
slangasekinfinity: and that revert of sysvinit should be fine for yakkety anyway fwiw since the changes were strictly for an upgrade issue02:47
infinityslangasek: Yeah, but we also need to be able to build xenial dailies. :P02:49
infinityslangasek: So, need to sort this out better.02:49
infinityWell, build dailies, and also not break d-i netboot.02:50
=== s8321414_ is now known as s8321414
slangasekinfinity: build dailies from -proposed? surely not needed right now04:02
slangasekinfinity: I do intend to take a long hard look at the SRU on monday04:02
infinityslangasek: No, no.  I just meant eventually, not today.04:08
infinityAnyhow, going to head off and try to get into a vaguely correct timezone.04:09
LocutusOfBorgdoko, please syncpackage giflib -s costamagnagianfranco07:52
LocutusOfBorgit should help feh07:52
LocutusOfBorgalso libcec please accept07:53
LocutusOfBorgand please remove "xmbc" from yakkety, we don't needs such transitional package07:56
* LocutusOfBorg leaves, cheers!07:59
LocutusOfBorgdoko, syncpackage libpng1.6 -s costamagnagianfranco <-- multiarch -dev package yeah!08:02
ginggsLocutusOfBorg, doko: i'll sync giflib and libpng1.608:09
dokoslangasek, infinity, xnox, pitti: my hope was to fix some more things before opening the archive for general uploads.09:52
doko - finish the libpng/boost and icu transitions (although libpng and boost are untangled from icu)09:53
doko - find out about ghc and -fPIE, broken on amd64 and ppc64el, that will block everything in a very short time. although haskell packages seem to ftbfs everywhere09:54
doko - let gcc-5/gcc-6 migrate so people can get and see the new PIE defaults09:55
doko - I'm told that kernel modules are broken with -fPIE as the default09:55
doko - a lot of the phone stack ftbfs09:55
dokoso maybe give people a chance for fixes and only open on Monday late evening or Tuesday?09:56
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
infinitydoko: I don't see any point in finishing the transitions (and some will go better with auto-sync back on).15:07
infinitydoko: But gcc/pie investigations seem worthwhile.15:07
infinitypitti: There still seems to be a lot of 404s for yakkety autopkgtest pages.15:09
doko$ reverse-depends node-stringprep16:40
dokoreverse-depends: Error: Unknown release16:40
dokoinfinity, ^^^ what needs fixing for this?16:40
infinitydoko: Whoever runs the ubuntuwire stuff needs to teach it about new suites.16:41
dokowgrant, ^^^16:41
infinitywgrant: ^ Do you have access to fix reverse-depends, or is that one of the other ubnutuwire people?16:41
infinityWe really should move those into the Canonical DC some day, given how much we rely on those tools.16:41
infinitydoko: You can use checkrdepends as ubuntu-archive@snakefruit instead.16:42
infinitydoko: It's more accurate anyway (just annoyingly on a remote machine).16:43
infinitydoko: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16034666/16:44
slangasekinfinity: reverse-depends is tumbleweed17:38
tumbleweedand yes, I'd love someone to look after it :)17:44
infinitytumbleweed: Where's the code live?18:21
infinitytumbleweed: I'm sure we could move it to snakefruit or lillypilly if all it needs is a dists mirror and some TLC.18:21
infinity(ie: to people.canonical.com)18:21
infinitytumbleweed: And perhaps cloudify it later for HA and shininess.18:22
infinitytumbleweed: Without looking, I'm assuming it's a combo cron job to populate a DB and CGI script to return the API?18:24
infinity(hopefully a flat file db of some sort, not SQL-backed madness)18:25
tumbleweedinfinity: WSGI not cgi. and a sqlite db18:39
tumbleweedinfinity: anyway, I did a git pull on my distro-info-data checkout on ubuntuwire18:50
cjwatsondoko: hm, actually, this ghc thing might ring a faint bell from when I was bootstrapping s390x19:43
cjwatsondoko: will take me a little while to build suitable environments to test in, but I have an idea19:44
cjwatson(I vaguely remember that I may have had to do an extra cycle, the first with a wrapper in place of /usr/bin/ghc - will investigate that)19:45
infinityI suspect we have a lot places where people thought it was a good idea to do "if s390x { -fno-pie -no-pie }" and we need to stop making that conditional.19:47
