
Euviuslooks like they posted something about it00:00
Euviuskeithzg  did you fix your mysql problem. theyre talking abotu it in #ubuntu00:03
comradekingublaataap, that isnt true, but to implement anyting else makes it practically true00:13
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derycohad issues with mysql during upgrade finally got "sudo apt-get -f install" to finsish but now I'm left with a failed boot...I go to terminal and manually trigger startx and I get an error ..."All shell packages missing. This is an installation issue, please contact your distribution".00:30
keithzgderyco: what does "sudo service sddm status" tell ya?00:43
derycokeithzg: have to reboot to ssd ill brb01:05
azure|2hello is anyone else having issues with kde5 panels i put a panel for a task manager on my second monitor and when i log it its on the first and wont move onto the second until i delete it01:41
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citizen_fresh install of 16.04. first time kubuntu, you guys have a nice DE probaly the nicest out of all 3 i have tried.02:39
citizen_i did the install with the LVM what is that in laymans terms?02:40
mayhewcitizen_: it allows you to resize partitions and other useful things02:43
citizen_thanks, thats what i wanted to be able to do which leads to my second question.02:44
citizen_how can i set it up so i have a "/" a "/swap" and a "/home" "/lab"02:45
mayhewcitizen_: that depends on your current partition setup. By the way, a swap partition doesn't exist on the filesystem (/swap) and you probably don't want /lab if it's just personal files, you'd want ~/lab or ~/Lab in your home directory.02:48
citizen_okay so what is the pro's of my LVM set up then? i am sorry i am so basic in my understanding.02:49
Col_PanekI have a bad case of Plasma leaking memory. Kubuntu 16.04 upgrade. In a few minutes it creeps up to my full memory 3 GB, then fills swap, then honks up. Anybody else have this?02:49
mayhewcitizen_: haha it's okay! we all start somewhere. If you're new to Linux, I'd stick to the default partition that Kubuntu set up for you unless you have specific requirements. The benefits of LVM is that it's more flexible and easy to use if you actually need to resize/modify partitions etc. The average user doesn't need to worry about any of that.02:50
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citizen_basicly im just wanting a good starting point to setup a plexmediaserver while i learn about VM's and installing ARCH.02:51
mayhewCol_Panek: what process(es) are using the RAM?02:52
citizen_Col_Panek: that sounds like you should run tailf -n 5 top | pastebinit02:53
Col_PanekI'll give that a shot02:54
citizen_that will output a link you can paste here and maybe i can assist you some more.02:55
citizen_what do is lower on resources conky or the kde widgets?03:09
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parveen199214hi there08:55
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lllllhi all, just clean installed kubuntu 16.04, can I get the menu to open from the meta key? or do i still have to install ksuperkey? cheers10:10
mparilloI think you have to install ksuperkey until Wayland. Note the upstream frowns on ksuperkey.10:25
lllllmparillo: thanks mate, been using it throughout the kde 4 plasma series so I know the score :-)10:27
Your_Dogdoes kde now support emojis?10:28
paulo16.04 have a problem when i change theme in look and feel10:36
blaataapcurrently installing, but can't decice on my partition setup again :p.10:37
paulobreeze and dark breeze10:37
blaataappaulo: what's the problem.10:37
paulowhen i change breeze in dark breeze10:38
pauloand i change back ,is not the same10:39
pauloi use kubuntu 16.0410:39
blaataappaulo: that thing has been iffy since 15.04... :(10:41
blaataappaulo: all i can really say is that, they don't really care about us.10:41
blaataapbut do try to switch to another theme first.10:41
blaataapI had no problems getting back Breeze myself.10:42
pauloi try it10:42
blaataapin the past breeze dark wouldn't even fully apply.10:42
blaataapmost themes also do not support the oxygen icons for some reason.10:43
blaataappersonally I change to Air and Oxygen icon set.10:43
blaataapeven if it is not that attractive.10:43
blaataapat least it's not too dark, and not too transparent.10:43
