
=== abc is now known as Guest47308
sakrecoerthanks for fixing the topic Unit193 :)11:18
olinuxxhi all11:45
olinuxxhi sakrecoer11:45
anttohello, i've installed lxde (amongst other desktop environments).. however, i need to add a custom resolution for this monitor, but it isn't remembered after reboot.. where is a suitable place to put it?12:22
zequenceantto: Try aRandR12:30
zequencethe package is named arandr12:31
zequenceYou should pretty much never do any configs in xorg.conf anymore12:31
anttoi already have that12:31
anttoit opens a GUI window where i can select output (VGA/HDMI/blahbla) and choose from the known resolutions12:32
anttobut i need to add 1366x768, cuz it's not available as an option12:33
zequenceantto: Ah, well, that could perhaps require some xorg.conf editing.12:35
anttobut i can't seem to find where xorg.conf is located12:36
anttoit's not in /etc/X11/12:37
zequenceantto: There isn't one, by default, so you'll need to create one. But, the smartest place is probably /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/yourownconf.conf12:38
zequenceThough, you should be fine creating /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:38
anttonow after a reboot, it throws me into text mode12:46
anttonormally it goes to a screen where i login and choose which desktop environment to use12:47
autumnaantto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution might help if you haven't already checked it out yet.12:56
autumnaand as suggested there putting the start up script could be workaround until you figure out how to fix your .conf file?12:58
anttoxorg.conf is not meant for scripts12:58
anttoi created xorg.conf and added two xrandr calls12:58
autumnahaha no sorry to mix things together. What i meant is that you can make your xrandr command to a script that is executed on login.12:58
anttoyes, that's what i tried to do, but i saved it as xorg.conf12:59
autumnaantto, xorg conf, is not for scripts as you just discovered. has its own syntax. there are some information on the wiki page, and you can also look at the other files in the xorg.conf.d/ folder to see more examples of the syntax perhaps?13:00
anttoi don't have anything in /etc/X11/ with "xorg" in the name at all13:01
autumnaok.. correction13:03
autumnago to /usr/share/X1113:03
autumna(for the examples of syntax I mean)13:07
anttookay, added the xrandr commands to ~/.profile13:11
autumnatry that.13:11
anttonow i have the custom resolution as an option13:12
djaccyo/ all13:12
djaccyanyone tried the new 16.04 yet?13:13
autumnaok, and if you want to go the xorg.conf route, apparently you can add the xorg.conf to the usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d13:13
sakrecoerwelcome, olinuxx :)14:27
olinuxxhalf-42 maybe ? :)15:40
Hobbyboyis it known that there are versions missing from the ubuntu archive?16:55
OvenWerksHobbyboy: Versions? please explain.18:58
OvenWerkslinks are nice too :)18:58
Hobbyboyversions like 10.04, 8.04, and others are missing19:44
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OvenWerksHobbyboy: I think it is only versions that still have some support like security upgrades. You may find Studio's support cycle is less than vanilla or server.22:57
OvenWerksHobbyboy: I am assuming you mean http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/ ?22:58
izzaboohello. been plying google for info to no avaiIl. installing ubuntustudio 16.04 (I think). No progress bar on install window. Is that normal??23:29
izzaboo*no avail23:29
izzabooall I get is the slideshow that does not advance automatically23:30
izzabooI guess I could reboot and try again...23:31

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