infinitySince it's a no-op for no-pie arches anyway, I'd assume.19:47
infinitydoko: Is there a plan to move to gcc-6 this cycle too, or is that for 17.04?19:49
cjwatsoninfinity: Yeah but that's not quite the problem here.  I think it needs a slightly bigger hammer the first time round to cope with the old ghc not emitting no-PIE flags19:49
infinitycjwatson: Sure, I didn't mean for ghc, but rather in general.19:49
infinitycjwatson: Rebootstrapping compilers is a special kind of suck.19:50
cjwatsonOne reason it was conditionalised, IIRC, was that it hadn't been that long since -fno-PIE (or maybe -no-PIE) started existing at all.19:50
cjwatsonIn fact I think I remember at one point it may only have been valid with the set of patches applied on s390x (but I could be misremembering that).19:50
cjwatsonDefinitely remember running into something in that general area.19:51
infinityI wish they'd picked a different TLA for that.  I get hungry every time it's mentioned.19:51
infinityMmm, PIE.19:51
* infinity considers a trip to the pie shop.19:51
infinityThe pie shop that cleverly waited until the lease was up on 314 10th Street and then made the building owners an offer they couldn't refuse.19:52
dokoinfinity, I'd like to19:53
infinitydoko: For opening, or later in the cycle when more ftbfs bugs have been fixed?19:54
infinity(Assuming the latter since you haven't changed -defaults yet)19:54
dokoinfinity, not before 6.2 is released which will be late June/early July19:58
infinitydoko: Check.19:58
dokohrm, haskell packages are not using Built-Using attributes ...19:58
infinityThe hashed runtime deps achieve basically the same result, I would think.20:00
dokono, not if there aren't any20:01
infinitydoko: When are there ever not any?20:03
infinityEvery -dev package depends on the -dev packages it was built with.20:03
dokoinfinity, haskell-text-icu builds a -dev package only20:03
infinitydoko: Yeah, check its deps.20:03
dokonot for non-haskell libs20:03
infinity(base)adconrad@nosferatu:~$ apt-cache show libghc-text-icu-dev | grep ^Depends20:03
infinityDepends: libghc-base-dev-, libghc-bytestring-dev-, libghc-deepseq-dev-, libghc-text-dev-, libc6 (>= 2.2.5), libicu-dev20:03
infinityAhh, I see.  Yeah, no Built-Using for the C libs.20:04
infinityThat's probably something dh-haskell could fix.20:04
infinityAnd thanks to Haskell transitions happening every 3 weeks, I assume a dh-haskell change affects the entire rdep tree pretty quickly. :P20:09
dokocjwatson, just in case this gives you more information: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haskell-text-icu/
mwhudsonyeah, the fun with -fno-pie is that it was only added around the same time s390x started defaulting to pie20:18
dokoxnox, would be nice if you could look tomorrow at the boost related ftbfs, which are blocking icu: osmium and mpd20:38
LocutusOfBorghi can an archive admin please explain that? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcec/3.1.0+dfsg1-420:50
LocutusOfBorgdouble publishing? cjwatson ^^20:50
infinityThat looks like an unpleasant race...20:55
infinitywgrant: ^20:55
LocutusOfBorgseems so20:55
slangasekcjwatson: the patches for -fno-pie were always present on all architectures, but it was only introduced in the 16.04 cycle, so if you wanted backportability to any arch that existed prior to 16.04, you would need to conditionalize21:15
infinityAhh, gross.21:22
dokoI was told these races were harmless21:23
infinitydoko: That race looks harmful, as it has duplicate build records, both of which succeeded.  So, no way to reconcile disk and librarian.21:24
dokoinfinity, well, then re-upload21:24
infinity(Most double build record races result in fail/success or fail-to-upload/success pairs)21:24
infinitydoko: Sure, I just want wgrant/cjwatson to look at the current state first to see WTF.21:24
infinitydoko: Reuploading it likely the short-term fix once they've had a look.21:24
dokoI think that's known21:25
infinitys/it likely/is likely/21:25
cjwatsondoko: basically identical, as expected.  No point uploading haskell-* stuff until ghc is sorted.23:00
cjwatsoninfinity: Just looks like the usual race when something's double-accepted from the queue or similar23:01
cjwatsonIndeed just reupload.23:01

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