paulook ,but this is a new release ,why is so _10:44
pauloi go back to mint kde10:44
blaataapoh the release is very solid from my perspective10:45
blaataapI have been running 16.04 for a few weeks now.10:45
blaataapIt's 500x better than 15.0410:45
paulokubuntu or ubuntu_10:45
blaataaponly one thing doesn't work for me and it is Krunner (the dropdown alt-f2).10:46
blaataapI've never had a better linux environment thus far.10:46
blaataapfor me.10:46
blaataappaulo: the theme engine has had bugs but it is an upstream KDE thing I think.... not that that's really an excuse.10:48
pauloi use now live version and the same problems with breeze and dark breeze10:48
blaataaplet me try10:48
pauloi reinstall the sistem10:49
blaataaplol sorry but I can't even open the settings, it crashes :p.10:49
blaataapnever had that before.10:50
blaataap"All I wanna say is that, they don't really care about us". Going to listen to that now :p.10:50
blaataapWell good luck, I haven't tried Mint but my feeling is KDE is still better for most general purposes for a number of people, I don't know. I mean kubuntu.10:51
paulomint KDE was grea10:51
paulois great10:52
pauloi try kubuntu only for plasma 5.710:52
paulo5.5 i dont know sure )))10:52
blaataapthis shitty installer10:53
blaataapin 15.10 installer it was fine10:53
blaataapnow system settings crashes when I try to change my default audio device.10:53
paulotoo much crashes10:53
blaataapaudio is set to HDMI and now I cannot change the audio device.10:54
blaataappaulo: Oh I'm lucky, it is set to default analog audio.10:57
blaataappaulo: Cause if I connect HDMI my display changes :p.10:58
blaataaperm, anyone know if I can change pulseaudio device priority from the command line?11:00
blaataapoh it worked with pacmd yay.11:06
antivirgearKubuntu Discover shows a blank page if I try to search for programms like "Thunderbird". I write it  in the searchbar on the top right corner but then a blank page will shown up. Am I doing something wrong?11:28
Z_GodI'm running Kubuntu 14.04 here11:33
Z_Godshould it offer the upgrade to 16.04 at some point?11:33
mparilloantivirgear: That sometimes happens to me (but not this time for thun). When it does, I follow the categories to find the program I want.11:35
antivirgearmparillo: okay, thank you :)11:37
BluesKajHi folks11:37
akikantivirgear: plasma-discover is broken for me too11:39
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antivirgearI think that plasme-discover only searches for comics...11:52
akikantivirgear: if you enter c into the search box, what do you get?11:53
akiki dunno, it's just broken11:54
antivirgearakik: blank ... are there any alternative, I don't want to look up every time the name just for apt install <...>11:55
akikantivirgear: apt search is for that11:56
akiki'm sure it'll be fixed eventually11:56
antivirgearakik: apt search is enough for me :) Thank you :)11:57
kaddiupgrading to 16.04 uninstalled kmix for me.. Is there supposed to be a replacement or should I just reinstall kmix?12:06
kaddi(upgraded from 15.10)12:06
soee_kaddi: yes13:00
soee_plasma-pa should be installed and available13:01
kaddiit's not, is that gonna be in the systray as well?13:01
sharpiHey people...Is someone had a problem with kmail ? In mail listing i don't see any mail titles - only gray borders :/13:02
blaataapthere are always problems with KMail. Some time ago the Fedora packager for its KDE spin resigned after many years of doing it, because to his mind KDE had gone out of control and he described the Akonadi stack as an abomination.13:06
blaataapI am unwilling to have anything further to do13:07
blaataap    with this abomination of software.13:08
soee_kaddi: yes13:08
BluesKajit's kde's attempt at the basis for an office email suite IMO ..home users don't need it and it's a burden on the rest of the kde apps13:08
soee_ifit is not try to install it13:08
kaddisoee_: thx, installing it now. It wasn't installed13:08
soee_kaddi: ok13:08
sharpiso...best no-stress solution is...migrate to another mail client ? :P13:09
kaddisoee_: what's the command to launch it? It's not plasma-pa from what I cna tell :p13:09
soee_kaddi: relogin and should wirk13:09
kaddik, bbiab13:09
BluesKajbest to just disable akonadi and remove kmail and kontact13:09
