
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu | http://dev.xubuntu.org/ | Release Schedule: http://ubottu.com/y/yy | Daily testing with results: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/
flocculantbluesabre: you preferred alleviate then :p07:11
bluesabreflocculant: your word was much too rich for my vocabulary10:02
flocculantbluesabre: :)11:09
flocculantI guess we should let people know about the gpg sig thing somehow11:10
Nairwolfhi ;) Have you some feedback about 16.04 ? 19:03
NairwolfWhat's next ? How can I be more involved ? 19:10
flocculantNairwolf: involved in what? 19:11
flocculantnot much will be going on for a bit 19:13
flocculantif you want to be more involved in testing things - then I can help with that19:14
NairwolfI would like to be more involved in development (and I think I will send soon an email to bluesabre about that), but today, I would like to know what would be the next things to do for Xubuntu19:14
flocculantfor xubuntu today - nothing :)19:14
Nairwolfok, but, I know usually soon after a release they are an Ubuntu summit with a lot of talks. Do you know when it is ? 19:15
flocculantbeginning of May I think19:15
flocculantdon't much notice that tbh - we don't participate there19:16
Nairwolfyes, but that was like that I was informed about the snappy package when it was announced some time ago19:16
Nairwolfit interesting some times to hear what would be the future for Ubuntu and others flavours19:17
flocculant3rd to 5th May 19:18
NairwolfThanks ;)19:25
NairwolfSo when you will need to do new testing ?19:31
flocculantNairwolf: when there's something to test19:42
Nairwolfand are you planning some meetings with the Xubuntu team ? 19:45
flocculantNairwolf: they will be planned yes19:46
flocculantNairwolf: not sure how we'll work QA this cycle just yet19:46
flocculantmight not use package tracker19:47
Nairwolfoh, why ? 19:47
flocculantmight try and push using dev ppa's with xenial for longer19:47
flocculantmight do all sorts of things19:47
flocculantwe do that more for LTS than other versions19:47
flocculantanyway - all undecided at the moment19:48
flocculanthang about - check the mailing list :)19:50
NairwolfI think it would be more efficient to know 'when' we can make package test. I suppose if there is a dev ppa, we can know when there is a new package version, and then report tests on bugtracker. 19:50
flocculantwell 19:50
NairwolfMaybe I wrong, but for this release, I thought there are several test report with different package version. 19:51
flocculantthat's exploratory testing - fancy name for using dev versions all the time19:51
flocculantanyway - been a long few days - not thinking about it currently :)19:51
knomeif we knew when new package versions are released we'd be magicians19:52
Nairwolfyes, you should be tired. 19:52
flocculanthi knome 19:52
knomehello flocculant 19:52
Nairwolfknome: my english is so bad... I didn't want to say that like that ! 19:52
NairwolfI wanted to say in this order : You see a new update of Orage for example, or Thunar, and you go report your tests on the bug tracker. 19:53
knomebut that's what you can do already19:53
knomeby doing scheduled package testing sprints, we aren't encouraging anybody from testing those packages outside the sprints19:55
knomewe are just making sure everything gets tested at all19:55
Nairwolfyes, but on http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/ you can't distinguish the version which is be tested19:55
knomeno, but why should you?19:56
NairwolfMaybe there is something I don't understand.... Look this page : http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/350/builds/105268/testcases/1559/results19:57
NairwolfIt's bug report for Catfish19:57
knometestcase, you mean19:57
NairwolfBut it's really difficult to to know if the first test report is for the same software version of the last test report19:57
Nairwolf(yes, testcase, sorry)19:57
knomeexplain me why that is important?19:58
NairwolfAt the beginning, just after a new release like 16.04, imagine a bug has been found on Catfish. Some testers report it on a testcase like that. 19:59
NairwolfFew months later, the bug is solved and corrected. It's really instersting to test catfish right now (in order to know if the bug is still present). 19:59
Nairwolfsome testers say "ok, the bug is solved, I can't reproduce the bug anymore, great job developpers ;)". But few days later, someone like me (probably a little bit stupid) who hasn't updated catfish could report the same bug already solved20:01
NairwolfI hope it's clear...20:01
knomewell, the last part isn't20:01
