
Pseudoupdates weii topic dah 16.04 wkwkkwk05:56
lubotu2Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:36
excalibr!topic kInOzAwA 06:36
excalibr!topic > kInOzAwA 06:36
lubotu2kInOzAwA, please see my private message06:36
excalibr!topic > excalibr 06:36
lubotu2excalibr, please see my private message06:36
excalibr!arm > excalibr 06:37
lubotu2excalibr, please see my private message06:37
kInOzAwAhahahaha excalibr 07:43
* kInOzAwA pang mypapit_repeater ubah topik plis07:44
Pseudolubotu2: please see my private message07:44
lubotu2Pseudo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:44
Pseudoaikk i think u are wat...walowei...07:45
Pseudolubotu2: please see my private message07:45
lubotu2Pseudo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:45
Pseudou not answering07:45
kInOzAwAdia bot laa mana mau jawab hahahahha07:45
Pseudopatot lah tak jawab sia2 jer lah aku pm suruh ubah topil07:45
kInOzAwA!topic > excalibr 07:45
lubotu2excalibr, please see my private message07:45
* kInOzAwA pang ejat 07:47
kInOzAwA!topic https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-my | Website:http://www.ubuntu.com.my | Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus !! | Lets Upgrade @ Download it !! | Lets Contribute to our http://wiki.ubuntu.com.my |07:50
lubotu2kInOzAwA: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:50
Pseudosi loco mana? nampaknya dier jer yg leh update kot07:53
kInOzAwAejat n mypapit leh update07:53
Pseudo15:04? kekeke perlu update tu..sebab new release07:54
Pseudo16.04 dah kuar07:55
kInOzAwA* Topic for #ubuntu-my set by ejat!~fenris@ubuntu/member/fenris- at Fri Apr 24 05:45:19 201507:55
Pseudoduh naseb baek ade si Flashcode on9 07:56
Pseudokat weechat klu tak payah aku nak resolve a hostname to an IP address07:56
Pseudokekeke padahal command dier dua ayat jer07:57
Pseudotak payah script just dah ade by default 07:58
kInOzAwAdalam weechat user guide ada tu Pseudo 08:12
Pseudokekekek dlm weechat kat https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html#prerequisites xde08:15
Pseudotp ok aah FlashCode dah tunjuk tadi dier nyer hidden /exec command08:16
Pseudosebab exec dah ade kene ENABLE_EXEC ON kemudian bru leh wat /exec host "resolved to ip address'08:17
Pseudoklu irssi tu ade nicklist yg proper wokey baek gune irssi jer tak bengong banyak command...nicklist irssi berterabor kene gune screen lak tu  08:19
Pseudodlm irssi jer aku gune lebih drp 50 script bru jalan..kekekekek08:19
kInOzAwAheehhehe... irssi letak plugin baru cun...08:19
Pseudopadahal dlm weechat aku gune 2 3 script je dah smooth ...tapi kene godeh command lah 08:20
Pseudoweechat ne pon bengong gak klu tak reti command..naseb baek lah ade support channel...08:20
Pseudoirssi klu takde plugin blank jer kosong sangat tapi config file dier baik...portable bleh copy bulat2 jer config tu ke mana mana mesin yg bru install08:23
Pseudoade pro and contra..kekekekke tapi dua dua aku pakai08:26
kInOzAwAirssi sifat dia sama laa cam bitchx tang config file...08:26
PseudoBitchX-1.2.1 released currrent08:28
kInOzAwApanasync dh x keluarkan org lain yg fork tu08:28
Pseudoirssi bitchx same takde nicklist 08:29
kInOzAwAbersepah org fork kt github08:29
Pseudoade lg orang pakai ker tu bitchx?08:29
kInOzAwAofficial cenel kt ef ada lg08:30
Pseudoyg aku tengok channel paling havox klu bende irc client ni weechat08:31
kInOzAwAkalau terminal based weechat kalau gui nyer hexchat08:31
Pseudousers dlm channel tu ade 800++ kan klu ko wat /ctcp #weechat version 98% semua reply weechat version balek 08:32