blaataapBluesKaj: I think it can only heal itself if it were to become a real standalone package that they had to sell or at least install without being packaged by distributions.13:09
blaataapBluesKaj: if the burden of their distribution and support lay on themselves, they would start making other choices.13:10
blaataapBluesKaj: if it actually had to become a real suite, it would actually become a real good thing.13:11
kaddithat seems to have worked, thx13:11
BluesKajblaataap, well it's footprint has diminshed somewhat on the latest kubuntu OSs13:11
sharpii'd love kontact in kde4 - all needed things I had in one program but with that bug is unusable now ;/13:12
BluesKajblaataap, Kmail was an excellent email client in kde313:12
blaataapI mean something that would install the way Nero installs, for example.13:12
sharpiok - akonadi disabled...now It's time to find some new client13:12
blaataapheh I use older version of Thunderbird13:13
blaataapannoys me to to end but better looks than the current versions.13:13
BluesKajt-bird is still a viable email client and relatively modern and usable13:13
blaataapOn Linux the compose window has these grey lines that used to be white and it is so horrendously ugly.13:14
sharpimaybe I'm weird but I hate thunderbird - next please ;)13:14
blaataapI tried Evolution a while ago and while I think it has technically a very good background13:14
blaataapit just looked aweful in KDE with bad proportions and all that.13:14
sharpiAAAHH...14.04 please come back !!!13:16
blaataapThere are no other options (for me). Opera Mail in Windows was very nice if they had developed it, but no Linux version and runs badly in Wine.13:16
sharpinow bugs in software center argh...13:16
blaataapI really want to just stop living and not have to deal with it anymore :p.13:16
blaataapJust cut off all my limbs and be done with it. And end with my head :p.13:17
sharpihey - Can someone open an software center in kde5 and check description text at the top on windows ? Is it something with my installation, or all of descriptions are out from borders and unreadable ;/13:18
sharpii know it's only 2 days after official release but from minutes to minutes I'm finding tons of bugs :/13:20
blaataapI've been running 16.04 for weeks now with no problems other than13:20
blaataapkrunner hardly working13:20
blaataapcrappy crappy crappy piece of software, really.13:20
blaataapit bugged me in kde4 in OpenSUSE and I told the mailinglist and they were all like "ooh it's your fault, you suck too much as a human" and the same problems still exist and they are now worse.13:21
blaataapyou can only use Krunner if you turn all of its plugins off.13:21
blaataapbecause it will either not work, or it will not register your <enter> keypress if you are too fast.13:22
blaataaplike "oh there has been an enter, but I was still population my list, so fuck him".13:22
sharpiehh...It's time to give an rest for kde and back to xfce... kde4 was a lot better than that piece of sh*t13:23
blaataapin 16.04 I had to always start programs from the command line.13:23
blaataapif not from the menuy13:23
blaataapwell MS-DOS was better too13:24
blaataapamazing user experience13:24
blaataapeverything fast and snappy13:24
blaataapno suprises ever13:24
blaataapprograms never crashed13:24
blaataapyou always knew what to expect, programs loaded in a matter of seconds if not faster.13:24
blaataapthe only time anything ever crashed was when you were writing your own interrupt handlers and made a mistake.13:25
sharpinice troll friend ;D13:25
blaataapcomplete control over your boot environment, easy boot menu etc :P.13:25
sharpigive me an RoR for MS-DOS and we can talk xD13:26
blaataapbut it's true.13:26
blaataapall of that is true.13:26
blaataapoh haha13:26
BluesKajdesktop froze after FF used up all my memeory and cpu ...there's a real problem with the API on AMD cpus , because my intel cpu laptop doesn't have that problem13:26
blaataapyeah networking was a bird hard :3.13:26
blaataapbut MS-DOS was the best computing experience I have ever had. And I'm serious.13:27
kaddilooks like I dodged a bullet for once then with my intel :p13:27
BluesKajwell, on kubuntu 16.04 you did kaddi :-)13:28
blaataapthere were no worries about the operating system. Ever.13:28
blaataapthe worst thing was installing stacker.13:28
blaataapto turn your 20MB disk into 30MB13:28
