
thinkyikonia: dont ban me unfair09:56
thinkyu did this before09:56
ikoniaI've not banned you09:56
thinkystop it09:56
ikoniaI've forwarded you to this channel09:56
ikoniaI'd like to talk to you wihtout the noise of ubuntu getting in the way09:57
ikoniaand maybe explain to you how to get better help09:57
ikoniais that ok ?09:57
thinkyi dont hide anythng09:57
thinkyi try to give informations when needed that s all09:57
ikoniaI understand that you are new to using ubuntu and everything can be a bit different or not what's expected09:57
thinkyi didnt mention about that fatal error because it just happen09:58
ikoniaas you are new to ubuntu, you're not well placed to say what matters/what doesn't matter, it's better to have too much info than it is not enough09:58
ikoniaso if you have a problem share all the information about the problem, when you're asked questions, even if you think it doesn't matter, answer them with the info, don't tell people "that doesn't matter" - as you are new, you don't know what matters, people are asking as they need this info09:59
thinkyi dont do that on purpose10:00
thinkyat that time i dont remember or it sounds not related ..10:00
ikoniaI'm sure you don't10:00
ikoniabut for you to use the channel sucessfully, it needs to stop10:00
thinkyi ll be careful next time10:00
ikoniayou need to share the info, and if asked a question, please answer it as best you can, don't filter it for what you think matters10:00
ikoniathank you10:01
ikoniagive me a moment and I'll remove the ban forward10:01
thinkythx for being polite with me this time10:01
ikoniaI was polite with you before10:01
thinkyit made me sad before u banned me10:01
ikoniaif you /part this channel, and /join #ubuntu you should be able to rejoin10:02
thinkyok thanks10:02
ikoniaplease try to keep in mind what we spoke about10:02
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (Charlatan trolling)10:09
ubottusquinty called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:35
bazhangthanks CIA23:37
ubottucitizen_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:50

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