kInOzAwAbenda tu leh spoof08:32
kInOzAwAbaik irssi, bitchx, weechat or hexchat or even mirc sekalipon08:32
Pseudoversion leh spoof tapi org kat fnode jarang sangat ambek port pasal ctcp08:33
Pseudoklu irssi /set ctcp_version_reply 08:33
kInOzAwAsetiap ctcp command pon leh spoof08:34
Pseudoklu saya biasa dcc ctcp dccmsgs MOTD mesti blocked08:34
kInOzAwAircII <--- client lg old school dari bitchx, bitchx pon fork ircII hehehehhe08:34
Pseudokacau aarh org nak tengok version kan takut2 ade ygnak wat exploits ker08:35
Pseudoir|| sama gak ngan epic episol08:35
kInOzAwAselain bitchx, epic.. epic pon fork ircII dan bitchx hahha08:35
Pseudotapi bende lama masi still in current development08:35
kInOzAwAtp x ramai org guna08:36
kInOzAwAbyk sgt client skang ni08:36
kInOzAwAhexchat laa paling ramai org guna kt unix/unix-like ganti xchat08:36
Pseudoepic5 pon masi active dev lagi http://ftp.epicsol.org/pub/epic/EPIC5-PRODUCTION/epic5-2.0.tar.xz masi idop08:43
Pseudoirssi masa version 8.*.*.* pon penah kene hacked dier nyer FTP server08:44
Pseudoorg simpan backdoor 08:44
Pseudodlm official nyer repo08:44
Pseudotak ingat version dah lame gitu lah 08:45
Pseudosaya suke xchat08:45
Pseudosebab simbol X dier tu power ade irc ade X <------wakkakaka08:45
PseudoIrssi IRC Found to Contain a Backdoor - SecuriTeam.com08:47
kInOzAwA0.8.15 pon dh around 2012, 0.8.13 tu maybe 2010 or 2009 08:48
PseudoGentoo Forums :: View topic - IRSSI 0.8.4 had a backdoor <-------dlm gentoo nyer forum pon ade cakap08:49
kInOzAwAtu dh lama tuu08:49
Pseudotapi deir cakap irssi version 0.8.408:49
Pseudoirssi-0.8.4.tar.bz2 file was not backdoored, only the .gz one 08:50
Pseudobaru tahun ni dier irssi revamp balek official diorang08:50
Pseudodiorang dah regularly update kot security/patches 08:51
Pseudoirssi "version 0.8.15" pon  lame stuck kat version tu jer sampai 3 4 dekat 5 tahun bru ade next release..08:51
Pseudopadahal core devel diorang ramai tak lawan weechat 08:52
Pseudoweechat Flascode jer sorang maintain yg laen assistant2 jer kira masi lagi original author yg pegang jadi head kat  project tu08:53
kInOzAwAbitchx dulu pon sorang je yg handle.. si panasync08:53
Pseudosuke xchat tapi sayang takde dah 08:54
kInOzAwAtp ircii ada team...08:54
Pseudowebiste dan repo xchat official pon tak lama lagi macam dah nak kondem dah 08:54
Pseudoxchat btol klu gune COOL...bro08:54
kInOzAwAkalau suka xchat, bleh laa berhijrah ke hexchat08:54
kInOzAwAlebih kurang je..08:54
Pseudoseronok gune Xchat ori drp Hexchat08:54
kInOzAwAbeza dia xchat ni company, hexchat = community08:55
kInOzAwAxchat x free kt windows...08:55
Pseudotapitu jer lah bugs patches kompom tak merasa dah ...ntah mana pg si Peter Železný AKA zed08:56
kInOzAwAfokus kt benda lain plak08:56
kInOzAwAskang zaman IoT.. 08:57
Pseudomcm Timo Sirainen irssi ade khabar lagi mase dier tinggalkan irssi dier wat icecaps pastu head dovecot08:58
kInOzAwAxchat dlm repo distro maintainer still ada fix bugs08:58
kInOzAwAcuma dari official xchat mmg x de la08:58
PseudoPeter Železný <-----klu ko google ntah ade lagi ker tak mxcm dah takde project aku rasa08:58
Pseudotulah ade gak distro yg maseh pakai xchat 08:59
kInOzAwAjual nasi lemak kot skang08:59
Pseudopadahal new release distro sekali tengok xhchat mcm puppylinux dier maintain gune xchat dlm tu (tak pasti)version jer skrg ni09:00
kInOzAwAbyk lg distro still guna xchat as default irc client09:00
Pseudobetul tu 09:01

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