewlsdand you'll find them them13:02
pavlushkathe browser shows the folder but dont let me in13:04
andrewlsdyou need to set up a user/password that has access to the shares (or make them available to guest.13:06
pavlushkaI made them available as guest, not working, I am setting a normal user now, will that do?13:08
andrewlsdno idea.13:09
andrewlsdsorry, I need to disappear.13:09
LangjanKilos, pieter is here, many thks for the drive13:12
Langjangonna go now, chat later13:12
superflyWhy do I always miss him? 15:03
pavlushkaKilos: good news, its all done, me connecting to the other machine through ssh.15:16
pavlushkaHello superfly !!!15:16
pavlushkaKilos: \o/15:20
pavlushkaHow are you super superfly (deb)??15:20
Kilosi had hassles setting up 2 pcs to share one internet connection but the ssh worked first time15:21
Kilosdirect cable connection15:21
pavlushkaKilos: no , through router, lan to wlan.15:21
pavlushkasuperfly: I was just kidding, would you mind, :|15:22
Kilosi used direct cable15:22
Kiloshe will answer when he can pavlushka 15:22
Kilosyou need to write on paper patience15:22
Kilosand stic it to the top of your screen15:22
pavlushkaKilos: lol, right.15:23
Kilosyou have seen on locoteams sometimes it takes all day for an answer15:23
pavlushkaI was answered in #sane on the 2nd day, but all thing was quite otherwise.15:24
Kiloswhere is that superfly ?16:01
superflyThat's my photo 16:03
Kilosfrom where and of what place16:07
Kilosyou have a big river running past you?16:07
pavlushkasuperfly: its nice, :)16:09
superflyKilos: is a vlei. An estuary 16:11
Kilosah ty16:11
Kilosgo fishing16:11
superflyIt's going to be a little wet tonight 16:12
* mazal peeks in16:59
* pavlushka pushes mazal back,!17:05
* Cryterion watches why the pushing is going on17:05
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
pavlushkasuperfly: Are you angry with me? sorry superfly if i did anything you didn't like.17:22
superflypavlushka: nope, just busy 17:32
superflyI have a life outside of IRC17:32
pavlushkawhew, thanks and lol, :)17:32
Kiloswb Cryterion 18:01
Cryteriontks kilos18:02
Cryterionnot here long, on my way out for the night :)18:02
Kiloswas that a supper break18:02
Cryterionlol, going to get dinner there, was a get home from work and get ready break18:03
Kilosif you feel bad tomorrow morning you enjoyed too much18:03
Cryterionyeah I know18:03
superflySupper is had, children are in bed (mostly), and now I can finally get off my feet. phew.18:04
Cryterionbut can't be too late anyway, working tomorrow :(18:04
pavlushkaCryterion: goodluck, :p18:04
Cryterionok I'm out :)18:04
Kilosgo safe18:04
superflyKilos: you're a mechanic, why's my car not starting?18:05
Kiloswhat does it do superfly 18:05
* Cryterion thinks superfly needs to buy a bottle of blue sparks18:05
Cryterioncheers guys18:05
superflyKilos: turns, petrol pump is working, there's electricty to the spark plugs, but it's not starting18:05
Kilosoh spark on plugs even?18:06
Kilosthen its fuel18:06
superflyKilos: based on prior experience I thought it might be the coil. replaced that, still not working18:06
superflyKilos: full(ish) tank18:06
Kiloswhen you pull a plug lead off plug and hold it near metal does a spark jump18:07
superflyKilos: I think it's my spark plugs, I took them out and cleaned them, they were very dirty :-(18:07
Kilosnot often all plugs die same time18:08
Kiloswhen last did you change the fuel filter18:09
superflyages ago18:09
Kilosfirst things first always18:09
* superfly is sadly quite far behind on these things... he doesn't know and he doesn't have the money to pay someone who knows18:10
Kilosplug out and resting on engine metal18:10
pavlushkaGood night guys!18:10
Kilosif it sparks then its not electrical pro18:10
Kilosnight pavlushka 18:10
Kilossecond ly18:10
