[03:14] Does it matter that the commissoning OS is the same as the one that i try to deploy with? For instance if i commission a server with 14.04 and then try to install 16.04 on it matter? [03:15] more of a maas question i guess but i am trying to use juju to bootstrap for a maas env [06:06] LiftedKilt, make sure you're using cs:xenial/percona-cluster [06:06] openstack-charmers-next one is out-of-date [06:36] marcoceppi: well, a mongodb backup should be possible regardless of the provider - or is there a significant difference between them? === ackk is now known as Guest75677 [12:51] lazyPower: if you're around today at some point, let me know, I have a demo plan I want to run by someone before heading too far down the path of no return ;) [23:44] magicaltrout hit me via email. lazypower@ubuntu.com