
phillwhe he :)00:23
bipulCould anyone help me in installing pbuilder http://paste.ubuntu.net/16018162/00:50
phillw-virtualwxl: are you about?03:30
bipulI need a help, at here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild03:37
bipulI don't understand this part "Please note that the directory you specify for 'union-overlay-directory' must exist before using the shm chroot (can add an entry to /etc/rc.local):"03:37
bipulAnd also u is missing at the sed, it should be "1\ununion" not "1\nunion"03:38
phillwway past my knowledge... I'm not even sure who to advise for help... flexiondotorg or wxl may be able to assist... I don't know, sorry.03:40
bipulit's ok phillw03:40
bipulDo you think #ubuntu channel is the right place to ask?03:40
phillwit would be, but it is a very busy channel. Hence I would post on #linuxpadawan and await an answer.03:41
phillwwxl: ping06:18
phillw(08:11:18) mpmc: Morning all.07:31
phillw(08:29:01) phillw-virtual: any one awake ?07:31
phillw(08:29:53) phillw-virtual: mpmc ? not you?07:31
phillw(08:30:05) mpmc: phillw-virtual: I am :p07:31
phillw(08:30:46) phillw-virtual: thanks.. this is me on xenix net boot  with Qt plugged in on top07:31
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phillwteward: flexiondotorg wxl little elves have been at the pi mirror!!! Good to see the 16.04 set all uploaded :)13:07
tewardphillw: indeed - they shouldn't have the 'issue' :)13:18
teward16.04s never did even at beta13:18
tewardbut i'll do some spotchecking13:18
phillw-virtualkewl... LXQt ruuning on xenial is stable!!13:53
phillwhi hggdh.15:05
hggdhphillw: hello15:14
phillwhggdh: i did send an invite :P15:17
phillwCurrently in borg mode :)15:17
hggdhphillw: I am sorry, but what are you talking about?15:19
tewardhggdh: translation in PM15:20
phillwhggdh: I sent an invite for #phillw and I'm currently on the hunt to have a translator become the team leader for that group... So far, so good... :) But, he has not signed up yet.15:21
tsimonq2*rubs eyes*18:20
tsimonq2phillw: back from camping trip, test what?18:20
phillwwxl: and tsimonq2 I'll continue to use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw/LXQt#Installing_LXQt_on_fresh_system as that is the one Julien oversees. Let us just leave it at that :D20:33
tsimonq2phillw: no, read what I have ot say20:35
tsimonq2do what you want, but for the page, let's keep it at that :)20:35
phillwtsimonq2: I did, and I still will use the ppa Julien over sees :D20:35
phillwas I will advise all people also to do.20:36
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