
snadgecan i remotely update my pc at work via console / ssh?05:46
snadgeim aware you can just use update-manager -c05:46
snadgethen there's also the old school way of .. updating sources.list and just doing an apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade05:46
deraffenarschIS IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!08:27
flocculantnot yet - late October sometime08:33
Ian_Cornetwo days of no updatss :(09:15
deraffenarschtwo days no updates?09:24
Ian_Cornebecause it's been released :p09:35
Ian_Corneis there a special channel for unity8?10:06
nedstarkX11 is insecure when used with Snap applications according to this13:02
daednedstark: hey13:22
daednedstark: using gnome3 natively now... all thanks to you13:23
daedabsolutely superior to unity :)13:23
daedno 2-monitor issues13:23
nedstarkdaed: i used to have screen tearing until i switched to gnome 3 and its derivative cinnamon (from a ppa).13:24
daednedstark: i had extreme screen tearing in chrome/firefox in xfce13:24
daedno issues in gnome313:25
daedi spent like 2 hours tweaking chrome settings, rendering options/flags/etc... nothing helped13:25
daedtweaked xfce's compositor13:25
daedultimately it just sucked13:25
nedstarksome say you can fix it switching to compton in xfce, but it persisted for me13:25
daednedstark: best part is expose style functionality exists in gnome3 by default with a hot corner13:26
daedi literally didn't have to tweak anything13:26
daedthough i'm still going through the tweak tool13:27
nedstarkonce you tweak it, it's pretty good, assuming you don't prefer a task bar13:27
daedi do not prefer a task bar, i prefer hot corner window expose13:27
nedstarkcinnamon has the same kind of hot corner, except desktop search and app menu are accessed through the menu button at the bottom13:28
daedi also prefer launching things through launchy or alfred type apps13:28
nedstarkits a fork of gnome 313:28
daedthen i can type stuff in13:28
daedon demand13:28
nedstarkthe gnome search can look for a lot more than apps too13:29
daedwhere's gnome search?13:30
nedstarkwhen you use the hot corner, it appears in the top center of the screen, you just start typing into it13:30
daedoh that13:30
daedi wonder if there's a way to configure to trigger it with alt-space13:30
nedstarkprobably, they might know on #ubuntu-gnome or #gnome13:32
nedstarkyou can access search using the super (windows) key13:33
daedhmm, doesn't work for me13:35
=== red__ is now known as Redbeardt
nedstarki'm not sure why that key wouldn't work, maybe the gnome guys would know13:41
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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