
dax09:03 < chu> dax is bazhang09:03
daxbazhang: chu is leaking our secret09:03
daxbazhang: we must crush him09:03
Myrttijust don't let icesword know09:08
daxhe already PMs me garbage, so not much would change09:08
daxunfortunately i usually have umode +g set and thus miss it09:08
bazhangdax, what gave us away? was it the emacs-vim mode?10:43
bazhang@random HURD windowbuntu10:44
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
ikoniahello Oryza15:26
OryzaHello there15:29
ikoniawhat's up Oryza how can we help you in #ubuntu-ops today15:42
OryzaReading how get cloack15:42
ikoniawhich cloak ?15:43
OryzaUbuntu .....15:44
ikoniaare you a member ?15:44
OryzaHow to member ?15:45
OryzaCan u help?15:45
bazhangOryza, whats your launchpad page15:45
ikonia!membership | Oryza15:45
ubottuOryza: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember15:45
ikoniaOryza: got the info you need ?15:59
OryzaIm still read15:59
ikoniado you need anything else from the team ?15:59
Oryzabazhang : Oryza16:12
ikoniaOryza: have you got all the info you need to start the membership process if you qualify ?16:13
OryzaI was regist on launchpad and have account on ubuntu one16:14
ikoniaOryza: do you understand / have all the information to allow you to apply for ubuntu membership16:15
OryzaIm understand and apply to membership and agreement16:16
ikoniaperfect, so if you have all the info, and don't need anything else from the operator team, could you please /part this channel16:16
OryzaBut im still read for more information16:16
ikoniaok - you don't need to be in this channel to read the link16:16
ikoniaif you have questions, you're welcome to come back and ask16:16
ikonia(although #ubuntu-irc is probably a better channel)16:17
OryzaThanks alot ikonia for information and helping me16:20
ikoniano problem16:20
hggdhOryza: now, if you have nothing else, please /part this channel16:22
OryzaOkok for next step i will going to #ubuntu-irc16:22
OryzaThanks alot all16:23
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/20:10
ikonia@mark #ubuntu hep7 3 days of bad attitude, parted with another sarky comment - lost access to ubuntu to until he gets with the program20:24
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:24
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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