sharpiok i must go - cya later ;D13:28
kaddiBluesKaj: :) Awesome.. So far the only issue i've had is that it removed kmix but didn't install the new applet for sound control. Easily fixed..13:28
blaataap(and only because it slowed the system down, other than that it was painless completely).13:29
blaataapms-dos was a pain-free system with amazing programming environments that are still used today to teach programming.13:30
BluesKajblaataap, ok , but this is kubuntu support, so lets try to stay close to the topic :-)13:31
blaataapbecause otherwise the earth will explode and take every kubuntu lover and non-kubuntu lover alike, with it.13:37
blaataapalso it will ruin all those people constantly trying to make support requests but not getting through.13:38
blaataapI mean the great number of people saying anything else for the last 40 people.13:38
blaataapThose poor souls.13:38
blaataap40 minutes*. :p.13:39
blaataapLet's all be very silent and not talk about anything else because the non-existent spectators have an issue with us talking.13:39
BluesKajblaataap, the ops are pretty tolerant of offtopic discussiion moist of the time , but if you treat this chat as your personal blog then we might receive a visit and a reminder13:44
blaataapif you call that tolerance, I call it terror, and we can agree to disagree ;-).13:45
BluesKajright now I'm testing FF 45.0.2 memory leak and it's serious13:45
blaataapyou should see how that iko-nia person behaves in #ubuntu.13:47
blaataapanyway, I'm off.13:47
BluesKajsuspected that it might be the adblocker working overtime on the weather network site due to it's use of flash, java and javascript13:49
andybrineHi Everyone13:57
andybrineI wonder if anyone can give me a hand, im not about to chang my icon theme in Kubuntu13:57
andybrineI just updated to the latest version13:57
comradekinguandybrine, what is the problem?13:58
BluesKajandybrine, system settings Icons> theme tab13:58
andybrineI change my icon theme in the themes settings and its not changing13:59
andybrineso basically it just shows the basic theme13:59
andybrineyou now where you select System Settings > Icons ? Can you not change the theme here?14:05
BluesKajandybrine, have you updated and upgraded since upgrading to 16.04?14:10
d9k_Hi! I've upgraded to 16.04 (`sudo do-release-upgrade -d` and then with `apt-get dist-upgrade` again (without it X crashed on startup)). Everything works  fine, mostly. Cool kde improvements! I love them! But I can't use my favorite xfce4-terminal terminal emulator now! When I try to run from xfce4-terminal any gui application, for example, doublecmd, it says `doublecmd: cannot connect to X server`.  How to fix the problem?14:10
andybrineBlueKaj, I upgraded to 16.04 this morning14:10
d9k_Konsole runs gui applications fine as always, but xfce4-terminal can't14:11
d9k_xterm runs gui apps too14:12
andybrineI have not changed anything since updating14:12
BluesKajandybrine, run sudo apt update && sudo apt full upgrade14:12
andybrineBluesKaj, there is a problem with the Google Repo14:14
andybrineBluesKaj, it looks like all my repos are still turned off14:15
d9k_Oh, excuse me, it's not xfce4-terminal, it's tmux inside it who can't run gui application on 16.04.14:16
BluesKajandybrine,  pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list14:16
d9k_(`cannot connect to X server `)14:16
andybrineHere is my pastein: http://pastebin.com/nk6kHARe14:18
d9k_Anyone hnow how to fix issue with tmux (`cannot connect to X server`) when trying to run any GUI app from it? It's new issue with 16.04 for me.14:20
d9k_*Anyone know14:20
BluesKajandybrine, your repos are fine, altho you have some repos that are commented at the bottom of your list that no longer belong and should be removed14:26
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d9k__Excuse me, but how to create new mouse gesture in 16.04 UI? `System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts`15:16
pmzthi سلام15:20
SmurphyEhlen ...15:36
SmurphyHmmm. So - how can I use the Up/Down keys in kmail2 5.0.315:37
SmurphyAnyonw knows ? They removed it ... *snirf*15:37
d9k__Can't get standart mouse gestures working on 16.04  `System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts-> Konqueror Gestures`15:40