knomei mean i don't understand how it's a problem that the tracker doesn't show the version number20:02
Nairwolfoh, you right, this testcase is supposed to be used with the daily build, right ? 20:02
Nairwolfok, I see20:03
knomewhat the tracker could actually do (ping flocculant) is to show a different icon for bugs that are "fix released"20:03
knomethat would likely make it easier to browse the bugs that are supposed to happen still20:03
Nairwolfin this case, it would be interesting to be informed that there is a new version of package X and testers could be more focused on this package20:04
Nairwolfyes, you right knome ;)20:04
knomei agree that "new versions" aren't very visibly listed anywhere, but i think flocculant is doing a pretty good job of mentioning about worthwhile new versions20:05
knomeit's not like it happens all the time and it slips from the team20:05
knomewe usually have a good idea about new major versions, and they are communicated on the mailing list too20:05
flocculantknome: the tracker(s) do have a different colour for fixed bugs20:06
knomewasn't that critical/non-critical before?20:07
NairwolfOh, yes, I think flocculant is doing a good job, and I didn't want to critize him20:07
flocculantknome: slightly different issue there - doesn't matter *where* on any tracker a bug is listed - if it is Fixed, it's Gold(ish)20:08
flocculantboth obviously20:08
flocculantall that aside - I'm not convinced yet that we'll be using package this cycle20:09
knomeackety ack20:09
flocculantif this cycle follows others then participation will be loooooow20:09
flocculantif it turns out it's not - we can boot package tracker up 20:09
knomeespecially as it's lts+1..20:09
knomeyou mean yuppety yup?20:10
flocculantfrankly I think between now and the .04.1 and wherever we are with 16.10 - thunar will get the lion's share of testing ;)20:11
Nairwolfflocculant: why are you saying that participation will be looooooooow ? 20:12
flocculantNairwolf: because it's lts +1 20:12
flocculantexperience tells us that testing wise - participation is low :)20:12
Nairwolfoh, I see. 20:14
NairwolfAnd how have you found partitipation for this lts in comparaison for last lts ? 20:14
flocculantbut run slightly differently20:15
Nairwolfoh really ? 20:15
flocculantyep - really20:15
ubottuyakkety yak, ackety ack, yuppety yup20:15
Unit193knome: Troll. :P20:15
flocculantthat's going to get old pretty quickly :p20:15
knomeUnit193, no, yak20:16
knomeflocculant, the secret is to only call it once in a while20:16
Unit193flocculant: You didn't jump to yukkety, right?20:17
flocculantDescription:Ubuntu Yakkety Yak (development branch)20:18
Unit193!info base-files20:18
ubottubase-files (source: base-files): Debian base system miscellaneous files. In component main, is required. Version 9.6ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 67 kB, installed size 310 kB20:18
flocculantnot that it's much yet :)20:18
knomeonly 310 kB of yak20:19
flocculantdefinitely no steak on the body 20:20
flocculantbtw - the basic of where I am with my thinking is at http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntuqa-y-cycle if anyone is interested20:24
flocculantbluesabre: especially perhaps you :)20:26
Unit193slickymaster: A reminder to bump the docs.20:27
* flocculant refuses user docs existence this cycle :p20:27
* slickymaster is having dinner at the moment.20:28
knomeslickymaster, you fat boy :P20:28
slickymasterthanks for leaving your message, we'll get back to you as soon as possibel20:28
flocculantknome: can't remember if I said this last night - or even before but ... 20:28
knomeflocculant, yes? :)20:29
slickymasternot I'm not20:29
flocculantin #xubuntu would it not be better to actually have the release note in the topic rather than the x.org thing? 20:29
knomeflocculant, but the x.org thing is more user-facing20:30
flocculantknome: but the release note is more supporty :)20:30
knomethen it's wrongy :(20:30
flocculantsaid it now20:31
knomeand heard20:31
flocculantshall forget it now :)20:32
* flocculant can't decide whether to put xubuntu on the little tv box and install znc on it or not20:32
knomewhy not?20:33
Unit193ZNC doesn't need xorg!20:33
flocculantUnit193: it might not - but it serves the tv too 20:33
flocculantopenelec atm20:33
flocculantis what it runs yes20:35
flocculantquite nice for what it is actually20:35
slickymasterknome, did you forget https://code.launchpad.net/~flocculant/xubuntu-docs/fixlink/+merge/29179522:30
knomelikely so22:31
slickymasterdo you want me to review it or will you?22:31
knomeif you are motivated to merge it now, feel free to22:31

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