Kilosremove fuel pipe where it comes from pump to carb and see if fuel squirts out when cranking motor18:11
Kilosfuel filters should be renewed maybe twice a year18:11
superflyKilos: there's a spark, but I can't confirm that the spark plugs themselves are not faulty18:12
superflyKilos: I don't have a carb... fuel injected18:12
Kilosfuel injection very finicky with filters18:13
Kilosthere should even be one in the fuel tank18:14
Kilosor just below18:15
Kilossuperfly what kinda car?18:19
superflyVW Jetta 3, '93 model18:19
Kilosif its same as jetta 2 then there is an eletrical fuel pump by the fuel tank and a filter right by it18:20
Kilosthat filter is critical18:21
Kilosif blocked the pump packs up18:21
Kiloswhen you turn the key on you should hear it hum for a few secs18:22
Kilosthat pump is very expensive18:22
Kiloswas R1500 last one i bought18:22
Kilosthe filter is large, not an inline filter18:27
superflyKilos: it hums18:37
Kilosif you had paid attention everytime it hummed since you got the car then you learn that a change in the hum means filter getting blocked18:38
Kilosnot something many peeps know that arent mechanics18:38
Kilosbut lets try work something out18:39
Kilosdid it first start miss firing18:39
Kilosor just dead one morning18:39
superflyKilos: it still hums the same way18:43
superflyKilos: it was having starting issues for a few weeks before dying while running one morning, and not starting again18:44
Kilosgoogle changing vw jetta 3 93 model fuel filter18:45
KilosMaaz google changing vw jetta 3 93 model fuel filter18:46
MaazKilos: "DIY: how to replace fuel filter on mk3 Vw jetta / golf - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6p71xYdHbs :: "VW A3: Fuel Filter Removing / Checking / Replacing - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QomHEkv7CaQ :: "How to Change a Fuel Filter : How to Remove Car Parts to Reach ..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Sir1VYqTE :: "DIY: MK4 Jetta/Golf18:46
Maazfuel filter replacment - YouTube" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqTDo_XBCcs :: "How to…18:46
Kilosone of those can most likely explain better than i can from memory superfly 18:47
Kilospity you dont know a vw mechanic there, the guys that work on them daily can often tell just by listening18:48
superflyI've been Youtubing :-)18:48
Kilosand dont bother cleaning spark plugs, change them at least yearly18:49
Kilosi hate it when everything is on youtube but for uncapped peeps i spose its great19:00
Kiloseasier than trying to explain with words19:00
Kilosinetpro you can greet you know19:02
KilosMaaz seen inetpro 19:02
MaazKilos: inetpro was last seen 1 day, 2 hours and 39 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-04-21 10:02:16 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-04-17 01:09:20 PDT19:02
Kilosno what19:05
inetproi was been here19:05
inetprogood morning Kilos19:05
Kiloshello inetpro wb19:06
inetprothe body says it is time to go sleep but my mind tells me it is too early19:07
Kiloswhat have you been doing inetpro that the body is moeg19:10
Kilosor are you getting old19:10
inetproKilos: the sun has gone down in the west19:11
inetproit's only a metter of time until it shows up again in the east19:12
Kiloshi NaSb 19:13
NaSbHello Kilos19:14
NaSbIt's u'r world !19:14
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za19:14
Kilosthis is my home channel yes19:14
Kilosall my mentors live here19:14
Kilosi think its bed time for me19:15
Kilosnight all, sleep tight19:15
NaSbMe also19:16
NaSbbut 33 users are alive o.O !19:16
Kilosmost of them work late hours to keep up with all the work19:16
Kilosinetpro sleep tight old man19:17
inetprogood night oom Kilos19:17
Kilosaltzheimers r\creeping in19:18

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