d9k__I'm using right mouse button to draw gesture, nothing happens, just context menu open on right button press.15:41
d9k__Must the gestures be enabled somewhere separately?15:43
d9k__I mean enabled in some other place in system settings15:43
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d9k_I found how to enable mouse gestures: `System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts` and `Settings` button below, but gestures don't work still. Also `Start the Input Actions daemon on login` option can't remember it's state even when I click 'Apply' button. I check this option, `Apply`, close settings window, open it again and `Start the Input Actions daemon on login` is unchecked again.16:03
d9k_mouse gestures on 16.04 seem broken. When I choose `Mouse Button: 3` gestures don't work but context menu shown on right mouse button click works not every time too16:07
d9k_There were some errors with system settings now: it crashed. I send error report.16:10
d9k_*I sent16:10
avkutyrevДобрый день16:14
d9k_Also at `System Setting -> Driver manager` there is eternal "Collecting information about your system" message16:15
BluesKaj!ru | avkutyrev16:15
ubottuavkutyrev: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:15
avkutyrevsorry. I can speak english :)16:16
markslawmy monitor keeps going blank at seemingly random intervals lately. I've tried changing the settings in power settings, but nothing. screen locking doesn't seem to be in play. what might be happening and how do i correct it?16:16
BluesKajd9k_, that's a bug , which hardware driver?16:17
avkutyrevHave a little problem with distr updgrading from 15.04 to 16.04. After sudo do-release-upgrade i get "No new releases found"16:17
d9k_BluesKaj, I have nvidia card, but no options are shown, just eternal "Collecting information about your system" message16:18
BluesKajmarkslaw, uncheck screen locking ..see if that helps16:18
d9k_at the top of the driver manager window16:18
markslawBluesKaj: Not it. Already tried.16:19
d9k_ BluesKaj, I have the same issue as markslaw with monitor rotated 90 degrees clockwise. Only this monitor glitches. The three monitors connected.16:19
d9k_This rotated monitor goes black for a fraction of second, sometimes multiple times in a row16:20
markslawd9k: exactly16:21
markslawIt's almost like it's trying to go to a screen saver. There doesn't seem to be anything in system settings to tweak, though.16:21
d9k_avkutyrev, use "sudo do-release-upgrade -d". backup your data and settings)16:21
d9k_avkutyrev, I think 16.04 is still at development stage (-d flag).16:22
BluesKajavkutyrev, 15.04 is no longer supported . so upgrading 16.04 won't work , you need to do a clean install16:23
avkutyrevsudo do-release-upgrade -d  get the same "No new release"16:23
BluesKajd9k_, 16.04 was officially released on thursday16:24
avkutyrevI new it :(16:24
avkutyrevjust as i thought16:25
BluesKajavkutyrev, yes , because the 15.05 repos are longer in service so the package manger doesn't work16:25
viewer|55267Hello. Why Kubuntu gives me error when I increase the BCLK of my skylake CPU?16:25
d9k_BluesKaj, mouse gestures on 16.04 seem broken. When I choose `Mouse Button: 3` gestures don't work but context menu doesn't show up every time on right mouse click too. I have multiple monitors.16:25
BluesKajd9k_, sorry I don't use that , so no idea16:26
avkutyrevThank you for support16:26
d9k_BluesKaj, thanks, anyway16:26
BluesKajavkutyrev, do a clean install is your best bet16:26
avkutyrevI skip clean install for many years. And now i busted :)16:27
viewer|55267I get CPU freeze error in new Kubuntu when i increase my CPU's base clock. Any fix for this? works fine in windows and previous Kubuntu16:28
BluesKajavkutyrev, back up your data ,. then do a clean install. That's your best choice.16:29
viewer|53196I have a silly question about how to reset the icons in the dock in Kubuntu 16.04 back to that in 15.10. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated16:32
BluesKajviewer|55267, don't fool with cpu c;locking on new releases16:32
BluesKajopen add widgets, icons only taskbar16:33
viewer|53196Will try thanks!16:35
d9k_ok, I use easystroke package instead of kde native gestures, but it's more slow on reaction :D16:35
BluesKajviewer|53196, also try quicklaunch if you want a launcher rather then use the kmenu16:37
