
digitaldefectorwhen is ubuntugnome 16.04 being released01:37
ericchudigitaldefector, released already. website not updated. download links: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME02:08
darkxstericchu, we are having issues with the website access atm02:41
mgedminpolari 3.20 from gnome3-staging segfaults for me on startup07:19
darkxstmgedmin, yes it needs the newer gjs07:35
darkxsthavent had a chance to package that yet, maybe during the week (xenial release was bumpy as hell07:36
darkxstor maybe ricotz can push it07:38
ricotzdarkxst, mgedmin, synced and pushed from debian to the ppa07:41
ricotzgjs 1.45.3-1~ that is07:41
* ricotz goes back to nvidia packaging07:42
mgedminany ideas why xchat-gnome is all grey? http://imgur.com/3SevRDB07:52
mgedminsomething about GTK+ theming changes maybe?07:52
* ricotz notes gjs tests are failing :\07:53
fooctrlare there any plans to switch to snaps for gnome 3.20?08:12
darkxstfooctrl, no08:20
darkxstfooctrl, I want to try and ship early development releases (3.21) as a snap, but I don't think thats completely possible yet08:21
darkxstGNOME will otherwise remain packaged as debs08:22
fooctrldarkxst, right, okay good to know08:22
darkxstbut you can use 3rd party snaps now08:23
fooctrlfor gnome?08:23
vimesugh gnome for HiDpi is slightly terrible08:24
vimesbut only slightly08:24
darkxstnot for core GNOME, and probably not many apps are packaged yet08:24
darkxstbut they will work on ubuntu gnome when they appear08:24
vimesI still can't get the text in the evolution mail app to not be microscopic whilst at the same size not having chrome literal tabs take up my whole screen08:24
fooctrldarkxst, interesting, which 3rd party snaps are these?08:25
darkxstvimes, GNOME has the best HiDPI support I though (compared to other DE's) I don't have hardware08:25
vimesit worked nicely on Unity darkxst but I still prefer  Gnome.08:25
darkxstfooctrl, right now most of them are phone apps08:25
darkxstbut you can probably expect things like Dropbox, slack, etc to come in the future08:26
fooctrlnice, yea I see there's only few available snaps ATM08:26
fooctrlbut will definitely keep an eye on it08:26
fooctrldarkxst, also with >= 16.10 once things are moved to unity 8/mir we should be able to have latest version of gnome?08:29
darkxstfooctrl, no08:30
ForageGood afternoon15:58
ForageI'd like to congratulate you guys for a change. The upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 has been the least painless Ubuntu upgrade ever since I started using Ubuntu as my primary OS (+/- 2011) and having never skipped a half-annual release. Many thanks for all your effort!16:03
Forage(now please finally get rid of Rhythmbox, it's long overdue :-P)16:05

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