avkutyrevBluesKaj: my data stores on separate drives (/home and /multimedia) so i don't need backup ;)16:41
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BluesKajavkutyrev, good ,m then just install the 16.04 OS to / partition assuming you have on oe can create one16:42
BluesKajcorrection : assuming you have one or can create on , avkutyrev16:43
BluesKajuhoh , my KB battery just started dying16:44
BluesKajavkutyrev, also when installing don't forget to set your  /home mountpoint  in partitioning phase and it's bes to use manual paritioning in order to edit the partiotons to the settings you want.16:51
viewer|11873Hi. Anybody have a fix for 16.04LTS using double click on Desktop Icons when Desktop Settings are set to Folder as storage?17:41
d9k_I get segfault on tortoisehg run17:57
d9k_(16.04) zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  thg17:57
d9k_meld runs ok17:58
avkutyrevBluesKaj: if i mount my existing /home in partitioning stage don't in erase the /home folder i have?18:03
avkutyrevBluesKaj: I planed to install 16.04 in / and then mount /home and /multimedia  manually in installed system18:04
BluesKajavkutyrev, yes, and use manual partitioning when you do that18:11
BluesKajavkutyrev, set the /home mountpoint to save the data and so that your clean install doesn't install a new /home on / .18:14
d9k_KWin: Right-Click on header, `Window Shortcut...`. Sometimes context menu remains on screen, even after application close. KWin --replace helps18:25
d9k_*kwin --replace18:25
d9k_(16.04 bug)18:25
avkutyrevBluesKaj: and if i set /home mountpoint while installation won't it make duplicate existing default folders in home user folder??19:05
antivirgearI have some kind of connection issue with firefox which never happened before on WINDOWS! Sometimes the pages wont load or more. Is it me or a typical linux firefox issue?19:07
antivirgearNormally, I have cfos speed installed, kinda TCP/IP Optimizer with Trafic Monitor... something similar for that available?19:08
JKLshello together19:24
JKLsI am having problems with the discover/muon paket manager: I try to search for pakets with the search bar at the upper right corner but I can't find any19:26
JKLsI don't know what I am doing wrong :(19:26
BluesKajavkutyrev, not if you set the mountpoint on your existing /home partition, all you are doing is saving the /home dir on that partition19:38
avkutyrevBluesKaj: So when i'm installing the system, while partition stage i will set the moutnpoint /home to /dev/sda7 (existing partition with my data from present system) and it will save all data there?? I have nor to delete  hidden folders with settings from user folder?19:48
tytanHello everyone,20:37
tytanI tried to install Kubuntu 16.04 in the latest version of VirtualBox but it doesn't start KDE. All I get is a CLI. When I type "startx" KDE just crashes20:39
viewer|19502Discover: Could not download packages :(20:39
citizen_so after the drunkin install of kubuntu 16.04 last night and the few glitchs after that. this morning on a fresh boot it seems to be working decently.20:43
citizen_any tips or tricks for a first time kde (plasma) user20:44
nmdanny    /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER nmdanny hreyjdhrfzuj20:58
nmdanny /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER nmdanny hreyjdhrfzuj20:58
viewer|19502why my Discover cannot download packages?21:09
nmdannyis it possible to make it in firefox so: when I middleclick a url/suggestion in the address bar, it does not switch to the new tab?21:13
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user|42867hy people22:38
user|42867some question22:38
user|42867my computer , get 8 gb ram and 1 to of disk22:39
user|42867whats configuration of this ?22:39
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yeehiAny idea when the new Plasma will appear in Kubuntu backports?23:11
d9k_There was severe screen flickering and it stopped when I set up refresh rate of all my three monitors to the same value.23:36
citizen_software dont install from the kubuntu software discover place23:36
d9k_*There was severe screen flickering of one monitor.23:36
citizen_how can i take plex from the lost and found tab on the start menu and place it into the multimedia section?23:56
citizen_kubuntu 16.0423:56

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